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NIM: 5921005


1. What are the reasons for travel?

People travel for a variety of reasons, and these can be deeply personal or widely shared.
Here are some common reasons why people choose to travel:
1. Visit Family & Friends: People often travel to maintain relationships and reconnect with
family and friends who live in different parts of the world.
2. Educate & Experience Different Cultures: Traveling provides an opportunity to learn about
different countries, cultures, and histories.
3. Change in Perspective: Experiencing new places and cultures can broaden your
perspective and challenge your assumptions.
4. Escape the Routine: Traveling can provide a break from daily routines and offer new
5. Challenge Yourself: Traveling can push you out of your comfort zone, helping you to grow
and develop as a person.
6. Self-Discovery: Traveling can lead to self-discovery, as you learn more about yourself
through new experiences.
7. Learn an Activity: Whether it's learning to surf in Hawaii or cook in Italy, traveling can
provide opportunities to learn new skills.
8. Have an Adventure: Traveling can satisfy your sense of adventure, whether you're
exploring a new city or hiking in the wilderness.
9. Relax, Recharge & Rejuvenate: Many people travel for relaxation and rejuvenation,
whether it's lounging on a beach or getting a spa treatment.
10. Experience a Different Climate: Whether you're seeking sunshine in the winter or cool
temperatures in the summer, traveling allows you to experience different climates.

2. Explain about old and new tourism!

The concepts of old and new tourism.
Old Tourism: This refers to traditional forms of tourism, often characterized by mass
tourism. It typically involves large groups of tourists visiting popular tourist destinations,
often with little regard for the local culture or environment. Old tourism is often criticized
for its negative impacts on the environment and local communities.

New Tourism: This is a response to the criticisms of old tourism. New tourism is
characterized by smaller groups of tourists seeking more authentic and sustainable travel
experiences. New tourists are often more environmentally conscious, respectful of local
cultures, and interested in learning and experiencing rather than merely observing. They are
participators, not spectators. New tourism is often associated with concepts such as eco-
tourism, responsible tourism, and sustainable tourism.

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