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TITLE: SMART HOME ELECTRICITY CONTROL SYSTEM................................. 1

Introduction.................................................................................................................... 3
Background.................................................................................................................... 4
Problem statement.......................................................................................................... 5
Justification.................................................................................................................... 6
Brief literature review.................................................................................................... 6
Methodology.................................................................................................................. 7
Scope............................................................................................................................ 13
Gantt chart.................................................................................................................... 13


Well since our company Ministry of Local Government and Public Works are
responsible for constructing Government buildings and providing necessary services
from site plan unto completion of the building, mechanical systems, electrical systems
access control, e.t.c. I will focus my project under electrical systems to make it more
feasible to me.

The system I will design will be applied both on government offices and also local
homes. To make it more understandable and for the sake of my own explanations .I
will base on homes.

With the increase rate of technology ,we need to make an advantage of it to make our
lives easier. Controlling things with our mobile phones or computers can make our
lives enjoyable and save a lot of costs. That is why I suggest SMART HOME
ELECTRICITY CONTROL SYSTEM. This system will control everything at home
which uses electricity using a phone or a computer.

This system can be controlled at the house or anywhere you are in the World. At the
house it would be controlled using free hotspot WIFI or bluetooth . But at a certain
range from the house this system would be controlled using internet either on a phone
or a computer. So they will be need of internet data to control electricity if you are not
at home. In case the owner of the house does not want it to be controlled using
internet ,this system comes with a package for it to be controlled through a phone call
or text messages that is why I call it SMART HOME ELECTRICITY CONTROL
SYSTEM. This means this system would be controlled using either internet or house
hotspot or text messages or bluetooth. This system will control everything of the
house from internal lights ,stoves that is cooker, wall plugs ,external lights or
electricity in a room or rooms. It can also be customized so that everything in the
house would be controlled that is individual switches for each light or socket.

For this system to work it can be either installed during the installations or a building
will be renovated afterwards since most of our households or buildings does not have
it. After the installations and the testing, our system will be good to go. An android
application can also be used to control it . An android application like WhatsApp to
communicate with your house can also be used. This application I will call it SHECS
derived from the abbreviation of the system that is SMART HOME ELECTRICITY
CONTROL SYSTEM ( SHECS). Using this application I can review and see and
control everything at my house ,electrically wise. I can see the status of the
plugs ,lights ,cooker and everything connected to the system and the then control it to

the status that I want that is being ON or OFF. Depending on the the budget of the
client we can also combo this system with CCTV which will be accessed through
SHECS application.


do a lot whole lot of things .You can also cook whilst you are not at home for example
you can leave your dough in the oven and then turn it on using SHECS and set the
necessary temperature and switch it OFF when you are done cooking .Unfortunately
for this feature ,the clients will have to buy our own SHECS stoves. These stoves
will come up with a protective measure of switching itself off in case if the owner do
not check on ,on it , for safety reasons.


More than 70% of people have the audacity of thinking that there have left something
at home in mess when they go out. For example these are some of the questions they
ask themselves, Did I lock the door? Did I switched off the stove? Did I switched off
the iron or did I remove it from the socket? The people that have this audacity can tell
you and testify that this give an uneasy feeling. More than half of the 70% of these
they go back and verify these questions. And probably this waste a lot of time and
cause inconveniences like being late to school, work or meeting. In the way that
technology is moving surely there is a need to do something about it.

If we look closer at companies ,schools or ministry even houses that have electricity
around 15 % if not more of the wasted electricity is due to lights that are on
unnecessarily. For example in homes or houses some people are not so punctual so
when they go out in the morning to work ,they will go out rushing without evening
looking if they have switched off all lights. So we see that the lights will be on for 12
hours during the day and people are not around at home , we can clearly see that this
is a wastage .Okay let us suppose there is a light which consumes 60W per minute .So
if this light is on for 12 hours unnecessarily this means that it have consumed 43.2KW.
If $1US costs 100KW this means that this light have consumed or wasted $0.432US
per day. If this happen 10 days per month we can see that this light would have wasted
$4.32US . If they are 7 lights at a house following the same correlation as the one we
have calculated we can see that it would have wasted $30.24Us. I have only worked

with 10 days for month. Imagine if it is an everyday thing this means per month they
will be a total wastage of $90.72 Us This wastage can increase or decrease based on
the size of the building.

We have worked with examples of light , in the scenarios of iron and stoves and
Kettle it will be much worse. This can cause fires to occur.

Problem statement

Lack of control that is controlling the house or building electricity using analogue
ways is time consuming and boring . This means that once you are gone out of the
premises there is nothing you can do to change the things you left at the premises .
And there is nothing you can do also to know the status of the things you left at home .
This may cause accidents to occur like fire and it also causes power wastage. Imagine
living from Norton and you realize that you left the oven on and you are the only one
with the keys ,this means you will have to go back home and switch it off or call
someone to pull down the main breaker outside the house. If someone pull down the
outside breaker this may also affect other household appliance like fridges. So as can
be clearly seen, controlling building electricity using analogue ways that is using our
hands can be a nuisance sometimes.

In summary the problem is arising from controlling our electricity in analogue ways
or primitive ways.If a person leave something on at a building or house lets say an
iron, this may end up causing accidents. This means there is need for controlling
things digitally in order to control the system to solve the above issues and many




To control electricity at buildings using our day to day gadgets like phone and
To minimize unnecessary power wastage

To make life more enjoyable by controlling electricity on our building using our own
To minimize accidents caused by electricity
To reduce money wastage


The project is very important to do it because it would solve a lot of problems

mentioned above. It would give full assurance of the status of the electricity at your
house and hence also control it and solve a lot of issues and also removing doubt. This
will also improve the quality of the building.

This can also be done for prestige reasons. Imagine when your friends come at your
home, and they notice that it is how you control your house ,this means you will
appear more cooler. It also very thrilling to control your house or building in that way.

Doing this project will create job opportunities for electricians, electrical engineers
and mechractronics engineers and many more technicians .This project will also
means a turning over a new leaf for the bearers of the project if executed
accordingly.This project is necessary because it will increase the income which will
come to the ministry

Brief literature review

On the basis of this system, they are some which are active that is which are already
there, as of now for example they are some lights that can be controlled using wifi.
They make use of controllers that is micro controllers in the main circuit breaker to
control the lights or parts of some circuit. This I was told by Engineer Mukorera who
is the chief engineer at our company.

There is this house where Engineer Mukorera said that he installed a control system
where the system was controlling a set of lights using wifi. But it was not individual

However there are some government building which have cooler control systems like
the new parliament Building which some of the operations are confidential. Although

some government buildings have cooler control systems mine is necessary because
not all government buildings have control systems to the extend that I have explained
and this technology that I want to apply can also be used in homes and buildings
which do not have it ,they can be renovated to have it. Mine is also aimed for
continual improvements as you shall see at my methodology.

Below is a reference picture about what others say about IOT devices like my project


1. Research about current existing mobile controlled systems

2. Research about connecting circuit breakers on Distribution board
3. Research about relays and controlling the in wireless connection
4. Research about micro controllers and choosing the appropriate one
6. Making a prototype
7. Testing and returning to step 5 until optimum design is derived
8. Making SHECS android application and making it to be controlled by a browser
9. Testing the application and browser control and returning to step 8 until optimum
design is attained
10.Combining our system with CCTV
11.If necessary back to step 5
12.Implementing the system on buildings
13.Commercializing our system
14.Continual improving of the design and of the system

1. Research about current existing mobile controlled systems

This step I will be focusing mainly on researching the existing methods of control
systems. I will be focusing on seeing how the current electricity in buildings is being
controlled. Taking also into consideration the cost they require and the scope they can
cover. I will be interested in suggesting to myself the improvements that can be done.

I will also be looking for the methods or researching the ways that they use to link
those control systems with their mobiles or phones or laptops . I will also look at the
ways they use to overcome the challenges they face. I will also research how they also
link that to their browsers.

I will look at their security measures they take so that unauthorized person would not
control the system. And see if there is is any loop holes and if they is one , how best to
close it or minimize it.

2. Research about connecting circuit breakers on Distribution board

In order to make my design obviously I need to know the connection in the

distribution board so that I can be able to add some components in order to control
them remotely. The research step will be very important to me. And it also need to be
taken seriously so that my electronic components would not be damaged by high
power in the distribution boxes.

In this step I will use various ways to research .Ways like making use of the internet
or asking electricians. Another best way I can use is buying breakers and then go and
ask my supervisors where I am attached and ask them to teach me how they connect it.
Visiting sites where an electrical installation is taking place shall also do good to my

Making use of internet is very much important as I will get much world wide
information and getting different types of distribution boards. The circuits used in
distribution boards I will freely find their drawing on internet. Internet and especially
on YouTube I might as well find some simulations of the perfect working and
connections of distribution board on buildings or homes.

This research step is very important in order to avoid electrocution and explosions
during installations especially to those buildings where the electricity were already

3. Research about relays and controlling the in wireless connection

The distribution of voltages in a building is different some breakers use high voltage
and some use low .So this means I will need to research about relays because each
relay is also rated. So using a wrong relay on my system will result in my system
being failing. I am going to use relay modules .

So I will research about relay modules and their ratings . I will make use of
internet .Internet would be good to use in this step because I will see their different
types and I will also see their pictures and if needed their operation. I will also make
use of calls . I will call electronic shops in our country Zimbabwe and ask them how
many different relay modules they have and what is their ratings.

Wireless communication is core aspect in this design so I will also research about how
to control those relays using wireless communication .These wireless communication
will include bluetooth , hotspot and wifi connection. So I will research using internet
and also asking some experts how to use those wireless communications to control
relay modules. If they are simulations to follow I will also try them with proteus.

4. Research about micro controllers and choosing the appropriate one

This system will need an embedded system. And for that I must choose an appropriate
micro controller. So I will research on what micro controller to use. I will compare
also their cost and their capabilities .This is very important as this will be where all
the program of our will be installed .Three notable micro controllers that I will
research about will be Arduino, PIC and Raspberry Pie.

Most likely I might choose Arduino or PIC because they are relatively cheaper.
Arduino is bit easier to code .So for this system I will research about both of these
micro controllers and decide which one to use. I will also consider the availability of
those sensors in Zimbabwean Markets. If I am to commercialize this project I will
need also to consider importing them, it’s much cheaper that way.

I will research about Raspberry Pie also. Its uses and also how to code it.I have once
heard that this micro controller works like a computer itself. But I will have to
research about it before designing my system .Peradventure it would be better when
integrating my system with CCTV. I will make use of internet and YouTube to do my
research on this step.


This step will require my abilities to design to manifest. I will use what I have
researched and what I have written in the introduction, objectives and other sections
and also what I would have previously researched to come out with a perfect design. I
will use my skills , my abilities and my imaginations to design the appropriate design.

This step works in hand to hand with step 5,6 and 7. I will design part by part and
simulate or make a prototype and then integrate. After that then design the appropriate
thing. Internet and making prototype will be crucial in these steps. They will be need
of serious coding in this step as they is need of serious design in this step.

I will design the System here from the drawings and the code and the simulation. This
is the major step of this methodology and obviously it will need patience and
perseverance and also some encouragements from within or from others around me

6. Making a prototype

This step will be done partly as I will be doing step 5 and shall be fully done in this
step. This is where I will make the full prototype of the project and make adjustments
if needed. Due to the projects I have done before I found it wiser to join a part and
then test before proceeding so as to not to accumulate the problems. Because joining
the whole projecting without doing interval testing will result in the project not
working and it will be difficulty to troubleshoot the problem.

So I will make the prototype bit by bit and test it also bit by bit and then integrate it.
This will give me a picture of what the whole project will look like. Hence it will be
clear to me what things to add to my project and also what things to deduct from the

7. Testing and returning to step 5 until optimum design is derived

At this step thorough testing of the prototypes and redesign of the project will be done
to make sure that the system is working perfectly so that to avoid errors and accidents
that may happen when installing or using this system. So experts in our department
will be there to help me with the tests and if necessary consultants shall be also called
to help us with the test. And also will be imposing the system to certain situations to
make sure that it will enter into safe mode in case the user is misusing the system.

8. Making SHECS android application and making it to be controlled by a


This step is where we will make the android applications to control our system and
also making it usable with browser. This will involve watching tutorials on YouTube
on how to make applications. I already have the knowledge of how to make
applications I will use MIT inventor application.

After making the system usable by android application then I will venture into making
the system accessible anywhere using any browser. As in the above paragraph
obviously I will make use of YouTube tutorials.

9. Testing the application and browser control and returning to step 8 until
optimum design is attained

In this step is where I will test the application and the browser software . I will also
select random group so that they will test the application and also give room for
improvements. After I fully convinced will then move to the next step or else I will
return to the previous step.

10.Combining our system with CCTV

Then after all those steps I will then combine the system with CCTV . This is
necessary for the people like doubting Thomas. What I mean is this ,let us say
someone switched off the light and want to see if he have truly switched off he can
switch to CCTV and prove it. Although our system works without CCTV, CCTV will
add gravity to our project.

11. If necessary back to step 5

If after adding the CCTV and our system is disturbed we mighty be forced to go back
to previous steps. If necessary we might go back to step 5 Designing the SMART

12.Implementing the system on buildings

Then it is now to implement our system on buildings , government buildings or


13.Commercializing our system

All we do is all business so after everything is complete, we will employ a marketing

team to advertise our system and products so that we will enjoy maximum profits. All
this we will do after patenting our system for security reasons and also profit reasons.

14.Continual improving of the design and of the system

This is a lifetime step for us to remain in business ,we will hear the complains of
people we will research for newer technology and continuously improve our products
and the methodology of our project

Description Start Date End date Days to complete

1.Research about current 1-Mar 7-Mar 7

existing mobile controlled
2.Research about connecting 8-Mar 14-Mar 7
circuit breakers on
Distribution board
3.Research about relays and 15-Mar 19-Mar 5
controlling the in wireless
4.Research about micro 20-Mar 24-Mar 5
controllers and choosing the
appropriate one
5.Designing the SMART 25-Mar 2-Apr 14
6.Making a prototype 3-Apr 23-Apr 21

7.Testing and returning to 24-Apr 28-Apr 5

step 5 until optimum design
is derived
8.Making SHECS android 29-Apr 12-May 14
application and making it to
be controlled by a browser
9.Testing the application and 13-May 17-May 5
browser control and returning
to step 8 until optimum
design is attained
10.Combining our system 18-May 31-May 14
with CCTV
11.If necessary back to step 5 1-Jun 1-Jun 1

12.Implementing the system 2-Jun 15-Jun 14

on buildings
13.Commercializing our 2-Jun 2-Jul 30


This project will cover or will be applied on buildings which have already been
installed electrical services. It will also cover the buildings which are already in


SMART HOME ELECTRICITY CONTROL SYSTEM project is a go ,and it shall

be executed perfectly.

Gantt chart



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