Mind Body Practice Vegus Nerve

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4 Steps To Help You Recover From Vagus

Nerve Activation

PART 1 : Find A Safe Space

1. Begin by finding a place where you know you are safe to explore this mind-body
2. Find a comfortable position either standing, seated, or lying down.
3. Look around your space and identify visual cues that tell yourself that you are
safe, here and now.
4. Repeat to yourself these words throughout the practice, “I am safe, I am
connected, I am calm.”

Part 2: Increase Sensory Awareness

1. Take several long, deep breaths. Notice the sensations of the breath in your body
and the subtle movements created by your breath.
2. Now bring your awareness to the sound of your breath.
3. Expand your sensory awareness to notice any other sensations in your body.
4. Repeat the phrase, “I am safe, I am connected, I am calm.”
5. If at any point in the practice you experience anxiety or other distress, return to
step one by looking around your space to remind yourself that you are safe now.

Part 3: Explore Mindful Mobilization

1. Now, begin to explore increasing the intensity of your breath while moving your
body. Maybe you stand up in an active yoga posture. Perhaps you walk
vigorously in place or around the room. You can even put on your favorite song
and dance! Increase your heart rate just enough to notice that your breath
quickens to support your movement.
2. Repeat your phrase, “I am safe, I am connected, I am calm” as you move your
3. Once again, if you experience any anxiety or other distress, look around your
space to remind yourself that you are safe now.

Part 4: Explore Mindful Immobilization

The final step of this practice invites you to return to stillness either standing, sitting, or
laying down.
1. Allow your heart rate to slow down. Surrender your weight down toward the
2. Invite long, deep breaths extending your exhalation longer than your inhalation to
initiate a relaxation response. Choose to be still and soften any unnecessary
holding in your muscles.
3. Repeat your phrase, “I am safe, I am connected, I am calm” as you connect to
4. Once again, if you experience any anxiety or other distress, look around your
space to remind yourself that you are safe now.

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