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Ujian Tengah Semester Genap T.A.

Paragraph Writing kelas 2023
Selasa, 23 April 2024
Jam: 10.30 – 13.00
Nama: Arvanda Nur Ramadhan
NPM: 1106230001

I am a Mechanic

Three weeks ago I repaired my motorbike at home. The quality of my motorbike’s performance
has decreased in the last few months. So, I decided to check the condition of my motorbike. And
I started by checking the engine. Then I found the cause that was causing my motorbike
problems. Then I ….. other parts, until I found a problem with the lubricant and chain.
After I finished checking all parts of the motorbike, I prepared the necessary tools. After that I
started repairing the motorbike, starting by dismantling the engine. However, after a while I
discovered that I needed to replace parts on the machine. So I decided to buy new spare
parts for the engine and motorbike chain.
After I finished buying some new spare parts, I quickly went home and continued my work. I
started to install the parts on the motorbike engine carefully. After installing new parts on the
engine and chain, I then tested the quality of my motorbike engine to find out whether my
motorbike engine was better. After knowing that my motorbike was working optimally, I rode
my motorbike through the hills.

 Questions
1. When did you start repairing your motorbike?
2. Where did you buy the spare parts?
3. How long does it take you to repair the motorbike?
4. Where are the hills you passed while riding the motorbike in the paragraph above?
5. Did you do it yourself or with the help of others?

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