Modul 1 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5

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Tujuan Pembelajaran :

1. Siswa dapat menyebutkan ciri – ciri fisik seseorang.

2. Siswa dapat mendeskripsikan ciri fisik seseorang dalam kalimat sederhana.

Contoh ciri – ciri fisik :

1. Pretty = cantik
2. Beautiful = cantik
3. Handsome = ganteng/tampan
4. Young = muda
5. Long hair = rambut panjang
6. Short hair = rambut pendek
7. Curly hair = rambut keriting
8. Straight hair = rambut lurus
9. Tall = tinggi
10. Thin = kurus
11. Short = pendek
12. Fat = gemuk
13. Young = muda
14. Middle aged = separuh baya
15. Old = tua
16. Twin = kembar
17. Pointed nose = hidung mancung
18. Flat nose = hidung pesek
19. Round face = wajah bulat
20. Oval face = wajah lonjong
21. Have/has = mempunyai/memiliki

Contoh dalam kalimat sederhana :

a. Yuli is tall. She has a long hair
Yuli bertubuh tinggi. Dia mempunyai rambut panjang.
b. I am thin. I have a round face
Saya bertubuh kurus. Saya mempunyai wajah yang bulat.
c. He is Rangga
He has straight hair
Rangga is fat
A. Perhatikan gambar – gambar di bawah ini, kemudian isilah titik – titik dengan kalimat yang
terdapat di dalam kotak !


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A. Good evening, friends. Do you know me ? I am Yudha. I am tall and thin. I have
straight hair. I am wearing uniform.
B. Good afternoon, let me introduce my self. I am Rangga. I am short. My hair is curly. I
am fat.
C. Hello, I am Diva. I have long hair. Look at this, this is my pigtail.
D. Mr. Husenis old. He has short hair. He is also grey haired.
E. Rahma is young. She has short and straight hair. Rahmat is tall, he has straight hair
too. They have big eyes. They are twins.
B. Artikan kalimat di bawah ini dalam bahasa Indonesia seperti contoh no. 1 dan 2 pada

modul !

1. Mrs. Citra is old. She has long hair.


2. Alif is tall and thin. He has an oval face.


3. Dewa is handsome. He has a pointed nose.


4. Rika and Riko are twin. They have curly hair.


5. Putri is short. She has straight hair.


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