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This poster is for the “Pro-nazi message”.

The massage being conveyed by this poster is that only the Aryan-
Nazis live while people belonging to the other groups will be persecuted. The targeted audience for this poster
is all the people in Germany, weather they are inferior or superior race (according to the Nazis). This is to tell
the population from the minor groups that it is time for them to change (become an Aryan); it also tells the
Aryan-Nazis that they belong to the superior group. The poster shows on the top that the black, Jews, Christians,
communists, and non-Germans are not acceptable and should be persecuted while the whites, Aryans and Nazis
should live, which the implied message is. The bottom also shows what brands the locals are advised to use as
they are Nazi-related and so are pro-Nazi (Chenal, Adidas, Puma, Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Volkswagen, and
Porsche). The poster also shows the Earth with the Nazi symbol, conveying a pro-Nazi message.

This message was important to be conveyed by the Nazis as it promoted the ideology and maintained or
increased the number of supporters they had. The Nazis could also shape the public’s opinion in the way they
wanted. In our course, we learnt that the Nazis believed that their Aryan race was the supreme race along with
the Nazis, while the non-Aryans, non-Germans and Communists were in the inferior group. The poster connects
to these facts because it shows the Aryans should stay alive while the other groups should be persecuted. This
extends my thinking about the Nazis because it tells me that the Nazis were Aryanists and bigots as they could
do anything just to make Germany “pure”, all this is true, but it also tells me that they loved their country and
only wanted the best for their own country.

The Nazis use propaganda to define the identities of individuals and groups by their differences. Many people
differed in their race, religion, nationality, ideologies, and skin colour. The Nazi propaganda glorified the
muscular, white, and blonde Aryans, Hitler, and the other important figures in Nazism. The stereotypes that the
propaganda promoted that the people in the left side of the poster belonged to the inferior group and were
invasive to the world (the black people, Jews, Christians, Communists, and non-Germans). It also promoted that
the people on the right side of the poster belong to the superior group (the Aryans, Hitler, and his supporters).

Spreading propaganda was important for the Nazis in many ways. Firstly, the Nazis could obviously spread the
Nazi beliefs on how they can make Germany better. It can also shape the people’s opinion as they practise
dictatorship. The Nazis could also build support for war, distract people from failures, and instil fear in people. I
believe that people would have still accepted the Nazi propaganda if they did not already share, to some extent,
the beliefs it communicated because Hitler was one of the best speakers and could easily convince the people,
also some people are racist by nature.

Today, some examples of propaganda in society include military recruitment advertisements encouraging people
to join the army; ads in YouTube promoting products and apps; political advertisements convincing people to
vote for their party (mainly in democracy).

The way that propaganda affected the people in the 1930’s in Germany is different than how it affects the people
now. In the 1930’s, propaganda made people more racist and sexist, while nowadays, it makes people less racist
and sexist. Although the 1930’s and now have opposite effects, they also have similar affects like they made
people more aware about their health and makes people more patriotic.

Impact of propaganda between democracies with free press and open marketplaces of ideas is lower compared
to dictatorships with limited non-governmental information sources. This is because in democracy, people have
the rights to ignore or oppose the propaganda while people do not in dictatorship and are forced to accept the

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