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How I Received A Credit Alert For

500 Days Consistently!

Amusan oluwafemi



Chapter 1 : The Concept Of Daily Income Goals..........................................7

Chapter 2 : Build Offers And Never Be Offerless......................................10

Chapter 3 : Market You rOffer Daily............................................................13

Chapter 4 : Be Consistent!...............................................................................15

Chapter 5 : Be Courageous!.............................................................................17

Chapter 6 : Daily Money Comes To Those Who Are Competent............19

Chapter 7 : Be Committed To Adding Value Daily.....................................21

Chapter 8 : Create Digital Products...............................................................23

Chapter 9 : Create Upsells And Cross Sells..................................................25

Chapter10 : Always Over Deliver! ................................................................28



Daily income is possible. I don't just say it, I've lived it. From 1st
of January 2019 Till Date ( Whatever Year Get to read this ),
I Have made money daily.

I decided to write this book after receiving a credit alert for 500
days straight without break , including Sundays.

500 days consistency cannot be mistake.There is something I am

doing right and if you read this book to the end, you will also get
it right.

As always, my books are sharp and straight to the point. I don't

write to impress, I write to impress the youth if possible.

From understanding how daily income streams work to creating

upsells and adding value daily ,I've laid down a template for anyone
who desires to make money daily to follow.

I pray this bookmarks a turning point in your life and your finances.

I can do my own thing ,I am greatly helped by my senior partner the


No man can be changed except the HolySpirit changes them.

I can only make my own small input but it is Him that

convicts,converts and changes lives.

Put your phone on airplane mode and read this book to the end. It will
massively help you!



Most Important Things In Life Are Done Daily...

You Eat Daily...

You bath daily...

You breath daily...

But most people don't know it's equally important to put daily
attention to their finances.

How do you eat a cow? You must cut it down to small pieces.

How do you hit your yearly income goals, by chopping it down into
daily income goals.

When you set a monthly financial goal, break it down to daily goals.

Let's say your goal is to make N1,000,000 a month.

Divide it by the number number of days in month; that will be around


Now Ask Yourself These Questions:

Can what I Am offering (product/service) bring in N33,000daily?

If it can't, how can you improve your value, price or reach more

How many people must buy my product daily to hit my daily income

Let's say you have a 3k digital product, You will need to sell it to 11
people daily to hit your daily income goal.

And if your digital course is 10k, you only need 4 people to hit your

And if you work by the hour, let's say work 10 productive hours daily.
That makes your 1 hour worth N3,300. Don't collect anything less than

Chopping down your goals to daily pieces will help you live in the
now and make you accountable for your actions every day.

The truth is, if you are hitting your daily income goals, you will also be
crashing your weekly, monthly and yearly goal.



To be offerless is to be money-less. And to be money-less is to be


If Don't have an offer, you don't have anything to offer. Sir, if you
don't have an offer, your finances will suffer.

What is an offer?

An offer is an irresistible package of your solution to a pain or


The keywords there are "IRRESISTIBLE PACKAGE" An offer Must Be

irresistible to buyers and it must be a package.

A product is only one part of an offer. Always Jokingly Say, a product

is garri, an offer is eba, soup with plenty condiments and chilled

hollanda Yoghurt.

A product is plain rice, an offer is fried rice, salad, chicken, moimoi

and a chilled bottle of coke!

When you have a product, you must create an offer around it and for
you to make money daily, you must always have an active offer on
going. They must always be something you are selling.

You must have an evergreen offer that people can always come in and
buy from you. And you must offer it everyday if you want to make
money everyday.

My fiverr and copywriting class has been my evergreen offer.

held the class for 54 weeks last year. When people made payment, I'd
add them to the new group and keep them.

Since the offer was a tripwire, it converted very well. You Will Be
wondering, what's a tripwire offer?

Don't Worry, I Will Tell You As Always.

A tripwire offer is a low ticket (price) offer that is so valuable people


Don't think about the price and it is offered so that people can know
you, love you and trust you.

Why's This So? It is easier for people to go from $1 to $100 than for
them to go from $0 to $1. It gets better when people trust you



After You've Created Your Offer, you need to be marketing everyday.

Not one day off and one day on. You need to be selling EVERYDAY.


Look at the Suryaman, every evening, Monday to Sunday, he is

marketing and selling issues daily.

Look at the eatery. Look at that filling station. Look at the

supermarket. What do they have in common? They sell everyday.

You must emulate them. You need to be selling daily or you will be
smelling daily. You can never become stellar in your finances when
you're not a daily seller.

If your intention is to make money daily, then you need to matter of


habit of selling daily. You must create evergreen offers that can kill
themselves daily.

Another aspect of selling daily is running facebook or instagram ads

to your offer daily. It is about creating adverts that run and convert
daily so that sales can keep coming in daily.

Sir, Ma, the keyword is DAILY MARKETING. Daily talking about your
product on your social media pages. Daily sharing testimonies to
convert more people.

This my friend is how you become a daily income machine and make
money alert o'clock.



Daily money follows those who SHOW UP. Alert o'clock happens to
people who are committed to staying consistent.

The power to continue is one of the greatest powers entrepreneurs

can ever have.

Long Term consistency is better than short term intensity. If Won't be

consistent, there's really no need getting started.

Most people are looking for short term means to wealth. They Are
looking for the shortcut to making money.

The only shortcut to wealth is through a high income vehicle. It Could

be a skill, a business investment. And even those, one still needs to
be consistent

Messi and Ronaldo have been consistent for over 11 years ( as at the
time this book was written ). They've both shared the World Best
Player award between themselves for that number of years because
of consistency.

Consistency is what breeds competence and competence breeds

mastery. And as you know, the masters of every field earn a lot
higher than the mediocres in that field.

It is better to sell for one hour for 10 days straight than to sell for 10
hours in one day.

Consistency breeds habits and success as we know is a combination

of good habits.

If you are consistent, you will become a daily cash machine





People who know their onions attract more money into their lives
daily. People who are masters in their field don't beg for money.

We can see this in sports a lot. The best players are usually the
highest paid players also. Messi and Ronald The best, Messi and
Ronaldo the highest paid.

I have always said that if you know your onions you eat your suya.
Onions Here Represents Competence.

When you are good at what you do, people will naturally come to you
and most of them won't come empty handed, they will come with
something in their pocket or bank account and they will come daily.

Mastery doesn't happen in one month. Competence doesn't come

from wishing, you must continuously learn, apply and grow in your


Those who are competent are always financially impotent.

But those who are skill competent are always financially omnipotent.

Stop jumping from one field to another and focus on one skill. Be
known in that field. Be the authority of hatfield.

When people mention your name, what field comes to their mind? If
nothing comes to their mind, you need to go back to work.

Also, the easier it is to find your replacement, the less valuable you
are. Go for competence and money will come to you DAILY.



Money is a form of value. It is exchanged for other forms of value like

solution value.

Money is simply a trade by barter system. You bring your solution

value and the other party brings money value and both of you
exchange this value.

Therefore, to make money daily, you must be creating some form of

solution value for free to people daily so that they can bring money
value for your paid solutions.

You need to be known for adding value for free so that people can
feel free to pay a fee.

This is something I do a lot. I am always adding value to people on

my social media pages.. My Whatsapp Status, my facebook, my
instagram, my twitter and nairaland accounts.

I am on John Obidi's group ( Head start Africa ) adding value.

You Will see on Portfolio 9 adding value, you will soon nairaland
creating valuable threads.


I am sending value out so that I can attract value in. It is the solution (
value ) you send out that guarantees the money ( value ) you will get

And if you wish to make money daily, you must find a way to send
this solution ( value ) out daily.



Physical products are good but digital products are better. Physical
products can earn you a living but digital products will earn you a

Physical products are limited in their delivery.. There are just enough
people you can sell puff-puff to daily in a limited environment but I
can sell my e-book to any one in America today.

I sell my courses to people in Ghana, I don't Need to go there. I Don't

need to physically dispense energy and sweat. All I have to do is
teach from the comfort of my room on whatsapp and cashout.

Also, the price point for digital products and physical products are
almost the same with less work and effort used in the digital product.

For example, I can create an e-book in less than a day and sell it for
N2,000. I can't create a N2,000 physical book in one day. I will need to

get editors, publishers and printing to be done.

I am just showing you how powerful digital products can be when

you focus more on creating them. Let's say a supermarket is doing
N20,000 in pure profit daily, they will have to sell lots of products and
pay taxes.

However, as a cool digital millionaire that only needs to offer your

product to 4 people at N5,000 to make the same amount in an hour or
less. You see the Power Digital products Right?

Digital Products Include-books, masterclasses, planners, bundles,

mentorships and everything that can be offered and delivered via the

If You Don't Create Digital Solutions, your finances are in critical




Now imagine going to a supermarket and the only thing you see there
is tin tomatoes. Just tin tomatoes on the shelf everywhere.

What do you think will happen to the income of that supermarket? Not
much You Will Say. Good.

That's the same thing most people suffer online. They don't have lots
of products to sell.

They are leaving too much money on the table.

Sir, Ma,

You can't be comfortable when you are always leaving money on the

Even If Your Name Is Comfortable, you won't be comfortable.

To make money daily, you must understand how to create RELATED

products around what I do.

I've Not Seen Cement in a Supermarket. Why? It's not related.


Most people are selling cement and rice in one shop.

Those combinations don't go together. ( For Example )

I am a freelance copywriter... I also teach Copywriting and Freelancing

I sell digital products Copywriting I approve setup Upwork accounts (
freelancing ) and full Smartphone edition

And when I do have speaking engagements, I speak freelancing and


Can you see that they are RELATED?

Don't sell garri and cement in the same shop please.

An upsell is the next logical step a customer has to take their


Customer journey. After Buying This,

what next?

When Buy food in a Neatery, you will buy a bottle of soda.

That's How It Works!




I teach a concept called the cycle of profit. It's a 5 step process that
has made millions online.

1. Idea Generation.
2. Offer creation.
3. Lead Generation.
4. Conversion Or Closing.
5. Delivery And Fulfillment.

In all 5, the step that will guarantee more customers is the delivery
and fulfillment phase.

You must learn how to over deliver value. When People pay you, you
must be excellent at value delivery. You must overpromise And

Sir, if you can't deliver, you need deliverance! Period!

It is better to under promise and over deliver than for you to over
promise and under deliver.

But it is best to OVER promise and OVER deliver

And When You Over deliver...Reviews And Testimonies Are Sure.

And people believe testimonies more than believe you.

The best Marketing Can ever do is a quality Product.

When given Quality, people will naturally give good reviews about
you. And testify to their friends.

The truth is, everyone is a marketer for one brand they like. It could be
that Bathing Saloon. That Cream you bought.

Or that suya man by your side.

Just do a good job and people will give testimonies and…

Other people will buy by the reason of their testimony



What Do I Do From Here?

I must congratulate you for reading this far, you've done well.

I will advise that you read this book one more time if you can get
some hidden light from the book. Also, this time, do it with a penanda

Ask yourself questions as read, how to apply this into my life now?

What can I do differently with what I've learnt ?

What can unlearn, what can relearn? The truth is ,the quality of our
life is in the quality of questions we ask and answer.

If You Ask Rich Questions, your life will be rich but if you ask poor
questions, you already know what will happen.

Apply what you've learned . The one who knows sand does not apply
what he knows and the one who doesn't know anything at all will
always get the same result.

Knowledge is the edge you have because you know, but ACTION is
what will bring DISTINCTION.

The knowledge in your heart must be put to work in your acts for it to
produce results in your hands.

Results don't show because it's in your heart, results show from your
acts. I Will See You At The Top!!


If you want to activate alert o'clock and make money daily, one skill
you have mastered is Urgent Income acceleration.

And if you want to be a master in Urgent Income acceleration, I Have

Special program for it called Affiliate Marketing for beginners.

What will you learn On Urgent Income acceleration?

You will Learn how to Start affiliate Marketing as a beginner, With

Complete guidance, You will learn how to selling consistent and
making money consistent

This idea actually came after I realized the wonders Affiliate Marketing
has done in mylife.. I studied microbiology for 4 years at the
University of Uyo.. Graduated with a 2'1

Spent over a million naira in the course of my Four years in school

fees, feeding, accommodation, materials, transport…in Affiliate

After that, nothing to show for it.

The only money I've made from it, It is the one paid me for my close

Even that one was just N12,500

2019 I discovered new affiliate Marketing and put my head into it..

From October 2021, I don't think I've done below a million monthly.

All Thanks To Urgent Income acceleration. Which Part of Affiliate


The Number 1 skill that has created more “online millionaires” than
Any other System.

Most people are making PASSIVE Income, Weeks and Monthly

They promote product, assign sales Services, Boost Physical and

digital products, and Build their own services


How did this affiliate Marketing that I discover made me, more than

Which the name is called…

( Ugent Income acceleration System )


And get full Information about it, and lot of testimony from

Different members and also if you wish to get Started too

Alert’ O’Clock is Waiting for you


I want to see you succeed!


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