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Recycling of Plastics


Recycling of plastics not only helps the conservation of raw materials

but also reduces the pollution of the environment. Different processes for

recycling of plastics are described in this topic. The method of recovery of plastics

from variety for wastes are also outlined in this topic.

Plastic in solid wastes are a great problem in the environment

for their indestructible nature. It is not surprising not learn that the overall growth of

solid wastes. Presently it is estimated that the generation of solid waste per capita

is around 1/2 kg which is likely to increase to I kg by the year 2000. Plastics as

wastes constitute around 4 wt %-5 wt % of solid waste. Almost 80 % of this

recyclable waste is collected by the rag pickers at source from the garbage

dumps. The balance 20 % goes to land filling.

In 1993, consumption of virgin plastics was 1.44 Mt (production

being 0.92 Mt and imports were 0.52 Mt) Besides 0.13 Mt plastics wastes was

reprocessed (amounted to 0.53 Mt) in India during 1993. This, the total

consumption of plastics in India during 1993 was around 2 Mt. It is predicted that by

the year 2000, consumption of virgin plastics will be 3.3 Mt and reprocessed plastics

will be 1.3 Mt (thus total consumption will be 4.6 Mt).

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Recycling of Plastics

Over a million rag pickers including plastics wastes collector are

involved and around 20000 units all over the country are engaged at present in

reprocessing around 0.4 Mt of plastic waste. It is predicted that I Mt of plastics

waste will be available by 2000. The polymer - wise share of plastics waste is

PVC - 45%, LDPE - 25%, HDPE-20%\ PP - 7.6% and others like PS-2.4%.

The two important environmental problems are how to reduce

pollution of air, water and land, and how to conserve raw materials. The planned

application of existing technologies would be sufficient to avoid any serious risks

of direct or transferred pollution by plastics wastes. Recycling of plastics is

currently believed to be the most acceptable route to solve the above problems in the

long run.

In addition to these, recycling of plastics will supplement the

requirement of plastics raw materials and reduce the import of plastic raw materials

in the country.

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Recycling of Plastics


Creation of waste occurs in three main areas :

a) During manufacture of the polymer;

b) During manufacture of the product; and

c) During the disposal of the product after use.

Figure 1 shows the flow of materials from the polymer producer until

it reaches the waste dump. This shows that primary as well as secondary raw

materials are absorbed, resulting from in-plant recycling and reclaiming. Plastics

reclaimers obtain their raw materials in the form of wastes from polymer producer,

plastic processor and industrial end users and converters.

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Recycling of Plastics

Primary Raw Material

Polymer Producer


Reclalmers Plastic Processors and Industrial


Industrial End Users and


Repeated Reuse

Private and Official Domestic

Households Waste

Flow of Material From Polymer Producer to the Waste Dump

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Recycling of Plastics


Recycling describes the actual process for usefully employing the

recovered raw materials. There are three processes available for recycling of


a) Direct recycling

This would be the use of recovered material for the manufacture of

identical or similar products;

b) Indirect recycling

This would imply the use of the recovered or salvaged material for the

manufacture or use of a product of less critical specification.

c) Thermal recycling

This implies that conversion of waste under conditions which generate

either energy or chemical products or both.

Direct Recycling of Plastics

This is mainly applicable to the wastes which arise during the

production processes within the plastics industry.

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Recycling of Plastics

For direct recycling, waste plastics must satisfy three requirements :

a) Satisfactory from (granules, pellets, powders etc.),

b) Homogeneity, because mixed grades of plastics will not possess the

required properties for most processes or products; and

c) Cleanliness, because contaminants such as dust, stray matter, oil etc. would

degrade the quality of the product.

Clean process waste may be recycled by a relatively simple route as

shown in Fig. 2

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Recycling of Plastics


Processing Good
Machine Product Product

Cooling Waste Rejects

Granules Rechip

Extrude Recompound

Recycling Direct On Processing Machine

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Recycling of Plastics

Irregular shaped waste from production must be converted to a

consistent shape by a regranulation technique which involves a minimum of

temperature degradation. The introduction of irregular chips into a hopper

containing regular virgin granules causes preferential feeding of one component

in the hopper due to different flow-characteristic. The alternative to regranulation

lies in remixing or reextruding the rechipped material, so that it may then be cut

into regular granules like the virgin compounds.

The recycling of thermoplastic scrap from extrusion, injection

moulding, blow moulding, calendering, thermoforming and moulding operations has

always been a regular part of industrial practice and is one of the main reasons from

economical point of view for plastics with respect to other materials. In-plant

recycling is easy, the nature of the material is known an any defective products can

be internally recycled in the works provided that mixing of different wastes does not


Indirect Recycling of Plastic

Indirect recycling was defined earlier as the use of plastics

wastes for the manufacture of products having a less demanding specification than

that of the original product. In the case of plastics wastes the importance of

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Recycling of Plastics

downgrading the reuse may be the possibility of avoiding the requirements of

homogeneity and cleanliness which are fundamental to direct recycling.

In general, a process of indirect recycling would normally

commence with shredding and mixing of the thermoplastic wastes and

incorporation at this stage of compounding ingredients. This product would

then be compacted into granules and fed to a processing machine for the production

of the final product. The general sequence can be represented by flow diagram as

shown in fig. 3.

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Recycling of Plastics


Granulator or

Ingredients Mixture





Flow Diagram of Indirect Recycling

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Recycling of Plastics

Thermal Recycling of Plastics

In thermal recycling, heat is generated and used (of course, once

only), so that the consumption of fossil fuels can be reduced.

The following three methods are used in thermal recycling of



The first method of thermal recycling of plastics waste is

incineration. Incineration is the term used for the combustion and

reduction to an inert residue of any combustible waste. Incineration can be used

as a means of plastic waste disposal and incinerators may be used to produce

steam for domestic heating and the generation of electricity.

In the incinerator the combustion takes place at high temperature

(around 7000 C) in the presence of the requisite amount of oxygen. Since the plastics

present in waste consist mainly of carbon and hydrogen, the product obtained after

combustion should consist mainly of carbon dioxide and water.

Incineration is not usually favored as a method of disposal because

of very high capital, maintenance and operating costs, unreliability and

adverse environmental impact. Problems are added when incineration is combined

with generation of steam and the output to be controlled to suit customer demand.

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Recycling of Plastics

PVC has received considerable criticism since HCI gas is evolved on

combustion for long term use, the incineration may be a favored and economical

method to dispose of all the plastics exclusive of PVC from the incinerator to

safeguard it from the problems associated with evolution of HCI, the other plastics

could be readily utilized as a high energy fuel, because they have considerably

high caloric value.


The second method of thermal recycling to plastics waste is heated

to a higher temperature in an inert atmosphere, possibly under pressure. This

process is sometimes called destructive destination where the decomposition

products formed may be used for producing fuels, energy and primary chemicals.

Plastics are considered as assets in pyrolysis. Pyrolysis is not yet entirely

satisfactory, because there is not yet, sufficient information about the reactions

which take place during pyrolysis. It has, therefore, not yet been possible to control

the processes accurately.


The third method of thermal recycling of plastics waste is

hydrolysis. The breaking down of plastics into their constituent raw materials

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Recycling of Plastics

by hydrolysis, is, of course, possible if the plastic contains that groups which can

be hydrolysed. Since hydrolysis is the reverse of condensation, it is clear that

plastics which can be hydrolysed are all those made by condensation. Whether

hydrolysis is practical or not, is solely a question for the reaction conditions.

The polycondensation products which also include plastics

produced by polyaddition, encompass such as polyamides, polyesters,

polycarbonates, polyureas and polyurethanes. Hydrolysis involves the specific

reaction of the water molecule at the point of linkage with the starting materials (this

is the reverse of the reaction that produced the polymer originally), so that the

starting materials used originally are recovered directly. The groups of plastics

mentioned above as being hydrolysable are all resistant to hydrolysis under normal

conditions use. Hydrolysis must be induced under extreme conditions.

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Recycling of Plastics


Recovery describes the process of collecting and/or segregating

homogeneous wastes for reuse, mainly in-plant or within the organization.

Depending on the types of plastics waste, the processes available for the

recovery are the following two :

Recovery of Plastics from Relatively Pure Waste

Relatively uncontaminated plastics waste is available from the

polymer producer as well as from the plastic processor. The waste is homogeneous

in nature unless it is allowed to mix with other types of plastics. Recovery at this

stage is rather simple. It is a traditional technique to recover the wastes produced

during polymer production or plastics processing and blend them with virgin

material. If these waste are allowed to become mixed and/or contaminated, they may

be of little value and find their way into industrial wastes. Where such wastes are

available in bulk quantities, it may be more economical to sort and grade them and

sell to reclaimers.

Recovery of Plastics from Mixed Plastics Wastes

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Recycling of Plastics

Mixed plastics waste, thermoplastics packaging waste mainly consist

of the five most important thermoplastics -LDPE, HDPE, PP, PS and PVC. A scheme

of separation for the five components has been shown based on the sink-float

method. This scheme relies on the use of fluids differing in composition and density.

A diagram of the scheme is shown in Fig. 4. the process requires chopping

/shredding or grinding of mixed plastics waste in a shredder or a grinder and also

washing throughly with running water to eliminate dust and external contamination.

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Recycling of Plastics

A Sink Float Method For Isolating the Thermoplastics in Four Liquids

Differing In Density d(g/ml)


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Recycling of Plastics

Recycling of plastics is possible when the recycled plastic is equal in

quality and not higher in cost than the virgin raw material. These two constraints

which effectively limit recycling at present, due to the cost of reclaiming or

salvaging followed by the further cost of sorting, grading and cleansing.

Thus, the waste occurred as a result of primary production is to

be recycled because recovery cost will be small and it is less likely to be

contaminated, while at the end of the user chain, the reverse will be true. At every

stage of production, distribution and consumption, there is a decline in quality of the

waste, for the purpose of recycling and a rise in the cost of reclaiming.

1) Engineering Chemistry

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Recycling of Plastics

R. Gopalan

D. Venkappayya

S. Nagarajan

2) Organic Chemistry

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