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Predicting the Adult Functional Outcomes of Boys

With ADHD 33 Years Later
Marıa A. Ramos-Olazagasti, PhD, Francisco Xavier Castellanos, MD,
Salvatore Mannuzza, PhD, Rachel G. Klein, PhD

Objective: Little is known of the factors that influence the course of childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Objectives were to
identify early features predictive of the adult outcome of children with ADHD. In the longest prospective follow-up to date of children with ADHD,
predictors of multiple functional domains were examined: social, occupational, and overall adjustment and educational and occupational attainment.
Method: White boys (6–12 years, mean age 8 years) with ADHD (N ¼ 135), selected to be free of conduct disorder, were assessed longitudinally
through adulthood (mean age 41) by clinicians blinded to all previous characteristics. Predictors had been recorded in childhood and adolescence (mean
age 18).
Results: Childhood IQ was positively associated with several outcomes: educational attainment, occupational rank, and social and occupational
adjustment. Despite their low severity, conduct problems in childhood were negatively related to overall function, educational attainment, and
occupational functioning. Two other childhood features that had positive associations with adult adjustment were socioeconomic status and reading
ability, which predicted educational attainment. Of multiple adolescent characteristics, 4 were significant predictors: antisocial behaviors predicted
poorer educational attainment; educational goals were related to better overall function; early job functioning had a positive relation with social
functioning; and early social functioning was positively related to occupational functioning.
Conclusion: Other than childhood IQ, which predicted better outcomes in several domains, there were no consistent prognosticators of adult
function among children with ADHD. Providing additional supports to children with relatively lower IQ might improve the adult functional outcome
of children with ADHD. However, predicting the course of children with ADHD remains a challenge.
Key words: ADHD, follow-up study, functional outcomes, adulthood
J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2018;57(8):571–582.

Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future. present study examined whether characteristics in the
—Attributed to Niels Bohr
childhood and adolescence of those children were associated
with their functioning in adulthood. Identifying early risks
ollow-up studies of children with attention- for future disability in children with ADHD has significant
F deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) docu-
ment relative deficits in multiple functional
domains in early adulthood. On average, children with
public health importance, because it has the potential to
provide parents with information regarding prognosis,
identify mechanisms that influence longitudinal course,
ADHD achieve relatively lower levels of education,1-9 have inform prevention and therapeutic efforts, and support
poorer social functioning,3,5,6 and have worse occupational theories about the disorder’s developmental trajectory that
outcomes.3,5-9 The longest follow-up study of children with could inform the disorder’s pathophysiology.10
ADHD (33 years) found that these deficits persisted well Table 1 lists the few prospective studies6,11-13 that re-
into adulthood (mean age 41): men diagnosed with ADHD ported on early (in childhood or adolescence) predictors of
in childhood had completed an average of 2 years 6 months adult outcome in children with ADHD. Excluded were
less of schooling, had lower occupational attainment, and longitudinal studies whose first diagnosis of ADHD
had worse occupational and social functioning scores than occurred during adolescence (ie, >12 years of age), because,
their peers who did not have ADHD in childhood.3 by definition, they are enriched for persistent ADHD.14
However, there was variability in the outcome of child- Also excluded were studies that reported on individuals
hood ADHD, ranging from very poor to benign. The younger than 21 years, because they do not provide

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry www.jaacap.org 571
Volume 57 / Number 8 / August 2018

TABLE 1 Summary of Findings From Follow-Up Studies Examining the Relation of Early Predictors of Adult Functional
Outcomes Among Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Predictors Examined by Functional Outcome at FUa

Study Overall Function Educational Outcomes Occupational Functioning Social Functioning
Paternite et al. childhood: inattention/ childhood: no relation childhood: no relation childhood: no relation
(1999)12; original overactivity (b [ L0.23); with inattention/ with inattention/ with inattention/
N [ 121 (80.2% no relation with overactivity, overactivity, aggression, overactivity, aggression,
retained); age at FU aggression, interaction aggression, interaction between interaction between
21e23 (mean NR) between inattention/ interaction between inattention/overactivity inattention/overactivity
overactivity and inattention/ and aggression, and aggression,
aggression, medication overactivity and medication history medication history
history aggression,
medication history
adolescence: none adolescence: none adolescence: none adolescence: none
examined examined examined examined

Barkley et al. (2010)6; childhood: hyperactivity childhood: WWPARS childhood: no relation childhood: none examined
original N [ 158 (b [ 0.22, r [ 0.33); no hyperactivity with number of CD
(85% retained); age relation with IQ, number (b [ L0.24, R [ symptoms
at FU 26.8 ± 1.4 of problem settings, 0.53), IQ (b [ 0.19,
(range 22e31) conduct problems R [ 0.58), number of
problem settings
(b [ L0.18, R [
0.59); no relation with
hyperactivity and
conduct problem
adolescence: no relation adolescence: WRAT adolescence: none adolescence: none
with ADHD, ODD, CD math (b [ 0.19, R [ examined examined
symptoms, Life Events 0.62), number of CD
Scale symptoms
(b [ L0.20, R [
0.64), number of ODD
symptoms (b [ 0.17,
R [ 0.65); no relation
with number of ADHD
symptoms, WRAT
reading and spelling
scores, duration of
stimulant treatment

Roizen (2012)13; childhood: CD symptoms childhood: IQ (r [ 0.22), childhood: no relation childhood: IQ (r [ 0.22),
original N [ 103 (OR 0.33), Freedom From SES (r [ 0.31), with IQ, SES, ADHD SES (r [ 0.31), CD
(88% retained); age Distractibility Factor (OR working memory (B [ symptoms, CD symptoms (B [ L0.43);
at FU 25.5 ± 1.3 1.10), Working Memory 0.09), CD symptoms symptoms, ODD no relation with ADHD
(range 22e30) Index (OR 1.14); no (B [ L1.01); no symptoms, Porteus symptoms, ODD
relation with ADHD relation with ADHD Mazes (quantitative IQ), symptoms, Porteus
symptoms, ODD symptoms, ODD Beery Visual Motor Mazes (quantitative IQ),
symptoms, Porteus symptoms, Porteus Integration, Visual Beery Visual Motor
Mazes (quantitative IQ), Mazes (quantitative Sequential Memory, Integration, Visual
Beery Visual Motor IQ), Beery Visual Paired Associates Test, Sequential Memory,
Integration, Visual Motor Integration, CPT Omission- Paired Associates Test,
Sequential Memory, Visual Sequential Continuous Performance CPT Omission-

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Volume 57 / Number 8 / August 2018

TABLE 1 Continued

Predictors Examined by Functional Outcome at FUa

Study Overall Function Educational Outcomes Occupational Functioning Social Functioning
Paired Associates Test, Memory, Paired Test, Freedom From Continuous Performance
CPT Omission- Associates Test, CPT Distractibility Factor, Test, Freedom From
Continuous Omission-Continuous Working Memory Index Distractibility Factor,
Performance Test Performance Test, Working Memory Index
Freedom From
Distractibility Factor,
Working Memory
adolescence: none adolescence: none adolescence: none adolescence: none
examined examined examined examined

Roy et al. (2017)11; childhood: none childhood: parental childhood: IQ (OR 1.01), childhood: none
original N [ 579 examined education (OR 1.58), ADHD symptom severity examined
with ADHD D 258 IQ (OR 1.02), (OR 1.20); no relation
without ADHDb symptom severity (OR with household income,
(retained NRc); age 0.69), low monitoring parental education, total
at FU 25 y (range NR) and supervision (OR household members,
0.71), parental marital comorbidity, positive
problems (OR 0.75); parenting, inconsistent
no relation with discipline, low
household income, monitoring and
total household supervision, harsh
members, discipline, appropriate
comorbidity, positive discipline, parental
parenting, involvement, parent-
inconsistent child relationships
discipline, harsh (possessive and
discipline, protective, affectionate
appropriate and admiring,
discipline, parental conflicting, nurturing and
involvement, parent- intimate, participating
child relationships and involved), parental
(possessive and marital problems
affectionate and
admiring, conflicting,
nurturing and
intimate, participating
and involved)
adolescence: none adolescence: none adolescence: none adolescence: none
examined examined examined examined

Note: B ¼ unstandardized regression coefficient; b ¼ standardized regression coefficient; CD ¼ conduct disorder; CPT ¼ Continuous Performance
Test; FU ¼ follow-up; NR ¼ not reported; ODD ¼ oppositional defiant disorder; OR ¼ odds ratio; r ¼ correlation coefficient; SES ¼ socioeconomic
status; WRAT ¼ Wide Range Achievement Test–III; WWPARS ¼ Werry-Weiss-Peters Activity Rating Scale.
If more than 1 outcome was examined, we report the one that most closely resembles our measure to ease comparisons across studies.
The 2 samples were combined in the analyses, but authors tested whether associations were consistent across groups.
Outcome data are based on the most recent assessment in adulthood (at 12, 14, or 16 years after baseline).

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry www.jaacap.org 573
Volume 57 / Number 8 / August 2018

sufficient time for individuals to reach their educational and behavior problems, increased teacher and parent ratings of
occupational potential and do not inform on children’s hyperactivity, behavior problems at home and school, verbal
ultimate adjustment in adulthood. IQ at least 85, and English-speaking parents. The children’s
Studies have not consistently identified characteristics clinical picture was consonant with the DSM-5 definition of
that relate to the children’s future adjustment. Furthermore, ADHD combined presentation because they had increased
longitudinal studies have not extended beyond young teacher ratings of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity
adulthood. In this prospective follow-up of children with symptoms, symptoms were impairing and cross-situational,
ADHD, we aimed to identify childhood and adolescent and symptoms were present before 12 years of age.3 Chil-
characteristics that predict functioning at the average age of dren with neurologic or significant medical disorders, psy-
41 years. Specifically, we examined predictors of educational chosis, or conduct disorder were excluded. The presence of
attainment, occupational rank, and social, occupational, and an exclusionary pattern of antisocial/aggressive behavior was
global functioning. In addition, we aimed to examine obtained from parent and teacher reports and a compre-
whether associations between early characteristics and out- hensive psychiatric evaluation with the parent and
comes varied over time (ie, whether their strength differed at child.16,17
different developmental points). This was feasible for two Three follow-ups were conducted: at mean age 18.1 
outcomes, occupational and social functioning, because 1.3 (range 16–22; FU18; n ¼ 195 of 207, 94%),16,17 at
these had been systematically assessed at different develop- mean age 25.3  1.4 (range 22–30; FU25; n ¼ 176 of 207,
mental periods. 85%),1,2,18 and in adulthood (mean age 41.4  2.9; range
Our early assessments of the sample generated volu- 30–47; FU41; n ¼ 135 of 207, 65%)3,19 (refer to Klein
minous data. From these, we selected, a priori, character- et al.3 for a chart depicting the study design and sample
istics in childhood and in adolescence as potential attrition). Of the 135 participants at FU41, 126 were
predictors, based on previous studies and clinical judgment. interviewed; informant interviews were obtained for the
We hypothesized that (þ¼ positive relation;  ¼ negative remaining participants. Twenty-two percent of participants
relation) parental socioeconomic status (SES; þ), IQ (þ), met criteria for DSM-IV ADHD at FU41. A matched group
ADHD severity (), conduct disorder/antisocial personality of children without ADHD were recruited at FU18, but
disorder problems (), oppositional defiant disorder be- they are not relevant to the prediction of course in children
haviors (), aggression (), immature behavior (), social with ADHD.
functioning (þ), school dropout (), non-alcohol substance Participants who were assessed did not differ from those
use disorder (), and parental psychopathology () would who were lost to follow-up in any of the childhood char-
be significantly associated with functioning in adulthood acteristics assessed here or age at referral.3 However, par-
(specific functional outcomes are listed in Table 2). We also ticipants assessed at FU41 did score higher on ratings of
conjectured that reading competence (þ) in childhood and severity of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity in
job functioning and self-reports of educational and occu- adolescence than those not assessed and endorsed more
pational goals (þ) in adolescence would enhance a child’s antisocial behaviors than those lost to follow-up, but they
potential for successful adaptation. The importance of goal did not differ in the prevalence of ADHD or any mental
setting for task performance has been established,15 but its disorder.
potential to foster positive functioning in the long run in The study was approved by the institutional review
individuals with deficits in executive functioning skills has board of the New York University Langone Medical Center.
not been explored. We did not advance specific hypotheses Participants and informants provided informed signed
regarding the influence of early predictors on the course of consent.
social and occupational functioning over time (beyond an
overall association) but did explore whether the strength Measures
of the associations with those outcomes was similar Predictors. Predictors were selected stepwise from the large
across time. number of measures obtained in childhood and adolescence.
First, we identified constructs of interest from the literature.
METHOD Second, we examined their frequency distributions and
Participants eliminated those with low variability (eg, abnormal findings
Participants were 207 6- to 12-year-old white boys (mean at clinical neurologic examinations [130 items] were too
age 8.36  1.63 years) of middle and lower-middle class sparse to consider any as potential influences on course) or
referred by schools to a child psychiatric clinic because large missing data (eg, information on parent-child rela-
of behavior problems. Inclusion criteria were history of tionship had large amounts of missing data [>20%]).
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Volume 57 / Number 8 / August 2018

TABLE 2 Predictor Variables in Childhood (at Referral) and in Adolescence (at Follow-Up at 18 Years)

Mean Outcomes for Which

Childhood Predictors Description Scoring or n/N SD or % Median Analyzed
Parental SES Hollingshead and Redlich26 1 [ lower class, 2.81 1.05 3 all
(education and occupation) 5 [ upper class
Full-scale IQ Wechsler Intelligence Scale for standard score 104.17 12.30 104 all
Reading level Wide Range Achievement Test 22 standard score 101.10 17.27 97 GAS, Edu, Occu Rank,
Occu Func, Soc Func
ADHD severity mean of 9 items on CTRS23 0 [ not at all, 2.28 0.44 2.33 all
3 [ very much
Conduct problems mean of 4 items on CTRS and 0 [ not at all, 0.76 0.40 0.71 all
12 items on CPRS 3 [ very much
Oppositional behavior mean of 8 items on CTRS and 0 [ not at all, 1.50 0.52 1.50 all
8 items on CPRS 3 [ very much
Eruptive aggression psychiatrist diagnostic rating: 0 [ absent, 55/113 49% — all
“Unable to control response 1 [ present
towards peers/adults.
Physically aggressive,
impulsive, often reacts to
others before understanding
the meaning or motives of their
words or actions. Gets into
numerous fights. Physically
disruptive particularly in
classroom where he may hit out
at others with little or no
Immature behavior psychiatrist diagnostic rating: 0 [ absent, 36/115 31% — all
“Immature/inadequate 1 [ present
behavior with poorly organized
personality characteristics and
coping techniques”37
Social Factor Score mean of 4 CTRS items 0 [ not at all, 1.99 0.73 2.00 all
3 [ very much
Mean SD or Outcomes for Which
Adolescent Predictors Description Scoring or n/N % Median Analyzed
Dropped out of school dropped out of junior high or 0 [ absent, 37/131 28% — GAS, Occu Rank, Occu
high school, even if later 1 [ present Func, Soc Func
attained GED
Severity of inattention clinician rating, ages 16e18 y 1 [ none/mild, 2.54 1.46 3 all
5 [ extreme
Severity of hyperactivity clinician rating, ages 16e18 y 1 [ none/mild, 2.23 1.44 2 all
5 [ extreme
Severity of impulsivity clinician rating, ages 16e18 y 1 [ none/mild, 2.60 1.52 3 all
5 [ extreme
Number of antisocial 25 discrete antisocial behaviors at behaviors rated 10.51 6.42 11 all
behaviors school, home, and other from 0 [ absent,
parent and adolescent 1 [ present
interviews (range 0e25)
Non-alcohol substance ongoing DSM-III diagnosisa 0 [ absent, 19/131 15% — all
use disorder (n/N [%]) 1 [ present

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Volume 57 / Number 8 / August 2018

TABLE 2 Continued

Mean SD or Outcomes for Which

Adolescent Predictors Description Scoring or n/N % Median Analyzed
Educational goals clinician rating; probe: “How do 1 [ has little/no 2.61 1.04 3 GAS, Edu, Occu Rank,
you see your future?” idea, 4 [ has Occu Func, Soc Func
(educational) definite specific
goals in mind
Work goals clinician rating; probe: “How do 1 [ has little/no 2.83 0.99 3 GAS, Edu, Occu Rank,
you see your future?” (career) idea, 4 [ has Occu Func, Soc Func
definite specific
goals in mind
Global job functioning clinician rating, ages 16e18 y 1 [ poor, 3.19 1.32 3 GAS, Edu, Occu Rank,
6 [ superior Soc Func
Global social clinician rating, during high 1 [ poor, 3.62 1.21 4 GAS, Edu, Occu Rank,
functioning school 6 [ superior Occu Func
Parental alcohol or non- lifetime diagnosisa based on 0 [ absent, 24/114 21% — all
alcohol substance use DIS or SIS 1 [ present
disorder (n/N [%])
Parental antisocial lifetime diagnosisa based on 0 [ absent, 12/114 11% — all
personality disorder DIS or SIS 1 [ present
(n/N [%])

Note: ADHD ¼ attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; CPRS ¼ Conners Parent Rating Scale; CTRS ¼ Conners Teacher Rating Scale; DIS ¼ Diagnostic
Interview Schedule; Edu ¼ educational attainment; GAS ¼ Global Assessment Scale; GED ¼ general equivalency diploma; Occu Func ¼ occupational
functioning; Occu Rank ¼ occupational rank; SES ¼ socioeconomic status; SIS ¼ Spouse Interview Schedule; Soc Func ¼ social functioning.
Probable or definite diagnoses. Definite diagnoses were given when full criteria were met. Probable diagnoses were given when full criteria were not
met, but symptoms caused significant impairment.

Third, 2 experts in ADHD independently selected charac- and 32% of fathers were directly interviewed; informant
teristics they deemed possibly important. Thus, to avoid interviews were obtained on the remaining fathers). Table 2
inflating the risk for type I errors, predictors represent a lists the predictors. We restricted mental disorders as po-
subset of measures obtained in childhood and adolescence. tential predictors only if they were significantly increased in
Childhood Characteristics. These have been detailed in participants than comparisons at FU18 (eg, alcohol sub-
previous publications.20,21 Briefly, based on a clinical eval- stance use disorder was excluded as a predictive variable
uation, psychiatrists rated the child’s behavior. IQ was because it was not more frequent among participants than
assessed with the full Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Chil- controls at FU1816,17). For intercorrelations among pre-
dren22,23 and reading competence was assessed with the dictors, see Table S1, available online.
Wide Range Achievement Test.24 Parents and teachers
completed the Conners Rating Scales.25 Predictors, listed in Outcomes in Adulthood. Trained clinicians who were
Table 2, included parents’ SES, children’s full-scale IQ, blinded to all previous data conducted clinical interviews at
reading level, and severity of ADHD, conduct problems, each follow-up.1-3,16-18
oppositional defiant behavior, eruptive aggression, imma- Overall Function. Clinicians rated participants’ overall
ture behavior, and social functioning. functioning during the past 6 months using the Global
Adolescent Characteristics. At FU18, adolescents and Assessment Scale27 (GAS; intraclass coefficients > 0.90).
their parents were interviewed by trained doctoral-level Educational and Occupational Attainment and Func-
psychologists blinded to group and antecedent data16,17 tion. Educational attainment was defined as years of edu-
with a structured clinical diagnostic interview (modified cation. At each follow-up, participants reported details of
Diagnostic Interview Schedule [DIS])26 expanded to inquire their occupational history and job functioning. Best job ever
about friendships, academic performance, work experience held was rated according to the scale of Hollingshead and
and performance, and future goals. Parental psychopathol- Redlich28 (range 1–8); to ease interpretation of findings,
ogy was assessed through direct or informant interviews using scoring was modified so that high values would reflect
the DIS and the Spouse Interview Schedule (99% of mothers higher occupational level (8 ¼ higher executives to 1 ¼

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Volume 57 / Number 8 / August 2018

unemployed, consistent with other FU41 variables). Clini- not independent. To examine how social and occupational
cians rated participants’ occupational functioning on a functioning varied over time, we fitted an unconditional
6-point scale (1 ¼ poor, 2 ¼ fair, 3 ¼ average, 4 ¼ good, growth model30 with only “time” as a predictor, representing
5 ¼ very good, 6 ¼ superior) based on participants’ re- the timing of assessment. We subsequently entered sub-
sponses to questions about job stability, job problems stantive predictors to test their association with overall level of
(eg, firings, complaints from employer, lateness, or absen- functioning over time. We also tested for interactions be-
teeism), and accolades (eg, promotions, merit-based salary tween predictors and time that indicated whether the strength
increases) and independently of job ranking. of the associations changed with time.
Social Functioning. At each follow-up, participants were We examined occupational functioning at 3 age periods:
asked about friendships and the frequency with which they 18 years to age at FU25, 25 years to age at FU41, and current
socialized, their recent dating history (ie, presence of partner age at FU41. Therefore, we defined times 1, 2, and 3 as the
[s] and relationship length), and their participation in social participants’ midpoint age between 18 years and age at FU25
activities (eg, involvement in groups, sports, travel, prefer- (mean 21.6  0.7), midpoint age between 25 years and FU41
ence for solitary activities). Qualitative responses were coded (mean 33.2  1.4), and age at FU41. Social functioning was
by the clinician into quantitative ratings with well-defined evaluated for the periods “during high school” or “since high
response categories (eg, for friendship history, responses school,” depending on the participant’s age, from 18 years to
were categorized in a 9-point scale, ranging from 1 ¼ at age at FU25 and current age at FU41.
least 3 close friends seen/spoken with regularly and known
for several years to 9 ¼ no close friends or acquaintances). RESULTS
Clinicians used all the information available to make a Sample Description
global assessment of the participants’ degree and quality of Mean and median values of predictors are listed in Table 2.
interpersonal interactions using the same 6-point rating as As expected, childhood ADHD ratings were increased
the one used for occupational functioning. (mean 2.3  0.4, 0–3 scale) and conduct problems were
decreased (0.8  0.4, 0–3 scale).
Data Analyses At FU41, the average GAS score was 63.5  13.6
Linear regressions tested relations between characteristics in (modes 60 and 70), which reflects mild symptoms or some
childhood and in adolescence and functional outcomes at difficulty but relatively good functioning. Mean years of
FU41 (GAS, educational and occupational attainment). To education was 13.3  2.1. The average Hollingshead
build these models, we selected predictors whose univariate occupational rating for best job ever held was 3.9  1.6,
relation with outcome reached p values less than or equal to where 8 ¼ higher executive and 1 ¼ unemployed. Mean
.10 to lessen the probability of type II errors while enforcing occupational functioning was in the “3 ¼ average” to “4 ¼
parsimony. Predictors were entered hierarchically in 2 good” range (3.2  1.2 at 17 years, 2.8  1.0 at mean age
blocks following a developmental sequence: block 1 25 years, 3.3  1.3 at mean age 33 years, and 3.6  1.3 at
included childhood predictors and block 2 included pre- mean age 41 years; modal values 3, 3, 2, and 4, respec-
dictors in adolescence (at FU18). We applied the tively). Average levels of social functioning at FU18, FU25,
Benjamini-Hochberg procedure29 within each step in the and FU41 were 3.6  1.3, 2.9  0.7, and 3.2  1.2,
hierarchical models to account for multiple comparisons. respectively (modes 4, 3, and 3, respectively).
We considered variables for which the association with the
outcome yielded a p value less than .05 but did not retain Predicting Functional Outcomes in Adulthood
significance after adjustment versus those that were poten- Table 3 presents the results for overall function, educational
tially meaningful and warrant future investigation. attainment, and occupational ranking.
Because information on occupational and social func-
Overall Function. Conduct problems in childhood were
tioning was collected systematically at each follow-up, we
associated with worse overall function in adulthood
could estimate the association between each predictor and
(b ¼ 6.53, standard error [SE] 2.91, p ¼ .03). In contrast,
level of functioning at 1 point in time (eg, adulthood) and
high educational goals in adolescence were associated with
change over time. We used participants’ social and occupa-
better functioning (b ¼ 3.20, SE 1.16, p ¼ .007).
tional functioning at each follow-up to fit multilevel models27
that examined the relation between early predictors and tra- Educational Attainment. As expected, higher SES (b ¼
jectories of functioning while taking into account that mul- 0.48, SE 0.20, p < .05), IQ (b ¼ 0.06, SE 0.02, p ¼ .002),
tiple observations were nested within individuals and were and reading achievement (b ¼ 0.03, SE 0.01, p < .05) in

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry www.jaacap.org 577
Volume 57 / Number 8 / August 2018

TABLE 3 Childhood and Adolescent Predictors of Overall Function, Educational Attainment, and Occupational Ranking at
Follow-Up at 41 Years

Overall Functiona
Predictors b SE p B-H critical p Significant? R2
Childhood 0.04
Conduct problems L6.53 2.91 .027 .050 yes
Adolescence (adjusted for above 0.15
childhood predictors)
Dropped out of school L4.28 2.77 .125 .025 —
Number of antisocial behaviors 0.08 0.21 .697 .038 —
Educational goals 3.2 1.16 .007 .013 yes
Global job functioning L0.07 0.95 .937 .050 —
Educational Attainment
Predictors b SE p B-H critical p Significant? R2
Childhood 0.31
SES 0.48 0.20 .019 .025 yes
Full-scale IQ 0.06 0.02 .002 .013 yes
Reading level 0.03 0.01 .019 .038 yes
Conduct problems L0.96 0.48 .049 .050 yes
Adolescence (adjusted for above 0.47
childhood predictors)
Severity of inattention L0.27 0.14 .056 .019 —
Severity of hyperactivity 0.02 0.15 .924 .044 —
Severity of impulsivity 0.10 0.17 .560 .019 —
Number of antisocial behaviors L0.13 0.04 .002 .006 yes
Non-alcohol SUD 0.14 0.58 .814 .031 —
Job functioning L0.024 0.14 .867 .038 —
Parental SUD L0.23 0.47 .628 .025 —
Parental APD L0.03 0.66 .968 .050 —
Occupational Ranking
Predictors b SE p B-H critical p Significant? R2
Childhood 0.23
SES 0.31 0.16 .051 .033 —
Full-scale IQ 0.06 0.01 .001 .017 yes
Reading level L0.01 0.01 .146 .050 —
Adolescence (adjusted for above 0.39
childhood predictors)
Dropped out of school L0.22 0.32 .504 .033 —
Severity of inattention L0.23 0.09 .017 .008 —
Educational goals 0.35 0.15 .018 .017 —
Job functioning 0.07 0.11 .521 .042 —
Social functioning L0.01 0.12 .923 .050 —
Parental SUD L0.65 0.33 .053 .025 —

Note: Predictors with p < .10 in univariate models were entered in the hierarchical model. APD ¼ antisocial personality disorder; B-H ¼ Benjamini-
Hochberg; b ¼ unstandardized regression coefficient; SE ¼ standard error; SES ¼ socioeconomic status, SUD ¼ substance use disorder.
Global Assessment Scale.

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Volume 57 / Number 8 / August 2018

childhood predicted better educational attainment in adult- 0.18, SE 0.06, p ¼ .002). None of the interactions between
hood. Conduct problems in childhood were associated with predictors and time were significant (available upon
lower ultimate educational attainment (b ¼ 0.96, SE 0.48, request).
p < .05). Similarly, antisocial behaviors in adolescence pre-
Social Functioning. Across individuals, level of social
dicted low educational attainment (b ¼ 0.13, SE 0.04,
functioning worsened over time (b ¼ 0.01, SE 0.01, p <
p ¼ .002). No other adolescent characteristic was predictive.
.05). IQ was the only significant childhood predictor of
Occupational Ranking. Higher IQ in childhood was the social functioning (b ¼ 0.01, SE 0.01, p < .05): those with
only significant predictor of occupational ranking in higher IQ were more socially adept than those with lower
adulthood (b ¼ 0.06, SE 0.01, p < .001). IQ (Table 4). Job functioning (b ¼ 0.13, SE 0.05, p ¼
.008) in adolescence was positively related to social func-
Occupational Functioning. Occupational functioning
tioning over time. The relations between predictors and
improved slightly over time (b ¼ 0.01, SE 0.01, p < .05);
occupational functioning did not vary significantly across
further, childhood IQ was associated with a better trajectory
time (available upon request).
(b ¼ 0.01, SE 0.01, p < .01), whereas severity of conduct
problems in childhood was associated with lower occupa-
tional functioning across time (b ¼ 0.40, SE 0.18, DISCUSSION
p < .05; Table 4). Occupational functioning was higher We previously reported that children with ADHD pro-
in those with better social functioning in adolescence (b ¼ spectively followed through adulthood have deficits in

TABLE 4 Childhood and Adolescent Predictors of Occupational and Social Functioning Over Time

Occupational Functioning
Predictors b SE p B-H critical p Significant?
Full-scale IQ 0.01 0.01 .009 .025 yes
Conduct Problems L0.40 0.18 .027 .050 yes
Adolescence (adjusted for above
childhood predictors)
Dropped out of school L0.03 0.17 .855 .050 —
Severity of inattention L0.11 0.05 .046 .017 —
Severity of impulsivity L0.04 0.06 .527 .033 —
Number of antisocial behaviors L0.02 0.02 .208 .028 —
Non-alcohol SUD L0.47 0.22 .031 .011 —
Educational goals 0.13 0.10 .166 .022 —
Work goals 0.04 0.10 .649 .044 —
Social functioning 0.18 0.06 .002 .006 yes
Parental SUD L0.10 0.16 .538 .039 —
Social Functioning
Predictors b SE p B-H critical p Significant?
SES 0.09 0.06 .136 .100 —
Full-scale IQ 0.01 0.01 .015 .050 yes
Adolescence (adjusted for above
childhood predictors)
Dropped out of school L0.18 0.14 .204 .025 —
Severity of inattention L0.05 0.04 .245 .033 —
Number of antisocial behaviors 0.00 0.01 .726 .050 —
Educational goals 0.18 0.08 .027 .017 —
Work goals 0.04 0.08 .621 .042 —
Job functioning 0.13 0.05 .008 .008 yes

Note: b ¼ unstandardized regression coefficient; B-H ¼ Benjamini-Hochberg; SE ¼ standard error; SES ¼ socioeconomic status; SUD ¼ substance use

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Volume 57 / Number 8 / August 2018

multiple domains compared with their non-ADHD peers.3 that childhood ADHD does not interfere with the well-
However, outcomes vary substantially, warranting investi- documented concurrent associations among IQ, reading
gation of their early precursors. This study was designed to ability, and family SES9 or with their ultimate relation with
explain variation in functional outcomes of ADHD in attainment.
children followed through adulthood (at mean age 41), Conduct problems in childhood were associated with
when participants had reached functional independence. A lower levels of overall functioning, lower educational
summary of our findings is presented in Table 5. attainment, and lower occupational functioning. Comorbid
Contrary to expectations, we identified very few factors conduct disorder in childhood has been consistently iden-
that contributed meaningfully to multiple aspects of adult tified as a risk factor for a range of adverse outcomes in
outcome. This finding is congruent with the extant literature children with ADHD.31,32 Our finding in the fifth decade
on the adult outcome of children with ADHD,6,11-13,31,32 of life extends what Roizen13 reported in this cohort: even
which, with the exception of severity of ADHD and mild conduct problems in childhood had significant asso-
comorbid conduct disorder,31,32 has not been able to identify ciations with overall functioning, educational attainment,
many common predictors of later outcome. and social functioning in young adulthood (mean age 25).
Of the different outcomes predicted, childhood IQ This finding is noteworthy because, by design, none of the
emerged as the most meaningful contributor. It was posi- children with ADHD had comorbid conduct disorder.
tively associated with higher educational attainment, occu- Thus, even low levels of conduct problems place children
pational ranking, occupational functioning, and social at risk for maladaptive outcomes later in life. However,
functioning. This relation is striking as we excluded children other prospective studies that did not exclude conduct
with IQs below 85, indicating the contribution of IQ even disorder at recruitment had not identified associations be-
within the average range of intellectual functioning. Evi- tween conduct problems in childhood and adult
dence for the relation between IQ and functional outcomes functioning.6,12
has been less equivocal (although significant associations are To our knowledge, this study is the first study to
not always found) than its influence on other out- examine the relevance of a young person’s future goals.
comes.6,11,13,31,32 For example, in the Multimodal Treat- Adolescents who reported more concrete, positive, educa-
ment Study of Children with ADHD, IQ was predictive of tional goals had relatively better overall function. Its asso-
several aspects of young adult functioning,11 but it was not ciation with social functioning and occupational rank was
found to be a meaningful predictor of persistence of ADHD not robust to adjustment for multiple comparisons; how-
into adulthood.33 It is likely that different characteristics in ever, it shows potential for further examination. Other
childhood are relevant for different aspects of adult features, especially SES and IQ, could have accounted for
outcome. Two other features, parental SES and child the relation between educational goals and overall function.
reading level, that correlated with IQ, also were associated However, the adolescents’ educational goals were not
with higher educational attainment. These results suggest significantly related to IQ, reading level, or parental SES.

TABLE 5 Summary of Results Testing Associations Between Predictors in Childhood and Adolescence and Functional Outcomes
in Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Childhood

Overall Educational Occupational Occupational Social

Significant Predictors Function Attainment Rank Functioning Functioning
Parental SES D
Full-scale IQ D D D D
Reading level D
Conduct problems L L L
Number of antisocial behaviors L
Educational goals D
Global job functioning D
Global social functioning D

Note: Sign (þ or ) indicates whether there was a positive or negative association between the predictor and the outcome. Associations were sig-
nificant after adjusting for false discovery rate for multiple comparisons according to the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure. SES ¼ socioeconomic status.

580 www.jaacap.org Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Volume 57 / Number 8 / August 2018

Should this relation be replicated, factors that influence ADHD, the significance of conduct problems in childhood
adolescents’ vision of their future, an important aspect of for overall function later in life has been established for
development, deserve further study. women.35 Together, these findings underscore the need to
The adequacy of job functioning and social functioning address conduct problems early on, before they escalate. The
during adolescence were related to better adult occupational significant contribution of reading level toward the long-term
and social functioning, respectively. It is not surprising that functional outcome of children with ADHD gives hope that
being socially skillful provides an advantage for the quality providing such children with cognitively stimulating envi-
of occupational adjustment. Because social and occupa- ronments might increase their likelihood of success later in
tional functioning in late adolescence were correlated with life. Our finding that the contribution of characteristics in
educational goals, they could reflect overall positive childhood and adolescence to adult functioning did not vary
adjustment and mutually reinforce the likelihood of over time is encouraging, because it suggests that early in-
positive outcomes. However, these associations, although terventions can have lasting effects.
significant, were not strong (r ¼ 0.27 and 0.28, The findings show promise in the importance of goal
respectively). setting and suggest a rationale for examining people’s atti-
Unexpectedly, the severity of ADHD symptoms in tudes toward their own future. Setting specific challenging
childhood was not associated with any of the outcomes goals motivates action and results in better performance
examined, despite there being support for their relevance than general “do your best” goals.15 Whether goals are self-
for future outcome.6,11,32 Similarly, ADHD symptom directed or assigned by others makes little difference for the
severity in adolescence was not significantly related to outcome, as long as a rationale is provided for the goal.15
adult functioning after adjusting for multiple compari- Deficits in planned goal-directed behavior are character-
sons. This finding is somewhat surprising because others istic of children with ADHD and often hinder a child’s
had found significant associations between early ADHD ability to succeed academically and otherwise. As a result,
symptom severity and later outcome,6,11,12 but even in several behavioral interventions for children with ADHD
such studies, associations were often found with some have focused on developing skills that help children set and
outcomes but not with others. The lack of association monitor goals and simplify assignments into more
with outcome in the present study might be related to the manageable tasks.36 Considering the importance of an in-
long interval between the assessment of ADHD symptoms dividual’s educational attainment for multiple aspects of life,
and outcomes. Hechtman et al.9 found that adult func- supporting adolescents’ formulation of concrete goals for
tioning 16 years after a childhood diagnosis of ADHD their education can have lasting benefits. However, repli-
was significantly worse in those for whom ADHD cation is need and future research should explore mecha-
symptoms persisted. At FU41, 33 years after initial nisms linking educational goal setting and adult functioning
assessment, only 22% of adults with ADHD in childhood in children with ADHD.
met criteria for ADHD.3 Therefore, persistence of ADHD By design, we cannot determine whether findings
symptoms beyond adolescence could be a more mean- generalize to women, individuals from other ethnic or racial
ingful indicator of adult outcome than early ADHD backgrounds, or children with ADHD of the predomi-
symptoms, especially considering the variable course of nantly inattentive type. Some analyses might have been
ADHD into adulthood.32 underpowered and might have prevented detecting signifi-
Our findings have clinical implications and point to areas cant associations. Such is clearly the case for parental psy-
for future research. Difficulties identifying early predictors of chopathology, for which rates were low, and has been
functional outcomes across different domains represent a identified as a significant predictor of a related adverse
challenge for clinicians working with children with ADHD. outcome of childhood ADHD (ADHD persistence).11
However, our finding that conduct problems in children with Some associations were not robust to adjustments for
ADHD (who were free of conduct disorder) could be multiple comparisons, however, they suggest areas for future
indicative of future risk suggests that even mild levels of inquiry. It is appropriate to note that even when single
conduct problems should not be overlooked. A previous predictors were significantly related to outcome, these were
investigation using the same sample found that many chil- mostly weak. At the same time, relatively weak significant
dren developed a conduct or antisocial personality disorder findings could guide developmental theories of childhood
later on, which in turn was related to substance use disorder ADHD, with the caveat that replication is essential.
and criminality.34 Although this study cannot speak to the Notwithstanding these limitations, these findings inform on
significance of predictors for later outcome of girls with a well-defined group of adults with ADHD in childhood

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry www.jaacap.org 581
Volume 57 / Number 8 / August 2018

and have heuristic significance by providing a basis for Eva Petkova, PhD, served as the statistical expert for this research.
complementary studies. The authors acknowledge and appreciate the dedication of the participants
across the decades.
Disclosure: Dr. Ramos-Olazagasti has received support from the NIH, the
Accepted June 11, 2018. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the American Institutes for Research.
Drs. Castellanos, Mannuzza, and Klein also have received support from the
Dr. Ramos-Olazagasti is with Child Trends, Bethesda, MD, and Columbia
University, New York. Drs. Castellanos and Klein are with the New York
University Langone Medical Center, New York. Dr. Castellanos also is with Correspondence to M. Ramos-Olazagasti, PhD, 7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite
the Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, Orangeburg, NY. Dr. 1200W, Bethesda, MD, 20814; e-mail: maramos@childtrends.org
Mannuzza is retired.
0890-8567/$36.00/ª2018 American Academy of Child and Adolescent
This research was supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants MH- Psychiatry
18579 (R.G.K.), T32 MH-w067763 (F.X.C.), and DA-16979 (F.X.C.).

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Volume 57 / Number 8 / August 2018
Volume 57 / Number 8 / August 2018
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

TABLE S1 Intercorrelations of Childhood and Adolescent Predictors (N ¼ 135)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 Parents’ SES
2 Full-scale IQ 0.2*
3 Reading level 0.1 0.5*
4 Severity of ADHD L0.1 L0.2* L0.2*
5 Conduct problems L0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2*
6 Oppositional behaviors L0.2* 0.0 0.1 0.3* 0.7*
7 Eruptive aggression 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3* 0.4*
8 Immature behavior 0.2 L0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 00.3*
9 Social factor score 0.1 0.0 0.0 L0.2* L0.2* L0.2* 0.0 0.0
10 Dropped out of school L0.2* L0.2* L0.2* 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 L0.1 0.1
11 Severity inattention 0.1 0.0 0.0 L0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2*
12 Severity hyperactivity 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2* 0.5*
13 Severity impulsivity 0.0 0.1 0.0 L0.1* 0.1 0.0 0.1 L0.1 0.1 0.2* 0.5* 0.6*
14 Number of antisocial behaviors L0.2* 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.3* 0.2* 0.2* L0.1 0.0 0.4* 0.4* 0.4* 0.6*
15 Non-alcohol substance use disorder L0.1 0.1 0.0 L0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 L0.1 0.1 0.3* 0.2* 0.2* 0.3* 0.5*
16 Educational goals 0.1 0.1 L0.1 L0.1 0.0 L0.1 0.0 L0.1 0.0 L0.1 L0.1 0.0 0.0 L0.2* L0.1
17 Work goals 0.1 0.0 L0.1 L0.2* L0.1 L0.1 L0.1 L0.1 0.1 L0.1 L0.1 0.0 0.0 L0.2* L0.1 0.7*
18 Global job functioning 0.1 0.0 L0.2* L0.1 L0.2* L0.1 L0.2* L0.1 L0.1 L0.2* L0.2* L0.1 L0.2* L0.4* L0.2* 0.3* 0.3*
19 Global social functioning 0.1 0.1 0.0 L0.1 L0.1 0.0 0.0 L0.1 0.0 L0.2* L0.1 0.0 0.0 L0.2* L0.1 0.3* 0.2* 0.4*
20 Parental alcohol or non-alcohol L0.1 L0.2* 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 L0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 L0.1 L0.1 L0.1 L0.1
substance use disorder
21 Parental antisocial personality L0.1 L0.1 0.0 0.1 0.3* 0.2* 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2* 0.3* L0.1 L0.1 L0.1 0.0 0.4*

Note: ADHD ¼ attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; SES ¼ socioeconomic status.

*p < .05.



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