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CooKing Report


The application is called CooKing, it is a mobile application for taking note of dish recipes. It

aims to help people wishing to move from their notebooks where they write down their recipes to

digital ones. Code in React Native, TypeScript, and using Expo.


To ensure that the project is carried out, I have divided the project into several phases:

 first: think of a need that people would need in everyday life

 second: once the need has been clearly identified, have a vague idea of what type

of application

 third: mock up the application

 four: think about its architecture

 five: develop the application

 six: deliver the application

To be more precise, at the beginning I had lots of ideas for apps that I could study them.

Includes a real-time train tracking app, mini-games, and 3D simulation. However, that didn't

really stop me from thinking about these apps. Then one day, I saw a series of Top Chefs on TV,

and we saw chefs flipping through their notebooks and writing down their cooking recipes. I

think it's probably an app rather than a laptop. It could also be interesting for them because

everyone uses their phone more and more these days, so taking notes in a notebook becomes less

and less ecological. Also, there is a bad side to using a laptop i.e. it can be lost somewhere and it

will be terminated if you lose it. While on a mobile app, data is stored most of the time on a

remote server so don't worry about losing revenue now. I also did some data collection. During

my research, most of the important information was obtained from observation of how daily

activities were being conducted. Nevertheless, I also gave out questionnaires.

I. Questionnaires

I populated questionnaires and issued them to get views concerning the existing system.

The following are the findings from the questionnaires:

 The majority of the target population finds the existing system tedious, time-

consuming, and inefficient.

 The existing system needs to be advanced.

 The customers want a system that not only saves them the extra cost but can

perform shopping in their own comfort.

 The existing system due to many customers is time-consuming and hence

automated process should be introduced.

 Many local stores have not yet embraced technology.

II. Observation method

With observation I used all my senses to examine people in natural settings or naturally

occurring situations. The information collected in the research will guide me in implementing the

proposed system.

Second: So I started to think about the main advantages of the application, its interface,

the client experience, server or not, API or not, global architecture, hybrid or native, and after

having clearly identified the problem, I took my whiteboard and added some Looks like a good

idea, I write and I paint.


Third: After writing ideas and drawings on my board, I cleaned everything up on Figma

to get the exact dimensions of the elements on the front of my app. Of course, something is

different on the whiteboard than on my Figma, as many other ideas came to mind throughout the


Four: For the architecture, in the end, I chose to keep it very simple without creating

servers and everything, because that wouldn't be of any interest, at least if we take into account

the initial objective of the app, which was to move users from paper to numbers. So we need to

have more things that look like paper, but also not overdo it. Especially since this is only the

beginning of the application.

Five: From the moment our previous stages were in place, I started to develop suddenly. I

started with the components, i.e. the buttons, the inputs, the labels, and the backgrounds. I

thought it was important to write the code first to be able to do something faithful to what I put

on Figma, but also to facilitate my further development. in the end, functions, models, and useful

data. I identified both functional and non-functional requirements that would be needed to design

the system.

The non-functional requirements include:

 Reliability: The system will perform its intended functions under stated conditions

without failure. Some of its functions are, accepting inputs, generating concise

reports fast as required by a user, and storing records.

 Maintainability: The system will have increased maintainability hence short repair

times. The system will not be complex hence it will be able to achieve this.

 Privacy/Security: The privacy of any particular data will be given serious

consideration while developing the system.

 Safety requirements

 Software standards: Industry standards will be followed so as to come up with a

bug-free and stout system. Coding, Documentation, and final product delivery

will follow the standards in order to enforce the high-quality requirement required

by users.

 Availability: All necessary requirements needed for a system to be available such

as reliability and maintainability will be met fully. Therefore, the system shall be

operational at any given point in time.

 Reusability: The system code can be re-modified to produce another independent


 Performance: The system will have a maximum response time of one second in

all modules.

Functional System Requirements


Functional requirements indicate all the operations and activities that a system must be

able to perform such as such functions of each module in the system. The requirements are

intended to help a developer understand the system.



The user interface design was made on Figma.

The color of choices

- The yellow-orange background was chosen to represent the high temperature of

the dishes.

- The color navbar is green because it represents the organic products that we must

all consume for a healthier and more eco-responsible life.

- The logo consists of a kitchen hat and cooking tools to remind us that we are on a

cooking application and also encourage users to cook.

- The app name CooKing is also in the logo, I chose this name because this name

splits into two words Coo and King, Coo for cooperation when cooking with

someone, and King to say that all the people who started cooking before or after

discovering this application are Kings.

- Otherwise, everything that is a tag, font, icon, and input are buttons that I invented

or borrowed for the occasion of this application in order to make the application

more beautiful and more dynamic to use.

- The images are exclusively chosen in the theme of the kitchen.

Privacy /Security Design

In order to conduct authentication of users, all the users will have passwords that will be

validated before accessing the system. The rest of the password will be done if he or she lost it.

Before storing the data in the database the passwords will be hashed to avoid vulnerabilities.

Various ways that will be used to achieve privacy are:

1. User access will be centralized.

2. Each user will have his/her own username and password.

3. User passwords will be configured using global standards i.e. at least one number

and at least one uppercase alphabet.

4. Different users will have different levels of access to certain parts of the system

following the administrative structure of the management.

Maintainability design

In order to ensure the availability of the system, I will conduct testing and diagnostic on the

system and make sure the item selections from the database will have no redundancy.

Reliability design

The system will perform its intended functions under stated conditions without failure. Some of

its functions are, accepting inputs, generating concise reports fast as required by a user,

and storing records.

Safety design

Users will be given a warning or asked to confirm an operation whenever they input a command

that may lead to critical errors. The system, however, cannot cause any major harm.


The architecture is simple, a frontend, a backend, and a local database.

How to run it

Install Expo (the latest version).

Launch: expo start and scan the QR code with your Expo application.

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