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Quantitative Aptitude Ready Reckoner


Quantitative Aptitude Ready Reckoner BIBS


Chapter 1 PERCENTAGE ..........................................................................................3

Chapter 2 PROFIT AND LOSS ................................................................................13

Chapter 3 RATIO, PROPORTION & VARIATION .............................................21

Chapter 4 AVERAGE, MIXTURE & ALLIGATION ............................................24

Chapter 5 TIME AND WORK ..................................................................................36

Chapter 6 TIME, SPEED AND DISTANCE ..........................................................45

Chapter 7 SIMPLE AND COMPOUND INTEREST .............................................52

BIBS Quantitative Aptitude Ready Reckoner


Percent means ‘for every hundred’. A fraction whose denominator is 100 is called a Percentage while
the numerator of the fraction is rate percent.
 To convert a fraction to an equivalent percent, multiply the fraction with 100.

  To convert a percent to an equivalent fraction, divide the percent by 100.

The best way to solve a majority of percentage problems is to convert percentage to fraction and
approach with basic concepts.
Note: The following are some of the common percentages that appear in your aptitude tests for
various questions.

Calculation on Percentage

Two different types of percentage calculations:

TYPE 1: Calculate ‘A’ is what percentage of ‘B’.

This calculation also include ‘what percentage more or less’.

Example 1: Find 49 is what percentage of 80.
Apply “Numerator Fragmentation” technique.
Find is equivalent to what percentage.
49 40  8  1 40 8 1
Now  =  
80 80 80 80 80

This is easy to find as This is again easy to 12.5%, so 1.25%

half of 80. Hence 50% find as one tenth of 80.
49 Hence 10%
Hence  50% + 10% + 1.25% = 61.25%
Now take another example.

Example 2: Find 648.5 is how much percentage more than 513. First to find percentage, we
648.5  513
need to convert to percentage.
648.5  513 135.5
Apply the same method as mentioned above, 
513 513
Now break numerator to a part for which it is easy to calculate percentage of denominator
AND close to original value.
th of 513 is close to numerator 135.5, which is 25%.
135.5 128 7.5
Hence   first part 128 is very close to actual 1 th value of 513.
513 513 513 4

This is 1/4th of 513. 1% of 513 is 5.13.

Hence 25% 1.5 times of 5.13 is close to 7.5.
Hence 1.5%

So, 648.5 is approximately (25 + 1.5)% = 26.5% more than 513. Without approximation the
actual value is 26.41% more, which is close enough.

TYPE 2: Increase/Decrease in a number by a given percentage.

Example 1: How much is 18% more than 432.

Break 18% as 20% - 2%
10% of 432 = 43.2

So 20% of 432 = 2  43.2 = 86.4

2% of 432 = 8.64
18% of 432 86.4 – 8.64 = 77.76

So 18% more than 432 = 432 + 77.76 = 509.76

BIBS Quantitative Aptitude Ready Reckoner

Example 2: Find 38.5% of 432.

Break 38.5% = 37.5% + 1%
37.5%  3/8, so, of 432 = 162
1% of 432 = 4.32
So, 38.5% = 166.32

Concept: Related to Percentage

Understanding of base:

Let A and B are 40 and 50.

Find (1) A is what percentage less than B
(2) B is what percentage more than A
(3) A is what percentage of B
(4) B is what percentage of A.

For both (1) and (2) difference is 10, i.e numerator is same but denominator of fraction is
base, which is 50 for first and 40 for second.
10 10
So (1) :  20%. A is 20% less than B. (2) :  25%. B is 25% more than A.
50 40
For (3) and (4) Base are different.
40 50 1
(3) :  80%. A is 80% of B. (4) :  1+  125%. B is 125% of A.
50 40 4

Change of base:
Among two numbers A and B, A is x% more than B, then B is how much percentage less than
A. Rather than going by formula, the information of percentage can be converted to lowest
possible integral ratio. Then change of base is easy.

Example 1: A is 11.11% more than B, B is how much percentage less than A?

Soln : 11.11%  .
Now we can answer the question with 3 data – A, B and their difference in least integer
format as below:
A Difference B
10 1 more 9
Choice of 9 for B will give advantage. Now B is less than A. Hence 10%.

Example 2: Suddenly 37.5% price decrease of milk enables a milkman to purchase 18 L

of milk for Rs.900. Find the original price of milk per litre.

Soln. This is again an example of the concept of change of base, price is decreasing by 37.5%
 will enable to purchase more inequality. We use our concept of 3 data, A, B and
difference. Here A is the changed price, B is the original price.
A Difference B
5 3 less 8
A is less than B. Hence B taken as 8, A would be 5.
Now to keep the same spending, the milkman can purchase th more milk, as product
of quantity and price is constant.
So th original quantity = 18 L  original quantity = 30 L. Hence price of per litre
originally, =30. Ans.

Example 3: Comparison among more than two data. B is 27.27% more than A while C is
28.57% more than B,
then C is how much percentage more than A?
Soln. To compare all three together, we will deal with each given information in minimum
integral ratios.
B is 27.27% more than A. 27.27%  . If we imagine A as 11, B will be 3 more, i.e
Similarly C is 28.57% more than B, 28.57  . If we imagine B is 7 then C is 2 more
i.e 9.
Putting together we will get all three of them in a line as shown below:

A More/less than B More/less than C

First information 11 3+ 14
Second information 7 2+ 9
Together 11 14 18
Hence C is 18 then A is 11. So C is 7 more than A. Here base is A. So required
percentage  63.63%
Ans. C is 63.63% more than A.

Understanding of Multiplying Factor (MF)

This understanding of (MF) helps us to find
I) Final value : when initial value and percentage change are given.
II) Percentage change : when final and initial value are given.
In a change of percentage, there are three important data
(1) Initial value (on which percentage change was applied)
(2) Percentage change
(3) Final value

BIBS Quantitative Aptitude Ready Reckoner

Concept: Successive Change in Percentage

If a number A is increased successively by 10% and then 20%, the change in percentage and
the final value can be found out by different METHODS.

# Method 1: Use base or the initial value as 100, then calculate the final value. Net change
from 100 will be the net percentage change.
As refers to given data,
10% 20%
100 110 132

 100 132

Hence 32% is the net percentage change.

# Method 2: Multiplying factor = 1.1 for 10% . Multiplying factor = 1.2 for 20% .
Hence net multiplying factor = 1.1 × 1.2 = 1.32 . So (1.32 – 1) × 100 = 32%

# Method 3: Standard equation method,

Let two percentage are a% and b%. Then net percentage increase = (a + b +
We will consider ‘+a’ for increase and ‘–a’ for decrease.
10 20
Now as refers to given data 10 + 20 + = 32% increase.

# Method 4: Net multiplying factor using fraction method.

10 11 20 6
MF1 for 10% increase = 1 +  . MF2 for 20% increase = 1 +  .
100 10 100 5
11 6 66 16
Hence net MF = MF1 × MF2 =    1 .
10 5 50 50
16 32
Now  , so 32% increase.
50 100

Different methods are applicable for different sets of data, as explained below.

Example 1: Find net increase when a data increases by 17% and decreases by 17%.
Here, Method 1, Method 2 and Method 4 end up with more calculation,
method 3 gives us the shortcut.
17 17
From method 3, + 17 – 17 – = – 2.89%. Hence a net decrease of
Example 2: The price of a commodity successively increases and decreases by 28.57%
and 44.44% respectively. What is the net change of percentage?
Here method 4 is the most suitable to solve faster.
28.57%  2 . Now MF1 = 1 + 2 = 9. 44.44%  4. Now MF2 = 1 - 4 = 5
7 7 7 9 9 9

9 5 5 5 2
Hence net MF = MF1 × MF2 =   . =1– . Hence
7 9 7 7 7
percentage decrease  28.57%.

Concept: Percentage Change when Variables are Related

# PRODUCT: A = B × C
Here three variables are related with the mathematical relation as stated
above. If any two of them change by a given percentage, the change in
percentage for the third one can be calculated.
Two specific cases where this relation is used:
(A) Expenditure = Price × Consumption.
(B) In geometry, area of some shapes are product of two
variables eg,
Area of a rectangle = length × breadth
Area of a circle =  × radius × radius
Area of a triangle = × Base × Height
Let the equation A = B × C
Here B and C are increasing by 10% and 20%, then A will increase by 32%
(This is an example of successive percentage change, already discussed. This
can be solved by four methods)

Example 1: If price and consumption are increase by 10% and 20% respectively, expenditure
increases by how much percentage?
Average already solved 32%.

Example 2: While price of a commodity increases by 10%, the expenditure on it increases

by 32%. Then the consumption on it increases by how much percentage?
A = B × C (A = Expenditure 32%, B = price 10%)
We need to find C increases by how much percentage.
Soln. Let Initial Values of A, B, C are AI, BI, CI
Similarly Final Values of A, B, C are AF, BF, CF
Final Values A B C
Now  F  F F
Initial Values AI BI C I
Final Values
Here, for any variable = = Multiplying factor as stated earlier. So,
Initial Values
32 8 33
A increases by 32% So MFA = 1 +  1 
100 25 25
10 11
B increases by 10% So MFB = 1 + 
100 10
33 11 C F CF 6 1
So,    =  1
25 10 C I CI 5 5
Hence ‘C’ increase by  20%

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Example 3: If radius of a circle increases by 20%, by how much percentage does the area
of the circle increase?
Soln. Area of circle (A) =  × Radius (R) × Radius (R).
Relation is similar to A = B × C.
Any constant like ‘’ is not important in the percentage change.
So it is again a case of successive percentage change.
 20 20 
Using Method 3, Area of the circle increases by  20  20  % = 44%. (Ans)
 100 
Concept: Percentage Change when Variables are Related

# ADDITION: n1A = n2B + n3C

Here n1, n2 and n3 are constants. Their presence is not important in calculation of percentage.

Case 1: Both ‘B’ and ‘C’ increase/decrease by same percentage then A will
increase/decrease by that percentage.

Example 4: Find out by how much percentage does the perimeter of a rectangle increase
when both length and breadth increase by 15%.
Sol. Relation for perimeter (P): P = 2L + 2B, where L = Length, B = Breadth,
When both L and B increase by 15%, P will increase by 15% also.

Example 5: Find out by how much percentage does the diagonal of a rectangle decrease
when both length and breadth decrease by 15%.

Relation for diagonal (D): D = L  B

2 2
As the dimensions of diameter, length, breadth are all same
so it is treated as n1A = n2B + n3C
Hence diagonal also decreases by 15%

Case 2: B and C do not change by the same percentage for above stated relation.
n1A = n2B + n3C

Example 6: For a rectangle, length increases by 20% while its breadth increases by 15%,
its perimeter increases by how much percentage?
Sol. As no relation between length and breadth is given, we can’t find the area change.
This would be in between 15% to 20%.
Also, if length and breadth are equal perimeter increases by 17.5%. as length needs
to be more than breadth, perimeter change is between 20% and 17.5%. Hence it
“cannot be determined”.
If relation between length and breadth is given, we can find out by how much
percentage the perimeter will increase.

Example 7: For a rectangle length is three times of its breadth. If its length increases by
33 % and breadth increases by 50%, by how much percentage will its perimeter

Sol. It is an ideal case where variables are related as below: n1A = n2B × n3C B and C
are changing with different percentage value. Relation between B and C is given,
we will be able to find percentage change for perimeter.
Let its breadth is ‘p’, then its length will be ‘3p’.
Now its perimeter (P): P = 2[Length + Breadth]  P = 2[3p + p]  P =
This is the relation before percentage change.
  1  1   3 
Final perimeter (P): P = 23 p  1    p1    P = 24 p  p  = 2p
  3   2   2 
 11
 
 11 
2 p 
P 11  3 
     1  
2 3
So Hence percentage increase for perimeter  
P 2 p4 8  8 8
37.5% (Ans).


 Ram’s salary is 25% more than Shyam’s. What percent is Shyam’s salary less than
Sol.  100 = 20%
100  25

 The population of a town increases by 10% every year. What will be the population after
3 years if the present population is 10,000?
 10 
 11  11  11 
Sol.Population after 3 years = 100001   = 100000    = 13310.
 100   10  10  10 
If the present population was given as 13310 and you were asked to find the population 3
years ago.
13310 13310
 Population 3 years ago =  = 10,000.
 10 
3   11  11 
1      
 100   10  10  10 

 After 2 successive decreases of 20%, the price of a television was Rs. 12,800. What was
the original price?
12800 12800
Sol.Original price = Rs. 2 = Rs. = Rs.20,000.
 20   4  4 
1     
 100   5  5 

 If the price of petrol increases successively by 20% and 10%, what is the price if the initial
price was Rs. 30 / litre?
 20   10  30  6  11
Sol.Increased price = Rs. 30 1   1  = = Rs. 39.60.
 100  100  5 10

BIBS Quantitative Aptitude Ready Reckoner

 In an examination a candidate who secures 25% of the maximum marks, fails by 60

marks but another who secures 42% of the maximum marks gets 8 marks more than the
marks necessary for passing. Find the maximum marks and the percentage necessary for

Sol. Obviously, 8 – ( – 60) = 68 = (42 – 25)% of the max. marks i.e 17% of the marks = 68.
  Max. Marks = 68 = 400. 25% of 400 = 100, 60 short of pass marks. 42% of
400 = 168, 8 more than pass marks.
  Pass marks=160 and percentage required =  100 = 40 % . Ans. 400, 40%
 Find the difference between 7/4 of Rs. 100 and 7/4 % of Rs. 100.
7 7
Sol. of Rs. 100 = Rs. 175; % of Rs. 100 = 4  Rs.100  7  Rs.100  Rs. 7 = Rs. 1.75
4 4 100 400 4
Difference = 175 – 1.75 = 173.25 Ans. Rs. 173.25

 On account of a reduction in the price of apples by 25%, Narinder is able to buy 21/2 kgs
of apples more for Rs. 120.
i) Find the reduced price per kg of apples. ii) Find the original price per kg of

Sol.(i) Due to reduction in the rate by 25% on apples saving on purchase = Rs. 120 25 = Rs. 30
   Reduced price per kg of apples = Rs. 30 2 = Rs. 12.
(ii) Original price per kg of apples = Rs. 12 (as original price is 25% more) = Rs. 16 or
when the reduced price is Rs. 75, the original price is Rs. 100. When the reduced price
is Rs. 12, the original price = Rs. = Rs. 16 per kg.
 The price of a Fiat Uno costing Rs. 400,000 is 20% less than that of a Bolero. What is the
price of a Bolero?

Sol.Be careful while attempting this problem. The price of a Fiat Uno is given (Rs.
and it is also given as a % of a Bolero (20% less than a Bolero). Let us write the relationship
between the price of a Fiat Uno and a Bolero first. Price of a Fiat Uno = 20% less than the
price of a Bolero = 80-% of the price of a Bolero.
400,000 = 80% of the price of Bolero. Therefore, 100% of the Price of Bolero
=  400000 = 500,000
If the problem had stated that a Bolero costs 20% more than a Fiat Uno, then you would
have to attempt it differently.
In this case the price of a Bolero = 20% more than the price of a Fiat Uno = 120% price of
a Fiat Uno = 120% of 400,000 = 480,000

 Rita loses 12.5% of her money and after spending 70% of the remainder, has Rs 210 left.
How much money did she have at first?

Sol.Rita loses 12.5% of her money; i.e. th   Part of money left with her = 1 –
1 7

8 8
She spends 70% of the remainder.    She is left with 30% of the
30 7 th  210 100 8 
  . of the total = Rs. 210 She had Rs.   with her = Rs. 800.
100 8  7  30 
 The area of a square increases to 4 times its value. Find the increase percent in
Sol.Let the side be ‘x’ units Area = ‘x2’ units Area becomes 4 times Area = ‘4x2’
  New side = 4x 2 = ‘2x’ units i.e. two times the original side.   %
increase = 100%
 The tax on a commodity is diminished by 15% and its consumption increases by 10%.
i) Find the decrease percent in the revenue derived from it
ii) Also, with what percent increase in consumption would the revenue remain the same?
ab 15 10
Sol.By the rule: a + b + a = – 15% , b = 10%   –15 +10 + = – 5 – 1.5 = –
100 100
6.5% 
   The revenue decreases by 6.5%. Again, if the revenue is constant: 0 = –15 + b – or,
b = 17.64%
 In a village 50% are males, 20% of the females are married & 10% of them have children.
Find the percentage of females with no children.
Sol.50% are male,  the remaining 50% are females. 20% of the females are married
& 10% of them have children.
  % of females who have children = 20 × = 2%  98% of females do not have

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Basic Definition

  Cost Price (CP)

Cost price is the buying price or the price incurred to manufacture any product.

  Selling Price (SP)

Selling price is the price at which the product is sold.

 Profit or Gain
When the selling price of any product is higher than its cost price
there is a profit or gain.
This is a difference between selling price (SP) and cost price

  Loss
When the cost price of any product is higher than its selling price there is a loss.
This is a difference between cost price (CP) and selling price (SP).

 Marked Price (MP)

The price printed on the label is called the marked price or list price.

 Discount
Reduction made on purchase is called discount. A discount is generally given on the
Marked Price (MP) of an item in percentage terms.

Please note:

Profit = SP – CP (SP > CP) Loss = CP – SP (CP > SP)

Profit Loss
% Profit =  100 % Loss =  100
100  % Profit 100  % Loss
SP =  CP SP =  CP
100 100
100 100
CP =  SP CP =  SP
100  %Profit 100  %Loss
SP = Marked/List Price – Discount % Discount =  100
Marked Price

In the segment of “Profit & Loss” we normally find two types of businesses.
 Type 1:
Here each item sold without
CP SP bargain.

Eg. When we purchase cigarettes, sweets etc. we buy at the price mentioned.
Here, profit / loss is calculated on difference of SP and CP.

Percentage of profit & loss is absolute profit on ‘CP’. Hence % profit =  100 .
In some cases, it is mentioned % profit on ‘SP’, then that absolute profit on ‘SP’ must
be calculated.
So percentage of profit on SP =  100

Any inter conversion between above two can be calculated as below:

Ex 1: After selling some fruits a retailer found that, percentage profit calculated on sale
price was 16.67%. What was his actual profit percentage calculated on CP?
Sol. Here mentioned profit percentage = 16.67%  1 6 .
Hence 1/6th of his sale price is profit.
For convenience we will consider sale price as ‘6’. So that 1/6th of 6 is easy to calculate
as ‘1’, which is profit. So the cost price is ‘1’ less than ‘6’. It is 5. Can be written as
CP Profit SP
5 1 6
Hence profit percentage on CP is  100 = 20%. Ans
 Type 2: This is a common type of business. Here one step present in between cost
price (CP) and sale price (SP), which is ‘Marked up price’ (MP) is given. The flow
of business is as below,



Profit & loss

One percentage change is from CP to MP, which is calculated on CP. Another
percentage change is from MP to SP, called discount percentage which is calculated on
MP. Finally profit or loss percentage can be calculated with CP and SP data.
To solve problems, put these three data in triplet form as demonstrated in the example

Ex 1: By how much percentage above the cost price should a business man mark his
product to enjoy a profit of 36% even after offering a discount of 15%?
Sol. Here “mark up percentage” = ??
Given (1) Discount percentage = 15%  on marked price (MP).
(2) Profit percentage = 36%  on cost price (CP). Now three variables
in triplet form are as below:

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Our target is to get minimum integral values from the given data, then link both to get
uniform relation among the three.
3 3 less
15%  disc from MP to SP 20 17
36%  profit from CP to SP 25 9 more 34
Normalized value 25 40 34

We get normalized value, as shown. Now 25 40 CP to MP is

So mark up % = 15 100 = 60% Ans.

 Finding CP or SP, Percentage of Profit or Loss:

When profit or loss percentage is given along with any one of CP or SP, we can find the other
by using different methods demonstrated in the PERCENTAGE chapter, as below:
Let, a loss of 8
1 %, then CP - 8
1 % of CP = SP Now 8
1 % 1 .
3 3 3 12

 1  11
As it is loss the multiplying factor 1   So CP × 11 = SP.
 12  12 12

 Relating Percentage and Absolute Values in Profit and Loss:

When percentage data and absolute value are given in a problem, we link all percentages
together, try to generate normalized data for all variables then link with absolute value.
Ex 1: A distributor sold his item to a dealer at a profit of 25%, who in turn sold to a
retailer at 15% profit. If price at retailer is 460, then find price at distributor.
Soln. Three variables distributor, dealer and retailer price taken as triplet, normalize all as

Distributor Dealer Retailer

25% profit 4 5
15% profit 20 23

Normalized data 16 20 23

In the given data 23 stands for 460, which is 20 times.

So distributor data 16 × 20 = 320. Ans

 Finding Profit or Loss: Data in Terms of Goods

Here CP and SP of some number of goods are compared.
Profit percentage can be obtained from ratio of SP and CP, as below:
 SP 
Percentage profit =   1 100
 CP 

Ex 1: A trader enjoys a profit of sale price of 5 items when he sells 25 items. Find
profit percentage.
Soln. We can express the given information as below
25 SP = 25 CP + profit  25 SP = 25 CP + 5 SP  20 SP = 25 CP 
SP 25 5  1 
   1  
CP 20 4  4
Hence profit percentage  1  25% Ans.

 Normalization for Sale Price ‘SP’ and Cost Price ‘CP’ of Different Numbered Items
When number of items for mentioning cost price and sale price, are different, normalize to a
common number, as the example given below.
Ex 1: A shopkeeper purchases, a certain number of erasers at 2 per rupee and same
number of pencils at 5 per rupee. He mixes them together and sells then at 3 per
rupee. What is his approximate profit or loss percentage?
Soln. Here we need to normalize a number of items. For CP two types 2 per rupee and 5 per
rupee, for SP 3 per rupee.
We consider 2 × 5 × 3 = 30 items each for CP. The process will be as below
Eraser: 2 per rupee  30 @ 15 rupees. Pencil: 5 per rupee  30 @ 6 rupees.
So 30 + 30 = 60 items @ (15 + 6) = 21 rupees.
SP: All items: 3 per rupee  60 @ 20 rupees.
Hence, after normalization 60 items CP is 21 rupees. 60 items SP is 20
So loss 21-20 = 1 rupee which cost price 21 rupees.
Percentage of loss  4.75%  5% loss Ans.

 Different Items at Same Sale Price/Cost Price

Finding overall profit or loss percentage of different items when either their cost price (CP) or
sale price (SP) is same.
Ex 1: A man buys a headphone and a bluetooth speaker both at Rs.1150. He sells the
headphone at 25% profit but for the bluetooth speaker incurs a loss of 16%. What
is his overall profit/loss percentage?
Sol. As CP for both is the same, we can simplify the calculation considering both cost
price as 100. Hence conventional arithmetic mean for profit or loss is overall profit or
25%  16% 9
loss. Overall =   % = 4 1 % profit (Ans.)
2 2 2
When similar questions are asked keeping sale price (SP) same, the approach is to find common
SP value for both. The problem can be solved faster as below:

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Ex 2: A trader sold a refrigerator and a motorcycle both at same sale price (SP)
Rs.43,500. He enjoys a profit of 33 % for motorcycle, while incuring a loss of 8
% for refrigerator. Find his overall loss or gain percentage.
Sol. We will represent CP1, SP1 (motorcycle) and CP2, SP2 (refrigerator) in minimum
integral format as shortcut method. Here actual sale price is not important for the
1 1
Motorcycle 33 % = 3 4
3 3
1 1
11 12 Refrigerator 8 % =
3 12
Target to make same SP
33 44 44 48
 
Motorcycle Refrigerator
Hence Total CP = 33 + 48 = 81 Total SP = 44 + 44 = 88 So overall profit
=  8.6% profit. (Ans).


This is a critical segment, where it looks difficult to find profit or loss percentage, as the
business man does not earn profit directly but by dishonest practices. He deceives his client by
faulty weighing scales or faulty balances.

Ex 1: A trader sells 900 gm of rice using a faulty balance which shows 1 kg. Find his
profit percentage due to this faulty balance.
Soln. He charges his customer a price for 1 kg, but he gives only 900 gm.
To understand this problem, let cost price per gm is Rs. 1 and he sells at cost price. His
entire profit comes from the faulty balance. So, his CP = 900 and SP is 1000. Then
profit % =  11.11%

Ex 2: Similarly, this trader uses another faulty balance to purchase from his supplier,
which shows 1 kg instead 1100 gm. What is his profit percentage during the
Soln. Here he receives 1100 gm while paying for 1000 gm. In this case, his profit is 100 gm
for each 1000 gm so 10% profit.

Ex 3: A paper vender uses a faulty balance during purchase of used paper. Showing 1
kg he actually purchases 300 gm extra. He buys it at Rs. 5 per kg and sells it to a
recycling plant at Rs. 8 per kg. What is his overall profit percentage?

Soln. During purchase his profit in weight 300 gm, while he is paying for 1 kg. so his profit
percentage for the faulty balance is  30% . By adjusting price he also enjoys a
profit. This price discrimination gives him a profit = = 60%.
So, his overall profit is due to “faulty balance” and “price discrimination”, which will
 30  60 
use successive percentage change. Hence his net profit =  30  60  % = 108%
 100 

Solved Examples

 A dealer sold a watch for Rs. 425, thereby losing 15%. At what price should he have
sold the watch to earn a profit of 10%?
Sol. SP of the watch = Rs. 425 Loss = 15% CP = S.P. × = Rs. 425
100  Loss%
× = Rs. 500
C.P.  100  gain%
CP of the watch = Rs. 500 Gain = 10% SP = = Rs.
500 100
= Rs. 550.

 If a seller wishes to make a profit of 10% after providing for a wastage of 10%, by how
much should he mark his goods up?
Sol. A seller wishes to make 10% profit on his overall cost price. It would have been a straight
problem but for the catch about wastage. In this specific case, it essentially means that he has
lesser goods to sell than the number he had bought.
Let us assume that he buys 100 items @ Re. 1 per item. Therefore, his total cost = Rs. 100.
10% of the items he had bought end up as wastage = 10% of 100 items = 10 items.
Therefore, he has only 100 – 10 = 90 items to sell. He wishes to make a 10% profit on his
cost of Rs. 100 = Rs. 10 profit.
Therefore, his selling price = Cost Price + Profit = Rs. 100 + Rs. 10 = Rs. 110.
He has only 90 items to sell at Rs. 110. Therefore, the price per item = = Rs. 12/9 = Rs.
So he has to mark his goods up by Re 0.22 per item or Rs. 2/9% mark up =  100 =
Cost Price
 100 = 22.22%.

 A man buys a certain number of ‘jamuns’ at 20 for a rupee and an equal number at 25
for a rupee. He mixes them together and sells them at 21 for a rupee. What is the gain or
loss %?
Sol. 25 × 21 × 20 = 10500 [assume a number which is the LCM of the 3 quantities]
Suppose he buys 10500 of each variety
10500 10500
Cost of dearer ones = = Rs. 525 Cost of cheaper ones = = Rs. 420
20 25

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S.P. of the mixed fruit = = Rs. 1000 Gain = Rs. (1000 – 525 – 420) =
Rs. 55
55 155 155
Gain % =  100 =5 or Gain = 5 %.
945 189 189

 Gaurav bought two canisters for Rs. 100 each and sold them. On one he gained 20%.
On the other he lost one-fifth of the selling price. Find the loss or gain on his total outlay.
500 6
Sol. C.P. of each = Rs. 100 S.P. of one = Rs. 120 S.P. of other = Rs. , as of S.P.
6 5
= C.P. = Rs. 100
 500  1220 610  610  10
S.P. of two = Rs. 120   = Rs. = Rs. Gain = Rs.   200 = Rs. ; Gain %
 6  6 3  3  3
10 100 5 5
=   ; Gain = %
3 200 3 3

 The cost price of an article is Rs. 50. At what price should a shopkeeper mark this article
so as to earn a profit of 26% after allowing a discount of 10% on the marked price?
126 126 100
Sol. After discount the S.P. should be 50 .   Marked price should be 50   = Rs. 70.
100 100 90
 Find a single discount equivalent to a series of discounts at 20%, 10% and 25%.
Sol. Let M.P. = 100  S.P. =  Discount = 100 – 54 = 46%

 Jay and Viru purchased 100 bombs to fight Gabbar Singh. But they managed to arrest
Gabbar without using any bombs. So they sold 40 bombs at 20% profit, 35 bombs at
30% profit and 25 bombs at 40% profit. Had they sold all the bombs at 35% profit they
would have gotten Rs. 650 more. Find the CP of one bomb?
Sol. Let CP of one bomb = x CP of 100 = 100x
SP in first case = 40  1.2x + 35 × 1.30x + 25 × 1.4x = 128.5x SP in second case
= 100x × 135 = 135x
So, extra profit = 135x – 128.5x = 6.5 But 6.5x = 650 or, x = 100

 Durga purchased a scooter for Rs. 5200, spent Rs. 800 on repairs and sold it for Rs.
5500. Find the loss or gain percent.
Sol. Total cost to Durga = Rs. (5200 + 800) = Rs. 6000   Loss = Rs. (6000 – 5500) = Rs.
500  
500 1
  Loss % =  100 = 8 %.
6000 3

 A man bought 76 cows each at the same price and sold 20 at a profit of 15%, 40 at a
profit of 19% and the rest at 25% profit making a total profit of Rs. 26,280. What was
the cost of each cow?

Sol. Let the cost of each cow be Rs. ‘x’
 15   19   25 
Total profit =   20x     40x     16x  or, 3x + 7.60x + 4x = 26280 or, x =
 100   100   100 
= Rs. 1800
 Sudipa sold a watch at 20% profit. Had she bought it for 10% less and sold it at Rs 30
less, she would still have gained 20%. Find the cost price of the watch.
Sol. Let the C.P. be Rs. x S.P. = Rs. 6x/5
Had she bought it for 10% less  C.P. = Rs. 9x/10
 6x  S .P.
New S.P. = Rs.   30 Profit % remains the same   100 = 120 or
 5  C.P.
 30
5  100 = 120,

6 x  150  10 100 = 120 or, 30x – 750 = 27x or, x = Rs. 250
5 9x

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A ratio of two quantities of the same kind is a fraction that one quantity is of the other.
Specifically, one number is a multiple of the other, a part of it, or parts of it.

  The ratio of two terms ‘a’ and ‘b’ is denoted by a : b (Read as ‘a is to b’) and can be measured
by or a  b.

  In the ratio a : b, a and b are called the terms of the ratio.

  In the ratio a : b, ‘a’ is called the ‘antecedent’ and ‘b’ is called the

 Properties of a Ratio
  The ratio is only a number, i.e., without any unit of measurement, as it denotes how many
times a given quantity is in comparison to another.

  The ratio stays unaltered when the antecedent and the consequent are multiplied or divided
by the same number.
a ak
e.g. a : b =   k
b bk b

 Types of Ratios
  Compound Ratio
If we combine two different ratios of the same units into one, then we would call it a
compound ratio.
e.g. If a : b and c : d are 2 ratios, the compound ratio will be ac : bd.

  Inverse Ratio
1 1
For any ratio a : b, its inverse ratio is defined as : or b : a and for any ratio a : b : c, its
a b
1 1 1
inverse ratio is defined as : : or bc : ca : ab. This is also called a reciprocal ratio.
a b c

  Equivalent Ratio
If we multiply or divide both the antecedent and consequent of the ratio by the same number,
we will get the equivalent ratio.
e.g. Equivalent ratios of a : b are 2a : 2b, 3a : 3b, 6a : 6b etc.

 Comparison of Ratios
To find out which of the two given ratios a : b and c : d is greater or smaller we compare ad and
bc where b and d are greater than zero.

a c a c
  If ad > bc, then greater than i.e.  .  If ad < bc, then a less than c
b d b d b d
a c

i.e. b d .

  If ad = bc, then a equals c i.e. a

c .
b d b d


 The passengers travelling in the First Class and the Second Class of a train are in the
ratio 2 : 7 and the rate of each class is in the ratio 5 : 3. Find the ratio of income from
the First Class and the Second Class of the train.
2 5 2  5 10
Sol. Ratio of passengers = Ratio of rate = Ratio of income =  .
7 3 7  3 21

 What is the duplicate ratio of 4 : 5?

Sol. Duplicate ratio of 4 : 5 is 16 : 25.
 What is the triplicate ratio of 3 : 5?
Sol. Triplicate ratio of 3 : 5 is 27 : 125.
 What is the sub-duplicate ratio of 16 : 25?
Sol. Sub-duplicate ratio of 16 : 25 is 16 : 25, i.e. 4 : 5.
 Find the sub-triplicate ratio of 27 : 64.
Sol. Sub-triplicate ratio of 27 : 64 is 27 : 3 64 , i.e. 3 : 4.

 Working 7 hr per day 25 carpenters can complete 35 computer tables in 48 days. Find
number of days required for 36 carpenters to complete 90 computer tables working 6
hour per day.
Sol. This is a problem of ‘Time and Work’ for ‘same efficiency’ carpenters. Here four different
parameters: Number of Persons, Work, hours per day and Number of days are given. Ratio in
each parameter affects the others. We can represent the data in the following format:
Person Work Hour Day
Case 1: 25 35 7 48
Case 2: 36 90 6 ??
If person, work, hour data remain same in case 2 with case 1 i.e. 25, 35, 7 respectively, then
number of days should be 48. But due to alteration of each parameters, the “number of days”
needs to vary.
I) When number of persons increases from 25 to 36, days must decrease. Hence “ 48 ”
days are required for variation of person.
II) Similarly for work to increase from 35 to 90 more days are required. So 48

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25 90 7
Taking all three, Number of days = 48    = 100 (Ans.)
36 35 6

 Two battalions number 8000 and 12000 men. Before they go to war 1000 men on each
side die of starvation. Which battalion is in a better position than before?
Sol. Batallion 1 Batallion 2
Old 8000 12000
At War 7000 11000
Batallion 1 : Old strength : New strength = 8 : 7 = 96 : 84
Batallion 2 : Old strength : New strength = 12 : 11 = 96 : 88 [Making
old strengths equal]
Therefore the decrease is in favour of the second batallion.

 The prime cost of an article is 4 times the cost of raw material. The Wages and the Raw
Material are in the ratio 1 : 3. Find the new prime cost for the article if wages increase
in the ratio 4 : 7 and the cost of raw materials goes down in the ratio 10 : 7, if the
original prime cost is Rs. 20. Given : Prime Cost = Direct Wages + Cost of Raw
Sol. 20 = x + 3x or, x = Rs. 5;  3x = Rs. 15.00 New Wages = 5  = 8.75
New Cost of Materials = 15  = 10.50 New Prime Cost = 8.75 + 10.5 = 19.25
 Two partners invested Rs. 1250 and Rs. 850 in business. 60% of the profit is divided
equally whereas the rest is accounted by interest on capital. If one receives Rs. 320
more than the other, find the total profit.

Sol. Let the total profit be 100x; each gets 30x. Remaining 40x is divided to the extent of each
person’s capital contribution.
1250 25  25   17 
40x × = 40x × 40x   – 40x   = 320 i.e. x = 42.
1250 850 42  42   42 
Total profit = 100  42 = Rs. 4200.


The average or mean of a set of numbers is that which represents the central value of the whole
set of numbers.
Ex: Find average of the following values. 413, 439, 425, 410, 423
Sol. (413 + 439 + 425 + 410 + 423)/5 = 422

Concepts of Averages
Addition/removal of new number which is more/less than average.
When a new number added with more than average value, the extra value are distributed among all
members and average increases accordingly.

Ex: The average of five numbers is 54. Find the new average if 66 is added to it.
Sol. New number 66 is 66 – 54 = 12 more than average, which will be distributed among existing
five and new one.
So increase of average = 2. New average 54 + 2 = 56.
5 1
Case 2 If a number is taken out with more than average value, average of the balance numbers come
down by the difference of the number and average divided by data finally present, and vis-à-vis.

Ex: The average of eight numbers is 72. What is the new average if one number, 86, is taken
Sol. Difference = 86 – 72 = 14. Hence reduction of average = 2 New average 72 – 2
= 70.

 Radhika purchased 2 dozen bananas of one variety at Rs. 6 per dozen, 4 dozen bananas
of another variety at Rs. 7 per dozen and one dozen bananas of a third variety at Rs. 9
per dozen. Find the average cost per dozen of the bananas purchased by Radhika.
a) Rs. 7 b) Rs. 9 c) Rs. 5 d) Rs. 7.50 e) Rs.
Sol. 2 dozen of the 1st variety cost Rs. (2 × 6) = Rs. 12 4 dozen of the 2nd variety cost Rs. (4 ×
7) = Rs. 28
1 dozen of the 3rd variety costs Rs. (1 × 9) = Rs. 9 Radhika spent 12 + 28 + 9 = Rs. 49 in
total for 7 dozen bananas.
 Average cost per dozen of bananas = = Rs. 7. Hence, option (a).
 The average of 30 integers is 5. Among these 30 integers, there are exactly 20 which do
not exceed 5. What is the highest possible value of the average of these 20 integers?
a) 4 b) 4.5 c) 5 d) 3.5
[CAT 2019]

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Sol. Exactly 20 which do not exceed 5. Hence rest 10 integers are definitely more than 5. These
10 integers as high, the averages of that 20 integers will be lower. To maximize the average
of that 20 integers, we need to keep average of 10 integers lowest = 6, their sum 6 × 10 = 60.
Sum of 1st 20 integers (6 – 5) = 1 × 10 less than average of 5.
So the maximum average of these 20 integers = 5 - 10 = 4.5. Hence, option (b).
 Find the harmonic mean of 2, 4 and 8.
a) 3.42 b) 3.84 c) 3.16 d) 2.75 e) 3.08
n 3 3 3
Sol. Harmonic mean (H) = = = = = 3.42. Hence,
1 1 1 1 1 1
 
.05  .25  .125 0.875
  ...... 
a1 a2 an 2 4 8
option (a).
 Rahul, a young boy in a small village, wished to go to his uncle’s house which was 10
km away from his own. He used his bicycle to cover the route. Rahul covered the first
5 km at an average speed of 10 km/hr, then another 3 km at an average speed of 8 km/hr
and finally the last 2 km at an average speed of 5 km/hr. Calculate the average speed of
Rahul during the journey.
a) 7.16 km/hr b) 7.84 km/hr c) 6.64 km/hr d) 6.5 km/hr e) 8.24
Sol. We have to find the weighted harmonic mean which is the average speed.
53 2 10 10 10 400
The weighted Harmonic Mean = = = = = = 7.84 km/hr.
5 3 2 1 3 2 20  15  16 51 51
   
10 8 5 2 8 5 40 40
Hence, option (b).

 A car covers two parts of a journey at 60 kmph (V1) & 40 kmph (V2). Find its average
speed if
i) the distance covered in both parts is the same. ii) the time taken to cover both
parts is the same.
2 2  40  60  
Sol. (i) Use H.M. : Average speed = = = 48 kmph. V  2V1V2 

1 100  V1  V2
40 60
 V1  V2 
(ii) Use A.M. : Average speed = 60 40
= 50 kmph V 
2  2 

 The average of 10 numbers is 48. It was later found that two numbers had been wrongly
counted. 36 was taken as 54 and 46 was taken as 32. Find the correct average.
36  46  54  32 4
Sol. Correct Average = 48  = 48 = 48.40.
10 10

 The average of a group of 7 increases by 2 when 72 is replaced by another number. Find

the value of the number being included.
Sol. Value of the number = 72 + (2 × 7) = 86.

 The average of 11 results is 60. If the average of the first six results is 58 and that of the
last six is 63, find the sixth result.

Sol. Let the result be a1, a2, a3, a4 ……… a10, a11
Now a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6 = 6  58…..................(i)
a6 + a7 + a8 + a9 + a10 + a11 = 6  63 ….....................(ii)
& a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 ……… a10 + a11 = 11  60 ......…(iii)
Both the equations (i) & (ii) above include a6. If we add the two sets, we would be adding a6
twice and the rest of the numbers once. Hence the sum of the two sets would exceed the overall
sum by a number equal to a6.
The sixth result is (i) + (ii) – (iii) = (6 × 58 + 6 × 63 – 11 × 60) = 66. ( the sixth result
was included twice)

 The average marks of 3 batches of students containing 40, 50 and 60 students

respectively are 50, 60 and 70. Find the average marks of all 150 students.
x1.w1  x2 .w2  x3 .w3
Sol. Using the formula of weighted mean we get Average =
w1  w2  w3
Here, w1 = 40, w2 = 50, w3 = 60, x1 = 50, x2 = 60, x3 = 70
50 40  60 50  70 60
 Average = = 61.33.
40  50  60

 The average age of a class was 15 years. When 5 boys, whose average age was 12 years
6 months were admitted, the class average was reduced by 6 months. How many boys
were there initially?

Sol. Let the number of boys in the class be n. Using Rule 1, given previously, we get
15n + (12.5  5) = 14.5(n + 5)  0.5n = 10  n = 20. Hence, there were 20 boys.

 The average of 8 results is 25; that of the first two is 20 and of the next 3 is 26. The sixth
result is less than the seventh by 4 and less than the eighth by 6. Find the last result.
Sol. Let the sixth result be x Hence, 2(20) + 3(26) + x + (x + 4) + (x + 6) = 200 => x = 24
Hence, the last result is x + 6 = 30.

 The average weight of 10 oarsmen in a boat is increased by 1.8 kgs when one of the
crew, who weighs 53 kgs, is replaced by a new man. Find the weight of the new man.
Sol. Using Rule 4, given previously, we get, Total weight increase = (1.8  10) = 18 kg.
  Weight of the new man = (53 + 18) = 71 kg.

 Nine people went to a restaurant. Eight of them spent Rs. 12 each on their meals and
the ninth spent `8 more than the average expenditure of all the nine. What was the total
money spent by them?
x  x
Sol. Let the total expenditure be x.  8 × 12 +   8  = x or x  = 104 => x = 117. Hence, the
 9  9
total money spent is Rs.117.

 The average age of 24 boys and the teacher is 15 years. When the teacher’s age is
excluded, the average decreases by 1. What is the age of the teacher?

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Sol. Total age of initial group = (25 × 15) years = 375 years. Total age of final group (excluding
the teacher) = 24 × 14 = 336 years.
  Age of the teacher = (375 – 336) years = 39 years.

 Three years ago the average age of a family of 5 members was 17 years. A baby having
been born, the average age of the family is the same today. What is the present age of
the baby?
Sol. Total age of 5 members, 3 years ago = (17  5) = 85 years. Total age of 5
members now = 85 + (3  5) = 100 years
Total age of 6 members now = 17 6 = 102 years. Hence, the age of the baby is 2 years.

 Find the arithmetic average of 15, 25, 38, 42, 43, 51, 74, 91, 97, 103.
Sol. Let us fix an arbitrary average at 45.
   15 – 45 = – 30 25 – 45 = – 20
38 – 45 = –7 42 – 45 = –3
43 – 45 = –2 51 – 45 = 6
74 – 45 = 29 91 – 45 = 46
97 – 45 = 52 103 – 45 = 58
Adding, – 62 + 191 = 129 . Number of terms = 10.  129  10 = 12.9  Average =
45 + 12.9 = 57.9
Though not always, this method sometimes proves to be economical, especially when the
terms are closer together and you get smaller differences to add up.

 The average of 11 results is 30; that of the 1st five is 25 & that of the last five is 28. Find
the value of the 6th number.
Sol. Average of 11 results = 30   Total of 11 results = 11 × 30 = 330. Total of the first 5 =
5 × 25 = 125
Total of the last 5 = 5 × 28 = 140  Value of the sixth number = 330 – (140 + 125) = 330 –
265 = 65.

 A batsman in his 17th innings makes a score of 85 & thereby increases his average by
3. What is his average after 17 innings?
Sol. Let his average score in 16 innings be ‘x’  Total runs scored in 16 innings = 16x 
16x  85
Total runs after 17 innings = 16x + 85  Average = This average is 3 more than
16x  85
the earlier average  =x+3 or, 16x + 85 = 17x + 51
or, x = 34 .  Average after 17 innings = 34 + 3 = 37.

 A man spends `1800 per month on an average for the first four months and `2000 per
month for the next 8 months. He saves `5,600 a year. Find his average monthly income.

Sol. Total expenditure = Rs. [(1800 × 4) + (2000 × 8)] = Rs. [7200 + 16000] = Rs. 23,200.
Savings = Rs. 5600
 Total income = Rs. (23200 + 5600) = Rs. 28,800  Income per month = Rs. (28800 ÷ 12)
= Rs. 2400.

The mixing of two or more quantities of different things produces a mixture. When two items of
various qualities and prices are mixed, the quality and price of the resultant mixture lies between
the qualities and prices of the original constituent items.
There are two types of mixtures:

  Simple Mixture :
When two different ingredients are mixed together, it is known as a simple mixture.

  Compound Mixture :
When two or more simple mixtures are mixed together, it is known as a compound mixture.

 Alligation
 Alligation Rule :
The alligation rule states that “When different quantities of the same or different
ingredients, of different costs (one cheaper and the other dearer) are mixed together to
produce a mixture of a mean cost, the ratio of their quantities is inversely proportional to
the difference in their cost from the mean cost.”
Quantity of cheaper va riety Price of dearer quanlity – Price of mixture
  
Quantity of dearer var iety Price of mixture – Price of cheaper quality

 Basic Types of questions :

(i) To find the mean value of a mixture when the prices of two or more ingredients, which
are mixed together and the propotion in which they are mixed are given. Here the
weighted average finding is important.
(ii) To find the proportion in which the ingredients at given prices must be mixed to
produce a mixture at a given price. Here alligation (criss-cross) method is applied.
  Working Chart :
Alligation rules can be represented according to the following chart:

Price of Cheaper Price of dearer

quality per quality per
unit unit

Price of mixture
quality per

(Price of dearer (Price of mixture

(A) quality  price price  cheaper (B)
of mixture) quality)

A : B is Quantity Ratio of cheaper quality and dearer quality.

Ex : Two different qualities of wheat are mixed in some ratio. The price of one
quality is

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Rs 17.5 per kg. In what ratio have the wheat of two qualities been mixed if
the price of the mixture is Rs 19.5 per kg?
Type 1 Type 2
17.5 23.5


4 2
So, the ratio of quality of wheat of two types = 4 : 2 = 2 : 1

  When more than two ingredients are mixed :

When a mixture of 3 ingredients A, B and C is given, take any two ingredients such that
the cost of the mixture is between the costs of the two chosen ones and find the ratio. Once
again, take any other pair of ingredients and find their ratio. Then find the combined ratio.
This will give an infinite number of solutions.

Ex. : In what ratio must a person mix three kinds of wheat that cost Rs. 1.20, Rs.
1.44 and Rs. 1.74 per kg, so that the mixture may be worth Rs. 1.41 per kg?
1st wheat 2nd wheat 3rd wheat
120 144 174

Following the rule, we have,

1st wheat 2nd wheat 1st wheat 3nd wheat

120 144 120 174

Mean Price Mean Price

141 141

144 – 141 = 3 141 – 120 = 21 174 – 141 = 33 141 – 120 =


1st wheat : 2nd wheat = 3 : 21 1st wheat : 3rd wheat = 33 : 21

Adding the ratios = 36 : 21 : 21 or, 12 : 7 : 7

Note: This ratio is one among lots of other possible ratios.

  Mixing two mixtures :

When we are missing two mixtures in a certain ratio, they create a new mixture.
Apply alligation method, considering strength of one ingredient.

  Repetitive Mixing :
A vessel contains x litres of spirit. y litres of spirit is taken out of the vessel and is replaced
by some quantity of water. Again y litres of the mixture is taken out and is replaced by the
same quantity of water. This process is repeated n times. At the end of n operations :
Spirit left in the container  Total spirit – Quantity drawn each time 
 
Original quantity of the spirit  Total mixture 

Ex: A container has a capacity of 80 litres and is full of milk. 5 litres of milk is
taken out of it and the container is filled with water. This process is repeated
4 times. How much milk is left in the container?

4 4
Milk left in thecontainer  80  5   75 
Sol.    
80  80   80 
 75  80 15  15  15  75
Milk left in the container =     = 61.8 litres (approx.)
 80  1 16  16  16


 A merchant mixes 3 kgs of tea costing Rs. 50 per kg and 5 kgs of another variety costing
Rs. 34 per kg. At what price per kg should he sell the mixture so as to make a profit of
10% on the cost price?

Sol. C1 = Rs. 50/kg x1 = 3 kg; C2 = Rs. 34/kg x2 = 5 kg

C x  C 2 x 2 150  170 320
  C1  1 1    40
x1  x 2 8 8
  To make a profit of 10% on the cost price he should sell at Rs. 44/kg.

 Vessel ‘A’ contains milk and water in the ratio 4 : 5 and vessel ‘B’ contains the same
in the ratio 5 : 1. In what proportion should the quantities be taken from A & B to form
a mixture in which milk and water are in the ratio of 5 : 4?
Sol. Let the quantity taken from 1st mixture = x Let the quantity taken from 2nd
mixture = y
4 5
x   y  
  6  5 x 5
  9
or 16x 20 y 25x 5 y
   or 15 y 9 x
    Required ratio = 5 : 2
5 1 4 9 6 9 6 6 9 y 2
x   y  
9 6

 A mixture of 40 lts of milk & water contains 10% water. How much water must be
added to make 20% in the new mixture?

Sol. Content of water Content of pure

in milk (10%) water (100%)

Final content of water in milk

100 – 20 = 80 20 – 10 = 10
   Amoiuntof milk 
80 8 
  Amount of water added = 1  40 litres = 5 litres
Amount of water 10 1 8

BIBS Quantitative Aptitude Ready Reckoner

 In what ratio should silver at Rs. 5 per gram be mixed with silver at Rs. 4.75 per gram
to obtain a mixed variety of silver worth Rs. 4.92 per gram?
Sol. Price of cheaper silver Price of dearer silver
per gram (Rs. 4.75) per gram (Rs. 5.00)

Price per gram of the

mixed variety (Rs. 4.92)

Rs. 5.00 – Rs. 4.92 Rs. 4.92 – Rs. 4.75

= Rs. 0.08 = Rs. 0.17
Quantityof cheaper silver 0.08 8
  
Quantityof dearer silver 0.17 17

 In what ratio must water be added to milk to gain 12 ½% by selling the diluted milk at
the cost price?
Sol. Let the S.P. per litre of diluted milk be Rs. 10 [= C.P. per litre of pure milk]
Gain 12 ½ % i.e. if CP = Rs. 100, then S.P. = Rs. (100 + 12 ½ )   If S.P. is Rs. 10,
then C.P. of the diluted milk per litre
= Rs. 10 × 100 = Rs. 10 × 100 2 = Rs. 80
 1 225 9
100  12 
 2
C.P per litre of C.P. per litre of
water (Rs. 0) pure milk (Rs. 10)

C.P. per litre of diluted milk

 80 
Rs.  

Rs. 10 – Rs. 80 = Rs. 10 Rs. 80 – Rs. 0 = Rs. 80 

9 9 9 9
Quantityof water 10 80
 :
Quantityof pure milk 9 9
Quantityof water 1
or,  OR, you may use the formula. In this problem
Quantityof pure milk 8
Quantityof water 1
 2 
Quantityof pure milk 100 8
Provided, S.P. of mixture = C.P. of ingredient

 How many kilograms of sugar worth Rs. 6.50 per kg must be mixed with 80 kg of sugar
worth Rs. 8.00 per kg so that the mixture is worth Rs. 7.50 per kg?
Sol. Worth of cheaper Worth of dearer sugar
sugar per kg (Rs. 6.50) per kg (Rs. 8.00)

Average rate per kg

(Rs. 7.50)

Rs. 8.00 – Rs. 7.50 Rs. 7.50 – Rs. 6.50

= Re. 0.50 = Re. 1.00
Quantity of cheaper sugar : quantity of dearer sugar = 0.50 : 1  
Quantityof cheaper sugar .50 1
 
Quantityof dearer sugar 1 2
or, Quantity of cheaper sugar = = 40 kg.
Thus 40 kg of sugar worth Rs. 6.50 per kg must be mixed with 80 kg of sugar worth Rs. 8.00
per kg to have a mixture worth Rs. 7.50 per kg.

 A sum of Rs. 39 was divided among 45 boys & girls. Each girl gets 50 paise, whereas a
boy gets one rupee. Find the number of boys & girls.
Sol. Girl’s share = 50p. Boy’s share = 100 p.

Average share = 3900

40 110
3 3
No.of Girls
   3
 No. of girls = 4
 45 = 12  No. of boys = 11
 45
No.of Boys 4 4  11 4  11

= 33.

 An alloy of two metals weighing 18 gms is worth Rs. 87 but if their composition weights
be interchanged, it would be worth Rs. 78.60. If the price of one metal is Rs. 6.70 per
gm., find the weight of the other metal in the mixture.
Sol. If one alloy is mixed with another alloy with the quantities of metals interchanged then the
mixture of the two alloys would contain 18 gm of the first metal and 18 gm of the second
metal and the price of the mixture would be Rs. (87 + 78.60) or Rs. 165.60.
  Cost of (18 gm of 1st metal + 18 gm of 2nd metal) = Rs. 165.6
So, cost of (1 gm of 1st metal + 1 gm of 2nd metal) = Rs. 165.60 = Rs. 9.20
  Cost of 1 gm of 2nd metal = Rs. (9.20 – 6.70) = Rs. 2.50 Now, mean price of
 87   29 
alloy = Rs.   per gm = Rs.  
 18   6
C.P. of 1 gm of 1st C.P. of 1 gm of 2nd
Metal (Rs. 6.70) metal (Rs. 2.50)
Mean Price (Rs. 29 )

29 25  14  29  56 
   6710   
6 10  6  6  30 
Quantityof 1st metal 14 56
 : =5:4
Quantiyof 2nd metal 6 30
4 
 By alligation rule : In 18 gm of mix., the 2nd metal =  18 gm = 8 gm.
9 

 A butler stole wine from a butt of sherry which contained 32% spirit and then replaced
what he stole by wine containing 18% spirit. The butt was then of 24% strength only.
How much of the butt did he steal?
Sol. Spirit content in Spirit content in
1st type wine (32%) 2nd type wine (18%)

BIBS Quantitative Aptitude Ready Reckoner

Final spirit content


24 – 18 = 6 32 – 24 = 8
Quantityof 32% spirit 6 3
      Quantity stolen = Quantity of 18% spirit replaced =
Quantityof 18% spirit 8 4
4 4 of the butt.

3 4 7

 In a farm there are goats and ducks. If you count the heads, there are 15; if you count
the legs, there are 48. How many of each kind are there?
Sol. Obviously, there are 15 animals. Now, if all were to be ducks, there would be (15  2) = 30
legs; were all to be goats, there would be 60 legs. Now, use alligation:
30 60


12 18
 2 
 Ducks : goats = 12 : 18 = 2 : 3  There are   15 = 6 ducks, and (15 – 6) = 9 goats.
 23

 In a vessel of 200 gm sugar solution the trader, after testing, knows there is 25% sugar.
How much sugar should be added to make it 40%?
Sol. Amount of sugar = 50 gm. Now, by alligation rule:
25 100
60 15  1
of the original quantity of solution should be
added = of 200 = 50 gm.

 A person has a chemical worth Rs. 25/lt. In what ratio should water be mixed in that
chemical so that after selling the mixture at Rs. 20/lt a profit of 25% is made?
Sol. Cost of chemical = Rs. 25/litre Cost of water = Rs. 0/litre
Cost of mixture = Rs. 25 × 16 = Rs. 16/litre
By alligation rule :
25 0
16 9 
  Ratio of water to chemical = 9 : 16
 A container contained 80 kgs of milk. From this container 8 kgs of milk was taken out
and replaced with water. This process was repeated two more times. How much milk is
now in the container?
3 3
 80  8   9
Sol. Milk left in container
    
 
Originalquantityof milk in container  80   
10 1000
 Quantity of milk now in container = 729
 80 = 58.32 litre.

 If 2 kgs of metal, of which 1 is zinc & the rest copper, be mixed with 3 kgs of metal, of
which 1 is zinc & the rest copper, what is the ratio of zinc to copper in the mixture ?

Sol. Quantity of zinc in first metal = 1 2

 2 kg = kg. Quantity of zinc in second metal =
3 3
 3 kg = 3 kg.
4 4
 2 3  17
  Total quantity of zinc =     kg.  Quantity of copper =
 3 4  12
 17  43
5    kg.
 12  12
 Zinc : Copper = 17 43
: = 17 : 43
12 12

 In 3 vessels of 10 litres capacity each, a mixture of milk and water is filled. The ratios
of milk and water are 2:1, 3:1 & 3:2 in the 3 respective vessels. If all the three vessels
are emptied into one large vessel, find the final proportion of milk & water in the
2  3  3  2 3 3
Sol. Total quantity of milk in 3 vessels =  10   10   10 = 10    =
3  4  5  3 4 5
 40  45  36  121
10 
 60  6
  Quantity of water = 30 
121 59

6 6
 Ratio of milk to water = 121 : 59.

 A cask of wine, when fully filled, holds 10 litres. 2 litres of wine is removed and replaced
with water. Then 4 litres of the new solution is replaced with water followed by 6 and 8
litres respectively. At the end of the 4th operation, the ratio of wine to water is:
4! 4! 8! 8!
a) b) c) d) e)
5 4
5  4!
10 4
10  8! 4

10 4
 54
Quantityof wine  10  2  10  4  10  6  10  8   8  6  4  2  4!
Sol.     =       4
Total quantity  10  10  10  10   10  10  10  10  5
 Ratio of wine to water = .
5  4!

Hence, option (b).

 A man lent Rs. 9600 partly at 12% and partly at 14% simple interest. His total income
after years was Rs. 1800. Find the sum at 14%.
a) Rs. 2400 b) Rs. 3000 c) Rs. 1200 d) Rs. 3600 e)
Rs. 4800

Sol. Total interest on Rs. 9600 for 1

years = Rs. 1800 
 1001800 2 
 Rate =   % = 12.5%
 9600 3 
By rule of alligation, we have

BIBS Quantitative Aptitude Ready Reckoner

Rate of 1st part Rate of 2nd part

12% 14%

Mean Rate

1.5 0.5
  1st part : 2nd part = 1.5 : 0.5 = 15 : 5 = 3 : 1
 First part = (Rs. 9600 × 3 ) = Rs. 7200
 Second part = Rs. 9600 – 7200 = Rs. 2400.
Hence, option (a).



1. Full work has to be considered as 100% or value 1.

2. Time = Number of days required to complete the work.
3. If a person can do a piece of work in ‘n’ number of days, then in one day he will do 1 th
of the work and vice versa.
4. If a person is ‘n’ times as good a workman as another person, then he will take 1 th of
the time taken by the other person to do the same work.

This section describes work done by people of different categories in different time.

Type 1:People of similar efficiency.

Type 2:People of different efficiency.

Type 1: Similar efficiency people:

Changing number of people, time taken to complete a job varies inversely.
Considering some parameters such as, ‘number of persons’, ‘work’, ‘hours per day’, ‘number
of days’; ratio of each parameter affects the others.

 10 men, working 10 hours per day can complete a work in 10 days. Find how many days
require to complete the job if 15 men work 5 hours per day.

Sol. Three variables: ‘Number of men’ 10  15

‘Hours per day’ 10  5
‘Number of days’ 10  ?
When ‘men’ increase ‘days’ decrease ………(1)
‘hours’ decrease ‘days’ increase ……...(2)

Men Hours Days

10 10 10
15 5 ??
 10  Ratio of men
Here required number of days = 10 ×  
 15 
As information (1) states days decrease when men increases.
 10 
So, we multiply 10 by   to decrease number of days. As information (2) states 10
 15 
 10 
needs to be multiplied by   to increase number of days. So required number of days =
 15 
 10   10  40
10       (Ans.)
 15   15  3 Ratio of men Ratio of hours

BIBS Quantitative Aptitude Ready Reckoner

 If 2 men can build 4 walls in 3 days, how long will 6 men take to build 2 walls?

Sol. Here, 3 variables have been given: men, work (number of walls), days.
Given question can be represented as below,
Men Hours Days
2 4 3
6 2 ??
We need to find, I) When number of men increases days need to decrease.
II) When work decreases then days need to decrease.
2 2 1
Hence, required number of days:- 3        day.
6 4 2

 2 men and 3 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days while 3 men and 2 boys can do the
same work in 8 days. In how many days can 2 men and 1 boy do the work?

Sol. M1D1 = M2D2 (2M + 3B)10 = (3M + 2B)8 20M + 30B = 24M + 16B
14B = 4M  7B = 2M (2M + 3B)10 = (2M + 1B)x (7B + 3B)10 = (7B + 1B)x
100B = 8Bx x = 100  12 1 days.
8 2
 If 32 men can finish 10 units of work in 5 days, how many days will 40 men take to finish
15 units of work?
Men Work Days
32 10 5
40 15 x
We need to find the number of days (x). If 32 men take 5 days, 40 men will take less
days. So we multiply by 32 .
If 10 units of work take 5 days, 15 units will take more days. So we multiply by 15 . So,
x= 32 15 = 6 days.
5 
40 10

Type 2: Different efficiency people

When two or more number of people work with different efficiency, we normally solve
problems with their per day working ability.

 A can complete a work in 5 days, B can complete the same work in 6 days. Find number
of days required to complete the work when both work together.

Sol. Conventional approach

A does 1/5th portion of the job in 1 day. B does 1/6th portion of the job in 1 day.
So A + B do 1/5 + 1/6 = 11 portion of the job in 1 day. Hence 1 job can be done in
1 30 8 days (Ans.)
 2
11/ 30 11 11
Unit Work approach
Let us assume, total work LCM (5, 6) = 30 units. Hence A can do 30 = 6 unit per day.
B can do 30 = 5 unit per day.
A + B can do 5 + 6 = 11 unit per day. Hence required number of days = 30 8
 2 days
11 11

 A is twice as good a workman as B and together they finish a piece of work in 14 days.
Find the number of days taken by A alone to finish the work.
Sol. (A’s 1 day’s work) : (B’s 1 day’s work) = 2 : 1 (A + B )’s 1 day’s work = 1 Dividing
in the ratio 2 : 1
 1 2 1
 A’s 1 day’s work =    . Hence, A alone can finish the work in 21 days.
 14 3  21

 A is thrice as good a workman as B and takes 10 days less to do a piece of work than B
takes. Find the time B alone takes to do the work.
Sol. Ratio of times taken by A & B = 1 : 3. If the difference of time is 2 days, B takes 3 days.
3 
Hence, if the difference of time is 10 days, B takes  10 = 15 days.
2 


 A is thrice as good a workman as B is and together they finish a piece of work in 15

days. In how many days will A alone finish the work?
Sol. Method 1: Unit Work Concept
Let per day B does 1 unit work. Then A does 3 units. So, together 1 + 3 = 4 units per day.
Together they finish in 15 days. So total work 15 × 4 = 60 units. A alone can do it in 60 = 20
days (Ans.)
Method 2: Efficiency Method
Efficiency ratio of A and B = 3 : 1 So A 3 Efficiency is inversely proportional

A B 4
to days required.
So A

3 = 15  d = 20 days required for A. Ans.
A B 4 'd'

 Neeraj can do 3 th of a piece of work in 9 days. He can finish the remaining work with
the assistance of Pankaj in 2 days. If the total wages are Rs. 360, find the individual
wages for Neeraj and Pankaj.
Sol. Method 1 :
Neeraj’s work per day = 3 1
 
1 Work done by Neeraj = 3



4 9 12 4 12 12
11 1
Work done by Pankaj = 1 
12 12

Ratio of work done by Neeraj and Pankaj = 11 1

: = 11 : 1   Wage of Neeraj =
12 12
 360 = Rs.330
11 1

  Wage of Pankaj = 1
 360 = Rs.30.
11 1
Method 2 :
Neeraj completed 3/4th of the job in 9 days. So job will be completed in 9 4 = 12 days

BIBS Quantitative Aptitude Ready Reckoner

Let Neeraj does 1 unit per day. So complete job is 12 units.

Last 3 unit Neeraj can do with Pankaj in 2 days.
Hence Pankaj does 1 unit in 2 days. So, ratio of work done by Neeraj and Pankaj
= (9 + 2) : 1 = 11 : 1
 Wage of Neeraj = 11
 360 = Rs. 330  Wage of Pankaj = 1
 360 = Rs. 30.
11 1 11 1

 If A can do as much work in 3 days as C in 4 days, and B in 5 days as much as C in 6

days, how much time will it take B to complete a piece of work that A can finish in 18
Sol. A’s 3 days work is equivalent to C’s 4 days work. Hence, if A can finish his work in 18
weeks, C can finish the same in 24 weeks. Also C’s 6 days work is equivalent to B’s 5 days
work. Hence the work which C can finish in 24 weeks will be completed by B in 20 weeks.
 A is thrice as good a workman as B and is therefore able to finish a piece of work in 80
days less than B. Find the time in which they can do it working together.
Sol. Ratio of efficiency of A and B = 3 : 1. Hence, time ratio to finish a work = 1 : 3, which is 2 rd =
 1
1   less than time required by B.
 3
So, 2 of time of B = 80 days  time required by B = 80
= 120 days. Hence, A takes 120 –
3 2
80 = 40 days.
Let B does 1 unit per day, so, A does 3 units per day. Total work 1 × 120 = 120 units.
Time to comple together = 120 = 30 days.
1 3
 A man, a woman and a boy can do a job in 3, 4 or 12 days respectively. How many boys
must assist 1 man and 1 woman to do the job in one and a half days?
Sol. Let the number of boys assisting = x to complete the job in 1 days.
 Amount of 1 man’s work + Amount of 1 woman’s job + Amount of x boys’ job = 1
11 12 11 12 x 1 12 1 7  x 
 1 
 =1
= 1.  x = 1.
3 4 2  12 
 A & B together can do a piece of work in 6 days and A alone can do it in 9 days. In how
many days can B alone do it?
Sol. Total work LCM (9, 6) = 18 units. A + B can do 18 = 3 units in 1 day. A alone can do 18 = 2
6 9
units in 1 day.
Hence, B does 3 – 2 = 1unit in 1 day. So, 18 units in 18 days.
 R and S can do a job in 15 and 20 days respectively. They began the work together but
R left after sometime and S finished the remaining work in 60 days. After how many
days did R leave?
Sol. Let the total work LCM (15, 20) = 60 units.
Per day, R does 60 = 4 units. S does 60 = 3 units.
15 20
S finishes in 8 days and does 8 × 3 = 24 units.
Hence, 60 – 24 = 36 units done by both.
Number of days both worked is 36 days = 36 days = 5 1 days.
43 7 7
Hence, R left after 5 1 days.

 12 men and 16 boys do a piece of work in 5 days, while 13 men and 24 boys do the same
task in 4 days. In how many days will 7 men and 10 boys finish the work?
Sol. (12m + 16b)5 = (13m + 24b)4 Solving, we get 1m = 2b (12m + 16b)5 = (7m
+ 10b)x
(24b + 16b)5= (14b + 10b) x Solving, we get x = 25 = 8.33.
 A, B & C can do a piece of work in 6, 8, 12 days respectively. Doing that work together
they get an amount of Rs. 1350. What is the share of B in that amount?
Sol. Wages are distributed in the efficiency ratio which is 1 : 1 : 1 = 4 : 3 : 2 So, B will get
6 8 12
 1350= 450.
 A and B can finish a field job in 30 days, B and C in 40 days while C and A in 60 days.
How long will they take to finish it together?
Sol. Total work LCM (30, 40, 60) = 120 units.
Per day, A + B = 4 units
B + C = 3 units
C + A = 2 units
2(A + B + C) = 9 units  A + B + C = 4.5 units So A = (A + B + C) – (B + C) =
4.5 – 3 = 1.5 units
Similar B = 2.5 units, C = 0.5 units. Together time = 120  80  26 2 days. Ans.
45 3 3
 I can finish a piece of work in 15 days @ 8 hours a day.You can do it in 6 2 days @ 9
hours a day. In how many days can we finish it together, if we work 10 hours a day?
Sol. Change the time into hours.
I finish in 15 × 8 = 120 hours, you finish in 20
9 = 60 hours.  Total work LCM (120,
60) = 120 units.
I do 120  1 unit per hour. You do 120 = 2 units per hour. In one day together @ 10 hr,
120 60
can do, (1 + 2) × 10 = 30 units.
Number of days 120 = 4 days. Ans.

 A is twice as good a workman as B, and together they finish a job in 16 days. In how
many days can it be done by each separately?
Sol. Suppose B does it in 2x days.
  A does it in x days. Working together, they can do it in = 16 days or, x = 24 days
 
  A does it in 24 days and B does it in 48 days.

Alternate Soln.:
Efficiency ratio of A : B = 2 : 1. Then A 2 16 (if A takes ‘x’ days while both 16 days)
 
A B 3 x
 x = 24 days.
B 1 16
Similarly   (if B takes ‘y’ days while both 16 days)  y = 48 days.
A B 3 y

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 Pipes and Cisterns

 Inlet Pipe
A pipe connected with a tank or a reservoir or a cistern which fills it is known as an inlet

  Outlet Pipe
A pipe connected with a tank or a reservoir or a cistern which is emptying it is known as
an outlet pipe.


  Concept 1 Pipes and Cisterns are similar to unit work concept. We consider total work
as LCM of given hours/min to fill the tank.

 To fill a cistern, pipes A, B and C take 20 minutes, 15 minutes and 12 minutes

respectively. Find the time in minutes that the three pipes together will take to fill the

Sol. Method 1: Conventional Fractional Work Concept

Part filled by (A + B + C) in 1 minute = 1 1 1 1
  
20 15 12 5
 All the three pipes together will fill the tank 1
= 5 minutes.

Method 2: Unit Work Concept

Let, total work LCM (20, 15, 12) = 60 units.
Per minute work, by A = 60 = 3 units by B = 60 = 4 units by C = 60 = 5 units
20 15 12

Then, together time taken, 60 = 5 minutes. Ans.

3 45

 Concept 2 Along with inlet pipe, when outlet pipes or leaks work together, leaks do
negative work.

 A electric pump can fill a tank in 3 hours. Because of a leak in the tank, it took 5 hours
to fill the tank. How long will it take for the leak to drain out the entire tank?

Sol. Method 1: Conventional Fractional Work Concept

Work done by the leak in 1 hour = 1 2
 
1  The leak will empty the tank in = 1
3 7 21
21 hours.

Method 2: Unit Work Concept

Let, total work LCM (3, 7 ) = 21 units. Per hour, pump does 21 = 7 units. Pump +
2 3
leak do 7
= 6 units
Hence leak per hour does 7 – 6 = 1 units (negative work). So, the leak will empty the filled
tank in 21 = 21 hours.

 Pipes A & B are inlet pipes which can fill a cistern in 3 mins & 5 mins respectively. Pipe
C is an outlet pipe. Pipes A & B are opened for 2 and 3 mins resp, and pipe C is opened
for 4 mins, and the entire cistern gets filled. Find how much time pipe C will take to
empty the whole cistern, when working alone.
Sol. Let total work LCM (3, 5) = 15 units
Per min work, by A = 15 = 5 units by B = 15 = 3 units
3 5
A worked 2 mins = 2 × 5 = 10 units B worked 3 mins = 3 × 3 = 9 units
Hence negative work by outlet = (10 + 9) – 15 = 4 units in 4 mins. So outlet works 4 =
1 negative unit per min
Hence it will empty filled cistern in = 15 mins. Ans.

 Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 36 min and 45 min respectively. A water pipe C
can empty the tank in 30 min. First A and B are opened. After 7 minutes, C is opened.
In how much time will the tank be full?
Sol. Method 1: Conventional Fractional Work Concept
 1 1 7
Part filled in 7 minutes = 7   . Remaining part = 1  7  13 .
 36 45  20 20 20

Net part filled in 1 min when A, B, C are opened = 1 1 1 1 .

  
36 45 30 60
1 13 20
Now, part is filled in 1 min. part is filled in 1 = 39 min. Hence, total time taken to
60 20 60
fill the tank = (39 + 7) min = 46 min.
Method 2: Unit Work Concept
Total work LCM (36, 45, 30) = 180 units
Per minute work by A = 180 = 5 units B= 180 = 4 units Negative work
36 45
by C = 180 = -6 units.
First 7 minutes by A + B = (5 + 4) × 7 = 63 units done. Next 180 – 63 = 117 in 117 = 39
Hence total 7 + 39 = 46 minutes. Ans.

 Concept 3 When time to fill by inlet pipe and inlet with drainage pipe is given.

 A pipe can fill a cistern in 30 mins but due to a leak, it takes 40 mins to be filled. How
long will the leak take to empty the full cistern?

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Sol. Total work LCM (30, 40) = 120 units

Per minute work, by filling pipe along = 120 = 4 units
By filling pipe and drainage pipe = 120 = 3 units.
Hence leak along draining 4 – 3 = 1 unit per minute. Time required to drain a full cistern
it takes 120 = 120 mins. Ans.


 A leak in the bottom of a tank can empty the full tank in 6 hours. An inlet pipe fills
water at the rate of 4 litres a minute. When the tank is full, the inlet is opened and due
to the leak the tank is empty in 8 hours. What is the capacity of the tank (in litres)?
Sol. Method 1: Conventional Fractional Work Concept
Work done by the inlet in 1 hour = 1  1  1 Work done by the inlet in 1 minute =
6 8 24
1 1 1
 
24 60 1440
Volume of 1 part = 4 litres Hence, the volume of the whole = (1440 × 4) litres
= 5760 litres.
Method 2: Unit Work Concept
Total work LCM (6, 8) = 24 units. Per hour leak does 24 = 4 units negative work.
Inlet along with leak do 24 = 3 units negative work. So working capacity of inlet pipe =
4 – 3 = 1 unit per hour
Hence it fills along in 24 = 24 hour. Capacity of the tank = 24 × 60 × 4 = 5760 litres.

 One inlet pipe is 6 times faster than another. If the latter can fill a cistern in 21 minutes,
then find the time required to fill the cistern when both pipes are opened
Sol. Method 1: Conventional Fractional Work Concept
The 1st pipe can fill the cistern in 21 minutes   In 1 minute it can fill
 6 1 7 1
    rd part of cistern.
 21 21  21 3
 The whole cistern can be filled in 1
= 3 minutes.
Method 2: Ratio Concept
Working ability and time taken is inversely proportional. Then ratio of efficiency  1
time taken
Faster pipe 6 Slowerpipetime taken Slowerpipe 1 Faster  Slower time taken T
So,      
Slower pipe 1 Faster pipetime taken Faster  Slowerpipe 7 Slower time taken 21
T= 21 = 3 minutes. Ans.

 A cistern can be filled by 3 pipes in 30, 40 and 60 minutes respectively and emptied by
an escape pipe in half an hour. The three pipes are turned on at noon, but the escape
pipe is at the same time accidentally left open and not closed for a quarter of an hour.
At what time will the cistern be full?
1 1 1 1 5
Sol. In the first 15 minutes the tank will be full by 15     .
 30 40 60 30  8

Let the time taken to fill the remaining 3 of the tank be ‘t’ minutes. Then, t
 1 1 1  3
      t = 5 minutes.
 30 40 60  8

Hence the total time taken = 20 minutes   The cistern will be full by 12:20 p.m.

 If two pipes function simultaneously, a reservoir will be filled in 12 hours. One pipe fills
the reservoir 10 hours faster than the other. How many hours does it take the second
pipe to fill the reservoir?

Sol. Let the reservoir be filled by the first pipe in x hours. Then, the second pipe will fill it in (x +
10) hours.
x  10  x 1
 1


1    (x – 20) (x + 6) = 0  x = 20. The second pipe will
x x  10 12 x( x  10) 12
take 30 hrs to fill the reservoir.

 6 pipes are fitted to a reservoir – some of these being inlet pipes while the others being
outlet pipes. Each filling pipe can fill the tank in 9 hours and each waste pipe can empty
the tank in 6 hours. On opening all the pipes, the empty reservoir is filled in 9 hrs. Find
the number of inlet pipes.

Sol. Let number of inlet pipes be x.   Work done by inlet pipes in 1 hour = x  

Work done by outlet pipes in 1 hour = 6 x  Work done in 1 hour is

x 6 x 1 or, 15x 1 x=4
   1
9 6 9 96 9

 Number of inlet pipes are 4.

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Distance covered per unit time is called speed.
Speed = Distance    D
Time T

Case 1: When ‘distance’ covered is the same, speed () and time (T) are inversely
1  T
So,   [‘D’ is constant]  1  2 [1 and 2 are two speeds and T1, T2 are
T  2 T1
times required to cover same distance].

Case 2: When ‘Speed’ remains constant, distance ‘D’ covered and time ‘T’ taken are directly
 1 T1
So D  T [‘v’ is constant]  
 2 T2

Case 3: When time ‘T’ remains constant; speed and distance are directly proportional.
 1 D1
So   D [‘T’ is constant]  
 2 D2

 1 D1 T2
Case 4: When all are varying  
 2 D2 T1

 A is twice as fast as B and B is thrice as fast as C is. In how much time will the journey
covered by C in 54 minutes be covered by B?
Sol. Let C’s speed = x km/hr. Then, B’s speed = 3x km/hr. and A’s speed = 6x km/hr. Ratio of
speeds of A, B, C = 6x : 3x : x = 6 : 3 : 1
Ratio of time taken = = 1 : 2 : 6. If C takes 6 minutes, then B takes 2 minutes.
 2 
If C takes 54 minutes, then B takes   54 minutes = 18 minutes.
6 

 Units of Measurement
 Time is measured in seconds, minutes or hours.
 Speed is measured in metres/second, kilometres/hour, miles/hour etc.
 Distance is usually measured in metres (m), kilometres (km), miles, yards etc.

 Conversions of Units
 1 hour = 60 minutes = 3600 seconds  1 kilometre = 1000 metres = 0.6214 mile
 1 mile = 1.609 kilometres  1 yard = 3 feet
 km/hr = 5 m/s  m/s = 18 km/hr.
18 5
 km/hr = 5 miles/hr.

 Average Speed
Total distanetravelled( D)
Average Speed (VAVG) =
Total time taken ( t)

 A man travels for 5 hours 15 minutes. If he covers the first half of the journey at 60 kmph
and the rest at
45 kmph, find the total distance travelled by him.
x x
Sol. Let the total distance be x km. Then, 2
 2
 or 3x + 4x = 21 × 90 or x = 270. Hence,
60 45 4
the required distance = 270 km.
 If a person goes around an equilateral triangle shaped field at speeds of
X, Y, Z kmph and returns to his starting point, find his average speed
during the journey.
Sol. A to B = X kmph. B to C = Y kmph. C to A = Z kmph.

TAB = D/X, TBC = D/Y TCA = D/Z. B C

Since D is constant, average speed is the HARMONIC MEAN
= 1 31 1  3 XYZ
  XY  YZ  ZX
x y z

 Concept – 1: Average Speed
If a certain distance is covered at S1 km/hr. and the same distance is covered at S2 km/m.
2S1S 2
then average speed for the whole journey is km/hr.
S1  S 2

 Simran covers a certain distance on her scooty at 45 km/hr. to reach her college from her
home and returns to her home from college at 35 km/hr. Calculate her average speed for
the whole journey.
a) 315 km/hr. b) 40 km/hr. c) 32 km/hr. d) 33 km/hr.
e) None of these

Sol. Average speed = 2  45  35 km/hr = 2  45  35 315 km/hr. Hence, option (a).

45  35 80 8

 Concept – 2:
When speed is reduced by a fraction, new speed ratio will determine time ratio, which is inversely
This determined time increases, which in turn helps to find original time requirement.
A similar approach can be used for increase of speed to determine original time.

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 A girl goes to the market at a speed of 4 km/hr. and returns to her home at a speed of 3
km/hr. If she takes 7 hours in all, calculate the distance between her home and the market.
a) 5 km b) 7 km c) 9 km d) 12 km e)
15 km
Sol. Required distance = 7  4  3 = 12 km. Hence, option (d).

 Mr. Samit reaches his office everyday at the right time. One day he reduces his speed by
16.67% and reaches his office 13 minute late. What is his usual time to reach office?
Sol. His speed reduces by 16.67%  1/6 of his original speed.
new speed 1 5
So, his speed ratio,  1  Hence time ratio
Originalspeed 6 6
new time 6  1
  1  
Originaltime 5  5 
 Time increases by th of original time = 13 minutes. So, original time = 5 × 13 = 65
minutes. (Ans).
 A train after travelling 50 km from A meets with an accident and proceeds at 4 th of its
former speed & reaches D 45 minutes late. Had the accident occurred 20 kms further on,
it would have arrived 12 minutes sooner. Find the original speed and the distance.
Sol. When the speed becomes 4 th of its usual speed, the time would be 5 th of the usual, i.e.
5 4
5  1
  1  th extra of the usual time.
4  4
1 th of the usual time taken to cover BC i.e. 20 km. is 12 minutes .  Usual time to
cover 20 km = 12 × 4 = 48 minutes
 Usual speed = 20 × 60 = 25 km/hr. Usual time to cover BD = 45 × 4 = 180 minutes = 3
 BD = 3 × 25 = 75 km.  AD = 50 + 75 = 125 km.

 Concept – 3:
If two persons A and B start at the same time in opposite directions from two points and
complete the journeys in ‘a’ and ‘b’ hours respectively after passing each other, then
A' s speed b
 .
B' s speed a

PQ is a path, A and B started from P and Q respectively with uniform speed vA and vB.
PR v A
They cross over at a point R in between P and Q. Hence  ….(1)
RQ v B
Given A and B take ‘a’ and ‘b’ hours to reach Q and P respectively after crossover, then
RQ PR b.v v v b
a and b  ……..(2). Comparing (1) and (2) B  B  B  . Time of
vA vB a.v A v A vA a
meeting = ab .

 Harry sets out to cycle from New York to a park in Queens Way. At the same time Brad
starts from a park in Queens Way heading for New York. After passing each other they
complete their journey in 9 hours and 4 hours respectively. If Harry’s speed is 6 km/hr.
then calculate Brad’s speed.
a) 9 km/hr. b) 7 km/hr. c) 6.5 km/hr. d) 5 km/hr. e)
5.5 km/hr.

Sol. A' s speed

 Harry's speed


Brad’s speed = 6 × 3 = 9 km/hr. Hence,
B' s speed a Brad's speed 9 3 9
option (a).

 Concept – 4: Concept of stoppage

If someone travels a certain distance at an average speed S1 km/hr. without any stoppages,
and with stoppages he covers the same distance at an average speed of S2 km/hr., then to
find rest per hour, see the following example:

 An Express bus without any stoppage covers a certain distance at an average speed of 60
km/hr., and with stoppages it covers the same distance at an average speed of 50 km/hr.
How many minutes per hour does the bus stop?
a) 5 minutes b) 10 minutes c) 7.5 minutes d) 12.5 minutes e)
15 minutes
Sol. Effective speed with stoppage is 50 km/h. The bus runs 50 km in hr time.
 50  60  50
Hence in 1 hour stoppage time = 1   hour = hour = 10 minute. Ans.
 60  60


 Case – 1:
If two bodies are moving in the same direction with speeds V1 & V2 respectively (V1 >
V2), then their relative speed = V1 – V2.
=> If there is a distance D between two bodies moving in the same direction with speeds
V1 & V2 (V1 > V2) then the time taken by the faster body to catch up with the slower one
is .
V1  V2
 Case – 2:
If two bodies are moving in opposite directions with speeds V1 and V2, then their relative
speed is given by (V1 + V2)
 If there is a distance D between two bodies approaching each other with speeds V1 &
V2, then the time after which they meet = .
V1  V2

Case – 1:
Time taken by a moving object (train) x metres long in passing a signal post or a pole or a
standing man = time taken by the object (train) to cover its own length of x metres.

Case – 2:
Time taken by a moving object (train) x metres long in passing a station or an object of length
y metres = time taken by the object to cover (x + y) metres.

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Case – 3:
A train passes by a stationary man standing on the platform in t1 seconds and passes the
platform completely in t2 seconds. If the length of the platform is L, then the length of the
train =  t1
t 2  t1

Case – 4:
If a train overtakes two persons who are walking in the same direction as the train at the rate
of S1 km/hr. and S2 km/hr. respectively and passes them completely in t1 seconds and t2
seconds respectively, then to find length of the train, see the following example:

 How many seconds will a train 300 metres long running at the speed of 54 km/hr. take to
pass a man standing on the platform?

Sol. To pass the man the train must travel its own length. Now, 54 km/hr. = 5 = 15 m/sec.
 Required time = 300 = 20 sec.

 A train 120 metres in length travels at 54 km/hr. In what time does it pass a man who is
walking at 18 km/hr. in the same direction?
Sol. As the train and the man are moving in the same direction, their relative speed = 54 – 18 = 36
km/hr. = 36 5 = 10 m/sec.
 Time required to cross the man = 120 = 12 seconds.

 How long does a train 120 metres long running at 54 km/hr. take to cross a platform 180
metres in length?
Sol. To cross the platform the train must travel its own length plus the length of the platform.
54 km/hr. = 54 5 = 15 m/sec. Required time = 120 180 = 20 seconds.
18 15

 A train passes two persons who are walking in the direction opposite which the train is
moving, at the rate of 6 m/s and 10 m/s in 5 seconds and 4 seconds respectively. Find the
length of the train?
Sol. Let ‘L’ = length of the train in metre ‘V’ = speed of the train in m/s
So, 5 And 4
V 6 V  10
 5V = L – 30  4V = L – 40
L  30 L  40
 V=  V=
5 4
L  30 L  40
So   4L – 120 = 5L – 200  L = 80 metres. Ans.
5 4


 A man covers a certain distance between his house and office on scooter. At an average
speed of 30 km/hr, he is late by 10 minutes. However, with a speed of 40 km/hr., he
reaches his office 5 minutes earlier. Find the distance between his house and office.
Sol. Let the distance be x km. The time taken to cover x km at 30 km/hr. = x hrs. Time taken
to cover x km at 40 km/hr. = x hrs.
The difference between the two times = 15 minutes = 1 hr.  x


1 or, 4x – 3x = 30
4 30 40 4
or, x = 30.
Hence, the required distance is 30 km.

 Walking at 3 of his usual speed, a person is 10 minutes late to his office. Find the time
he usually takes to cover the distance.
Sol. Let the usual time be x min. Time taken at 3 of his usual speed = 4x min.
4 3
 4x – x = 10  x = 10  x = 30 minutes.
3 3
Short-cut :
 4 1
Speed ratio = 3 Time ratio = 4 Extra time =   1  of on given time = 10 min.
4 3 3  3
Original time = 30 min.
 A train travels at a speed of 60 kmph between two stations A and B, 240 km apart, when
it does not stop between any other station between them. But it goes at an average speed
of 40 kmph when it stops. What is the average stoppage time per hour of the train?
Sol. Time taken when it does not stop = 240 = 4 hours Time taken when it stops = 240 =
60 40
6 hours
Total stoppage time = 2 hours Average stoppage time per hour = 2 1 hours.

6 3

 Walking 5 of his usual rate, a boy reaches his school 6 minutes late. Find the time he
usually takes to reach school.
b  7 
Sol. Here, a

5 , using the formula,  1 × Usual time = Change in time   1 × Usual time
b 7 a  5 
Usual time = 65 = 15 Usual time = 15 minutes.
45 1
Using the formula, productof speed difference of speed
  
 d = 5.
d difference of time d
 The distance to the bus stand is 5 km.

 Two stations A and B are 110 km apart on a straight line. One train starts from A at 7
a.m. and travels towards B at 20 kmph. Another train starts from B at 8 a.m. and travels
towards A at a speed of 25 kmph. At what time will they meet?

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Sol. Suppose they meet x hours after 7 a.m. Distance covered by A in x hours = 20x
Distance covered by B in (x – 1) hours = 25 (x – 1) km.  20x + 25(x – 1) = 110 or 45x =
 x = 3. Hence, they meet at 10 a.m.
 A goods train leaves a station at a certain time and at a fixed speed. After 6 hours, an
express train leaves the same station in the same direction at a uniform speed of 90
kmph. This train catches up with the goods train in 4 hours. Find the speed of the goods
Sol. Let the speed of the goods train be x kmph.
Distance covered by the goods train in 10
hours = distance covered by the express train in 4 hours.
 10x = 4 × 90 or x = 36. Hence, speed of the goods train = 36 kmph.
 How long will a train 130 metres long travelling at 40 kmph take to pass a milestone?
Sol. Distance covered will be the length of the train = 130 metres 40 kmph = 11.11 m/sec.
Time taken = 40 = 11.7 seconds.



 Lender or Creditor : A person who lends money to someone is called lender or creditor.
 Borrower or Debtor : A person who borrows money from someone is called borrower or
 Principal (P) : The amount of money borrowed is called principal (P).
 Interest (I) : Extra money paid by the borrower to the lender for the use of the
money for a stipulated time.
 Period (T) : Tenure of the borrowed money or loan is called period (T).
 Amount (A) : The sum of principal (P) and interest is called amount
(A). A = P + I

If the interest on a certain period is reckoned uniformly only on the principal borrowed then it is
called Simple Interest.
Principal Rate  Time PRT
Simple Interest (SI) = 
100 100

 Ritesh lent Rs.20000 to Hitesh at 5% p.a. Calculate the S.I at the beginning of the 5th
a) Rs. 4000 b) Rs. 5000 c) Rs. 4100 d) Rs. 3200 e)
Rs. 5800

PTR 20000 4  5
Sol. P = Rs 20000, R = 5% p.a, T = 4 years, S.I. =  = Rs. 4000.
100 100
Hence, option (a).

 Concept – 1:
100 SI
When rate of interest (R) and time (T) are numerically equal, each could be equal to

 In how many years will a principal of Rs. 500 yield an interest of Rs. 125 given the rate
of interest and the number of years are numerically equal.
Sol. Number of years = = 5 years.

 Concept – 2:
When the amount becomes N times the principal at R percent rate of interest in T years, then
R × T = 100 (N – 1).
We know, I = , ….(1) Here A is N times the principle, so A = NP. Then I = A – P = (N
– 1)P.
Now putting in (1), (N – 1) P =  TR = 100 (N – 1).

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 In how many years at 10% p.a. will the principal become 5 times itself?
100 4
Sol. 10 × T = 100(5 – 1) or, T = = 40 years.

If the interest is not paid at the end of a year or within other fixed periods but is added to the sum
borrowed and the amount becomes the principal for the next year and this is repeated till the
borrowed money is fully paid with interest, the difference between the amount paid and the
original principal is the compound interest (CI).
 R 
Amount = P 1   where P = Principal ; R = Rate of Interest ; T = Number of Years

100 
Compound Interest (CI) = Amount – Principal

 Basic Concepts

 R 
 When interest is compounded annually, Amount = P 1 
100  
 R 
 When interest is compounded half-yearly, Amount = P 1 
 200
 R 
 When interest is compounded quarterly, Amount = P 1 
400  
 When rate of interest is R1%, R2% and R3% for 1st year, 2nd
year and 3rd year respectively then Amount =
 R  R  R 
P  1  1  1  2  1  3 
 100  100  100 

 In how many years will a sum of Rs. 800 at 10% per annum compounded semi-annually
become Rs. 926.10?
1 1 1
a) 2 b) 1 c) 2 d) 1
2 3 3
2n 2n 2n
 10  926.10  21  9261  21  3 1
Sol. 926.10 = 800 1   or,   or,   or, 2n = 3 or, n = =1
 200  800  20  8000  20  2 2
years. Hence, option (b).

 Time taken for a sum of money to double
Rule of 72
As per this empirical rule, the time taken for a sum of money to double in CI is, where n =
Number of years, r = Rate of interest.

 A certain sum of money is lent at 20% CI. In how many years does the money double?
a) 4 years b) 5 years c) 3 years d) 2 years e)
8 years

 R   1
2X = X 1  
Sol. Amount = P 1   Let P = X  Amount = 2X  or, 2 = 1   or,
100    100   5 
T  6 
(2) =   or, (2)    
5   5  
or, (2) = (1.2)T The power 1.2 should be such that when raised to the power the answer
should be 2.
So if T=1 then it is 1.2
T = 2 then it is 1.44
T = 3 then it is 1.728
T = 4 then it is 2.0736
72 72
So 4 years approximately  4 years Using Rule 72, n = or, n = = 3.6
r 20

 Relation between Simple Interest & Compound Interest

1. Conversion between SI & CI
I SI   I CI
 r 
T 
100 1    1
 100  

A sum of money P kept for T years at r% (rate of interest) in SI gives interest = ISI
T Pr
So, I SI  ………(1)

Same amount of money P kept for T years at r% (rate of interest) in CI gives interest ICI
 r 
So, ICI = P1   P ……….(2)
 100 

100 I CI
Comparing (1) and (2) equality P, I SI 
Tr  r 
T 
1    1
 100  

 If the CI on a certain sum for 2 years at 5% is Rs. 2050, what would be the SI?
a) Rs. 1850 b) Rs. 1750 c) Rs. 1950 d) Rs. 1900 e)
Rs. 2000
Sol. SI   CI R = 5% ; T = 2 years ; CI = 2050 ;  SI =

100 1  100
R T  1
 
 2050

100 1  100 
5 2  1
10 10 10 10
100  
21 2  1
 2050 =

100 441
1   2050 =
  400
100 441440   2050=
100 440
 2050 =
 21 
10  400
 2050 = 2000
100 41
= Rs. 2000. Hence, option (e).

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2. Difference between CI & SI

 When the time is 2 years and interest charged per annum on principal (P) is R%, then
 R 
Difference = CI – SI = P 
 100 

R  SI
Difference = CI – SI =

 Find the difference between the simple and compound interest on Rs. 1250 for 2 years
at 4% per annum?
Year Year
1 2
SI 50 50
CI 50 50 + 2
Hence the difference is 2.

 The compound interest on a certain sum for 2 years is Rs. 41.60 and the simple interest
is Rs. 40. Find the sum.
a) Rs. 500 b) Rs. 400 c) Rs. 250 d) Rs. 300

Sol. Difference between CI & SI for 2 years is equal to interest on Rs. 20 for 1 year.
20  1  R
 1.60 = or, R = 8%
PRT P  8 2
 S.I. = or, 40 = or, P = Rs. 250. Hence, option (c).
100 100
An association of two or more persons who put their money together in order to carry on a certain
business is called partnership.

 Types of Partners
There are two types of partners:
   Working partner
A partner who manages the business is called a working partner. He is paid remuneration
for managing the business.
Forms of remuneration :
Commission on turn over
Share in the profit

   Sleeping partner
A partner who just invests the money but does not manage is called a sleeping partner.

The managing partner’s remuneration is paid first from the annual profit and the balance
profit is distributed among the partners as per the investment ratio.

 Types of Partnership
There are two types of partnership:

   Simple Partnership
If the capitals of the partners are invested for the same time, the partnership is called a
simple partnership.
In the case of a simple partnership gains or losses in a partnership are divided among the
partners in the ratio of their investments.
Investmentof x Profit of x Lossof x
   If x and y are partners in a business then :  
Investmentof y Profit of y Lossof y

 If x, y and z are partners in a business, then, Investment of x : Investment of y : investment

of z
= Profit of x : Profit of y : Profit of z
= Loss of x : Loss of y : Loss of z

   Compound Partnership
If the capitals of the partners are invested for different periods it is called a compound
In the case of a compound partnership, the profit or loss is divided in the ratio of their
Monthly Equivalent Investment.
Monthly Equivalent Investment (MEI) is the product of the capital invested and the period
for which it is invested.
Monthly Equivalent Investment = Capital Invested × Period of Investment
If the period of investment is different, then the profit or loss is divided in the ratio of
their Monthly Equivalent Investment
Investmentof x  Periodof Investmentof x Profit of x Lossof x
 
Investmentof y  Periodof Investmentof y Profit of y Lossof y


 Find the amount a man has to pay to a money lender at the end of 4 years, who lends
him Rs. 1000 at a simple interest of 20% per annum.
P  R  T 1000 20  4
Sol. SI =  = Rs. 800
100 100
 Amount = P + SI = 1000 + 800 = Rs. 1800.

 At what rate will a sum of money double itself with simple interest in 8 years?

BIBS Quantitative Aptitude Ready Reckoner

Sol. We know; R × T = 100(N – 1) 

1002  1 100
R= % = % = 12.5%.
8 8

 A sum of Rs. 3,800 is lent out in two parts in such a way that simple interest on one
part at 8% for 5 years is equal to that on the other part at % for 15 years. Find the
sum lent out at 8%.
Sol. Let the two parts be P1 & P2 .
1 P1 3
P1 × 8 × 5 = P2 × × 15  
2 P2 16
P1 P 3
Sum lent out at 8% =  1  (addendo rule)
P1  P2 3800 3  16
 P1 = × 3800 = Rs. 600.
 A sum of Rs. 468.75 was lent out at simple interest and at the end of 1 year 8 months
the total amount was Rs. 500. Find the rate of interest per cent per annum.
Sol. P = Rs. 468.75; T = 1 yrs ; A = Rs. 500 
 SI = Rs. (500 – 468.75) = Rs. 31.25
468.75  5  R
31.25 =  
100 3
31.25  100 3
R= = 4% p.a.
468.75  5

 A lent Rs. 600 to B for 2 years and Rs. 150 to C for 4 years and received altogether from
both Rs. 90 as interest. Find the rate of interest (simple interest rate being the same for
Sol. Let the rate of interest be ‘R’% p.a.
600 2  R 150 4  R
  
100 100
or, 18R = 90 or, R = 5% p.a.

 Compound interests on a sum of money were Rs. 225 & Rs. 238.50 in two consecutive
years. Find the rate % p.a. if the sum of money is compounded annually.
Sol. The increase in interest i.e. (238.50 – 225) = Rs. 13.50. This Rs. 13.50 is the interest on Rs.
225 for one year.
100 13.50
 The compound interest will be given by the simple interest formula.  R = =
225 1
6% p.a.
 What annual installment will discharge a debt of Rs. 4,200 due in 5 years at 10% SI?

Sol. Annual payment ‘a’ = Here M = Rs. 4200, T = 5, R = 10%, a = annual
RT (T  1)
100T 

10  a 5  4
4200 = 5a +   a = Rs. 700 per year.
100 2
 At what rate percent compound interest does a sum of money become times in 2
2 2 2
9x  R   R  3 R 3
Sol. Let the Principal be Rs. ‘x’   x1   or, 1     or, 1   or,
4  100   100   2  100 2
R = 50% p.a.
 A sum of Rs. 5000 is lent out to A and B for 2 years. A pays at 10% p.a. SI and B pays
at 8% p.a. at CI. Who pays more?
5000 10  2  8 
Sol. A pays at 10% SI = = Rs. 1000 B pays at 8% CI = 50001    5000 = Rs.
100  100 
So, A pays Rs. 168 more.

 A, B & C enter into a partnership investing Rs. 3800, Rs. 4200 and Rs. 4000
respectively. How should a profit of Rs. 1800 be divided among them?
Sol. Profit should be divided among the partners in the ratio of their investments.
 The ratio of A, B and C’s share is : 3800 : 4200 : 4000 = 19 : 21: 20 Sum of the ratios =
19 + 20 + 21 = 60
1800 19 1800 21
A’s share = Rs. = Rs. 570. B’s share = Rs. = Rs. 630. C’s share =
60 60
1800 20
Rs. = Rs. 600.
 Three partners A, B and C invested Rs. 114000 in a business. At the end of the year A
got Rs. 337.50, B Rs. 1125.00 and C Rs. 675 as profit. How much did each invest?
Sol. Ratio in which each share profits = 337.5 : 1125 : 675 = 3 : 10 : 6
 3 
 1st partner’s (A) capital = Rs.  114000 = Rs. 18,000. 2nd partner’s (B) capital =
 19 
 10 
Rs.  114000 = Rs. 60,000.
 19 
 6 
3rd partner’s (C) capital = Rs.  114000 = Rs. 36,000.
 19 
 A is a working partner and B is a sleeping partner in a business. A puts in Rs. 5000 and
B puts in Rs. 6000. A receives 12.5% of the profit for managing the business, and the
rest is divided in proportion to their capitals. If the profit is Rs. 880, A’s share will be
a) Rs. 350 b) Rs. 420 c) Rs. 460 d) Rs. 500
Sol. A’s share for managing the business = Rs.  1  880 = Rs.110  Remaining profit = Rs.770. A’s
8 
share in this = Rs.  770 = Rs. 350
 Total A’s share = Rs. (350 + 110) = Rs. 460. Hence, option (c).

 In a partnership deal, A contributes Rs. 3200 for 4 months, B contributes Rs. 5100 for
3 months and C contributes Rs. 2700 for 5 months. How should they divide a total profit
of Rs. 1248 among themselves?

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Sol. We calculate equivalent capitals for one month :

A’s capital = Rs. (3200  4) = Rs. 12800; B’s capital = Rs. (5100  3) = Rs. 15300;
C’s capital = Rs. (2700  5) = Rs. 13500
 The ratio of A, B & C’s share : 12800 : 15300 : 13500 = 128 : 153 : 135
Sum of ratios = 128 + 153 + 135 = 416
1248 128 1248 153
A’s share = Rs. = Rs. 384; B’s share = Rs. = Rs. 459. C’s share = Rs.
416 416
1248 135
= Rs. 405.

 A and B enter into a partnership with capitals in the ratio of 5 : 6. At the end of 8
months A withdraws. If they receive profits in the ratio of 5 : 9, find how long B’s
capital was used?
a) 1 year b) 1/2year c) 2 years d) 11/2
Sol. A’s capital = 5 × 8 = 40. A & B share profits in the ratio 5 : 9.   B’s capital =
 9 = 72
 Period for which B’s capital is in business = 72 = 12 months = 1 year. Hence, option (a).


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