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i. If a1, a2, a3,...., an,..... are in A.P. such that a4– a7+ a10= m, then the sum of first 13terms of this A.P., is :
[JEE-MAINS Online 2013]
(A) 15 m (B) 10 m (C) 12 m (D) 13 m

a1 + a 2 + ..... + a p p3 a6
ii. Let a1, a2, a3, ... be an A.P. such that = 3 ; p  q. Then is equal to :
a1 + a 2 + a 3 + .....a q q a 21
[JEE-MAINS Online 2013]
121 11 121 41
(A) (B) (C) (D)
1861 41 1681 11

iii. Given sum of the first n terms of an A. P. is 2n + 3n2. Another A. P. is formed with the same first term and
double of the common difference, the sum of n terms of the new A. P. is :- [JEE-MAINS Online 2013]
(A) n + 4n2 (B) n2+ 4n (C) 3n + 2n2 (D) 6n2– n
iv. If a, b, c are in AP, then (a – c)2equals
(A) 4 (b2–ac) (B) 4 (b2+ac) (C) 4b2– ac (D) b2– 4ac
v. If the sum of n terms of an AP is Pn + Qn2, where P, Q are constants, then its common difference is
(A) 2Q (B) P + Q (C) 2P (D) P – Q
vi. Given a sequence of 4 numbers, first three of which are in G.P. and the last three are in A.P. with common
difference six. If first and last terms of this sequence are equal, then the last term is :
[JEE-MAINS Online 2013]
(A) 8 (B) 16 (C) 2 (D) 4
vii. The first term of an infinite G.P. is 1 and every term is equal to the sum of the successive terms, then its
fourth term will be-
1 1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 8 4 16
1 1
viii. If G be the GM between x and y, then the value of + 2 is equal to
G −x
2 2
G − y2
2 
(A) G2 (B) (C) (D) 3G2
G2 G2
ix. 2 + 4 + 7 + 11 + 16 + ........... to n terms =
1 2 n 2 1 2 n 2
(A) (n + 3n + 8) (B) (n + 3n + 8) (C) (n – 3n + 8) (D) (n – 3n + 8)
6 6 6 6
x. If a, b, c are in HP, then is equal to
a b a c
(A) (B) (C) (D)
b a c b
a b c
xi. If a, b and c are positive real numbers then + + is greater than or equal to
b c a
(A) 3 (B) 6 (C) 27 (D) 5
xii. If a1, a2, a3.... an  R+ and a1. 1, then minimum value of (1+ a1+ a 1 )

(1 + a2+ a 22 ) (1 + a3+ a 32 ) .... (1 + an+ a 2n ) is equal to :-

(A) 3n+1 (B) 3n (C) 3n–1 (D) none of these
xiii. The value of 12+ 32+ 52+ ...........+ 252is : [JEE-MAINS Online 2013]
(A) 1728 (B) 1456 (C) 2925 (D) 1469

1 1
xiv. The sum of the series : 1+ + +.... up to 10 terms, is: [JEE-MAINS Online 2013]
1+ 2 1+ 2 + 3
22 18 20 16
(A) (B) (C) (D)
13 11 11 9
  

x y  ( xy )
n n n
xv. If a = ,b = ,c = where |x|, |y| < 1; then-
n =0 n =0 n =0

(A) abc = a + b + c (B) ab + bc = ac + b (C) ac + bc = ab + c (D) ab + ac = bc + a

a a b b c c
xvi. If r > 1 and x = a + + 2 + ...... to  , y = b – + 2 –... to  and z = c + 2 + 4 , then
r r r r r r
ab ac bc
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
c b a
 1 2 3
If a, b, c are positive real numbers such that ab2c3= 64 then minimum value of  + +
 a b c 
xvii. is equal to:-

(A) 6 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) None of these

xviii. In a GP, first term is 1. If 4T2+ 5T3is minimum, then its common ratio is
 2 3 3
(A) (B) − (C) (D) −
5 5 5 5
3 5 7
xix. The sum + 2 + 2 +...... upto 11-terms is - [JEE-MAINS Online 2013]
1 +2 2
1 + 22 + 32
11 60 7 11
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 11 2 2
xx. The sum of the series: (2)2+ 2(4)2+ 3(6)2+... upto 10 terms is : [JEE-MAINS Online 2013]
(A) 11300 (B) 12100 (C) 12300 (D) 11200

a1 + a 2 + .... + a p p2 a6
xxi. Let a1, a2, a3,....... be terms of an A.P. If = 2 , p  q then equals-
a1 + a 2 + ..... + a q q a 21
2 11 41 7
(A) (B) (C) (D) [AIEEE-2006]
7 41 11 2
xxii. If a1, a2,....., an are in H.P., then the expression a1a2+ a2a3+ .......+ an–1anis equal to- [AIEEE-2006]
(A) na1an (B) (n – 1)a1an (C) n(a1– an) (D) (n – 1)(a1– an)
xxiii. In a geometric progression consisting of positive terms, each term equals the sum of the next two terms.
Then the common ratio of this progression equals- [AIEEE-2007]

5 (B) 5 (C)
( 5 −1) (D)
1− 5 )
xxiv. The first two terms of a geometric progression add up to 12. The sum of the third and the fourth terms is
48. If the terms of the geometric progression are alternately positive and negative, then the first term is
[AIEEE 2008]
(A) –4 (B) –12 (C) 12 (D) 4

2 6 10 14
xxv. The sum to infinity of the series 1 + + + + +...... is :- [AIEEE-2009]
3 32 33 34
(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 2 (D) 3
xxvi. A person is to count 4500 currency notes. Let andenote the number of notes he counts in the nthminute. If
a1= a2= ... = a10= 150 and a10, a11, .... are in an AP with common difference –2, then the time taken by him
to count all notes is :- [AIEEE-2010]
(A) 24 minutes (B) 34 minutes (C) 125 minutes (D) 135 minutes
xxvii. A man saves Rs. 200 in each of the first three months of his service. In each of the subsequent months his
saving increases by Rs. 40 more than the saving of immediately previous month. His total saving from the
start of service will be Rs. 11040 after :- [AIEEE-2011]
(A) 20 months (B) 21 months (C) 18 months (D) 19 months
100 100
xxviii. Let anbe the nthterm of an A.P. If a
r =1
2r =  and a
r =1
2r −1 = , then the common difference of the A.P. is :

 −  −
(A) (B)  –  (C) (D)  − 
200 100
xxix. Statement–1 : The sum of the series
1 + (1 + 2 + 4) + (4 + 6 + 9) + (9 + 12 + 16) + ....... + (361 + 380 + 400) is 8000.

(k − (k − 1)3 ) = n3, for any natural number n.

Statement–2 :
k =1

(A) Statement–1 is true, Statement–2 is false.

(B) Statement–1 is false, Statement–2 is true.
(C) Statement–1 is true, Statement–2 is true; Statement–2 is a correct explanation for Statement–1.
(D) Statement–1 is true, Statement–2 is true; Statement–2 is not a correct explanation for Statement–1.
xxx. If 100 times the 100thterm of an A.P. with non-zero common difference equals the
50 times its 50thterm, then the 150thterm of this A.P. is :
(A) zero (B) –150 (C) 150 times its 50thterm (D) 150
xxxi. The sum of first 20 terms of the sequence 0.7, 0.77, 0.777, ......, is :
7 7 7 7
(A) (179 – 10–20) (B) (99 – 10–20) (C) (179 + 10–20) (D) (99 – 10–20)
81 9 81 9
1 1
xxxii. Let  and  be the roots of equation px2+ qx + r = 0, p  0. If p, q, r are in A.P. and + = 4, then the
 
value of | – | is:
61 2 17 34 2 13
(A) (B) (C) (D)
9 9 9 9
xxxiii. Three positive numbers form an increasing G.P. If the middle term in this G.P. is doubled, the new numbers
are in A.P. Then the common ratio of the G.P. is :
(A) 2 + 3 (B) 3 + 2 (C) 2 – 3 (D) 2 + 3
xxxiv. If (10)9+ 2(11)1(10)8+ 3(11)2(10)7+ ......+ 10 (11)9= k (10)9, then k is equal to :

121 441
(A) (B) (C) 100 (D) 110
10 100
xxxv. If m is the A.M. of two distinct real numbers  and n(, n > 1) and G1, G2and G3are three geometric means
between  and n, then G 14 + 2 G 42 + G 34 equals-
(A) 4 mn2 (B) 4 2m2n2 (C) 4 2mn (D) 4 m2n
xxxvi. If the 2nd, 5thand 9thterms of a non-constant A.P. are in G.P., then the common ratio of this G.P. is:-

7 8 4
(A) (B) (C) (D) 1
4 5 3
2 2 2 2
 3  2  1  4 16
xxxvii. If the sum of the first ten terms of the series  1  +  2  + 3  + 4 +
 4  +....., is m,
 5  5  5  5 5
then m is equal to -
(A) 99 (B) 102 (C) 101 (D) 100
i. In the five- sided star shown, the letters A, B, C, D and E are replaced by the numbers 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9
although not necessarily in this order. The sums of the numbers at the ends of the line segments AB , BC ,
CD , DE and EA form an arithmetic sequence, although not necessarily in this order. What is the middle
term of the arithmetic sequence ?


(A) 8 (B) 9 (C) 10 (D) 11
ii. The second and fourth terms of a geometric sequence are 2 and 6. Which of the following is a possible first
term ?
2 3 3
(A) − 3 (B) − (C) − (D) 3
3 3
iii. Figures 0, 1, 2, and 3 consists of 1, 5, 13, and 25 non-overlapping unit squares, respectively. If the pattern
were continued, how many non-overlapping unit squares would there be in Figure 100 ?

Figure 0
Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3
(A) 10, 401 (B) 19, 801 (C) 20, 201 (D) 39, 801
iv. Let 1, 4, … and 9, 16,… be two arithmetic sequences. The set S is the union of the first 2004 terms of each
sequence. How many distinct numbers are in S ?
(A) 3722 (B) 3732 (C) 3914 (D) 3924
v. A sequence of three real numbers forms an arithmetic sequence whose first term is 9. If the first term is
unchanged, 2 is added to the second term, and 20 is added to the third term, then the three resulting
numbers form a geometric sequence. What is the smallest possible value for the third term of the geometric
progression ?
(A) 1 (B) 4 (C) 36 (D) 49

16 108
vi. Let x and y be positive real numbers. What is the smallest possible value of + + xy ?
x y
(A) 34 (B) 35 (C) 36 (D) 37
vii. James calculates the sum of the first n positive integers and finds that the sum is 5053. If he has counted
one integer twice, which one is it ?
(A) 02 (B) 03 (C) 04 (D) 05
viii. Let a1, a2,…. be a sequence for which
a n −1
a1 = 2 a2 = 3 and an = for each positive integer n  3.
a n −2
What is a2006?
(A) 02 (B) 03 (C) 04 (D) 05
ix. If Sp denotes teh sum of the series 1 + rP + r2P + ....... to  and sp denotes the sum of the series 1 – rP + r2P –
r3P +....... to , | r | < 1, then Sp + Sp iS
1 1
(A) 2S2p (B) 0 (C) S2p (D) − S2p
2 2
x. Let Tr and Sr be the rth term and sum up to rth term of a series respectively. If for an odd number n, Sn = n
Tn −1
and Tn = , then Tm (m being even) is
2 2m 2 (m + 1) 2 2(m+ 1)2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
1 + m2 1 + m2 2 + (m + 1) 2 1 + (m + 1) 2
xi. The sum of first n terms of an AP is given by Sn = (1 + Tn) (n + 2). Then T2 is:
11 −5 5
(A) − (B) (C) (D) 2
6 3 3
xii. The first and last terms of an A.P. are a and  respectively. If s be the sum of all the terms of the A.P., then
common difference is
– a2
– a2
2 2
– a2 – a2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2s − ( + a) 2s − ( − a) 2s + ( + a) 2s − ( + a)

xiii. In a sequence of 21 terms first 11 terms are in A.P. with common difference 2 and last 11 terms are in G.P.
with common ratio 2. If middle term of A.P. is equal to middle term of G.P. then, middle term in the
complete sequence is
10 10(1 − 211 ) 1 − 211 20
(A) (B) (C) + 10 (D)
1 − 25 (210 − 1) 210 − 1 2 −1

1 1 1 5
xiv. x + y + z = 15 when a, x, y, z, bare in A.P. and + + = when a, x, y, z, bare in H.P., then the
x y z 3
1 1
quadratic equation whose roots are and is
a b
(A) x2 – 10x + 9 = 0 (B) x2 + 10x – 9 = 0 (C) 9x2 – 10x + 1 = 0 (D) 9x2 + 10x + 1 = 0
xv. Harmonic mean of the reciprocal of even numbers from 12 to 190 is
1 2 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
101 111 111
xvi. If log10 (x3 + y3) – log10(x2 + y2 – xy)  2. Where x, y are positive real numbers. Then the maximum value
of 'xy' is
(A) 2500 (B) 3000 (C) 1200 (D) 3500
xvii. If a + b + c + d + e + f = 12 then the maximum value of ab + be + cd + de + ef + fa.
(a, b, c, d, e, fare non negative real numbers)
(A) 36 (B) 24 (C) 30 (D) none of these
xviii. The maximum value of the expression, f(x, y, z) = xyz (4d – ax – by – cz) where a, b, c, d are positive
constants, x, y, z are positive variables and 4d – ax – by – cz > 0 is :
abc d2 abc d4
(A) (B) (C) (D)
d abc d3 abc

(a 2 + 3a + 1)(b 2 + 3b + 1)(c 2 + 3c + 1)
xix. The minimum value of , where a, b, c  R+ is
(A) (B) 125 (C) 25 (D) 27
xx. If p, q are two numbers such that 3 < p < 4, q > 4 or q < 3 then p2 (7q – 12) is
(A) less than q2 (7p – 12) (B) greater than q2 (7p – 12)
(C) less than q2 (12p – 7) (D) greater than q2 (12p – 7)
xxi. The 288th term of the series a, b, b, c, c, c, d, d, d, d, e, e, e, e, e, f, f, f, f, f, f, .............. is :
(A) u (B) v (C) w (D) x
xxii. The line x + y = 1 meets x–axis at A and y–axis at B, P is the mid–point of AB; P1 is the foot of the
perpendicular from P to OA; M1 is that of P1 from OP; P2 is that of M1 from OA; M2 is that of P2 from OP;
P3 is that of M2 from OA; and so on.
If Pn denotes the nth foot of the perpendicular on OA; then OP n is equal to

n −1 n n +1
1 1 1
(A)   (B)   (C)   (D) None of these
2 2 2
xxiii. ABC is a right–angled triangle in which B = 90° and BC = a. If n points L1, L2,…….., Ln on AB is
divided in n + 1 equal parts and L1M1, L2M2,…….. LnMn are line segments parallel to BC and M1,
M2,……. Mn are on AC, then the sum of the lengths of L1M1, L2M2, ……., LnMn is
a(n + 1) a(n − 1) an
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
2 2 2
2F(n) + 1
xxiv. Suppose that F(n + 1) = for n = 1, 2, 3, ... and F(1) = 2. Then F(101) equals
(A) 50 (B) 52 (C) 54 (D) none of these
xxv. In a geometric progression with common ratio 'q' the sum of the first 109 terms exceeds the sum of the first

100 terms by 12. If the sum of the first nine terms of the progression is , then the value of  equals to
(A) 10 (B) 14 (C) 12 (D) 22
xxvi. If a1,a2,………..a6 (ai > 0) are the roots of the equation x6 – 12x5 + ax4 – bx3 + cx2 – dx + 64 = 0 then b is
equal to
(A) 20 (B) 60 (C) 160 (D) 240
xxvii.  1
k =1
k +4

4n − 4n + 4
3n 2 − n + 2 2n 2 − 2n n 2 + 5n − 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2n 2 + 2n + 1 2n 2 + 2n + 1 2n 2 + 2n + 1 2n 2 + 2n + 1
cos2  + cos 2  − 4cos  cos 
xxviii. If sin , sin , sin  are in A.P. and cos , cos , cos  are in G.P. , then =
1 − sin  sin 
(A) – 2 (B) – 1 (C) 0 (D) 2


i. If f (x) = for all positive integers x, find the value of
x + 2x + 1 + x 2 –1 + 3 x 2 – 2 x + 1
2 3

f(1) + f(3) + f(5) + … + f(997) + f(999).

(A) 04 (B) 05 (C) 06 (D) 07
ii. There are n balls in a box, and the balls are numbered 1, 2, 3, …., n respectively. One of the balls is
removed from the box, and it turns out that the sum of the numbers on the remaining balls in the box is
5048. If the number on the ball removed from the box is m, find the value of m.
(A) 01 (B) 02 (C) 03 (D) 04
iii. Consider the sequence of numbers : 4, 7, 1, 8, 9 ,7, 6, ….For n > 2, the nth term of the sequence is the units
digit of the sum of the two previous terms. Let Sn denote the sum of the first n terms of this sequence. What
is the smallest value of n for which Sn > 10,000 ?
(A) 1992 (B) 1999 (C) 2001 (D) 2002
iv. Suppose that the sequence {an} is defined by a1 = 2, and an + 1 = an = 2n, when n  1. What is a100 ?
(A) 9900 (B) 9902 (C) 9904 (D) 10100
v. The increasing sequence of positive integers a1, a2, a3, … has the property that an + 2 = an + an + 1, for all n 
1. Suppose that a7 = 120. What is a8 ?
(A) 128 (B) 168 (C) 193 (D) 194
vi. Consider the sequence of numbers : 4, 7, 1, 8, 9, 7, 6, …. For n > 2, the nth term of the sequence is the units
digit of the sum of the two previous terms. Let Sn denote the sum of the first n terms of this sequence. If
smallest value of n for Sn > 10,000 is abcd then find a + b + c + d:
(A) 28 (B) 29 (C) 30 (D) 31
vii. Consider a sequence of real number {an} defined by a1 = 1 and an + 1 = for n  1. Find the value of
1 + na n
– 2009000.
a 2005
(A) 11 (B) 12 (C) 13 (D) 14
1 + a n −1
viii. A sequence {an} is defined by a1 = 2, an = , n  2. Find the value of (1100 + 2008 a2007).
1 − a n −1
(A) 94 (B) 95 (C) 96 (D) 97
ix. Find the minimum value of  n−k
k =1
, where n ranges over all positive integers.

(A) 47 (B) 48 (C) 49 (D) 50

x. The sum of an infinite geometric series is a positive number S, and the second term in the series is 1. What
is the smallest possible value of S2 ?
(A) 13 (B) 14 (C) 15 (D) 16
xi. The sequence log12162, log12x, log12y, log12z, log121250, is an arithmetic progression. What is ?
(A) 24 (B) 25 (C) 26 (D) 27
(−1)k +1

( )
xii. If S = , find the value of 10S.
k =1 k(k + 1) k +1 − k
(A) 8 (B) 9 (C) 10 (D) 11
xiii. Given that x + (1 + x) + (1 + x) + … + (1 + x) = a0 + a1x + a2x + … + anx , where each ar is an integer, r
2 3 n 2 n

n(n + 1)
= 0, 1, 2,…, n. Find the value of n such that a0 + a2 + a3 + a4 + … + an – 2 + an – 1 = 60 – .
(A) 02 (B) 03 (C) 04 (D) 05
xiv. A finite sequence of three-digit integers has the property that the tens and units digits of the each terms are,
respectively, the hundreds and tens digits of the first term. For example, such a sequence might begin with
terms 247, 475, and 756 and end with the term 824 . Let S be the sum of all the terms in the sequence.
What is the largest prime number that always divides S ?
(A) 35 (B) 36 (C) 37 (D) 38
xv. The first term of a sequence is 2005. Each succeeding term is the sum of the cubes of the digits of the
previous terms. Find
(A) 22 (B) 23 (C) 24 (D) 25
xvi. Let {ak} be a sequence of integers such that a1 = 1 and am + n = am + an + mn, for all positive integers m and
n. Then a12 is
(A) 75 (B) 76 (C) 77 (D) 78
xvii. Suppose x, y, z is a geometric sequence with common ratio r and x  y. If x, 2y, 3z is an arithemetic
sequence, then, 27r is ?
(A) 06 (B) 07 (C) 08 (D) 09
xviii. Let a1, a2, ….., a2018 be a strictly increasing sequence of positive integers such that a1 + a2 + …. + a2018 =
20182018. What is the remainder when a13 + a 32 + ... + a 32018 is divided by 6 ?
(A) 01 (B) 02 (C) 03 (D) 04
xix. A function f is defined recursively by f(1) = f(2) = 1 and f(n) = f(n – 1) – f(n – 2) + n for all integers n  3.
What is the value of [f(2018) – 2000] ?
(A) 16 (B) 17 (C) 18 (D) 19
xx. How many four digit integers abcd, with a  0, have the property that the three two-digit integers ab < bc < cd
form an increasing arithmetic sequence ? One such number is 4692, where a = 4, b = 6, c = 9, and d = 2.
(A) 14 (B) 15 (C) 16 (D) 17
xxi. The product (8)(888….8), where the second factor has k digits, is an integer whose digits have a sum of
1000. Find the value of (1000 – k) ?
(A) 05 (B) 06 (C) 07 (D) 08
xxii. Let S1(n) be the sum of the first n terms of the arithmetic progression 8, 1,2 16, ....... and let S2(n) be the
sum of the first n terms of arithmetic progression 17, 19, 21, ....... If for some value iof n, S1(n) then this
common sum is :
(A) not uniquely determinable (B) 260
(C) 216 (D) 200
 n2 
xxiii. Let [x]denote the greatest integer part of a real number x. If M =    then M equals
n =1 
 2 
(A) 5700 (B) 5720 (C) 5740 (D) 11060
1 2 3 n
xxiv. The sum of the infinite series : + + + ... + n + ...
10 102 103 10
1 10 1 17
(A) (B) (C) (D)
9 81 8 22
xxv. The sum of 7 consecutive positive integers is equal to the sum of the next five consecutive integers. What is
the largest among the 12 numbers ?
(A) 24 (B) 23 (C) 22 (D) 21
xxvi. Let a sequence have 200 zeroes to start with. In step 1, to every position in the sequence we add 1. In step
2, to every even position in the sequence we add 1. In step 3, to every position which is a multiple of 3, we
add 1. This is continued up to 200-th step. After the 200-th step, what will be the value in the 128th
(A) 8 (B) 16 (C) 128 (D) 200

xxvii. Let p and q be roots of the equation 2 x 2 − 35 x + 2 = 0, and let r and s be the roots of the equation
x 2 − 18 x + B = 0. If p < q < r < s are in arithmetic progression, then the values of A and B are
(A) 3, – 77 (B) 3, 77 (C) –3, –77 (D) –3, 77

xxviii. Suppose A, B, C are defined as A = a 2b + ab 2 − a 2c − ac 2 , B = b 2c + bc 2 − a 2b − ab 2 and

C = a 2c + ac 2 − b 2c − bc 2 , where a > b > c > 0 and the equation Ax 2 + Bx + C = 0 and has equal roots, then
a, b, c are in
(A) A. P. (B) G.P. (C) H.P. (D) A.G.P.


Ques. i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii xix xx
Ans. D C D A A A B C B C A B C C C A C B D B
Ques. xxi xxii xxiii xxiv xxv xxvi xxvii xviii xxix xxx xxxi xxxii xxxiii xxxiv xxxv xxxvi xxxvii
Ans. B B C B D B B C C A C D D C D C C


Ques. i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii xix xx
Ans. B B C A A A C B A D A A A C A A A D B A
Ques. xxi xxii xxiii xxiv xxv xxvi xxvii xviii
Ans. D B C B C C C A


Ques. i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii xix xx
Ans. B B B B D A A C D D D D D C D D D D B D
Ques. xxi xxii xxiii xxiv xxv xxvi xxvii xviii
Ans. D B D B B A D C

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