Lab7 3

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#include "Struct.


void NOTE::input_data()
fullName = new char[50];
phoneNumber = new char[20];

cout << "Enter full name: ";
cin.getline(fullName, 50);

bool validPhoneNumber = false;

while (!validPhoneNumber) {
cout << "Enter phone number (numbers only): ";
cin.getline(phoneNumber, 20);
validPhoneNumber = true;
for (size_t j = 0; j < strlen(phoneNumber); ++j) {
if (!isdigit(phoneNumber[j])) {
validPhoneNumber = false;
if (!validPhoneNumber) {
cout << "Invalid phone number! Please enter only numbers." <<

cout << "Enter birth date (day month year): ";

for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {

cin >> birthDate[j];

void addNotes(NOTE* notes, int& numNotes) {
int numToAdd;
cout << "Enter the number of notes you want to add: ";
cin >> numToAdd;

for (int i = numNotes; i < numNotes + numToAdd; ++i) {


numNotes += numToAdd;

void NOTE::show_data()
cout << "Full name" << fullName << ", phone number:" << phoneNumber << ",
Birth date: " << birthDate[0] << "-" << birthDate[1] << "-" << birthDate[2] <<
void showPeople( NOTE* notes, int numNotes)
cout << "All people: " << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < numNotes; i++)

void SortBySurname(NOTE* notes, int numNotes) {

for (int i = 0; i < numNotes - 1; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < numNotes - i - 1; ++j) {
char* lastName1 = strrchr(notes[j].fullName, ' ');
char* lastName2 = strrchr(notes[j + 1].fullName, ' ');

if (lastName1 && lastName2 && strcmp(lastName1 + 1, lastName2 +

1) > 0) {

char* tempName = notes[j].fullName;

notes[j].fullName = notes[j + 1].fullName;
notes[j + 1].fullName = tempName;

char* tempPhone = notes[j].phoneNumber;

notes[j].phoneNumber = notes[j + 1].phoneNumber;
notes[j + 1].phoneNumber = tempPhone;

for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {

int temp = notes[j].birthDate[k];
notes[j].birthDate[k] = notes[j + 1].birthDate[k];
notes[j + 1].birthDate[k] = temp;

cout << "Sorted list by Surname:\n";

for (int i = 0; i < numNotes; ++i) {
cout << "Full Name: " << notes[i].fullName << ", Phone Number: " <<
notes[i].phoneNumber << ", Birth Date: "
<< notes[i].birthDate[0] << "-" << notes[i].birthDate[1] << "-"
<< notes[i].birthDate[2] << endl;

void SortByBirthDate(NOTE* notes, int numNotes) {

for (int i = 0; i < numNotes - 1; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < numNotes - i - 1; ++j) {
for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
if (notes[j].birthDate[k] > notes[j + 1].birthDate[k]) {

for (int l = 0; l < 3; ++l) {

int temp = notes[j].birthDate[l];
notes[j].birthDate[l] = notes[j +
notes[j + 1].birthDate[l] = temp;

char* tempName = notes[j].fullName;

notes[j].fullName = notes[j + 1].fullName;
notes[j + 1].fullName = tempName;
char* tempPhone = notes[j].phoneNumber;
notes[j].phoneNumber = notes[j + 1].phoneNumber;
notes[j + 1].phoneNumber = tempPhone;
else if (notes[j].birthDate[k] < notes[j + 1].birthDate[k])

cout << "Sorted list by Birth Date:\n";

for (int i = 0; i < numNotes; ++i) {
cout << "Full Name: " << notes[i].fullName << ", Phone Number: " <<
notes[i].phoneNumber << ", Birth Date: "
<< notes[i].birthDate[0] << "-" << notes[i].birthDate[1] << "-"
<< notes[i].birthDate[2] << endl;

void searchBySurname(NOTE* notes, int numNotes) {

const int MAX_SURNAME_LENGTH = 50; // Define the maximum length for the
char searchSurname[MAX_SURNAME_LENGTH]; // Create an array to store the

cout << "Enter the surname to search: ";

cin >> searchSurname;

bool found = false;

cout << "People with the surname '" << searchSurname << "':\n";
for (int i = 0; i < numNotes; ++i) {
char* lastName = strrchr(notes[i].fullName, ' ');
if (lastName && strcmp(lastName + 1, searchSurname) == 0) {
cout << "Full Name: " << notes[i].fullName << ", Phone Number: "
<< notes[i].phoneNumber << ", Birth Date: "
<< notes[i].birthDate[0] << "-" << notes[i].birthDate[1] <<
"-" << notes[i].birthDate[2] << endl;
found = true;

if (!found) {
cout << "No people found with the surname '" << searchSurname << "'.\

void searchByPhoneNumber(NOTE* notes, int numNotes) {

char searchPhoneNumber[20];
cout << "Enter phone number to search: ";
cin.getline(searchPhoneNumber, 20);

bool found = false;

for (int i = 0; i < numNotes; ++i) {
if (strcmp(notes[i].phoneNumber, searchPhoneNumber) == 0) {
cout << "Full Name: " << notes[i].fullName << ", Birth Date: "
<< notes[i].birthDate[0] << "-" << notes[i].birthDate[1] <<
"-" << notes[i].birthDate[2] << endl;
found = true;

if (!found) {
cout << "No person found with the provided phone number." << endl;

void displayByBirthMonth(NOTE* notes, int numNotes) {

int searchMonth;
cout << "Enter birth month (1-12) to display: ";
cin >> searchMonth;

bool found = false;

for (int i = 0; i < numNotes; ++i) {
if (notes[i].birthDate[1] == searchMonth) {
cout << "Full Name: " << notes[i].fullName << ", Phone Number: "
<< notes[i].phoneNumber << endl;
found = true;

if (!found) {
cout << "No people found with birthdays in the provided month." <<
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct NOTE {
char* fullName;
char* phoneNumber;
int birthDate[3];
void input_data();
void show_data();

void SortBySurname(NOTE* , int );
void SortByBirthDate(NOTE*, int);
void searchBySurname(NOTE* , int);
void searchByPhoneNumber(NOTE* , int );
void displayByBirthMonth(NOTE*, int );
void showPeople( NOTE*, int);
void addNotes(NOTE*, int&);
using namespace std;

int main() {
NOTE notes[100];
int numNotes = 0;
int choice;

do {
cout << "\n1. Add Notes\n2. Sort Notes by Name\n3. Sort Notes by Birth
Date\n4. Search by Name\n5. Search by Phone Number\n6. Display People by Birth
Month\n7. Show all notes\n0. Exit\nEnter your choice: ";
cin >> choice;

switch (choice) {
case 1:
addNotes(notes, numNotes);
case 2:
SortBySurname(notes, numNotes);
cout << "Notes sorted by Full Name." << endl;
case 3:
SortByBirthDate(notes, numNotes);
cout << "Notes sorted by Date of Birth." <<endl;
case 4:
searchBySurname(notes, numNotes);
case 5:
searchByPhoneNumber(notes, numNotes);
case 6:
displayByBirthMonth(notes, numNotes);
case 7:
showPeople(notes, numNotes);
case 8:
cout << "Exiting the program. Goodbye!" << endl;
cout << "Invalid choice." << endl;
} while (choice != 0);
return 0;

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