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Vino la cursurile noastre de engleză www.fantastic-english.

md 1
7-day study plan


1 Learn useful Easter 15 min


2 Read and improve your use 15 min

of English

3 Listen and improve your 15 min


4 Watch a video and improve 15 min

your use of English

5 Work on your grammar - 15 min

future forms

6 Listen to a song and 15 min

improve your vocabulary

7 Review and reflect. Play a 15 min

game: egg hunt

Vino la cursurile noastre de engleză 2

Day 1 Learn Useful Easter Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Match the Easter words with their definitions.

1. Palm Sunday a. the week before Easter

2. Lent b. a special meal on Easter Sunday

3. Holy Week c. a special day for Christians that marks the beginning of Holy Week

4. Easter Feast d. a small animal often seen as a symbol of Easter, which brings eggs
and candy to children.
5. Resurrection
e. the holy book for Christians
6. The Bible
f. a period of 40 days before Easter when Christians stop doing
7. Bunny particular things that they enjoy
8. Holy g. the act of rising from the dead, particularly referring to Jesus Christ’s
rising three days after his crucifixion

h. related to a religion or a god; considered to be pure or good

Exercise 2: Complete the gaps with the words: Resurrection, Lent, bunny, eggs, holy, the Bible

1. The children participated in an Easter hunt, searching for colorful _________ hidden in the garden.
2. Each Easter, families gather for church services to commemorate the _____________ of Jesus Christ.
3. The Easter ________ visits children’s homes overnight, leaving behind chocolate eggs and candies.
4. On Easter Sunday, families go to church to celebrate the ________ day.
5. During _________, many Christians spend time reading and reflecting on passages from ____________.

Exercise 3: Match the words in the columns to find synonyms.

delightful rabbit practice

Bunny happy cheerful

celebration pleasant yummy

delicious tasty emblem

tradition custom covered

hidden unknown sacred

holy wonder charming

joyful festival hare

miracle sign phenomenon

symbol divine ceremony

Vino la cursurile noastre de engleză 3

Day 2 Read and Improve your Use
of English
Read this story.
The Winning Hole
In the 1950s, a toothpaste company launched an open competition to solicit ideas that could boost their
sales. For many days, they received no suitable ideas until one day, a man contacted them claiming to have
an idea that would cost them almost nothing to implement but would result in an immediate 40% increase in
business. He quoted $100,000 for the idea. Although the price was high and the company hadn’t received any
other viable ideas, they decided to take the bait. After completing all legal procedures and transferring the
money to the man, he handed them a small slip of paper with the words: “Make the hole bigger.”
Previously, toothpaste tubes had a small opening of about 5 mm for squeezing out the paste. By increasing
the diameter of the hole from 5mm to 6mm, the volume of paste squeezed out increased by 40%. As a result,
most users had to consume the tube much faster and hence needed to buy more. This very simple strategy
created history for the company.
Moral: If you have a simple but impactful idea that you believe can create a significant impact, never be
afraid to express it.

Exercise 1: Circle the correct answer.

1. The toothpaste company received many ideas during the competition. True False
2. The man offered his idea for $50,000. True False
3. The man’s idea involved making the toothpaste tubes smaller. True False
4. The moral of the story is to never be afraid to express simple ideas. True False

Exercise 2: Circle the correct answer.

1. What decade does the story take place in? 3. What was the size of the hole in the toothpaste
A) 1960s tubes before the change?
B) 1950s A) 3 mm
C) 1970s B) 4 mm
D) 1980s C) 5 mm
D) 6 mm
2. What was the man’s idea to boost sales?
A) Make the packaging fancier 4. What lesson does the story impart?
B) Increase the hole size in the toothpaste tubes A) Always invest heavily in marketing
C) Reduce the price of the toothpaste B) Avoid considering ideas from external sources
D) Change the flavor of the toothpaste C) Simple ideas can yield significant results
D) Maintain consistent product features at all costs

Exercise 3: Find in the story the words and solve the crossword
puzzle to discover the name of the company.

1. the opposite of smaller
2. the activity of buying and selling goods and services
3. used for writing, printing, or drawing on
4. the opposite of close
5. easy to understand or do
6. the amount of money for which something is sold
7. to increase or improve something

Vino la cursurile noastre de engleză 4

Day 3 Listen and Improve your
Listen to the text.
Easter is a _______________ (1) that is filled with tradition and meaning. For Christians, it is a time to celebrate
the resurrection of Jesus Christ and to ______________ (2) the sacrifices he made. For others, it is a time to
celebrate the arrival of ____________(3) and the renewal of life.
One of the most beloved traditions of Easter is the Easter ________ _________ (4). Children and adults alike
search for _____________(5) eggs that have been hidden around the house or yard, and it is a time for _________
(6) and excitement. Another __________ (7) tradition is the exchange of Easter baskets filled with treats like
chocolate eggs and other sweets.
Easter is also a time for family gatherings and __________ (8) meals. Many people prepare traditional dishes
like roast lamb and honey-glazed ham, and it is a time for families to come ___________ (9) and celebrate.
Easter is a holiday that is filled with _________ (10) and celebration. Whether it’s participating in traditional
activities or simply spending time with loved ones, Easter is a time to embrace the _______(11) and renewal of
the season.

Exercise 1: Complete the blanks with the missing words.

Exercise 2: Match the following words with their meanings.

1. Resurrection a. coming together in one place

2. Sacrifices b. feeling of eager enthusiasm

3. Tradition c. bringing something back to life

4. Renewal d. a customary way of doing something passed down through generations

5. Excitement e. giving up something important for a greater purpose

6. Gatherings f. making something new again

Exercise 3: Follow the pronunciation pattern and arrange the words accordingly.

meal, crucial, speech, station, function, Easter, clean, artificial, green, animation, dream, addition, resurrection,
commercial, street, steal, declaration, peanut, financial, wheel, judicial, feel, official, meet.

tradition special treat sweets

Vino la cursurile noastre de engleză 5

Day 4 Watch a video and improve your
use of English
Watch the video.

click or
scan to

Exercise 1: Circle the correct answer.

Andy Sachs, a recent graduate from _____(1), seeks a job as an 1. editor-in-chief of the Daily
assistant in ______(2) to pursue a career in _______(3). Andy lands Northwestern
a job at ______(4) after meeting with Cherie in ________(5). Despite 2. fashion world
lacking _____(6), Andy boasts experience as ________(7) and winning 3. Northwestern University
a ________(8). Andy works on a project involving a ________(9), but 4. intelligence and ability to learn
faces challenges with a ________(10). Andy acknowledges feeling quickly
out of place due to her lack of ________(11). The text highlights 5. Human Resources
Andy’s determination to succeed based on her _________(12). The 6. journalism
conversation portrays Andy’s struggle to fit into the ___________ 7. feathered headdress
8. Elias Clark
(13) but showcases her _________(14).
9. New York
10. glamour and fashion knowledge
11. fashion sense
12. Cavalli outfit for Gwyneth
13. national journalism competition
14. strong work ethic and potential
for growth
Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer.

1. What does Andy Sachs say he could do a 3. What did Andy Sachs win a national competition
good job as? for?
A) A fashion designer A) Best college student
B) A teacher B) College journalism
C) An assistant C) College fashion design
D) A journalist D) College public speaking

2. 2. Why did Andy Sachs come to New York? 4. What was the problem with the Cavalli dress for
A) To visit family Gwyneth?
B) To be a journalist A) It was too expensive
C) To work in fashion B) It had a huge feathered headdress
D) To attend a conference C) It was the wrong size
D) It was too plain

Shadowing Practice. Play the video clip and pause after each sentence or phrase spoken by the speaker.
Repeat what you hear immediately after, trying to match the speaker’s delivery as closely as possible.
Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm. Record yourself and watch your recordings afterward to
assess your performance.

Vino la cursurile noastre de engleză 6

Day 5 Work on Your Grammar
- Future Forms
Present Continuous for Future “Going to” Future for pre-decided Future Simple for spontaneous
arrangements, appointments with plans plans, promises, hopes
other people I’m going to call Tina after dinner. There’s no milk. I’ll buy some
We’re having a party next I told her. when I go to the shops.

Exercise 1: Choose the correct Future form to complete the dialogues.

1. Why are you carrying your laptop?

a. I’ll do some homework on the train. 5. We don’t have any bread.
b. I’m going to do some homework on the train. a. Really? I’ll buy some on my way home.
b. Really? I’m going to buy some on my way home.
2. We don’t have any bread.
a. Yes, I know, I’m going to buy some. I took some 6. I can’t find my keys.
money from your wallet. a. I’ll help you to look for them.
b. Yes, I know, I’ll buy some. I took some money b. I’m going to help to look for them.
from your wallet.
7. Why are you taking the camera?
3. That glass is dirty. a. I’ll take a picture of the sunset.
a. No problem. I am going to clean it. b. I’m going to take a picture of the sunset.
b. No problem. I’ll clean it.
8. What are you going to do after you graduate?
4. No, you can’t take my car! a. I’m going to travel.
a. I’m going to drive carefully, I promise. b. I’ll travel.
b. I’ll drive carefully, I promise.

Exercise 2: Tina lives in London. She is writing an email to her friend.

Complete it with the correct Future forms.

Hi Marta!

I know you’re working in Sweden in June, but what are you doing for the first two weeks in July?

Rita and I are going / will go to Spain for a holiday, and we want you to come with us! I don’t think Rita will fly
/ files to Spain, because she hates planes, so we are going to go/ will go by train. What do you think? We can
spend a few days in Madrid and then go to Barcelona. We’re not going to camp / we won’t camp this year.
I think we’ll probably stay / we’re probably staying in small hotels.

Good plans? Anyway, Rita’s calling me. We’re going to have / we will have dinner but I’ll call / I’m calling you
later this evening, I promise.

Love, Tina.

Vino la cursurile noastre de engleză 7

Day 6 Listen to a Song and Improve your
Listen to the song and complete the gaps with
”will” or ”won’t”. Notice where ”will” has short click or
form ‘ll. scan to

Next to Me
You _____ find him drinking at the tables. (1)
Rolling dice and staying out ’til three
You _____ ever find him being unfaithful (2)
You _____ find him, you _____ find him next to me (3)
You _____ find him trying to chase the devil (4)
For money, fame, for power, out of grief
You _____ ever find him where the rest go (5)
You _____ find him, you _____ find him next to me (6)

Next to me, oh
Next to me, oh
Next to me, oh
You _____ l find him, you _____ find him next to me (7)

When the money’s spent and all my friends have

And I can’t seem to find no help or love for free
I know there’s no need for me to panic
‘Cause I _____ find him, I _____ find him next to me (8)
When the skies are gray and all the doors are closing
And the rising pressure makes it hard to breathe
When all I need’s a hand to stop the tears from falling
I _____ find him, I _____ find him next to me (9)


When the end has come and buildings falling down fast
When we spoilt the land and dried up all the sea
When everyone has lost their heads around us
You _____ find him, you _____ find him next to me (10)
Next to me, oh…

Exercise 1: Solve the crossword puzzle. Find in the lyrics the antonyms for the words.

Across Down
2. beginning 1. angel
4. expensive 3. up
6. loyal 5. lose
8. easy 7. slow

Vino la cursurile noastre de engleză 8

Day 7 Review and Reflect. Play a Game:
Egg Hunt
Exercise 1: Pronunciation Egg Hunt. Get from EASTER to FEAST by linking all the words which have the
same pronunciation of ea /i:/. You can move vertically or horizontally but not diagonally.

EASTER break health sweater pear bear

please dream cream tea hear bread
season meat great peach wheat steal
ocean ready steak pleasure head FEAST

Exercise 2: Vocabulary Egg Hunt. Solve the crossword puzzle.

2. a synonym for wonder
5. a synonym for happy
8. Andy applied for this job in the video clip
9. making something new again

1. 40 days before Easter
3. the toothpaste company mentioned in the story
4. to increase or improve
6. the opposite for lose
7. the auxiliary verb to make Future Simple tense

Exercise 3: Grammar Egg Hunt. Use the correct Future form.

1. I promise I _____________________ your secret to anyone. (not tell)

2. I ___________________ to the cinema tonight. I already have a ticket. (go)
3. That exercise looks difficult. I _____________________ (help) you.
4. Susan has bought the paint. She _____________________ the room next weekend. (paint)
5. They ____________________ (drive) to New York tomorrow morning.
6. Susan and Pete _____________________ married on the 2nd of June. (to get)
7. I hope it ________________ sunny tomorrow. (be)
8. Please, buy some eggs. I_______________________ a cake. (make)

Vino la cursurile noastre de engleză 9

Day 1 Day 2
Ex. 1 Ex. 2 Ex. 3 Ex. 1 Ex. 2 Ex. 3
1. c 1. eggs delightful - pleasant - charming 1. False 1. B
2. f 2. Resurrection Bunny - rabbit - hare 2. False 2. B
3. a 3. Bunny celebration - festival - ceremony 3. False 3. C
4. b 4. holy delicious - tasty - yummy 4. True 4. C
5. g 5. Lent, the Bible tradition - custom - practice
6. e hidden - unknown - covered
7. d holy - divine - sacred
8. h joyful - happy - cheerful
miracle - wonder - phenomenon
symbol - sign - emblem

Day 3 Day 4
Ex. 1 Ex. 2 Ex. 3 Ex. 1 Ex. 2
1. holiday 1. c tradition special treat sweets 1. Northwestern University 1. c
2. remember 2. e station artificial meal teen 2. New York 2. b
3. spring 3. d function financial Easter wheel 3. journalism 3. b
4. egg hunt 4. f animation crucial clean green 4. Elias Clark 4. b
5. colourful 5. b addition commercial dream street 5. Human Resources
6. fun 6. a resurrection judicial steal speech 6. fashion sense
7. popular declaration official peanut feel 7. editor-in-chief of the Daily Northwestern
8. special 8. national journalism competition
9. together 9. Cavalli outfit for Gwyneth
10. joy 10. feathered headdress
11. hope 11. glamour and fashion knowledge
12. intelligence and ability to learn quickly
13. fashion world
14. strong work ethic and potential for growth
Day 5
Ex. 1 Ex. 2
1. b 1. are going
2. a 2. will fly
3. b 3. are going to go Day 7
4. b 4. are not going to camp
5. a 5. we’ll probably stay Ex. 1
6. a 6. are going to have EASTER break health sweater pear bear
7. b 7. I’ll call you please dream cream tea hear bread
8. a
season meat great peach wheat steal
ocean ready steak pleasure head FEAST
Day 6
Ex. 2 Ex. 3
Ex. 1
Next to Me
1. will not tell (won’t)
2. am going
1. won’t 3. will help (‘ll)
2. won’t 4. is going to paint
3. will, ’ll 5. are driving
4. won’t 6. are getting
5. won’t 7. will be (‘ll)
6. will , ’ll 8. am going to make
7. will, ’ll
8. ’ll , ’ll
9. will, ’ll
10. will , ’ll

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Vino la cursurile noastre de engleză 10

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