Slab+I Level (I Block)

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Baitadi, Nepal


Total Wt.
Total Wt.= 8571.55 433.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.00
Unit wt.= 0.395 0.617 0.888 1.578 2.466 3.853 4.834 6.313

Project : Construction Of Commercial Building of Aadar Multi Investment Company Limited.

Site : Balkhu, Kathmandu
Bill no. 1

Ø of Cut Total Length (m)

S.N. Description Bar Details dimensions (m) Bar,m No. Length/pc Remark
m (m) 8Ø 10Ø 12Ø 16Ø 20Ø 25Ø 28Ø 32Ø

Reinforcement (TMT steel work with the steel

supplied by the owner including straightening,
cleaning, cutting, bending with 20 SWG
annealed tying wire and fixing in position
drawing, specification & instruction of the

I block
at lvl 3.75m
Rebar of Slab
Rebar of Slab
Bottom rebar

Main Rebar along S-N direction beyond grid 6

Bottom and top 8mm B1 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.1 5.655 0.1 8 18.0 5.85 105.39

Main Rebar along S-N direction 6-7 with

Bottom 8mm B1 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.1 23.469 0.1 8 33.0 23.67 781.08


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Bill no. 1

Ø of Cut Total Length (m)

S.N. Description Bar Details dimensions (m) Bar,m No. Length/pc Remark
m (m) 8Ø 10Ø 12Ø 16Ø 20Ø 25Ø 28Ø 32Ø

Bottom 8mm B1 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.40 8 66.0 0.40 26.40

Main Rebar along S-N direction 7-8 with

Bottom 8mm B1 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.1 23.469 0.1 8 18.0 23.67 426.04


Bottom 8mm B1 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.40 8 36.0 0.40 14.40

Main Rebar along S-N direction 7-8 without

Bottom 8mm B1 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.1 21.869 0.1 8 20.0 22.07 441.38


Bottom 8mm B1 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.40 8 40.0 0.40 16.00

Main Rebar along S-N direction 8-9

Bottom 8mm B1 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.1 4.145 0.1 8 32.0 4.34 139.04

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Bill no. 1

Ø of Cut Total Length (m)

S.N. Description Bar Details dimensions (m) Bar,m No. Length/pc Remark
m (m) 8Ø 10Ø 12Ø 16Ø 20Ø 25Ø 28Ø 32Ø

Main Rebar along S-N direction 9-11

Bottom 8mm B1 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.1 21.869 0.1 8 55.0 22.07 1213.80


Bottom 8mm B1 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.40 8 110.0 0.40 44.00

Main Rebar along S-N direction 11-12

Bottom 8mm B1 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.1 21.869 0.1 8 50.0 22.07 1103.45
Bottom 8mm B1 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.40 8 100.0 0.40 40.00

Main Rebar along S-N direction 12-14

Bottom 8mm B1 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.1 21.869 0.1 8 60.0 22.07 1324.14
Bottom 8mm B1 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.40 8 120.0 0.40 48.00

Main Rebar along E-W direction beyond A

Bottom 8mm B3 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.1 9.02 0.1 8 9.0 9.22 82.98

Top 8mm B3 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.1 9.02 0.1 8 9.0 9.22 82.98

Main Rebar along E-W direction A-B/6-8

Bottom 8mm B3 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.1 12.37 0.1 8 30.0 12.57 377.10


Bottom 8mm B3 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.40 8 30.0 0.40 12.00

Main Rebar along E-W direction A-B/9-14

Bottom 8mm B3 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.1 27.135 0.1 8 30.0 27.34 820.05


Bottom 8mm B3 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.40 8 90.0 0.40 36.00

Main Rebar along E-W direction B-C/6-8

Bottom 8mm B3 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.1 12.37 0.1 8 44.0 12.57 553.08

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Bill no. 1

Ø of Cut Total Length (m)

S.N. Description Bar Details dimensions (m) Bar,m No. Length/pc Remark
m (m) 8Ø 10Ø 12Ø 16Ø 20Ø 25Ø 28Ø 32Ø


Bottom 8mm B3 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.40 8 44.0 0.40 17.60

Main Rebar along E-W direction B-C/9-14

Bottom 8mm B3 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.1 27.135 0.1 8 44.0 27.34 1202.74


Bottom 8mm B3 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.40 8 132.0 0.40 52.80

Main Rebar along E-W direction C-E(upto 400x400 beam)/6-8

Bottom 8mm B3 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.1 12.37 0.1 8 25.0 12.57 314.25


Bottom 8mm B3 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.40 8 25.0 0.40 10.00

Main Rebar along E-W direction C-E(from 400x400 beam to s beam)/6-8

Bottom 8mm B3 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.1 14.02 0.1 8 13.0 14.22 184.86


Bottom 8mm B3 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.40 8 13.0 0.40 5.20

Main Rebar along E-W direction C-E(upto s beam)/9-14

Bottom 8mm B3 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.1 27.135 0.1 8 38.0 27.34 1038.73


Bottom 8mm B3 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.40 8 114.0 0.40 45.60

Main Rebar along E-W direction C-E with

Bottom 8mm B3 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.1 45.991 0.1 8 19.0 46.19 877.63
Bottom 8mm B3 Bars @150 mm c/c 0.40 8 95.0 0.40 38.00

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Bill no. 1

Ø of Cut Total Length (m)

S.N. Description Bar Details dimensions (m) Bar,m No. Length/pc Remark
m (m) 8Ø 10Ø 12Ø 16Ø 20Ø 25Ø 28Ø 32Ø

TOP REBAR(along E-W)

Distribution bar between grid A& B/6-8 0.1 12.37 0.10 8 21.0 12.57 263.97

lap 0.4 8 21.0 0.40 8.40

Extra top bar
Across grid 6 0.86 8 9.0 0.96 8.64

Between Grid 6 & 7 2.15 8 9.0 2.15 19.35

Across grid 7 2.225 8 9.0 2.23 20.03

Between Grid 7 & 8 2.35 8 9.0 2.35 21.15

Across grid 8 1.535 0.1 8 9.0 1.64 14.72

Distribution bar between grid A& B/9-14 0.1 27.135 0.10 8 21.0 27.34 574.04


Distribution bar between grid A& B/9-14 0.40 8 63.0 0.40 25.20

Across grid 9 1.36 8 9.0 1.36 12.24

Between grid 9 and 11 2.125 8 9.0 2.13 19.13

extra top
Between grid 9 and 11 2.05 8 9.0 2.05 18.45
m bar nos
- top
Across grid 11 2.225 8 9.0 2.23 20.03 distributio
n bar nos
Between grid 11 and 12 2.1 8 18.0 2.10 37.80

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Bill no. 1

Ø of Cut Total Length (m)

S.N. Description Bar Details dimensions (m) Bar,m No. Length/pc Remark
m (m) 8Ø 10Ø 12Ø 16Ø 20Ø 25Ø 28Ø 32Ø

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Bill no. 1

Ø of Cut Total Length (m)

S.N. Description Bar Details dimensions (m) Bar,m No. Length/pc Remark
m (m) 8Ø 10Ø 12Ø 16Ø 20Ø 25Ø 28Ø 32Ø

Across grid 12 2.300 8 9.0 2.30 20.70

Between grid 12 and 14 2.2 8 18.0 2.20 39.60

Across grid 14 0.1 1.061 8 9.0 1.16 10.45

Distribution bar between grid B &C/6-8 0.1 12.37 0.10 8 32.0 12.57 402.24

lap 0.4 8 32.0 0.40 12.80

Extra top bar
Across grid 6 0.86 8 12.0 0.96 11.52

Between Grid 6 & 7 2.15 8 12.0 2.15 25.80

Across grid 7 2.225 8 12.0 2.23 26.70

Between Grid 7 & 8 2.35 8 12.0 2.35 28.20

Across grid 8 1.535 0.1 8 12.0 1.64 19.62

Distribution bar between grid B&C/9-14 0.1 27.135 0.10 8 32.0 27.34 874.72


Distribution bar between grid B&C/9-14 0.40 8 96.0 0.40 38.40

Across grid 9 1.36 8 12.0 1.36 16.32

Between grid 9 and 11 2.125 8 12.0 2.13 25.50

extra top
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...................Approved By
m bar nos
- top
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Bill no. 1

Ø of Cut Total Length (m)

S.N. Description Bar Details dimensions (m) Bar,m No. Length/pc Remark
m (m) 8Ø 10Ø 12Ø 16Ø 20Ø 25Ø 28Ø 32Ø
extra top
Between grid 9 and 11 2.05 8 12.0 2.05 24.60
m bar nos
- top
Across grid 11 2.225 8 12.0 2.23 26.70 distributio
n bar nos
Between grid 11 and 12 2.1 8 24.0 2.10 50.40

Across grid 12 2.300 8 12.0 2.30 27.60

Between grid 12 and 14 2.2 8 24.0 2.20 52.80

Across grid 14 0.1 1.061 8 12.0 1.16 13.93

Distribution bar between grid C-E/6-8(upto 400x 0.1 12.37 0.10 8 20.0 12.57 251.40

lap 0.4 8 20.0 0.40 8.00

Extra top bar
Across grid 6 0.86 8 6.0 0.96 5.76

Between Grid 6 & 7 2.15 8 6.0 2.15 12.90

Across grid 7 2.225 8 6.0 2.23 13.35

Between Grid 7 & 8 2.35 8 6.0 2.35 14.10

Across grid 8 1.535 0.1 8 6.0 1.64 9.81

Distribution bar between grid C-E/6-8(upto 400x 0.1 14.747 0.10 8 7.0 14.95 104.63

lap 0.4 8 7.0 0.40 2.80

Extra top bar
Across grid 6 5.933 8 5.0 6.03 30.17

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Bill no. 1

Ø of Cut Total Length (m)

S.N. Description Bar Details dimensions (m) Bar,m No. Length/pc Remark
m (m) 8Ø 10Ø 12Ø 16Ø 20Ø 25Ø 28Ø 32Ø


Between Grid 6 & 7 2.15 8 5.0 2.15 10.75

Across grid 7 2.225 8 5.0 2.23 11.13

Between Grid 7 & 8 2.35 8 5.0 2.35 11.75

Across grid 8 1.535 0.1 8 5.0 1.64 8.18

Distribution bar between grid C and E(upto SB)/ 0.1 27.135 0.10 8 27.0 27.34 738.05


Distribution bar between grid C and E(upto
SB)/9-14 0.40 8 81.0 0.40 32.40

Across grid 9 1.36 8 11.0 1.36 14.96

Between grid 9 and 11 2.125 8 11.0 2.13 23.38

extra top
Between grid 9 and 11 2.05 8 11.0 2.05 22.55
m bar nos
- top
Across grid 11 2.225 8 11.0 2.23 24.48 distributio
n bar nos
Between grid 11 and 12 2.1 8 22.0 2.10 46.20

Across grid 12 2.300 8 11.0 2.30 25.30

Between grid 12 and 14 2.2 8 22.0 2.20 48.40

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Bill no. 1

Ø of Cut Total Length (m)

S.N. Description Bar Details dimensions (m) Bar,m No. Length/pc Remark
m (m) 8Ø 10Ø 12Ø 16Ø 20Ø 25Ø 28Ø 32Ø

Across grid 14 0.1 1.061 8 11.0 1.16 12.77

small projection between 8 and 9(top and

bottom) 5.341 8 4.0 5.34 21.36

Distribution bar between grid C &E(with

cantilever )(between secondary beam and E) 0.1 45.991 0.10 8 14.0 46.19 646.67
Extra top bar
Across grid 6 5.933 8 5.0 6.03 30.17

Between Grid 6 & 7 2.15 8 5.0 2.15 10.75

Across grid 7 2.225 8 5.0 2.23 11.13

Between Grid 7 & 8 2.35 8 5.0 2.35 11.75

Across grid 8 2.5 8 5.0 2.50 12.50

Between Grid 8 & 9 2.225 8 5.0 2.22 11.12

Across grid 9 2.35 8 5.0 2.35 11.75

Between grid 9 and 11 2.125 8 10.0 2.13 21.25

Between grid 9 and 11 2.05 8 20.0 2.05 41.00

Across grid 11 2.225 8 5.0 2.23 11.13

Between grid 11 and 12 2.1 8 10.0 2.10 21.00

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Bill no. 1

Ø of Cut Total Length (m)

S.N. Description Bar Details dimensions (m) Bar,m No. Length/pc Remark
m (m) 8Ø 10Ø 12Ø 16Ø 20Ø 25Ø 28Ø 32Ø

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Bill no. 1

Ø of Cut Total Length (m)

S.N. Description Bar Details dimensions (m) Bar,m No. Length/pc Remark
m (m) 8Ø 10Ø 12Ø 16Ø 20Ø 25Ø 28Ø 32Ø

Across grid 12 2.300 8 5.0 2.30 11.50

Between grid 12 and 14 2.2 8 10.0 2.20 22.00

Across grid 14 0.1 1.061 8 5.0 1.16 5.81

Distribution bar between grid 6 & 7 with

cantilever 0.1 23.469 0.10 8 26.0 23.67 615.39
Extra top bar
Across grid A-A 0.1 3.585 8 7.0 3.69 25.80

Across grid B-B 2.925 8 7.0 2.93 20.47

Between grid B and C 2.450 8 7.0 2.45 17.15

Across grid C-C 2.450 8 7.0 2.45 17.15

Between grid C and E 2.200 8 14.0 2.20 30.80

across grid E-E 0.1 1.060 8 7.0 1.16 8.12

lap for distribution bars 0.400 8 52.0 0.40 20.80

(2 positions)
Distribution bar between grid 7 & 8 with
cantilever 0.1 23.469 0.10 8 12.0 23.67 284.03
Extra top bar
Across grid A-A 0.1 3.585 8 6.0 3.69 22.11

Across grid B-B 2.925 8 6.0 2.93 17.55

Between grid B and C 2.450 8 6.0 2.45 14.70

Across grid C-C 2.450 8 6.0 2.45 14.70

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Bill no. 1

Ø of Cut Total Length (m)

S.N. Description Bar Details dimensions (m) Bar,m No. Length/pc Remark
m (m) 8Ø 10Ø 12Ø 16Ø 20Ø 25Ø 28Ø 32Ø

Between grid C and E 2.200 8 12.0 2.20 26.40

across grid E-E 0.1 1.060 8 6.0 1.16 6.96

lap for distribution bars 0.400 8 24.0 0.40 9.60

(2 positions)

Distribution bar between grid 7 & 8 without

cantilever 0.1 21.869 0.10 8 16.0 22.07 353.10
Extra top bar
Across grid A-A 0.1 1.110 8 4.0 1.21 4.84

Across grid B-B 2.925 8 4.0 2.93 11.70

Between grid B and C 2.450 8 4.0 2.45 9.80

Across grid C-C 2.450 8 4.0 2.45 9.80

Between grid C and E 2.200 8 8.0 2.20 17.60

across grid E-E 0.1 1.060 8 4.0 1.16 4.64

lap for distribution bars 0.400 8 32.0 0.40 12.80

(2 positions)

Distribution bar between grid 8&9 0.1 4.062 0.10 8 28.0 4.26 119.34
extra top
Extra top bar
Across grid E-E 0.1 1.060 8 4.0 1.16 4.64 nos=botto
m bar nos
- top
Across grid SB1 0.1 1.594 8 4.0 1.69 6.78 distributio
n bar nos
Distribution bar between grid 9&11 0.1 21.869 0.10 8 38.0 22.07 838.62
Extra top bar
Across grid A-A 0.1 1.110 8 17.0 1.21 20.57

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Bill no. 1

Ø of Cut Total Length (m)

S.N. Description Bar Details dimensions (m) Bar,m No. Length/pc Remark
m (m) 8Ø 10Ø 12Ø 16Ø 20Ø 25Ø 28Ø 32Ø

Across grid B-B 2.925 8 17.0 2.93 49.72

Between grid B and C 2.450 8 17.0 2.45 41.65

Across grid C-C 2.450 8 17.0 2.45 41.65

Between grid C and E 2.200 8 34.0 2.20 74.80

across grid E-E 0.1 1.060 8 17.0 1.16 19.72

lap for distribution bars 0.400 8 76.0 0.40 30.40

(2 positions)

Distribution bar between grid 11&12 0.1 21.794 0.10 8 39.0 21.99 857.77
Extra top bar
Across grid A-A 0.1 1.110 8 11.0 1.21 13.31

Across grid B-B 2.925 8 11.0 2.93 32.18

Between grid B and C 2.450 8 11.0 2.45 26.95

Across grid C-C 2.450 8 11.0 2.45 26.95

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Bill no. 1

Ø of Cut Total Length (m)

S.N. Description Bar Details dimensions (m) Bar,m No. Length/pc Remark
m (m) 8Ø 10Ø 12Ø 16Ø 20Ø 25Ø 28Ø 32Ø

Between grid C and E 2.200 8 22.0 2.20 48.40

across grid E-E 0.1 1.060 8 11.0 1.16 12.76

lap for distribution bars 0.400 8 78.0 0.40 31.20

(2 positions)

Distribution bar between grid 12&14 0.1 21.794 0.10 8 37.0 21.99 813.78
Extra top bar
Across grid A-A 0.1 1.110 8 23.0 1.21 27.83

Across grid B-B 2.925 8 23.0 2.93 67.27

Between grid B and C 2.450 8 23.0 2.45 56.35

Across grid C-C 2.450 8 23.0 2.45 56.35

Between grid C and E 2.200 8 46.0 2.20 101.20

across grid E-E 0.1 1.060 8 23.0 1.16 26.68

lap for distribution bars 0.400 8 74.0 0.40 29.60

(2 positions)

Chair 10 581.0 1.21 703.01 as per site


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