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Faculty: Oil-Mechanics

Department: Material science and Processing technologies

Group: 422.20E

Specialty: 050623-Material Engineering


Subject: Fundamentals of nanomaterials and nanotechnology

Topic: Modeling of layered composite materials in ANSYS software and study of


Student: Balashova F.N.

Supervisor: Lec. Gurbanov N.A.

Norm controller: Lec. Gurbanov N.A.

Head of department: Asoc.Prof. Jabbarov T.G.



Faculty Oil-mechanics

Specialty 050623-Material Engineering

Department Material science and Processing technologies

Group 422.20E

The purpose of the course work on the subject of

“Fundamentals of nanomaterials and nanotechnology”

1. Topic of course work- Modeling of layered composite materials in ANSYS

software and study of properties.
2. The purpose of course work is study of nature of properties of different types
of composite materials and their comparations
3. Time to prepare and submit the course work for preliminary defense
4. Date of assignment

Head of department: Asoc.Prof. Jabbarov T.G.

Supervisor: Lec. Gurbanov N.A.

Norm controller: Lec. Gurbanov N.A.

Student: Balashova F.N.

I agreed to execute the task:

(student's signature, date)


The main purpose of this research is to model layered composite materials in

the ANSYS program and study their properties. The research paper consists of 25
pages, 5 figures and prepared using a 5-title references. Composites are new materials
with unique properties resulting from the combination of two or more materials with
different macro-level properties. Due to the unique properties of these materials, they
are widely used in defense, aviation, medicine, agriculture, transport and other
industries. In this study, a mathematical model of layered composite materials, which
are a special type of composite materials, is built in 3D format, and their mechanical
properties are studied using the finite element method. The main purpose of modeling
layered composite materials in the ANSYS program is to study the mechanical
properties of these materials in 3D format using modeling and subsequently conduct
research on the production process and mechanical properties in the laboratory.
Keywords: ANSYS, composite materials, mechanical properties, metal matrix


Bu tədqiqat işinin yerinə yetirilməsində əsas məqsdə laylı kompzoit

materialların ANSYS proqramında modellənməsi və xassələrin öyrənilməsini həyata
keçirməkdən ibarətdir. Tədqiqat işi 25 səhifədən, 5 şəkildən ibarətdir və 5 adlı
ədəbiyyat siyahından istifadə olunaraq hazırlanmışdır. Makro səviyyədə müxtəlif
xassələrə malik iki və ya daha çox materialın birləşməsindən yaranan unikal
xüsusiyyətlərə malik yeni materiallara kompozitlər deyilir. Bu materialların unikal
xüsusiyyətlərinə görə müdafiə, aviasiya, tibb, kənd təsərrüfatı, nəqliyyat və digər
sənaye sahələrində geniş istifadə olunur. Bu tədqiqatda kompozit materialların xüsusi
növü olan laylı kompozit materialların riyazi modelinin 3D formatda qurulması və
onların mexaniki xassələrinin sonlu elementlər üsulu ilə öyrənilməsi həyata keçirilir.
Laylı kompozit materialların ANSYS proqramında modelləşdirilməsinin əsas
məqsədi simulyasiya üsulundan istifadə etməklə bu materialların 3D formatda
mexaniki xassələrini öyrənmək və gələcəkdə laboratoriya şəraitində istehsal
prosesinin və mexaniki xassələrinin tədqiqini aparmaqdır.
Açar sözlər: ANSYS, kompozit materiallar, mexaniki xassələr, metal matrisli


Основная цель данного исследования – моделирование слоистых

композиционных материалов в программе ANSYS и исследование их свойств.
Исследовательская работа состоит из 25 страниц, 5 рисунков и подготовлена с
использованием библиографии из 5 названий. Композиты — это новые
материалы с уникальными свойствами, возникающие в результате сочетания
двух или более материалов с разными свойствами на макроуровне. Благодаря
уникальным свойствам этих материалов они широко используются в обороне,
авиации, медицине, сельском хозяйстве, на транспорте и других отраслях. В
данном исследовании в 3D-формате строится математическая модель слоистых
композиционных материалов, представляющих собой особый вид
композиционных материалов, и методом конечных элементов изучаются их
механические свойства. Основной целью моделирования слоистых
композиционных материалов в программе ANSYS является изучение
механических свойств этих материалов в формате 3D методом моделирования
и в дальнейшем проведение исследований процесса производства и
механических свойств в лабораторных условиях.
Ключевые слова: ANSYS, композитные материалы, механические
свойства, металло-матричные композиты.

Introduction....................................................................................................... 7
1. Composites. Types of composites.......................................................... 8
2. Layered composite materials.................................................................. 10
2.1.1. Methods of manufacturing of composite materials...................... 13
2.1.2. Solid phase method...................................................................... 13
2.1.3. Liquid phase method.................................................................... 14
2.1.4. Gas phase method......................................................................... 15
2.2. Properties of polymer composites..................................................... 17
2.2.1. Electrical properties of polymer composites................................ 18
2.2.2. Mechanical properties of polymer composites............................. 19
2.3. Properties of metal composites.......................................................... 20
2.4. Properties of ceramic composites...................................................... 21
3. Modeling and study of properties of layered composites in ANSYS.... 22
Conclusion........................................................................................................ 24
References……………………………………………………………………. 25


Composites exist in nature. Composite materials are formed by combining two

or more materials with completely different properties, and they do not dissolve or
mix with each other. At the same time, in combination with each other, they create a
new material or improve the characteristics of one of them. Today, many researchers
believe that these materials are the future and call the XXI century the century of
composites. Surprisingly, the idea of their creation was born long before our era.
People have been using composite materials for thousands of years in various fields.
The first use of composite materials dates back to 1500 BC, when the early Egyptians
and Mesopotamian settlers used a mixture of clay and straw to create strong and
durable buildings.
The combination of dirt and straw in a brick block provides it with reliable
protection against both compression and rupture or bending. Straw continued to serve
as the basis for the manufacture of ancient composite products, including ceramics
and boats. The most famous artificial composite material is concrete. During the
Second World War, many composite materials were developed and transferred from
the laboratory to real production. There is also a self-healing polymer. This
composite contains chemicals that form a new layer when the surface of the product
is damaged. Almost half of the parts of a modern aircraft are made of composites.

1. Composites. Types of composites

A composite material (also called a composition material or shortened to

composite, which is the common name) is a material which is produced from two or
more constituent materials. These constituent materials have notably dissimilar
chemical or physical properties and are merged to create a material with properties
unlike the individual elements. Within the finished structure, the individual elements
remain separate and distinct, distinguishing composites from mixtures and solid
There are various reasons where new material can be favoured. Typical
examples include materials which are less expensive, lighter, stronger or more
durable when compared with common materials, as well as composite materials
inspired from animals and natural sources with low carbon footprint.
More recently researchers have also begun to actively include sensing,
actuation, computation, and communication into composites, which are known as
robotic materials.
Composite materials are generally used for buildings, bridges, and structures
such as boat hulls, swimming pool panels, racing car bodies, shower stalls, bathtubs,
storage tanks, imitation granite, and cultured marble sinks and countertops. They are
also being increasingly used in general automotive applications.
The most advanced examples perform routinely on spacecraft and aircraft in
demanding environments (fig. 1).

Figure 1. Applicaton of composite materials

2. Layered composite materials

In nature, there are a large number of different hard and soft layered
substances: wood, shells, shells, horns, shells, pearls, leather, slate, mica, etc. They
often have excellent physical and decorative properties and have been used by man
for economic and artistic purposes since ancient times.
Layered composites include composite materials in which the elements
included in the composition are made in the form of layers (fig.2).
The first high-tech layered composites can be considered ancient steel
products produced by forging welding from various grades of iron. Layered roofing
materials based on tar and natural resins have a long history. In the 13th century,
Venice began to produce glass mirrors covered with tin amalgam. In France, since
the 16th century, the manufacture of various papier-mache products has begun. The
first industrial revolution of the 19th century introduced glued plywood and various
types of cardboard.
Modern layered composites are made up of natural materials, metals, alloys,
plastics, ceramics, artificial fibers, etc. The invention and introduction of synthetic
polymers (resins) played an important role in the development of layered composites
 reactoplasts (phenoplasts - phenol-formaldehyde or phenolic;
aminoplasts - melamine and urea-formaldehyde; epoxy, polyester, organo -
silicon, polyimide, etc. polymer binders) (fig. 3).
 thermoplastics (polyolefins, aliphatic and aromatic polyamides,
polysulfones, fluoroplastics, etc.).

The specific design of a layered composite depends primarily on the goals set
by the developer. Some layered composites consist of identical repeating layers,
others are made up of completely different ones.
The individual layers that make up the composite may have a continuous or
discrete (scaly) structure and different spatial orientation.
It is rightly believed that these composites have high bending strength. But
this is not their only advantage. The layered construction creates exceptionally rich
possibilities for creating materials with various combinations of technological,
decorative, mechanical, thermophysical, electrical, optical, chemical, etc. properties
in which - each layer has its own special function or even several functions.
Individual materials in layered composites are combined into a single whole
during polymerization, bonding, soldering or welding. The technologies for obtaining
layered structures use a wide variety of technological processes: filling, spraying,
deposition, spraying, sintering, injection molding, extrusion, pultrusion, rolling,
winding, growing, foaming, etc.
Layered composites are produced both in the form of flat sheets or panels, and
in the form of products of complex geometric shapes. Thin layered composite
materials can be produced in a rolled form.
Due to the fundamental diversity of layered composites, it is rather difficult to
build a coherent classification of them. To illustrate the properties and capabilities of
this group of composites, below is a short list of some common layered composite

Figure 2. Modeling of layered composite materials in ANSYS

Figure 3. Phenoplast

2.1.1. Methods of manufacturing of composite materials

Currently, various methods of obtaining layered composite materials are used.

The expediency of using one or another method is determined by the properties of the
raw materials, the shape of the manufactured metal products, the conditions of its
operation and the methods of processing the product. Methods of manufacturing
layered composites can be classified according to a number of features. Based on the
conditions of the processes at the junction of the components, there are three
combinations of aggregate states of metals in the contact zone: liquid with liquid,
solid with liquid and solid with solid. Thus, the existing methods of manufacturing
layered composites and bimetals can be divided into gas-phase, liquid-phase, solid-
phase and combined.

2.1.2. Solid phase method (Rolling)

Joint rolling is one of the most common methods of manufacturing metal

layered composite materials. The technology is a joint pumping of workpieces in
order to obtain an integral connection of sheets over the entire area of metal contact
(fig. 4). This method makes it possible to obtain so-called natural composite
materials. Materials for the manufacture of composite materials by this method can
be either of the same class, for example, stainless steel and carbon steel, or of
different classes, such as copper and stainless steel or aluminum and copper. The
rolling scheme is presented on rolls of raw metals stacked on top of each other and
passed through the working rolls.

Figure 4. Rolling process

2.1.3. Liquid phase method

The structure of the composite material obtained by the liquid-phase method is
formed under the influence of three factors: physico-chemical, structural and
technological. The main factors in the first group are the physico-chemical properties
of the reinforcing elements and the matrix, the nature of their interaction, conditions
and nature of crystallization and solidification. The second group includes
reinforcement parameters, geometric parameters of reinforcing elements and
geometric parameters of cast blanks. The third is the preparation of the surface of the
reinforcing elements, the method of preparing the matrix melt, the method of
manufacturing the composite, the subsequent processing of the workpiece.
The production of SCM by the liquid-phase method, by the impregnation
method, involves the contact of the liquid metal of the filler with the solid metal of
the matrix and requires wetting. Wetting of the metal matrix with the filler melt leads
to close contact of the phases, which is a necessary condition for the beginning of the
processes of chemical interaction along the boundaries of the metal interface and the
formation of a solid SCM body. The wetting energy conditions are determined by the
fact that any thermodynamic system is most stable at a minimum of free energy, and
any process that causes its decrease will be thermodynamically justified, and when
wetting, the surface tension at the interface of the phases decreases. To ensure
wetting, the edge angle should be less than 90°. This angle value is also characteristic
of dissolution. If we assume that wetting is accompanied by a slight dissolution, then
this type of bond covers both limiting cases of mutual solubility. To form a bond by
wetting and dissolving, the surface of the components must be cleaned of adsorbed
gases and contaminants before they come into contact.

2.1.4. Gas phase method

The production of metal composite materials by gas-phase methods is used

when the interaction of the matrix material with the hardener is unacceptable. Gas-
phase methods of manufacturing composite materials are based on gas-thermal
spraying or deposition of material from the gas phase. Basically, gas-thermal methods
are used to obtain thin layers with special properties.
Gas thermal spraying (fig. 5) is a very common method of obtaining
composite materials. The most common method of gas thermal spraying is plasma
spraying. Plasma torches are used for plasma spraying, and nitrogen, argon, helium,
ammonia and gas mixtures are used as plasma-forming gas. The formation of a
plasma coating layer occurs when plasma particles collide with the contact surface.
Due to the high temperatures of the process plasma particles are connected to each
other and the surface of the workpiece and a strong connection is formed. The
thickness of the sprayed coating, its strength and density depend on the process
parameters and the nature of the sprayed substance and the surface on which the
spraying occurs. For spraying, materials are used in the form of powders or solid-
section wires.

Figure 5. Gas-thermal spraying process

The sprayed material is fed into a plasma arc and under the influence of high
temperatures, it melts and is transferred using a high-temperature plasma flow to the
sprayed surface.
There is a simpler method of applying coatings by the gas–thermal method -
flame spraying. The essence of the method consists in the formation of a coating due
to the transfer of particles of the sprayed material by a gas jet onto the substrate. The
combustible gases are acetylene, propane-butane, and natural gas. The oxidizer is
Acetylene and oxygen are most often used, and the sprayed material is
supplied in the form of wire, rods or powders.
When the flame jets and the gas-powder suspension are mixed, heat exchange
occurs. The particles melt and are transferred to the substrate, creating a metal
deposition. Such installations are designed for fusible materials. Their melting point
should be below 800 ° C. And also for the application of refractory materials and
self-fluxing materials.

Another type of gas-phase coating methods is the deposition of material from
the gas phase. The essence of the process consists in the formation of a coating on the
surface of the part due to the deposition of volatile metals from the gas phase on it.
The coating formation process takes place in the gas chamber. The surface of the part
is preheated. The pressure in the chamber can be either normal atmospheric or
The main purpose of this method is the application of protective coatings on
the surface of products of complex shape made of refractory materials and composite
materials from surfaced components.

2.2. Properties of polymer composites

Polymer matrix composites are most exploited materials. Polymers are

relatively weak, low-stiffness, viscoelastic materials when compared with other two
matrices. However, these matrices possess good deformability and shape versatility,
and their electrical and mechanical properties can be greatly altered upon using
specific reinforcement. This makes them interesting materials for the construction of
range of structures, biomedical applications, electromagnetic shielding materials and
other devices.Polymer matrices are of two types namely thermoplastics and
thermosetting. A thermoplastic is a resin that is solid at room temperature but
becomes plastic and soft upon heating, flowing due to crystal melting or by virtue of
crossing the glass transition temperature. The reversibility and shape versatility
are some interesting properties of thermoplastics. Polyethylene(PE),
polycarbonate(PC), polyvinyl chloride(PVC), polyamide imide, polyphenylene
sulfide(PPS), polyarylsulfone, and polyetherether ketone (PEEK) are typical
examples of thermoplastics. Thermosetting polymers possess cross-linked network
and they do not soften on heating.These are, in general, liquid at room temperature
and get harden irreversibly upon heating or chemical addition. The polymers form
crosslinks when heated and receive specified shape. Some common thermosets

include epoxy, polyester, polyimide, and phenolic. Both these types of polymer
matrices and their composites have been explored well for various applications.

2.2.1. Electrical properties of polymer composites

Classical polymers such as rubber, plastics etc. shows high resistance to

electricity and comes into the category of insulators. Since Heeger, MacDiarmid and
Shirakawajointly rewarded with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2000 for their
work on conducting polymers, research on conducting polymers has been
accelerated around the world for their wide applications in electrochromic
devices and sensors. The conventional polymers, except the conjugate polymers, are
electrically insulators, with conductivity values of ~10 -14 – 10-17 S cm-1. In the
monomer of a typical polyethylene polymer, each carbon atoms is sp 3 hybridized and,
therefore, each carbon atom is bonded to four neighboring atoms through sigma (σ)
bonding. There is a large band gap between the σ-band and σ*-band, which
causes a significantly low electrical conductivity in such polymers. On the other
hand, graphite, a most common form of carbon, possesses a layered structure
with sp2 hybridized carbon atoms and one free electron capable of forming co-
planar and inter-planar bonding. Due to this characteristic, graphite displays
electrical conductivity depending on its planner structure. The through-plane
electrical conductivity of graphite is appreciably high (~50 S cm -1), while in-
plane conductivity is relatively low. Depending on graphite loading level, the
electrical conductivity of graphite reinforced polymer composite can be as high to
~110 S cm-1. The increase in the conductivity of composite is explained on the basis
of the development of intense conductive network in the matrix. The processing
technique is also an important factor to influence the conductivity behavior of the
composite. The polymer/graphite composite has resulted to an extremely high value
of conductivity up to 300 S cm-1.

Therefore, the electrical and physical characteristics of polymer composites have
been tried to modify by dispersing conducting reinforcements. In this regard, owing
to the superior electrical properties, facile processing, and low cost, the polymer-
matrix conducting composites have been largely studied. Carbon is one of the
most interesting reinforcement for polymer-matrix composites. Various carbon
reinforcements such as graphite, modifiedgraphite, and carbon fiber have been used
to fabricate conducting composites for several applications such as electromagnetic
shielding, aerospace structural parts, electronics, biomedical, etc. The
polymer/carbon composites offer low density, significant electrical conductivity, and
other chemical and physical properties which are useful for device applications. The
electrical conductivity of these composites depends on the shape, size, concentration,
fine dispersionand conductivity properties of reinforcement. At an optimum loading
of carbon, percolation threshold, the resistivity of composite may significantly
decrease and hence conductivity increase by several order. Small spherical particles
of dimension up to nano-scale may result in lower percolation threshold.
Additionally, the fibrous fillers, such as carbon fiber, having aspect ratio greater
than unity possess low percolation threshold. The percolation is also affected by
surface properties of the reinforcement and the polymer matrix. This percolation
phenomenon is also observed in nano-structured carbons and metal reinforced
polymer-matrix composites. The processing technique, also, plays an important role
in enhancing conductivity of the composites.

2.2.2. Mechanical properties of polymer composites

The fiber reinforced polymer composites possess non-elastic structure

which can absorb and dissipate vibration. This property makes these materials
suitable for constructions like bridge and aircraft as they frequently expose to
vibration from the wind. The properties of these composites are dependent on the
form, volume/weight fraction, and geometry of the reinforcement. Unidirectional
reinforcements give more mechanical strength to polymer matrix than cross-ply.
The fibers may be of two types, as discontinuous fibers (randomly oriented, wicker
shaped) and straight, parallel continuous fibers. For mechanical strength, the
continuous fibers are more efficient than discontinuous. In the polymer matrix
composites, the randomly oriented fibers reinforcements are likely to have lower
volume fractions than those made with aligned fibers or fabrics.

2.3. Properties of metal composites

Metals are very versatile materials. The high electrical conductivity of metals
makes them suitable for electronic industries including EMI shielding. The electrical
property of metal matrix composites is significantly influenced by graphite
reinforcement. These composites show excellent conductivity and anti-seizing
properties, which make them good material for industrial application like sliding
electrical contacts. They are strong, tough and can be plastically deformed. These
properties of metals have established them as a frontline material for construction.
However, stiffness is an issue in such matrices, which can be cured by incorporating
the high-modulus fibers or particles in a metal matrix. Additionally, by choosing
properreinforcements, fibers, whiskers, and particles, higher strength and better
wear resistance with better chemical stability can be achieved.There are following
four factors affecting the mechanical strength of these composites, as Load transfer
effect associated with the transfer of load from the soft and compliant matrix to the
stiff and hard reinforcement under applied external load, Hall-Petch strengthening
associated with the grain size and grain orientations, as grain boundaries can obstruct
the movement of dislocations, Orowan strengthening associated with the interaction
of nano-particles with dislocations in the matrix which attract the crossing
dislocations around the particles under external load, and Mismatch in coefficient of
thermal expansion and in elastic modulus of the reinforcements and the matrix during
cooling and straining.
The continuous fiber reinforced metal matrix composites have much greater
transverse strengths, which ensure their utility in a unidirectional configuration. The
axial moduli of these composites are much greater than those of the monolithic
metals. On the other hand, the addition of discontinuous fibers in metal matrix
improves the wear resistance and elevated-temperature strength and fatigue
properties of aluminum, which make them a choice for internal engine components.
Particle-reinforced metal matrix composites have also been studied and used in
engineering applications. Titanium carbide particle reinforced steel and silicon
carbide particle reinforced aluminum are few examples of such materials. Titanium
carbide particle-reinforced steel composite has higher modulus (304 GPa) than
monolithic metal (193 Gpa) with significantly lowered specific gravity (~ 80%),
which result in to higher specific stiffness of the composite. The above composite
possess higher wear resistance. In silicon carbide reinforced aluminum, the modulus
and yield strength increase, while, fracture toughness and tensile ultimate strain
decrease with increase in particle volume fraction. The silicon carbide particle also
improves the short-term elevated-temperature strength properties. In addition to these
factors in CNT reinforcements, the length of CNTs also play important role in
mechanical strength of the composite. Chen et al demonstrated the effect of length of
CNTs on strengthening mechanism of Al metal matrix composite.

2.4. Properties of ceramic composites

Ceramic matrix, in general, is characterized by high stiffness and hardness. In

ceramic matrix composites, reinforcements such as fibers, whiskers, and particles
are dispersed to improve fracture toughness, which enhance the materials’ capability
to resists thermal and mechanical shocks. In the case of monolithic ceramics, brittle
fracture without any plastic deformation is observed. However, fiber reinforced
ceramic matrix composites exhibit an elastic region like monolithic ceramics in the
beginning, and then reach an ultimate tensile strength followed by so-called plastic
deformation and finally to the final fracture. The above behavior reveals the
applicability of these composites in high temperature applications with sort of
immunity to the issues associated with the low fractural toughness.

3. Modeling and study of properties of layered composites in ANSYS

Composites blend two or more materials that possess very different properties.
Because they combine light weight, high strength and outstanding flexibility,
composites have become standard materials for manufacturing a range of products,
including complex-shaped products such as boat hulls and surfboards.
These composites pose many challenges for R&D teams that need to identify
the appropriate formulation for a required use. To successfully engineer layered
composites, you must define the optimal material formula — which depends on the
number of layers involved along with the thickness and relative orientation of each
The challenge is to predict how well the finished product will perform under
actual working conditions. This involves considering everyday stresses and
deformations as well as a range of failure criteria. Not only must you predict
ultimate strength and progressive damage over time, you must identify issues related
to delamination, cracking and other physical mechanisms. Knowing which layers
will fail first and understanding crack characteristics and other fine levels of product
analysis are crucial to successfully fulfilling your product promise.
Our solution for composites — ANSYS Composite PrepPost — empowers
you to efficiently model the most complex composite structures and, at the same
time, fully understand the potential failure of product models. Working in a low-risk
virtual environment, you subject your product designs to simple physical stresses
and compute progressive damage, delamination and cracking.
An intuitive interface in ANSYS Composite PrepPost software efficiently
defines materials, plies and stacking sequences; it also offers a wide choice of state-
of-the-art failure criteria. ANSYS solvers provide the foundation for accurate results,
while additional computations for failure criteria are performed within the ANSYS
Composite PrepPost application.

The technology’s post-processing capabilities allow you to conduct in-depth
investigations of ultimate product integrity and behavior. You can view global
results or conduct detailed analysis at the level of individual layers.
Unique draping capabilities enable you to correctly identify the exact
orientation of every layer. Two features offer support in the product manufacturing
stage: flat-wrap and ply-book creation. These capabilities contribute to a high level
of confidence in ultimate product integrity.
Composite engineering solutions from ANSYS work with the ANSYS
Mechanical interface in ANSYS Workbench to provide a strong foundation for
accurate results and advanced failure analysis. You can automate your composite
structure designs through integration with the ANSYS Mechanical APDL interface
to enable advanced scripting.


During the implementation of this research, the following results were obtained:
1. As a result of the simulation of layered composite materials in the ANSYS
program, the mechanical properties of the composites were obtained and justified
with high accuracy.
2. During 3D modeling, a virtual view of layered composite materials was
obtained and designed according to modern requirements
3. In the production of next-generation hybrid layered composite materials and
studying their mechanical properties, CAD systems have been shown to be an
indispensable asset.


1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Composite_material
2. http://c-a-m.narod.ru/wpc/compos_sloist.html
3. A. I. Kovtunov, S. V. Myamin, T. V. Semistenova Layered composite
materials Togliatti state university, 2017, p. 24-40
4. https://www.cadfem-an.com/fileadmin/user_upload/ansys-composites-c.pdf
5. https://www.ansys.com/blog/solving-composite-design-challenges


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