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1st Anglo Maratha war

Defeat at panipat was a huge setback for Peshwa


He died after 6 months of 3rd Battle of Panipat

2 successors

His son His brother

•he became the next peshwa •He was indulged in planning & plotting
•He was a good to remove Madhav Rao
administrator •Therefore, Madhav rao placed him
•Rebuilt the lost strength under House arrest
and prestige of peshwa

In 1772, Madhav rao died due NARAYAN RAO
to TB, and his death proved
•He was not a strong and capable ruler, therefore control of
fatal to the stabality of peshwas over Martha confederacy was weakening.
Maratha empire •He even released Raghoba from house arrest.
•In 1773, Raghoba conspired agaisnt him and killed him and
declared himself the next peshwas


•He became peshwa but

for very short time
•Coz people were not
accepting him as peshwa
Therefore 1774 NANA PHADNAVIS -Influential minister in maratha empire

•He started a campaign against removal of raghunath rao as peshwa

•According to him, Sawai Madhav Rao, was legal heir for peshwas position.
•A council was formed by Nana Padhnavis and 11 other administrators called – BARBHAI
•THIS BARBHAI COUNCIL included the influential maratha sardars like- Tukoji Holkar and
Mahadji shinde
•The council was also known as Barbhai conspiracy.

They deposed raghunath rao as Peshwa and made Sawai Madhav rao a new peshwa

• Infant/minor – 40 days old, when he became Peshwa

•Also known as Madhav Rao II
SAWAI MADHAV •Barbhai led by Nana Phadnavis ruled on behalf of the minor as

So, the frustrated Raghunath rao – sought help from the British at Bombay and tried
to capture power with their help [resulting in 1st Anglo-Martha war] and he
signed the Treaty of Surat with them.

Treaty of Surat- [1775]

•Signed between raghoba and •Copy of this treaty was sent to Britsih Calcutta
British Government council because they were having the supervisory
•In return Raghoba agreed to powers at that time [ REGULATING ACT 1773].
cede Salsette and Bassein & he •So, they condemned this treaty as unjust and
also agreed to share revenue unauthorised and nullified this treaty
from surat and Bharuch districts •New treaty was made – TREATY OF
•British agreed to provide PURANDHAR
Raghoba with 2500 soldiers

Warren hasting sent colonel Upton to Poona darbar- where treaty of Purandhar was signed
•Treaty of surat was Annuled
•The british left the side of Raghoba and it was decided that Raghoba will be given a monthly
Pension of Rupee-25,000 by peshwa government and he will go to GUJARAT.
•They acknowledged Sawai Madhav Rao as the new Peshwa.
•Britishers will not support any rebels of Maratha including Raghoba.
•British returned Salsette back to Maratha, in lieu of any other territory worth of rupee 3 lakh.
When the news of conflict reached Calcutta, governor-general Warren Hastings strongly condemned
the decision of the Bombay government to indulge in the fight against Marathas. He sent his
representative COLONEL UPTON to sign peace with Marathas & under these circumstances the Treaty
of Purander was signed in 1776. Through this treaty of Purander, the ongoing war came to an end.
The company recognized Madhav Narayanrao as Peshwa of the Marathas, and Raghunathrao was a
pensioned officer and the company was to get the Island of Salsette. Within a few months of signing
the treaty of Purander, the news of French participation in the war of American Independence
reached India.

Numbers of French commanders were in Maratha service as well as in the service of other states of
India. Warren Hasting was apprehensive that all these French could join hands with Maratha to
challenge the company. To prompt such a threat, the treaty of Purander thrown in the dustbin & war
was declared on Marathas once again. This war continued with up & down on both sides till 1782.

In 1779, the Marathas defeated English forces in the battle of Wadgaon & the company had to sign a
very humiliating peace in form of the convention of Wadgaon but the war had continued. Gradually
company had realized that Maratha’s power was still intact even after the disaster of Panipat and the
untimely death of Peshwa Madhavrao. In 1782, the treaty of Salbai was signed between the
company & Marathas. Through this treaty, Madhavrao Narayanrao was once recognized as Peshwa by
the company and the company agreed to give up the cause of Raghunathrao. The company retained
control of the Island of Salsette & Elephanta. Also, the Marathas guaranteed that no French or their
representatives could establish their settlement in the territories of the Marathas.
The treaty of Salbai guaranteed the English Company the support of Maratha against Mysore because
both agreed to help the other with this support company could wipe out the challenge of Mysore by
defeating Haider Ali and Tipu Sultan in the 3rd & 4th Anglo-Mysore wars. The treaty of Salbai gave the
company 20 years of peace with Marathas. During this period company could consolidate itself in Bengal
as well as in other parts of India. By the time the 2nd Anglo-Maratha commenced in 1803, the company
had even captured Delhi.

2nd Anglo Martha war [1803-1805]

•After Tipu Sultan’s Mysore was captured by the British in 1799, the Marathas were the only major
Indian power left outside of British domination.
•At that time, the Maratha Confederacy consisted of five major chiefs, the Peshwas at Pune[BAJI RAO
II], the Gaekwads at Baroda, the Holkars at Indore [YASWANT RAO HOLKAR –strongest among all],
the Scindias at Gwalior[DAULAT RAO SCINDIA] and the Bhonsles at Nagpur.
•At that time holkars and scindia were the strongest.
•There were internal squabbles among themselves.
•Peshwas and Scindias formed alliance against Holkar and tried to insult YASHWANT RAO HOKAR by
killing his brother VITHIOJI RAO HOLKAR [it is said that Peshwa ordered to trample Vithoji under the
feet of Elephant]
•Therefore, in 1802 Holkars attacked Peshwa and Scindia and he defeated the combined force of
peshwas and scindia and captured POONA.
•Here peshwa BAJI RAO II fled and took refuge in Bassein and approached WELLESLY.
•Baji Rao II sought British protection and signed the Treaty of Bassein with them.
•As per this treaty, he ceded territory to the British and agreed to the maintenance of British troops
there, so basically he gave an ideal opportunity to intervene in the Martha affairs . [he accepted
subsidiary alliance]
•The Scindias and the Bhonsles did not accept this treaty and this caused the second Anglo-Maratha
war in central India in 1803.
•British under Arthur Wellesly defeated the combined armies of Scindias and Bhonsle and they were
forced to accept subsidiary alliance and conclude separate treaties with the British regarding the
•Later Yashwan rao Holkar formed a coalition of Indian rulers and fought against the British in 1804.
however , the british defeated the Marthas and isolated them from one another.


•All the Maratha forces were defeated by the British in these battles.
•The Scindias signed the Treaty of Surji-Anjangaon in 1803 through which the British got the
territories of Rohtak, Ganga-Yamuna Doab, Gurgaon, Delhi Agra region, Broach, some districts in
Gujarat, parts of Bundelkhand and Ahmadnagar fort.
•The Bhonsles signed the Treaty of Deogaon in 1803 as per which the English acquired Cuttack,
Balasore and area west of Wardha River.
•The Holkars signed the Treaty of Rajghat in 1805 according to which they gave up Tonk, Bundi
and Rampura to the British.
•As a result of the war, large parts of central India came under British control.
3rd Anglo- Maratha war
The Pindaris were highway robbers. They were the former Maratha soldiers & after the 2nd Anglo-Maratha
war, they lost traditional professions. Maratha army used to have two components i.e. regular forces &
irregular forces. Regular forces maintain by state these soldiers were given arms, horses along with salary.
Pindari formed irregular troops, they used to bring their horses and weapons, they didn’t receive any
salary from the state, and they used to get the opportunity plundered the conquered territory after the
After the 2nd Anglo-Maratha war, when Maratha accepted the subsidiary alliance system, they had to
disband their forces having lost their traditional professions pindari took highway robbery. The pindaris
started plundering the neighouring territories including- NIZAM, CARNATIC, MALABAR and BRITISH –EIC =
therefore B-eic was suffering loss due o them.
The activities of Pindari were posing a direct challenge to British paramount. He planned a campaign to
wipeout Pindari. In 1816, a military campaign organized against Pindari, the company was expecting full
Maratha support during the anti-Pindari campaign but since Pindari was a former soldier, Maratha
commanders were emotionally attached to them. Marathas didn’t support the anti-Pindari campaign
wholeheartedly. This attitude angered Lord Hasting.

After completion of the anti-Pindari campaign, Lord Hasting asked Maratha to sign a new treaty providing
greater control when Maratha commander them. Hunt of Pindari got merged into the 3rd Anglo-Maratha
war. Maratha got defeated in this war, Peshwaship was abolished. Peshwa was exiled to Bithur (Kanpur) &
small Maratha kingdom left with the capital of Satara.

•The Treaty of Gwalior was signed in 1817 between Shinde and the British, even though he had not been
involved in the war. As per this treaty, Shinde gave up Rajasthan to the British. The Rajas of Rajputana
remained the Princely States till 1947 after accepting British sovereignty.
•The Treaty of Mandasor was signed between the British and the Holkar chief in 1818. An infant was
placed on the throne under British guardianship.
•The Peshwa surrendered in 1818. He was dethroned and pensioned off to a small estate in Bithur (near
Kanpur). Most parts of his territory became part of the Bombay Presidency.
•His adopted son, Nana Saheb became one of the leaders of the Revolt of 1857 at Kanpur.
•The territories annexed from the Pindaris became the Central Provinces under British India.
•This war led to the end of the Maratha Empire. All the Maratha powers surrendered to the British.
•An obscure descendant of Chhatrapati Shivaji was placed as the ceremonial head of the Maratha
Confederacy at Satara.
•This was one of the last major wars fought and won by the British. With this, the British controlled most
parts of India barring Punjab and Sindh directly or indirectly.
1. Which of the following was the consequences of Anglo-Maratha war?

a. Bombay came under the control of English East India Company.

b. Shifting of export base from Surat port to Bombay port.
c. Establishment of 11st cotton mill in Bombay.
d. The surat treaty

2. Peshwa Baji Rao II signed the Subsidiary Treaty in ______.

a. 1802
b. 1805
c. 1898
d. 1402

3. The treaty of Salbai was signed between _________.

a. The British and the French
b. The French and the Marathas
c. The Marathas and the British
d. The Sikhs and the British

4. The Treaty of Surat signed by the English and Raghunath Rao became the cause
for _____________ .

a. the First Anglo-Maratha War

b. the Third Carnatic War
c. the Third Anglo-Maratha War
d. the Third Anglo-Mysore War

5. Who was the adopted son of last Peshwan Baji Rao II?

a. Nana Saheb
b. Madhav Rao
c. Raghunath Rao
d. Narayana Rao
1. Surat treaty
2. 1802
3. The marthas and british
4. 1st anglo maratha war
5. Nana saheb

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