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sciences types of test method positive result

carbonate CO₃²⁻ add dilute acid CO2 produced
acidify with dilute nitric acid, then add aqueous COMMON QUESTION
chloride in solution Cl− white precipitate
silver nitrate
add aqueous sodium hydroxide, then
nitrate NO⁻₃ in solution ammonia produced
aluminium foil; warm carefully
sulfate SO₄²- in solution acidity, then add aqueous barium nitrate white precipitate

effect of aqueous sodium hydroxide effect of aqueous ammonia

ammonium NH₄⁺ ammonia produced on warming -
calcium Ca2+ white precipitate, insoluble in excess no precipitate/faint white precipitate
light blue precipitate, soluble in excess,
copper (II) Cu2+ light blue precipitate, insoluble in excess
produce dark blue solution
iron (II) Fe2+ green precipitate, insoluble in excess green precipitate, insoluble in excess
iron (III) Fe3+ red brown precipitate, insoluble in excess red brown precipitate, insoluble in excess
white precipitate, soluble in excess, produce white precipitate, soluble in excess, giving
zinc Zn2+
colourless solution a colourless solution

method positive result

1. use red litmus paper 1. litmus paper turns blue
ammonia NH3
2. use glass rod to dip in concentrated HCL 2. smoke is produced
uses an aqueous solution of calcium
carbon dioxide CO2 limewater turns milky
gases hydroxide (limewater) and shake it
chlorine Cl2 use damp litmus paper litmus paper turns bleach white
hydrogen H2 use lighted splinter produce a 'pop' sound or fizzes during a reaction
oxygen O2 use glowing splinter glowing splinted relights
flame colour method
lithium Li+ red
sodium Na+ yellow
potassium K+ lilac
soak a splint into the solution and hold in a
blue flame
flame test for
metal ions
copper (II) Cu2+ blue-green spray solution into the blue flame


evaporate solution to form crystals and

hold in a blue flame

EXTRA method positive result conclusion negative result notes

acid universal indicator red it is acidic remains green

alkenes aqueous bromine colourless it is alkene remains reddish brown alkane - saturated => C-C
- it is alkane alkene - unsaturated => C=C
water with cobalt dip cobalt chloride paper COMMON QUESTION
water turns blue, cobalt chloride paper turns pink alternative from using anhydrous
chloride into the water
copper (II) sulfate
mix copper (II) sulfate with
copper (II) when water is added, copper (II) sulfate turns blue which will form hydrated copper sulfate can use either one
types of test method positive result conclusion negative result
add drops of BIURET solution to the food
biuret test purple protein is present remains blue/purple
add the BENEDICT solution into the sample,
heat the solution for at least 5 minutes with
benedict test brick-red glucose is present remains blue
bio food test bunsen burner. after that, take test tube out of
water bath and observe the colour change
take the sample and mix it with equal volumes
ethanol test cloudy white emulsion lipid/fats is present no white emulsion form
of ethanol and water followed by shaking
iodine test drip few drops of iodine onto the food blue-black starch is present remain brown

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