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Arguments in Favor:

Ethical and moral arguments

1. Autonomy and individual rights: Women have the fundamental right to make decisions about their
own bodies. This includes the right to decide whether or not they wish to continue a pregnancy, taking
into account their physical and emotional health and personal circumstances.

2. Moral responsibility: Allowing women to have safe access to abortion recognizes their moral
responsibility for their own life and the potential life of their fetus. It is a difficult and personal decision
that must be respected, especially when continuing the pregnancy can have adverse consequences for
the woman and her future child.

3. Quality of life: In certain cases, such as unplanned pregnancies, which pose a risk to the mother's
health, or in cases of rape or incest, abortion can be seen as an ethical choice that aims to protect the
woman's quality of life and potentially the future child.

4. Principles of individual freedom: The prohibition of abortion can be interpreted as a violation of

individual rights and women's freedom of choice, placing the State in a position of control over female
bodies and interfering in intimate decisions that only concern the woman herself .

2. Public health issues

1. Reducing maternal mortality: Legalizing abortion can help reduce the high maternal mortality rate in
Mozambique, where many women resort to clandestine and unsafe abortions, putting their lives at risk.
Legalization would guarantee access to safe and adequate medical services, reducing complications
and deaths resulting from clandestine abortions.

2. Protection of women's health: Clandestine abortions are a reality in Mozambique, often carried out in
precarious conditions and without adequate medical supervision, increasing the risk of harm to
women's health. By legalizing abortion, it is possible to guarantee that the procedures are carried out
by qualified health professionals, reducing complications and improving post-abortion follow-up.

3. Female empowerment: Allowing women to have control over their own reproductive decisions
promotes their empowerment and autonomy. This can contribute to reducing gender inequality and
promoting a fairer and more inclusive society in Mozambique.
4. Humanitarian approach: Legalizing abortion recognizes the reality of women facing unwanted
pregnancies and offers a more compassionate and humanitarian approach to addressing this issue.
Instead of criminalizing women, society can provide adequate support and health services to ensure
they can make informed choices about their reproductive health.

3. Legal aspects

1. Cultural and religious context: Mozambique is a diverse nation, with a variety of cultural beliefs and
practices. Legalizing abortion does not necessarily imply a conflict with religious or cultural beliefs, but
rather recognizes the diversity of perspectives and guarantees respect for individual rights and
religious freedom.

2. Human rights and equality: By legalizing abortion, Mozambique would be aligned with the principles
of human rights and gender equality. Restrictive abortion laws often have a disproportionate impact on
women, especially the poorest and most marginalized, reinforcing inequality and denying them access
to adequate health care.

3. Preventing suffering: In cases of pregnancy resulting from rape, incest, or when the woman's life is
in danger, legalizing abortion offers an option to prevent additional suffering for the woman and
potentially the child. Denying access to abortion in these circumstances can prolong trauma and harm
women's physical and mental well-being.

4. Social progress and development: By recognizing and guaranteeing women's right to make
decisions about their own reproductive health, Mozambique can promote an environment more
conducive to social and economic development. Access to safe abortion can help reduce poverty by
allowing women to better plan their families and invest in their own educational and professional

4. Social implications

1. Equity and social justice: Abortion bans tend to disproportionately affect the most vulnerable women,
such as those with low incomes, who often do not have access to adequate health services. Legalizing
abortion can help promote equity and social justice by ensuring that all women, regardless of their
socioeconomic status, have access to the same reproductive rights.

2. Reducing discrimination and stigma: Criminalization of abortion often leads to

stigmatization of women who seek this service, which can have negative consequences on their
mental health and emotional well-being. Legalizing abortion can help reduce the stigma associated
with abortion and promote a culture of respect for women's reproductive rights.

3. Access to justice and equality before the law: Prohibiting abortion can place women in situations of
legal and social vulnerability, subjecting them to legal proceedings and severe punishments. Legalizing
abortion ensures that women have access to justice and are treated equally under the law, without
discrimination based on their reproductive choice.

4. Protection of public health: Legalizing abortion not only protects women's rights, but also contributes
to the promotion of public health by reducing the risks associated with clandestine and unsafe
abortions. By ensuring that abortions are performed by qualified health professionals, Mozambique can
reduce serious complications and maternal deaths resulting from unsafe abortions.

5. Support options

1. Access to reproductive health services: Legalizing abortion can open doors to access
comprehensive, quality reproductive health services in Mozambique. This includes offering pre- and
post-abortion counseling, contraception and sex education, which are critical to women's overall well-
being and family planning.

2. Reducing unwanted pregnancies: By offering safe abortion options, Mozambique can significantly
contribute to reducing the rate of unwanted pregnancies in the country. This could lead to a decrease in
the incidence of clandestine abortions and the need for emergency medical services related to
complications arising from unsafe abortions.

3. Impact on the economy and society: The legalization of abortion could have a positive impact on the
economy and society in Mozambique by allowing women to plan their families more effectively. Women
with greater control over their reproductive health tend to have more educational and professional
opportunities, which can lead to increased economic productivity and social well-being.

4. Children's health and well-being: Enabling women to access safe abortions can contribute to
promoting the health and well-being of children in Mozambique. When mothers have the ability to plan
their pregnancies, they are more likely to provide a stable and healthy environment for their children,
thus promoting child development and reducing the incidence of health problems related to poverty and
lack of resources.

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