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When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) reached Yathrib, they were
welcomed with great joy by both the Ansars (Muslims of Medina/ Helpers) and the
Muhajireen (Muslim emigrants from Mecca/ Emigrants). The migration of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) was a memorable event for the people of Yathrib. In honor of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH), the city of Yathrib was renamed as "Madinatun-Nabi" (the city of the
Prophet (PBUH).

On entering Medina, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "Spread peace (salam), feed the hungry,
honor kingship ties, pray while people sleep, you will enter Paradise in peace." This first Hadith
concerns both our private life as in our family relationship, our public life as in feeding the poor,
our responsibility as in spreading Islam and our spiritual life as in praying while people asleep.
This was meant to regulate the lives of the Muslims. The first thing that the Prophet in Islam
(PBUH), did in Medina was to build a Mosque which was to be the prayer house as well as the
state headquarter. All Muslims including Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) participated in the
building of the Mosque. It was a monument of simplicity. The walls were made of mud bricks
and the roof was supported by trunks of palm trees. Adjoining the Mosque, apartments were
constructed for the household of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and some of the companions. The
length of the rooms did not exceed 10 paces.

The Muhajirin who had left behind almost all of their belongings and possessions were in great
need of help. They were homeless and penniless. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gathered
together the Ansar and the Muhajirin and established fraternal ties between them. Each Ansar
was made a brother to a Muhajirin and hence each Muslim of Medina was given the
responsibility of one Muhajir of Mecca. The aim of the pairing of life until they could set up
their own homes. Some of the Ansar would give one of their houses, businesses or would even
divorce one of their wives to allow the other Muhajirin to start a new familial life. These
fraternal ties were strong and they lived like own brothers, sharing their foods, clothes and other
basic needs of life. This nurtured a collective spirit based on sharing and mutual assistance each
Muhajirin with an Ansar was to help the Muhajirin to settle down, to obtain the basic necessities
rather than individual competitiveness. By undertaking such a move, Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) wanted to overcome an economic crisis. Moreover, emphasis was also laid on mutual
spiritual assistance whereby the Muslims from Mecca would teach those in Medina what they
already knew about Islam. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "None of you will become a true
Muslim until he loves for other Muslims what he loves for himself."

This Hadith was put to test and the Ansar followed it whole heartedly. The Holy Quran praised
the Ansar and the Muhajirin: "Those who adopted exile and those who gave them asylum and
help." (S8V72).


The brotherhood thus established was unique in the history of mankind. So strong and cordial
were the bonds that they even surpassed the relationship of blood. The only exception was
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his household as he was unwilling to appear to favor any one
clan or group. As a result he took Hazrat Ali (ra) as his brother.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) made a formal agreement between himself and the significant
tribes of Medina and those who followed them from Mecca. It was known as the Constitution
or Charter (Sahifa) of Medina. It was the first written constitution in the world's history. In it
the rights and duties of both Muslims and non-Muslims were clearly defined and there was
justice and dignity for all on a solid legal base. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was deeply
concerned with the ending of the disputes between the clans of the Aws and Khazraj within
Medina. He wanted to banish the old tribal enmities and he was successful in doing so. Tribal
relations within Medina were hence normalized. This charter brought about different changes
within the city of Medina. As such, it effectively established the first Islamic State.

At Medina, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) founded this Islamic State on the principles of
sovereignty of Allah Almighty, the Prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH) and the brotherhood of
the Muslims. All blood feuds were abolished. A murderer was to be subjected to blood
vengeance and he was not to be protected. The paying of blood money (for the slaying of an
individual) instead of taking a life would be regulated. Accordingly it was done and accepted in
specific cases. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) wanted to create a link between the different
religions. All people of Medina, including non-Muslims were to enjoy equal rights with the
Muslims. He guaranteed religious freedom and tolerance to all. There was also the freedom of
speech and expression. He created a multi-cultural and multi-racial state. There was the
possibility to practice one's religion with full liberty, without the fear of being persecuted.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) established Medina as a sacred place thus ensuring the security of
the community. He also established parameters for political alliances e.g making peace with
outsiders. In the new society built by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), each one must help the other
against anyone who attacked the people of that document. There must be mutual consultation
and advice in important affairs. The Jews and other Non-Muslims were bound to help the
Muslims in the case of any aggression against Medina. It had been decided that all parties
signing the document would defend Medina in case of both interior or exterior attacks. All
sections were to live in peace. It was haram (forbidden) to fight within Medina and above all to
fight against each other within the inhabitants of Medina. A judicial system was created for
solving disputes. All disputes were to be referred to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his
decision was to be final. That was done to ensure that the same treatment and advice were given
to the whole community. There would be no forcible conversions. Furthermore, Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) created a system for granting protection to all individuals, especially the
weaker segments of society namely women and children. He ensured that women had their
rights to complain and to have respect for their views. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also
established a tax system for supporting the community in times of conflicts. The Bait-Ul-Maal


was set up and all kinds of funding were accepted as long as they were halal (permissible). The
money was used for the welfare of the community in general.


When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) arrived in Medina, he reassured the Jews of their civil and
religious rights. The Jews promised to co-operate with the Muslims to defend Medina in case of
attack and that they could not do any harm to the Muslims.

When Islam began to spread in Medina, the Jews became anxious about their future. The
flourishing of Islam was regarded as a threat to their commercial and economic prosperity.
Despite their promises, they stood up against Islam. There were 3 main Jewish tribes: Banu
Qaynuka, Banu Nadir and Banu Qurayza.

The Banu Qaynuka was the first to break the treaty. During the Battle of Badr, their moral
support was with the Quraysh and they did not help the Muslims thus violating their promise.
Their leader, Ka'b, even tried to murder the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Ka'b was executed for
his conspiracies against the Muslims of Medina. The Banu Qaynuka was expelled from Medina
in the 3 A.H for their activities against the Muslims.

The Banu Nadir plotted to murder Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at the instigation of the
Quraysh. They prepared a revolt against the Muslims and were banished from Medina in the 4

Banu Qurayza was the third and last tribe of the Jews. They were punished for their
treacherous attitudes towards the Muslims. They betrayed the Muslims during the Battle of
Uhud but promised to change their attitudes afterwards but they openly sided with the Quraysh
in the Battle of Trench.

With the arbitration of Saad Bin Mua'z (ra), a judge of their choice, one of their former allies,
many Jews were executed, some of their leaders went to Khaibar, their strongest quarters in
Arabia, while the rest migrated to Syria and adjoining places. The conduct of the Jews amounted
to treason of the worst type which, if successful, could have meant the large-scale massacre of
the Muslims. Hence, they deserved the punishment given to them. The worsening of
relationship with the Jews was due to religious and socio-political reasons. The Jews openly
showed disagreement with the mission of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). They mocked at him
and all sorts of insults and taunts were targeted against him. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did
his best to conciliate the Jews, but every time the Muslims were betrayed by the Jews. Enmity
towards Islam and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) continued till the reign of Hazrat Umar (ra), the
second caliph, when they left for Syria. Then the whole Arabia was free from the Jews.




Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was at first friendly with the Jews for various reasons. At the
outset, the own conduct of humility, compassion and faithfulness was towards everyone. He was
sent as a mercy for all the worlds as stated in the Holy Quran. Hence he was merciful with all
people. The friendly attitude of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) towards the Jews could also be
understood as a step towards a treaty to cement peace and friendship between two parties. As
long as there would be discussion, fight or threat of war, there would be no security for the
inhabitants. The Jews believed in and were followers of a Divinely Revealed Book namely
Tawraat from one of the prophets of Allah namely Prophet Moossa (as) and they would pray
towards Jerusalem in the direction of Masjid-Al-Aqsa and that was also the practice of the
Muslims initially before the Kaaba became the new Qiblah. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was
aware of the similarities with the Jews. Besides, he believed that by strengthening ties, Medina
would be secure if any party of the city would be under attack. The strategy of the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) was that "United we stand and Divided we fall." As long as there would be
solidarity among the inhabitants, it would be easy to have control over the population. In this
way each group would contribute resources and defend the city. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
wanted to create specific relations based on equality and justice. In a society where these
mentioned qualities are maintained, the population will feel better off as from aspects related to
human rights and equal opportunity.

At Medina, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was now the ruler and the supreme leader. At the
outset, the Jews wanted Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to side with them in order to conquer
different places but when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sided with the poor, they felt upset and
frustrated. However, the Jews felt it was not wise just yet to oppose his authority. Therefore,
though against their wishes, they agreed to the Charter (Sahifa) which was based on friendship,
cooperation, mutual respect, equality and justice. If that was not done, they would have been
outside the constitution of Medina and that would have been a great disadvantage to them.
However, the Jews were rich and thus influential people in Medina, having the monopoly of
commerce and finance. With the new law, that is the Shariah being applied, many Jews became
unhappy because the prohibition of usury (Riba) affected their financial standing and they were
not able to exploit the poor through the usury system.

Moreover, with the passing of time, slowly the position of the Jews deteriorated in Medina. The
Banu Qurayza, Banu Nadir and Banu Qaynuqa allied themselves with the pagan Arabs under the
leadership of Abdullah Bin Ubayy to conspire against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the
Muslims. They were the "inside spies" of the Quraysh. It went to the extent that some Jews
accepted Islam but others paid lip service only and were known as the hypocrites. Their leaders
were Abdullah Bin Ubayy. Another point was that the Jews would never say that they were not
aware of who was the Prophet. Despite having known the Prophet (PBUH) and his message,
they were not prepared to accept a non-Jewish prophet as leader. That would be a blow to the
aspiration of their ancestors as they hoped that the last Prophet would be from the Isralites but
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was from the Ismaelites. As time passed, it became increasingly


difficult for the Jews to reconcile their feeling of ethnic and religious superiority with their
subordinate position in front of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who was a descendant of Hazrat
Ismael (as), son of Hajrah (ra).

In addition their behaviours changed for the worst. In the Islamic history it would be noted that
the Jews conspired against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through Abdullah Bin Ubayy in the
Battles of Badr, Uhud, Trench and many others. They were the ones deserting Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) taking with them 300 men from the land of Uhud. It was these Jews who
allied with the Christians, the Quraysh and the different tribes of Mecca among others in the
Battle of the Trench. Added to the above, it was these Jews who wanted to poison Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) or to crush him under a wall on two respective occasions. Besides, the
Jews had tried their level best through different ways to persecute and oppose Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) and the Muslims after having known that the Prophet of Islam (PBUH)
would not side with them. It is to be noted that their attitudes changed though it is mentioned by
many Muslim scholars that well before the birth and coming of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH),
the Jews were waiting for him at Medina known beforehand as Yathrib.


Among the important events in the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the Battle of Badr.
It was the first great battle that was fought in the history of Islam and the first order from Allah
Almighty with permission to fight. There were many events leading to the Battle of Badr.

At the outset, the Quraysh were displeased with the people of Medina for giving shelter to
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the two pledges of Aqabah. They were unhappy about the
fact that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was invited there at Medina and would obtain the help of
its inhabitants. They thus asked the people of Medina to hand over to them the Prophet of Islam
(PBUH) but they refused to do so. Moreover, since the Muslims migrated to Medina, the religion
of Islam gained considerable momentum and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) became the absolute
ruler of Medina. The Quraysh became jealous of the growing power of Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) and his alliances with the neighbouring tribes and was thus waiting for an opportunity to
do harm to the Muslims by attacking Medina.

A large caravan was returning to Mecca from Syria under the command of Abu Sufyan. The
latter sent a message to Mecca to inform the Quraysh that he was afraid to pass near Medina
because he has received a news of the intention of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his army to
attack the caravan. When the Meccans heard this news, they rapidly mobilized a well equipped
army of more than a thousand soldiers to fight against the Muslims. Revelation was sent to
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to "fight in the way of Allah those who fight you....." (S2V192).

For 10 years, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Muslims were persecuted and bore their
sufferings with patience but now it was great time to wage war against the persecutors. The
army of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) consisted of 313 poorly equipped soldiers, sixty camels


and three horses but the Muslims were full of courage, faith and determination since they knew
they were fighting sincerely for the sake of Islam.

Abu Sufyan changed his route and reached Mecca safely but found the Meccans highly
enthusiastic for a battle. The infidels wanted to finish the Muslims once for all and hence they
did not want to miss that great opportunity. Both armies were advancing towards Badr, a place
situated at about 85 miles south-west of Medina. The battle occurred on the 17th Ramadan, 2nd
year after Hijrah. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave important instructions to his men and
prayed to Allah Almighty for the success of his army. A fierce battle was fought. Allah, the All-
Powerful, sent angels to help the Muslim army: "And verily, Allah did help you at Badr when
you were lacking resources. So, fear Allah that perhaps you may be thankful." (S3V123).

The Holy Quran also states: "Yes, why not, if you have patience and fear Allah and the
infidels came upon you instantly, then your Lord will send 5000 angels with marks to help
you." (S3V125)

The Quraysh army, in spite of their numerical superiority suffered a humiliating defeat by the
well determined Muslim army. The Meccan army fled from the Battle field. They were chased,
slain or made prisoners of war. The number of slain was 70 and an identical number was made
prisoners. Abu Jahl, the bitterest opponent of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was killed by a
Muslim child. On the Muslim side, only 14 were martyred (Shaheed). There was a great deal of
booty of war. The prisoners were treated with great magnanimity and many of them accepted
Islam. The rich prisoners had to pay a ransom to obtain their freedom. Those who could read
and write were asked to teach Muslim children for a certain period of time and then they were set

Hamza fought at the Battle of Badr, where he shared a camel with Zayd ibn Harithah. He
killed Utbah ibn Rabi'ah in single combat and helped Ali to kill Utbah's brother Shayba.
Later Hamza carried Muhammad's banner in the expedition against the Banu Qaynuqa.


The triumph at Badr consolidated the power and influence of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). On
the other hand; it was a matter of great shame and serious disaster for the Meccans. It was a
heavy blow to both the political and economic interests of the disbelievers. Their power was
crushed and their pride was humbled down. It was a loss of prestige for the Meccans in that
area. Their reputation in the sight of the Romans and the Persian empires was severely tarnished.
They were thirsty for revenge. The power of Islam began to increase even outside Medina. The
Muslim army which was underestimated by the Jews, was now given due importance as it
defeated an army which was numerically superior and better equipped than it. The Battle of
Badr was a real boost to the moral and hope of the Muslims. It had caused them not to
apprehend any numerical superiority and to deal without any fear with the unscrupulous people


in the city of Medina. They were stimulated to propagate Islam with greater vigor and
enthusiasm and to consolidate their success. This victory gave them confidence in their physical
power and consolidated their faith that Allah Almighty was on their side. The Holy Quran
states: "Allah strengthens His aid to whom He please..." (S3V13).

The other tribes around Mecca and Medina came to realize that a new power had arisen in the
country and the Muslims were able to defend themselves well. They started to form alliances
with the Muslims. Many people accepted Islam. Besides, seeing the outcome of the Battle of
Badr, the hypocrites in Medina became more careful about antagonizing the Muslims. They
started thinking twice before attacking the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) both physically and
psychologically. Success is granted by the help of Allah Almighty and not by numerical
superiority: "And this victory, Allah did not make, except for pleasing you and so that your
hearts might get rest with it, there is no help except from Allah, the Dominant, the Wise."

This battle set Muslims on the path of their destiny. The Muslims were fighting for their very
existence and for everything they stood for. They fought for their convictions, religion, faith,
dignity and survival among others. However, the Meccans were fighting for personal gains and
rebellious concepts. It was the first great battle that was fought in the history of Islam. If the
Muslims had been defeated in this battle, the future of Islam would have been defeated in this
battle, the future of Islam would have been very dark. But Allah Almighty, The Best Maker of
Plans, prevented this from occurring to preserve the religion of truth. Indeed, the Battle of Badr
was the triumph of truth over falsehood, light over darkness. It was the first step towards the
independence of the Muslim community.

Shortly thereafter he expelled the Banu Qaynuqa, one of the Jewish tribes at Medina that had
been threatening his political position, and who had assaulted a Muslim woman which led to
their expulsion for breaking the peace treaty.

The Quran describes the force of the Muslim attack in many verses, which refer to thousands of
angels descending from Heaven at Badr to terrify the Quraish. Muslim sources take this account
literally, and there are several hadith where Muhammad discusses the Angel Jibreel and the role
he played in the battle.
William Muir wrote of this period:
In pursuance of Muhammad's commands, the citizens of Medina, and such of the Refugees as
possessed houses, received the prisoners, and treated them with much consideration.
"Blessings be on the men of Medina!" said one of these prisoners in later days; "they made us
ride, while they themselves walked: they gave us wheaten bread to eat when there was little of
it, contenting themselves with dates. It is not surprising that when, some time afterwards, their
friends came to ransom them, several of the prisoners who had been thus received declared
themselves adherents of Islam...Their kindly treatment was thus prolonged, and left a
favourable impression on the minds even of those who did not at once go over to Islam"


— William Muir, The Life of Mahomet

Lessons from the Battle of Badr:

The Battle of Badr is a great example from our history that teaches; 'victory does not depend on
numbers or collecting weapons and shields - Victory is from Allah.'
"How often has a small group overcome a might host by Allah's leave. And Allah is with the
patient." (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:249)
However, Allah only grants victory to those who believe in Him and put their complete trust in
Him. Allah sent blessing and help to the believers in the battle of Badr and made them victorious
over the disbelieving pagans only after putting them to trial! Allah tested the Muslims for ten
years in Makkah and then He tested them again by the order to migrate to al-Medina leaving
behind all possessions.
It was the result of the strong trust of the Sahabah in Allah that they willingly marched towards
the battlefield, even though they knew that the disbelievers had come with huge army and
It was their craving for Allah's Pleasure and Paradise that they proclaimed: "…We will fight
along with you. By Allah! If you were to take us to Bark al-Ghimad (a place), we will still fight
with determination against its defender until you gained it." So after Allah had tested them, He
made them stand firm against their enemies, and granted them the courage to fight them. It was
only by the Help of Allah and His Blessings that the Muslims could defeat the disbeliever who
were three time greater in number and well-equipped.

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