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Importance of Blogs thoughts.
A blog is an online journal or informational (1) Blogsrefine
website displaying information in the reverse reward the creator.
(2) They
chronologicalorder, with latest posts appearing knowledge.
(3) They enhance people.
even a
first. It is a platform where a writer or (4) They
groupofwriters share their viewson an
individual introverts a voice.
(5) They give
subject. Each entry is called a post. The site is They reward the "new age" publishers.
regularly updated and people can leave
comments discovery.
(7) They accelerate
under the blogposts in order to start meaningful (8) They open
up a world without borders.
conversations. How to Write a Blog blog post. Decidewhat
Some common features of a typical Blog : Step I • First plan
Choose a topic,
(1) Headerwith the menu or navigationbar. you are going to write.
your facts.
(2) Main contentarea with highlighted or latest create an outline and check
attractive title. It shouldbe
blog posts; older posts can be archived. Step 2 .• Give it an
(3) Sidebar with social profiles, favourite catchy but clear enough to identify
content,etc. the subject and capture the reader's
Footerwith relevantlinks like a disclaimer, attention.
privacy policy, contact page, etc. Step 3 : Have an
introduction, body and
(5) Pictures, images and videos are added concludingparagraph that sums up the
whererelevant. blog post. Add your personal experiences.
Reasons for Blogging/ Benefits of Blogging : Step 4 : Use images to enhance your post,
(1) To express yourself and your feelings. improve its flow. Add humour. Use short
(2) To share your passions; to share interesting paragraphs, simple and short sentences
information and try to make a difference. and words.
(3) To connect us to people; introverts can Step 5 : Edit your blog post. Make sure to avoid
safely voice their opinions. repetition. Read your post aloud to
(4) Increasesmedia exposure. check its now. Have someone else read
(5) Builds your professionalnetwork; maybe it and provide feedback.
helpful in your professional life. Step 6 : End your post with a discussion question
(6) Refines writing and communication skills. for readers to post their views and to
(7) Can be adopted as a career to earn money. continue the discussion.
A List of Blogging Sites/ Apps
Given below is a list of blogging sites/apps from where you can begin blogging.
(6) https://
complete inc • given on previous
(The answers are giten directly and underlined.)
A blog helps us to -
(l) express our feelings (2) share our passions
(3) refine our writing skills (4) build our
professional network
your teacher will divide the into g' oups and assign a
list of al least four topics on task to every eroup to make a
blogs are normally written. Suggest some of them.

Group I : (The answers are given directly.)

(1) social Awareness (2) Global
Warming (3) Personal
Development (4) Health and fitness
Group 2 :
(students can add topics here after
discussion with their group members.)

Go through the blog given on page

103 of the textbook and also refer to different blogs
on the internet about various social
issues and environmental hazards. Now write blogs
on the following topics :
(Beforestarting your own blog, go through some of
the blogs written by others. Understand the important
featuresand what makes them popular. Selecta
topicfor your blog; there is plenty of choice. Think of an
attractivename and get your blog online. Then begin to write! )
(1)Earth with no trees.

..m;uz_ 5_» -
C -environmental

Gasp!ng o gen...
Whew!Just today I saw a most short-sighted and stupid act. I saw a number of
people—seemed like the local municipal workers—hackingdown some healthy
green trees. Why did I not stop them? I was travellingin a bus, thafi why!
As I was proceeding homewards, upset and depressed at this prime example
Of stupidity, I began to wonder. What would happen if there Wereno trees on
earth An earth without trees?
Then I realizedthat this is merely a hypothetical question—if there wereno
trees, we would not be there! But just to imagine itwas scary.
Many animals wouldbecome extinct.This woulddisturb the food chain.
There would be no rain, and hence very little water. Half the world would perish
and the other half would fight for those few lakeswith water.Everybodywould
have to wear masks, for there would be only carbon-dioxideand no oxygen.Ihere
would be only concrete structures everywhere, and people —thosewho still
survived—wouldbe at loggerheadswith each other, for there wouldbe lackof
food, lack of water, lack of oxygen „And here we are, cutting trees left and
oftrees, not cut them!What do
right! When willwelearn—we need to plant lakhs
you think? We start another Chipko
the most evolved creatures on this
are supposed to be the various harmful
false! If, after knowing
planet. True usesit, it does not speak well of his mental
effect, of tobacco, Which other animal
animal chews tobacco?
capabilities. Which other cigarettes, cigars and
'gutka•or or
sayöYes,it is. But it affects the people
•S"lt's my life,"Some
Sa» no to toba Mound.too. Tobaccouse is
ripe ofthe biggest public health hazards of
oneOf the primary causes cancer and heart
eecent times. Tobaccois about this, and hence
d 60s did not know
attacks. people in the 1950s know it, and know that it can lead to a
they smoked. but now that specieswith the most
can't-we,the highly
horrible and painful deatly; growingit altogether?Can't the
developedbrains, stop use?JStop
governments banits farming!
'Illefrighten"g that many youngsters are getting addictedto
withdrawal is very di mcult. so why not we
bacco;And once addicted,
'No' to using it, and 'No' to
join handg and •sayno to tobacco'?
growingit too.

(3) Man v/s Nature.



pouringoutsideand the roadsare again flooded.It reminds me of that
unforgettableday in July 2005, when Mumbai almost drowned. It seemed to be a
battle of man versus nature; this time, man finally won. But will man always win?
When I watchTV or browse through the net, I begin to wonder about such things as
•the end ofthe world' and so on.
This 'man versus nature' conflict is the theme OfErnest Hemingway's classic,
'The Old Man and the Sea',where the Oldman battles against a marlin. Today, we are
willy-nilly challengingnature by our practices;globalwarming has already given us a
warning of things to come. Maybe in a few years we Will be battling for survival. By
destroyingmangroves,cuttingdownrainforests,building huge edifices
allowingthe populationto explode and using up the natural
resources without a second thought, Weare inviting trouble. And nature is cruel, not
To add to my woes,I have just seen a TV warning of a storm and danger of
floodingin farawayNew Orleans.I look out Ofmywindow and it is still pouring. Will
we win our battle against nature? But then, why should we fight nature? We should
workhand-in-hand, not against each other! But who canbe more foolish
than human
Child Labour-a curse to humanity

Gild Labour' me shudder. Childhood is

a time to be enjoyed. to
But fact is Children in India. and in many have fun and games, not to
other too, are made to do
In India, ofpoor children are forced to '€ork,
baking bricks, making fireworks,
rags, working domestic servants, waiters, etc. weavingcarpets. rollingbeedis.
And this is just the tip ofthe
Children are also sexually
While we condemn child labour, we also know fortraining.
the cause of this malady. It is due to
debts, like. well then, what poverty, natural disasters,family
do to prevent this? addition to
First of all, we can boycott those goods made by using child labour, talkingandwritingabout
high on this be,ng fireworks.we can complain
authorities when we see a child being forced to work. We can to
report beggars; we can contribute or volunteer
to work for
However, the most sure-fire method of eradicating this problem
is through education. Education is the only
solution, and through education many ofthe ills bogging down our nation can be single
cured. So, those who see a child employed
somewhere, please raise your voice. Child labour is certainly a curse to humanity.

lii) prepare a word register for writing a blog, by choosing a particular topic of your choice.
Topicscan be environment, pollution, education, health, cleanliness, etc.
Wordregister for a blog on :
(1) Environment : trees, mountains, climate, oxygen, ozone layer, biodiversity, coral reefs,
green cover, biodegradable, etc.
(2) pollution : industries, effluents, chemicals, vehicles, carbon dioxide, noise, traffic, etc.
(3) Education : school, books, exams, tests, teachers, studies, homework, activities, etc.
(4) Health : fruits, vegetables, pulses, eggs, exercise, milk, vitamins, positive attitude, etc.
(5) Cleanliness : personal hygiene, toilets, washing, soap, dustbins, etc.
iven below are a few topics for blog writing. Discuss and write.
(Studentsmay discuss on the basis of given points and draft their blogs. Theymay make a word
(1) Personality Development :
(Points : values, courtesy, education, cleanliness, health, social awareness, etc.)
(2) Health and Fitness :
positive attitude, etc.)
(Points : good diet, regular timings, personal hygiene, regular exercise,
(3) Social Dynamics :
how it affects groups, advantages and
(Points : meaning, how it affects individuals,

(4) Communication Skills • good language, good body
of barriers,
(Points : good knowledge,extensive reading, awareness
language, courtesy, social awareness, etc.)
(5) Self-Defence :
information about self-defence,practice
(Points : need for self-defence,forms of self-defence,
passing the message, etc.)
(1) Discussvarious blogs and their reasons/benefits with your friend.
page 144.)You can develop your blog writing
There are many blog websites. (Refer to list on
opportunities available you.
skills and on the basis of this make a list of career
personalities on different topics and
You will come across many blogs written by famous
on the internet. Read and SUmmarise
issues. Read and make a list of at least ten blogs available
a blog and present it before the class.
E-mail or electronic mail is used to send
F.nail Signature
messages by electronic means from one computer Name
First Name. Last
user to one or more rvciPients via a network
Email address
Advantages of e-mail :
Very quick distribution of messages: almost
properly :
instantaneous. (5) How to CC and BCC
CC means 'Carbon Copy'„it
means that
(2) Low cost. will get a
(3) Operating principle relatively simple. the addressesin this block
(4) Can be sent to many at a time. copy of the email.
(5) Environment-friendly. BCC means 'Blind Carbon Copy.'
Amongthe many usages of e-mails, one very Addresses in this block will also get a
important usage is application for a job. copy of the email, but their names Wili
(Sendingan application with a Resume). not be listed in the headers that the
Let's understand some of the basics for this. recipient(s) sees. The CC and BCC tools
E-mail template for formal e-mails to send to are tricky. Sometimes they're useful,
employers : but if used improperly, they can be
(This is a basic template that can be changed/ problematic.
modifiedas the situation requires.) Note : Go through the sample of e-mail formats
(I) Subject : Brief subject line page 108 of the textbook.
e.g. Application for HR executive; HRX-56
Bio-data / CV/ Resume :
(2) Salutation :
A Bio-data/ CV/ Resume gives an outline
e.g. Sir/ Dear Sir/ Madam
of your background, your skills, your
(3) Main body :
education and your experience, so that a
• First paragraph :
potential employer can acquire important
Reason for your mail, where you came to
information about you at a glance, and then
know about the job, etc. Mention the job
ascertain how you can contribute to the
• Second paragraph : company's success.
Your most important qualifications which
A Bio-data/ CV/ Resume is more than
are relevant for the job, in brief. Write just a document; it is a tool for marketing
what skills you have to offer the employer.
yourself. It is important as it is the first
Only the main points should be written; the contact between you and your potential
details will follow in the CV. employer.
• Third paragraph :
Conclude your e-mail by thanking the
employer for considering you for the
position. Indicate that you are eager to
an e-mail to your who has not
contacted You for a
time. the hints

Options Form•ttot Review

B J u Cheo Attach Attach Signature High Importance

book Names
Basic Text Importance
Names In Oude Tag' Zoom

are you?

Whereare you? You seem to have vanished from the face of the earth!
Iwasbusywith my Std. X exams., aptitude tests, etc. but now they are finally over and I have got
admission in the collegeof my
thevery same college your sister studied from! It has an awesome reputation for the teaching of
Yes, choice.
languages, and since I hopeto become
alinguistand translator some day, I thought this would be the ideal place. Classes have not yet started; the
admission processis sfill going
Anyway,enough about me. I have not heard anything from you since you went to Bengaluru. Is the admission process
goingto be difficult
for I hope not, after the wonderful marks you scored! How do you find the place? As great as Mumbai? Mademany newfriendsthere?
languagemust be a problem at the moment; but I am sure you will pick it up fast.
Now sendme a mail ASAP. I want to know what is happening with you there, and when I can visit you! Bye. Love to you and Tina and
to your parents.

There are no itemsto show in this view.

All hems
• E-mail Basics
Make sure that your emails stand out because of the content, and not because
of sloppy mistakes, poor formatting, or casual language.
Use a readable font in a 10 or 12 point size in your emails. Send job search_
related emails from a professional email address - ideally, your email address
shouldjust include some combinationof your first and last name or first initial
and last name.
Here's what to include when sending job search correspondence and the email
message format you should use when you are sending employment related email
• E-mail Message Template
The following email message template lists the information you
need to include
in the email messages you send while searching for
a job. Use the template as
a guideline to create customized email messages
to send to employers and
• Subject Line
Don't forget to include a clear Subject
Line in your email.
Use the subject line to summarize why
you are emailing. Some examples
strong subject lines: of
Application for Marketing Associate - Jone Smith
Infor•notionol Intcwiew Request
Thank You - Marketing Associate Interview
Referred by [Person's NOInel for [Informational Interview,
• Salutation
Use on appropriate salutation.
Dear Mr. [Ms. Last Name or Deur Hiring Manager:
• First Paragraph
The first paragraph of your email should include informationon why you are
writing.Be clear and direct — if you are applying for job, mentionthe job
title.If you want an informational interview, state that in your openingsentences.
• Middle Paragraph
The next section of your email message should describe what you have to
offerthe employer or if you are writing to ask for help, what type of assistance
you are seeking.
Keep it concise and flawless with relevant punctuation.
• Final Paragraph
for consideringyou for the
Conclude your email by thanking the employer
with your job search.
positionor your connection for helping
Email Signature

First Name, Last Name

Email address
Read the sample email format and prepare your own.
Sample Email format

e mail com/mäjlhnbox

Search Mait


To: Rohini / Rohit Chopra

SubJect: Invitation for Annual Day Event
Dear Madam / Sir,
We would like to tell you how much we admire your work on screen and how much we appreciate you as a
person, off screen. The recognition and popularity you have received is very well deserved. You are a youth
icon in the true sense.
We therefore invite your gracious presence as the Chief Guest for our annual function 'MEGH '19, scheduled on
Labels Friday, December 20th, on our college grounds.
I am sure, your presence will inspire our young students, many of whom look forward to acting as a career in
their future.
Please find attached the invitation card.
Looking forward to your favourable reply.
Thanking You.
Yours sincerely,
Smitha / Smith Vaz,
The Principal,
Zenith College,
Bandra (West),
Mumbai 50.



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