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Keraton Yogyakarta

The palace court with its grand and elegant Javanese architecture lies in the center of the
city. Prince Mangkubumi founded the palace in 1755. The Prince then was called Sri Sultan
Hamengkubuwono I and he chose the right location of the compound between Winongo Rive
r and Code River. The palace stretches out from north to south. The front yard is called alun-a
lun Utara (the North Square), and the back yard is called Alun-alun Selatan (the South Squar
e). The layout of the buildings shows that the Palace, the commemorative column and Mount
Merapi lie in one line. The palace meeting hall is called Pagelaran, where formal meetings of
palace officials are held, while the "Manguntur Tingkil" hall is the place where the Sultan is s
The visitors can enjoy the atmosphere of the kraton in former times by visiting the life-si
ze diorama of wedding ceremonies on the palace meeting hall, performed by puppets, which
are intentionally arranged to create such an atmosphere. Sets of Javanese musical instruments
antiques and heirlooms have made the palace of Yogyakarta worth to visit. Browse Asda Off
ers on Offers This Week. Many sets of gamelan music instruments, antiques, and heirlooms
make the palace of Yogyakarta the most interesting tourist attractions in Yogyakarta. The pal
ace of Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat is now the dwelling place of Sultan Hamengku Buwono X
and the family.
West of the palace, there is Water Castle, built in 1758 by the prince, Sultan Hamengkub
uwono I. The Water Castle is located in the older part of the city within walking distance fro
m the Bird Market. Part of the pleasure garden and castle is at present no more than an intrigu
ing collection of ruins, pools, arches and underground passages enclosed by massive walls, h
owever, the central courtyard with the nymph-baths has been restored. A number of batik wor
kshops line the avenue leading to the pleasure garden's entrance.

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