Section 6 Answered

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Contemporary Issues

section 6

True and false:

1- political contexts refer almost exclusively to the effects of trade
false, economic
2- technological globalization refers to the increasing interdependence of world
false, economic globalization
3-the European Union and WTO refer to cultural globalization
false , economic globalization
4- 'McDonaldisation' and 'Coca-Colonisation' are terms often referred to illustrate
some examples of economic globalization.
5- military globalization aimed at interfering in the internal affairs of states
False, political globalization
6-cultural globalization leads to dominant culture of developing countries over
developed countries
false, developed countries over developing countries
7- globalization leads to increase in inequality between nations

Question two
1- List Consequences of globalization include

a-Mixing of cultures.
b-Dominant Western culture eroding traditional cultures.
c-Diseases spread more rapidly.
d-Economic crises spread more rapidly.
e-Increased transferring of drugs.
f-Terrorism made easier.
Contemporary Issues
section 6

2-list Pros of Globalization

a- increase in economic prosperity
b- increase life span
c-improve standard of living
d-improve gender relation
3- list the cons of Globalization
a- increase environmental damage
b- erosion of traditional culture
c- increase poverty and inequality
d- corporations are motivated with profit and less concerned with people

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