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Name : Ivan Maulana

Nim : 2019111022

Class : 5 A

Ants and Grasshoppers

In a field, in the summer, a grasshopper was jumping for joy, chirping and singing to its
heart's content. Meanwhile an ant was passing by, carrying a lump of corn kernels
underneath it with difficulty to its nest.
"Why don't you just stay here and talk to me," said the Grasshopper, "rather than walking
around working hard like that??"
"I work to gather food to stock up for the winter," said the ant, "and set an example for you
so that you also gather food like me."
"Why should I bother worrying about winter," said the Grasshopper; "We've got plenty of
food by now." Even so the ant continued and continued to work hard.
When winter came, the grasshoppers starved to death, while the ants distributed daily corn
and wheat from their shop which they had collected last summer.
Generic structure Example of Narrative Text Fable

1. Orientation: First information of the participants inside the story. From the story about ant
and grasshopper below, we see the orientation as:
In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about. An Ant passed by.

2. Complication: What happens next among the participants of the story. This phase
introduces a problem existing between or among the participants. From the example of
narrative below, we see the complication is:
“Why bother about winter?” said the Grasshopper; we have got plenty of food at present.”
But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil.

3. Resolution: The way a writer ends his story plot. It can be a successful ending or failure
one which leads to a sad ending story. From the story about ant and grasshopper, we see the
writer give the ending as follow:
When the winter came the Grasshopper found itself dying of hunger.

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