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ao aaa eS lel ae = The History of Immunology 4 Periods in the History of Immunology « Descriptive early period Plagues & pandemics, esp. bubonic plague in Egypt Disease was regarded as a punishment from God or ‘gods, God struck down those with evi in their hearts, IR was a penalty and the ulimate pice was death. Fides (0.8.2): people wn recovered: rman pte » Early attempts at ‘vaccination: Smallpox "Early experiments: Bacteria cause disease . » Humoral v. cellular immunity Francis Ian L. Salaver, RMT, MD BI Descriptive Early Period Ht Thucydides ‘Thucydides states that: 'the sick and the dying were tended by the pitying care of those who had recovered, because they knew the course of the disease and were themselves free from apprehensions. For no one was ever attacked a second time, or not with a fatal result’. These Athenians had become immune to the plague. Early Attempts at Immunization + Mithradates Vi;(Anatolian King) took increasing daily dases of poisons. + Mithtidatisnt is the sractce of protecting oneselt against 2 poison by gradually self-administering non-lethal amounts, Early Attempts at i Immunization «+ Indian epics tak about attempts at immunization. “There vas a practice of selecting beautiful gifs and ‘administering poison in small amounts unt they ‘re up, thus making them Insensitive to poison. = These were called poison maiden). + Te was believed that making love with vishakanyas can result in death of thelr partners, hence they were employed to kil enemies. “BE Early Attempts at Immunization Immunization against Smallpox:- > caused by the vaiola vue + enters the body through the lunge and is carie In the blood othe internal organs and skin where ‘mutpies. + can kill 10 to 30% of the total population, the most {eared and greatest killin human history. ARE Early attempts at Immunization Immunization against Smallpox:- "Chinese: dried matter from pustules inserted in nostris, + Dried smallpox scabs were blown into the nose of an individual who then contracted a mild form of the disease. (Asians and Africans) + Europeans and their American cousins tended to inoculate through a puncture in the skin. “AEE Variolation » Blowing dried scab material up the noses of inglviduats with a silver tube ("Gan Miao’ iccine) or using water to make pLaSelne) oF scabs to insert into the nostrils. ("Shi | Miao": wet vaccine), ew Sd A Smallpox Victim = Immunisation against Smallpox (2) Variolation = Early 188 Ca inocUiated her own children with smallpox vu. + "The Royal Experiment” Several prisoners and abandoned chidren were inocisted by having smalpox inserted under the Skin Sree mon ae, te chien and nes wer Getecrtcy exposed". smalipox. "When one Contracted the Geease, the procedure vas deemed ste Sind members of the roel fal were inoculated “Then 2 doughters of Prince & Princess of Woles ‘nocntes, hence become popu Immunisation against Smallpox a (2) Vaccination End of 18" C..WEdward lennef Inoculated 7 subjects with coupox. 2 challenged with smalipox virus, hence: general term, Jal Edward Jenner As a teenager, while learning to be a physician, he heard a young farm girl tell a doctor that she could not contract smallox because she had ‘once had cowpox (a very mild disease). This started him th about a vaccine. Edward Jenner inoculating James Phipps with cowpox, HE Note!!! “Vaccination,” the word Jenner invented for his treatment (from the Latin, vacca, a cow), was adopted by Louis Pasteur for immunization against any disease Immunisation against Smallpox (3) = WHO Programme Year BE 19% C.: Bacteria cause disease = Robert Koch & Louis Pasteur established bacteria as cause of diseases. » Pasteur: Injected animals with live attenuated micoorganisms —> immunity v. chicken cholera, anthrax, rabies. ME Louis Pasteur © Pasteur's later work on diseases included work on chicken cholera, During this work, a culture of the responsible bacteria had spoiled and failed to induce the disease in some chickens he was infecting with the disease, ME Louis Pasteur Upon reusing these healthy chickens, Pasteur discovered he could not infect them, even with fresh bacteria; Why? -BE Louis Pasteur @ = On Guljla/H4886) 9-year-o14 was bitten repeatedly by a rabid dog. Pasteu treated “him with his attenuated rabies vaccine two days later. Meister survived, Joseph Meister later become a gatekeeper fc the Pasteur Institute. In 1940, when he pet proerety ie jierman occupiers to open Crypt, Joseph Mei committed suicide ae ee soa a Wars of The Cells and Antibodies * Cellular Theory: ae agocytes in ee innate Immunity). Humoral Theory: Koch, Ehrlich et al (Berlin) ‘= Showed serum from immunised animals. kis bacteria, At Humoral Immunity [Bordet discovered comy a eity to jiphtheria & tetanus due to Abs. v. toxins. Passive transfer of immune serum —> protection = 1* immunotherapy. __ Wars of The Cells and Antibodies: al Truce (Siygatcee RENEE - Sesouisaan, of bacteria by Antibodies. pted fusion of Cellular and Humoral Theories — “Sir Almost Right”. HE Opsonins INTRODUCTION. TO jMMUNOLE! (moc * tc (WRC) is yas -hbke Gindancs Untied) anon + Ay eaae age 2 ie Fon wdc ge ity bya — prety ats women ad te Casi & ral gid t 1, utc — uae scene of ea cuussincanea wating Rata ede (rc ent) rota ite mil ait wide willy of vicragalin Li. eg. an H Aegith > tented Crd yor er) = ue sore wagethde op epee cps Ld eq. bts 11 Naleal m acid inygin Ara uo et 1 Rito + D eatgne gd by BL WN yy pee be tee 24, fest smcme pated nts qe ye osnes + + Met fine chek pe. ment + ell fb ~ sain + Kat its ~ ed yg placid ger of aks + tick Bane ~ pofemed ates ame Bund cus (eRANULOCATLS) + Negi +85 a, oo-m% + onl (pe ee) = diate cages + natal + a egnates / ppd * Bagehss 5 Me A igale tad pein + md sxe b conic = ERIE yee de od tases + tne vind + eos (ote RRR po ic se pore High ap A ic dye Ces ce) = Ts TOs Ooch Loy Uys > ded re ls ul : oe ian ts — Whi ee) + iy tee Sad ie Me i ne ad ay + ray We dass ie yh oR Kone he Lag ~@, sages YAY om aes enero war, Blew caus Casale) + Hema Wiyven Age / eee ed ads hag ae fabs — Aga ey “Wek b agde yin atin Me gas boy ay eb «gta PWR te eae C0 oe ia gag be tet we ge os ie logis hy oe er nee Dl cl os age ey sey Logie ine ay Uy hs Fee a * og "Wat — ode ay + Sal = cde ad bead, 1 Med Hr fe > ps ein iat vid eh bn Ger atin Hage) Ba Raa 7 ees ws Weeds tg gue © pong BR CL hiiten Beare) 4 lst peas 1 0G apis — GO tae Ho Aa: taupe ‘Be Ghndier | S+I0% tnd has — ex te! 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Ti ar hao rN due eon «a —_ (ible be ait) PROCESS Of PRABOUATDSIS © Base 2 again [get . fogane atin «Papin Seman Raga tots e660 tes OF plcremu AIUNb: © herte Bein ~ egiee 0. 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Sockeye bal Tega ign Ee felon —e pnd to ok EPO ved — Samet ibncy We ign 2 aheck (10d Wage ign oak, aud we Bnd (®) cin, alpine (ws Me woe day Ate) J gen eh M6; el ign Jb hag = A J binds > ogo, seis a sep oer ST added] -t08 EH) «OO — ww *O-O — B. eric Cnty on 2 abhi 1 ie a + Ur MIMDGENS — yas teak ca ce wis seeds rope © Gonute 3 0 Uppyvemie © Nain © Monel dais ones sab ate, (© cet ap sa nega Te Regd Mies OQ — vee — tema = TTT + egies Toe fh by kD ee cts Me ig fs ee © mgs aie pas 1 Ned ign + of rao cds TTT ga Boa 8 ie inks ih pe a dtr m se Ble g BC + Ngo fay Ight + ged ge UL yue igh ee gos ads vine Vek paces omen coe nei © Nata ete © Sight apace |, oo fe + - 5 aaa a be clo + pass Saar) © Seofeay pomenat Won dick a om Le te pce apnea @EO (Re) =e Wo win — He aly eed moe = pis Me on A fides — pi tab aig wy weit be ee ain ote a Uwnegihlis ~ oaks tent ages ad prbcple Ute ope 08 ° SS i Windy umpc eA hi 5 Gh ae snd Cepinciod) Ug Chins 9 age + seis 2 eerie, 2 able * amine Bit oa) TE ik ore Wy Hey Qi Crom om Qh ay ly ae It ae is ae ip foie ta | ye bd ee ay = ha “ay Type Pike to: © Wein wove 1 dy © Wimckin — Bate Id ain & ae di Nae gas qty xy (oe iE on oe tora Aly! 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Ae nes me Ha a te yer wel cht 9 hy = igen ue healt = pete CONCANTRATIONS AND AA-Urt we we wi wp ve vt en by a v0 nets dye dew ays tage 1 day Tg = it kvety podieed ding infection (Meaty norte cporic) +d ba Kee + sacked + Foner = bs ogni cs) , engine fb (5 ce) = Wa gsi 5 cine ct Yerkes dom by 1 Bide 3 | ng in tesco Tak = ed baad tne = sxcthed + Wonwmer (A, Y= Seam Jyh), Diner wh + Sade Sah) + prt seria [gh eat ak + oa + hats seis * sn was + Re sh on wate diy in naga ig er aise Ig (a e cous wavs Yet a rem I 4 4 a arena rar ye ~ sed anita pobea agatd fein (Sandan [arte rte qe) wae =e tend None sade? Yomee Wek ie pain pagan «KC, voatin = on ogre. ad a confine teh tanh 701 + lay Aah He teas dys + gaits mcs Be yee = eh band! Pare = geerth hs oemte = lage vache ~ kad dandant Gores at nits ae span woe veo by le eee lin apt bed cng TaD =o jag homer = sud" Pens = fadin eben one - © -@Q- = ve O48, Ud & Gone io binds © ime dtpects Me bat © slg = gaat Wn Me wine 9H Hig egitim enc 6 Iie Ags Mb, Naty Vaby Vgee ert woe Wee 6 aon otett NovORLOUAL ANTODY FRDUCTEN = Hu (Oman Tans hast) ery ob oe pd mid oH ene sigs rd nh emo Ea ten Hey cha 1 set oi it ines hi saa ae 2 @ 0 ibn oh pte dtd Myedyle Uyol ugh ikl of a renbs, d = cesive piped | toe. me ude b bat wate id te te = fee hut (gai gla ype) © Urpud Hyder JL sy te a cm it de ee ch © ype Hey cc Pid $b Msn As id at PE Crying tonte Aeeibagl rene) SEAT = id aah pmo of cos L md ete OS CO ot ae Be Wc Sia cyrdnre ate Fa ai ‘image oct COMPLEMENT sycten, nplanmation _ Aetve mn ~ emp ot Med um ps A me tly, tren Ueda patente) Leg. pectin OF toy festa Ce togvege — diated by Brdet (and cw etic) ronbees batho atder of Sevens tat broad om order of acivation Heat labile mb SO°C por 3D mimes 7 tom be desteyeh by heat pathways of complement activation © Corsica gecitic © Mematoe ba © Mamese- Bitcg ecg J owen’ CLASSICAL PATHWAY — = cctv hy Antigen -Atiney comps = Aries Ig ad Ig > Regice meals + ah lead £Ae cig eal & tepie cht, ioe chy aon as rr chr = echuotes Cle oy iS OST Ce + doulinneasely cobs CL md Ct ot TW larg acy ce te cote Poe << eneuen eet co» — Ses, ngs 8 me ine Ter at yaa oe $0 ad oe rene = Usis Ye outa pe ALTERNATE TATA ~ what ung pain Cenc, en Fae rch eile fee wa aa ae C36 — ES + tect Fader cw Be os C emersnce a < on Be tae tater © feted a ! eee = | mac. “ cy +8 — nikal yds FUNCTION OF COMPLEMENT SYSTEM D Ce Wysis + MAC (Coer90) © Opsonizatin — Cap © Arnpylabuie > tre h mach al tate Mebane curing inflamma, Ls cra, a, c50 © Chembyin —= resvils nevtnpil & He le of mpcctin uo bse © erie vacalar permeability — Cha REGULATORS OF COMPLEMENT S/STEM ECA mibiias regio ct Ab Bring polen + prostate bind op Gb b Cab Mewirane Corp bein + cal-band a preva muro dation op Ob Cte a DAP (Decay Acelutitg face > cek-bond tetas fom ct Cob eS fotan + provens meertime of IAC Mad membrane by ccng on C8 fomalsgos Retichm Foche Renin Uabiion ap Reach yes / COSY > pels acca oe Cy tae Fadler Hos ade C36 ad erate asenchin wilh je B Les Ateraatine polnang Teche 1 Canicd & Us Feat tam ” OH + cau may hige tre ae 0 Y Alurade ttn 03 < ae CF + Foe Be _ BACT ed DISEASE s © Paroxysmal Nechna | Hemeglo binsrin to absence a DAP =P > var cou pete. Bh, hess dean Oo) ae Y Ch wis dissedalel b Cab © Heredia Angiocgema LE aber atosence op CA inhibit Clays C24 — inereace wagulae permeability a ce < a © Abe & Mic ——* reonrent Neisseria! _inpeti Y bram Negative, Intercelelar Alplococei CHAPTER G@ = MASDR HISTOCOMPATIBILIT] COMPLEX Clage | = nucleated cols Meir tog Conlon OO | prea 2d peal aig et puts dente cok ond dats 1 ara baariia te wocl hae hee tp PH bape jon dein can be cone fongiilly = leh 2feOME mst bee fone ek ap MIKE gw ren Formerly Keowee og HLA (Homer Leake Antigen’) 7 4h ford ile Bld cat gay waddle ancy humans IMuile pe prteals od expec smmgh o-donnance 78 Vetter Talecr Alp ep + Ospitg ale AID Bc Blo Alc WIC ce “peice” , Hos ex by guacs, ——— genes ae oad m bec in chtmatone OP alnomesone o Jove am Cthomers Cancer celle Am vey leyy. Hlneres fon oq, Teomeres v feeninel pot VY Dikermine bw Many inet tHe ctrmocomee vides Suatt shom ot Chomnagene, GE AeeIoW T cooreacn eile Grtmmeric End eo = icmees eat proteins Hohe & sor es at Rajon T — oan coed, cat 1 Ragin b> ctunys encodes lace 1 ds 1 + cage 1 3 A me on * Close Be — umplemeal, proteins OLASS Teale tat > thmcalvler antigen —vtws = resngnined ty CDS 7 Sia of aligen Prt engebien © datas me f x Reid taney Ae - aa Oe) ana cs aca we @ * VY fecagnizcd by OB ns Y Antigen HLA-A ce. semi » dacs 1 4 = Jeacritic. cel wa -0P Oat mera die baa cLAss T ap or BLA =e ie > rwogiized by C04 Bacmo4 aan ; v Peptide bing deol > ah onct Od i. pt etain Y Resegrised by C4 BLA=DR2 — Multiple Sclercis Geed pasteor syncirem ¢ > HLA=DR3 — Grades disease Myasthenia gravis SLE ( Sychemic Lys Eytkematene) > MADRE — dachimoto’s Anyroiditis fo ioe $6) Hh DeS dena) {Sy Antignn ——__ (DRS + bashimoh's aynititis IMMUNODEFICIENG! DISORDERS Classification * A. Powd em Re case 1 Wainaty — emgeibl , praca gon bith ~ aber of gue 6 drones 1 Senda ~ mqiced pm the enicontent - Ww eadlabin (la adnely dividing cots ~ Tower Cesicaty itt tundes boxe manu) = Wgs Cinnuresepteeie dags) —~ ty toe B, Based o component oppcled (Bcd on a it acing) 2 lonfeweal Sytem > Wh = Kelston error Paced 2 frapoyls — 0 apeaton 9 decals toe vvlnce Wace gre 0 Vets eae Drckedin! with crcenpselaed = Igle (operia) trdack op Teel Le raed tod meta, p+ pena ai ie 7 au @ Ox 5 ee Sa ae ee pe Beale Bet maine PO 7 Hanae Bad © CD Brmn a s ae . ne © Yh — Joe (cae suiteing) LA Ss Oh god Imnewrsdeicay dsl * a D Bras X= Inked agaminagebnitewio me tree, of Bik gue wilh emeides for Ayre nate = cqumnrg\cnlinesia (10 Steady Keimked + wets oe oath XT + pemaeg we cates XK me bene of yeoman we x (i oe Om im” owls toe anv vel be te mabe B cal = disease vi memigecl at G4 monly of age © Connon Maable Imam depicerey > vaksican asin / mecjumism > yailve ap rhe B cals b veane flacee cae a+ twat mr UD Yatme Beak — yl tet by gE te Udon Mamie “by OM wd Dro © Transient Wypegannagbbineaia op Now Barts mr dadaan bug, pargrardtion — alla ng Becks Ae pedie avkbodis duet delayed mabratiom of T calls [tyne © Wer dg Tigh yh tt Vay lon YO A.E, D ” asec tt Cte \igand © Rye Mal Aqecve Aeon TT NE Beaks A depwcinle ah Igh pedis aoe ely Hee gained oud spoky ngetin 1 Pibeerge Syndrome > olecence af chmmosme tq ; Lk chrome tty ponder eabyslege. dadepnad op 34 ond A plangige redis” vhion gives vet, a tad folate fs fart the aaa 4 aotynid gawd + C+ dah pale A cimmcer pati (tate fhe a maka T = sage ya © coda pubes B= percenia we: A Bae yaa Se — axe oC ds Pe elie SOD ~ dence ot ecethos MP ols c-Met deanna dion NA PA pei (ute) MEE A ing aw ‘deaminave Deoxy- AP Chic + mare. lympbacyic) 2) Wisk Ala&ch Gudame eee 9 aaa ne Spel) Wis ptan «PA aid ychin X oe faa = + Maatony pasa Vand B cals » cerema & lanenditegy 2) Alani = TWargieclasa me alec AL gue Clsace of AL pt) > ALimlett prevents apepbas op heathy cele in? © ceeteun *T and B cells Y Papi © Crowic Geanionatws scare (CED) — aise, og MADER lla enyne ut fe SHOE, yp Mydrsemidere sarschnite Os + NADPH Taare 7 ts eo Ayr & + * Oaidicing Ages Aerobic Bacteriol bing, Rs! Nitebhe Tebazolium Tet “ Oncicing Agent east daiditdy ages 1 lew pine Nibeblue wort? IT dye, Tet zotim + Dye ala) “SN ito © Cua = Hina Grdone — abbcnce ot IST gene Cabserce IGT pric which cases fem of Lysuemc b fhapsme) . Pings fae © aCe eres Aaheson, => albism Noarm = LAST m medion changer pout welaneaje and anes Cae © Leone Asan Sage Tye — abrence ot hlegie \—» adnester Wed avsence Leceechn CHAPTER & WHPERSENCITIVITY DISORDERS — MONIGUE B. ABAP Wypercensitivity Aactins > eaggefald @ Wagongdale imawte cecpors —P Avbimmnone dicord er SS cerns pm al » has 4 Ms medias 1 nok faibody - medkaes cell - mediates 3 op which ove made vectins —o “Hp ay kbd + cole te are [ee ioe Aye lat ye ond Tg Yh od ae rae detigen Gite (ue Crane) | Caniar Angee bible ble J calor lemon — | Hat cs [Pails | nme! 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MT mO-w hb © Mag vdveed Rewiyio Aroma me Vn MCA om Ne ce © brodpacteor Sydone Ain ogeuh famid maine bo mauvatte asia Bie Whe add — SNA apes ahick ic iaputeat col dagen @ wm mona bd — bhi Mele th De od cs Na ent it Wa the ile (ol ow — pret sy tn aye Wee y tein [nits ype ccacitvthy © Game's dseose antibody te TSH recep ype tyson Fis gland Ash Astrea braw’s dune YY —_ feel Poli be eat © DM ye 0 Gheose 4 agultn i ewe Af reephr © Mywtteia gis —> ste paralysis MONIGLE Be ell col ap gis qld pore Ty oa Te = Yaggfancion ne ong ota fe tne 108 [ree Ty a Ty HED = Moigve 8. AGAD Gobble fatigens —_—_inaly eptnine 4 pgoasrval __ Lonplemen yteet lh Ec fegotence op WamUte comple dl re i eereeet tee SS rrr ; \ LL Deni tiny Cage Tt To tis degre m Hames avon as lord Vestal, 0 Minisatoe — tne engles ill he dobged Spink, Hideey eens ime “eee ese danas ¢ Le decctin @ Ormege 4— inmate: fepise gt vitae tompton Examples? © Rheowatey Arindtis Jekgen® Unban potcn (0) — pare he dept nk vay: YY etc teat seal rel ap Geen en mst @ ‘Canty asec. aplem 4 fone omg — brtetan oe de Merddenee op Teme epe ac! an praca ody in Ricomabss Aeliris Yi RP (neon Face) L nty thal inde b Fe portion op carter aot ordy © Sete Les tythennls wr anfitndy againcl mydeic os ond tadleofnteite HB cA Wied deyed DNA ond hu asesited + YY —s iomune Se madeeporrons: ition tm . Le hble ontinn Wicd Weel, Keb, fact ea, = has eller rach betel ee! Jonts Inactes osha 1 Wd wed, idry, OHS, je | Gin pcm wil faliger sec em a ee + —— vmne emtc —+ gonealorephits M weg | tae sect ee te PN game atte . eck meated 4 seniimal ot natatane md Teds bh dy wen —e fete fot, vives Sos shun SS PED = Mnbwrewlns Oo wt FN gana ' racnttage © Corkaak dernotitis F nctel (ett tommen pleat mela) > ison ivy ® See Syndrome | Gooren'e Syrdeme Cellar aatigns op trek, etind and saleny glands © DM Tyed Mowieve 8. Agap Teds > aha heves ej 08g Yan bho nen te damage the ane, — PO, PESTLE patoreatc idk oy Langerhans (Peta cells) > aackes by wacaplage ard Tolls CATOKINES. T= IS are ly patent Hyped Ureage Fen pu ether ie toma Ta pitti I ea ctson Tcl aca (old rncon) Bee pom cae YY yh ak Canon nett) Wi-gomna Lrunits ached, cates wacmpage aciby Wel Fas toe Dec ie apt BROCE le Tet Hens fr > Bf gh wen © 2 Mehe frce cecns => Uppers e o-e on ea Ye TET inte tet pt he dna GAEL mr prommne ape ace menge od The AD => prdces by Thy replay 1 at) ich bens At Teal aa Lhe re 18 om die pads. tL De = matty Haid mage en a edn (28 ar-ar) oo Ih — cs Te pcm TWA = Bed ter (an nis) Meh =r te upon im LS — tine ~ MG ptvced by wel ae etna 4 mae maths Fletotwpy > one aytotine, aching on govesal cals me eS, Wek, bel Redondancy —> severed cyfrkongs athmg one parhcilar type oF cel! ay 4s Weld, IL-2 Syperge > 2 aybbmes canancmg cach putchimn TOL and Weis they and LB Yakago nism —» oylolines gpposing each otter — teed and ILD Kovobing —> produced hy modocyle me bel, WG, tel2 , WE Lymptoking —» predaced by lyinptoayt e — WA IB, IFN-gamm , IL-2 COUPER to TuHOR INMUNDLOGY Mentout &. aP10 Bexign esa hy Sudy Ames baatgy? ee ela temeed Me Wilko bie 2. Mallat of Maur ale by Wattle 5. Dring tym yan rer urine womens Wyo Tee ous of Wes © Chesion 1 Male = ug My Phase Enghagys Alabang oy og ine = twee 9. Baal = oer A beens jou secu» be sem (Prost) © fadian — din cea (Otek) © Vinee 1 faa ffi Vins HRV) —> ean cae canted cance 2. tyshen- Bar Vins —* ity acore LL bs raptayeget cacitne SANs bape saree Le ewe A Megat Bad CMe tactile oxime a er Tower Inmngwrvcatce ve, Tomer Immo cng | de he aha ; (els zone et sph Ter Crd by Ves ems Chenin i wae vee A eed Levee —e iendntn —e ae lentes tna B ech HOES Wy cee —* YY bay Uther B) Tee hee MRE ie th oh deci cer i Wenicue B. ABAD ented x __ Meee eee az wradioles Tower B — hamecied — eve lerntebed Wwe A YEE arent ae “TY inter Ter Becky MES arse, develped Tower B 1p there te Wmuneswrvcilance . Why a we ctl detclyp cancer? ee eek we : a ee &: » eee prs oat i » (REM, 8 © Ter wil rat ogress eigen © Wane wil mt express Ce 3 © Tne vil tot cyrus Bs © Www vit prs Tas Ngan + fi nlapae eH Coe tpn gma © Shedding mp Anhigens © Les oF eniguie. veo a teagoly taps maglas ang tomber op axtgen én eopace ar a a) 1 mm, Ka ot Bn mareenrine aa prc, © Searebm me dircalye —> avers th 6 Blue thy are Ls polation OHO CHAPTER TE + WMUND\DUIG TOLERANCE. La aela mk ote nme eign aoni > Kanal, daiger a RRGERIRREEY —W ain it ck ixmmgue Took we Wy rue, — dntoyn Tar MBIHINE = TRLEUNS (Hania i ed) rd TOUERANCE Uc, WMNUNOLENS, ene {re | eT Grameen / ESE Nh we my | Ung hase b Hd) (aes) — De (od ee pa At (oytron Ase Are st Uedvidosl | (abana rua bas (aRuCa oak adie” feicip Mainein | ERD dona | SBA 7) payne e “ahewans VP acme 1 ae MER Bes som co SDN er fe meg NE Ba | © felted tierance + tx onda Tee's bles beouce oF! | > ilarsmaee | ene _InerO-$ = nena RCH ip mange i Pg « ey ae Nee eG Bor)? a sain eo) BM Be D6 ye on QB) iy — td tt we WHE OD re hy: ay a (S).On _aetc — (alpaca LN? 3) ig Thy /Treglry Shae ‘ twee © L, Oat Vee J Bd» BOD. apie gre Inege -» eaai Te CARTER its TRANSPLANTATION IMMUNOLOGY “Hetolatatin tangadagy — cue te sia yore ‘ron Sfemeval of gen Jaret poms cloner» sbluaas! — gets Hosrort ran cn ofthe dy envi THPES OF GRAPTS —F- Nisiogl — tensger op mate SMa Malay — Hester op gopts When Aiidade ope sax Mewar — trance axaits wehuen of uReateanepe? 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REIN FECHON: aan Ou» hie (ape yoo © Ap rewe nye ee pe THPES OF SEROLOLIC FEACTONS © Hinotg or ital feachons eee fri cack et tig jae ted ~ imasibole Rocwiedme — FoAwumunnascae (R14) caste FH RO I a Ie = Maveescene ° fee ee oe fouble Solute Keach 6 th valde s ExANPLES tadnobye Lael TY ecotiy haved ediisthnge sa Viading Ph Dead aid igen Frepasey Mt ate Tes De (atbok Tate (yeti hee Yonep te cnn GE OSes — sk SAIS <— RE ry Pinay Ranchim ~____ Sexomdary Rearction Fea ne eiouey Ses ee © BXAMAE © Ac TINATION : Se me ~ cer / Pcie GG + einen Passe agi = Hhaen Me ot latte i: OO © Ger" ipeen "Hh ae Or abe ee GB = Miter cot Te tino tar ty Brite Y ler @ coup via PSS, S. aures with nated ge ¢ te pee Ew OS tok aare te Ne pation Sasly wd vy Ine "We Kaaba = wud mpc Ba ee onus mega + die Be prucsce of vie = @ healt ic byghoination Ween od a ©® *@ Aggletm ction mig = No Agglt in Q2 Wo Agglatnatne . 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Wika Hadie rapittin GENE» aH (Manatee) mE 19 Bes — ae inti f]-m ule Nits 00 1 aig 08 berets ne. 1 OF decom debe eR weede, inael Ihe bay "Se tn, Se Tare, — fine Wm Ray ae 2 male 8 Mihay > itor Tole Bice. Sle Faneesins = Ben ww mwa Actins ee one leetc7 ® Came ss) e e LL Petlem 4 Konwidentty 2 ° PRD Caen 1 (eg aeileily) 2 METHODS T INTERPRET FReCIRINN BIN D Fahey Nebisd messin Mancini Meta — (HINA EE PR ithont § rcertratin (Wes Ae Aad end pit RENEW RRRCARLUTON — dence Ne arake We + Hhgn stn pein Lim suscronintesis Irae oti. Bete O Lave! Wastrprstcis J arted Niches se seo ak tase state Hs wth Ae eo cae aE ee prone’ 006 > hy oh We ated (BR Irawedctnpese me Cy ers See 9 Raton ob

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