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IFY Assessment Cover Sheet

Student Name Thu Thu Moe Htet

NCUK Student ID 114377

Module Business Studies

Coursework 1 / 2 (etc.) 1

Lecturer/Tutor Stephen Seng

Date Submitted 31st January, 2024

Academic Misconduct: Student Declaration

All forms of academic misconduct (e.g. plagiarism, collusion, fabrication of results and
subcontracting and the use of translation services) are regarded seriously by NCUK and could result
in penalties, including a zero mark (failure) and possible disciplinary action. Types of academic
misconduct include:
● Plagiarism - Copying information, thoughts or ideas from a published or unpublished
source without acknowledging (showing in your work) where that information, thoughts or
ideas came from
● Collusion - Where two or more students work together to produce individual
assessments that contain the same ideas and text
● Fabrication of Results - Where a student presents a set of results that are not from
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● Subcontracting - Where a student receives help from someone else with his or her
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● Translation Services - where a student uses a person or service (including online tools)
to translate - into English - some or all their work from another language. This type of
academic misconduct applies only assessments that contribute to your EAP, EAPPU or
RCS grade.

I declare that all material in this assessment is my own work and that I have given fully documented
references to the work of others.

Signed: _________thu______________________ Date: ____31st January 2024___________

A popular potato chip producer, Tudor Ltd., is getting ready to celebrate 50 years in the industry
by introducing a new flavour of crisp. To determine which flavour would be best for this
milestone, this paper examines primary and secondary research approaches, focusing on
wasabi flavouring. It also offers the results of the primary study in Japan and suggests the
wasabi flavour for the anniversary celebration. Lastly, the study offers below-the-line and above-
the-line promotional tactics to effectively introduce the selected flavour into the Japanese

In addition to our primary research, our secondary research includes a detailed examination of
the competitive landscape, social media trends, and the present state of the Japanese snack
market. Our objective is to discover trends and opportunities that will guide Tudor Ltd's strategic
decision-making process by utilizing pre-existing market research and competitor analysis.

Tudor Ltd. chose the Wasabi flavour as the main event of their 50th-anniversary celebration
after carefully considering many options. This study summary lays out the foundation for a more
in-depth investigation of the Japanese snack market. Combining the results of primary and
secondary research will not only help Tudor Ltd. chart a future route, but it will also add
significant value to the conversation about launching novel snack varieties in markets in various

150 participants, including friends and family, were given a survey in Japan. Preferences for the
suggested flavours—Mexican chilli, Indian Tandoori, Bolognese and Parmesan, and Wasabi
and Beef—were the main emphasis of the research. Taste preferences, flexibility to try new
flavours, and variables influencing the purchase of snacks were all addressed in the

There were two focus group meetings in Tokyo, each with eight members. These discussions
further explored participants' opinions regarding the recommended Wasabi flavour, offering
qualitative insights into potential barriers and possibilities exclusive to the Japanese market.

Sample survey form according to the research for wasabi potato chips in Japan

Thank you for participating in our survey! We are researching for Tudor Ltd's 50th-anniversary
celebration to launch a new potato chip flavour. Your feedback is valuable in helping us choose
the best flavour.

Demographic Questions
1. Age:
a)Under 18
g)65 or older

2. Gender:

d)Prefer not to say

3. Occupation:

b)Employed (Full-time)
c)Employed (Part-time)
f)Other (please specify)

Chip Consumption Habits

1. Frequency of Chip Consumption:

How often do you consume potato chips?

c)Once a week
d)2-3 times a week

Influencing Factors

1. What factors most influence your choice of potato chips? (Select all that apply)

Flavor Preferences

1. Preference for Spicy Flavors:

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being "not at all" and 5 being "extremely," how much do you enjoy
spicy flavours?

2. Willingness to Try New Flavors

How willing are you to try new and unique chip flavours?

a)Very willing
b)Somewhat willing
e)Somewhat unwilling
f)Very unwilling

3. Rank Potential Flavors

Please rank the following potential flavours in order of your preference:

a)Wasabi and Beef

b)Bolognese and Parmesan
c)Indian Tandoori
d)Mexican Chilli

Wasabi Flavor-Specific Questions

1. Familiarity with Wasabi

How familiar are you with Wasabi as a flavour?

a)Very familiar
b)Somewhat familiar
d)Not very familiar
e)Not familiar at all

2. Likelihood to Try Wasabi Chips

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being "Not likely at all" and 5 being "Extremely likely," how likely are
you to try Wasabi-flavored potato chips?

3. Associations with Wasabi

What associations do you have with the flavour Wasabi? (Open-ended)

Market Summaries
To identify current patterns and market gaps, reports from the Japanese Snack Market 2023
and the Potato Chip Industry in Japan were examined. This data provided the background for
the Wasabi flavour's potential achievement in the Japanese market. An examination of well-
known potato chip companies in Japan, such as Koikeya and Calbee, revealed consumer
preferences and popular tastes.

Taking part in social media discussions in Japan on sites like Twitter and Instagram provided
insightful information on the opinions and tastes of the general public when it came to chip
flavours. 55% of Japanese respondents to the study said they preferred the wasabi flavour the
most, indicating a significant liking for it. Other flavours came in last, with Mexican chilli at 10%,
Indian Tandoori at 15%, and Bolognese and Parmesan at 20%.

Participants in focus groups in Tokyo revealed that they thought the wasabi flavour was very
interesting and culturally appropriate. They were excited to sample a flavour that symbolizes
their culture and connect it to traditional Japanese cuisine.

Tudor Ltd.'s 50th-anniversary celebration in Japan is suggested to use the Wasabi flavour,
according to the results of the main research. It has the potential to take a sizable market share
in the Japanese snack market because of its popularity and cultural significance, which coincide
with the company's celebration of a milestone.

Strategies for Promotion: Above-the-Line Promotion in TV and Radio Ads

Popular Japanese networks will feature captivating advertisements that highlight the bold and
unusual Wasabi flavour, highlighting the product's originality and connecting it to Tudor's 50th

Print Media: To generate awareness about the new flavour, advertisements with eye-catching
content and images that appeal to the local audience will be published in well-known Japanese
newspapers and magazines.

To reach a wider audience, a focused social media campaign will be started on Twitter and
Instagram, utilizing well-known Japanese influencers. We'll build suspense with freebies,
interactive material, and teasers.

Below-the-Line Promotion In-Store Promotions Japanese supermarkets and convenience stores

will use visually appealing point-of-sale displays and promotions to draw people in at the point of
sale. When it comes to events for sampling, free tasting sessions will be held in busy parts of
big cities in Japan so that potential customers can sample the unique taste of wasabi.

Tudor Ltd. plans to implement loyalty programs tailored to the Japanese market, providing
discounts or exclusive products to customers who purchase the Wasabi flavour regularly. This
move is intended to stimulate repeat purchases.
In conclusion, Tudor Ltd.'s 50th-anniversary celebration in Japan should feature the Wasabi
flavour, as suggested by the primary and secondary research undertaken. To guarantee the
success of the new flavour launch, the suggested above-the-line and below-the-line marketing
strategies seek to have a major impression on the Japanese market. This inclusive strategy,
which is adapted to the particular preferences of Japanese consumers, is consistent with Tudor
Ltd.'s dedication to innovation and excellence in the potato chip sector.


● Wasabi market size to increase by USD 466.1 million between 2023 to 2028; the growth
of the sauce type segment will be significant during the forecast period - technavio
(2023a) Longview News-Journal. Available at:
market-size-increase-usd-230000412.html (Accessed: 31 January 2024).
● Kgi-Admin (2023) Potato chips in Japan: Price trends and leaders in online retail in Q2
2023, Just Food. Available at:
analysis-potato-chips-japan/?cf-view (Accessed: 31 January 2024).
● 9 and 1 (2020) Frito lay introduces Wasabi and Shichimi Flavors to Japanese market
snacks, Potato Business. Available at:
introduces-wasabi-and-shichimi-flavors-to-japanese-market-snacks/ (Accessed: 31
January 2024).
Marking and Feedback Sheet

NCUK Student ID: Student Name:

Marker 1 Name: Submission

Marker 2 Name: Date:

Criteria Weighting Marker Marker Comment

1 2

Knowledge &
Understanding (KU)

Application (AP) 20%

Analysis (AN) 25%

Evaluation (EV) 25%

TOTAL 100%
Additional Feedback

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