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5.2.1 Infrastructure Networks Package (Including all ancillary buildings)

a) The Consultant shall review the rough grading for the 3000 Feddans for the area surrounding
A6 & A7 and coordinate with the Masterplan and Landscape consultant to resolve any conflicts and
issue a coordinated package.
b) The Consultant is to review the road levels for District 6 – A6 & A7 in coordination with the
Masterplan and Landscape consultant to ensure that the levels are finalized and frozen for all
subsequent phases.
c) Throughout the project stages and phases the consultant is to closely coordinate with the
Masterplan and Landscape consultant to ensure that all packages are fully coordinated and to resolve
any issues and/or conflicts between the disciplines both for the 3000 Feddans and for District 6 – A6 &
A7 scopes.
d) The Consultant shall submit the packages mentioned below coordinated with all design stage
and scope of works, The Infrastructure networks design shall include the full engineering design of
Architecture - Structure-MEP for all ancillary buildings (including but not limited to pumping stations,
22KV medium voltage distributers, tanks, electrical rooms, etc...) associated to infrastructure design.
e) The Consultant shall take into consideration site conditions, geophysical (if any) & geotechnical
studies (provided by the Client).
f) High voltage substation to supply the residential & non-residential areas, however, high
voltage Substation design is out of Consultant’s scope of services noting that the Consultant shall
handle relevant coordination works where applicable.
g) The Consultant shall provide all needed details to ETC, i.e. the detailed calculations/documents
at High Voltage level and to attend with the Client ETC meeting(s) (whenever needed) to facilitate the
approval process.
h) Load estimation for the entire project had been carried out before (by the consultant).
However, the Consultant shall update loads of District 6 – A6 & A7 at low, medium and high voltage
levels based on the detailed design taking into consideration the requirements of ETC. Noting that
project loads sheet is dynamic and shall go through progressive elaboration throughout the
design stage of the project phases.
i) Any utility that serves District 6 – A6 & A7 to be included in the Consultant’s scope of
works (detailed design of District 6 – A6 & A7); even if these utilities are located in other
phases of the project.
j) The Consultant shall review/validate interconnection & tie-in points (roads & utilities)
between District 6 – A6 & A7 and the entire project (3000 Feddan), accordingly; the
Consultant shall provide all necessary remarks/recommendations for Client approval.
k) The Consultant shall submit a separate package for each construction package as per
the client packaging strategy included in the scope of works in each design stage, however,
design activities for all phases shall be parallel to be aligned with the design durations
mentioned in this RFP and according to the agreed time schedule upon award.
l) The consultant shall provide rough estimated quantities for secondary irrigation
networks included in every tender submission for primary irrigation network till provide exact
quantities in tender packages BOQ for secondary irrigation networks according to the agreed
time schedule upon award.
m) The Consultant shall prepare the Phasing Plan application scenario including an
integrated Plan for Phasing coordination. Works shall also include design of any necessary
utilities structures to serve temporarily the operation of District 6 – A6 & A7 in the
n) The Consultant scope shall include the full engineering design of Architecture-Structure
- MEP for all ancillary buildings (based on fully finished criteria) such as tanks, transformers,
distributers, pumps stations, NOC Building (For the NOC building the client will provide the
operation requirements only and the consultant shall prepare the building architecture for the
client approval) …etc. To serve District 6 – A6 & A7 if required based on detailed design. Even
if located in any phase of the entire project (3000 Feddan) other than District 6 – A6 & A7.
o) The Consultant scope includes the full engineering design of Architecture-Structure -
MEP for all waste water treatment plants serving District 6 – A6 & A7 (if any) as an optional
scope (design fees for treatment plants works to be submitted separately upon requested by
the client).
Accordingly, the infrastructure scope of works shall comprise the following design stages:
Stage (1): Concept Design & validation for tie-inns (10% Design Progress).
Stage (2): Design Development (45% Design Progress).
Stage (3): Permits Documents (60% Design Progress).
Stage (4): Tender Documents (90% Design Progress).
Stage (5): Construction Documents (100% Design Progress). Concept Design & validation for tie-inns Stage:

1. Consultant Scope:
A. Concept Design:
The Consultant is obligated to review, verify & validate the available design (provided by
client) for the 3000 feddan especially surrounding Areas and tie inns for A6 & A7 in reference to
authorities’ requirements, relevant codes & regulations in all disciplines & accordingly to submit a
technical report including all remarks (for PHD approval).
The consultant is committed to implement (in the concept design stage) all remarks mentioned in the
A/M report after being approved by the client, which shall include (but not limited to) the following


1. Roads Network.
2. Water Supply Network.
3. Sewage & Storm drainage Network.
4. Irrigation Network.
5. Firefighting Network.
6. Electricity, Street & landscape lighting.
7. Tie-ins for Landscape & Gates.
8. Communications & Security Systems Network.
9. Sub-Soil drainage (if needed in the soil report).
10. Solid waste management strategy.
11. Solar Energy.

This will be based on quantifying the demand generated by the future population in relation to
adapted standards and indicating on plans the various networks and coordinating their requirements,
Location of major utility structures and/or installations will be determined.
The Consultant is obligated to submit the main loops/networks in reference authorities’ requirements,
relevant codes & regulations in all disciplines, in order to ensure that all Infrastructure main lines
feeding District 6 – A6 & A7 will be permanent & NOT temporary along with a preliminary cost
estimate for the infrastructure based on project components and prevailing market prices.

B. Basis of Design Report (BODR):

The Consultant shall submit BODR to cover the Infrastructural, Electrical, Communication, Security
Systems, and Mechanical, etc. regarding the entire project (D6 A6 & A7) that shall include (but not
limited to) the following:
1. Basic data for the project elements.
2. Demand assumptions/calculations.
3. Cost outline.
4. Traffic and circulation patterns.
5. Design criteria and standards.
6. Design calculations.
7. General layout drawings for the proposed networks.
The consultant shall ensure that the updated BODR covers all technical requirements for the entire
project (3000 Feddan).

C. Traffic Study:
Client will provide the external traffic study (showing project exits & entrances from its surroundings),
consultant shall prepare the traffic study for District 6 – A6 & A7 as an optional scope with separate
fees & to be considered in coming stages.
D. Solid Waste management (SWM) strategy:
The consultant shall review, validate the SWM report provided by the client & resubmit updated
concept design report to be considered in further stages.
E. Sustainability Report:
The Consultant will review and verify the sustainability report (provided by the client) and the
consultant to provide alternatives for sustainability solutions (e.g. solar farm, individual lighting poles,
waste water treatment, etc.…) in the BODR for client approval to be considered in further stages. Design Development Stage:

The segregation of the phase into a number of zones or construction packages (A6 as a first phase and
A7 as second phase), to be considered by Consultant in design and tender documents depending on
the Client intended development priorities or packaging strategy.
Based on the approved conceptual design, The Consultant shall study, develop & submit the developed
design showing detailed components for District 6 – A6 & A7along with Arch, STR & MEP schematic
design package for all related ancillary buildings (pump stations, tanks, substation, electrical room,
…etc.), This shall include the following:
A. Roads Network:
1. Plans for the proposed road network and parking areas.
2. Road profiles at appropriate scales for the roads showing reference lines, gradients, curve
data, ground lines, levels and locations of crossing roads.
3. Typical road details relating to pavement construction, sidewalks, medians, curbstone, tiles,
super elevations, parking spaces, utilities duct and road crossing etc.
4. Structural design of pavement layers for different type of roads and parking areas.
5. Road marking, road signs and intersection coordinates drawings.
6. Utilities reservation corridors.
7. Road specification & recommendation for construction.
8. Avg. speed for all roads & speed bumps locations.

B. Water Distribution & Firefighting Network:

Upon determining the required amount of drinking water and firefighting demands), a hydraulic
analysis of the proposed networks with on-site storage or pumping, if needed, will be carried out and
hence, the following documents will be produced:
1. Layout drawing indicating major design elements of the water network in addition to the
location of valves, fire hydrants, and other appurtenances.
2.Connection to the nearest existing water transmission line or tie-in connection to project
main water & firefighting network.
3. Hydraulic analysis, modeling, Calculation and design for main lines and Water Distribution
Networks with associated valve chambers and control and pressure regulating devices.
4. Pipe Foundations and Thrust Blocks.
5. Plans and profiles of main water lines showing diameters, length, slope, ground level
centerline level, valve chambers type, cover level and coordinates.
6. Water & fire tanks detailed drawings and relevant calculation sheets as well as full MEP and
civil Packages for any Auxiliary Buildings (if any).
7. Typical House Connections (Outside Plot Line) and to be coordinated with residential
8. Standard details of water and fire pipelines such as but not limited to (valve chambers,
buried valve with all accessories, trench excavation and backfilling, fire hydrant..... etc.).
9. Utilities corridor cross sectional detailed drawings & plans if required.
C. Sewage & storm drainage Networks:
Upon determining the existing sewage situation, existing rainwater & intensity situation for the area,
the developed design will be prepared. It will include main and secondary pipes and manholes. In
addition, the following documents will be prepared:
1. Layout drawing indicating major design elements of the sewage network, pipe layout (major
and secondary lines), location of manholes and all outfalls paths.
2. Design and drawings of sewage networks with relevant Hydraulic analysis, modelling and
calculation sheets associated chambers & manholes
3. House Connections (Outside Plot Line) and to be coordinated with residential buildings.
4. Pumping Stations detailed drawings and relevant calculation sheets as well as full MEP and
civil Packages for any Auxiliary Buildings (if any).
5. Utilities corridor cross sectional detailed drawings & plans if required.
6. Plans and profiles of sewerage system showing diameters, length level, invert levels,
manhole cover level and coordinates.
7. Standard details of house connections, manholes, chambers, catch basin, trench excavation
and backfilling.
8. Waste water treatment plants for District 6 – A6 & A7 (optional scope).
9. Detailed drawings, hydraulic modelling, calculation sheets for storm drainage system
including drainage channels, catch basin, Retention ponds and/or any storm disposal system.
D. Irrigation Network:
Upon determining the required amount of irrigation water and the storage requirements, a hydraulic
analysis of the proposed network will be carried out and hence, the following documents will be
1. Layout drawing indicating major design elements of the irrigation network in addition to the
location of control valves, meters, irrigation hydrants, or outlets.
2. Connection to the nearest Irrigation Water Source.
3. Hydraulic analysis, modeling, calculation and design of main & secondary Irrigation
4. Irrigation schedule zoning plans and calculation sheet.
5. Irrigation tanks detailed drawings and relevant calculation sheets as well as full MEP and civil
Packages for any Auxiliary Buildings (if any).
6. Pipe Foundation, thrust blocks, ground tanks & chambers.
7. Typical details of irrigation pipelines, chambers and trench excavation and backfilling.
8. Standard details drawings.
9. Utilities corridor cross sectional detailed drawings & plans if required.
E. Electricity, Street, Landscape Network:
The design will include expected load based upon plot areas and different uses and utilizing demand
factors (V.A/m2). In addition to applying suitable diversity factors and the determination of loads to be
connected to the stand-by generating plant, the following documents will be produced:
Site plans: single line layout of electrical service and distribution systems Riser diagrams, load
distribution and calculations as detailed hereunder:
1. Estimate of total facility loads with appropriate diversity figure applied, broken down into
power, lighting, building services.
2. Identify the capacity of medium and high voltage network.
3. System regulation and maximum fault duty.
4. System one line diagram that includes number and arrangement of incoming feeders,
proposed relaying and metering, complete switchgear, bus and cable systems, secondary
breaker ratings, feeder sizes and transformers KVA rating.
5. Secondary power and lighting riser diagram that includes lighting feeders, bus ducts, panels,
motor control centers, and emergency generators.
6. Number of transformers and capacities required.
7. Arrange with Electrical Power Authority for load requirements, available voltage and source
of electrical power supply.
8. Identify the tie-in power supply.
9. Establish the tie- in requirements for power supply.
10. Earthing systems.
11. Electromechanical works for transformer and distributor building.
12. Power plans showing location of electrical rooms, switchgear, equipment arrangement,
cable route, bus-bar route and cable trench.
13. Main step down power transformer station (requirements and coordination only).
14. 22 kV Networks.
15. 22/0.38 kV sub-stations & low voltage distribution networks.
16. House connection (at Plot Line) and to be coordinated with residential buildings.
17. Lighting plans: layout (indicate typical spacing); fixture type by area, fixture description
18. The generation system is based on standalone generator.
19. The loads to be connected to the generator are:
• Street lighting (unless powered by solar energy).
• Sewage lifting station and WWTP (if any).
• CCTV and electrical gate.
• Any critical loads suggested by the Consultant and approved by the Client.
20. Drawings, showing location of light columns according to LUX calculation and coordination
between the entrance of the units and location of lighting poles should be carried out.
21. Loads, tie-ins and all electric works of landscape lighting and to be coordinated with
infrastructure works.
22. All calculations include but not limited to MV & LV load schedule, voltage drop calculation
in normal and emergency case, panel schedule, short circuit calculation and LUX study.
23. Signage lighting details (if any).

F. Electrical works of Landscape lighting

1. Electrical loads required for landscaping lighting to be considered in the consultant overall
electrical design and to be coordinate with the landscape designer (hired by the client).
2. The consultant shall carry out a detailed design of the electrical works of landscape lighting
for District 6 – A6 & A7 based on the landscape design. The electrical works include but not
limited to wiring, panel schedules, short circuits study, voltage drop calculation, etc…

G. Communications and Security Systems:

The Client will provide the Consultant with all operation requirement of the Fiber Optics infrastructure.
The consultant will define the Network Operation Center (NOC) building location & to be approved by
the client. The Consultant shall include the Fiber Optics design and NOC on Masterplan and coordinate
the Fiber Optics network with other project’s networks.
NOC building to be considered as a part of District 6 – A6 & A7 scope of works including all disciplines,
even if located in another phase from the entire project (3000 Feddan).

H. Subsoil Drainage System (Optional based on soil, geophysical & geotechnical reports
The scope of subsoil drainage is to prevent the excess irrigation & filtration water from flowing to the
building foundation, towards the boundary walls and layers underneath footings of building (design
fees for subsoil drainage works to be submitted separately upon requested by the client).
1. The subsurface drainage network with detailed drawings and relevant calculation sheets
shall be divided to serve residential buildings and public landscape areas.
2. Plans and profiles of subsoil drainage system showing diameters, length level, invert levels,
manhole cover level and coordinates.
3. Standard detailed drawings.
4. Utilities corridor cross sectional detailed drawings & plans if required.
5. For the public landscape areas (roads) and residential, the Consultant shall make a detailed
design for the subsurface drainage system.

I. Ancillary Buildings
The Consultant shall (in this stage) initiate the design of Architecture - Structure - MEP for all ancillary
buildings such as tanks, transformers, distributers, pumps stations, NOC Building …etc. To serve District
6 – A6 & A7 if required based on detailed design. Even if located in any phase of the entire project
(3000 Feddan) other than District 6 – A6 & A7.
J. Gas Network
Gas Network shall be prepared by others and to be coordinated with the other Networks through the

K. Solid Waste Management strategy

Consultant shall prepare the following designs and drawings for District 6 – A6 & A7 based on the
approved concept design report, based on the master plan design & in coordinate with landscape
F. Estimate solid waste generation rates at each section of the development based on land use and
expected occupancy.
G. Solid waste generated will be divided into various components such as organic, inorganic,
medical waste and house hold hazardous waste.
H. Prepare a solid waste collection scheme for each development land use which will include:
1. Methods of solid waste collection
2. Number and type of waste containers
3. Routs of solid waste collection
4. Schedule of solid waste collection

I. Design the solid waste disposal plan for the entire development which will include:
1. Location of the solid waste disposal points
2. Location and size of solid waste storage areas at each zone of the development based
on land use plan.
3. Location and size of solid waste loading and unloading areas
4. Plan for the solid waste collection, transfer and disposal from the entire development.
5. Plan for final disposal of solid waste
6. Plan for solid waste recycling and cost recovery.

J. Prepare solid waste management plan which will include:

1. Type of equipment required
2. Staff and skills requirements
3. Health and safety plan
4. Regular waste audit

The Consultant shall ensure the standalone operation of District 6 – A6 & A7 sub-phasing or
construction package.
L. Design Development Report:
A report describing the detailed design works, developed cost estimates for roads, storm water
drainage, sewerage, water supply, Irrigation, Firefighting, electricity, telecommunications, traffic,
Subsoil Drainage System and street lighting (with typical details), etc. along with updated
sustainability report will be prepared and submitted for review and approval by the Client.
M. Data Collection:
The Consultant shall contact the Client, all relevant authorities and concerned parties, for acquisition of
all necessary data for conduction design works for the roads & MEP infrastructure networks. The data
to be collected shall cover different aspects including (but not limited to) the following:
a. Land Use Masterplan and Proposed Building/ Facilities: All data and information related to the
land use plan, phases of development and different types and numbers of proposed building and
b. The sources information for water supply, electric power supply within the project area shall be
investigated and coordinated with the authorities and the Client in order to ensure adequate
supply for the proposed facilities also, tie in points diameters and level for sewage, storm and any
existing pump stations (if any) …etc.
c. The Consultant shall closely coordinate with other Consultants (if existing) appointed by the
Client concerning all inputs in relation to roads and MEP infrastructure elements under this project
to assure compatibility with other project’s components. Permit Documents Stage:

The Consultant will produce and modify as needed all the permits required drawings & documents for
all infrastructure networks (included in the scope of work), including but not limited to the reply and
rectify of any remarks will be received from authorities and follow up all the permits procedure with
relevant authorities & all concerned parties till obtaining the final approved issuance of the permits
Permits abide all regulations. The Consultant should note that this process may be initiated as early as
the Client request Tender Documents Stage:

The Consultants will, at this stage, prepare the tender documents for the project based on approval of
the developed design for District 6 – A6 & A7.
Accordingly; the services to be provided by the Consultant during the final stage of the project as
follows: -

a. Accommodating revisions or adjustment necessary in the previous design stage.

b. Incorporating necessary modifications resulting from the review, requirement by, and the
Concerned Governmental Authorities/Clients.
c. Based on the remarks and output from the Design Development Stage & authorities
requirements in the Permits documents stage, The Consultant shall provide all architectural,
structural & MEP …. etc. documents including The B.O.Q. (priced & un-priced), MOM, Specs,
Vendor List and any other documents needed to issue the tender package.

5.2.3. Infrastructure Works Packaging strategy

The consultant will be obliged to follow the client construction packaging strategy and to issue the
number of the infrastructure tender & construction packages which suits the client packaging strategy
noting that A6 will act as Phase 1 and A7 will act as Phase 2.
The consultant will be obliged (upon the client request) to design the required temporary operation
proposal to accommodate the client early operation targets (if any)
All infrastructure drawings (including all ancillary buildings) will be further developed and necessary
details and specifications for all materials and equipment will be supplied. In addition, all detailed
structural and architectural drawings for utility structures include but not limited to all tanks, pump
stations, NOC building and electrical buildings (distributor and transformer) will be prepared. The
above covers:

a. Roads Network
b. Water Supply Network
c. Sewage & Storm drainage Network.
d. Irrigation Network.
e. Firefighting Network.
f. Electricity, Street & Landscape lighting
g. Tie-ins for Landscape & Gates.
h. Communications & Security Systems Network.
i. Sub-Soil drainage (optional scope)
j. Waste water treatment plants for District 6 – A6 & A7 (optional scope)
k. Solid Waste Management (SWM) strategy.
l. Solar energy.
In association with the Client, The Consultant shall closely coordinate with other Consultants appointed
by the Client concerning all inputs in relation to infrastructure elements under this project to assure
compatibility with other project's components.

General Important Note:

The Client has the right to make any modifications to specifications (which have been approved
previously) when receiving the final priced B.O.Q. from the Consultant, if the cost is high, and the
Consultant shall make the Client’s modifications without claiming for any extra fees, this exercise shall
be implemented until cost estimate meets the project budget.
5.2.5 Final Design Report
The final project report will be prepared at the end of this stage to provide a comprehensive account of
the work undertaken on the project at all levels.
Its technical contents will include the elements described in all previous reports adjusted and
manipulated to reflect any amendments requested by the Client and any refinements introduced by
the Consultants following the preparation of development reports.
The final report will be prepared in two stages. In the first stage, a draft final report will be presented
to the Client, with full contents of the final report. Following approval of the Client of this draft, the
Consultants will proceed to final report production and color printing of the documents to a high
Stage Deliverables:
The deliverables of this design stage shall include tender drawings/documents for (but not limited to)
the following:
1- Roads, Infrastructural & MEP full tender packages.
2- Architectural, Structural & MEP packages for all ancillary buildings.
3- Solid waste management (SWM) strategy package.
4- All related documents (Priced/unpriced BOQ, specs, vendor lists, etc.)

5.2.6 Construction Documents Stage:

After Client approval of the successful bidder(s), the Consultant is requested to issue construction
package includes all comments from Client/bidders to proceed with the successful bidder.
The Consultant shall proceed in the production and coordination of all engineering disciplinary works
regarding the Infrastructure package, needed for construction. Stage Deliverables:

The deliverables of this design stage shall include construction drawings/documents for (but not
limited to) the following:
a. Roads, Infrastructural & MEP full construction packages.
b. Solid waste management (SWM) strategy package.
c. Architectural, Structural & MEP packages for all ancillary buildings.
d. All related documents (Priced/unpriced BOQ, specs, vendor lists, etc.) to be submitted in case
changed from approved submitted tender package.
e. Changes log/report illustrating clearly any modifications done from approved submitted
tender package (if any).

- Drawings must be shown in proper scale that abides the authorities and the construction needs.
- At each of the design stages, the deliverables including detail designs and construction documents
shall be complete for the purpose intended. Provide interim deliverables as required by the Client for
his review of the constructability, methods of construction, safety, estimating and scheduling.
- Contract bidding deliverables shall be complete to enable the Client to invite competitive bids. The
Consultant will also be required to provide addenda where necessary.
- The Consultant shall prepare the complete set of documents for construction, for the final review of
the Client. These construction documents shall consist of Final Construction Drawings, CSI Format 2016
Specifications, BOQ’s, detailed QS (quantities take off) and Construction Cost Estimates in such a form
and detail as needed by the Client.
- All CAD files prepared by the Consultant shall be saved in AutoCAD 2012 version format.
- Priced and un-priced BOQ shall be provided for phases (1 &2), compatible with MOM and
specification packages.
- The Consultant shall submit all drawings in editable soft copy (AutoCAD format-bound files) as well as
pdf files.
- Upon Completion of Services or in case expiry, termination of this Agreement for whatever cause; the
Consultant shall deliver to the Client in an indexed and orderly manner all completed/in-complete
carried out works (including drawings, reports, documents, models and/or data) in the possession of
the Consultant or under its control in connection with sub Consultancy and/ or special consultancy
works under the terms of contract and Scope of Services mentioned in this agreement.
- The Consultant shall submit other deliverables that are specifically made for this Project such as
colored renderings, weekly and monthly progress reports, and any other reports as per administrative
requirements of the Client.
- The following hard/soft copies of documents will be for all items within the Consultant’s scope of
services/ package as per time schedule (Appendix4):

A. Concept Design Stage:

One (1) editable and stamped PDF soft copies of all documents & drawings including but not limited to
the CAD, Word, Excel ……..etc files.

B. Design Development Stage:

a. One set of stamped A3 drawings print with proper scale.
b. One set of stamped A4 documents print with proper scale.
c. One (1) editable and stamped PDF soft copies of all documents & drawings including but not
limited to the CAD, Sap, Word, Excel ……..etc files.

C. Tender Document Stage:

a. Three (3) sets of full size stamped drawings/ documents print with proper scale.
b. One (1) editable and stamped PDF soft copies of all documents & drawings including but not
limited to the CAD, Sap, Word, Excel ……..etc files. . Additional copy of drawings - A3 size to be
provided for client comments and remarks editing.
c. Scanned copy of the full size stamped drawings / documents.

D. Construction Document Stage:

a. Three (3) sets of full size stamped drawings/ documents print with proper scale.
b. One (1) editable and stamped PDF soft copies of all documents & drawings including but not
limited to the CAD, Sap, Word, Excel ……..etc files.
c. Scanned copy of the full size stamped drawings / documents.

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