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Why does hearing the Quran make me uncomfortable and angry? Does this mean I am possessed?

- Quora 16/04/24, 7:30 PM

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Why does hearing the Quran make me uncomfortable and
angry? Does this mean I am possessed? Why do I feel worried when I listen to the
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When I used to listen to the Qur'an, I found
peace and warmth, but recently, I listened to
Anis Khan the Quran and feel scared and uncomfortable.
MBA, interested in Islam, art, business and psychology · Author has 2.6K answers and 6.3M
Why? I don't like being like this.
answer views · Updated Mar 6

O Allah, Glory be to you, send blessings upon Muhammad and upon the family of Why do I feel something magical and weird
Muhammad, as You sent blessings upon Ibraaheem and upon the family of Ibraaheem; You every time whenever I listen to the holy book
are indeed Worthy of Praise, Full of Glory. of Islam "Quran"?

You can give the best and true answer to it. I or someone else can give some psychological Why is it that when I hear a recitation of the
perspective to it which can help you find the best answer. Qur'an I feel as if my heart is shaking/feeling
fear or starts beating fast? Is there an
First, the important question is whether you understand the meaning of Quran when it is explanation to this?
recited. If you understand its meaning, do you get the same emotion while listening to all the
chapters or it is related to a certain chapter or verses. Whenever I listen to the Quran, why do I start
to cry and get sad? Even when I pray, my heart
If you don’t understand Quran, you may feel frustrated or uncomfortable because: and breathing gets super fast.

1. You may be trying to focus on something and you are forced to listen to recitation Why am I scared after reading the Quran?
that someone else has played on an electronic device. It is normal to feel frustrated
when we are trying to focus and there is some distraction even if it is a good one.
This is how our brain functions, it struggles to switch focus and as a result we feel
frustrated. All of us love our families and young children, but we feel frustrated
when they are cause of distraction. It just need us to train our mind on how to
handle distractions.

2. It is possible that you feel guilty for not paying attention to it.

3. It is possible that satanic insinuations make you feel angry towards the person who
is reciting or playing the recitation so that you cannot benefit from it or sin by being
disrespectful towards the person or Quran. Whenever we feel angry or depressed,
this is caused by our own weakness to be patient as well as from satan. We need to
develop patience. It is the one of the most important virtues recommended in
Quran. At the same time we need to be cautious of satanic insinuations as well.
That doesn’t mean one is possessed. Every person is susceptible to it. There is no
place where we are safe from satan, which is why before reciting Quran we seek
protection of Allah from satan. Even the doubt of being possessed for oneself or
someone is from satan so that a person begins with a judgemental view and cannot
analyze the situation objectively. Ayatul Kursi and the last three chapters of Quran
are good dhikr for protection against satan. Whenever you feel angry, say
audhubillahi minashaitanirajeem. I have tested it again and again that when
someone says it, his anger goes away. The Prophet, peace be upon him, taught this
way. Quran also reminds us about it. (Quran 7:200, 16:988, 41:36) The last two
chapters are solely about seeking protection from all forms of evil.

Sulayman ibn Surad reported: Two people insulted each other in the presence of the
Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, and the eyes of one of them
became red like embers and the veins of his neck were swelling. The Prophet said, “Verily,
I know a word he could say to calm himself: I seek refuge in Allah from the cursed Satan.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5764, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2610

Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim

In addition, often the effect of some sin causes anxiety, sadness and frustration. We need to
seek forgiveness of Allah. This is also repeatedly testted formuula based on a saheeh hadith
that if you recite astaghfar 100 times you will feel light heart and positive. The problems
remain the same, but we become less anxious, we learn how to handle them and we feel
positive about everything. Actually, what troubles is not the problem itself, but its effect on
our heart and mood. When we have right attitude, we can face any problem and find a way
through it.

Al-Aghar al-Muzani reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him,
said, “Verily, at times there is fog over my heart, so I seek the forgiveness of Allah one
hundred times in a day.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2702

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim

All you need is to develop your patience and focus. When you develop these two faculties Page 1 of 9
Why does hearing the Quran make me uncomfortable and angry? Does this mean I am possessed? - Quora 16/04/24, 7:30 PM

you will be less irritated and more able to focus on what you do. Patience requires practice,
and also positive belief. As a Muslim you believe that Allah tests your patience and rewards
you when you are patient. You can develop your focus through meditation, which is focusing
on your breath for 10–12 minutes at a stretch, preferable everyday morning. Also, you can
try not to engage in the activities which are stressful or distracting for the first hour when
you wake up. Whatever we do, whether useful or useless, is all habits. Every action we do
from the time we wake-up and we go to sleep becomes part of a habit, an old habit or we
are creating a new habit. Focus, patience, worrying, frustration, anger etc. are also part of
habits. You may get cues from what makes you frustrated and you can try to change the cue
to change your habit. You may read more on habits and conscious mind on my following

Anis Khan · 1y

How do you believe that the consciousness and subconsciousness

of our minds affect the structure and ways of our everyday life?
It's very fascinating to learn to about the power of our subconscious mind,
perhaps the most important learning about human beings. I can elaborate it


To elaborate further on the point of satanic insinuation, it may be because one has some
subconscious negative memories related with the recitation of Quran. For example, you see
a movie in which a terrorist is shown reciting Quran and than he blows up innocent people.
This will stay in your subconscious mind even if you are not consciously aware of it. It is an
extreme example, while there can be many negative experiences of similar nature. One
might have been cheated, harmed or insulted by a person who was actively seen reciting the
Quran. We human beings are complex and recital of the Quran doesn’t guarantee good
character, although it increases the chances provided the reciter also reflects upon the
meaning of it, not just reciting the text for blessing, and he gives more importance to the
command of Allah than to his ego. One might have been exposed to propaganda where
Quran and religious Muslims, I mean stereotypically religious, are shown doing hateful
things. All these have an impact in our mind and create biases in our thinking. It is hard to
get rid of these biases unless one works on them. Once I saw a group of people in certain
religious dress and I experienced some bitterness in my heart. I introspected and concluded
that it was because the same group is associated with persecution of Muslim in a certain
place. Obviously only a minority of a community are actually responsible for horrible crimes
against humanity, but our mind cannot comprehend that, or process that in a short time
while stereotypical conclusion is handy for it. Our mind is a lazy organ, because it is also the
most hard working organ, and it saves energy by blaming the entire group rather than
handling the dual possibility that some people of a community are criminals not the entire
community. It works on the data that is easily accessible to it. We have to work hard to
overcome biases so that we can make good judgement. We are taught of sabr repeatedly in
the Quran and sunnah because it gives us the gap to overcome emotions and look at facts
more objectively.

All praise is for Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

16K views · View upvotes · Answer requested by Yusuf Ahmed

Upvote · 15 2

Related questions More answers below

Why do I feel worried when I listen to the Quran?

When I used to listen to the Qur'an, I found peace and warmth, but recently, I listened to
the Quran and feel scared and uncomfortable. Why? I don't like being like this.

Why do I feel something magical and weird every time whenever I listen to the holy book of
Islam "Quran"?

Why is it that when I hear a recitation of the Qur'an I feel as if my heart is shaking/feeling
fear or starts beating fast? Is there an explanation to this?

Whenever I listen to the Quran, why do I start to cry and get sad? Even when I pray, my
heart and breathing gets super fast.

Abd Ul-Rahman Lomax

Formally accepted Islam in 1971 · Author has 2.4K answers and 10.7M answer views · 3y

I highly recommend learning about how the mind works, and how we often misinterpret it,
There is information missing, and at this point there are two answers that make assumptions
that may easily be totally off.

1. “hearing the Qur’an. I would assume that this is listening to the Arabic recitation.

2. Do you understand Arabic? When you hear the Book, do you understand the
language? Page 2 of 9
Why does hearing the Quran make me uncomfortable and angry? Does this mean I am possessed? - Quora 16/04/24, 7:30 PM

3. Did you hear Arabic recitation as a child? Does the recitation remind you of

4. Exactly how are you uncomfortable, where do you feel this?

5. Are you thinking anything in particular?

6. What can you identify about the anger? Usually anger is anger with someone. Who?

7. What do you want?

My first impression is based on most of us being, as it were, possessed by the past. This
creates a kind of programming that we may not recognise, instead we may identify with the
thoughts that come up. The ancient advice is to know yourself, but also that the self is a
transient illusion.

I see that the OP has given a little more information.

… I do not understand the Arabic language but whenever I hear the Quran playing, I just
start getting very uncomfortable and angry. It's like an itch I cannot satisfy unless I turn off
the Quran.

Again, are you Muslim? Do you recite any of the Qur’an yourself?
10.4K views · View upvotes · Answer requested by Yusuf Ahmed

Upvote · 11

Gregory Waleed Kavalec

Founder of IslamAwakened · Author has 15.3K answers and 22.3M answer views · 4y

Related Why do I feel excitement and hope when listening to the Quran?
The Qur’an is a living reminder that our Creator is HERE and NOW.

Some can hear this. You seem to be so blessed.

Some choose not to hear it.

Upvote · 28

Umair Mehmood
Reasonable and Moderate Muslim. No Smartphone devices! · Author has 556 answers and 1.2M
answer views · 3y

Related Can I, as a Muslim, know if Allah is annoyed or angry with me?

Let me answer you this, in very simple words:

If you are worried, Allah wants to guide you. If you are worried, and think about every loss of
your prayer, every sin you did, it means Allah is knocking your heart.

If you are relax and tension free and do not care about your duties, if it is becoming easier to
do sins, it might mean that Allah is getting angrier with you, and does not care what you do
anymore and there are really low chances of getting back on track.

In that case one should immediately find company of Very good and Religious people.

And don’t be fooled by satanic whispers, like you are gonna lose, you are gonna go away
from your deen. NO. Quickly shush this idea and repent to Allaah and find good company of

BTW, see how Allah is close to us, people who say where is Allah, i say to them, where is he
not?? It’s like he has control over everything :)

The control, even on human thoughts is a clear evidence of Allah’s existence and in touch
with mankind. The control of universe defines that someone is in-charge, only invisible to
our eyes, because we are being tested on earth, to see who comes out more and purely
pious and follower of Allah without ever seeing him.
57.1K views · View upvotes · View 2 shares 1 of 11 answers

Upvote · 181 2 2

Related questions More answers below

Why am I scared after reading the Quran?

I always get anxiety when I hear the Quran or something relative to my ex-religion. Why
could this be happening?

Why do I feel fraud and pain in my throat when reading the Quran? Can I continue reciting
during this time? Page 3 of 9
Why does hearing the Quran make me uncomfortable and angry? Does this mean I am possessed? - Quora 16/04/24, 7:30 PM

Is it a sin to not feel anything when reading the Quran? How do I fix this?

I can't focus when I try to pray and read the Quran, why is that?

Tareq Belal
50 years old Educated Arabic Muslim studied Qur'an & Sunnah · Author has 5.3K answers and
12.3M answer views · 3y

Related Can I, as a Muslim, know if Allah is annoyed or angry with me?

Assalamu alykum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh


When you see everything related to Dunia Is going very well with you while things related to
Akhirah is shielded from you.

When you see money and joy coming to you while prayers and zikr is forgotten.

When you see your face darker than before.

When you see good creatures escaping from you while bad creatures like adulterers,
alcoholic are friends with you.

When you see miskiens and poors are running from you and rich and vip persons are getting
closer to you.

When you lol a lot and feel khushoua' rarely.

When Allah subhanahu wa taa'ala is angry with someone he provides him with all Dunia and
prohibt him from Akhirah.

Not as some people thinks

Some ignorant people think that when everything is going not well that Allah is not satisfied
with them while former companions of the prophet and the followers were feeling fear when
they see money and Dunia are coming to them.

You can see big criminals around the world are living in a very good conditions of life and
they get whatever they want and they have more than what they actually need so do you
think that Allah subhanahu wa taa'ala is satisfied with big politicians for example?

Read Qur'an 43:33

When you find Allah pulling you to worshipping and good deeds then he loved and loves

When you see yourself forgetting worshipping and good deeds and you don't mention
Allah's names and don't remember to say “ salla Allah alyhi wa sallam” when you hear the
names of prophets then he is not pleased with you.

When you feel darkness in your heart and narrowness in chest.

So check on your deeds and repair your family relationships and specially your parents and
womb relatives.

May Allah bless you with his mercy and guidance Ameen

Assalamu alykum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh

106.8K views · View upvotes · View 4 shares 1 of 11 answers

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Salma Salma Sign In

Lives in London (1995–present) · 2y

Related Why does it feel like Allah is angry or upset with me?
Why do you feel that way? Ask yourself that question. Truth is Allah swt loves us 70 times
more than our own mothers do. If you feel as though you have done something that will be
the cause of Allah being angry with you then it’s simple ask for his forgiveness he Allah swt
is merciful and all forgiving.

Allah (swt) said, "take one step towards me, I'll take ten steps towards you. Walk towards
me, I'll run towards you."

he loves us no matter what always think positively about Allah he swt is the way you see him.
Upvote · 15

Robert A.
Former Independent student. Knows Arabic pretty well. · Author has 385 answers and 116K
answer views · 2y Page 4 of 9
Why does hearing the Quran make me uncomfortable and angry? Does this mean I am possessed? - Quora 16/04/24, 7:30 PM

Related Why does it feel like Allah is angry or upset with me?
Bismillah. First allow me to apologise for some of the rude, inconsiderate remarks of some of
the unbelievers out there; they will have their day in court. Second, regarding your feeling
that Allah, Subhanahu wa ta3allah may be upset with you, it seems that you are likely
suffering from a guilty conscience. As long as that feeling is not too overwhelming, it is not
really such a bad state. According to some if the scholars the ideal state for a Muslim is to
be between hope and fear. As long as your fear is balanced by some hope you are actually
doing well. A person who has no fear of Allah has no “Taqwa” - fear, respect for Allah - a
necessary ingredient for success in Islam. If you feel guilty about something maybe you
could follow it up with some good deeds. Could be small like doing some dhikr_Allah,
reading Quran, making Salawaat on Prophet. Perhaps a small charity (sadaqa) to someone in
need. And pray! I hear that Allah loves those that turn to him in prayer.

Lastly, be careful about seeking help about Islam on Quora. There are wolves out there who
would tear you to shreds.
2.5K views · View upvotes 1 of 13 answers

Upvote · 11

Abeeha Farooqi
Upvote · 357 32 5
Studied Quran and Sunnah · Author has 835 answers and 13.8M answer views · Updated 5y

Related Why do some people cry when they read the Quran?
Sarah just came back from doctor. He was so sure about her infertility. He told her that she
would never be able to conceive a child.

Giving birth makes a woman feel complete. She was completely devastated. Sarah was
considering herself incomplete. There was pain. There was sorrow. All negative feelings
were surrounding her.

She didn't know what she could do to alleviate her pain. So, she opened Quraan and started

The page that got open was Chapter Continue

Aal e Imran and Hazrat Zikria (A.S) was standing in
Marriam's room asking from where she got this food and she replied that Allah was giving

Roger Spielberg
Upvote · 190 71 1
Has lived among Shia Muslims and studied Shia Islam · Author has 193 answers and 442.1K · 7y
answer views
Related Why Allah sounds so angry in Quran?
Allah does not sound angry in the Quran. I have no idea why you state this. Yes there are
verses that speak about God’s wrath, but there are also many many verses that speak about
God’s mercy. The Quran is balanced between God’s mercy and His wrath. In fact there are
explicit verses that show the greatness of God’s mercy such as:

Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not
despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the
Forgiving, the Merciful." (Quran, 39:53)

Rami Sivan
Upvote · 52 10
Student of Religions · Author has 7.4K answers and 119.4M answer views · 4y

Related How weird is it to not like Quran recitation as a Muslim?

That is the very definition of weirdness!

I’m a Hindu priest and I love listening to the recitation of the Quran, Qawwalis and Nasheeds
- it is all very devotional, my other favourite religious music is Gregorian Chanting.

(Some of the content I’m not too happy about though!)

Tareq Belal
Upvote · 10 3
50 years old Educated Arabic Muslim studied Qur'an & Sunnah · Author has 5.3K answers an · 3y
d 12.3M answer views
Assalamu alykum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh

There are two possibilities:

1- you are possessed

2- you fall in a witchcraft trap ( you ate or drank something with witchcraft)

Try to find a shaikh to make ruqyah for you.

Keep listening to Qur'an and listen to azan a lot of times. Page 5 of 9
Why does hearing the Quran make me uncomfortable and angry? Does this mean I am possessed? - Quora 16/04/24, 7:30 PM

May Allah bless and protect and cure you Ameen

Try to listen to Ruqyah like this:

Let it running at your house as long as possible

Best regards

Assalamu alykum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh

Abdul Fattah
Upvote · 22 1
Author has 2.9K answers and 3.7M answer views3y

Related Is it normal and Ok to cry A LOT when listening to the Quran?

if you are crying while listening Quran, means congratulations, Quran is working upon you,
as Quran is the only revelation right now which can pierce the hard stoned heart and make it
heart again, to feel, when you felt the truth, the emotion felt by brain to react is crying. that
is what a great features that had made big big dacoits into a saint.

a true heart that believes Allah cries. MashaAllah.

Upvote · 2
Lived in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates · Author has 436 answers and 266.4K answer vie · 3y
Originally Answered: Why do I feel uneasy every time I listen to the Quran?
If you are a Muslim, then you have got a real issue. If your heart is corrupt and is filled with
sins ,quran will be burden and Allah will seal your heart .

So ,no time to waste ,repent and get closer to your creator

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M. A. Malik
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Studied The Quran & Science · Author has 5.5K answers and 4.5M answer views · 3y

A2A Peace be on you.

1=Please hear recitation from soft voiced Qari. [e.g. Aiman Almaliki]

2= Know the translation and commentary as well.

Mohammed Bala
Upvote · 6 1 1
Studied many religions · Author has 6.2K answers and 1.8M answer views · 2y

RelatedWhen I used to listen to the Qur'an, I found peace and warmth, but
recently, I listened to the Quran and feel scared and uncomfortable. Why? I don't
like being like this.
What is happening to you is EXACTLY stated in the Qur'an ITSELF.

The answer to your question is right there in chapter 2 from verse 6 to 24 of the Qur'an

It says if you come to the Qur'an with the intention of finding a fault in it, it will make you Page 6 of 9
Why does hearing the Quran make me uncomfortable and angry? Does this mean I am possessed? - Quora 16/04/24, 7:30 PM

VERY uncomfortable and send you to the doldrums even if you claimed to be a worshipper
of Allah.

However, IF you came to it SEEKING for the truth, it will calm your nerves and make it easy
for you to understand it without even looking for more help.

THAT, my friend, is what is happeningContinue

to YOU Reading
right now . It is the WHISPERINGS of Satan
on your heart

Gia Daniel
Upvote · 14
Practicing Muslima in America · Author has 19.7K answers and 26.2M answer views · 2y

Why does Quran recitation sound so sad? All the notes are minor (flat) and
not major (positive).
We are not singing. It is the tone of the voice of the person reciting it.

Continue Reading

Upvote · 48 2

Related Can I, as a Muslim, know if Allah is annoyed or angry with me?

Salam Brother/Sister,

I never reply this kind of question usually. May be I will delete the answer later, after you read
it. Yes, you can surely feel it. The connection with Allah varies person to person. You know
better how does it work with you. I can completely understand, when Allah is angry.
Everything around my life starts to go wrong. Nothing happens according to plan. If I
become irregular in prayer, it happens more. Also maintain high morality. If you do sins such
as be jealous or proud or rude or backbiter etc,,
Continue also the problems start. Just repent quickly
and be morally right (with g

NOT Upvote
FOR · 68 1
7y REPRODUCTION IN PAYWALL SPACES. Thank you for respecting my intellectual
property rights.
Related Why do some people cry when they read the Quran?
There are very personal reasons why people cry while reading the Quran. The most common
reasons I think are;

1. The Quran is a Revelation from Allah, it’s His words. Reading the Quran obviously
makes someone feel close to Allah, the Almighty. This makes someone emotional.

2. Fear. Fear for dissapointing Allah, fear for punishments of your sins, fear of death
because sometimes people get reminded of it by reading Quran.

3. Shame. Shame because they feel that they neglected their religion or were
unthankful for the things Allah gave them.

Ayub Hamid
Upvote · 13
Knows something about religion · Author has 600 answers and 2.8M answer views · 8y

Why do I feel something magical and weird every time whenever I listen to
the holy book of Islam "Quran"?
The Qur-aan is the word of God, literally and truly, that was revealed to Prophet Muĥammad
peace and Allaah's blessing be upon him; which he recited to people exactly in the words
that were sent to Him from God. It is a living miracle in many ways.

Talking about miracles, we should remember that whenever Allaah SWT sent a messenger,
He also showed some miracles through the messenger so that public knows that he is a
special person from Allaah. The Jews are familiar with the miracles of Moses; the Christians
Continue Reading Page 7 of 9
Why does hearing the Quran make me uncomfortable and angry? Does this mean I am possessed? - Quora 16/04/24, 7:30 PM

Continue Reading
are familiar with the miracles of Jesus. Like them, the Prophet’s life was also full of

Upvote · 28 2
A student on The Ahlulbayt School · Author has 167 answers and 1.1M answer views · 7y

Related How does it feel to read the Quran or do your prayers when you
understand Arabic?
It’s an amazing feeling to understand the Quran or perform prayers when you understand
Arabic. It’s like you are sitting in front of Allah and He is talking to you directly. Like the
message you are reading has been sent direct to you, for you.

Having said this, this feeling only comes if you have a background of Old Arabic language
(not the modern Arabic most people speak today but the Arabic which belonged to the time
of Revelation of the Quran). And you have to know Tafsir (interpretation) and narrations from
the fourteen infallibles

Tareq Belal
Upvote · 10 1
Former Maintenance Manager for Laser Cutting Factory (2014–2018) · Author has 5.3K answ · 4y
ers and 12.3M answer views
Related I was angry and when I read the Qur'an, it subsided, what are the benefits
of reading the Qur'an?
Assalamu alykum

I was traveling to Dubai and after I arrived they told me that my Visa expired and I have book
a flight back.

And I spent all the night at the airport and I got a very strong headache.

I took a big dose of medicine for headache but no way it still.

Then I grabbed my Mushaf and started reciting Qur'an with tajweed and high voice.

After few minutes there was no headache at all.

Our scientists told us that the way we move our phonetic system when we recite Qur'an is
great therapy. Continue Reading

Just keep it on when you feel sad, bad, tired or angry hurry up to Allah's words it's your

Qur'an 1
Farhad Morwat
Upvote · 23 3
Grateful, optimist, intellectual · Author has 337 answers and 1.8M answer views · 7y

Related Why do I feel peace in my heart while reading Quran?

From religious standpoint your heart is the only vehicle that can contain the presence of God
in this world. You cannot see God physically in this world. It is only possible in heaven. This
is my proof. You can also read beginning of Surat al-Noor 24:35 for a metaphor of guidance
using lamp and oil. That is why the Prophet said:

“Allah, Most High said: The heavens and the earth cannot contain Me, but the heart of
a true believer can” (Hadith Qudsi).

The benefits you get is the following. You get

Continue rest, tranquility, mercy, God mentioning
you in himself, you draw near to Him, if done in group angel

Reza Rezvan
Upvote · 29
I studied about religion for some years. · Author has 227 answers and 662.2K answer views · 7y

Related Are there any benefits for listening to the Koran?

Just as an example I mention one hadith in this regard:

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “The one
who recites the Qur’an and the one who listens to it have an equal share in the reward.”
Mustadrakul Wasa’il, Volume 1, Page 293 Page 8 of 9
Why does hearing the Quran make me uncomfortable and angry? Does this mean I am possessed? - Quora 16/04/24, 7:30 PM

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