Unit II Lesson 1 SC-PEH

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Objectives :
At the end the lesson the lesson, you will be able to :
 Discuss the foundation of physical education and health
 Define motor behavior :
 Differentiate the focus, purpoose and target people of physical education and
health throughout time And
 Dishtinguish the benefits of learning the foundations of physical education and
Physical education and health are important parts of every pupils life, in these subjects, pupils
learn about different activities that are beneficials for their body like physical fitness, game, and
sports on the other hand, concepts includeed in health subjects help pupils learn about healthy
habits like selecting and healthy foods.
The subjects have colorful milestone thst will serve as the foundations for teaching the
subjects preservice teachers must acquire knowledge about the the foundation of PE and health
for them to provide a curriculum and instruction that are congruent to the concepts that their
future pupils need to learn, they need to understand the importance of these subjects a d how
these can help them have a healthy disposition, which may lead to productive life in future,
hence, this lesson will discuss the foundation of physical education and heath, as well as other
pivotal matters with regards to this subjects.
THINK : Foundations of physical education and health
Historical Foundations of physical Education
History educatesA us by allowing us to comprehend how past leaders and events
influenced suggesting possible possibilities and course of action that could be most successful in
the years ahead. History is an academic discipline concerned with the study of transition over
time. Historians do analysis that is both informative and interpretive.
Ancient greece (prehistoric times – 338 B.C.) and Rome ( 500 -27 B.C.)
Greece, particularly the city – state athents, gives high importance to physical activity,
viewing sport, exercise, and fitness as essential to education and life. They believe education
consists of intellectual and phuysical development. The expression “a sound mind in a soun
body” Iiustratesthis belief. They have a gymnasium that serves as the center for intellectual
discussion, sports instruction, and physical training. Wresting, runnning, and jumping were
among the physical activities taught to males.
Greeks held festivals in honor of the gods, where sporting events enabled Greek men to show
off their physical beauty , as well as their athletic abilities. The Olympic games, held in honor of
zeus,the chief god, were the most famous among these festivals. The Olympic games, which
began about 776 B.C. and lasted at least five days, were held every four years. They included
music, feasting, and athletic competitions.
Physcal activity was also valued in the ancient Roman era, though it played a different role than
in grecees, fitness and physical prowess were critical Rome’s military victory. Many physical
activities, such as archery, wrestling, horseback riding, and fencing, were taught to males, As
Rome continued to extend its empire, physical activities were critical to growing the men’s
strength so that they could be effective in defending the state and fighting wars .
Greek gymnastics were introduced to the people after Rome invaded Greece, by they were not
well recieved. Proffessional sports such as gladiatorial battles, men fighting to death were
common among romans, these and other games such as chariot races were well attended by
spectators, the Roman population’s health deteriorated due to excessive eating and drinking, as
well as lack of physical activity. The roman Empire eventually fell apart, with poor physical
condition of its people as one of the contributing factors.
Early Modern European Programs Germany
Physical education in germany during the early modern European era was founded on the
creation as strong people through programs in schools and and community organization.
Johann Bemhard Basedow (1723-1790), johann christoph friedrict guts Muths (1759- 1839), and
Adoph spiess (1810-1858), all pioneers of physical education at the time, were instrumental in
encouraging school ghymnasstics. Their programs emphasized ghymnastics. Games,
marching , running, and wresting, as well as drills and training in those sports. These leaders
claimed that physical education deserved to be included in the school curriculum.
Gymnastics in sweden was impired by nationalism in the early 1800s, During this period,
Henrik Ling was appointed director of the royal Gymnastics central institutein stockholm in
1814. He created a military training program for men at the institute that emphasized mass
drills and movements from position to position on comman and in a defined, progressives
series. Stall bars, vaulting racks, and oblique ropes were among the exercise equipment created
by Ling. Ling was credited with the advancement of medical, educationl, and aesthetic
gymnastuics, in addition to his military gymnastics program.
Danish gymnastics was also inspired by nationalism in the early 1800s. Franz Nachtegal
(1777-1847), is known as the “ Fat her of Danish physical Education” for his contributions to the
creation of physical education programs in denmark . in 1799, nechtegall established the first
private outdoor gymnasium copenhagen, which was dedicated to physical training, Guts
Muths” work had an impact on his education. In 1804, the Danish king appointed Nachtegall as
the director of a training school militarygymnastics instructors.
Great Britain
Physical education was approched differently in the early 1800s in Great Britain, while
other european countries emphazised structured gymnastics programs, the united kingdom
emphasized organized games and sports programs. In the united kingdom, sports have a long
and illustrious history. Before the 1800s, swimming, rowing, archery, horseback riding, hockey,
quoits, tennis, golf, football (soccer), and cricked were all common sports.
In Great Britain at the time, sport and leisure pursuit were distinctly divided by class line or
by socioeconomic status,Football (soccer) and Boxing.which require little equipment, were
common among the working class cricked and rugby become common among upper-class
citicens, many of whom had participated in such sports while attending private boarduing
schools. Amateurism, with is focus on playing for the game, is a lasting british legacy. In
addition to their love playing for the love of game, is a lasting british legacy. In addition to thier
love of sports.
History of physical Education in the philippines
 Pre spanish Era
The Negritos or Aetas use bows to hunt for food. They run, leap, jump, and run. They
enjoy Music and dancing.
 Indonesian and malays period
Producing food through planting and cultivating the mountain sides ( agriculture) is the
major physical activity of Indoneians and Malays. They they also dance as form or
religious activity. Bathing and swimming are their favorite past time in rivers, ponds,etc.
 Spanish Regime
Enforced labor among low-class Filipinos through the building of churches and other
insfructures is the only physical activity of the people while waiting for the time of
harvest after planting in that time. Fandango Curacha, Jota, Pol, ks, Mazurka,
Rigodon, and Lanceros dances are examples of popular physical activity dance among
Filipinos in this time due the influece of spanish culture.
In religious evens like Santacruzan, ceremonnial dances are performed where people
ate, sang, drank, and danced to their hearts content, filipinos used to play games after
the santacruzan or during a big celebration, patin, palo,sebo,juego de anillo, sungka,
siklot, luksong tinik, and hide and seek werepopular games in those times. Patintero,
sipa, top spinning, and kite flying are some of the games that young boys enjoy.
For the formal education of the Filipinos, schools, colleges, and universities were
established physical education was not offered as part of the curriculumat these
institutions, physical education was made a part of the curriculum at the Ateneo de
Municipal de Maria, which was established by the jesultfathers, Physical education was
not included in the curriculum when a royal decree created a normal School for men in
the city of Manila and another royal decree established a superior Normal School for
women in 1863. Gymnastics was added to the curriculum at the Superior Normal school
for Men Teachers (Normal School for Men ) In 1893. The Manila Jockey Club was
established in 1867 to oversee the hording of horse races.
 American Regime
Physical education became one of the subjects taught in public schools in 1901, and a
daily athletics program was developed, after four years, baseball and track and field were
introduced and thought to school-aged pupils. Another four years passed, and the school’s
athletics program was launched. In 1910 basketball was first adopted as a female-oriented
sports. A years after they published the athletics handbook, they also gave specific training
for Filipino teachers (Teachers vacation Assembly in Manila) In 1914, five years passed, they
published a syllabus tittled “Physical Education Manual for Teachers, “ then after a year,
physical education became a required subject in the curriculum in all public schools.

 Japanese Regime
Since the military government forbade it, Filipinos did not engage in sporting events.
The Filipinos were engrossed in the war at the time.

Motor Behavior
Learning and refining motor skills are among the main concern of physical education,
exercise science, and sport practitioners, motor activity in cludes three areas: motor
learning, motor control, and motor growth, and is concerned with the learning or aquiring
of skillls over the lifespan.
Motor Learning is the study of how poeple learn new skills through practice and
experience. The study of the neurophysiological and behavioral processes that influence
the regulation of skilled movements is known as motor control, Motor development is the
study of the roots of movement activity and how it evolves.
Stages of Learning (Fitts and posner)
Individuals move across many phases as they master motor skills and make the transition from
unskilled to professional athletics. The cognetive stage, the associative stage, and the
autonomous stage were defined by Fitts and posner as the three stages of learning.
1. Cognitive stage – the cognitive stages is the first stages of learning. The pupils is attempting
to comprehend the natural goal of the task to be learned at this time, Questions like “ How do i
stand ?” might be on the pupil’s mind, “ can you tell me the steps in this swimming stroke?” “
can you tell me the steps in this swimming stroke” The pupil must also pay careful attention to
the information presented by the teacher, which can include both verbal and visual information,
such as a demonstrstion of skill or a videotape of a performer performing this skills,
2. Associative Stage – The associative stage is the second stage. At this stage, the pupil has
mastered the fundamental’s of the skill and is concentratingon honing it. During this point, the
pupil’s focuses on mastering the necessary timing for skill :the pupil’s output appears to be
more fluid. There are fewer mistakes, and the same form of error is more likely to recur, the
pupil is also aware of some of the more obvious errors he/she is making when performing the
task and may use this knowledge to improve subsequent results.
3. Autonomous Stage – the authonomous stage is the third stage. After q lot of practice, the
pupil will get to this stage of learning. He/she can reably perform the skill wit few errors. The
ability is well –coordinated and seems to be done with ease, the ability has almost become
automatic at this stage, the pupil is not required to pay attention to every detailed of the skill; in
fact, the pupil can perform the skill without even thinking about it.
Historical foundation of Health
" Any combination of learning opportunities designed to foster voluntary activities
conductive to health " is how health education characterized (Green and kreuter 2005).
Although health education has a long tradition reaching back to the 19th century, it was not
until that 1940s, that it, became a distinct discipline, health education's philosophy and practice
based the evolved, moving away from one-on-one and mass media behavioral approaches to
provide accountability for policies processes, and environments that influence population
Health education and health promotion are frequently used interchangeably in the united
state in the early 21st century, whereas health promotion is used globally as an umbrella
definition that involves health education, given that it has established as distinct body of
knowledge, specified competencies a credentials system for individuals a code of ethics a
federal occupational classification, and recognized accreditation processes in higher education,
and health education is considered a matured discipline, one of the central aspect of public
health research and practice health education, which is typically associated with behavioral and
social sciences.


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