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 Realism has been the dominant theoretical perspectives in IR.

However, it emerged in its present form during 1930s (late inter
war period) as counter to then influential doctrine of idealism.
 In ancient period Kautilya’s Arthashastra, Thucydides’ ’Melian
dialogue’, and during start of modern period Machiavelli’s
Prince, Hobbes’ Leviathan, etc. are some of the classical
examples of realist political thoughts.
 Realism is considered as the soul of IR. All other perspectives,
such as Liberalism, Marxism, etc, are considered challengers.
But the prime position is always reserved for realism.
 Realism view politics as the interplay of interest and power.
Actors- groups, organisations & individuals- involved in politics
continuously try to protect and fulfil their interests by using
their relative power. In any social arrangements, the individual
or group who have got more power prevail in the collective
decision making which protect and further their interests.
 Realism view politics as the interplay of interest and power.
Actors- groups, organisations & individuals- involved in politics
continuously try to protect and fulfil their interests by using
their relative power. In any social arrangements, the individual
or group who have got more power prevail in the collective
decision making which protect and further their interests.
 Classical realism equates nature and behaviour of
nation-state to that of the individuals. Also, it takes a
negative and pessimistic view of human nature, very
similar to how Machiavelli and Hobbes described them.
 The realist perspective, the state, like an individual, is self-
interested, competitive, and egoist and its behaviour
may be bullish, nasty, and brutish.
 The realist perspective, the state, like an individual, is self-
interested, competitive, and egoist and its behaviour
may be bullish, nasty, and brutish.
 Realism bases its principles and theories on objective
and unchanging human nature to claim objectivity and
eternity (perpetuity) of realist propositions & hypothesis.
 In sum, in realist view, nature of IR shall always be the
interplay of interest & power, and therefore, competitive
and conflictual.
 3 S : Statism, Self-Help, Survival define the realist
perspective in IR. In realist view, States (nation-state) are
the main actor in IR, Thus, realist perspective is state
centric. It undermines the role of non-state actors in IR.
 International state system is anarchic, that is, there is no world
govt to protect states in case of aggression by other states.
Hence, self-help is the only way for survival of state; for survival
in the anarchic world order, power must be balanced by
power. Hence, balance of power is major theme in realism.
State pursue goal of ‘power maximization’ for its security and
 • States represent supreme moral good. To protect the
interests of the state, any action is justified. Political actions to
protect the national interest cannot be judged on the basis of
conventional morality or universal moral principles. Also,
national moral aspirations should not guide foreign policy and
judgement of other state’s actions in global arena. Thus, NOT
morality but national interest should guide state’s action in IR.
 Realism also make politics autonomous of other human attributes,
such as morality, ethics, economic, theology, etc. Interplay of
interest and power makes politics unique. Hence, interest defined in
terms of power sum up the realist view of politics. In IR, National
Interest defined in terms of relative state power reflect the dynamics
of global politics.
Six Principles of Classical Realism :
Hans Morgenthau
 Human nature as the base of objective and rational political
Realism views human nature as objective, unchanging, and rational. Hence,
political theory built on human nature shall also be objective, unchanging,
and rational. Realism equates nature and behaviour of nation-state to human
nature and behaviour. It also takes negative and pessimistic view of the
human nature, similar to what Hobbes thought about it. In the anarchic world
order where there is no world government to help states in case of aggression
by other states, situation becomes similar to Hobbes’ ‘war of all against all’. to
survive in the anarchic world order self-help is the only way. State must
balance power by power to protect its interests and remain secured. In sum,
realism try to give rational (and unemotional) theory of international politics
based on objective laws that have their roots in human nature.
 Interest and power: placard (poster) of politics:-
Politics is nothing but interplay of Interest and Power. Only politics, as
human attribute, has such prime role of Interest & Power. Hence,
Interest and power makes politics unique and autonomous of other
human attributes. In IR, Concept of (National) Interest defined in terms
of relative power of states is what gives (International) politics an
autonomous sphere separates from economics, ethics, or religion. In
sum, national interest defined in terms of power define global politics
and International Relations.
 Meaning and content of both Interest and Power is not fixed, it is
contextual :-
National Interest depends upon the political and cultural context within which
foreign policy is formulated. National interest, therefore, changes with time and
changing contexts. For example, India’s interest in having friendship with USSR
and keeping distance from USA changed in recent times. Now, having close
relation with USA serves India’s interest better. Content and manner of use of
power are determined by socio-cultural and political context. Thus, concept
and meaning of power also changes with time. In IR, soft and structural power is
now gaining importance over hard military power. Power in IR has many
 Morality vs Prudence:-
Universal moral principles or conventional morality cannot be applied
to judge political actions of states. State represents highest moral good
of the political community. To protect the national interest, state may
adopt any means, which cannot be judged on the basis of
conventional morality or universal moral principles as applicable to
interpersonal relations. Pragmatism, and political requirements and
NOT morality or ethics should be the basis of decisions and actions of
states in IR.
 Political actions of states should not be guided by moral
aspirations of the nation:-
No state should judge actions of other states on the basis of its own national
moral aspirations. Neither it should decide and act in relation to other states on
the basis of its own national moral standards. o Political actions of the state
should be only guided by its national interest. In interactions and inter-relations
with other states it should take the national interest of those states, and NOT its
own or other’s national moral aspirations into consideration. This principle
highlights the moral relativism. Each nation’s moral aspirations may be different
and cannot be universalised. Political actions of the state should neither be
guided by its own national moral aspirations nor by other’s.
 Pluralist Human Nature and autonomous political sphere:-
Human nature/attribute is plural, it has multiple facets (dimensions). Same
individual behaves as ‘religious man’, ‘economic man, ‘social man’, ‘Moral and
ethical man’ and ‘Political man’ at different times. Interplay of Interest and Power
make politics unique and different from any other human attribute. To develop
autonomous theory of political science, “political man,” must be taken away and
abstracted (separated, isolated) from other aspects of human nature/attribute.
Realism attempts to make politics an autonomous field of study separate from
other subject domains such as economics, morality, ethics religion, etc.
Realism has been the dominant theoretical perspective to explain IR. It developed
during later inter war period as counter to then influential doctrine of idealism.
Classical realism claims to provide scientific, objective, and rational theory of IR
rooted in the objective laws of human nature. Realism equates human nature to
nature and behaviour of states in IR. It views human nature as self-interested,
competitive and egoist. Therefore, realism highlight competitive and conflictual
nature of global politics in which actions of states are guided by their national
interests defined in terms of power. Morgenthau 6 principles forms the backbone of
classical realism. The 6 principles are : 1. Human nature as the base of objective
and rational political theory; 2. Interest and power are the placard of politics 3.
Meaning and content of Interest & power changes with changing time and
context 4. Political actions are independent of universal moral principles and
conventional morality 5. Prudence and Not national moral aspirations should guide
political actions of states 6. Separating ‘Political Man’ from pluralist human
attributes to make politics an autonomous discipline.

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