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Piaget Formal Operational Stage

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Piaget Formal Operational Stage
This is the last stage in the developmental stage in the Piaget theory of cognitive

development. It focuses on young adult aged 12years and above. The level of thinking is awe-

inspiring in this stage. The young adults who are in puberty develop to think and reason in

perspective or different dimensions of any situation or problem (Dulit, 2016). The ability to think

from different perspectives is an essential skill that makes these young adults stand out with their

unique skills that can be leveraged so that organizations can gain a competitive advantage over

their competitors. Young adults' thinking ability can be compared to how organization members

think and analyze the organization's position.

Formal Operational Stage: Problem solving skills

Problem-solving skills an essential skill that is possessed by members in this stage.

Though the kids in this stage are growing they also develop the ability to distinguish and

differentiate between barriers. For instance, problem-solving skills are used to analyze the

different barriers organizations face throughout their operations. Organization members can use

the skills to make informed decisions to overcome the obstacles.

Formal operational stage: Logical thinking

On the other hand, logical thinking is vital. Young adults in their adolescents come up

with imaginative outcomes for different situations, which is the same concept that organizations

apply to develop innovative solutions for the obstacles they encounter. However, language is

essential in interpreting the data and information in the organizational setting (TRABASSO,


Formal operational stage: information processing

Similarly, according to Piaget's theory, information processing is critical since it has

immensely developed in this stage. Individuals in this group can process complex information

and derive meaning. For instance, young adults' brains have developed, allowing them to reason

from ta general principles to specific details. Similarly, information processing is used in the

organizational setting. When duties are provided to the worker, they need to process the

information before they undertake the tasks (Piaget, 2019).


Dulit, E. (2016). Adolescent thinking �la Piaget: The formal stage. Journal Of Youth And

Adolescence, 1(4), 281-301.

Piaget, C. (2019). Charles Piaget. Ballast, N° 8(2), 28-43.

TRABASSO, T. (2018). A Formal Alternative to Piaget. Contemporary Psychology: A Journal

Of Reviews, 22(7), 492-494.

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