Summative Test in General Biology 2

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DIRECTIONS: Read the statements carefully. Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
Use UPPERCASE letters in writing your answers. In case that the answer is not on the choices write E.
Write your answers on your answer sheet.

1. In flowering plants, the process of sexual reproduction involves the production of male and female gametes.
Which specific structure in flowering plants is responsible for the production of male gametes?

A. Ovary B. Pistil C. Sepal D. Stamen

2. In certain organisms, there is a remarkable reproductive phenomenon where both eggs and sperm are
produced by a single organism. Which of the following terms describes this unique reproductive capability?
A. Alternation of generations C. Metagenesis
B. Hermaphroditism D. Parthenogenesis

3. Fission is a form of asexual reproduction where a single parent organism divides into two or more genetically
identical individuals. Each individual then develops into a separate organism. Which of the following will
best describe the given statements?
A. Both statements convey correct information.
B. Both statements convey incorrect information.
C. The first statement conveys correct information. The second statement conveys incorrect information.
D. The first statement conveys incorrect information. The second statement conveys correct information.

4. When considering animal reproduction, there are various factors that contribute to the success and
efficiency of the process. Which factor represents a notable advantage of internal fertilization over external
A. Greater genetic diversity C. Increased offspring production
B. Reduced energy expenditure D. Enhanced protection and survival of offspring

5. Pteridophytes are non-seed vascular plants while spermatophytes encompass gymnosperms and
angiosperms. What is the main difference in reproduction between pteridophytes and spermatophytes?
A. Both pteridophytes and spermatophytes reproduce through seeds.
B. Both pteridophytes and spermatophytes reproduce through spores.
C. Pteridophytes reproduce through spores, while spermatophytes reproduce through seeds.
D. Pteridophytes reproduce through seeds, while spermatophytes reproduce through spores.

6. Pollen grains are structures produced by seed plants that contain gametes. What process happens once the
gametes in pollen grains reach the ovary of a flower?
A. Meiosis C. Mitosis
B. Fertilization D. Germination

7. Consider the method by which new individuals are generated in certain organisms. Which mechanism leads
to the generation of a new individual from a parent's body by forming a bud or outgrowth?
A. Binary fission C. External fertilization
B. Budding D. Internal fertilization

8. What happens when the embryo of a seed is ready to break dormancy?

A. The seed coat splits open.
B. The embryo grows roots and shoots.
C. The aleurone layer produces gibberellin.
D. The embryo emits gibberellin and digestive enzymes break down stored food.

For numbers 9-11, analyze the depicted plant development stages.

9. What emerges from the seed to form the plant's root?

A. Cotyledon C. Hypocotyl
B. Foliage leaves D. Radicle
10. What is the function of the hypocotyl during seedling development?
A. Becomes the stem
B. Emerges from the seed coat
C. Serves as the primary embryonic leaves
D. Ruptures the seed coat during germination

11. Which structure ultimately gives rise to mature leaves in the seedling?
A. Cotyledon C. Foliage leaves
B. Epicotyl D. Hypocotyl

12. Which type of animals produce embryos in eggs but retain them internally until hatching?
A. Asexual animals C. Ovoviviparous animals
B. Oviparous animals D. Viviparous animals

13. Which stage of animal development primarily focuses on the creation of functional organs and organ
A. Embryogenesis C. Metamorphosis
B. Gametogenesis D. Organogenesis

14. Diverse developmental processes observed in insects. What is the predominant developmental process
observed in insects such as fruit flies and butterflies?
A. Complete metamorphosis C. Incomplete metamorphosis
B. Hemimetabolous development D. Paurometabolous development

15. Why do plants need sunlight for their nutrition?

A. It helps plants produce enzymes necessary for nutrient digestion.
B. It provides essential vitamins and minerals that plants need for growth.
C. It is required for photosynthesis, where plants convert light energy into chemical energy.
D. It aids in the breakdown of complex carbohydrates into simpler forms for plant absorption.

16. Why do plants need water for their nutrition?

A. Water provides energy for the process of photosynthesis.
B. Water acts as a structural component of plant cells, aiding in nutrient transport.
C. Water acts as a solvent for nutrients, allowing plants to absorb them from the soil.
D. Plants use water to break down complex carbohydrates into simpler forms for absorption.

17. Vascular bundles are structures found in plants, specifically in the stems and leaves. What is the primary
function of vascular bundles in roots?
A. Photosynthesis C. Storage of carbohydrates
B. Absorption of sunlight D. Transport of water and minerals

18. A biomolecule is a molecule that is essential for life processes in living organisms. Which of the following
serves diverse functions such as being components of enzymes and structural molecules?
A. Carbohydrates C. Nucleic acids
B. Lipids D. Proteins

19. How do plants and animals differ in their mode of transport for nutrients and water?
A. Both plants and animals use blood vessels for nutrient and water transport.
B. Plants utilize the circulatory system, while animals use the vascular system.
C. Plants use xylem and phloem for transport, while animals rely on blood vessels.
D. Plants absorb nutrients and water directly through their cell walls, while animals rely on a
specialized transport system.

20. What is the primary source of nutrition for animals?

A. Animals obtain nutrition through the process of photosynthesis.
B. Animals acquire nutrients by consuming plants or other animals.
C. Animals synthesize their own nutrients through metabolic processes.
D. Animals rely on symbiotic relationships with bacteria for their nutrition.

21. Earthworms and leeches are segmented organisms. How do these organisms acquire nutrients?
A. By using tentacles C. By picking through beaks
B. Through filter-feeding D. By sucking soil and nutrients

22. Which of the following pertains to the process in which the plant absorbs water through roots and releases
water vapor through the pores in the leaves?
A. Evaporation C. Translocation
B. Filtration D. Transpiration

23. Which of the following do not belong to plants shoot system?

A. Fruits C. Roots
B. Leaves D. Stem
24. Which statement accurately describes the systemic and pulmonary circuits in the human body?
A. The systemic circuit carries oxygenated blood to the lungs, while the pulmonary circuit delivers
deoxygenated blood to the body.
B. The systemic circuit transports oxygenated blood from the heart to the body tissues, while
the pulmonary circuit moves deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs.
C. The systemic circuit pumps deoxygenated blood from the heart to the body, while the pulmonary
circuit circulates oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart.
D. The systemic circuit directs oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart, while the pulmonary
circuit delivers deoxygenated blood from the heart to the body tissues.

25. Which of the following is a distinguishing characteristic of red blood cells?

A. They are irregularly shaped with multiple nuclei.
B. They contain a nucleus that gives them their red color.
C. They have a large central nucleus that makes them rounded in shape.
D. They lack a nucleus and contain hemoglobin, giving them a red color and a biconcave disk

26. What is a key difference between a closed circulatory system and an open circulatory system?
A. The closed system is found in vertebrates, while the open system is found in invertebrates.
B. The open system is more efficient at delivering nutrients and oxygen to tissues than the closed
C. The closed system has blood vessels that transport blood throughout the body, while the open system
lacks vessels.
D. In the closed system, blood is pumped by a heart and circulated within vessels, whereas in
the open system, blood flows directly into body cavities.

27. Which of the following best describes the process of gas exchange in organisms?
A. Gas exchange facilitates the oxidation of carbohydrates in cells, resulting in the release of carbon
dioxide as waste.
B. Oxygen molecules are released as byproducts of cellular respiration, while carbon dioxide molecules
are continuously supplied to cells.
C. Gas exchange involves the movement of gases based on differences in their pressures,
ensuring continuous supply of oxygen to cells and removal of carbon dioxide.
D. Gas exchange relies on specialized structures in organisms that minimize the efficiency of gas
transfer between cells and the environment.

28. Leaves have a high surface-area-to-volume ratio. It increases the rate of exchange of gases. Which of the
following will best describe the given statements?
A. Both statements convey correct information.
B. Both statements convey incorrect information.
C. The first statement conveys correct information. The second statement conveys incorrect
D. The first statement conveys incorrect information. The second statement conveys correct

29. Which statement accurately describes concurrent and countercurrent exchange in biological systems?
A. Concurrent exchange occurs when blood and oxygen source move intermittently, while
countercurrent exchange happens continuously.
B. Concurrent exchange involves the flow of blood and the source of oxygen in opposite directions, while
countercurrent exchange occurs when they move in the same direction.
C. Concurrent exchange is characterized by the blood and oxygen source moving in the same
direction, whereas countercurrent exchange involves opposite flow directions.
D. Concurrent exchange refers to the exchange of gases between the blood and the environment, while
countercurrent exchange involves the transfer of nutrients between blood vessels.

30. How does the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide differ in animals and plants?
A. Both plants and animals transport oxygen and carbon dioxide through their circulatory systems.
B. Plants obtain oxygen and release carbon dioxide through their roots, while animals do so through
their lungs.
C. Animals acquire oxygen through respiration and transport it through their bloodstream, while
plants release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide through the process of photosynthesis.
D. Plants transport oxygen and carbon dioxide through specialized cells called stomata, while animals
utilize their respiratory system.

31. Which of the following organisms utilizes a tracheal system for gas exchange?
A. Fish B. Earthworms C. Insects D. Frogs

32. What is osmoregulation?

A. The active regulation of osmotic pressure.
B. The balance of water and salt content in an organism.
C. The synthesis of osmoprotectant molecules by bacteria.
D. The movement of solvent molecules through a semipermeable membrane.
33. Flatworms, such as planarians, have flame cells that help excrete waste products. Insects, such as
grasshoppers and cockroaches, have Malpighian tubules that remove waste products and help conserve
water. Which of the following will best describe the given statements?
A. Both statements convey correct information.
B. Both statements convey incorrect information.
C. The first statement conveys correct information. The second statement conveys incorrect
D. The first statement conveys incorrect information. The second statement conveys correct

34. Which of the following statements accurately describes the concentration of ions in the blood of cartilaginous
fishes compared to the concentration in seawater?
A. Cartilaginous fishes do not have ions in their blood.
B. Cartilaginous fishes have a lower concentration of ions in their blood than in seawater.
C. Cartilaginous fishes have a higher concentration of ions in their blood than in seawater.
D. Cartilaginous fishes have an equal concentration of ions in their blood and in seawater.

35. Which of the following may occur due to excessive amount of uric acid in the human body?
A. Diabetes C. Gout
B. Heart disorders D. Malaria

36. Auxin is the primary hormone that regulates plant growth. Cytokinins are plant hormones that are mostly
responsible for the regulation of cell division. Which of the following will best describe the given statements?
A. Both statements convey correct information.
B. Both statements convey incorrect information.
C. The first statement conveys correct information. The second statement conveys incorrect
D. The first statement conveys incorrect information. The second statement conveys correct

37. Which of the following statements accurately describes white blood cells and immunity?
A. White blood cells are not involved in the body's immune response.
B. White blood cells play a crucial role in defending the body against pathogens.
C. White blood cells are primarily involved in transporting oxygen in the bloodstream.
D. White blood cells are only found in bone marrow and do not circulate in the blood.

38. Which of the following best describes the function of nerve cells?
A. Nerve cells store and release energy for cellular activities.
B. Nerve cells produce hormones that regulate body functions.
C. Nerve cells transport nutrients to various organs in the body.
D. Nerve cells transmit information throughout the body in the form of electrical signals.

39. Which of the following best describes the cause of goiter?

A. Excessive production of thyroid hormones.
B. Accumulation of iodine in the thyroid glands.
C. Lack of colloidal substance in the thyroid glands.
D. Iodine deficiency leading to colloidal substance accumulation in the thyroid glands.

40. How do plants and animals differ in their sensory mechanisms?

A. Plants rely on visual cues, while animals use a combination of senses.
B. Plants and animals have similar sensory mechanisms based on nerve cells.
C. Plants use chemical signals, while animals use electrical signals for sensing.
D. Plants lack sensory mechanisms, while animals have specialized sensory organs.

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