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Current practices and challenges in Human Resource Management

Article in International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods · May 2023

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Iranna Ronad



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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM),
ISSN: 2455-6211, Volume 11, Issue 5, May-2023, Available online at:

Current Practices & Challenges in Human Resource

Mr. Iranna Ronad1, Mr. Basavaraj Neelawani2



HRM has emerged as one of the globally recognized professions today. It is accepted and practiced in every public
or private or institutional structure. Human resource is more important than any other resource. It is the total of all
skills and capacities. It cannot be denied that all financial affairs and objectives in organizational structures are
achieved through this human resource. Human Resources Management is the part of the Management. It is
professional also. They give proper discipline in working area. Professional expert or HR manager set the duties and
responsibilities in the work place to their workers for getting the task with proper planning and achieving goal of
the organization. Professionals set the ethical standards in proper manner. Without proper implement the
professional rules and regulations we cannot run the organization. HR professional manage the employee of the
organization and concentration on implementing policies and procedures. In Human Resources Management the
HR team appraise the employees by adopting different types of appraisals like grading methods, 360 methods,
behavior based appraisal methods etc. What are the specialties of an HRM manager? What are moral
responsibilities? What are the duties? What are the roles? And are these being managed in a professional
framework? How are the organization's acts, laws, and policies favorable to them? Or influencing? An attempt has
been made to understand these in this study. In this article, researcher has begun to explore critical problems faced
by Human Resource professionals in recent times.

Key words: Current practices, Human recourse management, Trends in HRM, Personnel management


Human recourses management profession is playing a very vital role in organizational structures. Human recourses
management is helpful to the organization to maintain the good relationship inside and outside by adopting the proper
human recourse policies and good strategies. The scope of the Human Resources Management is very wide. They give
proper training to the people for achieving the task. Employee is the Asset of the organization. The organization provide the
facility like ESI facility, insurance facility, and accommodation facility, leave facility, awards and Incentives, promotion
will give on the basis employee performance in their job. Now days many organizations are providing salaries along with
benefits called fringe benefits. Implementation of human resource management process is integrated with other professions.
The functions and responsibilities of human resource managers include the roles of other staff and professionals, officers,
field officers, financial and auditors, consultants and trainers. Human resource officers and managers face problems due to
unstable, ambiguous roles and functions in organizational circles. In some organizations the concept of HRM has been
misinterpreted and applied in the corporate sectors which in principle are creating hurdles for the HRM profession to move
forward several researches and studies have reviewed that the wrong adoption and application of HRM is creating many
problems and conflicts in the organizational structures. Today innumerable students and graduates are dropping out from
various universities and educational institutes and trainees and students are in occupational anxiety due to lack of jobs in
equal number. This is a setback for the HRM profession and one of the challenges that needs to be addressed. This current
research study allows for a theoretical discussion on the challenges faced by HR managers today. This research is also
based on theoretical sources and secondary sources.

1. To discuss the current phenomena of HR practice in an organization.
2. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of the HR Officer in an organization and identify the influencing factors.
3. To find out the new challenges affecting on HRM in Indian scenario.
4. To determine the recruitment processes commonly used in organizations in Indian county.

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM),
ISSN: 2455-6211, Volume 11, Issue 5, May-2023, Available online at:


Pigors and Myers (1956) defined HRM as method of developing potentialities of employees so that they feel maximum
satisfaction of their work and give their best effort to the organization. Bakke (1966) says that human relations, industrial
relations and personnel relations are just new names for an aspect of the general managerial function as old as management
itself. Dale Yoder (1970) proposes that Manpower management is effectively describes the process of planning and
directing the application development and utilization of human resources in employment. George R. Terry (1972) describes
HRM that it cannot be turned on and off like water from a faucet; it cannot be practiced only one hour each day or one day
a week personnel management requires a constant alertness and awareness of human relations and their importance in every
day operations. Graham (1998) argue that the purpose of human recourses management is to ensure that the employees of
an organization are used in such a way that employer obtains the greatest possible benefit from their abilities and the
employees obtain both material and psychological rewards from their work. Flippo (1984) stated that Human resource
management is planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the recruitment, development, compensation, integration,
maintenance and separation of human resources to the end that organizational, individual, and societal objectives are
accomplished. Robins and Decenzo (2005) indicated that HRM as a Process of acquiring retaining, developing, terminating
and properly using the human resources in an organization. Dr.A.Satishbabu, K. Sripathi, (April 2012) referred that the
field of human resources management is developing very fast and every department of human activity is realizing its
importance in smooth functioning of the organization. Innovative techniques are developed to improve the work culture, so
that the employees are motivated to give in their best to the organization. Ricky W. Griffin (2017) states HRM that it is the
set of organizational activities directed at attracting, developing and maintaining an effective workforce. Dessler (2017)
says that HRM as a process of acquiring, training, apprising, and compensating employees, and attending to their labour
relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns. According to Indian institute of management, Personnel management is
the part of management function which is primarily concerned with human relationships within an organization. Its
objective is the maintenance of those relationships on a basis which, by considering of the well being of the individuals,
enables all those engaged in the undertaking to make their maximum personnel contribution in the effective working of the

Research Methods
The researcher has adopted descriptive research and data for the research chapter has been collected from secondary data.

Complete development of the organization is possible when HR practices are integrated, removing the bottlenecks in the
HR system. The need of the study is to find out and analyze current practices and challenges of Human Resource

Current Practices in Human Resources Management

In the current knowledge-based economy, organizations are trying to achieve organizational goals with optimal utilization
of their resources. Humans are the most important resource for organizations, and play a crucial role in the evolution of the
organization. In today's competitive, corporate environment every company needs advanced technology and systematic
human resource utilization to meet global demands and survive in the future. Currently human recourses professionals are
working at different levels and capacities i.e. lower level, middle level and higher level.

Selecting the Right Candidate or Employee in Organization

You may hear the word “Right person, right time, right place”. Selecting the right person for a right place is very difficult
task. Selecting the right candidate is beneficial for the organization. Here different methods are used for selecting a right
candidate. Organizations will use different methods to select the right candidate.

HRM ensure safe and healthy workplace for all employees

Human Resource Department/ Manager are playing a key role in maintaining workforce. They not only ensure welfare
facilities i.e. Food accommodation, safety and entertainment for all the employees, they will establish healthy environment
in the organization. Training programs provided the HR manager gives a competitive advantage for all employees, it
enriches their knowledge and skills.

Award given to Employee on the basis of his performance

In HRM, award is given to the employee on the basis of his performance done in their job. The award is in form of
monetary or non-monetary .i.e. monetary like increase in the salary, facility provide to the employee for foreign trip, movie
ticket to the employee for entrainment, free share or less price share given to the employee. Health Checkup camp organize

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM),
ISSN: 2455-6211, Volume 11, Issue 5, May-2023, Available online at:

in the organization. Gift certificate or gift is given to the employee in the festival season like deepavali, dasara etc. Non-
monetary like, certificate and medal are providing to the employee on his achievement in the job. Cab facilities are given to
the employees for traveling. All the above matter motivates the employee and it is helpful to the increase the output of the

Build work ethics in the origination

Work ethics means to trust in work what principle is right or what is wrong. Maintaining proper discipline and manner in
the organization, dress code, and honesty in the work place, proper communication to the high and low level employee in
the organization with good manner, taking the initiative leadership to handle the team and achieve the target task. All the
points the HR professionals create good environment for doing ethical practices in the work.

Current trends and Challenges in HRM

Challenges of human resource management challenges faced by human resource managers are unique and complex in
nature. However they need to handle them in their own way, because of every personality is different. Challenges may arise
due to internal changes stress, competitive environment and organizational environment. HR managers always make ensure
that optimum utilization of resources available in the organization. Challenges related to judicial and marketing are always
common. HR manager should have cordial relationship with their subordinates and staff. Try to build try amicable
environment in the organizational setup. Rules and responsibilities of HR are changing and getting new dimensions.
Grievance handling is one of the thing HR manager's requires specialized skills to handle the grievances, technical skills,
effective communication skills etc. In the industrial sector, high quality art, skills, special attributes and resources are
necessary for the employees to achieve their goals as well as the goals of the organization, to increase the level of
productivity. The rapid development of technology in today's era has led to rapid change with new innovations in every
field. This has made human resource management a challenge.

Challenges of human resource managers are numerous. Challenge maybe arises due to internal external and competitive
factors. HRM faces Industrial and employee relation, diversity, retention and succession plan, recruitment process,
availability of experienced workers and Technology. (Oladimeji Samuel Olasoji, Case:Famkro's Oy Business Economics
2019, Vasan Ammatti Korkeakoulu, University of Applied Sciences.)

Recruitment: Recruitment is a crucial thing, recruiting a right person in right job at right place is very difficult task. Giving
incentives to employees is also difficult task. Sometimes HR manager cannot find the right candidate, it will affect to the
organization diversely. If there is a job vacancy in an organization, many people will apply, but out of the pool HR manager
recruit the right person.

Talent Acquisition

In this competitive world, every organization needs to meet their goals objectives. So, every employee of the organization
needs to be highly talented and capable to work under the stress.

Training and Development

After the candidates have been chosen, providing training for them is definitely a huge task. Here proper planning for
training is important. Significant of time, money and other recourses need to be planned.

Technology and globalization can cause for the change in organization. Employees should be flexible for change. All the
HR managers’ need to upgrade their skill according to recent technology, technological revolution has brought immense
changes in the profession. Unless and until upgrading these Technological skills one cannot be contribute anything to
development of the company, Data science, cloud computing, learning to handle digital platforms, apps management, etc.

Managing the Grievances and Conflicts

Conflicts may divide into two types, Internal and external conflicts. HR managers need to handle both the conflicts and get
solutions for them. So, they need to be trained very well that how to handle these types of conflicts in the organization,
work stress and competition are common in every organization. HR manager need to find solutions in beginning itself,
because these conflicts may turn into adverse effects on organization. HR managers need to play various roles while dealing
with conflicts i.e. counselor, effective communicator and mediator.

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM),
ISSN: 2455-6211, Volume 11, Issue 5, May-2023, Available online at:

Due to many modes and aspects hiring process has become very easy. We can see rapid development in that, at the same
time retaining the employees in organization is a biggest challenge for HR managers. To retaining the employees in
organization is very difficult. Pay and perks only cannot be retaining the employees, but the good working conditions and
environment needed.

Change Management
Change is universal and essential for every business organization. Implementing and adopting for change is very difficult
for employees. Every employee must adjust to the existing change in the organization system. It is one of the significant
challenges for HRM.

Managing the Diversity

Every business is affected by the globalization and privatization. Diversity is underlying in every organization set up. Due
to diversity, some critical problems may arise and affect on the business organization. Diversity management is one of the
duties of HRM. Managing the diversity can leads us to uniqueness of organization.

Global Competition
Global competition is one of the international phenomena. Every company should be ready to face global competition, and
then only the company can survive in future. Every company must serve international customers satisfactorily. Competition
would be sometimes great that helps to grow company systematically.

Work from Home

Work from home (WFH) is an emerging concept where employee of the company can perform his assigned work from
home by using company recourses tools and techniques. While work from home brought lot of benefits, it has its own
limitations and drawbacks. The cost for technological infrastructure is very high and it may makes employee lazy.

Moon Lighting
Moon lighting (ML) refers to working for second job or company or starting a new business apart from primary job hours.
While some companies restricted, and some don’t care. It’s not illegal to performing multiple jobs in India. It allows
employees to earn more money and enable to lead satisfactory life.


1. From this study, it is much cleared that new trends and practices have been adopted by HR manager and old practices
and phenomena’s replaced by new practices globally. HRM is one of the multi dimensional professions. Executives
and managers must be update and have developed their capacity according to new technology's and changes that
occurred in the global environment. These Trends and practices can helpful to bring positive changes in the profession
and organization as well. These have become part of the HRM.

2. HR manager plays a major role in every organizational system. It can be manufacturing, education, health, finance,
construction and other services; managing people in an organization become a challenging task for human resource
managers. These HR departments are necessary and indispensable in all modern businesses in the 21st century. In this
regard, the need for highly knowledgeable, educated, trained human resource managers is increasing.

3. In today's competitive environment, every organization has to struggle to survive. Organized manpower with
innovative technology is required to successfully deal with emerging issues in organizational and corporate sectors.
Institutional demands continue to arise. The challenges have vexed the organization's officials.

4. Due to global recession, layoff and losing jobs are quite common for every employee.

5. Some of the major challenges of HR are manpower planning, recruitment, selection, career development and growth.


HRM is a business driven profession. The roles and responsibilities of HR manager are very dynamic i.e. business
strategist, counselor, employee relation officer, manager, labour welfare officer etc. Tom Marsden, Director of Professional

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM),
ISSN: 2455-6211, Volume 11, Issue 5, May-2023, Available online at:

Services at Alexander Mann Solutions said that HR departments really need to be adding real business value to their
organizations; challenges arising in every business environment are needs to be resolve effectively.


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