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-AKASH’S Guru Gobind Singh Indra Prastha University Series SOLVED PAPERS PREVIOUS YEARS SOLVED QUESTION PAPERS] [BCA] THIRD SEMESTER Principal of Management & Organizational Behaviour (BCA-221) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner SYLLABUS PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT & ORGANIZATIONAL AND BEHAVIOUR (BCA-221) INSTRUCTIONS TO PAPER SETTERS: 1. Question No. 1 should be compulsory and cover the entices belO questions of short answer type of 2.6 marks each, each unit, 1s, There should ving atleast 2 questions from 2 Apart from Question No.1, rest ofthe paper shall consist of four units as per the syllabus. Every unit should have to questions ta evaluate analstiealechnieal ils of ‘candidate. However, student may be asked to attempt only 1 question from each uni Bach question shouldbe of 12.5 marks, inchuding its subparts ifany. 3. Examiners are requested to go through the Course Outcomes(CO) ofthis course and Prepare the question paper accordingly, using Bloom's Taxonomy(BT, in such a way that every question be mapped te some o other CO end all the questions, put together, ‘must be able to achieve the mapping to all the CO), in balanced way UNIT ‘Management: Meaning & concept, Management principles (Fayol & Tayler), ‘Management process (in brie, Managerial levels, Skills, les and Functions of « ‘manager, Management Theories (Classical, Neo classical, Behavioral, Systems & Contingency) (No, of Hes.12] unit Planning: Meaning, Purpose & process, Decision making: Concept & process, Organizing: Process, Departmentation, Authority & Responsibility relationships, Decentralization, Staffing: Concept, nature & importance of staffing and Directing. (No. of Hrs, 10] UNIT ‘Motivation: Concept & theories (Maslow's, Herzberg Two factor, McGregors theory X & ¥), Leadership: Concepts & styles. Controlling: Natur, Importance, significance & Process of conta Organizational Behavior: Concept and Nature of Organisational Behaviour, Importance, Challenges and Opportunities. Organizational culture: Meaning, ‘importance and characteristic of organization culture, (No.of Hrs.12), wiry ‘Managing People- Meaning, Need of understanding human behavior in organization, ‘Models of OB, Major concepts in OB (elementary) - Personality, Learning, concept of perception & perception theories, Attitude Building and Leadership, (No. of Hs. 10) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner SYLLABUS PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT (BCA-106) UNIT Management: Meaning & concept, Management principles (Fayol & Taylor), Management process (in brie), Managerial levels, Roles & skills of @ manager, “Management Theories (Classical, Noo classical, Behavioral, Systems & Contingency) (Elementary(T1,R1) [No of hrs12) UNIT-II Planning: Meaning, Purpose & process, Decision making: Concept & provess, Organizing: Process, Departmentation, Authority & Responsibility relationships, Decentralization. Staffing: Nature & Importance, (T1,R1] [No.of hrs.10], ‘UNIRIT ‘Staffing: Concept, nature & importance of staffing. Direeting: Motivation: concept & theories (Maslow’s, Herzberg Two factor, ‘MeGregor’s theory X & Y) , Leadership: Concepts & styles. Controlling: Nature, Importance, significance & Process of control {T1,R1] INo, of hrs12] UNITIV Managing People - Meaning, Need of understanding human behavior in organization, Models of OB, Major concepts in OB (elementary)- Personality, Learning, Perception & Attitude Building, (71,12, R3] (No. of hrs.10), NEW TOPICS ADDED FROM ACADEMIC SESSION 2022-23 ‘THIRD SEMESTER PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT AND. ORGANIZATION BEHAVIOUR [BCA-221] UNIT-T Q1. Explain the functions of a manager. ‘Ans. Functions of a manager are the various roles played by the manager in fan organization. A manager is accountable forall the happenings in the firm and is answerable tothe management, The seven major role played by the manager are ~ Funetions of a Manager + Planning ~ The basi stp required for any project, big or small, isthe planing stage. The manager needs to plan the schedule and give the blueprint of how the task is tobe done with ll the necessary delails, and alo the manager should have a backup plan that this doesn't werk then what next- Example Thore isa nev project how to start, human resouree required, resources required ee, everthing shouldbe planned ‘Organizing - Next comes the organizing part, where the manager needs to synchronize and have ta make sureeverythingisgoing according tothe plan. Everything should work as per the pln, and ifnot then the manager needs to look into the issue land make it work as planned. Example - A software tester is require, so organize the ‘enue date and Gime to interview those eligible for the past + Staffing -In staple words, stalling means grouping of people into diferent eams nd allotting different tasks to thom, Ifthe team members have some disputes then the team member needs to report tothe team leader who wil forward it tothe manager and the issue will be taken care of. Example - Assembling a new team fora new project. + Directing/Leading ~ It isa manager’ responsibility to guide the employees in all situations in order to avoid conflicts and delay in the task. Manager has to lead the temployees so that they ean get a clear idea about what isto be done and how todo it Bxample ~a team needs a tetm leader to look after each task that is accomplished, in-process, or aborted, + Coordinating ~ It means bringing all the employees together by forming an effcicnt relationship and making them feel comfortable to share their views and issues freely. Example ~ Coordinating the schedule for a project. + Reporting - The manager has to keep updated information about all the ongoing tasks, and its the sole responsibility ofthe manager to report the updated status to the higher authorities; while all the employees are bound to report to the manager. Example — Keeping the respective directors informed about the progress on their respective projects + Budgeting A task has to be completed within the given time frame as wellasit should be cost efficient, The manager needs to be double sure that the amount invested in the project doesn't exceed the budget given and incase of imbalance, the budgeting ‘manager has to report to the management. Examaple ~If budget allows to place three ‘employees then five employees cannot be assigned forthe task + Controlling - Last but af course not the leat role played by the manager is having everything under control, Whether itis the budget, or resource allocation, @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 121 ‘Third Semester, Principal of Management & Organization Behaviour ot be granted everything shouldbe in order. Example ~All members of a team cannot ber Ieave onthe same day, ast affects work delivery. Various Challenges ofa Manager : - ‘We have seen the diferent rtera manage ast playin order ta malta the svorkfow lance in an erguntation. With ll these responses, tere are sm Tough challenges a manger hatte deal ith white trying to balance everthing Falbengsresome hens maser bsto death w Managing workforce diversity ~ Manager shouldnt crete or ex discrimination stony ctpeyece. mplses from dierent backgreun, cate, and ‘ihstaty shock be tested av equel and retards shouldbe given only onthe base work it = 1s the sole responsibilty of the * Improving quality and productivity I it th se manager to incense the producti without hampering the quality ean be don een taction “7 Totally quality management ~Tha constant feu on customer sntisfect by improving organizational proses nr Process of engineering Focusing onthe manuactaring af the product, so thatthe quality isnot eompromisd * Responding fo nbor storage ~ Ifthe is lb shortage hen the manager should quik respon toselve ths poten by arranging forthe workforce required en thatthe product delivery i ot delayed. + Hradication of labor shortage ~The manger nts to take ai ation therein Inbor shortage and shuld assure with ackp plas o that there fs no lbor thortage ia tare. * Improving customer service ~ Manager faces the challenge to constantly iapfrecnnaesertenurneinaneercenpeive names + improving ethical behavior ~Managere shuld make sure that the employees behave pope od mana the dram of he company These ef mar hllenge tmianager faces while ting fo complete a pete. TO maintain wrk ‘hlanee and forthe betterment ofthe organtaton, the anager shoud try evel best to resolve these challenges. UNIT- Q2 What is directing? Bxplain the characteristics, importance and principles of directing. ‘Ans. Directing: Every manager is also responsible for stalin, organizing, and planning, in addition to leading his team. An essential managerial task is directing. Organizers actions are started with the managerial task of directing. The management of the organization's member isa concern. Tho managerial task of directing entails those actions that are directly related to influencing, guiding, o supervising the work of the subordinates. So, directing is a performance-ocused management function that launches plans and the organization, Nothing ean be done if subordinates are rot properly ditected. Another critical eomponent of management is direction. The Culmination of managerial efforts moves the organisation toward ite set objectives. In actuality ifs a component ofall managerial actions. jes of Directing + Directing initiates action: The ether Functions of management, i. planning, organising, staffing, ete, create conditions for managers to take appropriate actions, Characte LP. Universty-1BCAI-Akash Books 2021-8 ‘wherens directing funeton initiates actions in an organisation, It converts plans into action. Is the key managerial function performed by the managers, + Directing is pervasive: It is pervasive as it takes place at every level of ‘management. It takes place wherever superior-tubordinate relations exist. Every ‘manager has a subordinate who works under him and is responsible for getting things done, + Directing is a continuous process: Directing is an ongoing activity. It takes place throughout the life of an organisation, irrespective of the people in the organisation, Managers give orders to their subordinate, motivate them, and guide them on a continuous basis. + Directing flows from top to bottoms It flows fom top to bottom through the organisational hierarchy. In directing every manager directs his subordinates andtakes instructions from his immediate bos. Iti a function of a superior, i.e, the superior ‘motivates, guides, and supervises his subordinates to achieve the organisational goals, + Directing deals with people: tis concerned with the direction of hurnan efforts towards organisational gals. It ean be ead that directing isa delicate function, as it deals with people, and human behaviour is complex and highly unpredictable, Importance of Directing. + Directing Initiates action: Directing sots an organisation into motion, andhelpe other managerial funetions to initiate and activate It hes the managers to supervise, ‘communicate, lead, guide and motivate the subordinates to achieve the organisational pals. For example, a superior guides his subordinates and explain the tak, which will help the suberdinates to start the work and ackieve the goel + Directing leads to integrated group activity: The organisational objectives can be achieved only when individual efforts are integrated. Disectng integrates ‘employees’ efforts in such a way that every individual elfrt contributes to organisational performance. For example, a leader can convince his subordinates that group efforts will help to achieve organisational goals Directing attempts to get maximum out of individuals: Directing helps superiors to realise the potential and identify the capabilites of individuals by motivating and guiding them. By using the elements of directing, ie, supervision, ‘motivation, leadership, and communication, the eficieny of employees can be raised, + Direeting helps to implement changes: Directing help to introduce changes {in an organisation, Generally, poople in an organisation resist changes, Elfective ‘communication, supervision, motivation and guidance help to overeome such resistance at the workplace. or example, the introduction ofa new method of doing a particular tank in a factory is resistd by workers, bt when managers explain the purpose, guide ‘and provide them training and rewards, it can be easly accepted by the werkers * Directing provides stability and balance in the organisation: Stabil and balance are maintained in an organisation with the help of directing because it fosters cooperation and commitment amongst employees, and helps to achieve balance amongst various groups, departments, units, ete, For exaraple, every individual has personal goals, but the managers integrate the efforts ofall the individuals towards the achievement of organisational goals through guidance, motivat communication Principles of Directing 1. Communication: One of the most fundamental management tasks is 3m, supervision and @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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