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The Business Information Solution we are going to talk about is called "PHC
Software", a multinational company created in Portugal in 1989 with the clear objective
of focusing on the development of management software.
The company defines its vision as "Better Management for Happier People" and
its mission consists in "Building a world where software empowers business
management". PHC has three values: "adapt and grow", "make an impact" and "cool
but pro".
PHC commits itself to use technology as the driving force of company
management, through the development of software capable of incorporating and
solving company problems, promising to adapt to the evolution of the companies.
The company is characterised by a strong management experience and a great
capacity for software design, with a high level of precision, vision and speed, and for
this reason they have named the software "Business at Speed". This software
promises to adapt to the company and adjust whenever the company needs it.
Speaking in numbers, PHC has more than 35 thousand clients, operates in 25
countries and has more than 200 employees and more than 400 partners.
History of the company
As we have already mentioned PHC was created in 1989, having developed the
software in 1990.
In 1994 presented its 1st software version for Windows.
In 2000, after some developments it became an Early Adopter of Microsoft NET
technologies and began working internationally, stabilizing itself in Maputo.
In 2009 the company invested heavily in software development, creating new
modules and features, significantly increasing its offer.
In 2012 the company was already present in other countries like Spain, Peru,
Angola, among others. Over the years the company has received numerous awards
and has grown considerably.
In 2018 the company was also recognised for providing its employees a good
working environment with activities such as weekly mindfulness sessions, surf lessons,
events such as foosball games or workshops on topics outside the company, with the
clear objective of developing a good atmosphere among the teams.
In 2021 the company created a new office in Portugal, they adopted a hybrid
working model and were considered the "Happiest Company in Portugal" in the
Hapiness Works 2021 awards.
Today the company continues to be dedicated to software development, with a
strong focus on team building, and invoices around 13 million euros annually.
Organization of the company
PHC is subdivided into two types of projects: there is the PHC Go that is
dedicated to smaller companies and there is the PHC CS ( client/server) dedicated to
medium and large companies.
Starting with PHC Go, this is a management software in the cloud that was
developed over 10 years and its characteristics include the fact that it provides
 business control from anywhere, providing analysis of sales, purchases,
stocks, etc, which enables easier decision making
 easy data entry, with the possibility of automating routine administrative
tasks, providing more time for customers
 legal obligations ensured.
PHC Go has several plans: "Expert", "Pro", "Star" and "Grow". The best of the
plans - "Expert" has features dedicated to complete stock management and service
provision, control and management of sales and customers, management extended to
the area of suppliers and purchases, cash control with the area of treasury (?) and
debts, management of files in the system, business analytics tool, and also ensures the
ability to adapt to the special needs of the company.
PHC Go points out several advantages, consisting essentially of:
 being a software that is ready to be used, requiring no installation or
maintenance costs, since updates are automatic and cost free;
 being available at any time and anywhere, with the possibility of being
used through any device
 being scalable, which means that it follows the needs of the business,
adjusting the capacities of the company according to its growth;
 have a support service that includes various video content explaining the
different features of the software and a platform where various questions
are clarified;
 include a Transport Lphayer Security system, which protects business
24 hours a day, coordinated by specialists trained in data security.
PHC CS is dedicated to the complete management of the company's core
business, combined with several other areas.
Recently the company also created an application called PHC Notify, available
for Android and IOS, which allows the connection to the business without the need to
connect to the software - this allows you to receive notifications that enable you to
monitor, in real time, what is happening in the company, with simple access to a mobile
Also noteworthy is the analytics dashboard function that provides reliable
information, quickly, that informs about the performance levels of the business and
enables faster and more efficient decision making.
PHC CS ERP exists in three different ranges: PHC CS Corporate, PHC CS
Advanced and PHC CS Enterprise.
The PHC CS Corporate was developed to meet the needs of micro-companies
and, therefore, has modules that make possible the automatisation of functions in the
areas and departments of the company increasing the productivity of the employees.
To correspond to the needs of micro-companies, the software was designed
and thought in the sense of easing the workers' functions and, therefore, it was
developed in a way that allows an easy use, without the need of training or a long
learning time. Thus, it is a simple software to use.
As we know, in all companies productivity is the most important factor, however,
in micro-companies this is even more notorious, since it is an essential factor for
growth and survival. Thus, it often happens that workers have to perform tasks from
different areas in a reduced space of time. PHC CS Corporate takes this into account,
having been made thinking of micro-companies of up to 5 users.
Once again, PHC believes in the idea that all companies are different and that each
software needs to adapt to companies, and this case is no exception - the PHC CS
Corporate range allows high configuration. This adaptability extends to different levels,
 more information with customizable fields and screens - allows the
addition of main files, new pages and new fields to collect information
that may be pertinent;
 tracking of user actions - allows the supervisor to check all user actions,
as it records all user actions and their duration;
 rules adapted to each business - for example, software usage rules such
as the parameterization of mandatory fields.
There is also another very important aspect related to information management
analysis, as it is important that software enables critical data to be obtained so that
decision-making can be effective. For this reason, the PHC CS Corporate software
includes a global analysis dashboard - a useful tool, since it shows all the application
and user analyses in a single screen. In addition to this, it also allows statistical
analyses to be defined in various dimensions, with the variables considered necessary,
making it possible to easily move these variables to other analysis lines.
It is also possible to produce information by creating maps. In these maps it is
possible to choose the table to be used, the table fields to be displayed, in which order,
with calculations and colour customisation, among others. This allows the easy
construction of reports, in a simple and quick manner.
This software also has additional functionalities in all modules, such as
 phone call management - it is possible to register incoming calls answered
and not answered;
 inter-user messages - users can send messages to each other and through
a message monitor they can control them;
 user defined surveys - it is possible to have customer satisfaction surveys
linked to the customer table, for example;
 data explorer - allows data crossing;
 customisable software navigation - it is possible to customise the toolbar.
These three ranges are subdivided into transversal solutions and sectorial solutions.
The transversal solutions are dedicated to:
 Management and ERP
In this case, the software makes it possible to optimize all management
processes, involving customers and suppliers, current accounts, stocks,
orders, budgets, delivery notes, invoicing and purchases, receipts and
payments, collections, treasury and banking, etc. This makes it possible to
coordinate all the information through a set of analyses and indicators that
enable a more detailed and organized look at the company's figures.
 Financial
This solution gives full control of general, analytical and budget accounting,
enabling the production of tax statements and the launch of documents.
This control can be performed quickly and easily from any device.
 Technical Support
This solution focuses on increasing the effectiveness of after-sales service,
facilitating all functionalities linked to support, monitoring and time
management, with continuous analysis of the level of service provided to
customers. It also involves a detailed control of assistance requests, making
it possible to understand the availability of technicians, their tasks, the
average response time and the number of interventions - this allows
maximum productivity of the teams to be guaranteed.
Provides a global customer view through centralized commercial information
with quick access to each customer's history. It is also possible to ensure
effective planning of resources through access to agendas, controlled
automatically, and the commercial performance of the teams, which allows
to computerize some marketing actions such as the planning of product or
service campaign launches. Sales evolution, comparison with previous
years, profits of each product, ongoing business, number of people covered
by marketing campaigns, proposals obtained, among others, are some of
the data that can also be obtained.
 Salaries and Safety at Work
This development provides greater flexibility in processing salaries and bank
transfers, reducing administrative work. It also makes it possible to simplify
the management of health and safety at work, covering all employees
against work-related risks, in accordance with the law.
 Human Capital Management
 This solution focuses on helping to recruit the best talent and keeping them
motivated and committed, contributing to the effectiveness of teams,
enhancing internal communication and the management of tasks and
functions. It also boosts employee development and productivity through
training and performance evaluations, and also includes management
related to safety, hygiene and health at work.
 Fleet. (Frota??)
Allows complete management of a company's vehicle fleet, simplifying
management with up-to-date information on vehicles, drivers, journeys,
ensuring control over maintenance, deadlines, insurance, costs, etc. It also
enables a set of analyses such as the annual evolution by type of expense.
The sectorial solutions are:
 Industry and Production
It allows to implement coordinated actions in the entire production process,
plan the installed production capacity, calculate needs, schedule operations,
control quality, track production, etc. It also provides a clear look at the
business in figures and graphs, with immediate access to all data on
manufacturing processes, enabling problems to be anticipated.
 Logistics and Distribution
Allows to manage the distribution needs of the company from the supply
chain to the control of suppliers or stock management. It guarantees the
correct inventory of all items, controls the incoming and outgoing goods
circuits and ensures that order delivery deadlines are met.
 Catering
It guarantees total control over various areas of the business such as
customers, sales, suppliers, purchases, treasury and banks. It also provides
management of reservations, customer service and space.
 Retail
In the retail area it is possible to make stores more competitive through total
control of all business activity, such as sales, shop and employee
performance, documents, communication between shops, statistical
analysis, cash and accounts, discounts, among others.
 Clinical
Provides complete information on patients, financial management and
control of the clinic, automation of administrative processes, monitoring of
clients, suppliers and profitability, etc. It ensures all the necessary resources
for an effective control of agendas and appointments, reducing waiting times
and increasing customer satisfaction.
 Civil Construction
In the case of civil construction, it guarantees total control of the costs and
profitability of each project with a fully integrated information system that
enables management from budget execution to construction work. It
ensures the analysis of deviations between forecast and actual, both in
terms of costs and quantities. Each project's balance, profit and cash flow,
credit notes, among others, can be easily accessed.

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