Detachments and Civil Defense Services Answer To Exam Question 2.

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E.A. № 2.

Civil defence detachments and services

Ministry of Emergency Situations

To prevent and eliminate the consequences of natural and man-made emergencies,

to reduce population losses and material losses, special structures are created to
predict, prevent and eliminate the consequences of emergencies, both globally and
at the state level. İn this regard according to the Decree of the President of the
Republic of Azerbaijan No. 1182 of December 16, 2005, the Rescue and
Rehabilitation Center and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of
Civil defence forces include military formations specially designed to solve tasks
in the field of civil defence. The Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
other troops and military formations, as well as emergency rescue services and
emergency rescue formations are also involved in the solution of civil defence
tasks. (Силы гражданской обороны включают в себя воинские формирования, специально
предназначенные для решения задач в области гражданской обороны. Для решения задач гражданской
обороны привлекаются также Вооруженные Силы Азербайджанской республики, другие войска и воинские
формирования, а также аварийно–спасательные службы и аварийно–спасательные формирования.)
The basics of the civile defense forces is non-military groups. Non-military groups
grouped by trained personal to perform rescue and other emergency measures in
damaged areas equipped with special technology and equipment (detachment,
team, brigade, manga, station).
Men between the ages of 18 and 62, women between the ages of 18 and 57, who
are citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan are involved in non-military civil
defense groups. The 1st and 2nd groups of disabled people, pregnant women, and
women with children under 8 years, as well as women with secondary and higher
medical education with children under 3 years of age are not involved in groups.
Civil defense groups are divided into the following types according to their
subordination and purpose:
1)according to subordination-territorial and object groups
2)according to the duties-general and special purpose detachments.
General purpose civil defense groups are introduced to carry out rescue operations
in the damaged areas, to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters and
industrial accidents (stack teams, rescue detachments).
Special purpose detachments include-exploration, medical care, firefighting,
communication, diametric and chemical control etc.
At the same time, people aged 6-17 are taught how to protect against emergencies
in peacetime and wartime, and those over 17 are also taught how to deal with the
consequences of such events.
Сivil defense services include the following;
Alert and Communication Service- Служба оповещения и связи
Medical service- Медицинская служба
Public Order Service (Community policing) - Служба охраны общественного
Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Service-Служба радиационной,
химической и биологической защиты
Shelter (refuge ) and Shelter Service-Служба убежищ и укрытий, rescue (life-
saving)- спасательная служба
Transport Service -Транспортная служба
Power supply service-Служба энергоснабжения
Emergency technical service-Аварийно–техническая служба
Fire protection service-служба пожарной охраны
Logistics Service-служба материально-технического снабжения
Reconnaissance- разведка служба
Engineering- инженерная служба
Animal and plant protection service-- служба защиты животных и растений

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