Purposes and Tasks of Civil Defense Answer To Exam Question 1

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E.A.№ 1.

Aims and objectives of civil defence

Civil defense (CD) is the science of protecting human safety and health in the
environment. It detects and identifies dangerous and harmful factors, investigates
methods and means of protecting people, studies ways to minimise harmful and
dangerous factors, develops measures to eliminate the consequences of accidents
and disasters in peacetime and wartime. Civil defense was organized in our country
in 1961. On July 31, 1992, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed
Decree No. 73 on the approval of the Regulations on Civil Defense of the Republic
of Azerbaijan and on April 18, 1998, Decree No. 700 on the application of the Law
of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Civil Defense (consists of out of 21 articles).
Civil Defense - protection of the population (citizens of the Republic of
Azerbaijan, foreigners and stateless persons in the territory of the Republic of
Azerbaijan) and the territory (land, water and airspace, production and social
facilities, as well as the environment within the territory of the Republic of
Azerbaijan); is a system of measures taken by public authorities, legal entities and
individuals to ensure security.

In accordance with the new regulations, the general management of civil defense in
the Republic of Azerbaijan is carried out by the President of the Republic of
Azerbaijan. The Civil Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan is directly headed by
the Prime Minister of the Republic and is responsible for his constant readiness to
carry out the tasks facing the civil defense. Civil defense of the Republic of
Azerbaijan is a system of social and defense measures implemented by the state,
economic and military authorities with the participation of all citizens in order to
protect the population and national economy from the consequences of natural
disasters, as well as modern means of destruction.
Civil Defense System is a set of relevant executive authorities, forces and means,
special funds, communication, warning, and information security systems
entrusted with the performance of civil defense tasks.
The main tasks of the Civil Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan are as
1. Protection of the population and national economy from the consequences of
2.Timely informing the population about the danger to human life and health in
times of peace and war, and the rules of conduct in such conditions;
3. Organization and implementation of rescue and other urgent works in order to
eliminate the consequences of emergencies;
4. Preparation of the management, management bodies and forces of the civil
defense system for protection and activity in case of emergency, as well as
organization of training of the population on relevant protection and methods of
5. İmplementation of measures to ensure the stable operation of the national
economy, enterprises, departments and organizations in emergencies in peacetime
and wartime, in particular, engineering, technical and other measures of civil
The purpose of Civil Defense is as follows:
1) implementation of preventive measures in order to prevent emergencies
(in implementation of preventive actions for the purpose of prevention
of emergencies)

2) maximum minimization of possible damage and losses during

emergencies (in perhaps maximum reduction of damage and losses in
case of emergencies).

3) elimination of emergencies and their consequences- liquidations of

emergencies and their effects.

Based on the presentation of the Ministry of Economic Development and the

Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the rates of
zones, groups of cities and facilities shall be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers
of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Three groups of cities for Civil Defense: the first group (group I), the second group
(group II), the third group (group III).

I group - Baku city

II group - Sumgayit city

III group - Ganja city, Mingachevir city, Shirvan city, Nakhchivan city.

The following levels of civil defense are assigned to the most important economic

Special importance objects.

1st class objects
2nd class objects.

Z O N E – 10 zones of territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan

-Baku zone: 11 districts of Baku city and Apsheron district.

-Sumgayit zone: Sumgayit city, Devechi, Guba, Gusar, Khachmaz, Siyazan, Khizi
-Ganja zone: Ganja and Naftalan cities, Agstafa, Gazakh, Tovuz, Dashkasan,
Gadabay, Kalbajar, Shamkir, Khanlar, Goranboy, Samukh districts.
-Mingachevir zone: Mingachevir city, Agdash, Yevlakh, Gakh, Ujar, Balakan,
Zagatala, Oguz, Sheki districts.
-Shirvan zone: Shirvan city, Hajigabul, Beylagan, Imishli, Saatli, Sabirabad,
Salyan, Neftchala districts.
-Nakhichevan zone: All regions of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.
-Aghdam zone: Khankendi city, Aghdam, Agjabedi, Barda, Zardab, Tartar,
Khojavend, Khojaly, Shusha districts.
-Jabrayil zone: Jabrayil, Zangilan, Gubadli, Lachin, Fizuli districts.
-Shamakhi zone: Shamakhi, Agsu, Ismayilli, Gabala, Goychay, Kurdamir,
Gobustan districts.
-Lankaran zone: Lankaran, Astara, Lerik, Yardimli, Bilasuvar, Jalilabad, Masalli

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