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Applied Geochemistry 37 (2013) 203–211

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Natural and depleted uranium in the topsoil of Qatar: Is it something to

worry about?
Basem Shomar a,⇑, Mohamed Amr b, Khalid Al-Saad b, Yasir Mohieldeen a
Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI), Qatar Foundation, P.O. Box 5825, Doha, Qatar
Central Laboratory Unit, Qatar University, P.O. Box 2713, Doha, Qatar

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study examines uranium in soils of Qatar to investigate whether there is any detectable traces of
Received 7 April 2013 depleted uranium (DU). 409 soil samples were collected using a 10 km grid system throughout the State
Accepted 1 August 2013 of Qatar. The U concentrations and isotopic compositions (235U/238U) were determined using an ICP-MS.
Available online 12 August 2013
The U concentrations range from 0.05 to 4.7 mg/kg and the 235U/238U isotopic signatures are in the range
Editorial handling by M. Kersten
0.007–0.008, i.e. comparable to the isotopic ratio in natural uranium (NU). The distribution of these con-
centrations in the topsoil were used to see correlations with locations of pollution point sources and envi-
ronmentally hot areas associated with human activity: industrial estates, solid waste dumping sites,
wastewater treatment plants, sea harbors, airports, and public transport network. New thematic maps
were built using Geographic Information System (GIS) software. The results showed that there is no link-
age between the occurrence, distribution, concentrations and isotopic ratios of U and these hotspots.
More importantly, due to the low concentration of organic matter (OM) in soils of Qatar, very limited
P-fertilization, the alkaline nature of soil (pH 8) and low Fe/Mn contents make soil uranium concentra-
tions very low. The residential areas, including the capital Doha, had the lowest total concentrations of
uranium and isotopic ratios of the country while the northern and western parts showed the highest
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Secondary uranium mineralization of Quaternary age is formed

by weathering and soil formation processes under arid conditions.
Uranium (U) is a naturally occurring element found in low lev- The secondary uranium minerals are associated with gypsum rich
els within rock, soil, and water (UNSCEAR, 1993). U concentrations crusts and veins in the soils (Ilani and Strull, 1989). Minerals of U
in soil naturally range between 300 lg/kg and 11.7 mg/kg (Kabata- (e.g. meta-autunite, meta-tyuyamunite and carnotite) are associ-
Pendias and Pendias, 2000). The occurrence, source, distribution, ated with ions of vanadate, phosphate and carbonate. Secondary
concentration, mobility, and the speciation of uranium in the soil uranium minerals are associated with gypsum which forms thin
environment depend on both natural and anthropogenic factors. veins and is found also as a matrix in pedogenic layers that range
Naturally, U is released into solution by weathering of primary from 0.2 to 1.5 m in thickness (Ilani and Strull, 1989).
minerals; therefore uranium occurrence varies with climate and Echevarria et al. (2001) measured the uranium sorption ratios
underlying bedrock conditions (Gueniot et al., 1988). and found that they are affected by soil type and chemical compo-
In soils, uranium mobility is influenced by soil type and phys- sition. Additionally, soil pH is highly linearly correlated with the
ico-chemical properties (Echevarria et al., 2001). Several uranium logarithm of uranium sorption ratios. At the same time, U sorption
minerals in soil of arid areas could be formed by weathering, dia- behavior depends on the occurrence of uranium oxide and carbon-
genetically during soil formation or sedimentation processes (Ilani ate complexes. The study by Gueniot et al. (1988) indicated that
and Strull, 1989) where NU concentration ranged between 200 and soils rich in iron and aluminum but still conserving a substantial
3900 mg/kg. Two distinct types of uranium mineralization may oc- amount of silica showed the largest U accumulation, while soils
cur in arid soils: primary and secondary types. Primary uranium with only iron and aluminum oxides remaining, and minor kaolin-
mineralization is represented by uranium enrichments in phos- ite, showed significant depletion of U. A strong association be-
phorites of sedimentary phosphate deposits age as well as by ura- tween Fe-oxides and soil uranium has been found (Pett-Ridge
nium anomalies associated with epigenetic iron-oxide veins. et al., 2007). Moreover, the study found that soil U contents in-
crease between 20-fold and 60-fold with age along the
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +974 4454 2872; fax: +974 4454 1528. Depleted uranium (DU) has been used extensively during weap-
E-mail address: (B. Shomar). ons testing and recent military conflicts (Handley-Sidhu et al.,

0883-2927/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
204 B. Shomar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 37 (2013) 203–211

2010). The firing of weapons containing depleted uranium (DU) U) are radioactive alpha emitters with long half-lives (Jones
during conflicts and military testing has resulted in the deposition et al., 1990). Naturally occurring uranium is composed of three ma-
of DU in a variety of sand-rich environments (Handley-Sidhu et al., jor isotopes, uranium-238 (99.2739–99.2752% natural abundance),
2009). The 1991 Gulf War alone resulted in the deposition of 321 uranium-235 (0.7198–0.7202%), and uranium-234 (0.0050–
tons of DU into the desert regions of Kuwait and Iraq (Handley-Sid- 0.0059%) (Wikipedia, 2013).
hu et al., 2009). Test firing of DU-containing weapons at military For the general population, chemical toxicity by inhalation of
ranges have also deposited DU in sand-rich environments, such dust or direct ingestion is considered a greater hazard than radio-
as the Yuma Proving Ground, USA desert environment (Johnson active toxicity (Menzel, 1968). Although less radioactive, DU has
et al., 2004), dune sands of the Eskmeals range, UK (ca. 15 tons) the same chemotoxicity as natural uranium and poses a threat to
(Toque and Baker, 2006) and terrestrial and marine sediments of an exposed human populations (Bleise et al., 2003; Choy et al.,
the Aberdeen Proving Ground, USA (>70 tons of DU) (Dong et al., 2006).
2006). Iraq, a near neighbor to Qatar, has received extensive (400 ton-
Uranium is classified as ‘‘very toxic’’ (Health and Safety Execu- nes) DU contamination from the two wars in 1991 and 2003, and
tive, 1995), causing skin, lung, intestinal and bone marrow disor- the predicted cost for remediating the 300 sites is about US$ 30
ders, particularly where individuals have been chronically Million (Dutch Peace Group, 2013). In the State of Qatar, no analy-
exposed by skin contact, direct ingestion or inhalation of dust sis of NU and DU contents of topsoils currently exist, therefore the
(such as in mines and processing). U is taken-up by plants but most objectives of this study were to (1) determine the occurrence and
U ingested from food and water is excreted and does not remain in distribution of natural and depleted uranium in the topsoil of Qa-
the body (Taylor, 1997). All three main isotopes of U (235U, 236U, tar; (2) use GIS to assess the impacts of current land use and envi-

Fig. 1. Base map of Qatar showing the land use.

B. Shomar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 37 (2013) 203–211 205

ronmental hotspots (industrial estates, wastewater treatment from 30 to 150 cm, overlying limestone debris and bedrock. These
plants, solid waste dumping sites, road networks) on the occur- depression soils are locally known as Rodat and constitute the
rence of uranium in soil; and (3) assess the potential exposure risks main agricultural soils of the country. Highly saline depression
associated with natural and depleted uranium in Qatar’s topsoil. soils, locally known as Sabkha, occur mainly along the coasts of
Umm Said, Dukhan and the southern boundary of Qatar. In south-
2. Study area, thematic maps and sampling strategy ern Qatar, the depressions are often more crater-like in appear-
ance, with the bottoms usually covered by Aeolian sands (Abu
Sukar et al., 2007; Awiplan Qatar and Jena-Geos, 2005).
2.1. Study area
Rainfall is extremely unpredictable and highly erratic, both in
time and space. Because of its low intensity and variability, it is
Qatar (Fig. 1) a small desert country with an area of 11,493 km2
is characterized by its arid to hyper-arid climate. Due to rapid eco- not considered reliable for supplementing irrigation and maintain-
ing agriculture, yet it represents the main source of water in the
nomic growth, the population increased from about 0.744 to 1.7
million during the years 2000–2010, and over 85% of the popula- form of recharge to groundwater.
Qatar is an arid country of harsh and fragile environment, high
tion is concentrated in the urban, coastal area of the capital, Doha
City (The Planning Council, 2012). summer temperature (>40 °C), low rainfall (annual average is
The elevation of Qatar decreases from 100 m above sea level in 82 mm) with a high evaporation rate (annual average of
the south to less than 50 m in the north. Qatar is a rocky desert 2200 mm), and low nutrient availability in the soil (Darwish and
area with scattered oases formed by 850 separate depressions. In Mohtar, 2012). The municipal potable water consists of 99% de-
these depressions colluvial soils made up of calcareous loam, sandy salted seawater and 1% groundwater.
loam and sandy clay loam have accumulated to depths ranging

Fig. 2. Environmental hotspots in the State of Qatar.

206 B. Shomar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 37 (2013) 203–211

2.2. Thematic maps Finally, the thematic maps for land use (Fig. 1), environmental
hotspots (Fig. 2), sampling locations (Fig. 3), soil types (Fig. 4),
Data used in deriving the U distribution maps were collected and U contaminant concentrations and distribution in the topsoil
from sampling locations that were demarcated using a Global Posi- of Qatar have been constructed.
tioning System (GPS). The sampled locations were then positioned
in the maps using Geographic Information System (GIS). The Geo- 2.3. Sampling strategy
statistics tool in ArcGIS was used to interpolate the concentration
and distribution of the U in the topsoil of Qatar. Geostatstics was The soil-sampling campaigns were conducted according to the
used as it provides accurate and diverse interpolation functional- European soil-sampling guidelines (Theocharopoulos et al., 2001).
ities (ESRI, 2012; Zhang et al., 2008). GIS was also used to carry For systematic sampling, the country was divided into a 10 km2
out the thematic mapping which includes: a land use, soil types, grid (Fig. 3) and one composite sample (consisting of 10 subsam-
and environmental hotspots map. ples) was collected from each square. The criteria for the sampling
The mapping was carried out using data from different sources. area, specific site, and point selection were based primarily on
The base maps, such as international boundaries, roads, and coast pedology, land use, and geology. At each sampling site, a circle of
line, were obtained from the Ministry of Environment, Qatar in dig- 5 m in diameter was identified and 10 subsamples were collected
ital format. Industrial areas and locations of wastewater treatment within the perimeter. Debris (plant tissue, stones, etc.) were re-
plants were scanned and digitized from 1:20,000 maps found in moved and approximately 0.5 kg of topsoil were placed into poly-
the Qatar National Atlas published by the Planning Council of ethylene cups and stored at 4 °C. The location of each sample
Qatar. (within a typical resolution of 5 m) was recorded using the GPS

Fig. 3. Soil sampling locations.

B. Shomar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 37 (2013) 203–211 207

coordinates (x, y and z) which have been used to build the map of tions of samples were allowed to cool down and then diluted to
sampling locations. Fig. 4 shows the comprehensive sampling of 50 mL in polypropylene bottles for storage (producing a 1 M
Qatari soils. HNO3 solution). One mL of aliquot was diluted to 10 mL of deion-
ized water, immediately prior to analysis by the inductively cou-
pled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (Agilent, 7500Ce). More
3. Sample preparation, instrumentation and sample analysis
information is given in Al-Saad et al. (2010).

3.1. Soil preparation, digestion, and total uranium determination

3.2. Determination of uranium isotopes using ICP-MS
After drying in a vacuum oven at 45 °C, approximately 0.5 kg
soil samples were manually ground and sieved through a 20-lm The only evidence of DU contamination in data for soil samples
sieve and ground to a very fine powder by using a sand mill (FRIT- from this study would be the disruption of the natural isotopic
SCH-Labor Planeten Mühle, Pulverisette 5). Soil samples were dried abundance of 238U and 235U. From the natural isotopic abundance
overnight at 105 °C. About 0.5 g of each sample was weighed and of the uranium isotopes (99.2% for 238U, and 0.72% for 235U), the
transferred into a PTFE beaker. Ten mL of HF (40%) and 4 mL of activity ratio of natural uranium is calculated to
HClO4 (70%) were slowly added and evaporated on a hot plate at U/238U = 0.00725. If this ratio is significantly higher than
200 °C until a crystalline paste was formed (2–3 h). Four mL of 0.00725, it would be evidence that the analyzed sample contains
HClO4 was added to each sample and evaporated to near dryness DU (Anagnostakis et al., 2001).
to remove any HF residue. Ten mL of 5 M HNO3 was added and The ICP-MS using a micromist nebulizer, which was fitted into a
warmed gently until a clear solution was obtained. The clear solu- standard quartz double-pass spray chamber, was operated at 2 °C

Fig. 4. Types of soil in Qatar.

208 B. Shomar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 37 (2013) 203–211

to ensure temperature stability and reduce the water vapor present Trace, AccuStandard, Inc., New Haven, CT, USA). Nitric acid, hydro-
in the carrier gas/aerosol stream. Shield torch was used to increase fluoric acid, and perchloric acid were obtained from Merck,
the sensitivity. The sensitivity of ICP-MS was optimized for a max- Germany.
imum ion intensity of 238U isotope (Lloyd et al., 2009; Oliver et al., For instrumentation, the ICP-MS was used for determination of
2008; Bednar et al., 2007; Pawlak and Rabiega, 2002). uranium in digested samples because of its higher sensitivity and
The plasma power was 1200 W with a nebulizer flow of faster analysis speed than traditional sodium iodide gamma spec-
0.85 mL/min. Samples were prepared for analysis by filtration troscopy. A detection limit of 0.05 lg/L in aqueous solution
(0.45 lm unless otherwise specified) and acidification to pH 2 with (0.1 mg/kg in soil) was determined for direct nebulization ICP-MS
nitric acid, unless otherwise specified. Because of its rarity in most analysis, and is in agreement with the literature (Pawlak and Rab-
samples and its similar mass to 238U, bismuth (209Bi as bismuth ni- iega, 2002).
trate, J.T. Baker, Phillipsburg, NJ) was used as the internal standard
for all analyses.
4. Results

3.3. QC/QA The average results have been calculated as well as the standard
deviation for all soil samples (n = 409). The corresponding maps for
Certified reference materials (CRM) for both NU (NIST 4321C) the concentrations of total uranium and the isotopic ratios are gi-
and DU (NIST 3164) were used and treated exactly the same as ven in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. The results showed a maximum
the samples. An additional uranium analytical calibration standard concentration of U in topsoil of 5 mg/kg which is within the natural
(10 mg/L) was purchased from SPEX Certiprep (SQS-01-1, Accu- range of U in soil (A Supplementary table is available). The concen-

Fig. 5. Concentration of natural uranium in the topsoil of Qatar.

B. Shomar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 37 (2013) 203–211 209

Fig. 6. Uranium isotopic ratios in the topsoil of Qatar. Natural uranium (NU) has U/238U = 0.00725.

trations of total uranium varied from 0.05 to 4.6 mg/kg and aver- 5. Discussion
aged 1.63 ± 0.6 mg/kg.
The 235U/238U ratios were consistent throughout the country It is clear that soil types of Qatar and the occurrence of uranium
with no significant variations among different types of soils or in on it is logical and consistent. The soils of Qatar are mostly calcar-
varying locations. Fig. 6 shows a variation of 235U/238U ranging eous and the pH is alkaline (about 8). The pH–Eh diagrams of ura-
from about 0.0065–0.0079, or about ±10% on any given ratio. The nium obtained from Choy et al. (2006) showed that the low pH and
natural ratio of uranium, 0.0072, falls within this range. To esti- high Eh conditions prevented the formation of solid U compounds
mate the anthropogenic uranium (DU), the 235U/238U ratios of the such as uraninite and schoepite. However; schoepite has been
409 soil samples have been subtracted from the natural back- shown in several studies to form in calcareous, well aerated soils
ground ratio (Anagnostakis et al., 2001). With this calculation, it of the southwest of the USA (Buck et al., 2004; Johnson et al., 2004).
has been found that the results of 235U/238U ratio for all soil sam- The diagrams indicate that U(VI) cationic complexes are abun-
ples were less than the natural background ratio indicating no dant at slightly alkaline pH (about pH 8) only if the soil is rich in
DU contamination. The background 235U/238U ratio in Qatar organic matter which is not the case of Qatar. Uranium tends to
(0.0075) was determined using 10 soil samples obtained from form stable aqueous complexes and precipitates with organic li-
depths of 50 to 100 cm at different sites. The data show no gands (Murphy and Shock, 1999). The findings of this study agree
depth-dependent variation, confirmed the limited introduction of with Bednar et al. (2007) where the soil of Qatar is very poor on or-
anthropogenic U into the surface soils. ganic matter (Fig. 4). This could explain the low contents of ura-
There were no observed correlations between the distribution nium in the topsoil of Qatar as a result of very low concentration
of total uranium and isotopic ratios, and the identified environ- of organic matter in the sandy and dry soil. Moreover, Laubenstein
mental hotspots (locations of industrial activities, traffic network, and Magaldi (2008) studied the occurrence of uranium and other
solid waste dumping sites, wastewater treatment plants and sea elements in several Mediterranean soils and they confirmed that
or airports). soils characterized by absence or scarcity of 2:1 clay minerals are
210 B. Shomar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 37 (2013) 203–211

poor in uranium. This shows that the rich soil carbonate of Qatar organic matter and active microorganisms may explain the low
associated with natural ranges of NU which may go up to 5 mg/ concentrations of U in soil. It is well known that microorganisms
kg. This agrees again with the findings of Laubenstein and Magaldi and mainly bacteria can reduce and fix uranium in soils. These bac-
(2008) where average uranium concentration in carbonate rocks is teria change soluble U(VI) into highly insoluble complex forming
2.2 mg/kg due to the fact that uranium can replace calcium in the U(IV) ion, hence stopping chemical leaching (Renshaw et al.,
lattice of calcite or be adsorbed by the principal phosphate 2005). Microorganisms (bacteria) can reduce the pH of soil in the
minerals. anaerobic conditions which enhances the immobilization of U in
Four major factors may play roles on the occurrence (mobility/ soils as the anaerobic conditions may form sulfides ions that form
immobility) of uranium in soil; the soil pH, the organic matter insoluble uranium sulfides.
(OM), the microbial community, the Fe and Mn oxides and the car-
bonate complexes. It is believed that the major role is the pH (Lin- 6. Conclusions
hoff et al., 2011; Moncur et al., 2011).
In the alkaline desert environment, several studies have found – The concentrations of U observed in soils collected throughout
strong enrichment of U in groundwater (Kumar et al., 2011) the State of Qatar were well within the normal background lev-
which has given rise to soda lakes highly enriched in uranium. els. 235U/238U activity ratios do not indicate DU contamination,
The low level of U in soil may reflect the mobilization of U(VI) as within statistical detectability, anywhere in the country. Varia-
stable carbonate complexes transferred to groundwater and soda tions in both U concentrations and isotope ratios were statisti-
lakes (Jurgens et al., 2009; Kumar et al., 2011; Moncur et al., cally insignificant with respect to presence of DU across Qatar;
2011; Nriagu et al., 2012). therefore no co-locational association could be established with
Under normal conditions, it is documented that organic matter potential anthropogenic sources of U.
in soil is a key factor to attract uranium. Occurrence of organic – Development of land use and environmental hotspot maps are
matter in the surface soil may enhance the formation of organo- critically essential for continued monitoring of environmental
uranium complexes in a variety of soils and plant materials, indi- quality in Qatar. This study has constructed the first maps of
cating that nearly 100% of the uranium extracted from certain this kind for the country and has established important baseline
plant tissues is bound to organic ligands. On the other hand, Bed- data for future studies of this kind. The results did not show that
nar et al. (2007) found that soil humic acid generally decreased the distribution of uranium in the topsoil is linked to the
uranium sorption to soils and promoted subsequent desorption anthropogenic activities and land use.
of uranium because of uranium partitioning to the organic phase – Further studies on the occurrence of uranium and its isotopes in
which may illustrate that organic compounds influence the mobil- the environment of Qatar should include impacts of air deposi-
ity and chemistry of uranium in the environment. Moreover, the tion, transboundary factors and marine systems. Several param-
soil of Qatar is poor in clay minerals and it is generally agreed that eters (pH, Fe, Mn, CO3 and bacteria) in the topsoil should be
U binds to soil clays and to organic matter, and is only moderately monitored regularly to identify the link with total uranium con-
mobile under oxidizing conditions (Taylor, 1997). The weak rela- tents and different isotopes.
tionship between U and OM in soil could be related to the fact that
uranium is a very big molecule which cannot fit to any structure of
OM and it cannot replace any other cations in organic matter such Acknowledgments
as Cu and Zn. No strong correlations have been found between the
presence of OM and U in soil (Kumar et al., 2011). This article was made possible by a NPRP Award [08-187-1-
The map of land use (Fig. 1) showed that the agriculture sector 034] from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of The Qa-
is very limited and more than 99% of food vegetables are imported. tar Foundation). The statements made herein are solely the respon-
The soils collected from agricultural lands showed normal concen- sibility of the authors. The authors would also like to thank Prof.
trations of U. Other agricultural areas such as southern Europe, Jerome Nriagu, Prof. R.D. Schuiling, Prof. Stephanie Handley-Sidhu,
Australia and New Zealand show higher concentrations of U in soil. Prof. Anthony Bednar Nora Kuiper and Candace Rowell for their
The agricultural practices and application of phosphate fertilizers support to improve the quality of the manuscript. Special thanks
are the main sources of the potentially toxic uranium in New Zea- to Prof. Adrian Bath for his constructive, deep and important
land (Schipper et al., 2011). The changes in total U were directly re- comments.
lated to the type and amount of P fertilizer applied and it is found
that there were generally linear increases in total P and total U in Appendix A. Supplementary data
these agricultural soils. Correlation between U and P in soil showed
that maximum concentration of U (2.8 mg/kg) was associated with Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
100 kg P/ha treatment (Schipper et al., 2011), which is still within the online version, at
the natural U background in topsoil. It is believed that phosphate j.apgeochem.2013.08.001.
rocks used to manufacture P fertilizer contain elevated levels of
some trace elements including uranium and top-dressing with P References
fertilizer can result in higher concentrations of U in surface soil
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