Laboratory Requirements

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Develop a proposal of a Crop/Animal/ Integrated Farm to Market Halal Enterprise/Business

(Feasibility Study or Business Plan) of your choice:

 It should have a crop/ animal/ integrated component.

 It should be detailed. You must use appropriate pictures and tables that will help you
explain the details.
 It should emphasize the Halal features of the enterprise/business from farm to market
chain and the process of certification as Halal.
 Details must be supported by credible sources which need to be indicated as citation and
in the reference section of your proposal.
 You must also indicate where/ from whom your capital will come from, and the financial
aspect of your enterprise.


 Follow any business proposal or feasibility study format in terms of your chapters in the
 Minimum of 50 pages of content (This does not include the cover page, references
section, and pictures).
 First page should be the cover page.
 Tables must have a title on top (Example, Table 1. Indicate the Title) while pictures must
have a title below (Example, Figure 1. Indicate the Title)
 Font - Times New Roman, Size 12
 Double spacing for text content and single spacing for tables and references
 Margin, 1.5 in (left) and 1.0 in (Top, right and bottom)

Submit a hardcopy properly fastened in a folder on the day of the final exam.

Grading Rubric for the Written Report (Halal Enterprise Proposal)

Category Scoring Criteria
Technical Content Topic mastery, including technical correctness
(60%) Appropriate level of detail and thoroughness of documentation
Organization Clearly identified purpose and approach
(15%) Content is clearly organized and supports the objective
Appropriate Transitions between topics
Presentation Easy to read
(15%) Grammatically and stylistically correct
Uniform writing style

Layout/Visuals Consistent presentation of tables and figures
(10%) Uniform document design and layout
100% Total


This is a recorded powerpoint presentation video with a small window at the bottom right corner
which shows the student reporting the proposal.

- Length: 30 mins video

- Report should match the written document but a version that would fit the 30-min time limit.

Reminder: Save the video in your google drive and submit the file link in the google form. Make
sure to allow me access to the file by adding my account,,
in the share setting of the video file.

Scoring Rubric for Video Report

Category Scoring Criteria Total
The type of presentation is appropriate for the topic and 5
Organization audience.
(15 points) Information is presented in a logical sequence. 5
Presentation appropriately cites requisite number of 5
Introduction is attention-getting, lays out the problem 5
well, and establishes a framework for the rest of the
Content Technical terms are well-defined in language appropriate 5
(45 points) for
the target audience.
Presentation contains accurate information. 10
Material included is relevant to the overall 10
Appropriate amount of material is prepared, and points 10
reflect well their relative importance.
There is an obvious conclusion summarizing the 5
Speaker maintains good eye contact with the audience 5
and is
appropriately animated (e.g., gestures, moving around,
Presentation etc.).
(40 points) Speaker uses a clear, audible voice. 5

Delivery is poised, controlled, and smooth. 5
Good language skills and pronunciation are used. 5
Visual aids are well prepared, informative, effective, and 5
Length of presentation is within the assigned time limits. 5
Information was well communicated. 10
Score Total Points 100

- END -

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