Get Your Client (Part 2)

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And I hate to swear - but:

➔ This will work even if you use Twitter.

➔ Or maybe Instagram is your best platform.

➔ And LinkedIn? You better believe it, darling!

So here’s how you’ll get your first client faster with easy method
I’ve used:
Plus, you’ll swipe my exact template for easy use.

But since 100s of readers will see this letter…

Then I urge you to rewrite the template better.


If you send a pitch to a quality client…

And it happens to be the same pitch he received from someone else…

Then tell me, how do you think the client will perceive you?

Mediocre copywriter!

My advice:

Avoid that rubbish (because it’ll make you look so dumb!)

So, shall we get back to the full story on how I got this client on
Facebook in 2022?
Before that…

How can you make a client value you if you’re a newbie?

Well, you’ll need to learn how to EDUCATE your potential clients.

Most of these clients have no clue what direct response copywriting is.

In fact, your potential clients don’t know about all of the principles you’ve been learning.

So you need to teach them why they need your service without
being cheated at all!

I had the pleasure of working with a woman who was struggling with her sales copy in
early 2022.

And secretly, she was sad but nobody rescued her.


No copywriter sent her message (lesson: don’t assume people don’t need your help).

Moving on:

I stumbled upon this woman's profile in a comment section of Mr Czar Anikulapo’s post
on Facebook.

And her comment was all about:

“I’m yet to get a reply from you sir, Mr Czar. Could you please check your inbox?”

So as a smart copywriter….

I was like: “Mr Czar is a copywriter - so this woman must be

seeking help to fix her business or something close!”
And yeah…

I know that was an assumption.

So quickly, I was drawn to her business.

And after studying her for 4 days through her old and recent posts…
Then I reached out to her with an irresistible offer to help
improve her sales copy.
At first, the woman was scared to work with me.


After I sent a weak pitch to her.


Human beings don’t like to part with their money!

For example:

Some individuals may be more willing to spend money on experiences…

…or products that align with their passions or interests -

While others may prioritize saving money for future goals or emergencies.

So she was skeptical of paying me to help her (just imagine).

But because I need to build my portfolio…

And of course, not working for free at all…

Then I explained the benefits of investing in high-quality sales copy to her.

Also, I provided her with a comprehensive analysis of her current copy…

…and I outlined specific changes that would make her message more compelling and

Note: I did all these before I sent her my first message. Why? To
create a powerful impression that I know what I’m doing!
And here’s the message below:

Hi (name),

I’ve been studying direct marketing from some of the greatest Copywriters
in the world.

And after looking at your sales page and thinking {this and that} could be

I’d love to rewrite your sales page and as long as your conversion rate

You’ll pay me 5% of your increased revenue, with a maximum of $1,000.

That means you’d ONLY pay me if you earn more money.

Let me know if you’d like me to work on this.


Abdulhameed. A


Simple, right?


Great pitches should never be unnecessarily long and fancy!

But what is the meaning of:

You’ll pay me 5% of your increased revenue, with a maximum of

Let me break it down:


This statement means…

“I’ll receive payment from the woman based on a percentage.

Specifically, I’ll ONLY collect 5% of the amount by which the woman’s revenue has

But there is a limit on the amount I can receive from her.


I’ll not be paid more than $1,000, even if the increase in revenue
is larger than that.
And do you need an example?

If the woman’s revenue increases by $20,000…

Then I'll only receive 5% of $20,000, which is $1,000.

And what if her revenue increases by $50,000…

Then I’ll only receive $1,000, as this is the maximum amount I can get from her.

Now, if you can get $49,000 - and you reward me with ONLY
$1,000, then is it NOT a steal for her?
Exactly! It is.

And after implementing my recommended changes…

She saw a significant increase in sales and revenue.

And she was thrilled with the results and credited my expertise for the success of her

Plus it was truly rewarding to see the impact my work had on her business and her life.

In the end, my irresistible offer and persuasive sales pitch convinced this woman to take
a chance on my services.

And by investing in high-quality sales copy…

She was able to overcome her initial hesitation and ultimately achieve the success she
had been striving for.

And after a few weeks of working to improve her sales…

She willingly paid N70,000 to compensate me for the job well-done.

But still, I had to stop working with this woman.

Why? She was struggling with a mindset block (which is hard to fix for her).

And heck, it’ll affect the way she percieve my work.

So I had to let her go (because you can’t keep some clients).

And this is not because they’re evil.

Now Look. If You Don’t Get Any Reply After Using This

Then it’s either the client is not interested (which is cool)

But still, instead of you to keep pitching who's likely to ghost you…

Then why can’t you find more clients where they’re showing their weakness?

Good places to target:

➔ Twitter comment section (of some Gurus in your niche)

➔ Facebook comment section (of influencers in your niche)

➔ Copywriting groups (be a great observant to know who need urgent help)

In fact, I got a few guys to join this “dynamic inner circle”...

…by using Stefan Georgi’s Facebook group.

But how?
Be 100% willing to help for free.

And some guys might pay you back (if they’re NOT broke).

But still, the more help you render…

The more relevant you’ll be in people’s eyes.


Abdulhameed. A. Elephchild


Is this the last client acquisition letter you’ll receive from me?


So this is just part 2.

Expect more.

Stay safe.

Got questions to ask?

I’ll reply to you quickly here.

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