Pelican 1

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Voidborn Imperial Fleet Savant Aegidius Halikarn

Silvanto "Pelican-1" Canto

25 30 30 30 40 40 40 35 30
10 10
25 30 30 30 50 40 50 35 30

30 25 25 Humans Medicae 1 45
50 1 55 40 2 50 Engineering Tech 1 55
50 35
35 50 2 60
30 35
50 30 30
40 30
40 50 1 55
40 50
40 40 2 50

Imperial Fleet 2
The Inquisition 1

Inquisitor Aegidius Halikarn

Gaius "Eagle-1" Merra

Acute Sense, Vision (Pg. 102) May take tests related to vision others normally wouldn't be able to
Artistic, Music (Pg. 103) +2 SL to tests related to singing or performing music
Attentive Assistant (Pg. 103) May aid others without advances in skill, if she does have one, add 1 SL
Void Legs 1 (Pg. 117) Immunity to void sickness, no disadvantage due to void enviroment
25 30 55
12 12
Laspistol Pistol 30 5 Med 4 - Burst, Close, Loud, Reliable
Knife One-Handed 25 3 - - - Subtle, Thrown (Short)
Stub Revolver Pistol 30 6 Med 6 - Close, Loud, Reliable
2x Heavy Bolter (Ship) Ordnance 60 10 Long 6 - Penetrating (5), Rapid Fire (3), Spread
1x Frag Missile (Ship) Ordnance 60 8 Extreme 1 - Blast, Loud, Unstable


Auspex (1)
Blast: Target a zone instead of an individual
Burst: -1 Ammo +1 SL Backpack (1/0)
Close: No disadvantage from Immediate range Combi-Tool (0)
Loud: Alerts everyone in Long Range
Dataslate (0)
Penetrating (x): Ignore x armour
Rapid Fire (x): use x ammo, deal +x damage, may Spread Mag Boots (Shoddy) (0)
Reliable: on a fumble roll 1d10, ignore it on 4+ Photo-Visors (0) 500 Solars
Spread: All within Immediate range of target make dodge test or suffer
Survival Gear (3)
half damage, full damge if gained via Rapid Fire
Subtle: Imposes disadvantage to detect with awareness Void Suit (5)
Thrown (x): Can attack targets in range, needs to be retrieved to use again
Unstable: If the attack fumbles the weapon self-destructs and explodes
Vox Bead (0)

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