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1.0. Background of the Study

Public Relations (PR) is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial

relationships between organizations and their publics (Alexis, 2023). In recent years, the

application of PR strategies has become increasingly essential in various sectors, including the

educational domain. The Federal University Oye Ekiti (FUOYE), established in 2011 (History –

Federal University Oye Ekiti (FUOYE), 2021), has been growing rapidly, facing diverse

challenges and opportunities. This study aims to explore the application of public relations

strategies in FUOYE from 2015 to 2023, evaluating its impact on the university's image,

stakeholder relations, and overall institutional development.

To understand the context in which public relations strategies are applied at FUOYE, it is crucial

to delve into the university's history and development. The establishment of FUOYE was a

response to the growing demand for quality higher education in Ekiti State, Nigeria. This

information is drawn from the university's official documentation and reports, including the

"Federal University Oye Ekiti Act" (2011).

The application of public relations in the educational sector has evolved, recognizing that

universities are not only academic institutions but also entities that interact with various

stakeholders. According to Cutlip, Center, and Broom (2006), effective PR in higher education

involves creating and maintaining positive relationships with internal and external audiences,

including students, faculty, staff, alumni, government bodies, and the local community.

Given the dynamic nature of higher education and the increasing competition among

universities, understanding how public relations strategies are applied in FUOYE becomes

crucial. The study will shed light on the effectiveness of existing PR strategies and propose

improvements for enhancing the university's reputation, attracting students and funding, and

fostering positive community relations.

PR in educational institutions has evolved over the years, influenced by advancements in

communication technology and changes in societal expectations. The work of Grunig and Hunt

(1984) on the four models of public relations (Press Agentry/Publicity, Public Information, Two-

Way Asymmetric, and Two-Way Symmetric) provides a theoretical framework for assessing the

nature of communication strategies employed by FUOYE.

Analyzing the documented PR activities of FUOYE from 2015 to 2023 will provide insights into

the strategies employed by the university. This involves examining press releases, official

statements, social media engagement, events, and other communication channels. Previous

studies on the application of PR in higher education (Dolphin, 2017; Smith, 2019) can serve as a

benchmark for evaluating the effectiveness of FUOYE's strategies.

The educational sector, including FUOYE, faces unique challenges such as funding constraints,

increased competition, and the need to adapt to the digital era. PR strategies play a pivotal role in

addressing these challenges and leveraging opportunities. Insights from studies on PR challenges

in higher education (Grunig, 2001; Ledingham, 2003) will be considered in assessing FUOYE's


This background provides a foundation for understanding the research topic, emphasizing the

importance of PR in the educational sector and setting the stage for an in-depth analysis of

FUOYE's application of public relations strategies from 2015 to 2023. The study seeks to

contribute valuable insights for academic, administrative, and PR professionals in optimizing

communication practices in higher education institutions.

1.1 Statement of the Problem

The problem at hand revolves around the assessment of the efficacy of public relations (PR)

strategies employed by the Federal University Oye Ekiti (FUOYE) from 2015 to 2023 within the

educational sector. Despite the university's significant growth since its establishment in 2011,

various critical issues demand scrutiny. First and foremost is the management of FUOYE's

image and reputation, with a focus on understanding how PR efforts contribute to these essential

aspects (Grunig & Huang, 2000). Additionally, the examination of stakeholder relations,

encompassing students, faculty, staff, alumni, government agencies, and the local community, is

crucial to ascertain how PR strategies facilitate positive engagement and relationship

maintenance (Smith, 2019). Adapting to technological changes in the digital era is another key

aspect, requiring an exploration of how FUOYE aligns its PR strategies with digital platforms for

effective communication, outreach, and engagement (Grunig, 2001).

The rationale for this study lies in the dynamic and competitive nature of the educational sector,

prompting the need to critically assess the challenges and opportunities in the application of PR

strategies at FUOYE. By identifying gaps and offering recommendations, this research will

contribute valuable insights for enhancing the effectiveness of public relations in the university


1.2 Objectives of the Study

The main objectives of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the application of

public relations (PR) strategies in the Federal University Oye Ekiti (FUOYE) from 2015 to 2023,

focusing on key aspects within the educational sector. Other specific objectives are to:

1. assess the impact of public relations strategies employed by FUOYE on the university's

image and reputation.

2. evaluate the effectiveness of communication channels utilized by FUOYE for

disseminating information.

3. investigate how FUOYE's public relations strategies contribute to the university's

competitive positioning within the higher education landscape.

4. explore how FUOYE adapts its PR strategies to leverage digital platforms and emerging

technologies for effective communication, outreach, and engagement in the contemporary

digital era.

1.3. Research Questions

1. How do the public relations strategies implemented by FUOYE impact the university's

image and reputation?

2. What is the effectiveness of the communication channels utilized by FUOYE, including

official statements, press releases, and social media engagement?

3. How do the public relations strategies employed by FUOYE contribute to the university's

competitive positioning within the higher education landscape?

4. In the contemporary digital era, how does FUOYE adapt its public relations strategies to

leverage digital platforms and emerging technologies for communication, outreach, and


1.4. Significance of the Study

This study holds significant implications for both academic and practical domains, particularly

within the realm of public relations (PR) in higher education. It stands to offer valuable insights

for PR practitioners within the academic sector, providing practical guidance based on the

specific challenges and opportunities identified at the Federal University Oye Ekiti (FUOYE).

The examination of the impact of PR strategies on FUOYE's image and reputation management

can serve as a model for other universities, aiding in the development of strategies to foster

positive perceptions among diverse stakeholders. Additionally, the study's assessment of

communication channels aims to inform universities on optimizing their communication

strategies, ensuring efficient dissemination of information to various target audiences.

Furthermore, the investigation into how PR strategies contribute to FUOYE's competitive

positioning within the higher education landscape can offer a blueprint for differentiation

strategies. This insight may inspire other institutions to adopt innovative approaches in order to

stand out in the increasingly competitive academic environment. The exploration of how

FUOYE adapts its PR strategies to leverage digital platforms and emerging technologies is

particularly relevant in the contemporary digital era, providing guidance for universities seeking

to stay relevant and effectively engage stakeholders in the digital landscape.

Academically, the study contributes to the existing body of knowledge in public relations,

specifically within the educational sector. The empirical evidence and research findings can

serve as a valuable reference for future scholars, researchers, and students interested in the

intricate relationship between public relations and higher education. Overall, the significance of

this study extends beyond FUOYE, offering practical recommendations that can positively

impact public relations practices in higher education, shaping the decision-making processes of

universities and influencing future research in the field.

1.5. Scope of the Study

This study is specifically bounded by a focused exploration of the application of public relations

(PR) strategies within the Federal University Oye Ekiti (FUOYE) from 2015 to 2023. The

temporal emphasis on this period enables an in-depth analysis of the evolution and effectiveness

of FUOYE's PR strategies. The geographical scope of the study is delimited to FUOYE's campus

and its immediate surroundings in Ekiti State, Nigeria. This targeted approach ensures a

concentrated examination of FUOYE's unique context and PR practices, excluding a broader

analysis of other higher education institutions. The study centers on various PR strategies

employed by FUOYE, including official statements, press releases, social media engagement,

events, and other communication channels. Stakeholders considered encompass students, faculty,

staff, alumni, government bodies, and the local community associated with FUOYE, focusing on

how PR strategies engage and impact these key stakeholders. The analysis also extends to the

evaluation of communication channels' effectiveness, specifically examining official statements,

press releases, and social media, in disseminating information to diverse target audiences. The

study's scope further includes an exploration of how FUOYE adapts its PR strategies to leverage

digital platforms and emerging technologies, examining the integration of digital tools for

communication, outreach, and engagement in the contemporary digital era. Additionally, the

investigation encompasses an analysis of how FUOYE's PR strategies contribute to the

university's competitive positioning within the higher education landscape, emphasizing

differentiation strategies relative to other universities. Lastly, the geographical limitations of the

study confine its focus to the FUOYE campus and its immediate surroundings in Ekiti State, with

external factors beyond this region not considered in the analysis. In defining these parameters,

the study aims for a detailed and specific examination of the dynamics and effectiveness of PR

strategies within the unique context of FUOYE during the specified period.

1.6. Operational Definition of Terms

To ensure clarity and precision in the study, key terms are operationally defined as follows:

Public Relations (PR): In the context of this study, public relations refers to the strategic

communication efforts and activities undertaken by Federal University Oye Ekiti (FUOYE) from

2015 to 2023. It includes the planned dissemination of information, management of relationships

with stakeholders, and initiatives aimed at shaping and maintaining the university's image and


Image: Image, for the purpose of this study, is operationally defined as the perceived impression

and reputation of FUOYE held by its stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff, alumni,

government bodies, and the local community. It encompasses both visual and experiential

aspects that influence stakeholders' views of the university.

Reputation: Reputation, in the context of this study, refers to the overall assessment and

standing of FUOYE within the higher education landscape. It includes perceptions of the

university's academic quality, integrity, and contributions to society, as well as the opinions held

by external entities and the general public.

Communication Channels: Communication channels operationalize as the various mediums

and platforms employed by FUOYE for disseminating information. This encompasses official

statements, press releases, social media platforms, events, and other means through which the

university communicates with its stakeholders.

Competitive Positioning: Competitive positioning, in this study, refers to the strategic stance

and perceived standing of FUOYE relative to other higher education institutions. It includes the

differentiation strategies implemented by FUOYE to distinguish itself in the competitive

landscape and attract students, faculty, and resources.

Digital Platforms: Digital platforms operationalize as online channels and technologies used by

FUOYE for communication purposes. This includes websites, social media platforms (such as

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram), email, and other emerging technologies that facilitate digital

communication, outreach, and engagement.

Adaptation to Digital Era: The adaptation to the digital era refers to FUOYE's strategic

adjustments and incorporation of digital tools and technologies into its PR strategies. This

includes leveraging digital platforms for communication, outreach, and engagement in response

to the evolving landscape of information dissemination and stakeholder interaction.

Stakeholders: Stakeholders operationalize as individuals or groups directly involved or affected

by FUOYE, including but not limited to students, faculty, staff, alumni, government bodies, and

the local community. The study focuses on understanding how PR strategies impact and engage

these key stakeholders.



2.0. Introduction

The Review of Literature is an essential component of this study, providing a comprehensive

examination of existing scholarly works and research findings related to the application of public

relations (PR) strategies in higher education institutions. This chapter serves as a foundation for

understanding the theoretical frameworks, key concepts, and empirical studies relevant to the

research topic—specifically, the context of the Federal University Oye Ekiti (FUOYE) from

2015 to 2023. By delving into the literature, this chapter aims to synthesize knowledge, identify

gaps, and establish a theoretical framework that informs the subsequent analysis and findings of

the study.

2.1. Conceptual Review

The conceptual review in this chapter aims to provide a theoretical foundation for understanding

the key concepts and terms central to the study on the application of public relations (PR)

strategies in the context of higher education, specifically within the framework of the Federal

University Oye Ekiti (FUOYE) from 2015 to 2023.

2.1.1. Public Relations

Public Relations (PR) in higher education is a strategic communication discipline that focuses on

building and maintaining positive relationships between educational institutions and their diverse

stakeholders (Bhavik, 2016). It involves planned and deliberate efforts to manage the flow of

information between the institution and its audiences, with the goal of creating a favorable public

perception and fostering mutual understanding. In the context of higher education, PR plays a

pivotal role in shaping the image, reputation, and overall public standing of the institution.

According to Cutlip, Center, and Broom (2006), public relations in higher education is

multifaceted, encompassing communication strategies that go beyond traditional marketing and

advertising. It involves engaging with various stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff,

alumni, government bodies, and the local community. The goal is to establish and maintain

positive relationships that contribute to the institution's success, attract prospective students and

faculty, secure funding, and enhance its overall impact on society.

As noted by Heath and Coombs (2006), public relations in higher education goes beyond

disseminating information; it involves building a sense of community and shared identity.

Educational institutions need to communicate their mission, values, achievements, and

contributions effectively to create a positive perception among stakeholders. This process is

dynamic, requiring adaptability to changing societal expectations, technological advancements,

and the evolving landscape of higher education.

Public relations strategies in higher education often include media relations, crisis

communication, community outreach, event planning, and digital communication through

various platforms. The effectiveness of these strategies is contingent on understanding the unique

context and diverse needs of the stakeholders involved.

2.1.2. Image and Reputation

In the education sector, the concepts of image and reputation are fundamental to the success and

sustainability of educational institutions. Image refers to the perceived impression held by

stakeholders about an institution, encapsulating both visual and experiential aspects (Amon,

2018). Reputation, on the other hand, represents the overall assessment and standing of an

institution within the higher education landscape. Both concepts are intricately linked and play a

crucial role in shaping the perception of the institution among its various stakeholders.

Kotler and Fox (1995) posit that image in higher education is closely tied to the visual and

symbolic representation of the institution. It encompasses elements such as the physical campus,

visual identity, branding, and the portrayal of academic excellence. The visual elements

contribute to the creation of a distinctive and memorable image that resonates with stakeholders,

including prospective students, faculty, and the broader community.

Reputation, as defined by Fombrun (1996), is a broader and more holistic concept that extends

beyond the visual representation. It encompasses the perceptions of an institution's academic

quality, integrity, contributions to society, and overall impact. Reputation is built over time

through consistent positive actions, ethical behavior, and the fulfillment of the institution's


In the context of higher education, image and reputation are crucial for attracting students,

faculty, and funding. A positive image contributes to the overall attractiveness of the institution,

influencing the enrollment decisions of prospective students and the recruitment of high-quality

faculty (Balmer, 2012). The reputation of an institution is often considered a key factor in

ranking systems and accreditation processes, further emphasizing its significance in the

competitive higher education landscape.

As noted by Van Riel and Balmer (1997), the management of image and reputation involves

strategic communication efforts. Public relations strategies are employed to shape the narrative

surrounding the institution, highlight its strengths, and address any challenges transparently. This

aligns with the overall goal of creating a positive and enduring image that contributes to a

favorable reputation.

2.1.3. Communication Channels

Communication channels in higher education refer to the diverse mediums and platforms through

which institutions disseminate information, engage stakeholders, and manage relationships

(Darkoaa et al., 2015). The effective utilization of these channels is critical for building and

maintaining positive connections with various audiences, including students, faculty, staff,

alumni, government bodies, and the local community. Understanding the dynamics of

communication channels is essential for evaluating the efficacy of public relations (PR)

strategies within the educational context.

In the aspect of higher education, diverse communication channels are employed to convey

information to different target groups. Official statements, press releases, newsletters, websites,

social media platforms, events, and direct interactions are some examples of communication

channels. Each channel serves a specific purpose and reaches distinct audiences, contributing to

the overall communication strategy of the institution.

According to Cutlip, Center, and Broom (2006), communication channels play a vital role in

disseminating information accurately and promptly. Universities often use official statements

and press releases to communicate significant developments, achievements, or responses to

critical issues. The choice of these channels is strategic, aiming to reach both internal and

external stakeholders while maintaining a consistent and credible voice.

Social media platforms have gained prominence as crucial communication channels in higher

education (Kent, Taylor, & White, 2003). Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

offer universities the opportunity to engage with diverse audiences in real-time, share updates,

and foster a sense of community. The interactive nature of social media enables immediate

feedback and facilitates a two-way communication flow.

Additionally, academic websites serve as central hubs for information dissemination. They not

only provide comprehensive details about academic programs but also showcase the institution's

values, mission, and achievements. A well-designed website is crucial for creating a positive

online presence, influencing the perceptions of prospective students, faculty, and other

stakeholders (Ewing, 2009).

As highlighted by Ledingham (2003), events and direct interactions also constitute important

communication channels. University-hosted events, such as open houses, conferences, and

alumni gatherings, facilitate face-to-face engagement, contributing to relationship-building and

the overall image of the institution.

The evaluation of communication channels within the context of FUOYE will involve an

assessment of the effectiveness of these channels in reaching and engaging the intended

audiences. It also requires an exploration of how these channels align with the institution's goals,

values, and the broader landscape of higher education communication.

2.1.4. Competitive Positioning

Competitive positioning in higher education involves the strategic efforts of an institution to

distinguish itself from other universities in the academic landscape (Dhanwatay, 2019). It

encompasses the unique attributes, strengths, and values that set an institution apart, contributing

to its attractiveness to prospective students, faculty, and stakeholders. Understanding and

effectively managing competitive positioning is crucial for the long-term success and

sustainability of higher education institutions.

According to Porter (1985), competitive positioning is fundamentally about creating a unique

value proposition that allows an institution to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. In the

context of higher education, this advantage can manifest in various forms, including academic

excellence, research contributions, faculty expertise, student outcomes, and distinctive programs.

Porter emphasizes the importance of differentiation and cost leadership as key components of

competitive strategy, and these principles are applicable to the higher education sector.

Differentiation is particularly relevant in higher education, where institutions seek to stand out in

a crowded marketplace. As highlighted by Kotler and Fox (1995), differentiation involves

developing unique features and attributes that are valued by stakeholders. This could include

specialized academic programs, innovative teaching methods, cutting-edge research, or a

commitment to social responsibility. These distinctive elements contribute to the institution's

competitive positioning and influence the perceptions of various stakeholders.

Reputation management is closely tied to competitive positioning in higher education (Balmer,

2012). A positive reputation enhances an institution's competitiveness by attracting high-caliber

students, faculty, and funding. Balmer emphasizes the role of brand identity in shaping the

reputation of higher education institutions and how this identity contributes to their competitive


In the study of competitive positioning, it is essential to consider the broader environmental

factors influencing higher education, including demographic trends, technological advancements,

and societal expectations. As noted by Barney (1991), a thorough analysis of the external

environment helps institutions identify and leverage resources and capabilities that contribute to

their competitive advantage.

The exploration of competitive positioning in the context of the Federal University Oye Ekiti

(FUOYE) will involve an assessment of how the institution differentiates itself, what unique

value propositions it offers, and how these elements contribute to its overall competitive standing

within the higher education landscape.

2.1.5. Digital Platforms

Digital platforms in higher education encompass the diverse online channels and technologies

utilized by institutions to communicate, engage stakeholders, and adapt to the evolving landscape

of information dissemination. In an era marked by technological advancements, the integration

of digital tools is integral to effective public relations (PR) strategies. Understanding the role and

impact of digital platforms is crucial for institutions like the Federal University Oye Ekiti

(FUOYE) to stay relevant, enhance communication, and foster engagement.

The shift toward digital platforms is a response to the changing expectations of stakeholders,

particularly students who are digital natives. As highlighted by Junco and Timm (2008), digital

platforms such as social media provide opportunities for institutions to connect with students on

platforms they are already familiar with. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and

Instagram enable universities to share timely updates, engage in conversations, and cultivate a

sense of community.

Websites are foundational digital platforms for higher education institutions. They serve as

central hubs of information, providing details about academic programs, faculty, research

initiatives, and institutional values. A well-designed website enhances the online presence of an

institution and contributes to a positive perception among prospective students and stakeholders

(Ewing, 2009).

The concept of digital platforms also extends to email communication, which remains a primary

mode of official correspondence. Effective use of email allows institutions to disseminate

important information, newsletters, and announcements directly to the inboxes of students,

faculty, and other stakeholders (Dawson, 2014).

Furthermore, the adaptation to the digital era involves the integration of emerging technologies,

such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), into communication strategies. These

technologies offer immersive experiences for prospective students, allowing them to explore

campuses, attend virtual events, and gain insights into academic life (Dunleavy, Dede, &

Mitchell, 2009).

The study of digital platforms at FUOYE will involve an examination of how these tools are

employed to enhance communication, outreach, and engagement. It will assess the effectiveness

of social media, websites, email communication, and emerging technologies in achieving the

institution's communication goals in the contemporary digital landscape.

2.1.6. Stakeholders

Stakeholders in higher education represent individuals or groups who have a vested interest in

the activities, outcomes, and reputation of an educational institution. Understanding and

effectively engaging with stakeholders is a crucial aspect of public relations (PR) strategies, as

their perceptions and support can significantly impact the success and sustainability of the

institution. In the context of the Federal University Oye Ekiti (FUOYE), stakeholders include

students, faculty, staff, alumni, government bodies, and the local community.

The concept of stakeholders in higher education is rooted in the broader stakeholder theory,

which asserts that organizations should consider the interests and concerns of all parties affected

by their actions (Freeman, 1984). This perspective recognizes that universities, as complex

organizations, exist within a network of relationships with various individuals and groups, each

with distinct needs and expectations.

Students are central stakeholders in higher education. Their experiences, satisfaction, and

achievements directly influence the reputation and success of the institution (Nidumolu,

Subramanian, & Aldrich, 2003). Engaging students through effective communication, support

services, and involvement in decision-making processes enhances their connection with the


Faculty members play a critical role in the academic reputation and success of an institution.

Their expertise, research contributions, and teaching quality contribute to the overall image of

the university (Bringle & Hatcher, 1996). Effective communication, recognition, and

collaboration opportunities are key in engaging faculty as stakeholders.

Administrative and support staff are essential stakeholders whose contributions impact the daily

functioning of the institution. Their satisfaction, morale, and commitment contribute to the

overall organizational climate (Rhoades & Eisenberger, 2002). Recognition, professional

development, and clear communication are crucial for engaging staff effectively.

Alumni represent a valuable stakeholder group with a lasting connection to the institution. Their

achievements and perceptions contribute to the reputation and success of the university

(Mattingly, Rice, & Kraemer, 2007). Building and maintaining strong alumni relations involve

effective communication, engagement initiatives, and recognizing their contributions.

Government bodies, including regulatory agencies and policymakers, influence the regulatory

environment and funding opportunities for higher education institutions. Engaging with these

stakeholders involves compliance with regulations, advocacy for institutional needs, and

effective communication (Deem, 1998).

The local community surrounding the institution is a significant stakeholder group. Universities

impact the local economy, culture, and environment. Building positive relationships with the

community involves transparent communication, community outreach programs, and addressing

community concerns (Trowler, 2010).

Understanding the unique needs, expectations, and contributions of each stakeholder group is

crucial for developing tailored PR strategies at FUOYE. Engaging stakeholders in meaningful

ways fosters a sense of community, enhances institutional support, and contributes to the overall

success of the university.

2.2. Empirical Review

In 2021, Ejiofor conducted a study titled "Impact of Public Relations Strategies on the

Performance of Institutions of Higher Learning." The research aimed to assess the influence of

public relations strategies on the performance of higher learning institutions in Nigeria.

Specifically, the objectives included evaluating the role of public relations in decision-making,

examining the effectiveness of public relations in preventing crises such as strikes and cult

activities, and comparing the utilization of public relations strategies between the University of

Nigeria and the Institute of Management and Technology.

To achieve these objectives, a descriptive research design was employed, with a population size

of 36. The sample size of 33 was determined using the Taro Yamane formula. Data were

primarily collected through questionnaires and interviews, ensuring content validity and

establishing test-retest reliability with a coefficient of 0.74, indicating a high degree of

consistency. The study tested five hypotheses using the chi-square (X2) test.

The findings indicated a significant impact of public relations strategies on the performance of

higher learning institutions. However, it also revealed that public relations units play a limited

role in decision-making processes. The application of public relations strategies was identified as

contributing to the prevention of strikes and cult activities in these institutions. Additionally, the

research highlighted that, in terms of public relations, the University of Nigeria outperformed the

Institute of Management and Technology.

Based on these findings, the study recommended that public relations personnel in higher

learning institutions actively participate in decision-making processes and be granted free access

to relevant information. Recognizing the indispensable role of public relations, the

recommendations emphasized the need for proactive involvement to enhance the overall

performance and growth of these institutions.

Putri Anggreni in 2018, conducted an empirical study titled "The Role of Public Relations as A

Management Function in Higher Education." The primary objective of this research was to

examine the position and function of public relations within the management framework of

educational institutions, with a focus on universities. The study aimed to identify the roles and

performance of public relations officers and evaluate their effectiveness as integral components

of the management structure.

To achieve these objectives, a qualitative descriptive research method was employed, with

Mahendradatta University Public Relations and internal stakeholders as the subjects. The data

collection process involved interviews conducted using an interview guide to extract information

necessary for addressing the research objectives.

The findings of the study revealed that not all public relations officers at Mahendradatta

University fulfilled their roles as authentic public relations professionals. Additionally, a lack of

uniform understanding among these officers was identified regarding the true responsibilities of

a public relations role, leading to a tendency to equate public relations with marketing functions.

Based on the study outcomes, recommendations were provided. It was suggested that

Mahendradatta University should invest in clarifying and reinforcing the distinct roles and

responsibilities of public relations officers within the organizational structure. This includes

fostering a comprehensive understanding of the unique contributions of public relations that

differentiate it from marketing functions. By taking these steps, the university could enhance the

effectiveness of its public relations team, contributing to organizational goals and maintaining

accountability through measurable outcomes.

In the research conducted by Dominic and Kusugh in 2022, titled "Public Relations Strategies in

the Management of Tertiary Institutions in Post COVID-19 Nigeria: An Empirical Study," the

primary objectives centered on investigating the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on

Nigeria's education sector, specifically within tertiary institutions. The study also aimed to

scrutinize and assess the public relations strategies implemented in the management of the post-

COVID-19 reopening phase.

Employing the Stakeholders and Excellence Theories of Public Relations practice, the

researchers utilized secondary sources for data collection. The data underwent thematic

qualitative analysis, shedding light on the challenges confronted by the education sector during

the pandemic and the subsequent reopening period.

The findings of the study underscored the significant impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic

on the education sector, with a particular focus on Nigeria. Noteworthy challenges encountered

by tertiary institutions during the reopening process were elucidated. Additionally, the research

identified pivotal public relations strategies essential for successful school reopening and

efficient recovery. These strategies encompassed engaging stakeholders in safe reopening plans,

targeted resource allocation, building confidence among returning students, creating secure

learning environments, and accelerating the recuperation of lost learning activities.

The study emphasized the indispensable role of public relations in the effective management of

school reopening and recovery post-COVID-19. Despite recognizing the centrality of public

relations, the research highlighted challenges within school practices that could hinder the

desired success in the reopening and recovery process. The authors concluded by recommending

the resolution of these challenges to ensure a smoother transition for tertiary institutions in the

post-pandemic period.

In the study conducted by Zlatanović-Marković et al. (2022), titled "Public Relations in the

Educational System: Assessing the Impact of the 'School and the Public' Program (2009–2014),"

the primary objective was to investigate the effects of the program on the organization of the

school system and the level of communication between the education system and the public

during its implementation from 2009 to 2014.

To achieve this, a questionnaire was employed, specifically designed for training participants,

with 694 respondents from the Center for Professional Development of Employees. The

questionnaire, crafted by the Institute for the Advancement of Education and Upbringing, aimed

to gather insights into the participants' perspectives. Data processing utilized descriptive statistics

in Microsoft Excel, and the results were presented through tables and graphs.

The findings of the study revealed that a significant majority of participants, exceeding 90%,

expressed positive sentiments about the "School and the Public" program. This positive response

indicates that education professionals recognize the importance of personal training and active

engagement in communication processes between educational institutions and the public.

In conclusion, participants in the study provided clear indications of an evident improvement in

communication between educational institutions and the public. This improvement was linked to

the positive affirmation of the institution's work and the establishment of a favorable image.

Additionally, the program played a crucial role in addressing critical issues and problems in the

functioning and operations of educational institutions.

As a recommendation based on the positive outcomes observed, the study suggests that

educational institutions should continue to invest in similar programs fostering communication

between the education system and the public. Emphasizing personal training and engagement in

such initiatives is seen as contributing to the establishment of a positive institutional image and

the effective resolution of important issues. The study also suggests the need for further research

to explore the long-term impact of such programs on the overall dynamics of the educational


In 2019, Nikita Dhanwatay conducted a research study titled "Public Relations in Higher

Educational Sector" with the following objectives: first, to examine whether public relations is

merely a form of publicity; second, to investigate the role of public relations in educational

institutes. The method employed involved the design and administration of a questionnaire to

gather responses from faculty members engaged in teaching MBA, MCOM, and other higher

educational courses.

The findings of the study revealed that despite the initiation of a contemporary approach by some

institutes, many have not fully grasped the genuine significance of public relations. Although

there is awareness, the complete understanding of its potential benefits remains lacking in several

educational institutions.

Based on the results, the study recommends that educational institutes should go beyond viewing

public relations as a tool for mere publicity. Instead, they are encouraged to recognize its

nuanced role and adopt a more modern and comprehensive approach. This shift is deemed

crucial to maximizing the benefits of public relations, enhancing the visibility of educational

institutions, and fostering competitiveness in the higher education landscape.

In 2009, Silas Odongo conducted a study titled "The Trend of Public Relations Practice in the

Education Sector in Kenya: A Study of Orthodox College of Africa." The primary objectives of

the empirical investigation were to scrutinize the state of Public Relations (PR) in the Kenyan

education sector, focusing on strategies, roles, and challenges in the management, growth, and

development of middle-level colleges. The study specifically targeted the Orthodox College of

Africa, aiming to assess the incorporation of PR in its management structures, evaluate the

effectiveness of PR practices, and identify challenges hindering successful implementation.

To achieve these objectives, a descriptive approach was employed, utilizing questionnaires to

collect data from 60 respondents affiliated with the Orthodox College of Africa. The institution's

selection was motivated by its location in a cosmopolitan city and its notable PR practices. Data

analysis involved descriptive statistics, including tables and percentages, and a narrative report

was generated to present the results.

The findings indicated that PR played a pivotal role in the management of the Orthodox College

of Africa. Successful PR activities and strategies significantly contributed to the college's

expansion in terms of student enrollment, public perception, academic achievements, employee

communication, and community liaison activities. Notably, private colleges demonstrated a

higher prevalence of PR departments compared to public institutions.

However, the study also identified several challenges affecting effective PR practice, including

inadequate financial allocation, a lack of management support, poor planning and coordination of

PR activities, and confusion regarding PR roles within the organizational structure.

In response to these challenges, the study proposed practical recommendations to enhance PR

practices in the education sector. These recommendations included advocating for in-house PR

implementation, encouraging a positive change in management attitudes toward PR activities,

and ensuring adequate financial allocation to the PR department.

In the study conducted by Maziyyatus et al. in 2023 titled "Public Relations Strategy in School

Image Enhancement at An-Nadwa Integrated Elementary School", the research aims to achieve

several objectives. Firstly, the investigation focuses on understanding the role of community

participation in enhancing the school's image. Secondly, the study explores the implementation

of public relations (PR) management as a vital communication link in educational institutions.

Lastly, the researchers describe the PR strategy employed to position An-Nadwa Integrated

Elementary School as a superior educational institution.

The methodology employed in this research is a descriptive qualitative approach, utilizing

interview techniques, observation, and documentation studies. The main subjects of the study

include PR professionals, school principals, teachers, and students.

The findings of the study indicate that the PR strategy implemented at An-Nadwa Integrated

Elementary School involves fostering effective communication and collaboration between

parents, students, and the community. The emphasis is placed on the significance of cooperation

between these stakeholders and educational institutions. The outcomes underscore the integral

role of PR in shaping a positive image for the school.

Based on the research findings, the study offers recommendations for improvement. Firstly, it

suggests strengthening communication channels between educational institutions, parents, and

the community. Secondly, it advocates for enhanced collaboration efforts between schools and

the community to support educational programs. Lastly, the study recommends continuously

refining PR strategies to consistently portray An-Nadwa Integrated Elementary School as a

preeminent educational institution.

In the investigation conducted by Donald L. Amon in 2018 titled "The Role of Public Relations

in Reshaping the Image of Selected Oklahoma Public Schools: A Case Study", the principal aim

was to delve into the planning and implementation of communication strategies between public

schools and their communities, with the goal of improving perceptions of public education. The

study, employing a case study methodology, focused on 29 participants from four schools of

varying sizes, utilizing Grunig's Excellence Theory and the four models of public relations.

The results of the empirical research demonstrated that the schools actively participated in

communication endeavors to advocate for local and broader public education, with stakeholders

generally perceiving the conveyed messages positively. The superintendent emerged as a pivotal

figure in shaping public relations initiatives, influencing the entire staff. The study highlighted

one-on-one communication as the most effective, while also stressing the significance of

employing diverse communication methods to reach a wider audience.

In light of these findings, the study recommended that schools prioritize accurate, timely, and

consistent communication to build mutual trust with stakeholders. The superintendent's role was

emphasized in spearheading public relations efforts, underscoring the importance of proactive

communication strategies to counter misinformation and cultivate positive perceptions of public


Donald L. Amon in his 2018 empirical study, "The Role of Public Relations in Reshaping the

Image of Selected Oklahoma Public Schools: A Case Study," aimed to investigate the planning

and establishment of communication relationships between public schools and their

communities. The primary objective was to enhance perceptions of public education by

exploring the strategies employed by school administrators in communicating with the public,

evaluating the effectiveness of these efforts, and understanding their impact on public

perceptions of education.

Utilizing a case study approach, the research involved 29 participants from four schools of

varying sizes, drawing on Grunig's Excellence Theory and the four models of public relations.

The study focused on the Press Agent, Public Information, Two-Way Asymmetrical, and Two-

Way Symmetrical models. Data collection included an examination of communication practices

within the schools and an assessment of the reception of these efforts.

The findings indicated active engagement by schools in advocating for local and broad public

education. Stakeholders generally perceived the conveyed messages positively, with the

superintendent playing a crucial role in shaping public relations efforts, influencing the entire

staff. The study highlighted one-on-one communication as the most effective form and

underscored the importance of employing diverse communication methods to reach a broader


Based on the study's results, recommendations included prioritizing accurate, timely, and

consistent communication with stakeholders to establish mutual trust. The superintendent's role

in spearheading public relations efforts was emphasized, emphasizing the necessity of proactive

communication strategies to combat misinformation and foster positive perceptions of public


In 2016, Owoh conducted a study titled "Public Relations Activities as Strategies for Improving

Enrolment in Senior Secondary Schools Technical Subjects for Entrepreneurship." The research

aimed to explore the perceptions of male and female technical teachers in the Enugu education

zone regarding the significance of identified public relations activities as strategies for enhancing

enrolment in senior secondary schools' technical subjects, particularly those related to


To achieve these objectives, the research population included both male and female technical

teachers in the Enugu education zone. The study employed a survey methodology, utilizing a

questionnaire to gather responses from the identified population. The analysis focused on

assessing the perceived importance of the identified public relations strategies and determining

whether there was a significant difference in perception between male and female technical


The findings of the study indicated that both male and female technical teachers perceived the

identified public relations activities as important. Furthermore, the research found no significant

difference in the perceptions of male and female technical teachers regarding the importance of

these strategies for improving enrolment in senior secondary schools' technical subjects.

Based on these findings, the study recommended the active exploration and exploitation of the

identified strategies, primarily involving publicity. It emphasized the importance of using these

public relations activities to effectively promote technical subjects among students and the

broader public. Additionally, the study suggested that highlighting the entrepreneurial aspects of

these subjects could be a key selling point, as they prepare students for future entrepreneurial


2.3. Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework for this study is grounded in the Excellence Theory of Public

Relations, which provides a comprehensive model for understanding and assessing the

effectiveness of public relations practices within organizations. Developed by James E. Grunig

and Larissa A. Grunig, (Grunig & Grunig, 1992), the Excellence Theory posits that organizations

achieve excellence in public relations when they establish and maintain positive relationships

with their various publics through strategic communication.

The Excellence Theory is based on four models of public relations:

Press Agentry/Publicity Model: This model emphasizes one-way communication with an

emphasis on gaining attention and generating publicity. While this model may be suitable for

certain situations, the Excellence Theory contends that true excellence in public relations goes

beyond mere publicity to establish meaningful two-way communication.

Public Information Model: This model involves one-way communication aimed at

disseminating accurate and objective information to the public. The Excellence Theory

recognizes the importance of providing information but argues that true excellence requires

dialogue and engagement, not just information dissemination.

Two-Way Asymmetric Model: In this model, communication is two-way but imbalanced, with

organizations seeking to persuade and manipulate public opinion. The Excellence Theory

advocates for a move towards symmetrical communication, where organizations engage in open

dialogue, listen to feedback, and adjust their strategies based on mutual understanding.

Two-Way Symmetric Model: The Two-Way Symmetric Model, considered the pinnacle of

excellence, involves open and balanced communication with the goal of achieving mutual

understanding and collaboration. Organizations using this model actively engage in dialogue

with their publics, take feedback into account, and adjust their strategies to align with the

interests of both parties.

Application to the Study:

The Excellence Theory serves as a relevant and robust theoretical framework for this study on

the application of public relations strategies in Federal University Oye Ekiti (FUOYE) from

2015 to 2023. By employing this framework, the study aims to assess the level of excellence

achieved by FUOYE in its public relations endeavors. It scrutinize the university's

communication practices, stakeholder engagement strategies, and its ability to adapt to dynamic

challenges within the higher education sector.

Relevance and Contribution:

The significance of employing the Excellence Theory lies in its ability to offer a systematic and

evaluative lens for understanding the effectiveness of public relations strategies. This theoretical

framework guides the study in examining how FUOYE's communication practices align with the

principles of two-way communication, mutual understanding, and collaboration advocated by the

Excellence Theory.

2.4. Summary of Literature Review

The literature review, offers a comprehensive exploration of pertinent concepts and empirical

studies concerning the research theme: "Application of Public Relations Strategy in Educational

Sector: A Study of Federal University Oye Ekiti (2015-2023)." The conceptual review delves

into fundamental principles of public relations, emphasizing the evolving role of the discipline in

the digital era and the critical elements of image, reputation, communication channels,

competitive positioning, and digital platforms. The empirical review scrutinizes findings from

notable studies, such as Ejiofor's assessment of public relations impact on higher learning

institutions and Dominic and Kusugh's investigation into post-COVID-19 public relations

strategies in Nigerian tertiary institutions. These studies contribute valuable insights into the

dynamics of public relations within educational contexts. Grounded in the Excellence Theory of

Public Relations, the theoretical framework provides a structured model for assessing the

effectiveness of public relations practices, guiding the study in evaluating how well Federal

University Oye Ekiti aligns with principles of balanced and two-way communication, mutual

understanding, and collaboration in its public relations endeavors. Collectively, the literature

review establishes a solid foundation for the subsequent investigation into the specific context of

FUOYE's public relations strategies.





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