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Firstly, what’s wrong with this?


➔ Careless assumption

➔ Not intelligent to ask question (since he knows that I always plug it in often)

➔ Not providing a clear solution…”Just check the third line” is not enough.

Now listen.

The lead gen copy is always converting on cold traffic - organically.

And if something is hard to read…

Do you think over 1,000 folks will land on WhatsApp?


Or do you think a total stranger will pay N15,000 willingly when

he knows that it’s totally free?
And yeah, he paid because he was insanely impressed!

Plus in copywriting…

Your opinion is totally useless if the market says otherwise.

And does that mean I can’t add:

➔ More testimonials

➔ More convincing words

➔ Or even re-write the whole copy?

I can do all these within some hours (if I block all distractions).

But still, if something is converting…

Especially if it’s performing better than you expect it to be…

Then it’s a “double sin” to tamper with the copy (unless it stops
Maybe because of the new sophistication level.

So how do you approach a potential client:

➔ With confidence

➔ Professionalism

…even if you're not sure if his sales copy is converting?

Well, you can start by expressing your interest in his business.

And you can compliment him on his copy.

Then, you can ask “open-ended questions” to indirectly force

him to talk.
For what?

To check the success of the copy.

And after that…

You can offer your services as a copywriter to help him improve his conversions.

But do you need an example on how your pitch should sound?

Here you go:


"Hello [Client’s name], I came across your website and I was impressed by your sales

Also, it's clear that you put a lot of effort into it.

And it definitely caught my attention (big time).

You see, as a copywriter, I appreciate a good “sales copy” when I see it.

However, I wanted to reach out and see if I could be of ANY help to you.

I'm curious, how has your sales copy been performing?

Or are you seeing the results you were hoping for already?
Frankly, I ask because I specialize in crafting persuasive copy that converts better (see
proof here).

And I'd love to help you optimize your sales copy for maximum results.

If you're open to it, I can take a closer look at your sales copy and offer some
suggestions on how we can improve your conversions.

What do you think?

Would you be interested in exploring this further?"



I know.

But I used this because it’s what I’ve used before.

And to be sincere, you can twerk it to your taste + make it short.

But if you don’t want to focus on the questions I used in that sample at all…

Then here are few hints you can steal for free:
➔ What's your conversion rate?

➔ What's your average order value?

➔ How long have you been using this sales copy?

➔ Have you made any changes to the copy since you launched it?

➔ Are you happy with the performance of your sales copy?


Please, for God’s sake…

You must be respectful and genuinely willing to help.

And not like that clown who was fooling himself in my dm…lol

So even if their (sales) copy is not performing well…

Trust me…

You can offer your expertise and knowledge to help them improve it.

And if they don’t need your service at all…

Never take rejection to heart (it's feedback that you’re doing well).

And if you can use my sample…

Plus, you add it to your copywriting arsenal…

Then the positive result will amaze you if you never give up (on the right path though).


Abdulhameed. A. Elephchild


If you don’t have proof to the client at all…

Then is it not annoying to say:

“I want to help you double your conversion rate?”


It’s embarrassing.

But what if you don't have the “back end result” of your previous client?

Well, you can drop case study (in the form of feedback).

Above all…

Just make the person believe that you know what you’re doing.

I had an issue with my Aweber account.

And who knows…

I might be switching to another email provider this month.

But why am I telling you this?

I didn’t receive ANY message you sent to me for the past 4 days.

Not joking!

So if you’ve sent any message to me…

And I’m yet to reply…

Then I’m online to reply to everything.

And you’ve my word.

Hint: the headline is clickbait, right?

Yes, I know.

But do you feel offended? I don’t think so.

Why? The email is valuable to you = more than 15k cash.

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