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for JAIPUR CENTER JEE (MAIN+ADVANCED) 2025 esund ONE OR MORE THAN ONE CORRECT TYPE 1. Which of the following statement{s) is/are correct Statement(a) : Inany closed system with P V work only, G is always minimized at equilibrium. Statemeni{b) : AG is always zero for a reversible process in a closed system. Statemnent{c) : AG? foran ideal gas reaction isa function of pressure. Statement(4) : For an irreversible, isothermal, isobaric process in a closed system with PV work only AG must => ALLEN) WORKSHEET be negative (A) Statement a, b, d (B) Statement b, ¢, d (C)Statemente, d (D) Only statement a 2. Which of the following statements) islare correct Statement{a) : The entropy of isolated system with P-V work only is ahvays maximized at equilibrium. Statement): Itis possible for the entropy of close system to decrease substantially in an imeversible process. Statement{c) : Entropy can be created but not destroyed. Statement{(d) :ASz,.,., 8 aways ze0 for reversible process in an isolated system. (A)Statementa, bre” (B) Statement, d (C)Statementa,b,d — (D) All 3. Which ofthe following statement(s) is/are inconect: Statement(a) : Reversible isothermal compression of an ideal gas represents the hmiting minimum value of the ‘workdone {|w]} by the surrounding on the system. Statement{b) : In an irreversible process, the cylic integral of work is not zero. Statement{c) : For thermodynamic changes in adiabatic process. R J econstant Statement{d) : ASajyeq 2210 for reversible adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas. (A) Statement (c) (B} Statement (a), (b), (c) (C) Statement (a), (b), (d) (D) All 4. Pick out the incorrect statement among the following. (1) Change in Gibb's function at constant temperature and pressure in a process envolving no non-PV work is equal 0y.~ Gy (I)) Fora reaction with AS° is positive, as temperature is increased, K., for the reaction increases necessarily, (ill) Exothermic reactions have lesser tendency to go in forward direction at higher temperature. (IV) Decrease in Gibb’ function at constant temperature and pressure is equal to non PV work done by system inspontaneous process. (ally (B)L LV (uv (LU 5. Which of the following statements) is/are correct, Statement(a) : If neither heat nor matter can enter or eave a system, that system must be isolated. Statement(b) : 4, w, AE and AH all are zero for adiabatic expansion of non ideal gas into vaccum. Statement{c) : AG is a state function, Statement): pH isan intensive property. (A)Statementa, bd (B) Statementb,c,d___(C) Statement b, d (D) Only bis comect 6. Which of the following statement(s) isare false? 1 (A) 4 for 5 Chi{a) -> Cla) is positive. (B) AE < 0 for combustion of CH,(q) ina sealed container with rigid adiabatic system. (C) AG is always zero for a reversible process ina closed system. (D) AG* for an ideal gas reaction is @ function of pressure CHEMISTRY. 1 7. Statement-1 : Due to adiabatic free expansion, temperature of a real gas always increases, Statement-2 : Ifa real gas ist inversion temperature then no change in temperature is observed in adiabatic free expansion, (A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 i true; statement-2 is comect explanation for statement-1 (B} Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true; stalement-2 is NOT conrect explanation for statement-1 (C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is fase. (D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true. 8. Select incorrect statements). (A) S° values for all elements at 298 K & 1 bar are positive. (B) For the reaction 2H(g) -> H,(g), AH and AS are positive. (C) 855 son 38 negative for reversible adiabatic compression of an ideal gas. (D) ©) aiatace <1 | espana i Compression process for an ideal gas. 9. — Statement-1 : When process H,O(s) —H,0(#), reaches equilibrium in a closed system at constant temperature and pressure, Gibb’s function of H,O(s) & H0() become same, Statement-2 : For reversible phase change at constant temperature & pressure, change in Gibb's free energy will bezera. (A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true; statement-2 is comect explanation for statement-1. (B} Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true: statement-2 is NOT conrect explanation for statement=1 (C) Statement-1 is tue, statement-2 is false, (D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true. 10. Pick out the incorrect statement among the following. (A) Heat absorb during change of state (PV, T,) to (P Vp, T,) in a closed system involving ideal gas must be equal to AH. (B) Heat exchanged during a reversible isothermal process between two fixed states is a definite quantity (C} Complete conservion of heat into work s not possible ina reversible isothermal expansion of ideal gas. (D} Complete conversion of heat into work is not possible inan irreversible isothermal expansion of ideal gas. 11. _Forincomplete combustion of C(s) into CO(a)-pick out correct statements) from following: Cts) + 3 ,{4] —> C019) AHP is negative (A) AG" decreases as temperature is increased (B) As temperature is increased, tendency of reaction to proceed in forward direction decreases (C) Atlow temperature AS,,,. 3 ess compared to its value at higher temperature (D) The equilibrium between reactant and product is not possible because AG* is negative at all temperature, 12. Theenthalpy and entropy of trimerizatbo of gas A in gas phase [3A (g) ——= A,{g)] are~100 ke/mol and ~400 IK mol respectively, The enthalpy of vapourisation for iquids A and A, are respectively 25 kliraol and 50 kd/rnol respectively. If the boiling points of A and A, are 300 Kand 400 K respectively, then select correct statements): (A} Enthalpy for trimerization of liquid is -75 kd /mol (B} Enthalpy for trimerization of liquid is~125 kd /mol (C) Entropy for trimerization of liquid is -775 J /K. mol (D) AG for trimerization of liquid is 7.5 kd /mol 13. Statement-1 : Under identical conditions, moist air diffuses faster than dry ai. Statement-2 : The rate of cifusion of gases increases with the decrease in molar mass ofthe gasanel moist air is ighter than dry air underidentical condition. (A) Statement-1{ is true, statement-2is true and statement-2 is comect explanation for statement-1 (B)Statement-1 is true, statement-2is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1 (C) Statement is true, staternent2 is false (D)Statement- is fase, statement-2 is true CHEMISTRY. 2 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Select the correct option|s) (A) Entropy change willbe same for the adiabatic reversible and irreversible process if carried out from same initial states tosame final volume (B)_Aclosed system havingall adiabatic boundaries must be isolated system (C) Workdone ina cyclic process may be zero (D) Area enclosed by a cyclic process on PV diagram is same as that of TS diagram, Which of the following is frue for reversible adiabatic process involving an ideal gas? (A) Gas with higher y has high magnitude of slope ina P (y-axis) visT (x-axis) curve (B} Ges with higher y has high magnitude of slope ina V (y-axis) wis T (x-axis) curve (C) Gas with higher 7 has high magnitude of slope in a P (y-axis) vis V (c-axis) curve (D) Gas with higher y has low magnitude of slope in a P (y-axis) vis T (x-axis) curve Select the correct option. (A) Adiabatic free expansion ofa real gas having temperature fess than inversion temperature resuits in decrease inkinetic energy of gas (B) More heat is absorbed by an ideal gas if subjected to reversible isothermal process than an irreversible isothermal process between same states (C)_ Final temperature of an ideal gas will be more for adiabatie reversible expansion process than isothermal reversible expansion process if carried out from same initial state to same final pressure. (D)Onisothermal expansion of an ideal gas upto same final volume from same initial state, final pressure will bbe more for imeversible process than reversible process. Statement-1: Absolute entropy of an ion in aqueous solution at 298 K may be negative. Statement-2: Absolute entropy at 298 K of any substance can never be negative. (A). Statement-1 is true, statement-2s true and statement-2 is conect explanation for statement] (B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2s true and statement2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1. (C). Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false. (D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true. Select the correct statements). (A) dG = Vdp-SdT is applicable for all process involving both ‘TV' and 'non-PV' work ina closed system (B) AS, cannotbe negative inany adiabatie process in a closed system (C)_AU=0 or the combustion of C,H, (a) in a sealed rigid diathermic container (D)_ Inthe presence of 'non-PV workif (AG,,,); » < 0, process must be spontaneous in a closed system. Which ofthe following statements isfare true? (A) Reversible process and quasistatic process are not same. (B) Atconstant external pressure, the internal energy, U, of air (assuming it to be ideal) in a closed room is dependent on temperature (C)__ Arrow shown in the graph below, indicates decreasing value ofy Bia V (D) _Inanadiabatic process, the internal energy increases at the expense of work done on the gas. CHEMISTRY. 3 20. Which of the following islare correct? (A) Spherically symmetric complex of the type MX, is generally, having low enthalpy than MX, Y, (B)__ More the value of “lesser willbe the work done by gas inan adiabatic expansion process. (C} Ideal gases produce more work in an isothermal reversible expansion as compated to Vanderwaal’s gases, assunring (V>>nb) (D) Extensive properties are additive in nature but intensive are not. 21. Select the inconect statement(s}: (A) AH; of CO,(g) issame as the AHeamixeton Of carbon graphite. (B)_ The largerand more complex a molecule, the greater is it’s absolute entropy. (C)_ Hyla) + Ch{a) 5 2HClg) + 1854J. On the basis of above information AH; (HCI, g) is 92.5 ki/mok. (D) More volatile substance hes high boiling point. 22. Statement-1: There isno change in enthalpy of an ideal gas during compression at constant temperature Statement -2 : Enthalpy of an ideal gas isa function of temperature and pressure. (A) Statement-1is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is comrect explanation forstatement- 1 . (B) Statement-1 is true, statement 2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the conect explanation forstatement: 1 . (C) Statement-1 is false, staterment-2is true. (D) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false. 23. Which of the following statements) is/are false: 1 (A) 4S for 5 Nyla) —>Noa)is positive (B)_ AG, s always zero fora reversible process in a closed system (C)_AG*for an ideal gas is a function of temperature and pressure (D) entropy ofa closed system is always maximized at equilibrium 24. Select incorrect statements): (A) Entropy of an isolated system always remains constant during phase transition process (B) AS anny © 0 £0r reversible condensation of vapour (CQ) 46°> Gor Bs,{q) athigh temperature. () Ala) + B,{g] —> 2ABia) + 20014. On the basis of above information AH(AB, g) is 100 kJ/mole. 25. Select comect statements) (A) Werkisan intensive property (B)_Ifenthalpy of solvation of ions A*(g) and B'(g) is greater than |Lattice energy |then AHL... of AB(s) is negative (C)_ Inimeversible adiabatic compression of an ideal gas, increase in temperature is more as compare to reversible adiabatic compression if process is carried out ftom same initial state to same final pressure. (D)_ The equivalent weight of MnSO, is half of its molecular weight when itis converted to Mn, 26. Which statement is/are correct: (A) Final temperature in reversible adiabatic expansion is lesser than in ineversible adiabatic expansion, (B) Whenheat is supplied to an ideal gas in an isothermal process, kinetic energy of gas willincrease (C)_ Whenanideal gas is subjected to adiabatic expansion it gets cooled (D) Entropy increases in atomisation of dihydrogen. CHEMISTRY. 4 27. Which is/are conect statement. (A) Wyastase Mahatma it @nideal gas compression from same initial state to same final volume c (C} Entropy increases when an ideal gas expanded isothermally. (D) AH& AS both are + ve for the decomposition of MgCO, (s) Se (B) Thevalueofy | Y=? | remains constant fordiatomic gas at all temperature 28. Inisothermal ideal gas compression: (A) wis +ve (B) AHis zero (C)as,_ is +ve (D) AGis+ve 29. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (A). The loss of temperature by the hot body is always equal to the gain in temperature ofthe cold body, under allconditions. (B)_Athermanous boundary does not alow heat to pass through them without becoming themselves hot (C) Laws of thermodynamics can be applied to homogeneous system and to heterogeneous system which can be divided intoa numberof homogeneous parts, (D) Fora reversible process f Wai. = 0 30. Select the correct options. (A) The slope of constant volume line on the TS diagram is more than that of constant pressure line. (8) Inan isothermal process any amount of heat may be extracted ftom the system or any amount of heat may be supplied without changing the temperature. (C)_Anideal monoatomic gas follows the process P°V" = constant. If heats withdrawn from the system then temperature always increases (D) Areversible engine operates between two temperature T,,,,and T,,.,insummers.Ifsame engine is used in ‘winters thon amount of Rxergy decreases. B31. Select the comect option(s) (A). Acycle is drawn on PV diagram in which there is one isothermal expansion & two adiabats (expansion & compression), then engine is 100% efficiency. (B) cycles drawn on PV diagram in which there is one isothermal expansion & two adiabats (expansion & compression ), then engine is not possible. (C)_ Camot engine has same efficiency if ideal gas or veal gas is taken as fluid. (D) Firstaw of thermodynamic for open system is dependent on mass exchange and enthalpy. 32. Which of the following statement{s)isfare correct? (A) The quantities E, H and G have the same dimension (B)_Gibb's free energy of 10 gm ice at °C and 1.O.atm is less than the Gibb’s free energy of 10 gm water at °C and 1 atm, (C)_AS,,, = 0 for every adiabatic process ina closed system. AH, (0) Forevery reversible process, ina closed system, AS,,.= 33. Select the comect option(s) (A) AU = 0 fora chemical change occuring at constant temperature. (B) Foran ideal gas undergoing process for which AU = 0, then AH must be zero. (C)_ Foranideal gas undergoing any process W=-nRAT (0) Foranadiabatic irreversible process involving an ideal gas dH = nC,, dT CHEMISTRY. 5 34, 35. 36. 37. 38, 39, 40. Statement-1: For adiabatic free expansion of a veal gas AH = 0. Statoment-2: In adiabatic free expansion W = 0, Q = 0, AU = O for ideal as well as real gas. (A) Statement: 1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2is comect explanation for statement-1 (B)_Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1 (C). Statement-1 is true, statement.2 is false. (D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true. Select the correct statement(s}, (A) Ina reversible process AG is always zero in a closed system. (8) nareversible process AS,,.,is ahways zero ina closed system. (C)_ Inareversible process AS,. is aways zero in a closed system. (0) Inareversible process AS, is always zero in an isolated system. Select the correct option(s}: (A) q=nCdT is applicable toall substances during heating/cooling at constant ‘v’ (B)_q=nC.dTisapplicable to ideal gas during heating cooling at constant ‘v' onky (C)_ dU = nC.d is applicable for real gas at constant V (D) dU = nC,dT is applicable for ideal gas at constant V only. Foran adiabatic ineversible process involving an ideal gas (A) AU= nC aT (B) w= nC,aT (Chw = PV, -V,) (D) aU=-P,, (V,-V)) A(g) > 2Big): AH = 1 0ku/mole at 300K C,,=20d/Kmoland C,, = 20 d/Kmol we assume ideal behaviour of gases. Which ofthe following statement are incorrect? (A) AH willbe increase on increasing temperature at constant pressure (B) AH will decrease on increasing temperature at constant pressure. (C) AH will decrease on inereasing pressure at constant temperature. (D) AH willincrease on increasing pressure at constant temperature. For the process : H,O (|,TK, P bar) > H,0 (g, TK, P: bar) (A) AG = 0, if P= vapour pressure of H,Ot) at TK (B) AG = +ve, if P = vapour pressure of H,O (!) ata temperature above TK (C)_ AG =+ve:ifP> vapour pressure of H,O (I) at TK (D) AG =-ve :if P< vapour pressure of H,0 (!) a TK Inthe P& V diagram shown for an ideal gas undergoing ABCDA process. Choose the correct option(s) P a Pu = const & x=1 Vv (A) The area enclosed by ABCDA curve gives the net work done on the system, (B) Area underthe curve CDA gives the work involved in CDA process. (C)_Inprocess CDA first the temperature of the process inereases and then decreases. () The temperatures at point A, B & C is same, CHEMISTRY. 41. Select the incomect statements). (A) dG = Vdp- SdT is applicable for all process involving both ‘PV" and ‘non-PV' work in closed system. {B) AS, ,cannot be negative in any adiabatic process in a closed system. (©) AU=0 or the combustion of C,H, (a) in asealed rigid diathermic container. (D)_ Inthe presence of non PV workif (AG,,,)x p< 0, process must be spontaneous in a closed system, 42. Super cooled rain water (-1°C) strikes the wind screen of a car and converts to ice in winter season. With reference to second law of thermodynamics which statement is comect for above process. (A) Randomness of universe decreases asice possess less disorder than liquid water. (B) Randomness of sumounding decreases (C) Water to ice conversion is equilibrium process thus inerease in randomness is surrounding is equal to decrease in randomness of system. (D) Increase in randomness of surrounding is greater than decrease in randomness of system. 43. Which of trie following statements) isare correct? (A). The intemal energy of an ideal gas may be increased by adding more molecules to it, at constant temperature. (B) The moiar enthalpy of any substance decreases on cooling, at constant pressure, (C) Adiabatic free expansion & isothermal free expansion are similar processes for an ideal gas. (0) _Itis not possible to have a process in which the entropy of an isolated system is decreased, 44, Which of the following process must be spontaneoas? (A) A process at constant pressure and constant entropy in which AH is negative. (B)_Anadiabatic process in which AS is positive and volume remains constant. (C)_ Aniscbaric process in which AU's negative and entropy remains constant. {D) Approcess occurring at constant pressure and temperature in which AG is negative. 45. _ Sratement-1: Fora definite amount of an ideal gas, the internal eneray of gas increases in isothermal expansion. Statement-2 : There areno intermolecular forces among the molecules of an ideal gas. (A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2is true and statement-2 is conect explanation for statement-1 (B) Statement-1 is hue, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1. (C) Statement-1 is true, statement.2 is false. (D) Statement- is false, statement-2 is true. 46. _ Statement-1: Foran irreversible cyclic process ina closed system AS, ,,= 0. Statement-2: Entropy isa state function, (A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2is true and statement-2 is conect explanation for statement:-1 (B) Statements1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the conect explanation for statement]. (©) Statement-1 is hue, statement-2s false (D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true 47. Which ofthe following statementsis incorrect? (A) AH,,,H,O(!) > 21 x 373 Cal q (8) = O forall eyelic processes. 7 eyelic proc (C) Adiabatic reversible process is isoentropic (D) Heat exchange at constant volume condition will be independent of path. eeeee CHEMISTRY. 7 WORKSHEET for on JEE (MAIN+ADVANCED) 2025 esund ONE OR MORE THAN ONE CORRECT TYPE 1. ©) 2 (D) 3. (A) 4. (B) a) 6. (BCD) 7 8. (BCD) 9. (D) 10. (ACD) 11. (ACD) 12. (AD) 13. (A) 14. (CD) 15. (CD) 16. (AB) 17. © 18. (B) 19. (A) 20. (ABCD) 21. (CD) 22. (D) 23. (BCD) 24. (ABCD) 25. (BC) 26. (ACD) 27. (ACD) 28. (ABD) 29. (BCD) 30. (ABC) 31. (BCD) 32. (A) 33. (BD) 34. (D) 35. (BD) 36. (ABC) 37. (ABCD) 38. (BCD) 39. (ABCD) 40. (ABD) 41. (ACD) 42. (D) 43. (ABCD) 44. (ABD) 45. (D) 46. (D) 47. (B)

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