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Vocabulary lesson 1

1. Appearance- the way you look. /// We shouldn’t pay attention to other
people’s appearance. – Görünüş
2. Attractive-syn good-looking, pretty, gorgeous, handsome, opp. Ugly. ///
olıvıa was very attractive when she was younger– Cəlbedici
3. Roughly syn approximately /// I’m roughly one meter eighty–Təxminən
4. Smart clean, tidy, and stylish /// is he quite smart?–Təmiz. Ağıllı
5. Reliable [ Someone or something that is reliable can
be trusted or believed because he, she, or it works or behaves well in the way
you expect] OPP unreliable /// he is such a reliable person, I always trust
6. Confident being certain of your abilities or having trust in people, plans, or
the future: OPP shy /// we didn’t consider that he was such a confident
person.–İnamlı N confidence
7. Patient having patience Opp impatient /// I’m usually quite patient.–səbirli
N patience
8. Generous [happy to give more money or help than is usual] opp. Mean ///
generous people usually do works for some charity. N; generosity –səxavətli
9. Honest [an honest person tells the truth] opp. Dishonest/// Uncle James
always advised us to be honest.–Vicdanlı
10. Calm [relaxed and not worried or frightened] Opp nervous, anxious /// They
tried to make the teacher calm. –Sakin
11. Silly not sensible, a bit stupid /// I would say about my best friend is that
she’s very silly.–Axmaq
12. Sensible practical; doesn’t do stupid things /// I’ve never known Emilia to do
anything sensible.–məntiqli , ağlabatan
13. Straight away syn. Immediately /// I go to bed at about 10.30 pm and
usually go to sleep straight away.–Dərhal
14. Fall asleep go to sleep /// I try to fall asleep in the afternoon when I get
home–Yuxuya getmek
15. Doesn’t bother doesn’t do something because there is no reason or because
it is too much work /// She doesn’t bother to cook; we just get a takeaway
instead.–zəhmətə girməməmək ( əziyyət çəkmək)
2. don’t bother me- məni narahat etmə!
16. Feed give food /// One of us has to feed the cat as well–Yedizdirmək

17. Instead of in place of. /// In the winter I sometimes have a bath instead of a
18. Fortunately happening because of good luck; syn luckily/// Fortunately
we’ve got a cleaner who does a lot of the housework–Xoşbəxtlikdən Opp
19. Come round visit me at my home /// Sometimes friends come round and we
chat about clothes.–ziyarət etmək, baş çəkmək
20. Accurately without mistakes /// Jade has a wide vocabulary and speaks
very accurately–Dəqiqliklə
21. Fluent - able to speak naturally without stopping /// But she needs to
practice her speaking more in order to become more fluent–Axıcı
22. Increase [make it bigger] /// He needs to increase his vocabulary–Artırmaq
Opp decrease
23. Basic [elementary; syn simple]. /// Because at the moment it’s quite basic–
24. Be willing to [happy and ready to] /// Olga is always willing to experiment
with language–bir şeyi etməyə hazır və həvəsli olmaq
25. Pick up [learns things without trying] /// He picks things up very quickly,
and he has a good ear for language.– qavramaq, götürmək ( qabiliyəti)
26. Grade syn mark /// I’m sure he’ll get a good grade.–Sinif . Dərəcə, qiymət
27. Candidate someone who is taking an exam /// Andreas is a strong
28. Revision [ study of work you have done, in order to prepare for an exam] ///
so that we should do some revision before an exam–Yenidən nəzərdən
keçirmə V revise
29. Get through [finish, inf. Make contact] /// At the moment I’m trying to get
through the coursebook –nəzərdən keçirmək, bitirmək
30. Have a lie-in-to stay in bed later than usual in the morning. E.g., It was a
Sunday, so she could lie in till almost lunchtime.-(yatmaq, yataqda qalmaq)
31. Have a nap-sleeping for a short period of time (usually not in bed). E.g.,
Grandpa usually has a nap after lunch.- (mürgüləmək)
32. Go on a guided walk/tour -visit a place such as a museum with a guide
who explains facts about the place. E.g., The worst decision we made was
not to go on a guided tour of the Hermitage. – (bələdçili gəzintiyə çıxmaq)

33. Party animal- [ a very gregarious and outgoing person who enjoys parties
and similar social activities. ] Buzzing bars make this a good place for party
animals. (social, əyləncə, parti sevən insan)
34. Culture vulture- [ a person who is very interested in the arts.] There's more
than enough to satisfy the thousands of culture vultures who will descend on
the Scottish capital. (incəsənətlə maraqlanan insan)
35. Couch potato- [ a person who takes little or no exercise and watches a lot of
television. ] It is no good you being a couch potato and having a
Dobermann. -(tənbəl insan)
36. Workaholic- [ a person who compulsively works excessively hard and long
hours.] He was a great friend of mine but, unlike me, he was a workaholic. –

Vocabulary lesson 2
1. fiction -a type of literature that describes imaginary people and events, not
real ones./// I started off with fiction then I read hundreds of novels -bədii
2. Author someone who writes books /// My favorite author is John le carré.–
3. Poetry pieces of creative writing in short lines /// recently, I’ve started
reading quite a lot of biographies, and even some poetry.–Poeziya
4. Review opinions in a newspaper or magazine /// If a film gets good reviews,
then I often go and see it.–Rəy
5. Complicated [difficult to understand] /// I’m not interested in films that are
serious or complicated–mürəkkəb
6. Fancy want to do; infml /// I didn’t find anything that I fancy seeing.–Etmək
7. Musical taste is the type of music that you like /// People’s taste in music is
different.–Musiqi zövqü

8. A composer is someone who writes music, usually classical music/// My
favorite composer is beethoven..–Bəstəkar
9. Advertise [there are adverts on tv, online, etc.]/// It is usually advertised in
the media.–Reklam etmək
10.Display [ a show for people to watch] /// The sydney fireworks display is
held every year.–Göstərmək ( Nümayiş etdirilmə)
11.Held [organized] /// The sydney fireworks display is held every year..–Təşkil
etmək Keçirmək
12.Gather [come together] /// More than one million people gather at sydney
harbour on new year’s eve to celebrate the new year..–Toplaşmaq
13.Harbour [area of water where ships are kept and are safe from the sea].–
Liman -- Our hotel room overlooked a pretty little fishing harbour.
14.Spectacular [looking extremely good or exciting] /// There is a spectacular
fireworks display for almost fifteen minutes..–Çox qəşəng
15.Annual [happening once a year] /// The edinburgh festival is an annual
event and is the largest arts festival in the world..–İldə 1 dəfə olan birşey.
16.Take place [happen] /// At least six different festivals take place in the city-
baş vermək .–Baş vermək
17.Last [continue] syn. Go on ///It lasted for almost six weeks during august
and early September–Davam etmək
18.Up to[ the maximum] /// The fringe, which has up to 7 500 daily
performances in dance ( maksimum)
19.Frequently [ often] /// We see them quite frequently ( tez-tez)
20.Occasionally [ irregular intervals; now and then.] I occasionally go to the
theatre. ( bəzən)
21.Slightly [ a little, a bit ] /// She was slightly nervous ( biraz)
22. quite [ fairly, rather, pretty-- four adverbs all mean ‘more than a bit but less
than very’] /// It was a rather good party. ( olduqca)
23.Completely [totally] /// The restaurant was completely/totally empty (
24.Urgently[ very quickly because of something important] /// Penelope was in
pain, and I could see she needed help urgently. ( dərhal, vacib)
25.Briefly [for a short time] /// I spoke to charles briefly this morning ( qısaca)
26.Give a speech-a formal talk given usually to a large number of people on a
special occasion: I had to give a speech at my brother's wedding.(Nitq

27.To do work for charity-to give money, food, or help to those who need it.
(Xeyriyyə işi görmək)
28.Win an award/a prize-you defeat those people you are competing with, or
you do better than everyone else involved. He should win an award for good
citizenship! (Mükafat qazanmaq)
29.Soundtrack-a recording of the musical accompaniment of a film. It is
soundtracked by the great Ennio Morricone.
30.Folk music- all sorts of musical, oral and cultural traditions from specific
regions and societies around the world. ( xalq musiqisi)
31.Painkiller- a drug or medicine for relieving pain. She was given painkillers
and told it was hormonal and that the symptoms would soon fade away. –
32.Appropriate- suitable or acceptable for a particular situation. Dress neatly
and attractively in an outfit appropriate to the job. (Uyğun)
33.Imaginative- creative, original, inspired, enterprising. Some found it
imaginative and refreshing. –( yaradıcı )

Vocabulary lesson 3
1. Trolley [ a large metal basket or frame on wheels, used for transporting
heavy or large items, such as supermarket purchases] /// there should be a
refreshment trolley on the train.-əl arabası ( market də)
2. Queue [a line of people who are waiting for something] /// we are waiting
in the queue..–Növbə
3. Likely [if you are likely to do something, you will probably do it.] And they
put the most expensıve ıtems on the mıddle shelves where you are more
lıkely to see them..–Ehtimal
4. Throw away [discard something as useless or unwanted.] /// many of the
cans and bottles are thrown away may have cost more to make than the
5. Under one roof [ in one place] /// some people like modern shopping
centres1 because everything is under one roof..–Bir dam altında

6. Replace [ exchange it for another one] /// The shop will replace it.–əvəz
7. Convenient [practical and easy to use] /// I phoned your office to confirm
that this date is convenient.–Rahat
8. Haggle [dispute or bargain persistently, especially over the cost of
something.] /// the two sıdes are haggling over television rights .–Bazarlıq
etmək ( qiyməti endirməyə çalışmaq)
9. Roast [ cook by prolonged exposure to heat in an oven or over a fire.] ///
you roast meat ın the oven.–Qovurmaq

10. Chop [cut it into small pieces] /// while they’re boiling, chop an
11. Peel [remove the skin]/// Peel the potatoes and boil them..–soymaq
12. Raw [ not cooked] /// Some people prefer raw food .–Çiy
13. Spicy [with a strong hot flavour]. /// Indian food is a bit too spicy for
14. Flavours [the type of taste that food or drink has, e.g. vanilla, coffee,
strawberry, etc.]. /// You get ice cream in different flavours.–Dad
15. Sour [ we use the word sour to describe the taste of lemons] /// She
sampled the wine and found it was sour.–Turş
16. Smooth [ having an even and regular surface;] /// Cook gently until
the sauce is smooth.–Hamar
17. As soon as [suggests something more immediate or important] /// I’ll
phone my uncle when / as soon as I get home..–Kimi ( zaman anlamında)
18. Afterwards [at a later time but usually the same day] /// I talked to
joe, and afterwards I came home. .–Sonra
19. Firstly / for one thing / for a start/ to begin with [ we use them to
introduce a first reason for something] /// well, for one thing, / for a start,
I’ve got a lot of work.–İlk olaraq
20. Eventually [ in the end, finally, after a long time or a lot of
problems] /// Eventually Lauren walked out and found a new place. (
21. Secondly/besides/anyway [ we use them to add a further reason] ///
besides/anyway, I can’t afford it.–İkincisi

22. Sequence [ one action after another, and so on] /// The content of the
programme should follow a logical sequence.–Ardıcıllıq
23. Savoury- Savoury food has a salty or spicy flavour rather than a
sweet one. Italian cooking is best known for savoury dishes. –(dadlı)
24. Chain of restaurants-a group of hotels, restaurants, or shops owned
by the same company. The agency is part of a nationwide chain.
(Restoranlar zinciri, filialı)
25. Encourage-give support, confidence, or hope to (someone), persuade
(someone) to do, or continue to do something by giving support and advice.
Pupils are encouraged to be creative. –( cəsarətləndirmək.)
26. Reason [ the cause of an event or situation or something that provides
an excuse or explanation] /// the reason for the disaster was engine failure,
not human error ( səbəb)
27. Because of [ due to ] The plane was late because of bad weather.
(due to is often used after the verb be.) ( səbəbindən)
28. Purpose is an intention or reason for doing something. ///the purpose
of the meeting is to plan next year’s timetable ( məqsəd)
29. Nearly [almost] /// My grandfather is nearly/almost eighty. [he’s
probably 79]. ( az qala, təxminən)
30. Further assistance [more help] /// If you require [need] further
assistance [more help], please contact the above address. ( əlavə kömək)
31. Approximately [roughly] /// My English teacher’s
approximately/roughly thirty. [about 30 / more or less 30] ( təxminən)
32. Allow [let, give permission] /// They didn’t allow her to listen to the
radio or go to parties in the village. ( icazə vermək)
Let and allow have the same meaning. Let is slightly more informal and
allow is often used in the passive /// my dad let me drive his car. I was
allowed to drive my dad’s car.

Vocabulary lesson 4
1. Invent [produce or design something completely new] /// His latest
invention is a new board game. N invention ( ixtira etmək)
2. Discuss [talk about something seriously] /// We had a discussion about
politics. , discussion ( müzakirə etmək)
3. Improve [get better] /// We need an improvement in the weather. ( inkişaf
etmək) N improvement
4. Govern [control the affairs of a city or country, government ( idarə etmək)
A president needs popular support in order to govern effectively.
5. Manage [direct or control a business] ///N management
A president needs popular support in order to govern effectively. ( idarə etmək)
6. Develop [grow or change and become more advanced] /// I need money for
more development. ( inkişaf etmək)
7. able, ability opp. Inability /// I’m frustrated by my inability to use
8. Similar [almost the same; Opp different] ///My father and I have
similar views on politics.., N similarity ( oxşar)
9. Honest [tells the truth, opp. Dishonest] /// Dan used all the milk but said he
didn’t; he’s very dishonest. N Honesty ( vicdanlı)
10. Legal [allowed by law] opp. Illegal /// He claimed that it had all been
legal. (.–Qanuni )
11. Unusual [different, not common or ordinary] opp. Usual /// xerxes –
that’s a very unusual name.–Müxtəlif, qeyri adi
12. Unbelievable. [surprising because it is either very good or very
bad]/// She eats an unbelievable amount of food–İnanılmaz
13. Unfair [if something is unfair, it does not treat people equally.] ///
The test was unfair because some of the students had more time to do it than
Dis and Un - əks mənalı sözlər yaradır
14. Dis- [the opposite of something] ex. Disagree, disappeared
15. Un- [the opposite of an action] ex. Unlock, get undressed, unpacked
16. Over- [too much]/// the bank overcharged me. [asked me to pay too
much money] ( nəyinsə çox olduğunu bildirir)
17. Mis- [do something incorrectly] ex. Misunderstood, misheard ( yanlış

18. Re- [again] ex. Rewrite, redo/// the teacher has asked me to rewrite
my essay..–Yenidən
19. Cultural significance [they are important in japanese culture] ///The
numbers also have cultural significance because odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9,
etc.) Are lucky in japan..–Mədəni
20. A suitable word or phrase [right/correct for a particular situation; opp
unsuitable]/// These toys are not suitable for children under five.–Uyğun
21. Reasonable [Reasonable also means satisfactory or not bad opp
unreasonable] /// they have had a reasonable time to reply ( uyğun)
22. A sociable person [enjoys being with people; opp unsociable] ///
being a sociable person, Eva loved entertaining ( sosial)
23. An unforgettable experience [something that cannot be forgotten] (
24. a painful injection [giving pain and being unpleasant; opp a painless
injection] .–Ağrılı
25. Cooker- a large box-shaped device that is used to cook and heat food.
Is there a fridge and a cooker? –(soba)
26. Chief- a leader or ruler of a people or clan. A new chief of the
security forces has just been appointed. –(başçı, rəhbər)
27. Receipt /rɪˈsiːt/ - something such as a piece of paper or message
proving that money, goods, or information have been received. Keep your
receipt as proof of purchase. –(qəbz)
28. Recipe / resɪpi/- a set of instructions for preparing a particular dish,
including a list of the ingredients required. –( resept)
29. Ordinary-with no special or distinctive features; normal. He sets out
to depict ordinary people. – (adi)
30. A rave review-a report in which someone gives an excellent opinion
of the quality of a book, performance, product, etc. The movie received rave
reviews. – (tərifli rəy)
31. Determined- wanting to do something very much and
not allowing anyone or any difficulties to stop you: Helen was a determined
little girl. (qətiyyətli, əzmli)

32. In order to [ with the aim or purpose of doing something] /// They
went home early (in order) to watch the match on television. ( üçün)
33. Result something that happens or exists because of something
else: /// The road has been widened, but the result is just more traffic. (
34. As long as [but you must bring it back]/// you can borrow it as long as
you bring it back by Thursday. – 4cü günə qədər geri qaytaracağın təqdirdə
borc götürə bilərsən
35. In case [I’m doing a because b might happen later] /// I’m taking my
umbrella in case it rains. ( hər halda)

Vocabulary lesson 5
1. Attend – to take part in /// Almost all children attend nursery school for up
to 15 hours a week. ( iştirak etmək)
2. Pupils - [students at school] /// Pupils go to secondary school. ( şagirdlər)
3. Break [period of rest between work]/// . There’s usually a one-hour lunch
break ( fasilə)
4. Go back [return] /// They go back [return] for the new school year ( geri
5. Break the rules [did something wrong] /// If you broke the rules, you were
punished. ( qaydaları pozmaq)
6. Rule [instructions telling you what you must or must not do] /// Everyone
should obey our rules. ( qayda)
7. Stay behind [stay in a place when others leave] /// At my school, for
example, pupils sometimes had to stay behind and write an essay. ( geridə
8. Get into trouble [ do something wrong and be punished] /// I used to get
into trouble for wearing lipstick. ( çətin vəziyyətdə olmaq)
9. Wide vocabulary [knows a lot of words] /// Jade has a wide vocabulary and
speaks very accurately ( geniş söz bazası)
10.Qualification [something that you get when you are successful in an
exam] /// some students go to university because they enjoy studying, others
just want a qualification. -ixtisas (lisenziya, sertifikat, universitet dərəcəsi
və s.)

11.Succeed in smth [achieve something that you have been trying to do or
get] /// He is determined to succeed in the property market. məqsədə
çatmaq, nail ( ugurlu) olmaq
12. Do research [make a detailed study of one particular subject]/// The longest
one is a phd (doctor of philosophy) where students do research for at least
three years.-tədqiqat aparmaq, araşdırmaq
13.Whether [if] /// I spoke to the others, but I don’t know whether they’re
coming ( yoxsa)
14.Unless [ if not ] /// we’ll be late unless we leave now. (-masa, -məsə, əgər)
15.Otherwise [because if I don’t]/// I have to go now, otherwise I’ll miss the
last bus. (əks təqdirdə)

16.Challenge- something that needs great mental or physical effort in order to

be done successfully. You know me - I like a challenge.( çağırış, meydan
17.Rely on- [ to trust someone or something or to expect him, her, or it to
behave in a particular way.] Can we confidently rely on him to get the job
done?-(etibar etmək)
18.Cope with- to deal successfully with a difficult situation or a person in a
difficult situation /// Ever since her illness, she just can't cope with the stress
of work. – (öhdəsindən gəlmək)
19.Shelter- a place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger///.
Huts like this are used as a shelter during the winter. –(sığınacaq)
20.Push yourself- to make yourself work very hard in order to achieve
something. She really pushed herself when she was at school.(özünü
məcbur etmək)
21.First-aid kit- a set of materials and tools used for giving emergency
treatment to a sick or injured person. She took a bandage out of the first aid
kit.-(ilk yardım çantası)
22.Unbearable- not able to be endured or tolerated. The heat was getting
unbearable. – (dözülməz, qatlaşılmaz)
23.Purchase [buy] /// Tickets must be purchased two weeks in advance ( almaq)
24.Regret [ feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over] //// Is there anything
you've done in your life that you regret? ( peşman olmaq)
25.Require [ need for a particular purpose.] /// It would have required much
research to produce a comprehensive list. ( ehtiyac olmaq, tələb etmək)

26.Give up [ stop doing] /// I felt I couldn’t give up my job, and in the end
melanie decided to leave me. ( tərgitmək, vazgeçmək)

Vocabulary lesson 6
1. Twins [ two children born to one mother at the same time] /// I’ve got an
elder brother called Thomas and two younger sisters, Anya and Claudia,
who are twins. ( əkiz)
2. Get on well with [ have a good relationship with] /// so altogether I have
five cousins and I get on well with uncle Rolf. ( yola getmək)
3. Get to know each other [ find out what they are like by spending time
with them] /// the new neighbors were getting to know each other. I'd really
like to see you again and get to know you better. Bir-birini tanımaq
4. Mate [friend] /// We’ve been mates ever since, and our friendship is very
important to both of us ( yoldaş)
5. Current [belonging to the present time; happening or being used or done
now.] /// His current girlfriend is actually one of thomas’s ex-girlfriends (
6. Birth [the moment a baby is born] /// she birthed five children within ten
years ( doğum)
7. Middle-aged [in the middle of their lives] /// his sisters are grown up and
his parents are middle-aged. ( orta-yaşlı)
8. Retirement [when people stop work; they are retired]/// She has remained
very active during retirement. ( təqaüd)
9. Bring up [looked after until you are an adult] /// He was brought up on a
farm in wales, and her parents were very strict ( böyütmək)
10.Managed was able [but it was difficult] /// she managed to find work, and
she also met the man who became her husband: my grandfather. ( nəyisə
çətinliklə idarə etmək)
11.Stay out late [not go home until late] /// When she was in her teens, her
parents let 7 her stay out late. ( gec saatlara qədər dışarıda qalmaq)
12.Date [a planned romantic meeting] /// I had my first date when I was 16,
and it was terrible. (görüş)
13.Go out with [ have a romantic relationship with] /// When I was 17, I went
out with a girl for three months ( kiminləsə münasibətdə olmaq)
14.Engaged [ formally agreed to marry] /// we got engaged a couple of 7 years
after we left university and then … ( nişanlı)
15.Get divorced [ the marriage officially ended] /// The following year we got
divorced. ( boşanmaq)
16.Grant [ agree to give or allow (something requested) to.] /// They were
granted a meeting. ( razilasmaq)
17.Regarding [in respect of; concerning, about] /// The man is being
questioned regarding the robbery last night. (əlaqəli)
18.Commence [ begin, start ] /// The play will commence in two minutes. (
19.Depart [leave] /// The bus for Dallas departs from the Greyhound-
Trailways Terminal. ( yola düşmək)
20.Quite a bit [often] /// Yeah, I see him quite a bit ( tez-tez)
21.Bet [ informal. Used to express certainty.] /// I bet (that) he won't come..
( iddiaya girmək)
22.To be dying for [want to do something very much /// yes, I’m dying for
something to eat ( nəyisə etməyi çox istəmək)
23.Catch up- talk to someone whom one has not seen for some time in order to
find out what they have been doing. It's always good to catch up with old
friends.-görüşüb son görüşmədən bəri nələr olub-bitdiyini danışmaq
24.Fall out - have an argument. He had fallen out with his family. (dalaşmaq)
25.Get in touch- establish communication with someone//. I will get in touch
with solicitors about this. (əlaqədə olmaq)
26.Keep in touch- to continue to talk to or write to someone. My ex-husband
and I still keep in touch. (əlaqəni saxlamaq, davam etdirmək)
27.Lose touch- cease to be in communication. I lost touch with him when he
joined the Air Force. (əlaqəni itirmək)
28.Split up- an ending of a relationship or partnership, a separation. The band
came to an inevitable split-up. (ayrılmaq)
29.Adolescent- (a young person) in the process of developing from a child into
an adult. Many parents find it hard to understand their adolescent children.
30.Toddler- a young child who is just beginning to walk. (yeni yeriməyə
başlayan körpə)
31.Optional-available to be chosen but not obligatory. A wide range of
optional excursions is offered. (məcburi olmayan)

32.Compulsory-required by law or a rule;// obligatory. Military service
should be compulsory (icbari, məcburi)
33.Supportive- providing encouragement or emotional help. // The staff are
extremely supportive of each other. (dəstəkləyən)

Vocabulary lesson 7
1. A campsite a site for camping. [a place used for a special purpose]/// as I
staggered across the valley to the campsite their torches still twinkled
halfway up the black obelisk. ( düşərgə)
2. A babysitter someone who looks after young children when their parents go
out./// discipline procedures should be spelled out to the babysitter ( uşaq
3. Mother tongue the first language you learn as a child./// a child learning
the mother tongue has to understand, in a sense his life depends on it. ( ana
4. Cashpoint [ a cash machine] ///they may be miles from a cashpoint
machine. ( bankomat)
5. Serious injury [an injury which is sustained by a person in an accident and
which]/// ( ciddi yaralanma)
6. Personally [with the personal presence or action of the individual
specified]/// personally, I like it best too, and I think it's the best bargain
( şəxsən)
7. In my opinion [I think]///I received a mark which in my opinion seemed
quite harsh ( zənnimcə)
8. Totally agree [the same thing, along with "fully agree" or "entirely
agree"]/// I totally agree that the first couple of weeks of the season offer
only occasional treats ( tamamilə razılaşmaq)
9. Attitude [a feeling or opinion about something or someone]/// he's put up
with my attitude for a lot of years. (duruş, vəziyyət, münasibət)
10.Lose weight [take off weight]///she's starving herself to try to lose weight
(çəki itirmək)
11.Predict the future [to declare or tell in advance; prophesy; foretell]/// it’s
very difficult to predict the future ( gələcəyi proqnoz etmək)
12.Score [gain (a point, goal, run, etc.) In a competitive game]/// Glennon
scored the deciding goal in the final minute of the match ( hesabı açmaq,
qalib gəlmək)

13.A large number [a lot of]///there were a large number of candidates for the
job ( Sayı, miqdarı)
14. To be Well aware of [having full knowledge of a situation or fact]/// she’s
well aware of the problem
15.Suppose- think or assume that something is true or probable but lacks proof
or certain knowledge. I suppose I got there at about noon. (ehtimal etmək,
16.Junk food- pre-prepared or packaged food that has low nutritional value. I
was eating too much junk food. (hazır yeməklər, fast food)
17.Lifespan- the length of time for which a person or animal lives or a thing
functions. "The human lifespan" (ömür)
18.Disease-is an illness which affects people, animals, or plants, for example
one which is caused by bacteria or infection. Bacterial meningitis is quite a
rare disease. (xəstəlik)
19.Scientist-a person who is studying or has expert knowledge of one or more
of the natural or physical sciences. (alim, elm işçisi)
20.Involve-have or include (something) as a necessary or integral part or
result. A good teacher tries to involve children in activities. (əhatə
etmək,cəlb etmək)
21.Rush hour- günün pik saatı

Vocabulary lesson 8

1. Get stuck [become unable to move or go anywhere] /// I usually drive to

work, but sometimes I get stuck in traffic jams. ( ilişib qalmaq)
2. Exhausted [very tired] /// when I get home in the evenings, I often feel
exhausted. ( çox yorgun)
3. Advantages of [ the positive things about a situation; opp disadvantages] ///
one of the advantages of living in the city is the nightlife. (üstünlük)
4. Variety of [ many different things] /// there is a wide variety of bars, clubs,
and restaurants to go to. ( fərqlilik)
5. Crowded [full of people; opp quiet] /// cities always seem crowded and they
can be dirty.( izdiham)
6. Pollution [dirty air and water] /// pollution is worse in big cities, and so is
the crime rate. ( çirklənmə)
7. Dull [ boring; opp exciting] /// I also enjoy the fact that there’s always
something going on in a big city, so life is never dull. ( sıxıcı)

8. Ring [ call, phone ] /// I tried to ring you this morning. ( zəng etmək)
9. Dial [made a phone call to a particular number] /// I think I dialed the wrong
number this morning. ( zəng etmək)
10. Mostly/mainly [most of the time] // many people use their mobile
mostly/mainly for texting. (əksərən)
11. Abbreviations [letters which represent words] /// these are common text
abbreviations. ( qısaltmalar)
Asap = as soon as possible
cu = see you
bf = boyfriend (gf = girlfriend)
Imo = in my opinion [this is what i think]
b4 = before fyi = for your information
2day = today
U = you
2moro = tomorrow
thx = thanks
Y = why?
lol = laughing out loud
Pls = please
X = kiss
Isp (internet service provider)
12. Essential [important/necessary]/// how many emails do you send a week?
Are they all essential? ( vacib)
13. Immediately [without waiting] /// how many emails do you get every week?
Do you read them ımmediately? ( dərhal)
14. Reply to [answer] /// how quıckly do you reply to the emails you receive?
( cavab vermək)
15. Attachments [an extra part or extension that is or may be attached to
something to perform a particular function.] /// how often do you send or
receive attachments?
16. Access to [the abılıty to use] /// Give you access to email and other services.
17. Browse [look at websites] /// You can browse the internet, you do this using
a browser such as internet explorer or firefox. ( nəzərdən keçirmək)
18. Peninsula- a piece of land surrounded on most, but not all sides, by water.
the Korean/Arabian/Florida Peninsula/Absheron Peninsula. (yarımada)

19. Bay- a small body of water set off from the main body. We made a boat trip
round the bay. (körfəz)
20. Cliff- a steep rock face, especially at the edge of the sea. The car rolled over
the edge of a cliff. (qayalıq, uçurum)
21. Idyllic- like an idyll; extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque. The cottage
sounds idyllic. (çox yaxşı)
22. Unspoiled- it has not been changed or damaged by people. The port is quiet
and unspoiled. (toxunulmamış, xarab olmamış)
23. Industrial area- an area on the edge of a town or city specially designed for
factories and businesses. (sənaye sahəsi)
24. Residential area- a district where people live; occupied primarily by private
residences. (yaşayış sahəsi)
25. Impressive- having the ability to impress the mind, arousing admiration.
For example. an impressive view of the mountains ( təsir edici)
26. Tube station- an underground station. esp in London. (metro)
27. Equipment-the necessary items for a particular purpose. Suppliers of office
equipment. (avadanlıq, təchizad)
28. Soil-the material on the surface of the ground in which plants grow; Plant
the seeds in potting soil. (torpaq)
29. Inspire- to stimulate greater or higher activity. His philosophy inspired a
later generation of environmentalists. (ruhlandırmaq, ilhamlandırmaq)
30. Giant-a person or thing of unusually great size, power, importance,
(nəhəng, böyük)

Vocabulary lesson 9
1. Apologize [say sorry]/// we can apologize in different ways in different
2. Interrupt [ break the continuity of] /// the buzzer interrupted his thoughts
( sözünü kəsmək)
3. Delay/hold-up [ when sth leaves or arrives later than you expect ]/// The
doctor wants to delay surgery for a few weeks-gecikdirmək, ləngitmək
4. Cancel [ decide or announce that (a planned event) will not take
place] /// he was forced to cancel his visit.-ləğv etmək

5. Wonder [desire to know something; feel curious.] /// I was wondering if
you could lend me some money until tomorrow.- Bilmək istəmək,
6. Go ahead or help yourself [ we are giving someone permission to do the
thing they have asked] -öndən buyur, davam et
7. Fancy [want to; infml] /// do you fancy listening to some music?-
8. Rather [prefer to do something else.] /// I’d rather do something else-
yaxşısı budur, yaxşı olarki
9. Introduce [ told the name of someone we have never met] /// We are
introduced to a stranger in a formal situation, we usually shake hands and
say hello. ( təqdim etmək)
10.Farewell [ bye, cheers (infml), take care (infml), or see you ] /// The
dinner had been arranged as a farewell ( sağollaşmaq, əlvida)
11.Thank goodness [ when we are happy that something bad did not
happen. A synonym is thank god (infml)] /// oh, thank goodness for that.
( Allaha şükür)
12.Avoid [try not to do something]/// Do you usually avoid speaking to
strangers at parties? ( çəkinmək)
13.Imagine [think of yourself in a situation] /// Can you imagine being
without a car? ( təsəvvür etmək)
14.Consider [to spend time thinking about a possibility or making a decision:]
/// Have you ever considered living in another country? (ətraflı
fikirləşmək, götür qoy etmək)
15.Recommend [advise] /// Would you recommend having a holiday in the
capital city of your country? ( tövsiyyə etmək)
16.Suggest [ offer ] /// If so, would you suggest going at a particular time of
the year?( təklif etmək)
17.Intend [plan] /// I intend to leave next month. ( niyyətində olmaq)
18.Attempt [ to try to do something, especially something difficult] /// I
attempted to cook the dinner, but it was terrible. ( cəhd etmək)
19.Promise [ said I would definitely do it] /// I promised to bring her book
back. ( söz vermək)
20.Blame for [said you were responsible for something bad] /// They went
to India last year on your advice and then blamed you for the terrible
holiday they had. ( günahlandırmaq)

21.Insist on [to keep doing something, even if it annoys other people,
or people think it is not good for you:] /// They insisted on going in the
summer when it was far too hot. ( israr etmək)
22.To put on weight- become fatter or heavier. You shouldn't be eating that
burger—you've put on weight lately. (kökəlmək)
23.Rash- a group of red spots on the skin that is caused by an illness or a
reaction to something. I woke up covered in a rash. (səpki)
24.Skinny- unattractively or unusually thin. He was such a skinny kid.
(arıq, sısqa)
25.Chatty-talkative. The driver was very chatty. (çox danışan)
26.Reserved- slow to reveal emotion or opinions. He is a reserved, almost
taciturn man. (özünə qapalı)
27.Easy-going- relaxed and tolerant in attitude or manner. If you're always
carefree and relaxed, your friends might describe you as easygoing. (üzü
28. Glossy-shiny and smooth. thick, glossy, manageable hair (parlaq)
29.Evidence-one or more reasons for believing that something is or is not
true: The police have found no evidence of a terrorist link with the
murder. (dəlil, sübut)
30.Contradiction-a combination of statements, ideas, or features which are
opposed to one another. The proposed new system suffers from a set of
internal contradictions. ( ziddiyyət, təzad)
31.Investigation- the action of investigating something or someone; formal
or systematic examination or research. He is under investigation for
receiving illicit funds. ( araşdırma, istintaq)
32.Admit-to recognize or accept something as true: Syn Confess. The Home
Office finally admitted that several prisoners had been injured. ( etiraf
etmək, götürmək)
33.Pressure-the force you produce when you press something. the use of
persuasion or intimidation to make someone do something. Backbenchers
put pressure on the government to provide safeguards. ( təzyiq)

Vocabulary lesson 10
1. Disappointed [noun. Disappointment; unhappy because someone or
something was not as good as you hoped.]/// I’m a bit disappointed that the
local paper hasn’t shown more interest in the story. ( məyus)
2. Confused [noun. Confusion; not able to think clearly or understand
something] /// the politicians seem confused about what to do. ( çaşqın)
3. Curious [noun. Curiosity ; wanting to know or learn about something] ///
we were curious to see what all the noise was about.( hər şey ilə
4. Be Scared of [afraid; syn frightened]/// I was really scared when they
started coming towards us. ( qorxmaq)
5. Anxious [worried; noun. Anxiety] /// but I felt anxious when I saw how
angry the men were. ( narahat)
6. Miserable[unhappy] /// why do people say they feel more cheerful [happy]
when the sun shines, and miserable [unhappy] when it’s raining? ( yazıq)
7. In response to[ in reply to] /// I am writing in response to your
advertisement about job opportunities for graduates. ( cavabında)
8. I would be grateful if you could [ this is slightly more polite/formal than
please could you]
9. Available [free] /// I am available for interview at any time ( uyğun,
10. Yours faithfully[use this ending if you don’t know the name of the person
you are writing to. If you know the name, end the letter with yours
sincerely, or kind regards] ( hörmətlərlə)
11. Application [official request for something] /// i regret to inform you that
your application has not been successful. ( müraciət)
12. Enquire about [ask about]// i am writing to enquire about english courses
at your school ( soruşmaq)
13. Pour [ heavy rain] /// it poured with rain this afternoon. ( güclü yağış)
14. Humid [the air feels very warm and wet]/// first it becomes very humid. (
15. Nod their head [move it up and down]to mean yes
16. Shake their head [move it from side to side] for ‘no’.
17. Yawn [people often yawn when they’re tired, and sometimes when they’re
bored.] ( əsnəmək)

18. On the go- very active or busy. He's been on the go all evening. ( gedərkən,
19. Speed up- move or work more quickly. You force yourself to speed up
because you don't want to keep others waiting. (sürətlənmək)
20. Ask someone out- invite someone out on a date. A few boys asked her out
but never the right ones. (görüşə çağırmaq)
21. Take someone out- to go somewhere and do something with someone,
usually something you plan and pay for:
I took her out to dinner the following night. (görüşə aparmaq)
22. Grow apart from someone- to become less friendly or emotionally close as
time passes: to become distant from someone. He and his wife had been
growing apart for at least a year. ( aralaşmaq, tədricən uzaqlaşmaq)
23. Put up with- to accept someone or something that is annoying, unpleasant,
etc. I don't know how she puts up with him. (dözmək, tab gətirmək, davam
elətdirmək) SYN tolerate
24. Get over someone or something- to accept an unpleasant fact or situation
after dealing with it for a while: They're upset that you didn't call, but
they'll get over it. ( sağalmaq, üstələmək)
25. Major-important, serious, or significant. The use of drugs is a major
problem. (əsas, başlıca)
26. Via-by way of; through. Most people buy a home with a mortgage via a
building society. (vasitəsilə)
27. Average-a standard or level that is considered to be typical or usual: The
quality of her work is well above average. (orta, ortabab)

Vocabulary lesson 11
1. Set up [start] /// they advise people who want to set up [start] a business,
especially in health and fitness. ( biznes qurmaq)
2. Deals with [ does the work in marketing; syn handle] /// james deals with
the marketing. ( məşğul olmaq)

3. Responsible for [in control of; syn in charge of] /// emma is responsible
for products such as towels, equipment, beauty products, etc. ( məsuliyyət
4. Run [organize or control] /// she runs the day-to-day business of the surgery
and is in charge of a small team. ( idarə etmək)
5. Complain [ say that something is wrong or is not satisfactory] /// she also
handles any complaints that customers make. (şikayət etmək)
6. Salary [a salary is money paid to professional people, e.g. doctors or
teachers, and to office workers for the work they do, and is usually paid into
a person’s bank account every month.] (əməkhaqqı)
7. Income [the total amount of money you receive in a year] /// average
incomes have risen by 4.5 percent over the past year. ( gəlir)
8. Tax [money paid to the government that is based on your income or
the cost of goods or services you have bought] /// they're increasing the
tax on cigarettes. ( vergi)
9. Wage [wages are usually paid for each hour/day/week of work to people
who do more physical jobs, e.g. building or cleaning] ///
the job pays very low wages. (əməkhaqqı)
10.Overtime [work extra hours]. /// other people have to do/work overtime (
əlavə işləmək)
11.Apply for- müraciət etmək .. Roger applied for a scholarship to Oxford.
12.Employ [ give smb a job] /// a small company employed me. (işə
13.Pay rise [more money] /// they also gave me a good pay rise. ( maaş
14.Quit my job [told the company I am leaving; syn resign] /// so, I quit my
job and started looking for jobs in the UK. ( işdən istefa etmək)
15.Sacked me [told me to leave the company; syn gave me the sack]/// finally,
the company sacked me, and after that I was unemployed for two months.
( işdən qovulmaq)
16.Own [belonging to me] /// three years after that i opened my own
restaurant. (şəxsi)
17.Arrange [plan and prepare] /// he also has to arrange visits to other
companies. ( təşkil etmək)
18.Make appointments [arrange a time when you meet someone] /// he makes
appointments for his boss, and sometimes he shows visitors round the
factory. ( görüş təyin etmək)

19.Run out of [has no more] /// the computer isn’t working and the printer has
run out of 2 paper ( bitmək, tükənmək)
20. Absent [not here; syn. Off ] /// on top of that, two of his colleagues are
absent. ( istirak etmemek)
21. Loads of [lots of; infml] /// when there is loads of 5 work to do. ( coxlu)
22. Point of view [opinion] /// in a discursive essay you have to express your
own ideas and point of view. ( fikrimcə)
23. On the one hand [ opp. On the other (hand)] /// on the one hand,
computers can do so many things faster than human beings. On the other
(hand), some people are becoming dependent on them, which is not a good
thing. ( digər tərəfdən)
24. Compared with / to [ to examine or look for the difference between two
or more things] /// compared with / to my grandparents, I have had much
more opportunity to travel abroad. ( müqayisədə)
25. In contrast [ an obvious difference between two or more things]/// in
contrast, many countries in Africa have become much poorer. ( tərsinə,
müqaayisə olaraq)
26. In general [syn on the whole] /// in general, Japanese society is more
focused on groups than individuals. ( ümumiyyətlə)
27. Tend to [to be likely to behave in a particular way or have
a particular characteristic] /// teenagers tend to have [usually have] more
freedom than in the past ( meylli olmaq)
28.Cause [reasons for ] /// poor diet and lack of exercise are the main causes of
obesity (səbəb olmaq)
29. Consequently [because of this; syn as a result] /// people don’t eat the right
food or get enough exercise, and consequently they put on weight.
30.Flexible hours- you have different start and end times for your workday
than the standard 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ( azad iş qrafiki)
31.Shift work- a work schedule that is performed in rotations. Different
groups of workers often do the same jobs in rotation. For example, while
some employees might fill a role during the day, others might work night or
early morning shifts. (növbəli iş)
32.Resign- voluntarily leave a job or office. He resigned from the company in
protest of the treatment of his co-workers. (istefa vermək)

33.Commission- Commission is a sum of money paid to a salesperson for
every sale that he or she makes. He also got a commission for bringing in.
34.Tough-strong and durable; not easily broken or cut. difficult to accomplish,
resolve, endure. E.g., A tough question. tough luck. (çətin, sərt)
35.Convince-to cause someone to believe something or to do something: We
tried to convince my grandfather to live with us. (inandırmaq)

Vocabulary lesson 12
1. Criminal [a person who commits a crime] ///
many people argue that allowing a criminal to
go free is better that imprisoning an innocent person. ( cinayətkar)
2. Theft, robbery, burglary, [stealing something, e.g. a car; verb versions:
steal/take/rob. Person: thief/robber/burglar /// there’s been another burglary
in the area. ( oğurluq)
3. Murder [killing someone; person: murderer verb: murder] /// do they know
who murdered the boy? ( öldürmək)
4. Break in [entered the building using force, e.g. broke a window] /// they
broke in around 7 o’clock ( evə oğurluğa girmək)
5. Attack [ used physical violence to hurt smb] /// the two men attacked mr
crawford while he was walking home yesterday afternoon. ( hücum etmək)
6. Escape [ left the place to avoid danger; syn got away] /// police say the two
men hit him in the face several times, then took his money and escaped
through bushy park ( qaçıb xilas olmaq)
7. Crime rate [the number of crimes that happen] /// this equals a robbery
crime rate of 126.4 per 100,000 ( cinayət dərəcəsi)
8. Arrest [if you arrest someone, you take them to the police station because
you believe they committed a crime. That person is then under arrest.] ///
detectives arrested a man this morning in connection with the murder of
shop assistant, tracey miles. ( həbs etmək)
9. Catch [find smb and arrest smb] /// if you commit a crime and the police
catch you, you will be punished ( tutmaq, yaxalamaq)

10.Minor offences [crimes that are not very important; opp serious] /// for
minor offences, the punishment may only be a fine. ( kiçik cinayətlər)
11.Fine [money you have to pay] /// i've just had to pay £10 for a parking fine.
( cərimə)
12.Court [a place where trials and other legal cases happen] ///for serious
crimes, you will have to go to court. ( məhkəmə)
13.Judge [a person who is in charge of a trial in a court and decides how
a person who is guilty of a crime should be punished, or who
makes decisions on legal matters] /// the judge reminded the witness that
she was under oath. ( hakim)
14.Punishment [what a person must suffer if they do something
wrong] ////many people think that the death penalty is too severe a
punishment for any crime. ( cərimə)
15.Vote for [you choose them by putting a cross (x) on an off icial piece of
paper] /// ( səs vermək)
16.Elect [ choose by voting] ///in the UK, a general election is when the
people elect the next government. ( seçmək - seçki)
17.In power [ in control (of the country] /// the leader of the party in power is
the prime minister. (nəzarətində)
18.Provide for [ give something to those who need it (also provide someone
with something)] /// They will provide free nursery education for all
children ( təmin etmək)
19.Support [ help (sometimes in the form of money) ] ///
i think it's important to support local businesses by buying locally. (
20.Reduce [make less; syn cut] /// The plane reduced speed as
it approached the airport. ( azaltmaq)
21.Fair [ dealing with everyone in the same way; opp unfair ] /// why should i
have to do all the cleaning? It's not fair! ( ədalətli)
22.Above all [ most importantly] /// above all , we will treat people as equal.
23.Equal [ having the same importance; adv equally ] /// all people are
equal, deserving the same rights as each other. ( bərabər)
24.Beside/by [ at the side of, next to] /// come and sit here beside me. (
yanında, yanaşı)
25.Above [in or to a higher position than something else] /// there's
a mirror above the sink. ( yuxarıda, üzərində)

26.Over [ above or higher than something else, sometimes so that one
thing covers the other ] /// he sign over the door said "exit" ( üstündə,
27.Prison sentence- confinement in prison as a punishment imposed on a
person who has been found guilty of a crime. (həbs cəzası)
28.Community service- unpaid work, intended to be of social use, that an
offender is required to do instead of going to prison. (ictimai xidmət)
29.A suspended sentence- a legal arrangement in which a person who has
been found guilty of a crime is not sentenced to jail but may be sentenced
for that crime at a future time if he or she commits another crime during a
specified period. (şərti cəza)
30.Witness- a person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take
place. Police are appealing for witnesses to the accident. (şahid)
31.Victim- a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident,
or other event or action. I saw myself as a victim. (qurban, zərərçəkən)
32.Reveal-make (previously unknown or secret information) known to others.
Brenda was forced to reveal Robbie's whereabouts. (aşkar etmək, meydana
33.Negotiation-the process of discussing something with someone in order to
reach an agreement. Discussion aimed at reaching an agreement. (danışıq,

Vocabulary 13
1. Book online [to make a reservation using the internet]/// these online
booking companies have no incentive to publish the resort fee ( onlayn
rezervasiya eləmək)
2. Destination the place to which someone or something is going or being
sent/// to book online, you need to search for your destination and the dates
when you plan to travel ( gediləcək yer)
3. Weekend break a short holiday package of two or three days/// a popular
option for a weekend break is to rent an apartment in an interesting city (
həftəsonu gəzintisi)

4. Departures board a board in an airport, bus terminal, etc displaying the
times and destinations of future departures /// ( gediş gəliş vaxtının əks
olunduğu lövhə)
5. Pick up [ collect] /// we picked up the keys from the neighbours without any
problems. ( toplamaq)
6. Central heating [a system that keeps a building warm] /// finally, it’s very
cold and we can’t find the instructions for the central heating. ( mərkəzi
istilik sistemi)
7. Recommend [ say something is good] /// and can you recommend a nearby
restaurant for dinner? ( tövsiyə etmək)
8. Nearby [ not far] /// and can you recommend a nearby restaurant for
dinner? ( yaxınlığında)
9. Weigh [see how heavy something is] /// at check-in, someone will check
your ticket and weigh your luggage. ( çəki)
10.Pay excess baggage [pay extra for your luggage] /// if it is more than, for
example, 20 kilograms, you will have to pay excess baggage. ( baqaj üçün
əlavə pul ödəmək)
11.Take-off [when the plane takes off / leaves the ground opp. Land] /// shortly
before take-off, you go to the place where you get on the plane, gate 3 (
təyyarənin yerdən qalxması)
12.Delay [ when you have to wait longer than expected] /// if there are no
delays, the plane moves slowly to the runway, then it takes off. ( gecikmə)
13.Announcement [spoken information to a group of people] /// when the
plane lands, there is always an announcement from a member of the cabin
crew telling passengers to wait until the plane completely stops before they
stand up.( elan)
14.Go through customs [go through the area where your luggage may be
checked to make sure you don’t have anything illegal] /// when you’ve got
your luggage from baggage reclaim , you go through customs and leave the
airport. ( gömrükdən keçmək)
15.Have a look round [visit a place casually, often on foot]///I want to have a
look round the museum. ( harasa baş çəkmək)
16.Explore [go round a new place to see what is there] we explored the flower
market. ( tədqiq etmək)
17.Get lost [lose one’s way] i got lost three times in london. ( yolunu itirmək)
18.Magnificent [very good or very beautiful]/// the guidebooks say the
alhambra in granada is magnificent ( əla)

19.Packed [very crowded] /// but it’s always packed [very crowded] with
tourists in the summer.( izdihamlı)
20.Worth [we use worth + noun/-ing to say that it is a good idea to do
something or go somewhere. ] /// It’s worth hiring a car if you go to
scotland. ( dəyər)
21.Marvellous [very good; syn terrific, wonderful, amazing]./// we were lucky
– the weather was marvelous ( əla)
22.Delighted [ very pleased] /// I was delighted she passed her exam. ( çox
23.Tiny [very small] /// it’s a nice modern flat, but it’s absolutely tiny ( çox
24.Huge [very big; syn enormous]/// I wasn’t very hungry, but they gave us a
huge meal. ( çox böyük)
25.Exhausted [very tired] /// Everyone was really exhausted by the end of the
day. (Çox yorğun)
26.Terrifying [very frightening] /// Bungee jumping is the most terrifying thing
i’ve ever done. ( çox qorxunc)
27.Embarrassed [feeling a bit stupid because of something you have said or
done]/// I kept calling her emma, so i was embarrassed when ben told me
her name was angela. ( xəcalətli, utanmış)
28.Lorry- a large, heavy motor vehicle for transporting goods or troops; a
truck. (yük maşını)
29.Voyage- a long journey involving travel by sea or in space. He spent part of
his life voyaging along the South African coast. (səyahət)
30.Shake hands- to clasp hands in greeting, agreement, etc. He shook hands
with my father and left. (əl sıxışmaq)
31.Bow- to bend your head or body forward, especially as a way of showing
someone respect or expressing thanks to people. They all bowed to the king.
(baş əymək)
32.Wave someone- to greet (someone) by moving one's hand from side to side.
He smiled and waved when he saw me. ( əl sallamaq)
33.Superstitious - belief that is not based on human reason or scientific
knowledge, but is connected with old ideas about magic, etc. I don't believe
in the old superstition that the number 13 is unlucky. (xurafat, mövhumat)

Vocabulary lesson 14
1. Biographies [ stories of a person’s life, written by another person] ///
recently, I’ve started reading quite a lot of biographies. (bioqrafiya)
2. Come out [appear in shops; syn are published]/// Most papers are daily,
which means that they come out every day. ( meydana çıxmaq, )
3. Reports [pieces of writing about news items, written by reporters/
journalists, e.g. a report in the times on/about a crime] ( hesabat)
4. Articles [pieces of writing about an important subject, e.g. an article on/
about drugs] ( məqalə)
5. Headlines [titles written in large letters above reports/articles, e.g.
government loses vote ( başlıq)
6. Advertisements or adverts [words and pictures about a product, to make
people buy it, e.g. an advert for shampoo ( reklam)
7. The weather forecast [a description of what the weather will be like in the
next few days] ( hava proqnozu)
8. Documentaries [programmes that give facts about real situations and real
people] ( sənədli film)
9. Soap operas [a regular series of programmes, often two or three times a
week, about a group of characters who live in the same area] ( serial)
10. Reality tv shows [programmes which follow ordinary people or celebrities
through a number of situations or challenges. Well-known examples include:
pop idol, the x factor and strictly come dancing].
11. Celebrity [famous people] /// The magazine is all about the lives of
celebrities. ( məşhur insan)
12. Well-known [famous] /// The restaurant is well known for its friendly
atmosphere and excellent service. ( məşhur)
13. Touch [ put your hand on it]/// don’t touch the oven. It’s hot! ( toxunmaq)
14. Peer- a person or thing of the same rank, value, quality, ability, etc. If you
are a 10th grader, other high school students are your peers.(həmyaşıd)
15. To come across- meet or find someone or something by chance. I came
across these old photos recently.(təsadüfən rastlaşmaq)
16. To look up to- to respect and admire. I've always looked up to my older
brother. (pərəstiş etmək, hörmət etmək)

17. A commercial break- a short interruption of a television or radio programme
to broadcast advertisements. The programme was divided into three parts,
each separated by a commercial break. ( reklam)
18. Appeal to- to interest or attract someone.. I think what appeals to me about
his painting is his use of colour- ( diqqət çəkmək)
19. Complain about- express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.
Local authorities complained that they lacked sufficient resources.(şikayət
20. Respond to- say something in reply. She could not get Robert to respond to
her words. (cavab vermək)
21. A pop-up advert- An advertisement that takes the form of a window that
appears automatically on a computer screen when certain websites are
visited. ( anidən çıxan reklam- məsələn boltun reklamı)
22. Based on- If you base something on facts or ideas, you use those facts or
ideas to develop it: The film is based on a short story by Thomas Mann.
23. Repair [ fix , mend ] /// i need someone to fix/repair the computer ( təmir
24. Represent [to speak, act, or be present officially for
another person or people ] /// they chose a famous barrister to represent them
in court. ( təqdim etmək)
25. Treat [give medicine or medical help] /// these people treat people or
animals. ( davranmaq, müalicə etmək)
26. Navy [the part of a country's armed forces that
is trained to operate at sea] /// my brother is an officer in the navy. ( hərbi

Vocabulary lesson 15
1. Note [a piece of paper money] /// He took a wad of notes from his pocket. (
kağız pul)
2. Coin [ a small, round piece of metal, usually silver or copper coloured, that
is used as money] // I asked for £10 in 20p coins. ( qəpik)
3. Cash [money in the form of notes and coins] /// I always have some cash
with me, and I check my account online once a week ( nağd)

4. Student loan [money you borrow to pay for your studies] /// When I went
to university, I had to get a student loan1 to pay my fees ( tələbə krediti)
5. Fee [money you pay to use something or for a service ] (haqq)
6. Save up [ keeping money to buy something in the future] /// At the moment
I’m saving up for a new laptop ( pul yığmaq)
7. Afford [to be able to buy or do something because you have enough money
or time]/// I don't know how he can afford a new car on his salary. (təmin
8. Owe [had to pay back a lot of money to the bank] /// By the time I finished
my degree I owed a lot. ( borclu olmaq)
9. Achieve [If you achieve something, you have been successful in something
that needed a lot of work and effort. The noun is achievement] //// Writing
a book has been my greatest achievement. ( nail olmaq)
10. Currently [now, at the moment] /// DENHAM FARM BAKERY1 is a family
business, with three different generations (father, son and granddaughter)
of the family currently2 working with a team of 90 employees. ( hal-
11. aim [ a plan of what you hope to achieve] /// The company was set up in
1991 with the aim of producing a variety of bread of the highest quality (
12. variety [ different types ] /// The company was set up in 1991 with the aim
of producing a variety of bread of the highest quality ( müxtəliflik)
13. quality [how good or bad something is] /// The company was set up in 1991
with the aim of producing a variety of bread of the highest quality (
14. demand [when more people want to buy something] /// The Denham family
saw there was a growing demand for organic products in the 1990s ( tələb
15. expand [ become bigger ] /// The firm has expanded a great deal in the last
20 years, but it still remains a family business.( genişləndirmək)
16. accountant[people who control a person or company’s money] /// Morgan
& Stenson are a firm of accountants ( mühasib)
17. formerly[in the past but not now] /// They were formerly Stenson & Son,
but were taken over by JS Morgan five years ago. ( əvvəlki)
18. headquarter [the place where the main office is] /// The headquarters of
the firm are in Newcastle, but they have five other branches in different
parts of the north-east of England ( əsas ofis)

19. branch [offices that are part of the company] /// The headquarters of the
firm are in Newcastle, but they have five other branches in different parts
of the north-east of England ( filial)
20. client [ people who pay someone for a service] /// So many of his clients
are footballers. ( müştəri)
21. ambition [something someone wants to achieve] /// At the time, James
Morgan said it was his ambition to change the image that people have of
accountants ( arzu, istək)
22. trends [movements] /// These verbs describe trends in sales ( cərəyan,
23. rise [ go up / increase] /// When sales or prices rise, they can do it in
different ways ( qalxmaq)
24. Profit [ is the money you receive from your business after you have paid all
your costs (opp loss)] /// Last year the company made a profit of €2 million
but this year they could make a loss. ( gəlir, mənfəət)
25. interest rates [Interest is what the bank charges you [asks you to pay] when
you borrow money from them, and the interest rate is how much you must
pay as a percentage, e.g. 5%, 8%, etc. So, if you borrow £100 for a year and
the interest rate is 15% a year, you’ll have to pay back £115.] ( faiz)
26. trade [buying and selling between countries] /// Figures published
yesterday show that trade between the two countries has now risen for the
fifth year in a row. ( ticarət)
27. in a row [one after another with no break] /// Figures published yesterday
show that trade between the two countries has now risen for the fifth year
in a row ( ardıcıl)
28. recession [a time when the economy is not successful] /// Although the
value of the pound fell slightly against the dollar yesterday, the news that
sales rose in the last quarter has raised hopes that we may be coming out of
recession ( tənəzzül)
29. a bargain- an agreement between two or more people or groups as to what
each will do for the other. Bargains between political parties supporting
the government.(sövdələşmə)
30. withdraw- remove or take away (something) from a particular place or
position. Ruth withdrew her hand from his.-geri çəkmək, geri götürmək
31. pay a fare- the money that you pay for a journey that you make, for
example, in a bus, train, or taxi. We shared a taxi and split the fare.( gediş
haqqını ödəmek)

32. get a loan- a thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money that is
expected to be paid back with interest. Borrowers can take out a loan for
£84,000. (kredit almaq)
33. get a scholarship- an amount of money given by a school, college,
university, or other organization to pay for the studies of a person with
great ability but little money: He got a scholarship to Harvard. (təqaüd

Vocabulary 16
Vocabulary lesson 16
1. surrounded by [to be around something on all sides] /// I grew up in the
countryside where I was surrounded by nature. ( əhatə olunmaq)
2. scenery --- [the natural beauty you see around you]/// The seasons were all
different, and I loved the scenery, the open spaces, and the fresh air. ( mənzərə)
3. pedestrian crossing [a special place in a road where traffic must stop to allow
people to walk across] /// Who has the right of way at a pedestrian crossing
when the lights are green to the motorist? ( piyada keçidi)
4. bend [to (cause to) curve] /// this road bends to the right ( əyilmək,
5. on my way to – [while I was going to] /// Yesterday, I got lost on my way to the
airport. ( yolumun üzərində)
6. end up — [found myself in a place I didn’t expect to be in] /// I ended up in a
supermarket car park. ( nəticələnmək)
7. pavement – [the place where pedestrians walk] /// A pedestrian – a young boy
– stepped off the pavement. ( səki)
8. approach – [coming closer] /// We could just see the train approaching in the
distance.( yaxınlaşmaq)
9. just round the corner [very near] /// There's a great restaurant just around the
corner. ( çox yaxın)
10. At least [not less than]// It will cost at least $100. ( ən azından)
11. Narrow [(opp a wide] /// It was a very narrow road for a bus. ( dar)
12. Quantity [the amount or number of something] /// Police found a large/small
quantity of drugs in his possession.( kəmiyyət)
13. Content [the things inside something] /// The first item listed in the contents
was "Introduction". ( məzmun)
14. drop of [a very small amount] /// Just a drop of milk and no sugar in my coffee,
please. ( bir neçə damla)
15. slices of [pieces of] /// I’ve cut three slices of beef; that should be enough for
the sandwiches. ( bir neçə dilim)
16. bunch of [We can use bunch to talk about flowers, grapes, bananas and
keys.] /// I took my boss a bunch of flowers when I visited her in hospital.
17. sheet of [(Or a piece/bit of paper)] // I need a sheet of paper. ( kağız )
18. a couple of [two, perhaps three]/// I bought a couple of books. ( bir neçə)
19. several [some but not a lot, e.g. between three and eight] /// We saw several
churches on our way here. ( bir neçə)
20. plenty of [a lot of] ( çoxlu) Don't cry over Pierre - there are plenty
of fish in the sea!
21. Knock out- to make someone unconscious · 2. to make someone leave a
competition by defeating them · 3. to destroy something, or to stop it working
·(vurub çıxartmaq, nokaut etmək)
22. Be in debt- If you are in debt, you owe money: We seem to be perpetually in
debt. If you go into debt, you borrow money.(borclu olmaq)
23. Pay fees- used to talk about institutions or services which people have to pay to
use. The school is attended by fee-paying students from many countries.(haqq
24. slightly [a bit] /// I'm slightly upset she forgot my birthday (yüngülcə)
25. gradually [slowly over a long period] /// Gradually, she realized that he wasn't
telling her the truth ( tədricən).
26. sharply [quickly and by a large amount] /// Inflation has risen/fallen sharply
( kəskin).
27. fall [ go down / decrease] /// Our share of the market has decreased sharply
this year. ( düşmək, azalmaq)


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