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What can Aries expect in April

Happy Birthday, dear Aries! It’s your New Year, your Solar Return time, your initiation month.
You will be thinking about your priorities, your future, your wants and needs, your values, your
life path, your relationships and your well-being. There’s a strong focus on you: who you are,
what you want, where you’re going, what your next steps are, what you want to take with you in
the future and what you don’t need anymore. This is a great month for self-improvement and for
recognizing your own qualities. Your core values are being shaken up during this month. Your
focus shifts and you literally relocate your attention point. Your point of view is being moved and
relocated and you’re receiving a new, clearer vision about your life and next steps. You are
building yourself from a different perspective. You have changed your mindset, you have
become more mindful about many things from your past and your present and you can organize
yourself better now.

Mercury enters your sign on the 4th of the month joining Sun and Venus already there and
there’s a New Moon in your sign on the 12th. There is a lot of focus on you, your physical
appearance, your well-being, your personality, your behavior and your relationships. You will be
inspired to express your soul’s desires and to share them with others. Others will see you in a
different way during this time. Your vitality is increased and you emanate good energy around
you. You might change your mind about something that is important to you, you may make new
decisions now, final ones, real ones. You may reveal some secretive things now as well.
Something that has bothered you or something you wanted to know might come up now and be
brought to light. This is also a fantastic month for purging and letting go.

Pluto will square Venus and Sun in your sign and you may be encouraged to take a risk and
make things happen. Pluto goes retrograde on the 28th of the month so you have a whole
month to make that progress with Plutonic transformational energy in your tenth house of
career, ambitions, goals, authority figures, your contribution and your place in the world. On the
15th of the month Venus enters Taurus and your second house, which is the house she rules.
Sun and Mercury join Venus on the 20th of the month and your financial house is lit up and
highlighted. This will bring you many new opportunities for making money, earning money,
improving your finances, gaining self-esteem and reclaiming your self-worthiness. These
planets in Taurus will conjunct Uranus and square Saturn at the end of the month, which can be
a very liberating experience for you with sudden and unexpected income, financial surprises,
possible conflicts with others and uncertainty when it comes to your future goals and personal
insecurities; they are here to remind you to trust yourself no matter what.

Aries relationship with inner self

Dear Aries, this is your rebirth time, your new birth month, your month for renewal, rejuvenation,
revitalization, reconnection with yourself, nature and life, restoration of your identity and your
inner reality. You won’t feel bored this month. You have a lot of work to do with yourself and if
you’ve struggled with any kind of depression, isolation, heartbreaking processes, loss or grief,
this is the time to wake up and start working on yourself. Start doing the actual work, start active
inner work and reactivate your dormant parts. This is about active internal activities. You are
given all the tools that you need now in order to enter your inner self and start asking the right
questions. Your questions will lead you towards the answers. What questions do you want to
ask? What do you want to know about your life, yourself, your emotional, physical, mental and
spiritual self? Asking your inner self questions will initiate the process of finding answers. Your
intuition increases when you ask important questions; your mental, emotional, spiritual and
physical manifestations come together and they start collaborating in order to find those
answers. So, whatever it is that you’re struggling with or that you want to know, to learn, to
discover and reveal, ask for it. You have to ask the right questions in order to find the right
answers. For example, if you’re feeling hurt or betrayed, you would want to ask your intuitive
self where those feelings come from. You don’t want to ask why or who made you feel that way.
You want to know the cause, you want to find the root instead of getting lost in finding leaves on
the branches.

You can reveal so much during this time. You can sink into your depths and heights, you can get
intimate with your intuition and start receiving true answers that bring you unconditional and
unlimited resources of knowledge and wealth. If you’ve been hiding something, if you’ve kept
something inside for too long, something that burdens you, something that worries you, now is
the time to express it, to get it out, to release it and liberate it, to open the inner cage and let it
all go, to break the cage and let go of the need to have it. Mercury in your sign will conjunct
Chiron the wounded healer in your sign too, and this can trigger some wounds that are
necessary to be seen and recognized. You can’t heal something if it’s invisible. You have to
open the wound and see how big it is, see what it looks like, see where it hurts. Where is the
wound? Maybe it’s not where you think it is. Maybe it’s totally elsewhere. Ask the questions, let
the wounds open, break the cage, follow your intuition, heal your identity wounds.

Aries relationships with others

Dear Aries, April is a challenging and encouraging month at the same time when it comes to
your relationships with others. There is so much inspiration coming through others and so many
projections and expectations as well. Keep track of your expectations from others. Be aware of
what you’re projecting onto them. Don’t get carried away by perception filtered with anger,
unrealistic expectations, selfishness, unfulfilled desires and unmet needs. Observe these things
if they show up; observe and redirect them and let yourself be yourself when you’re with others,
but let others be themselves as well. Focus on the bigger picture. If someone or something gets
you out of your normal self, try to see it from a different angle, step away and fly above to have
a better view. Maybe you don’t have all the pieces of the puzzle at the moment but if you allow
your relationships with others to express in a free and unconditioned way, you will get all the
pieces very soon.
Your first house is highlighted and this is your season, dear Aries, which means that you need to
shine a light on your opposite house and sign in order to find balance, to harmonize your inner
and outer self, to find the right measure in everything. This is your seventh house of
relationships and others in your life. Your self-image depends upon how others perceive you.
Your personality is very much shaped and framed by others in your life. Your identity and your
behavior are known only because there are others in your life and this is something you’re
becoming more aware of now. Others have the power to transform your whole perception of
reality, of yourself, of your individuality and your temperament. You wouldn’t be able to express
your qualities without others in your life and you will experience something that will remind you
of these things. Some unveiling and revealing conversations with others are possible. The way
you behave and communicate with others is very important for your future identity and your
future path. You can expect good advice from authority figures during this time. Your family
members will become more activated in your life now, which can be for better or worse,
depending on your relationship with them. They can become more involved and included in your
life, which will either irritate you or bring you support. However, they have their part to play now
in your life, which is not a coincidence, so whatever the scenario with your family, trust the
process and allow things to unfold naturally. Don’t push, don’t project, don’t avoid, don’t
suppress. Allow, trust, adjust and accept.

Aries love & romantic life in April

Dear Aries, this is your birthday time, your season, your New Year, your Solar Return and you
receive gifts from the Stars during this time. Love pours from above and reminds you of the
significance and worthiness of your life, your existence, your breath, your senses, your ability to
read these lines, your present moment, your body, your emotions, your thoughts, your words,
your aliveness and the aliveness of everything around you. These are precious moments when
you’re being reminded of the importance of being alive. Love equals common sense, even if
you’ve been told and taught that love is blind, that love is everything but common sense, that
love is painful, that love is not for the faint-hearted, that love is unpredictable and sudden, that
love is this and that… Love cannot be taught or spoken about, love is experienced through
every single moment. Love is not to be found, love is always around, but you’ve been
programmed to believe that love is something that’s usually out of reach, that love is somewhere
else and you have to look for it, that love is hidden and that love hurts. Love cannot hurt. What
hurts is the lack of consciousness and common sense. What hurts is ignorance. What hurts is
the illusion that we are separate from everything. What hurts is the hole that you keep trying to
fill with external things and people.

This month wants you to remember that everything around you is love no matter what you’re
going through and no matter what you’re dealing with. This month reminds you that you are
alive no matter what, that you are here, that you are present and from that presence the whole
Universe is being born every minute. If you’re dealing with something painful in your love life,
this month will bring some different taste and a new and fresh perception of the importance of
your life, which is carried by the principle of love. If you’re single and you’re desperate because
of that, you will also gain a new understanding and perception and you will use this time in the
best possible way to make yourself feel good, uplifted, loved, accepted and joyful. No matter
what happens, remember that you can always hear and feel your heart beating, which reminds
you that love is always present and that you’re alive. This will have a positive effect on your
existing relationships and you can resolve issues during this time with your partner with more
common sense, with more awareness and with clearer perception of what’s happening between
the two of you. Many of you who are single will enjoy your own company, enjoy your own quality
time, enjoy your own energy, your own emanation, your own state of being, while some of you
may draw someone new into your life, especially around the middle of the month. Whatever the
case, this is the time to bring back that lost memory and lost sight and start recognizing and
feeling love from all corners of existence.

Aries career & purpose in April

Dear Aries, this is a fantastic month for your career, your money, your financial matters, your
future direction and your objectives. This month is very promising and if you feel like you’ve lost
hope, you can count on new enthusiasm being born now from that lost hope. Venus enters
Taurus on the 15th of the month and she goes through your second house, which is the house
she naturally rules. Venus rules Taurus and this is magnificent energy for finances, incomes,
new resources, investments and earnings. Sun and Mercury join Venus together on the 20th of
the month and there will be a conjunction with Uranus which is already in Taurus. These are
fabulous energies for discovering more of your gifts and talents, for cashing them in, for making
business out of your gifted potential, for using your talents, for investing in yourself and
improving yourself.

This second house is also about your sense of self-worthiness, so if you’ve felt disempowered,
let down or unworthy, expect these things to change and shift in the opposite direction. You will
feel courageous and you will have support to achieve one of your goals now. You may receive
some extra money during this time, you may have important conversations and negotiations
about future projects, you may receive money that you’ve been waiting for. Your financial
situation improves as well as your self-esteem. These energies are wonderful for finding new
sources of income and for reevaluating your core values and priorities. This is also a fantastic
time to give away anything that you don’t need anymore, that you don’t use anymore, that is not
a priority for you—something that can be of use to others that you don’t need.

Uranus is being activated by these personal planets and you can expect sudden and
unexpected things—something that surprises you and that has to do with your values, your
resources, your possessions, your material well-being. These planets will activate Saturn in
Aquarius as well through the challenging square aspect and you will feel the need to change
something in these areas, to break out of something limiting, to change your direction, to
change your mind and decision, to break some barriers that prevent you from doing what you
enjoy doing. Don’t let anything stop you this month. Go for it, take a risk and if you’re afraid of
failure, still go for it. But if you’re pushing for something which obviously doesn’t give any
results, let it go and move on to the next thing. Explore your abilities, see what you can offer,
make new deals, sign new contracts, initiate new projects. This is a fruitful period for earning
and investing in what makes sense to you, in what gives you purpose and a sense of
How the New Moon in April will influence Aries
Dear Aries, this New Moon happens on the 12th of the month in your sign in your house of Self,
your identity, your expression, your style, your looks, your physical appearance, your behavior,
your individuality, your temperament, your characteristics, who you are, how you represent
yourself, how others perceive you and how you perceive yourself. This New Moon is your
Initiation Moon, this is your New Birth and your rebirth. You gain a new identity; you’re being
given a new upgraded identity that you’re about to develop through this year. New seeds are
sown into your personality. This is a time for new beginnings, a new start, a new cycle in your
life, who you are, what you want, how you want to change. What would you like to improve?
How would you like to see yourself? What image do you have in your mind about yourself? You
are planting the seeds for the new you, for a new personality, and you will go through some kind
of individual initiation during this time. Others will recognize changes within you. They will notice
something different and you will start seeing yourself in a new light too. Something has
changed, something has started changing.

A new cycle is being activated and your new identity is being created. This doesn’t mean that
your true self disappears. This only means that your true self is being more discovered and
revealed and your old personality, which is the mask that you’re carrying and that you’re
identifying with, is changing. This New Moon wants you to improve your behavior, to improve
your physical body, your appearance, your looks, to take better care of yourself, to shine, to
emanate beauty and joy, to flourish and blossom as the spring, to be the true representative of
your season and to be a true pioneer of the Spring and new beginnings. This is the best time to
initiate something new, to start something brand new, to start some new cycle in your life, to
bring the changes, to sow the seeds for the future growth. This New Moon in your sign reminds
you of your true essential self. It reminds you of your true path, your mission, your purpose, your
service, your journey. Work with these energies, awaken your voice. Awaken your initiator, your
pioneer, your leader abilities and follow yourself, guide yourself and enter into a new dawn. This
New Moon stands together with the Sun, Venus and Mercury which support you on your way
and infuse you with their wisdom, with their force and their insights.

How the Full Moon in April will influence Aries

Dear Aries, this Full Moon happens on the 27th of the month in the sign of Scorpio in your
eighth house, which is the natural house of Scorpio which represents transformation, death,
rebirth, unconscious attachments and desires, secrets, sexuality, intimacy, shared resources,
money, debts, taxes, inheritance and joint finances. This Full Moon is here to bring revelation, to
bring things to light that were hidden, that were unseen, that were under the surface. Something
is about to be brought to light. Things are being dug up in order to heal, resolve and bring to an
end. Full Moons are times of completions, endings and culminations, so you can expect
something coming to a head when it comes to your finances, your shared money, somebody
else’s money, debts, business partnerships, intimate relationships, emotional intensity and
This Full Moon in Scorpio is highly intense and electromagnetic. It is a high-voltage Full Moon
and it opposes your second house and all the planets there: Uranus, Sun, Venus and Mercury.
These are strong energies and your values and priorities are being transformed. You’re letting
go of something that you’ve been attached to, you’re revealing something important, you’re
discovering something that changes your value system. You share your intimacy with someone.
You go through a transformation and death-like experience. Things are changing for you deeply,
profound insights are being revealed to you and you have the courage to step into the unknown
and learn even more. You are fearless. You want to know the truth no matter what; you prefer to
know the truth even if it’s ugly. You prefer to know if something’s been hidden from you and this
Full Moon brings those kinds of revelations. Full Moons also bring fulfillments and things come
to fruition, so if you’ve been working on something you may bring that something to an end now.
Maybe you return your debts now, you finish paying something, you return some favor. You
finish with a certain chapter in your life and you’re ready to move on. Some transformation
happens definitely and you will go through it. Something will become illuminated. You may go
through a certain loss because this placement and Scorpio represent death, but it is mostly
metaphorical death, symbolic death; something old dies in order for the new to be born,
something immature becomes mature, something that was previously unknown becomes
known. You may be involved in an intimate relationship that makes you feel very intense and
that transforms you deeply.

This Full Moon is the best time to release things, to let go of something that hurts you, to let go
of painful memories, to bring things to light and release them, to heal, to feel and to keep it real.
Be aware of the intensity, possessiveness, obsessions, feeling threatened, seeing things only
from your perspective. Be ready to let go, be ready to accept and to process. This Full Moon is
strong and intense. Things can happen in a sudden and abrupt way so make sure you find
some time to spend alone, to accumulate your energy, to discharge and recharge. Stay
hydrated. This is a watery Full Moon so if you can be somewhere in nature near the water, talk
to that energy, talk with the Water element, ask for guidance, meditate, take a walk, write down
your feelings, write down your intentions and wishes, write down what you want to let go of and
shake off that intensity, dance it away. Find a healthy outlet and get in tune with this Full Moon.



What can Taurus expect in April

Happy early Birthday, dear Taurus! Your season starts at the 20th of the month and you can
already feel it coming, your portal of wishes opens up and you are invited to set your intentions,
to make a wish and launch it high up, to bring in something new and uplifting. Many of you will
feel blessed during this month and many of you will recognize that it’s not the life that brings you
things, events, people, lessons etc, it’s you and your soul’s journey that creates life. You create
life not the other way round. This is time of blossoming and blooming, you can tune into these
energies now if you make a conscious effort to do so, you can align and adjust with the wisdom
of nature, you can connect with earth and all its richness, you can step into a mystical
experience of sprouting, blooming and growing. You are the one who sprouts, blooms and
grows and as you watch the nature around you awakening, so are you. Even if you’re on the
other side of the hemisphere where it is the opposite season it doesn’t make any change
because this is the cosmic blooming, inner and outer, micro and macro and you’re invited. This
month all the planets are still direct until Pluto goes retrograde at the end of the month so you
have a whole month to get things going, to move forward and push for something that you want.
You are setting new goals for yourself, whatever it is that you’re holding on too tightly, you will
feel ready to let it go now, to release it thanks to Uranus in your sign squaring Saturn. You
cannot stand being imprisoned in the same routines, patterns and loops anymore, you are
making the crack now and the protective egg will start breaking. What needs to be left, what
needs to go, what needs to be released? This month you will know. This is that period of time
right before your season and it is just like those moments right before waking up, right before
stepping into the new day, right before the dawn when it might look like it is the darkest. It is that
necessary process right before your new beginning period where you should take a rest,
recharge your batteries, meditate, contemplate, take some time on your own, do anything that
calms you, that comforts you, that charges you and prepares you for the next cycle. During the
first half of the month there is a strong focus on your twelfth house of transcendence,
withdrawal, rest, peace, surrender, daydreaming, meditating and just being. Mercury enters
Aries and your twelfth house on the 4th of the month joining Sun and Venus and there’s a New
Moon on the 12th in this same place. You are encouraged to enjoy yourself, to enjoy your time,
to nurture yourself and be there for yourself.

Taurus relationship with inner self

Dear Taurus, this is an ideal month for self-reflection, self-review, self-exploration,
self-awareness, self-nurturance, self-care, self-support, self-appreciation, self-worthiness,
empowering the self, recharging the self, healing the self. This is the time to look deep into
yourself, to break down the illusions that are now filtering your mind and heart. This is the
opportunity to quit doing something destructive, to break the habit that is toxic, to put an end to
anything that is not good for you. This is an ideal month to choose something different from your
usual choices, to make a different move. No matter what you’re going through and how you feel,
you will have this opportunity to renew yourself and to continue your search for the meaning.
The search for meaning is a never ending process, it is an ongoing process and the flow of that
journey accelerates when you’re experiencing something that is not all flowers and butterflies.
The search for meaning is beyond every action, every word, every emotion, every thought,
every relationship, every suffering, every death. This is the fuel that makes you keep going. It is
not about belief or faith, it is this motion of moving forward in search for the meaning and you’re
going to feel this being increased during this time. There is a strong emphasis in your twelfth
house of surrender, spirituality, unconditional love, subconscious realms, otherworldly emotions
and feelings, retreat, meditative state, being instead of doing, surrendering instead of giving up.
Mercury, Sun, Venus and the New Moon all happening in Aries in this twelfth house will activate
and highlight these themes and processes within you. This is a wonderful time to start practicing
any kind of spiritual techniques, to start doing anything that opens up your inner world and that
reconnects you with the source. This is the last house of the Zodiac and it takes you to the
source, it takes you beyond the seen and beyond the visible, it takes you beyond the tangible
and beyond the physical. You could help yourself through any kind of meditation, it doesn’t have
to be sitting in lotus position, you can meditate while you’re walking, you can step into that state
of being present while you’re working out, while you’re watching the sunset or the sunrise, while
you’re washing your teeth, while you’re taking a shower, while you’re falling asleep, while you’re
looking out through the window. When your focus is there in that moment, you can slip into that
state of trance where you feel as if the time has stopped and there is nothing but that moment.
You can play with these things and don’t worry if you get distracted by something very quickly,
that is normal, just be aware that you got distracted. You can heal and release a great amount of
sediment and residue from your depths now. You can trust yourself more now, you can do this.
You are encouraged to make the next step in your search for the meaning and break the
barriers that stand in your way. Maybe you will have to jump in order to do so and maybe you
will just have to make a small move from the place where you’re at. You will see where you
stand and what’s the distance between where you are and where you want to be. Take a leap
and see where it takes you. Don’t be afraid of falling because if you fall you will get up and gain
a new experience, in order to learn new things sometimes you just have to take a risk. In order
to learn to walk, babies fall thousands of times but this is the process of learning.

Taurus relationships with others

Dear Taurus, this is always an interesting period of time for you and your relationships, your
season is time when you reflect and review yourself and others in your life, it is spring cleansing
and spring blooming time for your relationships and this is the very significant period for
understanding the beauty of relationships no matter how they manifest. Relationships are never
easy, they can be comforting, beautiful, supportive and loving but nobody has ever experienced
only that side of relationships. In order to know that certain relationships are empowering,
strong, supportive and unconditional you have to experience the other side of being involved in
a relationship with others. Another person is a different universe although we’re all connected
and merged, we are also individuals with personal wants and needs and perceptions. When two
different perceptions, wants and needs meet each other, there is a clash and collision between
these two worlds. It is complex and multilayered, there is a friction between you and another
and some worlds will match perfectly while others can go into a war. There is no worse or better,
it is all part of learning, evolving and growing and all relationships are there for a higher
purpose. This month will show you the higher meaning of your relationships, higher meaning of
the ups and downs in your relationships with others, higher meaning of different vibrations and
different manifestations of relationships. You will see what’s worth the trouble and what isn’t
during this time but you will learn from both. There is no strict line between black and white, right
or wrong, peace and war, love and hate, we live in this reality where we experience everything
simultaneously and we mature and learn and become experienced beings through all
expressions, good, bad and the ugly. One relationship can be all of it together and you’re
learning that the point is not in blaming anyone or criticizing anyone or thinking about how could
this person do this or that, but the point is in understanding why that relationship caused this or
that feeling within you, from where does it come from, what triggered your positive or negative
emotion and what can you learn from that, where does it take you and what does it remind you
of. These are deep themes but you’ll be into that kind of mood during this time. After the 20th
there will be a lot of planets in your sign in your first house joining Uranus the great awakener
and liberator. All these energies are opposing your house of relationships with others and you
can expect some liberating and awakening changes, they might be unexpected and even
shocking but they are there to set you free and give you greater insights into your relationships.

Taurus love & romantic life in April

Dear Taurus, love is a big theme and you know it, love has many faces and many expressions,
love can be manifested in many places and in the most unexpected ways, love is to be tasted
and not observed, love is to be felt and not spoken about, love can take you to the furthest
places within yourself, love can come through a person, through a vision, through an idea,
through pain, through pleasure, through tears and through joy. Pain is not opposite from love,
love comes through pain as well because pain is an opener of the Heart, pain carves the path
towards the heart and every single emotion that you feel is your guide towards unity. There are
different emotions but they are not isolated from one another, one can turn into another easily,
happiness can turn into sadness instantly and vice versa. Love is not opposite to hate, it is just
an illusion of our mind, hate is still an emotion, strong emotion but that emotion takes you down,
it lowers your vibration and keeps you in a hypnotic state of feeling that you’re separate from the
whole but it still shows you that you’re alive and while you’re alive in this world, you’re on your
journey of understanding love. As long as there is a motion of feelings there is an emotion and it
shows you that you are a real human being, that you’re not a robot, you’re not a mechanical
device, you’re not a technology tool, you are complex human being with various countless
emotional flows, thoughts, states which oscillate all the time. This is the proof that you’re alive
and there is nothing wrong with feeling sad, alone, rejected, misunderstood or unloved. These
are normal processes and natural states that push you forward, that make you search for
deeper meaning, that get you closer to your truth and that make you closer to experiencing love
in its many forms and shapes. This month your ruler Venus, the planet of love and beauty,
enters your sign and enlightens you, it shines a light on you, it brings loving moments and
feelings, it opens your heart and shows you all the ingredients that are in there for better or
worse. Sun and Mercury join Venus on the 20th of the month and you will feel more inspired for
romance, more creative, more fulfilled and more willing to bring in more romance into your life,
to allow yourself to feel the whole spectrum of feelings and to discover love and romance
through that acceptance. In your existing relationships there are possible revelations happening,
some important conversation could be unfolding, something that wasn’t talked about will come
out, something that has been in the shadow will be brought on the surface for resolution. Those
of you who are single could step into a new relationship or meet someone new especially during
the last week of the month when there’s a Full Moon in your house of relationships in Scorpio
opposing Venus, Sun, Mercury and Uranus. Sudden and unexpected encounters are possible.
You have the ability to recognize the dynamics of being attracted or rejected by something or
someone, you are allowing yourself to understand these dynamics from a higher perspective
which makes it possible for you to digest anything that you’re going through in your love life right
Taurus career & purpose in April
Dear Taurus, this is a time when you want to speak your truth no matter what and you want to
live that truth. You will probably feel opposed by others and those others could be your close
friends, partners, family, associates or whoever you usually listen to or go to for advice. There
might be a clash with someone, someone might not agree with what you want for your future
and with your decisions about your path, career and your choices. You are determined to do
what you want to do and you will do it, you are Taurus after all and you will do what you’re up to.
Don’t worry if you find yourself in a similar situation with someone because that is a part of the
necessary process right now which makes you learn, grow and mature more, you’re becoming
less codependent and more willing to step into the unknown, into the uncertainty of the future
and to take risks. There is a challenging square aspect between Pluto and Venus and Sun
during the first half of the month which can make you irritated and confused about what to do
and what decision to make when it comes to your future and needed steps. Maybe you’re
hesitating and thinking about certain offers you’ve received, maybe you’re thinking about all the
possible options and consequences that are possible due to accepting or rejecting that offer,
maybe you’re thinking about making a move yourself and doing something that is totally
different. If you feel restricted in doing so, don’t despair and do the best that you can with what
you have during this time. Use all your cards that you have, if you have to make an important
decision, don’t rush, speak with yourself and others but don’t let others decide for you. Consider
every option and trust the Universe. There is no wrong move, whatever you decide will turn out
as it should, there are no mistakes, only lessons, there are no failures, only natural feedback.
After the 20th of the month most planets enter your sign, your ruler Venus enters your sign on
the 15th and Sun and Mercury join her on the 20th, Uranus is already there transforming your
personality, preparing you for the future, getting you ready for a brand new chapter of your life,
for your new identity. These are encouraging aspects and you will feel fearless and empowered.
You will feel supported and motivated to make needed moves and redirections, to make a
decision, to take your own responsibility and accept the things that are beyond your control. You
are on your quest for meaning, you are finding new purpose during this time, you are
reconnecting with what keeps you going, with what gives you energy to get up from your bed in
the morning and do your work. This is a great time for doing something that you’re usually afraid
of, for breaking through that fear and for finding your own way despite the obstacles and

How the New Moon in April will influence Taurus

Dear Taurus, this New Moon happens on the 12th of the month in the sign of Aries in your
twelfth house of transcendence, spirituality, meditation, shift of cycles, endings and beginnings,
withdrawal, surrender, letting go, releasing, subconsciousness, dreams, astral realms, lucid
dreaming, healing therapy, healing techniques, spiritual techniques, metaphysical and esoteric
teachings, astrology, tarot, crystals, mental and physical healing, self-undoing and transforming
toxic habits into healthy ones. These things will be activated for you during this New Moon and
this New Moon is in the sign of fiery Aries, the initiator, the pioneer, the leader, the risk-taker, he
go getter, action oriented, courageous, impatient and impulsive. Having this energy in your
twelfth house of surrender can be a bit irritating and restless but this is exactly how it’s
supposed to be. You are learning to ride these waves, you are learning to calm yourself in the
midst of the storm, you are learning to flow with these energies and forces, to surf through these
contradictory elements which are actually complementing and they give each other fulfillness.
The struggle between the calmness and the storm creates the balance, the struggle between
yes and no creates the space of peacefulness and you’re learning to find this place and space
within you, to research these realms, to learn more about your hidden self, to enter your unseen
dimensions and see how turbulent and wild it is and how much you don’t know about yourself
and the nature of things, the laws of existence and the secret meaning behind your visible
reality. This is VIP invitation into these intangible realms, you have an opportunity to see what’s
behind the curtain, what happens in the background of your life. This New Moon brings you new
perception, new patterns, new habits, different approaches towards life, different feelings and
new insights about the world, life, death, processes and cycles. You might discover that you’re
never alone, that there are endless forces, energies and entities working all the time and that
you’re here for a reason. Unconscious fears and deep secrets could come up during this time in
order to be acknowledged, processed and released. Something new is being born now, pay
attention to your dreams and if you have some authentic, impressive and strong dream around
this date, write it down and try to decode the meaning behind the symbols in that dream. You
might start researching and exploring metaphysical teachings which include the language of
symbols, archetypes, psychology, holistic healing, spiritual practices, breathing techniques etc.
These are all favorable during this time but you should also be careful not to step into spiritual
bypassing, escapism, addictions and avoidance of reality during this time. Stay sober, keep
things real, avoid artificial and programmed chemical tools for going into these dimensions. Use
your imagination, take a rest, retreat, do something healthy, plant seeds for the new you, plant
the seeds for learning more, for gaining wisdom, for increasing intuition and becoming more

How the Full Moon in April will influence Taurus

Dear Taurus, Full Moon happens on the 27th of April in the sign of Scorpio which is your
opposite sign which is your polarity point, your balance point, your complementary point. This
happens in your house of relationships and this Full Moon will go through an opposition with
planets in your sign - Venus, Sun, Mercury and Uranus. Full Moon in Scorpio is very intense and
deep, deep emotions, deep revelations, strong feelings and transformative events. This
happens in your house of others and your relationships will be affected under this Full Moon.
Sudden and unexpected events and revelations are possible as well. Some a-ha moments are
very possible when it comes to your relationships and your personality. Who you are in a
relationship, who you are when you’re on your own, who is the other person, what is being
projected between you and another person and all these kinds of questions will emerge during
this time or become evident. This can be any kind of relationship, intimate relationship,
friendship, family relationships, colleagues, associates, mates, roommates, anyone from your
surrounding. This Full Moon shines a light on something that needs to be revealed in a certain
relationship and it definitely brings a needed change in your relationships. Some secrets may be
revealed between you and someone, transformation of relationships is activated. Full Moons
usually bring things to light that were previously hidden or unable to be seen. Now is the right
time for something to be illuminated. There could be an ending of a certain relationship due to
many different reasons and you might have to go through intense emotional depths now. Full
Moon in Scorpio is not an easy one but it is very alchemical and transformative, it is evolutionary
and it takes you to another stage, it removes unhealthy parts, it takes away what is outdated, it
removes from your life whatever is not functional anymore. Full Moons also bring fulfillments
and things come to a fruition, this is a time of culmination and a shift. Something has come to its
highest point, something has fulfilled its purpose and now is the time to make a shift and go
through a process of transformation. You can expect different kinds of scenarios in your
relationships with others, they might reveal to you something, you might change your perception
about someone, you might have profound and intense conversations, you may open up your
soul to someone during this time which may bring you a relief of some kind. Your intuition is
increased and your instincts are sensitive, your emotional state may be fragile during this time
and if you feel like crying or screaming or releasing it all, make sure you do it, don’t keep things
inside, don’t suppress, don’t pretend, go somewhere where you can do this, you can be your
own catalyst right now or someone close to you can help you go through a purging. Accept the
changes that are happening right now, trust the wisdom of the Full Moon in Scorpio,
communicate with those energes, ask them for guidance, surrender to the flow of changes, use
your conscious will to heal and to help yourself or someone close to you. Do something purging,
something releasing, something liberating during this Full Moon, find your way to take things
out, to let them go, to dissolve and leave behind what you don’t need anymore. Connect with
the wisdom of Scorpio and water, connect with your own earthly wisdom and nature, be open to
receive and to give and let the earth and water transform you and shape the new you.



What can Gemini expect in April

Dear Gemini, this is the month when your social energy is heightened, you’re involved in group
activities, your beliefs change and your perception expands, you get the bigger picture view
through this month. Meaningful topics and themes interest you, you connect with more like
minded people, you may get in touch with some amazing people and gain new friends. This is a
month for more action for you, you may have a role of authority figure or leadership role in
groups, in teams, within your friendships, in your community whether online or in person. You
can put your plans into action during this time, all the planets are still direct until the 28th of the
month when Pluto goes retrograde and Mars is still in your sign until the 24th of the month, so
use these first three weeks to get things going, to initiate something, to put energy into
achieving your goals and making the change. During the first part of the month there is a square
between Pluto in your house of transformations and Venus and Sun in your house of
friendships, social activities, dreams and wishes. You may go through some new challenges in
your social circles that demand transformation and change, something old has to go and give
way to new things. You may feel oppressed by others in what you want to do, in what you’re
planning for the future or with your ideas for some project. This will bring you a clearer vision of
who you want to collaborate with and who shares the same vision as you do. Many planets shift
into Taurus during the second part of the month and they conjoin Uranus in your twelfth house
of rest, peace, letting go, releasing, retreat, surrender, meditation, spirituality, transcendence
and dreams. Venus shifts here on the 15th of the month and Sun and Mercury join on the 20th.
This will reactivate Saturn Uranus square which is a very important aspect for this whole year
and which purpose is to liberate you from something restrictive in your life, to encourage you to
break out of limitations, self-limitations and programmed limitations. This is the time to take
some initiative and help heal yourself. If something gets too hard, too demanding in your life
during this time, let it go. If there’s an opportunity for you to do something and push forward to
make it happen but you’re afraid of doing it, do it. You are learning when and what to let go and
when and what to push for. You are going to search for something that liberates you and you’re
going to work with that, you can do so much on your own during this time and this is something
that will give you a boost of self-confidence for the future. Independency is the key.

Gemini relationship with inner self

Dear Gemini, this is a potent month when it comes to your inner transformation, something
significant changes within you, you will have a feeling of expanded time and space and this will
bring you valuable insights about your true wants and needs. Your feelings change, your
emotional state changes, you want to learn more about the roots and cause of things that
happen to you, you want to get to the roots of your current emotional, mental and physical
well-being and you really have an opportunity to get there during this time especially during the
second part of the month when you can pierce through your ordinary self and step into your
depths, step into the powerful ocean of subconsciousness. You may meet with many
unconscious fears during this time which is a liberating experience for you now, you can gain a
great amount of mental and emotional stability. The way you feel about some things that are
important to you is going through changes and you can’t stop the process, it is unfolding and it
is unstoppable. One cycle ends and you’re being introduced to the new one. If you hold on to
something too strong and for too long you can expect to be challenged with it, you can expect
changes and transformations and you may have to say goodbye to something or at least start
preparing to say goodbye to something. It may be a person, a thing, a behavior, an emotion or
an idea. There is a strong focus on your twelfth house during the second half of the month and
this will really make you think differently about things on the surface. You are going to work with
the energies of the subconscious and unconscious. Venus, Sun, Mercury and Uranus all in the
same placement in the sign of Taurus opposing Full Moon in Scorpio on the 27th of the month in
your healing houses will definitely bring deep transformation and illumination of something that
is hidden deep within your being. You may do something you’ve never done before in order to
help yourself, in order to heal, to change your state of mind, to improve your well-being, to step
outside the known and usual. Any kind of therapy is beneficial during this time. Any kind of
retreat is beneficial, any kind of meditation, any kind of calming yourself, soothing yourself,
taking rest, sleeping enough hours, not too long and not too short. This is a self-betterment
month for you, the healing process is activated through gaining stability and security. Your
personal independence is what is most important now and you’re going to work towards
achieving that state.
Gemini relationship with others
Dear Gemini, you are a social sign, you are known as a social butterfly and if you’re a typical
Gemini this month won’t be a surprise for you because this is a social month. Your connections
with groups of people become important and you will be contacted by many different people
now. Your service and your skills are wanted and needed, you will be more collaborative with
others, in groups, in teams, in communities. You may be working on something with others, you
may be helping someone, you may gather with your friends in order to help someone. Group
activities are favored during this time. During the first half of the month there is focus on your
eleventh house of friendships, associates, social circles, communities, dreams and wishes, your
soul family, your tribe, like minded people, team work, togetherness and collective
consciousness. Mercury enters Aries on the 4th of the month joining Sun and Venus in Aries in
this house. You may be in a position to lead a group of people or they might perceive you as an
authority figure. Aries energy in the eleventh house makes you very socially active and gives
you leadership abilities. Social networking is highlighted too, this is an ideal time to spend more
time with friends, to enjoy their company, to feel loved by your friends and within your
community, to give and receive, to share with others and communicate more openly with them.
You will be busy with others and you can relate to others much easier during this time. Some of
your ideas and perceptions may clash with others, there could be some kind of conflict with
others around the middle of the month and this can eventually be productive and constructive.
This is a very social month and you could meet new people, more like minded people, people
who can help you in achieving your dreams and wishes, people who can connect you with other
people. You are spreading your network of friends and others will look up to you for advice, for
support, for help, for empowerment and for encouragement. North node is in your sign and
South node is in the opposite sign in the house of relationships so you’re still asked to put more
focus on your relationship with the Self in order to heal your relationships with others. Don’t give
away your power to others, remember to keep your energy, to accumulate it, to save it, to
recharge it instead of splitting it and wasting it without a need. People pleasing is not an option
during this time and if you go in that direction, something will soon slap you in the face in order
to awaken you and refocus your energy flow. Yes, you are invited to collaborate and socialize
with others, to be involved in groups and communities, to work with others, to spend more time
with friends but this doesn’t mean that you should forget about yourself and your own wants and
needs. Make sure you don’t spend all your active energy on others during this time, make sure
you find a balance between you and others, make sure you create healthy boundaries.

Gemini love & romantic life in April

Dear Gemini, this month holds a lot of different ingredients when it comes to love life and
romance and you may feel as if three months are happening in this one. First half of the month
is totally different from the second half of the month and you will feel the shift for sure.
Extroverted and introverted energies are intertwined, this is also true for you and others around
you. You will see both extremes in yourself and in others and this is going to be felt when it
comes to love and romance too. Euphoria and indifference may oscillate very quickly, high and
low moods are shifting and you may find it hard to find a balance in what you feel, what you
want, what you need, what is real and what is an illusion. This is going to change after the
middle of the month when your inner and outer sight becomes much clearer and when you will
have a more balanced and stabilized emotional perception. Your love life is not so much
affected during this time but your love perception is. This doesn’t mean that nothing will be
happening in your love relationships, but your focus will be turned more inward, more intuitive,
more profound, more self-reflective. North Node is in your sign and South Node is in your house
of relationships. North Node is the point of the future, it shows you the way and dictates your
direction so you are asked to love yourself more now, to turn focus from others on Self which
doesn’t mean that you should neglect others or forget about others, but to keep the balance, to
give yourself all the love and care that you would like to receive from others, to let the higher
forces and higher Self guide you, to open your heart to receive the wisdom of love, to
understand love from more angles, to meet love in many forms and not only through another
person. This month teaches you more about love, it shows you different aspects of love and
different degrees of love, friendship love, family love, intimate partnership love, collective love,
universal love, natural love, transcendental love, physical love, metaphysical love, love between
you and the Divine, love between you and the nature, love between you and another person,
unconditional love, love as Universal force which gives you life, love that inspires you for
romance, love that inspires your creativity, love that awakens passion, love that awakens
sadness, love that awakens happiness, love that keeps it all in balance, love that creates
everything and love that tears apart everything. You are descending and ascending through love
life during this month, you are spiraling up and down and you are experiencing various
emanations of love that crystalize your being and transform you as a human being. Your existing
love relationships are oscillating as well and you’re learning and evolving through them all the
time. Single Geminis may fall in love with a friend or there may be mixed emotions between you
and someone you know or someone you meet at social gatherings, within a community, groups,
social circles and amongst like minded people.

Gemini career & purpose in April

Dear Gemini, this April is good for your plans and projects, for manifesting your ideas and
putting your plans into action, for collaborations of all kinds, for connections with others and
mutual projects, for teamwork, for finding pleasure in your responsibilities, for changing your
responsibilities and making it easier for yourself. This is a very positive time for investing in
something and for asking for help from others. Your friends might be of great help when it
comes to your career, your future, your plans and your work. They might help you achieve your
goals, they might support you financially, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. You
can gain a lot through socializing during this time. Someone could give you advice you need to
hear, you may connect with someone through your friends who may be your future partner or
just someone who can give you valuable tips and directions for what you’re planning. Mercury,
Sun, Venus and Chiron all in your eleventh house of friendships, dreams and wishes, earnings if
you have your own business, networking, communities and like minded people. This is opposing
your fifth house of creativity, talents, self-expression and hobbies. This is what can encourage
you to make things happen, others may be very beneficial, all kinds of connections with different
people are activated and you may connect with some truly amazing folks during this time. After
the first half of the month, these planets shift into Taurus and your twelfth house joins Uranus
there. Venus planet of love, beauty, harmony and finances shifts into the sign she rules, Taurus,
opposing your sixth house of work, responsibilities, schedules, tasks, daily habits, routines,
health. There is also a Full Moon in Scorpio happening in this house for you on the 27th of the
month which will bring some changes in what you’re doing and how you’re spending your days,
how you organize yourself and how you live your life, your lifestyle, your service, your practical
skills. You will be rethinking and reviewing during this month about your future, about certain
decisions, about projects and plans that you have. You can initiate many things now, you can
start bringing them to fruition. All the planets are still direct which is rare and Pluto goes
retrograde on the 28th of the month. Make sure to use this time to go and get things done but
don’t rush and push either. If there is a chance for things to be finished or started now, do it.

How the New Moon in April will influence Gemini

Dear Gemini, this New Moon happens on the 12th of the month in the sign of fiery Aries through
your eleventh house of friendships, networking, associates, colleagues, your tribe, like minded
people, communities, team work, groups of people, soul family, others in your life, your dreams
and wishes and the results of your own work if you are self-employed, your earnings if you do
your own thing. This New Moon is a very potent New Moon since it happens in the sign of Aries,
the great initiator, the leadership, the pioneer. This is definitely a new beginning in these areas,
something is being born, something new comes into your life, new people, new friendships, new
connections, new contacts, new community, new memberships, new clients if you run your own
business, new ideas for the future, new projects involving others. You may be a leader of a team
or you could be invited to lead a certain group in some way. This can happen online if not
possible in person. This New Moon brings new start, new birth and new beginning in the way
you communicate with others, relate to others, make friends with others, make connections and
maintain your friendships. Others are very important during this time and you may benefit
through them, someone might recommend you to somebody else, this is a friendly New Moon,
socially active and you may be invited for some kind of social gathering even though it might
sound absurd during this time due to restrictions and social distancing. But this is possible either
online or in person. Connections are happening and some of you might find your soul family
during this time, your little tribe. You may create your own community of some kind too or you
may join a new community. Networking and sharing is highly activated, this New Moon is strong
and active, Aries is fast and direct, impulsive and goes after what he wants so you will feel this
energy too, you will feel encouraged and empowered to make the changes, to initiate something
new, to meet new people, to connect with others, to collaborate, to bring something together
and work for the mutual goal. Use this New Moon to plant the seeds for these things, set your
intention in this direction, use any opportunity that comes to you during this time, say yes to new
people and new opportunities. Make your little ritual for this New Moon, light a candle or a an
incense, make a wish, focus your energy on the good things, accept any invitation you receive
during this time, be active with others, socialize if you can, share your skills, your knowledge,
your information, be out there because you are very influential under this New Moon in Aries,
you can change your direction for the better under this New Moon, don’t let this energy pass you

How the Full Moon in April will influence Gemini

Dear Gemini, this Full Moon happens on the 27th of the month in the sign of Scorpio in your
sixth house of health, work, routines, daily habits, tasks, responsibilities, being of service, pets
and little animals. All these things could come into focus under this Full Moon. This is an intense
Full Moon, it happens in the watery sign of Scorpio which is ruled by Mars and Pluto, two
intense energies and Scorpio is all about unconscious desires and attachments,
transformations, death and rebirth, intense emotional depths and change. This is happening in
your sixth house and you can expect more intensity and changes when it comes to your health
so it is advisable to take better care of your health, to take care of yourself, to nurture yourself,
your body, your diet, your physical activity. Exercising and fasting is very beneficial during this
time. Nourish yourself, get extra vitamins, eat healthy and eat light food, avoid overeating, avoid
being lazy. Go out for a long walk, workout, play something, find a healthy outlet. This Full Moon
will also bring changes and culmination when it comes to your work if you have one, your job,
your working place and working atmosphere. If there is something that is not working properly, if
there is something that is destructive and negative for you, this Full Moon will illuminate it and
reveal what it is. You may change your job during this time or apply for a new one. This Full
Moon will shine a light on your responsibilities as well, your habits, your routines and your
lifestyle. What are you repeating in your life too much, is there some routine that is killing you,
some responsibility that you cannot stand anymore, something that you’re sick of but you still
keep doing it? This Full Moon will bring that something to light, something might come to a head
during this time and you will probably have a need to break out of something. This Full Moon
also opposes many planets in Taurus - Venus, Mercury, Sun and Uranus in your twelfth house of
otherworldly, spirituality, surrender, retreat, healing therapies, subconscious, metaphysical and
dreamy. Sudden and unexpected events are also possible. Secrets may become revealed,
something that was hidden and unseen is brought to light and becomes seen and visible. This
Full Moon can also bring a fulfillment of something when it comes to your health and work, your
efforts, your service to others, your pets or your routines. If you’ve been working hard on
something, if you’ve been healing yourself, if you’ve worked on improving yourself, if you’ve
taken proper care of yourself, this Full Moon will bring things into a fruition and you will
experience the results of your hard work, your efforts, your service and your self-responsibility. If
you haven’t been disciplined, if you’ve been neglecting yourself, if you’ve been ignoring certain
health issues, if you’ve been ignoring your own wants and needs, this Full Moon will bring a
culmination and show you where you need to put your focus and energy, what you need to take
care of and what needs your attention right now. This is not an easy Full Moon but it is for your
own best, it is your friend and it wants you to feel and live a better life, so whatever happens,
accept the changes that this Full Moon brings, trust the wisdom of the Full Moon in Scorpio,
trust the transformation and let it unfold naturally. Stay hydrated during this time, don’t let small
things stress you out, do something that makes you feel rejuvenated, comfortable, secure and
safe. Spend some time on your own, take a walk on your own, connect with your intuition, let
your thoughts come and go - don’t stick to any of them, shake off anxiety, be around the water if
you can, take a long shower, find your way to let this energy pass through you, use the best of it
and let it teach you and show you the way.


What can Cancer expect in April
Dear Cancer, this is a big month for you, there are changes in key areas of your life. Your
relationships and career are highlighted. There is an activation of Saturn Uranus square aspect
during this month, faster planets will touch these titans and activate their challenging aspect that
wants you to liberate yourself from certain restrictions. This month is good for being more out
there, being more in the public, being seen. Many limitations will fall away and you’ll feel their
heaviness as they are falling away. That process alone could be a bit intense but once it falls
away you’ll feel a great relief and ease. Others may assist you with what you’re doing, planning
or going through. This month, Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld, will square Venus and Sun in
Aries in your tenth house of career, chosen path and destiny during the first half of the month.
These fast moving planets in the sign of Aries will also make a challenging aspect to your sign,
these are cardinal energies, Pluto is in your opposite sign of Capricorn, Venus, Sun, Mercury
and Chiron in Aries. You may communicate more with people in authority, with those who are in
some important position, you may be making new contracts, deals, business plans but you may
feel restricted or limited by someone from your environment. You may run into a conflict or
misunderstanding from others who are close to you when it comes to your career, your plans,
your future. They might not totally agree with you and you will have to find some kind of
balance, you may have to discuss things or reorganize your routines and plans. There are
transformations happening in your relationships and in the way you relate to others. Second part
of the month is more about socializing, connecting, clearing things out within your relationships,
resolving things with your partner, your friends, associates, colleagues. Most of the planets shift
into Taurus after the 15th of the month in your eleventh house of dreams and wishes,
aspirations, communities and friendships, group activities and like minded people. This is an
empowering month for you dear Cancer, time of action and making some radical changes. You
will see where the changes need to be made and why they need to be made. There is also a
boost of creativity and energy. Mars shifts into your sign on the 24th of the month and you will
feel how energy shifts, how you feel more vital, more fresh, more ready for action and renewal.
This is an important month for you, significant opportunities are very possible and changes are
happening in key areas of your life.

Cancer relationship with inner self

Dear Cancer, this is a significant month for you and the way you communicate with yourself,
how you treat yourself and how you spend time with yourself. This month will remind you of the
importance of being totally honest with yourself, being intimate with yourself, being opened with
yourself. You won’t hide anything from yourself, you will admit things to yourself, you will admit
even the most uncomfortable things and reveal them to yourself. You can do this now, you don’t
have to lie yourself about anything, it is only you and you, you don’t have to pretend about
anything, you can totally relax and just admit it all to yourself, admit how you really feel about
yourself, others, your life, your future, your current situation. You can confess to yourself now
things that you didn’t even know are there in you, you can confess many things that you were
totally unaware of before but now that you’re more open with yourself, things are becoming
revealed and they come up easily. Everything comes out into the open, one thing after the other,
they show and reveal themselves to you. You can now confide in yourself without any fear, you
can do it freely and willingly, you know you can have full trust in yourself, no one is there to
criticize you, to judge you, to look at you in any way, to tell you that you’re wrong, to accuse you
of anything. You can now say it all, feel it all. You are your own patient and doctor now, you can
heal yourself, you can be your own greatest therapist now, you can say and feel anything that’s
burdening you. Get it all out, you don’t have to pretend to be anything or anyone, you don’t even
have to pretend to be you, you can behave and feel whatever you want now within yourself,
your inner world is your kingdom and you are the ruler of that kingdom. You might notice that
this Kingdom has maybe been abandoned or neglected, you may notice that you were absent
from this Kingdom but now you’re back, you are in charge of it and you can do whatever you
want in your Kingdom. You can tear apart your palace and build a new one if that’s what you
want. You can have a Kingdom without any palace as well, you can sleep under the open sky,
you can walk through the woods of your Kingdom and explore different paths, passages and
shortcuts, you may find things you never imagined existed. This is a fantastic month for
revealing, healing and discovering things, for being true to yourself, for being completely honest,
for not hiding anything that you dislike or find uncomfortable but on the contrary, to bring those
things out in the open and to bring them to your awareness, admit them, acknowledge them,
thank them, forgive them, let them go.

Cancer relationships with others

Dear Cancer, this could be a challenging month when your relationships with others come into
question. There are possible clashes with others around many subjects but there is a positive
side to this because these clashes are part of the greater process that unfolds. There is a
square aspect between Pluto in your opposite sign of Capricorn in your house of relationships
and Sun and Venus in fiery Aries in your tenth house of goals, ambitions and your role in the
world. You may feel restricted by others in some way when it comes to your career, your future
and your public standing. Transformations are activated within your relationships, things are
changing here and you will see it happening this month. Your wishes and wishes of someone
close to you might not be aligned and if this is the case it will be revealed and brought to light
during this month but especially during the first half of the month. But this also means that
unresolved issues with others may be brought to light in order to be resolved and transformed.
Others are very present in your life now and the second half of the month is more socially
active, more reconnections, connections, gatherings, networking, meetings and joining
communities are happening. On the 15th of the month, Venus planet of love, beauty and
harmony shifts into the sign she rules, Taurus. She enters your eleventh house of friendships, all
kinds of communities, organizations, memberships, being a part of a team, belonging to a
certain group of people, different social circles, soul family, tribe, collective, mutual goals,
working together on something, connecting with like minded people or just being a part of a
larger collective. Sun and Mercury join Venus in Taurus on the 20th of the month and all these
three fast moving planets will conjunct Uranus in Taurus, the planet of shocks, sudden changes,
electricity, earthquakes, shake ups, surprises, awakening, changes, higher mind,
multidimensional unlimited possibilities and realities. Conjunction happens when two planets
come together and now there is a Venus, Sun and Mercury, all three joining with Uranus in your
social house, house of friendships and collective. Sudden and unexpected events are possible
with others, you may be surprised by someone or you might surprise others now with your
openness, self-expression, self-authority, self-esteem. This is true even for those of you who are
not usually presenting yourself in that way. Something exciting could be happening in your
social life, exciting meetings and gatherings either online or in person are highlighted. Some
connection is definitely going to be important and your role in that relationship with others will be
highly activated. You may find yourself in the right place at the right time with the right person.
All these planets from your eleventh house activate squares between Uranus and Saturn. Some
restrictions will become more visible during this time, something will change in your relationships
or you may change your life path which will influence many changes between you and others.
Either way, your relationships are active, alive and they are changing. Be open for all the
lessons and experiences along the way, enjoy the ride.

Cancer love & romantic life in April

Dear Cancer, this is an interesting and important month for your love relationships and your
understanding of love. Many of you will understand that understanding love is something that
never ends, it is a journey of life and you will never be able to say that now you finally
understand love and what it means. No, this is not possible, your life is a journey of being
introduced to love and being initiated over and over again into new levels and layers of love.
Love is very mystical and it has many faces, love can be earthly, love can be divine. There is
one emanation behind these different expressions but in this reality we experience it as a
separate sensation and we are always triggered to search for more, to look for more answers, to
seek love in many places. This creates your journey, this is how you experience various different
degrees of existence, this is how you learn, gain wisdom and evolve in understanding love. This
month brings that new step in understanding love and you may have possible insights that
inspire you to search for more, to ask for more, to feel yourself more and to feel others more.
You will see something in a clearer way that has to do with your love life, with how you love, with
what you feel, with what you expect and with what you imagine. Any kind of manipulation in your
life will become clear as well. Self-manipulation, manipulation of your partner or potential
partner, manipulation from another person towards you, any kind of manipulation will become
revealed. You will have a clearer perception of your existing relationship and about the future of
that relationship. You will know better what you want and what you don’t want. You will know if
something is working or not. Those of you who are single will have deep feelings and insights
that will reveal something to you. New love is possible especially during the second half of the
month and more so by the end of the month when there’s a Full Moon in Scorpio in your fifth
house of love and romance. Venus is opposing this Full Moon in your house of friendships so
you could also project love on your friend or you may meet someone new through a friend. This
is an exciting month with many possibilities and revelations dear Cancer, you can express
yourself more freely in front of others and this will make things transform for the better in your
love life.

Cancer career & purpose in April

Dear Cancer, this is a very optimistic month for your future and career, your purpose and your
life path. There are many different opportunities, new ideas, new projects, new business plans,
new connections with others who can assist you in what you’re doing and planning. This is a
wonderful month for making a move in a new direction, for taking a risk and being more active.
This is an encouraging and empowering month for putting any plan into motion, for initiating
your ideas and asking for help from others. Others will be of great help but others also mean
different perceptions, different wishes, different mindsets so you could also get into some
discussions, conflicts and clashes with others. Not everyone might agree with you when it
comes to certain business plans, with your personal ideas and your creative thoughts. This is
normal and this is not something to stress about or worry about. Accept opinions of others,
listen to others, share your opinions and share your ideas, be patient and find the common
language with others if you’re working in a team or collaborating with others or if you’re involved
in any group activity or in a community. You can achieve a lot with help of others but you have to
work on finding a balance and being more open minded towards them as well. This is a great
month for learning lessons through others, through your work, through your authority figures,
through you being authority figure yourself, through leading a group of people if that’s the case,
through following your path and through accepting the things that you have no control of. Do the
best that you can with the resources you have and with the people who are with you, do the
best that you can with the plans, ideas, talents, skills and knowledge you have. This is the time
to go forwards, to make things happen. All planets are direct until the 28th of the month when
Pluto starts moving in retrograde motion. This is almost the whole month, use this time to
implement something that you wanted, to start up something you’ve planned, to initiate
something that you’ve wanted, something you’ve discussed with others previously. Any mutual
project is very beneficial now. This month your tenth and eleventh house are very activated and
during the first half of the month everything happens in your tenth house of career, life path,
destiny, life direction, public standing, your role in the world, your contribution, your vocation and
your true calling. Mercury, Venus and Sun are here in fiery Aries and there’s a New Moon here
on the 12th of the month. Fantastic time for a new beginning in these areas. Something
significant might happen for your future, new career, new job, different life direction, all these
things are highlighted. Be present, be conscious, be aware, be alert, be focused.

How the New Moon in April will influence Cancer

Dear Cancer, this New Moon happens on the 12th of the month in the sign of fiery Aries in your
tenth house which is the highest point in the Zodiac and represents your ambitions, goals,
career, what you’re doing in your life, what is your profession, your true calling, your vocation,
authority figures, dominant people in your life, those who are influential, your social status, your
parents, your contribution to the world, your role in the world. This New Moon meets Sun, Venus
and Mercury all here and this is a very positive time for any changes within your career, your
path, your life direction. If you’ve been thinking about changing your career, redirecting or
shifting something in this area, applying for something new, doing something that you enjoy
doing, now is the time. This is a very potent New Moon since it happens in the first sign of the
Zodiac which is Aries and Aries New Moon is very much about new birth, new beginning,
initiation, going after something, being straightforward and direct, pushing through, pushing
forward, fast and direct energy. This is a very powerful New Moon, one which gives you the
power to really create something new, to be the leader in something, to do things, to be
proactive, to make things happen, to make things work. This is all activated in your house of
goals, achievements, public standing and career. Your popularity may increase during this time,
you may be promoted or recognized for something, you may receive some kind of award of
recognition from someone, you may benefit through authority figures or you may be invited to be
a leader in some project. Something significant is happening in these areas for you dear
Cancer. Aries is also a cardinal sign as you are and you like to take action and do things so this
New Moon will definitely inspire you and motivate you to take an action and initiate something
new, to plant the seeds for something that you’re planning, to make that initial step in achieving
your goals. This New Moon creates a challenging aspect called square which creates a 90
degree angle to your sign but squares are not bad aspects, squares help you to create a
needed breakthrough, to put more effort into something, to go beyond your limits and step out of
your comfort zone in order to make something happen. This New Moon is helping you to break
through something that is restricting you and preventing you from achieving your goals. Make
sure you stay flexible and don’t be afraid to go after something that you want during this time.
This New Moon has a great power and you can use it to make the needed changes in your life,
to change your life direction if that’s what you want and to go after your goals.

How the Full Moon in April will influence Cancer

Dear Cancer, this Full Moon happens on the 27th of the month in the sign of Scorpio in your fifth
house of joy, fun, pleasure, children, child within you, creativity, drama, performances, gifts and
talents, hobbies, creating your own business, running your own business, love and romance,
love affairs, sexual pleasures, making children, self-expression and enjoying the things that you
do. This is a house of playfulness and joy and it may touch many different areas of your life.
This is Full Moon in Scorpio which is very intense energy, very deep, profound and
transformative. Full Moon in Scorpio is about truthfulness, commitment, attachments, intense
emotions, passion, unconscious desires, hidden motives and revelations. This Full Moon will
reveal things to you, something that was unknown will become known, something that was
hidden beneath the surface will emerge and come up, something that was buried deep within
will be dug up and brought to light. This Full Moon illuminates your love relationships, your
children if you have them, your child within you, your talents and hobbies, your self-awareness,
how you express yourself, how you express your creative energy, what do you do with your
active and creative energy, how you use those resources, do you waste your creativity or do you
use it constructively? This will become seen and visible during this time, you may discover some
things that are important to you now, things may become revealed about your love relationship,
your children, your own business if you have one. Things might culminate and some things
might complete and come to an end or they might transform depending on your circumstances,
your life path, your direction and your evolutionary stage at this moment. Everything happens for
a very specific reason, everything is perfectly matched with everything else and Full Moons are
especially important moments when you can tune into the wisdom of the fullness of the Moon
which is your ruler. This is a beneficial and positive Full Moon for you dear Cancer, it happens in
your fellow water sign of Scorpio and creates a supportive and harmonious aspect called trine.
Besides completion and endings, Full Moons bring fulfillments and you may bring things to a
fruition during this Full Moon as well. Something you’ve been working on may flourish now, a
creative project, starting your own business, making children, turning hobbies into business,
exploring talents, using your creativity, starting a new love relationship, renewing existing one,
doing something romantic. All these things could bloom now and come to its fullness. Scorpio
energies can be intense and uncomfortable because they bring transformations and rebirth, but
it is aways for the better, it is always something to be grateful for. This Full Moon could affect
your body because this is a watery Full Moon and you are a water sign and water rules our
bodies in a great amount. It is advisable to stay hydrated but don’t drink too much water either,
be somewhere near the water if possible, do some little ritual with water, let go of the things that
torture you, cleanse your body, mind and heart, do some detox, do something that helps you
release stress, take a walk, exercise, dance, sing, paint, write something, express yourself in
any creative way you like. Tune into these Full Moon’s Scorpionic transforming energies and
release what needs to be released, transform intensity into creativity, transform seriousness into
playfulness, transform fear into inspiration and transform pain into pleasure.



What can Leo expect in April

Dear Leo, this April wants you to learn more new things, to expand your knowledge, to broaden
your horizons, to stretch your perception and see things from a different point of view.
Knowledge is the key this month, something you learn during this month could change your
whole perception, you might learn or discover something mind blowing, something that pushes
you out of your normal routines. This is a time for growth but not just any kind of growth. This is
growth beyond beliefs and beyond faith. On the 4th of the month Mercury enters your fellow fire
sign Aries joining Sun and Venus in your ninth house and there’s a New Moon in Aries too on
the 12th of the month. Ninth house is all about higher learning, higher mind, spiritual journey,
traveling, foreigners, philosophy and perception. These energies are very active during the first
two weeks of the month and they make a supportive aspect to your sign. These planets will
create a challenging aspect with Pluto in Capricorn in your sixth house of daily routines, work
and health and you may feel restricted by your work, your health, your duties and obligations,
you may need to find a balance. You will have a greater urge for freedom and for knowledge.
The ability to see that you don’t know, that you’re ignorant about things, that you don’t have
answers is what will give you greater freedom and insights into things. The other half of the
month is more significant for you, it is when planets shift into the sign of Taurus which is also a
fixed sign as you are, you will be challenged in the areas of your relationships, home and
career. These planets will join Uranus in Taurus and reactivate the square aspect between
Uranus and Saturn. Things may become more evident in these key areas of your life, sudden
and unexpected events are possible which lead you towards more mature you and more
liberated you. Many planets will be in your tenth house of career, goals, ambitions, your
influence on others, your role in the world, your contribution, you being out there in the public.
This will affect the way you represent yourself, how you want to be seen by the world, your
reputation, your profession and your life path. Many things will be happening, different
directions, sudden events and new lessons that will change your perception. This month brings
you great clearance about things and more opportunities to improve your place in the world, to
actually do something about your life path, your wisdom, your quality of life. You are taking the
initiative during this time and you may break free from something that has been a long and
persistent burden for you. You can get out of certain loops right now or at least you can
recognize the loops within a greater loop of your life. This will encourage you to liberate yourself
even more, to do anything that you can in order to set yourself free from it.

Leo relationship with inner self

Dear Leo, this month is like a micro initiation for you. Your key areas of life are affected and your
name has been called so that you can stand up and enter the inner dimensions which are direct
link with the higher forces, with the Divine, with the Akasha, with Aether and with the living being
that is you, being which is your essential self, being which is not your personality and your role
but being which is much bigger than image of the self that you have. Any external restriction and
obstacle will actually be a ticket for the deeper inner journey. Use any external issue as your
doorway into the inner realms. Your inner self has all the answers and solutions but it’s not easy
to connect and get in touch with your inner self. External and internal worlds are not separate
and they need each other, they have to collaborate in order to create the whole. Male and
female, plus and minus, up and down, earth and sky, high and low, heaven and hell, left and
right, depths and heights. These are dual principles and we cannot live with one being excluded.
Your external troubles and pains serve as a passage into the inner realms where you find
answers, wisdom, insights and guidance. Wisdom, guidance, answers and insights give you the
tools to go through external life and evolve through experiences. They are both necessary and
there is no growth and evolution without combining and merging these two principles. This
month gets you closer to that wisdom and that understanding. This month you are given the
keys for that sacred inner space where you may meet all kinds of different feelings, thoughts,
ideas, insights and knowledge. You are willing to learn more, you are interested in finding
meaning behind the trivial things, you are eager to seek for the truth. During the first half of the
month many planets are in the fiery Aries and your ninth house of higher learning, spiritual
adventures, spiritual encounters, metaphysics, sacred ancient teachings, gurus, spiritual
teachers, higher mind and higher self. You are energized and inspired to learn more, to discover
more, to study more. You are eager for knowledge and wisdom and higher forces work to help
you and support you on that journey. You want the truth this month, you want to know, you want
to understand. On the 24th of the month Mars enters Cancer and your twelfth house of
transcendence, spiritual transformation, surrender, merging with the whole, oneness and
otherworldly. This will give you a different boost in the search for meaning and you will have
more space to explore what you have learned and experienced during the first three weeks of
the month. This is a precious time to learn more about yourself, your unconscious and
subconscious realms, your patterns, your programs, your passion and your path. Last week of
April is an invitation to start actively purging, cleansing and healing. Mars in Cancer in your
twelfth house can reconnect you with your inner child and make you aware of the things that
were unseen and hidden, things may come up so that you can release them and heal them.

Leo relationships with others

Dear Leo, there are possible challenges with others during this month which are necessary part
of the process of learning, maturing and growing. You are also transforming and changing
through your relationships with others now, your perception changes due to relationships with
others. There are clashes during this month with others when it comes to your point of view,
your perception, your attitude and your approach. Some people from your close surrounding
may not agree with you on certain themes and topics but don’t let this turn into an argument, be
open minded and open hearted as you are dear Leo, let others have their opinion and let others
express their point of view. Don’t let this stress you out because this is a short term aspect and it
will pass soon. Don’t feed these things with too much attention from your side, don’t give it that
importance. Express yourself and let others express themselves. Saturn is in your seventh
house of relationships and he creates a challenging square aspect with Uranus and other
planets in Taurus, Sun, Venus and Mercury. There is a Full Moon on the 27th in the sign of
Scorpio in your fourth house of home and family and this Full Moon will also square Saturn. Be
careful of impulsive and emotional reactions, be patient with others, appreciate their opinion.
Your family may be involved and you may feel oppressed by your family members, your
relatives or people you consider to be your family. These are not negative things, these are
necessary relationship dynamics which push you forward and make you grow and evolve. You
may feel torn apart between your work and your home and this could be the cause of
dissatisfaction but this is also very short term and this won’t last long. Maybe none of this
happens but you should keep in mind that it’s possible and to stay calm and centered and open
minded if any of these clashes start manifesting. You have an opportunity to upgrade your
relationships, to deepen them, to make them more valuable, to bring in some new ingredients,
to taste them in a different way and to enjoy them in a different way. You may also connect with
various different people now, with people from different places, different continents, different
cultures and traditions. New international connections are possible or a reconnection with
someone who lives somewhere else. Authority figures are also important during this month and
you may benefit through them. It is important to you how others see you and your reputation is
highlighted as well. Others are involved in your life very much in the areas of your home and
work, your career and family, your ambitions and your emotions.

Leo love & romantic life in April

Dear Leo, this is a meaningful and eventful month for you, many synchronicities will be
happening for you, many messages are being delivered to you and your task is to recognize
these messages, to notice them, to stay alert, to open your inner vision, to open your heart and
to see through the visible, to read the symbols, to connect the dots, to enjoy the journey of
learning, to find the beauty in everything that’s being revealed to you. Your senses are opened,
you are more sensitive to subtle energies and you can tune into these flows. Your passion and
taste for things transforms during this month, your usual likes and dislikes are being
transformed, what attracts you and what rejects you is changing, the rhythm between the push
and pull changes and your way of relating to love, to people, to you being in a relationship, to
you being single, to you being neither here nor there is changing. Your perception is turning and
twisting and you have an opportunity to see the greater complexity of things, to see the
multilayered nature of things, to see that you are also a multilayered being and that things are
not only black or white, day or night, dry or wet, hot or cold. You are learning to tune into the fine
rhythms and motions of life which teaches you and upgrades you. This month your existing love
relationships will go through more changes, more lessons and more upgrades. There is a
chance to deepen your relationships, to give each other more freedom, to give each other more
space to evolve individually and to grow together as individuals. You may have an important
conversation with your loved one and this conversation can be very constructive and can feel
very different. Your obligations, duties, domestic matters, responsibilities or work might have
been a distractor when it comes to your love relationships, you might have neglected your
partner recently and if that’s the case, this month you will have a chance to make it up and bring
more romance into it. You are redefining and reviewing your boundaries and roles within a
relationship. Those of you who are single might become involved in a new relationship or you
may reconnect with someone from your recent past. Saturn will square Venus in the last week
of the month and this may bring new challenges and new relationships which might be
demanding from the very beginning. Whatever the scenario, this is the month where you can
connect your inner emotional state with your external relationships and bring more of what you
want into the real world. Clashes with others are possible but don’t react impulsively, try to react
in a different way. You can change the way things are right now, you don’t have to follow
mechanical laws and impulses, you can tune into your heart and react from that place. If you
need to make the first move and you know you are the one who needs to do it, don’t hesitate
and do it. This is the time when you can improve your emotional state and uplift your energy
levels, you can bring that “feel good” mood.

Leo career & purpose in April

Dear Leo, this is a true diamond of the month when it comes to your life direction, your goals for
the future, your sense of meaning in what you’re doing, your sense of purpose in your life and in
your routines, your contribution, your duties and responsibilities. There is a strong emphasis in
your tenth house which is the highest point of the Zodiac and it represents goals and ambitions,
your place in the world, your climbing path towards the goals that you have, the efforts you put
in order to achieve your dreams, your success, your profession, your reputation, your social
status, your public standing, your chosen path, authority figures, parents, outside world, being
out there, influencing others, having your social role in the world. All these things are activated
during the second half of the month. Venus, planet of love, beauty, values and finances shifts
into Taurus, the sign she rules. Taurus is also connected with money, with earnings, with values,
with security and embodiment, physical manifestation, matter, nature and earth. Grounded
energy, solid, reliable and secured. Sun and Mercury join Venus on the 20th and they all
conjunct Uranus in Taurus also in your tenth house which represents your true calling, your
vocation, what you’re here to do and contribute. These planets will be in a challenging square
aspect to Saturn in Aquarius in your relationship house in your opposite sign. You are very
touched by all these energies and these are important changes for you. You will have a need to
make a change in these areas, you will have new ideas, new opportunities, new visions of
where you want to be, what you want to manifest, what you want to achieve and what is your
role now in the world. During the first half of the month all these fast moving planets - Venus,
Mercury and the Sun are in your fellow fire sign of Aries creating a supporting aspect to your
sign and teaching you new things, inspiring you to learn more, to explore, to expand your
perception and bring in new ideas from your higher self. International connections could be
beneficial and you can draw different sources of incomes now that could start manifesting in the
second part of the month. These are interesting and exciting times, Uranus is activated by
Venus, Mercury and the Sun from the 22nd onwards and you can expect the unexpected,
something sudden and surprising might happen in the areas of your career, your future, your life
path, your direction and your profession. Something will shift and this shift happens for a
reason. Uranus wants to liberate you from restrictions, Uranus is the great awakener, he is
about endless possibilities, unconditional, unknown, shocking and liberating. Things happen for
your highest good, trust the process.

How the New Moon in April will influence Leo

Dear Leo, this New Moon happens on the 12th of the month in your fellow fire sign Aries
through your ninth house of traveling - spiritual, virtual, mental or physical, house of learning,
teaching, publishing, studying, house of higher mind, higher self, higher realms, house of
philosophy, perception, knowledge, wisdom, house of seeking the truth, meaning and purpose,
house of religion, beliefs and ideals. These things will be highly activated through the first half of
the month because there are also Venus, Sun and Mercury there. This New Moon makes a
harmonious and supportive angle to your sign and you are going to have extra energy and
motivation to initiate things, to start something new, to implement new ideas, new teachings,
new knowledge. This New Moon is a new birth and you may be learning new things, improving
your knowledge, expanding your current education, upgrading your level of studying, you may
become interested in learning more about spiritual practices and techniques, you might start
reading books that talk about these things, astrology, tarot, ancient technology, frequencies,
science of spirit and soul, books or teachings that give you higher meaning and purpose of life,
things that can give you insight and open your eyes. Your perception is renewed, your beliefs
are changing. This New Moon transforms your life philosophy, something changes from the
core, new teachings, new theories, new knowledge comes to you. You may start a new course
during this time, you may start studying something. These are new levels for you, new
connections, new mind windows. Your mind is curious, you want to learn. Some of you may be
teaching others, transferring knowledge, sharing your insights and wisdom. This is also a house
of teachers and gurus, spiritual masters and shamans. Be careful and don’t just give away all
your power to others if you meet someone like this. This doesn’t mean that someone is fake but
you have to trust your own instincts and intuition and think with your own head. Don’t think that
others can solve your problems and do things for you. Don’t think that others can give you
answers, they can only show you the way and guide you, but you are the one who does the
work. You may be traveling somewhere too during this time, for some of you this will be
happening and you may connect with someone who comes from a different place. These are
international connections as well, foreigners and long distance travels. This is a beautiful New
Moon even though it creates a square with Pluto which is in your sixth house of daily routines,
tasks, work and health. These things could clash with your beliefs, your learning, your spiritual
journey and your trip plans. This New Moon is about a brand new beginning and a new start in
your way of perceiving reality. Plant the seeds and set your intentions towards more freedom,
more truth, more adventures and wisdom. When your perception changes, the whole reality of
your life changes.

How the Full Moon in April will influence Leo

Dear Leo, this Full Moon happens on the 27th of the month in the sign of Scorpio in your fourth
house of home and family, your roots and ancestors, your childhood and your past, your mother,
your house, your place of living, your environment, your emotional security and stability, your
safe place, your inner child, your internal world, your moods and emotions. This happens in the
intense watery sign of Scorpio and this Full Moon could be a bit more intense for you since it
happens in your fourth house which also belongs to the watery sign of Cancer and the Moon
rules this house. Full Moon in Scorpio is about revealing hidden things, revealing secrets,
bringing things out into the open, shining a light on something that has been suppressed and
rejected for too long, shining a light on something that has been a burden, something that has
been torturing and that has been dragging you down, something heavy. This is an intense Full
Moon and it brings deep transformation, deep insights and deep emotions. This is a great time
for healing any past wounds, for healing your inner child, for connecting with your inner self, for
resolving issues from your past, for dealing with your parents or with your inner parents, for
reparenting yourself and transmuting pain into wisdom. This Full Moon opposes many planets in
Taurus in your tenth house of career, ambitions, goals, profession, authority figures, external
world and life direction. There are Venus, Sun, Mercury and Uranus all there across this Full
Moon and these are both fixed signs as you are. These energies create a challenging square
with your sign and with Saturn in your opposite sign of Aquarius. This is a very important Full
Moon for you, very significant and challenging. This Full Moon wants to set you free from
something heavy, to make you release and let go things that are not necessary to carry around
anymore, to help you liberate yourself from any outdated and dysfunctional patterns and
programs. This is a powerful Full Moon which helps you to let your soul unfold in a natural flow.
This Full Moon is like a wild river that cleanses and purges you and takes you where you need
to go, you don’t have control over these river flows and you have to trust the process and don’t
resist it. This Full Moon could bring out many deep unresolved traumas, unconscious
attachments and things that you find uncomfortable. This is a wonderful opportunity to face
those things and let them come out, to stop suppressing and pushing away, to stop hiding and
allow these energies to change your frequency, to change your vibration and your quality of
being. Release any emotional pressure, don’t resist this pressure and don’t hold things inside.
Cry if you feel like crying because these are watery energies and water is cleansing and
purging, tears are cleansing and purging, tears are alchemical tools and you can discharge
yourself thanks to tears which will help you charge yourself anew. On a more mundane level,
this Full Moon could bring some situations with your family members, you may discover
something about your family matters, you may be finishing something around your home, you
may be moving, helping others move, repairing things around your home, relocating, visiting
your parents, spending time with your family that make you feel more emotional and more
insightful. This is not an easy Full Moon, it activates your key areas of life and it happens in the
fixed sign of Scorpio which makes a square aspect with your sign. However, it is a very powerful
time and this could be a great shift in your life that might dictate your future path. Find a healthy
outlet during this Full Moon, do something that calms you, that connects you with yourself, that
makes you feel emotionally secure, that makes you feel safe. It is a good time for meditation,
contemplation, recapitulation and processing of your emotional states. Eat something light, stay
hydrated, don’t drain yourself too much during this time, be somewhere where it feels like home
to you, discharge and recharge your batteries, take a walk and if the sky is clear, watch the night
sky, talk with the Moon and the stars, connect your inner sky with the outer sky, connect with
your inner child, connect your inner mother with your inner father, connect your mind and heart,
connect your thoughts and emotion, let the Moon’s wisdom guide you and don’t resist the
changes during this Full Moon. Don’t worry if you feel anxious, unable to sleep, unable to think
clearly, unable to process your emotions, it is normal during this time. This is a powerful and
mighty Full Moon, transformations are happening on many levels and you’re in the middle of the



What can Virgo expect in April

Dear Virgo, this is an intense month for you but you are going towards your goals, you are
initiated into a growth path and you can’t go back, you have to keep going and this month
pushes you forward in that direction. First two weeks of the month are quite different from the
last two weeks of the month. You will feel this shift and you will feel different flows in many ways.
On the 4th of the month Mercury enters fiery sign of Aries joining Sun and Venus, there’s also a
New Moon here on the 12th of the month and this all happens in your eighth house of death,
transformation, intimacy, shared resources and joint finances. These planets are making a
challenging aspect to Pluto, lord of the underworld, in your fifth house of love and romance,
self-expression, pleasures and entertainment. These two energies clash and this lasts during
the first two weeks of April which intensifies your relationship dynamics. You may be afraid of
expressing your true self in a relationship or with someone close to you, you may be afraid of
showing your vulnerability, you may feel afraid of being who you are. You may also be afraid of
investing in something, of taking a risk or changing your current situation. This is not the time to
be stagnant and to retreat, if you really feel like doing something, if you really feel that urge to
break, to liberate yourself in some way, do it. Your relationships and your money are very
highlighted. You may feel oppressed by something but you will push through those barriers.
Other half of the month there is an activation of the square aspect between Saturn in Aquarius
in your sixth house of responsibilities and duties and Uranus in Taurus in your ninth house of
traveling, learning, studying, exploring, expanding and meeting people from all over the world.
Fast moving planets shift into Taurus in the second half of the month and join Uranus. Venus,
Sun and Mercury all in Taurus together with Uranus - planet of sudden changes, freedom,
liberation, energy of breaking free from restriction and breaking the rules. This clashes with
Saturn, planet of restrictions, conditionings, following the rules, building structures, staying with
what’s tried and known. You will feel the friction of these energies within yourself, you may want
to travel and gain more freedom but you may feel restricted by your tasks, daily work,
obligations and responsibilities. You may want to expand your knowledge, to study something
new, to learn a new language, to start meditating, to search for more meaning, to explore your
psyche, to enter into higher manifestations of reality but you may not have enough time and
space to make that possible right now. You will go through this barrier, you will have an
opportunity to break on through, to feel transformed and to achieve your goals thanks to these
restrictions. These limitations will actually inspire you and encourage you to make the changes,
to make things happen and to push through those limits. You are overcoming your fears during
this month, you are finally getting a chance to say what you have to say, to reveal something
that you’ve kept inside for a long time, to release those long kept secrets or feelings, to allow
yourself to become more true with your own self. Something uplifting and liberating is coming
your way through all those restrictions, clashes, conflicts and intense emotions.

Virgo relationship with inner self

Dear Virgo, you are becoming more bold, strong, courageous and self-confident during this
month but you will also go through an increased level of fears, unconscious desires, intense
feelings, fear of letting go, fear of “losing” something or someone, fear of not having control over
your destiny, fear of being seen for who you really are, fear of being revealed, fear of being
exposed in some way. There is no growth without being thrown into these fears and without
being confronted with repetitive programs that you keep on playing, internally or externally. This
month you are given an opportunity to reveal these repetitions within yourself, to reveal to
yourself what are you so afraid of, to reveal your holes and to see how you avoid that void and
how you constantly try to fulfill it with external distractions, with short term satisfactions, with
being angry or being dissatisfied, with blaming the circumstances or with trying to please others.
This month you may feel these things being amplified, being exposed, being dug up from the
bottom. You have a chance to see the triggers more clearly now, to recognize when something
painful and hurtful gets activated within you, to understand yourself from a more serious and
real level, to understand others a bit more, to become more willing to participate in life, to
become more aware of how the laws of cause and consequence work, to become more aware
of the laws of karma and dharma and to become more intimate with your emotions, your
motives, your intentions, your pain, your past, your blindspots, your burning issues and your
emotional well-being. This can be quite an intense month because a certain healing and purging
process has already been activated previously and now something needs to come out, the
process of purging needs to give some result, it’s working and you cannot stop that process, you
can only resist it which only causes more suffering, misunderstanding, anger and it only
prolongs the process. Let it all come out, whatever that is, you are supported and the Universe
holds your back, don’t withdraw from the battlefield, don’t worry if your armor breaks, there is a
whole army behind you, you are protected now, keep going despite the fear, despite the
intensity, despite the panic, despite the anxiousness, despite the terror you might feel. You are
being transformed, something beautiful emerges from this. The diamond is created under the
pressure, deep in the underground, deep below the surface in the deep darkness. You may also
feel under the unbearable pressure, you may also feel as if you’re in total emotional and mental
darkness, but I promise you, you are being crystallized by this process and you are becoming a

Virgo relationships with others

Dear Virgo, your relationships might be a bit challenging and conflicting during this month, you
may become irritated by someone in your environment, by authority figures, by someone who
has a dominant role in your life, someone who you consider to be an authority, this could be
anyone, your parents, your boss, your friends, your brothers and sister, your colleagues or
associates. There is something that creates tension between your values and values of others.
There could be a misunderstanding with them, you may have a totally different approach to
certain things and this may cause a conflict or discussion. But this is all the part of the process
and you have to go through something challenging with someone in order to break through
certain fears and limitations. You have a chance to allow others to get closer to you, there is a
possibility for more openness, more sincerity, more vulnerability. Allow yourself to be vulnerable,
show your weaknesses, don’t pretend, be willing to cooperate with others, be willing to share
how you feel, be willing to let others express how they feel too, don’t let those feelings pile up
unexpressed because they will soon explode by the smallest trigger from someone. This month
there is a tight square between Saturn and Uranus, Saturn wants things to be ordered, he
demands self-mastery, discipline, hard work, responsibilities while Uranus wants none of that,
Uranus wants ultimate freedom, no boundaries, no rules, no restriction, he wants it all right here
and right now, freedom no matter what. You may feel these dynamics with others during this
time and the key is in finding balance between these two extremes. If you’ve been too rigid, too
strict, too structured, too controlling when it comes to your relationships with others, then you
need to become more flexible, you need to allow more freedom, more movement, more
independence, more understanding, more authenticity and personal freedom. But if you’ve been
too chaotic, too irresponsible, too absent, if there is obvious imbalance between you and others,
if you’ve denied every responsibility in relationships, then you need to put more structure and
become more responsible. So, balance is needed between these two energies. It is also
possible to meet new people especially during the last week of the month when Venus, Sun and
Mercury conjunct Uranus in your ninth house of philosophy, teaching, learning, traveling,
international connections, foreigners and people from far and wide. Connections with foreigners
could be beneficial for your future. Mars is in your tenth house for the most of the month but on
the 24th he shifts into Cancer and your eleventh house of friendships, communities, groups of
people, social circles and organizations. You may become more involved in group activities after
the 24th and into the May, you will be more social and more collaborative by the end of the
month, things will change and the energy will shift within your relationships.

Virgo love & romantic life in April

Dear Virgo, this month carries a certain amount of intensity when it comes to your love life, your
intimate relationships, your expectations and your way of perceiving love. This month wants to
remind you that the need for love is not love, that hunger and thirst for love is not love, that
suffering for love is not love, that waiting for love is not love, that explaining of love is not love,
that verbalizing love is not love, that interpreting love in any way is not love, that having an urge
to merge with someone is also not love. This is not real love, this is the need for love, this is the
pain, this is the trauma and the wound. This month you may see things more clearly and you
may start finding answers from within. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a relationship or not. Maybe
you’re in a relationship but you still feel the void, you still feel incomplete, that emptiness doesn’t
come from not having a love partner and that emptiness doesn’t get fulfilled by having a partner.
It is much more complex and much deeper, it moves in all directions and it touches all the areas
of your life, it stretches back and forth and you now have a chance to see that void, to face it, to
communicate with it, to see it as a doorway, to embrace it and see how beautiful it is. Love is not
to be given or taken, love can be shared, multiplied and exchanged continuously. Love needs to
be nurtured and nourished and you’re going to understand this profoundly this month. You
cannot receive what you don’t give, you have to become willing to let the love in, to be more
receptive and open hearted, you need to liberate yourself from programmed imaginations of
what love is and what love between two people should be. These programs are falling away and
some of you may feel scared because you have no idea what to expect now. But let it happen,
this is how it should unfold, let it go, let the illusions go, dispel them and feel what’s real. This
month there is a challenging square aspect between Venus, planet of love, harmony and beauty,
and Pluto, lord of the underworld, planet of shadow work and soul’s journey. Venus, Sun and
Mercury in Aries in your eighth house of intimate relationships, sexuality, shared resources,
intense feelings and transmutation will all square Pluto in Capricorn your fifth house of love and
romance. You may want to be more intimate with someone, you may have that need for deep
merging, for being one with another but you may feel restricted and limited by your fears, your
unconscious motives, your traumas, your need to manipulate the situation or control another
person. You may feel unable to express yourself during the first two weeks of the month but you
will create a breakthrough, you will break through those fears and you will have a chance to
express yourself, to share your intimacy with someone, to reveal something that you hold inside,
to have a sincere conversation, to share your experience, to open up yourself a bit more. Those
of you who are single will also feel these needs, these urges, these voids and emptiness,
maybe some of you feel too lonely to be alone but that’s the exact place where inner flame
awakens and where the crack for receiving love opens up. New relationships are possible
especially around the middle of the month and through the rest of it. You have a chance to sort
things out, to cleanse your mental and emotional perception, to uplift yourself, to brighten up, to
change something crucial, to transform your life in some way so that you can bring in what you
need with greater love, understanding, maturance and compassion.

Virgo career & purpose in April

Dear Virgo, you may be busy during this month with trying to make things work, to make things
happen, to turn your plans into a reality, to achieve your goals, dreams and wishes. Things
might not go all the way as you have planned but you need to learn to follow the rhythms of life
in order to collaborate with the unseen powers that always work in the background of everything
that happens and manifests in this visible reality. You may have one plan but you may end up
realizing that you’re actually doing something in a totally different way than you have imagined.
You may want to travel, to work in a foreign country or to collaborate with foreigners, you may
start learning a new language which affects your current life path and takes you somewhere
completely elsewhere. You may meet someone from a different background, coming from a
different culture, having a different tradition and you may benefit through this person in some
way, maybe this connection leads you somewhere in the future, maybe you’re planning on
moving to live somewhere else and this month you’re working on that, you’re making your plans,
you’re doing the paperwork, you’re meeting people, you’re connecting with others, you’re
making arrangements and investing in that. It doesn’t have to be about moving or traveling,
maybe you want to publish something and now you’re working on making it happen, maybe you
want to start your own course or teaching, maybe you want to start learning something that is
really important to you or maybe it’s connected with your studies and you have a chance to
study in another country or you just apply for something that you’ve always wanted. Some of
your goals are starting to manifest during this month dear Virgo and you should use this month
to make things happen, to push through if you feel you can make it. After the 15th of the month,
Venus, Sun and Mercury will be in Taurus in your ninth house of higher education, higher
learning, teaching, traveling, long distance travel, studying, publishing, writing, exploring,
expanding your mind, changing your perception, finding more meaning and purpose, doing
things that make you feel meaningful and purposeful. Knowledge can set you free during this
time, higher understanding, seeing the bigger picture, being open to learn and grow, these are
your main keys for making things happen now. Be willing to grow, be willing to learn, be willing
to face your limitations, be willing to step outside your comfort zone, be willing to change your
perception and embrace the unknown. These fast moving planets in Taurus will touch Uranus,
the great expander, the awakener, planet that represents higher mind and your ruler Mercury
represents the lower mind. These two will come together during the last week of the month and
you may receive a message that you’ve been waiting for, you may experience sudden shifts and
something unexpected and exciting will be activated. You may find out something valuable,
something that opens your mind and changes your vision and your direction.

How the New Moon in April will influence Virgo

Dear Virgo, this New Moon happens on the 12th of the month in the fiery sign of Aries in your
eighth house of life, death, rebirth, transformation, intimacy, shared resources, shared values,
your intimate relationships, your sexuality, your money, somebody else’s money, your business
partnership, the money you receive through your partner, the money you give to your partner,
the money that you share with others or that come to you through others, inheritance, taxes,
loans, debts or mortgages. Eighth house is very complex and deep, it is about your
unconscious, it is a secretive house, it keeps things hidden and unknown, it is a house of
transformation and this New Moon here in Aries brings a new birth, new moments that are yet to
be manifested and expressed. This New Moon will show you where you need to put more work,
where you need to find more balance, this New Moon will show you what you’ve been
neglecting, what you’ve been projecting, what you’ve kept hidden, what you’ve kept locked
away from yourself. This is an active New Moon, Aries is initiator, pioneer, leader, hero, energy
of Aries pushes you forward, makes you get things done, activates you and boosts your energy.
Your unconscious will be activated, your intimacy, your deep feelings, your unconscious fears,
your secrets, the things that you hide, things that you keep for yourself will come up. This is a
possible new beginning in your intimate relationships, in your business partnerships, in your way
of expressing your inner self. This New Moon could also bring you new sources of incomes,
money and finances are activated as well and you may benefit through a partner or someone
else. This New Moon stands next to Mercury, Venus and the Sun and these are very active
energies in your house of death and transformation. Maybe something has to go in order for
something new to be born. You are dealing with your shadow and you have a chance to help
heal some old wounds during this New Moon. Set your intention now for your future self, make a
wish, plant a seed for what you want to achieve and become. Let this New Moon bring you a
new point of view, refreshed perception and healing.
How the Full Moon in April will influence Virgo
Dear Virgo, this Full Moon happens on the 27th of the month in the sign of Scorpio in your third
house of mentality, thoughts, expressions, words, communication, connections, siblings,
neighbours, learning, teaching, reading, writing, publishing, emailing, messaging, this is also a
house of news, movement, mental connections, intellect, short trips, people you meet daily in
your environment, local community, social media. These are the topics that will be highly
activated under this Full Moon for you but there will also be an activation of the opposite house
and sign which is your fellow Earth sign Taurus. Taurus and Scorpio oppose each other and Full
Moon is that time of the month when the Sun and the Moon are opposing each other. The Sun
is in Taurus together with Venus who rules Taurus, together with your ruler Mercury and together
with Uranus. This Full Moon in Scorpio opposes all these energies in your ninth house of
religion, beliefs, faith, ideals, philosophy, spirituality, long distance travel, international
connections, higher teaching, higher learning, expanding your mind, exploring the lands. This is
a pretty intense Full Moon, Scorpio is all about deep transformation, death and rebirth, change,
intensity of emotions, revealing what’s hidden, revealing secrets, revealing the past, releasing
and healing through transformation. This Full Moon shines a light on your connections, your
communications, your mental processes, your thought patterns, your neighbours and siblings,
your close environment, sharing of information, news and messages. You may receive important
news during this time, something that was previously unknown and hidden becomes disclosed,
seen and recognized. Things are coming up, you may receive a significant message from your
siblings or have an important conversation with them, you may become involved in something
with someone from your close environment. You may share something significant during this
time. You will be social and more active in the world. Your ninth house is also activated and it
creates a supportive aspect to your sign. Maybe you finally finish your tasks or paperwork that
you needed in order to travel, to publish something, to study something, to achieve something
that has to do with your higher goals, with your spiritual path maybe or just with your further
development. You can expect revealing messages or news around this date and you may reveal
something to others too. You may go for a trip and receive a deep insight about your life and
your future there, you may connect more with others and share some valuable information.
Things are changing, something is being transformed, things culminate under this Full Moon,
things come to their completion and ending, things come to a fruition as well. Your perception
transforms, something you hear or read or find out changes your mind about something, it
affects you deeply and transforms your point of view. This Full Moon is about the truth and
transformation, be willing to allow these things to emerge and come out. Spend some quiet time
with yourself during this Full Moon, it can be for only ten minutes, but spend those ten minutes
in solitude, spend those moments in a quality way with yourself, let your emotions and thoughts
swirl around, let them come and go. Find some creative and healthy outlet for your mental and
emotional intensity if you feel any, take a long walk, take a long look at the night sky, listen to the
air, listen to the sky, listen to your steps while you’re walking, tune into this Full Moon’s wisdom,
close your eyes and feel that you’re alive, hear your heartbeat, align with that rhythm, let it guide
you, let it talk to you, let it confide in you. Release and let go, Full Moons are ideal for healing
and letting go. What makes them so intense is when you resist changes that Full Moon brings.
This one will be increasingly intense because it happens in the sign of Scorpio but that is a
mystical Full Moon, powerful and very potent for transformation, rebirth and self-healing.


What can Libra expect in April

Dear Libra, this is an important month for you, there’s a big concentration of energies on
working with others, relating to them, your close long term relationships, finances and shared
resources and your personal growth. Cardinal signs are affected and you are also a cardinal
sign, initiatory, action oriented, ambitious and passionate. These things will be amplified and
increased because there’s a big emphasis in your opposite sign of Aries which is your mirror,
your reflection, your complementary field and a necessary part of you which helps you
understand yourself, others and the world that you live in. On the 4th of the month Mercury joins
Sun and Venus in your opposite sign of Aries and there’s a New Moon here on the 12th of the
month. These planets will square Pluto, the lord of the underworld, the shadow worker in your
fourth house of emotional security, home and family. Your relationships and emotions will be in a
challenging square aspect but the challenge is to break through something, to break out of
something limiting. Maybe there is something restrictive in your home area, something with your
family and your past. Be careful of old toxic habits that creep out during this time. Someone new
may enter your life now as well but you may feel vulnerable or insecure. There is a lot of
liberating energy this month, your personal growth is activated. All these fast moving planets are
shifting into the sign of Taurus in the second part of the month and they activate the square
aspect between Saturn and Uranus. Saturn rules structure, rules, what is known and valid,
responsibilities and discipline while Uranus is quite the opposite, Uranus rules shocks and
surprises, sudden changes, breaking out of status quo, liberation, freedom and what’s unknown.
These two energies clash during this whole year, their square is now activated through these
fast moving planets. Venus, Sun and Mercury all join Uranus in Taurus after the middle of the
month in your eighth house of deep intimacy, shared resources, transformations, sexuality,
intimate partnerships, joint finances, intense emotions, death and rebirth. You may feel more
vulnerable, this second part of the month can be quite intense and emotional but also healing
and liberating. Things that have to do with your finances, your values, your values versus the
values of others, how others see you, what others have to say about you, how you share
yourself and your resources. You are invited to open your heart a bit more, to allow things to
come up, to allow your emotions to pass through you, to allow your wounds to come up and be
acknowledged and recognized.

Libra relationship with inner self

Dear Libra, you will be working on a deep level with yourself during this month and especially in
the second half of the month when most of the planets shift into your eighth house of
unconscious attachments, fears, suppressed emotions, untreated wounds and traumas,
emotional depths, secrets, things that you keep hidden within yourself, things that are buried
deep within your being, this is place of death, rebirth and transformation. The whole month will
be significant for you because the first half of the month your sign is very affected by your
opposite sign of Aries and the planetary energies in your house of relationships which means
that your relationship with the Self is also activated. Your personal growth is also highlighted,
self-mastery and self-discipline. You will uncover some things, you may reveal some secrets,
you want to get to the bottom of things, you want to know the truth and you won’t pull back until
you find out what you need to know. You want to know what’s beneath the surface, you are
encouraged to research deeper realms of your being and to explore what’s in the background of
your emotional state, your health, your relationships, your mental state, your wounds and
traumas. You want to find the root of those things, you want to seek for the cause and you may
start researching more about these topics through reading books, through researching these
things on your own, through exploring metaphysical and parapsychological themes, through
some personal guide, someone might help you understand yourself better, some kind of therapy
healing is possible, you may go deeper into these things and start learning more about
psychology, archetypes, traumas, childhood, patterns, unconscious wounds, projections,
symbols, mythology, astrology, numerology and anything that can unlock your unconscious and
bring you profound insights that you can apply on your life and your situation. This is a pivotal
month for you dear Libra, you may unintentionally discover some deep things about life, about
the complexity of the psyche, about desires, about sexuality, about all kinds of issues that
human beings have to deal with, about your own personal journey and your past. You may
reveal and discover your own forgotten memories and secrets that you have kept hidden in
order to protect yourself, actually your unconscious protected you but now you’re ready to face
it, now you’re ready to acknowledge it and make it visible, make it known, bring it to the surface.
You are learning and discovering more about yourself and this will be beneficial for you and your
future. Many of you may decide to continue working with these things and continue reading,
learning, discovering, helping yourself and others, understanding the nature of life and
understanding the journey of the soul.

Libra relationship with others

Dear Libra, this month is pretty much about the others in your life and there are great lessons,
events, communications and dealings with other people during this month. There is growth and
healing through relationships now and this has already started in March with the Full Moon in
your sign opposing your house of relationships. Now Mercury joins Sun, Venus and Chiron the
wounded healer in your house of relationships and there will be a square with Pluto in your
fourth house of home, family and emotional stability. You might feel the friction and tension in
these areas and between your relationships with others and your family members, your home
matters and your commitment to others. There could be some kind of a possible conflict
between your family obligations and others in your life. There could be possible arguments
around money, financial situation, shared resources and values. There is also a strong aspect of
liberation and healing through your relationships. Venus, Mercury, Sun and the New Moon all in
your seventh house of others, squaring Pluto. You may be working on something with others
now, you may be proactive in your relationships, you may have some kind of a leadership role in
your close relationships, you may be in a position of authority figure in your one on one
relationship, someone might look up to you for help, advice and support. New relationships are
possible, new friends, new associates, new people may come into your life especially during the
first half of the month. If you feel vulnerable and exposed in some way, don’t worry and don’t
withdraw, don’t retreat now, be social, be active in your relationships, you may find out
something very valuable through others, you may get in touch with someone you really need to
get in touch with, some contact you’ve been searching for might become available during this
time. This is an emotionally charged month too so be careful of power struggles and of trying to
control others. Look at your relationships and see if there’s something missing, is there enough
support, do you want to change something, do you miss meeting new people, do you miss
someone, what are your activities with others, do you find your social life satisfying and fulfilling
or you think it could be more improved? Something new emerges now through your
relationships, you are liberating yourself from others people’s opinions, you are liberating
yourself from others people’s expectations, you are liberating yourself from pleasing others and
you choose to build more flexible and freedom oriented relationships, more open hearted and
liberating relationships, more authentic and sincere relationships.

Libra love & romantic life in April

Dear Libra, this month seeks for true balance, for real harmony, for synchronization and synergy
between you and others, between your wants and needs, between your mind and heart,
between your thoughts and feelings, between your dreams and reality, between your personal
and essential goals. This is not an easy and light month, this is a month of growth through
relationships, healing through relationships, love through relationships. Others in your life are a
big theme now and you’re initiated towards more evolved understanding and expression of love
through your relationships. There is an amazing opportunity for the beginning of a new romantic
relationship during this month especially around the middle of the month. New romance is
highlighted for those of you who are single, you may meet someone new or become involved in
a romantic relationship with someone you already know. Venus, Sun, Mercury and the New
Moon in your house of relationships definitely shine a light on y0ur relationships and with Venus
there in your opposite house this is a wonderful opportunity for a new love and romantic
relationship. Be careful of projections because this is your opposite house, you may project a lot
onto others and there is a square from the Pluto in Capricorn in your fourth house of home and
family, some of you may experience some kind of oppression from family when it comes to your
love relationship Those of you who are in a relationship will go through something new in a
relationship, something transforming, something that deepens your relationship, some of you
may get married, some of you may move to live together, some of you may go through a very
deep sessions and experiences with your partner. First half of the month is good for
conversations, commitments, communication, balancing, something new, new beginnings and
new starts while the other half of the month is much deeper and intense, more passionate and
transformational. Venus, Sun and Mercury all move in the sign of Taurus joining Uranus, the
planet of surprises, awakening, electricity, shocks, unexpected changes, liberation and breaking
free from restrictions. These planetary energies are all in your eighth house of intimate
relationships, sexuality, deep merging with another, deep intimacy, transformation, death and
shared resources. With Uranus here being activated by these fast moving planets you can
expect sudden shifts and changes with your intimate partner, revealing something deep,
manifesting your unconscious desires, need to break free from something, to express yourself,
need to merge with someone, need for deeper intimacy, for sharing how you feel, for bonding
with someone and if you’re single, you will have an amazing chance to dig deeper within your
own being, to give more love to yourself, to learn how to love yourself and this will be
highlighted no matter if you’re in a relationship or not. You will be pushed to investigate your
darkness, your shadow, your unconscious desires and be more compassionate and loving
towards yourself. You may go through a deep transformation in your relationship, your attitude
towards love relationships transforms, there could be some kind of loss during this time too, you
will feel emotionally charged and you will feel great emotional intensity that has a task to set you
free, to go through you and to liberate you, to help you let go of the heaviness and to help you
bring in more of what you want and need. Love is knocking on your door but you are the one
who needs to let her in, she won’t break the doors, she is gentle and she waits for your
response. Are you willing to become more open and accepting or do you choose to stay in the
same story, same models, same programs, same routines? Open your heart, you don’t have to
go anywhere, you don’t have to knock on anybody’s doors, you just have to open your Heart
and be willing to receive.

Libra career & purpose in April

Dear Libra, this is month of changes and transformations for you, your relationships, your
shared resources, your money, your finances, your plans, your efforts, your profession, your
contribution, your purpose, all of this has more strength and meaning through this month of April
and you will be working on improving these things. You have a chance to change something in a
valuable way, to change your direction, to do something on your own, to do your own thing but
you have to be willing to change, to make a move, to get things going. You are invited for
profound changes, you may change your plans during this time as well, you may change your
decisions too, so be flexible for any changes that might happen. Until the 24th of the month
Mars is in your ninth house of traveling, international connection, foreigners, learning, finding
meaning and purpose, seeking for the truth, knowledge and wisdom. You have three weeks to
use this energy if you have to make anything happen in the areas of your travels, connections
with people from abroad, learning, studying, discovering, exploring, expanding and teaching.
Mars here boosts these activities and then on the 24th he shifts in the sign of Cancer in your
tenth house of career, ambitions, goals, public standing, your profession, your calling, your
contribution to the world. You will have more energy and strength to go for the things that you
want, to go after your dreams, goals and wishes, you will have the willingness to put more effort
in what you want to manifest for yourself in the future. This is also a good time for any kind of
self-employment, for starting to do your own thing, for initiating something that makes you feel
good, something that provides comfort and joy to you. You could also be working with others,
collaborating with someone, getting into a mutual business with someone, receiving money
through others. Your eighth house is very highlighted during the second half of the month and
this is the house of money, shared resources, inheritance, somebody else’s money and Venus
planet of values and finances is also here in the sign she rules - Taurus, which is also about
values, financial security, manifestation, embodiment, comfort, resources and investments.
There is a Full Moon in Scorpio on the 27th in your second house of money opposing all these
energies in your eighth house. The last week of the month is supremely potent for earning more
money, for resolving some financial issues you might have, for finding new sources of incomes,
for implementing new ideas and projects. Collaboration with friends or associates could be very
beneficial, someone might help you in achieving your goals or in making plans for your
business. You need to do something that fulfills you, something that inspires you daily,
something that makes you creative, something that awakens the child within you, something
that triggers the best qualities in you.

How the New Moon in April will influence Libra

Dear Libra, this New Moon happens on the 12th of the month in your opposite sign of fiery Aries
in your house of 1 on 1 relationships, house of others, house of balance, commitments, getting
to know each other, long term relationships, business relationships, marriage, separation,
enemies and contracts. This is a very important New Moon for you since it happens in your
opposite sign which inspires you to learn and grow more, to reach for something new, to make
changes and to improve yourself, to go beyond the limits of the known. This New Moon stands
together with the Venus, Sun, Mercury and Chiron opposing your sign and this is extremely
powerful New Moon, this is time for initiation, new beginnings, restarts, new starts, something
brand new, new birth and this affects your relationships with others and your relationship with
the Self. New relationships are strongly highlighted, new love relationship, marriage, new
romance, new people and new friends, but these energies will also be in the hard angle to Pluto
in your fourth house and some of you may experience tensions with others, their shadow sides,
their hidden motives, their unconscious desires but you may also be the one expressing these
things. Either way, this is all part of the plan and process, part of the bigger picture and for each
of you there is a specific way how things will unfold. Some of you may go through a separation
with someone which is also a new beginning for you, if something like this happens, trust the
process, this is specifically designed for you and everything is as it should be. This New Moon
wants you to grow and evolve through others, to be more involved in the social sphere, this is
your natural house dear Libra, you rule relationships, you are supposed to be the master of one
on one relationships and through this you grow, learn, mature and gain wisdom. This New Moon
could bring a totally new beginning in your existing relationships, you may feel upgraded in your
relationships, some new situations, new conversations. With Mercury and Venus there with this
New Moon a lot of beautiful moments are possible, mutual activities with others, loving
moments, memorable moments, new commitments, new contracts, negotiations, new activities
and a lot of passion. This is Aries fiery energy after all and having Venus, Mercury and the Sun
next to this New Moon you will definitely feel a boost of energy and a rejuvenation in your
relationships with others. Things are changing and if you don’t like certain changes that are
happening, remember that everything happens for a reason, there is nothing meaningless
happening in this Universe, there is no one thing that makes no sense, there are no
coincidences, only your mind can interpret it like that when it is blurred by personal wishes and
selfish goals. But trust the process, embrace this New Moon, plant the seeds for the
improvement of your relationships, set your intention towards mastering your skills and
developing your potential. This is an amazing New Moon for you, multilayered, uplifting, bringer
of a new energy and new growth.

How the Full Moon in April will influence Libra

Dear Libra, this Full Moon happens on the 27th of the month in the sign of Scorpio in your
second house of financial matters, money, incomes, financial security and stability, sense of
worthiness, value system, possessions, earnings, things that you own, things that are yours,
properties, things that you earn and value, this is also a house of your hidden gifts and talents,
your sense of well-being. This is not only a material house, it is much more complex than that, it
represents emotional stability and security as well according to how much you value yourself,
your efforts, your time and energy. This Full Moon in Scorpio is intense and seeks for the truth
and transformation. Something might become revealed, something that was previously hidden
and unknown becomes visible and tangible, things are being brought out to light, secrets are
being revealed and things that were unable to be disclosed earlier become disclosed. Things
could come to a head during this time, Full Moons are times of culminations, endings and
completions but also fulfillments and fruitions. Depending on your situation, things may come to
their end or they might culminate and come to a fruition. Maybe you’ve put so much effort into
something and now you bear the fruits, you may receive money during this time, maybe
somebody has owed you money and now you get it back or you may be the one who gives back
the money, maybe you’re done with returning debts, maybe this comes to an end, an old debt or
credit or loan. Your financial stability is touched and you may either have to give money or you
may receive money. You may find new resources and sources of income, you may invest in
something during this time, you may discover some secret talent that you have, something
you’re good at but you have forgotten about it or lost connection with that part of yourself. This
Full Moon in Scorpio could reconnect you with your lost gifts and talents. Your value system is
changing, your priorities are changing. You may have to go through an emotional intensity and
transformation of your values, you need to see how much you value yourself, how much you
value the energy you put out there, how much you value your work, your efforts, your talents,
your qualities. This is a powerful Full Moon for transforming these things, for improving the way
you behave towards the self, to improve your values, to see what’s really important and what’s
not, to see what you don’t need anymore in your life and what you can give away to others who
may need those things more than you do. This Full Moon is deep, transformative and revealing.
You may realize how much you underappreciated yourself, how much you haven’t recognized
your own worthiness and how that shaped your financial and emotional security and stability.
This Full Moon opposes many planets in Taurus in your eighth house including Uranus, so you
can expect some sudden shifts, unexpected news, fast changes and abrupt surprises within
these areas of your life. This is a very potent and powerful Full Moon in Scorpio and it is a very
significant one for getting deeper, going to the bottom of something, receiving insights,
connecting with your emotions, with your depths, with your inner self, transforming yourself,
changing something profoundly and revealing your fears. Use this time to meditate, to do
something that brings you closer to your center, to your own being, to your essence. Take a
walk in nature, look at the starry sky, listen to something that makes you feel good, do
something for yourself that uplifts your sense of worthiness, take care of yourself, start
appreciating yourself, love yourself.


What can Scorpio expect in April
Dear Scorpio, this month affects your key areas of life, there is a lot of fixed energy activated
and you are a fixed sign, plus there is a Full Moon in your sign at the end of the month. You're
halfway to your birthday time and this is also an important period of intersection, you will have a
lot of clearer vision about many things, many things will reveal themselves, you will get a clearer
picture of your relationships, your work, yourself and your future. You will experience a kind of
super perception during this month, you will be able to see through others with greater insight
although you’re naturally given this power, now it is even more increased. You will read into
things with great ease but beware of ego traps and disillusionments, take care of any power
struggles, don’t think that you’re superior over anyone, don’t trick yourself into believing that
you’re better than anyone else but also don’t give your power away to others thinking that
they’re better than you. These power struggles are highlighted especially during the first two
weeks of the month when there’s a challenging square aspect between Venus and Pluto around
the 12th of the month and then the Sun in the same aspect with Pluto around the 16th of the
month. First two weeks there’s a lot of energy in the fiery sign of Aries. On the 4th of the month
Mercury joins Sun and Venus in Aries in your 6th house of health, work, daily routines, habits,
tasks, duties, day to day life. There’s also a New Moon here on the 12th and all these energies
clash with Pluto in your third house of communication, connections and mental expressions. You
may have trouble saying what you really want, you may feel restricted in expressing how you
truly feel about something that might be connected with your work area, your colleagues, your
work atmosphere, your health, your responsibilities, your daily life, your lifestyle, your diet, your
daily routines. If you’re afraid of expressing something right now but you really feel the need to
say it, do it now, but do it in a constructive way, use your powers to say it in the most appropriate
way. The second half of the month is much more about you and it affects you strongly. All these
fast moving planets, Venus, Sun and Mercury, shift into your opposite sign of Taurus joining
Uranus in your seventh house of relationships, opposing the Full Moon in your sign on the 27th
too. These energies will reactivate the challenging square aspect between Uranus in your sign
and Saturn in your home and family area. Others in your life are very important now, your
relationships are in the spotlight and something transforms in these areas for sure now.
Something is changing and your attitude towards others is changing too. You are asked to put
your needs first during this month but without hurting others which is not a very easy task but
you can do it, you know how. This is a very active month for you dear Scorpio, there’s a lot to
do, say, work through, reveal and release.

Scorpio relationship with inner self

Dear Scorpio, this is your kind of month because there’s a lot of revealing and digging on a
personal level for you and these are familiar energies for you, at least for the most of you. You
want the truth, you want the raw truth and you are going to seek it and you’re going to dig for it
and this month helps you on your journey. You are supported and encouraged to go after it, to
reveal the truth that you need, to delve deep into things, to play the detective which is your
specialty, to research your case and to search for the clues within yourself. You have an
opportunity to transform your personality during this time especially with the help of that Full
Moon in your sign at the end of the month and with strong opposing energies from your
relationship house. You are tuned into your intuition stronger than usual now and you will
receive interesting insights about yourself. These are transformative energies and you are the
master of transformation, you’re developing these skills now even more, you’re growing and
learning more how to navigate your nature, your power, your potentials and your energies. You
are mastering yourself during this month and you are learning more lessons that are highly
valuable for your growth, your transformation, your future and your relationships. There are very
powerful forces activated that are working in your favor now and you are given special strength,
willingness and vision to break through any barriers on your way, to endure anything, to face
anything, to adjust and align in a much better way than usual. You are also being reminded to
take care of your health, inner and outer, to take better care of your thoughts, emotions and your
body. Nurture your thoughts, emotions and body, show your higher self that you care. Your
mental and emotional hygiene is as important as physical, you have to take care of those areas
daily, to remove the dust, to do the cleaning, to wash away any dirt and to shine emotionally and
mentally as you do physically. Don’t neglect your thoughts and emotions, this month will show
you if there’s some work to be done in these areas. You will know what needs to be removed,
revealed, healed and released. You will be shown what areas to do your work and how to do it,
these things will be revealed. If you’ve been suppressing something for too long, this month will
bring that up and make you face it in order to clean your inner temple, to clean your basement,
to create a sacred space within yourself which is always fresh, clean and purged. Your ancient
ruler Mars is still in your eighth house which is your natural house, Scorpionic house and you
will have three weeks of the month to use this Mars energy in Gemini in your eighth house of
transformations, cleansing, digging deep, revealing, investigating, facing the unknown. Mars
shifts on the 24th in Cancer and enters your ninth house of philosophy, religion, beliefs, spiritual
journey, higher mind and higher self. This will take you on a different journey. After you’ve
cleaned your basement and purged and cleansed your space, you’re ready to move on and
bring new wisdom into yourself, your space is free to receive the knowledge and wisdom, to go
for an adventure and continue its search for meaning.

Scorpio relationships with others

Dear Scorpio, this month is very much about others in your life, your attitude towards them, their
attitude towards you, your behavior and their behavior, your expectations and their expectations,
your values and their values. This month is big for you, transformations are happening through
other people, your relationships are changing, something in the way you interact with others is
changing, something in the way you relate to others, something in the way you exchange with
others. Your relationships are extremely highlighted especially after the middle of the month
when there’s a great emphasis of the energies in your opposite sign of Taurus which is a
complementary sign for you, your mirror, your reflection, your other side of the pendulum, your
necessary part of being whole. Venus is the ruler of Taurus and she enters Taurus on the 15th of
the month, Sun and Mercury join on the 20th and they will all meet with Uranus in Taurus too in
your house of relationships. This could be an exciting time for you and others but also intense,
depending where you stand with others and where some of your relationships are headed. If
you’ve been ignoring some issues within your relationships with others, if you haven’t been
working on changing certain things that needed to change, if you’ve ignored the signs, you can
expect forced changes within your relationships, sudden and unexpected changes, shocking
moments and possible endings of some relationships. If you’ve already worked on changing and
improving some of the things with others, if you’ve been open and sincere, if you’ve done your
part then you can experience exciting moments with others, you can make peace with someone
during this time as well. This includes all your relationships, your one on one relationships, your
friends, partners, family, associates, business relationships etc. Something may be revealed
within your relationships, you may reveal something to someone or someone might reveal
something to you. You may finally say something you’ve kept hidden for a long time, you may
reveal some secret or you may discover something that liberates you now. These are very
powerful energies and you may also meet new people now, get in touch with others, be more
social, be more involved in dynamics of relationships and deal with others. You are growing and
evolving through others and they are your teachers now as you are theirs too. Learn from each
other, grow through each other, get in touch with each other. Exciting energies and exciting
people. Uranus is a planet of surprises, shocks, sudden changes, excitement, liberation,
freedom and awakening. Uranus meets Venus, Sun and Mercury during the second half of the
month which will definitely bring some buzzing and eccentric energy, electric emotional charges,
thunderstorms and revelations within your relationships with others.

Scorpio love & romantic life in April

Dear Scorpio, this month teaches you more about how to walk with love, how to thrive with love,
how to live with love, how to wake up with love, how to go to bed with love, how to learn with
love, how to teach with love, how to love with love, how to express with love, how to work with
love, how to serve with love, how to forgive with love, how to be authoritative with love, how to
share with love, how to speak with love, how to move with love and how to fly with love. There
are lessons in these areas for you dear Scorpio and you will enjoy them because these are
lessons that will take you for a wild ride through many areas of your life and infuse you with
great wisdom and insights about how to apply love through everything that you’re doing,
thinking, feeling and saying. Love is transpersonal and you’re learning what that means, you
cannot tie love, you cannot hold it in yourself, you have to share it, to expand it, to emanate it, to
radiate it, to let it diffuse and fuse your pieces back together, to let it teach you, to be willing to
be broken and put the pieces of yourself back together again, to be willing to go through
transformation. You will understand more and innerstand some of the laws of love during this
time from a more profound level of being. Your relationships are deeply affected now and they
are transforming very much. If you’re involved in a love relationship, this month will bring up
anything that is left unsaid, anything that is left unrevealed, anything that creates a burden to
you or to another person. You will reveal things that you need. Hidden things are coming up.
You may start a discussion about something you’ve never talked about before, something you
need to say now, something you’ve kept within yourself and didn’t know how to say it or your
partner could be the one who does this, who reveals something and this something changes
your relationship, transforms it and deepens it. You have a chance to bring peace into your
relationship now and to resolve issues that were unseen, unknown and hidden. If the
relationship is not going in the direction of transformation and if you cannot find the common
ground and common language, if you’ve been dealing with the same issues over and over
again, then this could mean a break up and separation too. This is a time of transformation in
your love relationships and many scenarios are possible, depending on where you stand in your
relationships. Those of you who are single could also transform their status from being single to
being in a relationship, this is a big transformation and you may get involved in a new romantic
relationship now. Things are becoming clearer, if you’ve been in any kind of denial in your
relationships or with your potential partner or if you’ve recently started a relationship or if you’re
just flirting with someone, you will know where you stand with this person by the end of the
month. With Uranus being involved you can expect exciting situations in your love life, exciting
moments, unexpected encounters and shifts. You may be attracted to someone you’ve never
thought you would be attracted to, you may be surprised by your own feelings and this could be
quite a good shock for you.

Scorpio career & purpose in April

Dear Scorpio, this is another area of your life besides relationships that is strongly activated and
accentuated during April. You are going through changes in this area for the better, you are
improving your current situation, you are taking an action about it and making things move
forward. All the planets are still direct until the 28th of the month when Pluto open the retrograde
season and you have the whole month to use these energies of direct motion to put your plans
into action, to put your energy into making things happen in the wanted direction, to go after
your dreams. If you’ve been planning something, if you’ve been working on some project or an
idea, now is the time to start implementing that, to initiate something, to make connections with
others who might help you with it, to do your part and plant a seed. During the first two weeks of
the month, most of the planets are in the fiery sign of Aries in your sixth house of work, health,
being of service, routines, daily habits and responsibilities. On the 4th of the month Mercury
joins Sun, Venus and Chiron in your sixth house and these energies will create a challenging
aspect of 90 degrees called a square with the lord of the underworld, with your ruler Pluto, lord
of transformation and shadow work. Pluto is in Capricorn in your third house of mental energies,
communication, siblings, neighbours, connections, local community, learning, teaching, social
media, your environment. There will be a clash from Pluto to Sun and Venus in your sixth house
of daily routines and work. You may feel restricted and limited in achieving your goals during
these first two weeks and especially around the middle of the month but these are also
liberating energies, you are breaking through these challenges and barriers and you are
learning to go beyond your limits through these challenging square aspects. There is also a
New Moon in your sixth house on the 12th of the month and there’s a very high concentration of
forces and energies in this placement in fiery sign of Aries. You have the power, energy,
courage and willingness to go after what you want. You may change your work now, change
your career, change your working place, your working environment, your colleagues, your
working hours, your duties and responsibilities. There are more career opportunities being
presented during this time, this is about doing what you really enjoy and know doing, doing
something that uplifts your energy, something that is good for your health, something that makes
your routines pleasurable, something that makes your daily life pleasant and organized in a way
that is beneficial for you. You are going towards something that is enjoyable, something that is
aligned with your talents and qualities. Some of you may be volunteering or helping in
something, doing some kind of charitable work or just being of service to someone who needs it.
This is about being of service but not as a servant but as a leader. This is Aries energy and
you’re passionate about your work, your service, your efforts and the energy you put in your
work. You are taking needed action in the areas of your work and career, you want to do things
that make you feel good instead of making you feel drained, you want to be of service in a
constructive way, you really want to be of service to someone who needs it, you want to do your
part that expresses who you are and what you have to offer and how you can contribute. There
is a healing through your work during this month, something that is revealing and releasing in
the areas of your work. Do what you need to do, don’t be afraid of changes, take an initiative,
take an action, ask for help if you need to, make things happen in the way you want them to, go
after your dreams.

How the New Moon in April will influence Scorpio

Dear Scorpio, this New Moon happens on the 12th of the month in the fiery sign of Aries in your
sixth house of being of service to others, your work, your health, your day to day life, your daily
habits and routines, your schedules, your daily organizations, your duties, your responsibilities,
your pets, your physical well-being, your diet, your exercises, your body, your lifestyle your
discipline. This New Moon shines a beautiful light on these areas, there are Venus, Sun,
Mercury and Chiron in the same place and you are really given a wonderful chance to initiate
something brand new in these areas. Aries is about initiation, new birth, new beginning and
having New Moon here that’s multiplied new beginnings, multiplied refreshment and reset.
Rejuvenation and recovery in your working area, in your health area, in your daily life. If you’ve
done too much of the same during the previous period, if you’ve worked in the same manner, if
you’ve got bored and sick of your daily routines and your habits, if you find them exhausting,
boring and restricting, you can expect new energies and new situations in these areas. You may
start doing something good for yourself, taking better care of your health, taking better care of
your body, taking better care of the energy you spend on a daily basis. Are you wasting too
much of your energy on your daily tasks and duties? What is your day like? What are you
doing? Is it more constructive or destructive? How much do you enjoy in your day? Do you have
enough time for yourself and your needs, do you have enough time to do the things that fulfill
you? How do you feel about your work and how do you feel about your service to others? What
do you have to offer? How can you be of help? This New Moon wants you to nurture yourself
with greater care and love, this New Moon wants you to reorganize your life in a much better
way, to get back to the basics, to reset your energy, to take a good rest, to energize yourself, to
uplift your body and your energy. This is a wonderful New Moon to start with these things, to
implement new healthy routines, to get rid of anything toxic and draining, to alkalize your body,
to cleanse yourself, to purge and purify, to detoxify, to start exercising and energizing yourself
daily. If you’ve been thinking about changing your work, changing your working place, applying
for a new job, shifting your career or just changing something within your working areas, this is
the right moment to do it. You are supported and encouraged to make those changes and bring
in new things. Some of you may get a new pet or you might have some new situations with your
pets if you have any, maybe you just get into a situation where you can be of help to animals,
maybe you feed some animal on the street or anything that supports them and helps them. This
is a very potent New Moon, passionate New Moon, invigorating and refreshing. Plant new seeds
of the future fruit, set your intention and make that initial step towards your goals. Take care of
the emotional, mental and physical food you take in, take care of how you renew your energy
and health, nurture yourself, love yourself.
How the Full Moon in April will influence Scorpio
Dear Scorpio, this Full Moon happens on the 27th of the month in your sign, this is your Full
Moon and this marks the halfway journey to your birthday time. You are on some kind of a
crossroad right now and this Full Moon marks a new cycle in your life which means that there
must be an end to the previous cycle. Some things need to go, some things need to be let go of,
some things need to be released and brought to an end. Full Moons bring com[etions,
culminations, endings, revelations of the things that were unknown up until this moment,
disclosures of the uncomfortable things but also fulfillments and fruitions. These things are
happening in your first house of Self, your personality, your identity, your individuality, your
image, your style, your physical appearance, your behavior, your attitudes, your characteristics
and temperament, your wants and needs, your independence, your self-reflection. This Full
Moon opposes Venus, Mercury, Sun and Uranus in your complementary sign of Taurus which
rules your house of relationships and other people. This Full Moon in your sign is an intense
one, it brings intense emotions, it shines a light on what’s hidden, it illuminates what’s invisible
and unknown, it brings to light what’s beneath the surface and usually those hidden and invisible
things are not very pleasant and shiny. But you work with these energies in a virtuous way, you
are a master of these energies and you’re getting to the truth of something. Something is being
revealed about you, about others, about a certain relationship, about something between you
and another person. Something might come to a head during this time, you may experience
yourself in a different light, some of you may feel like you’re under great pressure but this is
actually going to liberate you, every pressure is a sign of going towards liberating yourself and
transforming yourself. Diamonds are made under great pressure deep under the ground, be
aware of this. These energies are making a square aspect to Saturn in Aquarius in your fourth
house of home and family, domestic matters, family members, emotional stability and emotional
health. You are breaking through some emotional barriers from the past, you are coming out of
a certain loop and this Full Moon pushes you out of that cocoon, it wants you to come out of it
without looking back. Let go of any nostalgia or melancholia that might come during this time.
Let it pass right through you, appreciate it, show your gratefulness and let it go. Don’t stay stuck
with it, don’t replay it, if it comes, let it pass through you and let it go. Focus on your new self,
focus on building a better self, focus on developing your qualities and potentials, focus on your
best version of self, focus on using your past as ladders to climb to the top of the mountain and
have a nice and clear view of what’s going on. Use your fears and past experiences as your fuel
and fertilizer for growth. This Full Moon wants you to put your needs first, to take a good look at
yourself, to see what needs to change, to see what is no longer needed and what needs to go.
Get real to heal, feel it to heal it. This is your magical formula for going through this Full Moon
and taking the best of it. Don’t waste this energy, don’t let it pass just as another regular day.
Tune into this wisdom of Full Moon in Scorpio, ask for guidance, be willing to change and
transform, be willing to improve, be willing to allow things to unfold naturally. Don’t overdo
anything, don’t overeat, don’t overdrink, don’t oversleep, don’t overwork, don’t overwhelm, don’t
overstimulate. Find the right measure. Actually, this Full Moon tells you that less is more, that
you can achieve so much without much effort, that you can release so much without hard work,
that you can make things happen with very little. Keep things simple, don’t complicate, let your
emotions flow naturally, don’t control them. Try to stay centered, go somewhere in nature,
nature can teach you everything if you’re open to its teachings, nature speaks to you in many
ways, nature teaches you and reminds you of who you truly are. Don’t forget that nature knows
how you feel, nature knows how you breathe, nature knows all about you, surrender and let it
guide you.



What can Sagittarius expect in April

Dear Sagittarius, this month you’re going through changes of your routines and habits, changes
of your organization, changes with your children if you have them, your creativity, your way of
expressing yourself, your way of finding a balance between responsibilities and pleasures,
between your work time and rest time. There is a lot of energy in your fellow fiery sign of Aries
which is beneficial for you, Aries creates a supporting and harmonious energy with your sign.
On the 4th of the month Mercury joins the Sun and Venus in Aries in your fifth house of
creativity, pleasure, entertainment, joy, fun, children, self-expression, love and romance. There’s
a New Moon in this placement too on the 12th of the month so there are also new beginnings in
these areas for you. Venus and Sun make a challenging square aspect in the middle of the
month with Pluto in Capricorn in your second house of money, finances, values, self-confidence
and self-esteem. You can expect some kind of restrictions and obstacles here during this middle
of the month. You may want to do something creatively, to make some creative project or
something with your children but you may be prevented because of financial situations, or you
may want to do something romantic with your partner and you can’t find a way to achieve it, or
your love relationship clashes with your values in some way. Many different scenarios are
possible but these won’t be any difficult challenges, you will eventually make it happen because
there are stronger and lighter energies in your fifth house and they are supporting you on your
journey. Second half of the month activates your working area, your daily habits and routines,
your tasks and duties, your health and physical well-being, your self-care and self-nurturance,
your service to others, your schedules and daily work. Venus shifts into Taurus on the 15th of
the month and Sun and Venus joins on the 20th, they all make a conjunction with Uranus during
this month and whenever Uranus is activated, you can expect sudden and unexpected changes,
surprises and awakenings, a-ha moments, something that changes your direction suddenly.
These energies also activate the challenging square aspect between Uranus in Taurus being in
conjunction with all these fast moving planets and Saturn in Aquarius in your mental house,
house of skills, communication, connections, short trips, social media, local community and
thought patterns. This aspect is here to liberate you, to show you the way through, to release
you from what’s old and outdated and to bring in the new. Something changes in your daily life,
something changes in the way you’re taking care of yourself and your health, you’re finding
balance in your daily habits and schedules, you’re breaking out of something restrictive. Keep
what’s useful from the old and move on into the new. Saturn represents the old, the known,
rules and structures, building blocks, conditionings, limitations and restrictions while Uranus
brings changes, breaks through the restrictions, pushes you into the unknown and makes you
break the rules. There needs to be a balance between the two and your task is to find more of
that balance during this time. New things are happening that bring you more freedom in what
you’re doing and how you organize your life. Your health and routines are changing, you may
become more responsible towards yourself and more disciplined in a constructive and beneficial
way. You turn towards self-nurturance.

Sagittarius relationship with inner self

Dear Sagittarius, this month you’re very much going to be working on improving your emotional,
mental and physical health, your daily life, your way of behaving towards yourself, your time for
yourself, your way of resting, finding peace, learning how to relax and recover, learning how to
retreat and rejuvenate your energy, learning how to become more self-responsible, learning how
to bring to peace your mind and heart, learning how to balance your thoughts and emotions,
learning how to connect what you know with how you feel, learning how to bridge the two and
how to set yourself free from some exhausting and draining activities, duties and
responsibilities. You are learning to have more fun, to enjoy yourself more, to express yourself in
a fun, loving and pleasurable way, you are learning how to uplift yourself, how to break out of
boredom and daily routines that make you inert and stuck. This month you’re encouraged and
motivated to bring more romance for yourself, more joy and priceless moments for yourself.
Your growth now depends on how good you can make yourself feel. Your task is to bring
yourself to that state of not being drained easily by external situations and events. You may
develop certain techniques that help you maintain your stability, centeredness and inner
strength. You may develop certain ways of helping yourself, you may start self-healing and
turning towards self-betterment and self-mastery in some way. Maybe you reorganize your life in
a way that you create your daily life much less stressful and much more joyful, you may start
doing things that really make you feel inspired, good and self-confident, things that improve your
well-being, things that make you see things from many different angles. For example, you may
start doing something physically, exercising, running, stretching, dancing or any other physical
activity that could transform your whole inner world, your whole emotional and mental body. You
can transform your other bodies by transforming your physical body and vice versa but you
have to be aware of them as well, you shouldn’t neglect other parts of you and this month
reminds you of the importance of improving and acknowledging all three main worlds, mental,
emotional and physical. You may start some new activities that increase your self-esteem, your
health, your self-love. You will be devoted to yourself more than usual during this month and you
should be. This is a very favorable month to start working on improving your quality of life and
you can really shift things that you need to shift now, you can start that change, you can make
things work in the way you want to. You’re growing through self-nurturance and self-care, you
are invited to laugh more, to see the bright side of the world even if your whole world is tearing
apart. This month shows you that there’s spirit in everything, that you have the power over how
you perceive and feel things, that you have the power to shape your reality and your point of
view, that you have the ability to choose how you think about something. This is a powerful time
for self-improvements and self-healing, use it in the best possible way, don’t just sit there and do
nothing, take some action and try to keep the promises you made to yourself.
Sagittarius relationships with others
Dear Sagittarius, you will probably receive help from others during this month. Other people are
usually supportive towards you now, they want to be there for you, they are generous and open
hearted, you can count on them and you can ask them for help if you need any. Even though
you may feel restricted in certain situations by your siblings, neighbours, relatives or people
from your environment when it comes to your work, your daily life and habits, you will manage to
solve these possible conflicts. If something gets out of your control don’t worry, don’t run into
discussions and conversations, let it settle on its own, you don’t have to do anything actually.
Just be there and do what you have to do, you do what you can do, you can’t change others
and their perception about something, you can just let them express their opinion and allow
them to have a different perception. The same is true for you, don’t feel pushed to change your
mind about something if others don’t agree with you about what you should do as long as you’re
doing something that is good for you. It is also possible that others might be worried about you if
you’re doing something that is unhealthy, toxic or destructive. If you have any bad habits and if
you’re doing something that is obviously not beneficial and favorable for you, others might
become involved and they might point out this to you, they might bring it to light because they
want you to be good and healthy. If something like this happens then you should listen to others
because otherwise, the planetary energies will do it anyway. You can’t continue with something
that is wrong for you and this month will remind you of that. Others are supportive and helpful
and you should call a friend for any kind of help if you need to during this time. You may also be
the one who is in the position to help others, you may be the one who needs to help a friend, a
family member, a brother or sister, a neighbour or anyone from your surrounding. You may be in
a position to support someone. North Node is in your opposite sign of Gemini in the house of
relationships and South Node is in your sign, in your house of identity and personality. The
North node represents the future and it shows where you need to put your focus on while the
South node represents the past and things that you need to face, release, heal and let go. North
node will stay in your house of relationships until the 18th of January 2022. What this suggests
is that you should put your focus on your relationships, you should work toward improving
them, you are maturing through your relationships, you are growing through your relationships
while at the same time you’re letting go of the old parts of you, you’re releasing and healing your
old personality and identity.

Sagittarius love & romantic life in April

Dear Sagittarius, this month is very good for your love and romance, most of you will enjoy this
month and experience some pleasurable moments with others and with yourself. Romance is
highlighted not only with others but with yourself too, you will enjoy being on your own no matter
if you’re in a relationship or not. Some of you have grown a lot in the previous period and your
love perception has transformed so much. Some of you have changed your taste in many things
and your needs have transformed, some of you feel very good being on your own and learning
love through other kinds of relationships besides love being met through one person called lover
or partner. Some of you have gone through all kinds of different struggles within relationships
and now you feel as a totally different person, some of you feel relief and freedom and this
month will increase those feelings, this month shows that kind of love, love through freedom,
love through creative expression, love through being a co-creator of this existence. Some of you
might feel lonely but this loneliness will be a creative one, one that takes you out of that state
and pushes you forward, loneliness which inspires and encourages. There is a high possibility
of starting a new love relationship, meeting someone new, starting a romantic relationship with
someone. So many beautiful energies are being present in your fellow fiery Aries sign. Mercury,
Venus, the Sun, Chiron and the New Moon all being here in your fifth house of love and
romance, creativity and children, self-expression, pleasures, enjoyment and fun. This definitely
shines a light on your love life and your love relationships. New relationships are favored and
romance is highlighted also in your existing relationships. This is beautiful month for self-love as
well, you’re learning to love yourself more, you’re starting to value yourself, you’re starting to
appreciate yourself and this is also supporting your love life a lot, this brings you loving people
and more romance, self-love which is not selfish is something that can heal anything, that’s the
key to your love life this month and this gives you the ability to love others freely and
independently. All these beautiful energies are in your heart house and this house unlocks your
Heart Chakra, the Sun and Leo rule this fifth house and this is a time to shine in your full glory,
to reawaken your passion, to be in love, to surprise someone in a loving and romantic way, to
share your love and to express your love towards someone, to show love and open your heart.
These are amazing energies and the first two weeks of the month are especially potent for love.
Mars is still in your house of relationships until the 24th of the month and you will have more
opportunities for some beautiful commitments, unions, mutual activities, meeting potential lovers
or upgrading and activating your existing love relationship. You can take advantage of all these
energies in a very beautiful and constructive way. Explore yourself and others, awaken that child
within you, awaken your true passion, express your creativity, be authentic, emanate your
uniqueness and enjoy the fullness and richness of life.

Sagittarius career & purpose in April

Dear Sagittarius, this month is strong and powerful for your work, career, business, money and
self-employment. There are some mighty energies in these areas of your life and you may get
what you want during this month, you may achieve some of your goals and start manifesting
your plans. You can put your plans into action and the whole month is very positive and exciting
for any creative projects, creative ideas, work with others, collaborations, for changing your
work, for changing your working place, for changing your daily work and routines, for
rescheduling your daily life and organizing yourself in the best possible way, for finding more joy
in what you’re doing and for feeling good through your work. First half of the month there are
Venus, Sun and Mercury all in fiery Aries in your fifth house which is also a fiery house, house of
heart, creativity, warmth, self-expression, talents and gifts, hobbies, having your own business,
running your own business and feeling good about it. There’s also a New Moon here on the 12th
which brings a new beginning in these areas. You may initiate something creative, you may
become self-employed or you may work on something that you really enjoy. You have a chance
to enjoy your work, to change your current situation if you don’t like it, to bring in more fun,
entertainment, pleasure and joy into what you’re doing. You don’t have to have a job or to work
in order to have a career. Career can be something you do on your own, it doesn’t have to be a
business at all, you can have your own thing and just have fun doing it, just feel good by
expressing your creative self. Second half of the month planets shift into the earthly sign of
Taurus in your sixth house of work, health, being of service, your day to day work and
obligations, your daily tasks and responsibilities, habits and routines. These things are changing
as well and if you are not satisfied with where you’re at right now, there’s a chance to change it
now, to manifest your dreams, to embody your ideas. Taurus is about values, security,
embodiment, money, manifestation, strength, self-values and emotional and material security.
Venus rules Taurus and she is in Taurus after the 15th of the month, Sun and Mercury join her
and Uranus on the 20th and with Uranus here you can expect the unexpected. Sudden shifts
and changes are possible within your working area, you may change your current position or
something might happen that makes you quit your job if you have any or apply for something
new. These energies want you to do what you love doing and you have a chance to earn more
now through something that brings you satisfaction and fulfillment. Venus is a planet of values
and finances besides being the planet of love and harmony and she’s in the sign she rules -
Taurus in your house of work and service. You may benefit now through your work or service,
you may receive some extra money or you may change your values and provide yourself with
different sources of income. This is a dynamic month for your career and future, things are
happening fast and you will have a clearer picture by the end of the month.

How the New Moon in April will influence Sagittarius

Dear Sagittarius, this New Moon happens on the 12th of the month in your fellow fiery sign Aries
in your fifth house of joy, fun, children, self-expression, entertainment, talents, gifts, hobbies,
creativity, love and romance, making children, child within you, playfulness and pleasure. This is
also a fiery sign, Leo rules it and this is even more favorable for you since you are also a fire
sign. This New Moon makes a supportive and harmonious aspect to your sign and you can
benefit a lot through this New Moon. These are new beginnings, new births, new starts in these
areas of your life. Having New Moon here in Aries is very powerful and this is the time for
initiating something new. Aries energy is all about going forward, making things happen, fast
energy, straightforward, direct, pioneering, leadership energy. You can achieve so much during
this time. Creative projects and ideas, new business, having your own business, doing
something new, expressing yourself in a more loving and entertaining way, having fun, enjoying
your time, expecting children or somebody else’s children, awakening the child within you,
starting a new love relationship, being romantic, enjoying romance with yourself, your friends or
your lover. This is a very bright New Moon for you, very positive and enthusiastic. Your love life
is blooming, you are passionate and you feel good. Some of you may be thinking about making
children, some of you may be making children, some of you may spend amazing time with your
children. You may be working on something creative and now you’re publishing your project or
idea. Something new is being born under this New Moon, this is dynamic New Moon for you
dear Sagittarius, many of you will find this time very enjoyable and pleasurable. There are
possible dramas also, but this is not likely to last. Fifth house can be a bit dramatic and having
these energies in Aries, impatience and impulsiveness is also possible, so take care of those
things. Shift your focus on fun and entertainment. This is the energy of upliftment, you will be in
a position to bring joy to others, to cheer up others, to uplift them and make them feel better if
they feel down or if they have lack of energy. You feel energized and you can help others now if
they struggle with low energy. This is an amazing time to plant seeds for the future, to set your
intention towards something creative, uplifting and joyful. Make someone smile during this time,
make someone feel good. If there’s anything that you’d like to initiate, any creative idea or any
plan, now is the time to do it, you have a green light to go after your goals.

How the Full Moon in April will influence Sagittarius

Dear Sagittarius, this Full Moon happens on the 27th of the month in the sign of Scorpio in your
twelfth house. Scorpio is a watery sign and twelfth house also belongs to a water house, so this
Full Moon is a very emotional and sensitive one for you, you may feel extra sensitive but your
emotions could also be intense. Full Moon in Scorpio is very intense, powerful and
transformative. Having this in your twelfth house suggests that you should take a rest during this
time, spend some time on your own to regenerate yourself, to recover, to recharge your
batteries and relax. This Full Moon might reveal something from deep subconsciousness,
Scorpio is about revelations and disclosure, researching and investigating and twelfth house is
house of subconsciousness, dreams, unconscious fears and spirituality. Deep insights are
possible, make sure you stay sober during this time, keep your mind clear, keep your mental
hygiene high and let go of anything toxic during this Full Moon. The best thing is to avoid any
toxic thighs, food, drinks, people, activities, places. Be somewhere where you can get new and
fresh energy, be around people who make you feel good, retreat if you can, be on your own in
order to accumulate your strength and energy. This Full Moon opposes planets in Taurus,
Venus, Sun, Mercury and Uranus in your sixth house of routines, habits, daily work, health and
physical well-being. These two signs and houses are activated and you may have to find
balance between your work and rest, between your mental and physical, between your
conscious and unconscious, between your doing and being. You are advised to take a rest, read
a book, listen to healing music, light an incense, meditate, breathe, take a long baths, sleep
well, sleep enough time, sleep healthy, let your nerves, your brain, your organism, your cells and
your muscles relax and regenerate. This is a powerful Full Moon for self-healing and getting
deeper into things, researching about metaphysical and esoteric knowledge, gaining new
wisdom, exploring your depths, getting to the bottom of something, transforming, feeling things
deeply, having vivid dreams, dreams which deliver important messages. Write down your
dreams during this Full Moon, watch for the signs around you, read the symbols, learn more
about psychology, astrology, numerology, spiritual techniques and practices, get deeper into
intuitive wisdom, connect with yourself more intimately. This is a very strong Full Moon and
twelfth house represents also worlds of spirits, entities, otherworldly things, transcendental
energies and collective unconscious. Dreams may be happening while you’re awake, strange
things and experiences are highlighted and that’s why it’s important to stay sober, to have
common sense and not get lost in these energies and deep emotions. Something might be
revealed during this time, things that were hidden deep at the bottom of the ocean might come
up now, something from you past might become visible now, things that were buried under the
surface are surfacing now. This is time to release and let go, twelfth house is about relief,
surrender and letting go of the things that are not necessary anymore. This house also deals
with addictions so if you have any issues with being addicted to something, you may have to
deal with it now. Addictions are everywhere and it doesn’t mean only being a drug addict, you
may be addicted to a person in an unhealthy way too, to a certain kind of food, to sweets, to
certain fetishes that are destructive for your psyche and mental health, you may be addicted to
anything actually. Full Moons want you to get rid of something that is no longer needed, to
release toxic patterns and habits, to let go of something that is not beneficial for you and to
make room for more good things. Full Moons can be intense, things come to a culmination,
fruition, completion and fullness. This is a very strong Full Moon in Scorpio, you may have some
psychic experiences too during this time. Make sure you keep yourself hydrated, healthy, free
from anything that is toxic, be somewhere in nature if possible, possibly somewhere near the
water to tune into those energies and let the water take away any negativity, tensions, wounds
and pain that you may hold within. Eat less food during this day, let yourself feel lighter and
easier, eat healthy light food, do something physically, exercise, stretch, run, workout, anything
that helps you release and discharge yourself. Let everything come out, don’t suppress your
feelings, express how you feel and what you’re going through if you’re having a hard time. You
can write about it, you can close your eyes and confide in yourself, ask yourself questions, ask
your higher self for the answers, trust your intuition, let this Full Moon wash away all the toxic
thoughts and emotions and let it cleanse you and transform you.



What can Capricorn expect in April

Dear Capricorn, this month is important for you, it touches key areas of your life because it
activates cardinal energies and you are a cardinal sign and cardinal signs like to get things
going, to achieve goals, to take an action and push things forward. There is a lot of energy in
the cardinal fiery sign Aries clashing with Pluto in your sign. On the 4th of the month Mercury
joins Sun and Venus in Aries in your fourth house of home and family, roots, emotions, your
core, your emotional state and the Sun and Venus create a challenging square aspect with
Pluto, the lord of the underworld in your house of personality and identity. There could be a
challenge between you, your freedom, your independence, your individuality and authenticity
and your home, your family, people that you live with, people you share your place with, people
you feel as they’re your family. You will also experience a possible clash between who you are
and your emotions. You may want more freedom and authenticity and independence but your
emotions won’t let you, your emotional state may need attention and you may need to
acknowledge some things from the past in order to continue towards your true independence.
You have changed a lot and transformed a lot and maybe some people around you can’t keep
up with you, you may start seeing those differences between you and your family members, you
and people you live with, you and anyone with whom you can’t find the common language.
During the second half of the month there is a reactivation of the square aspect between your
ruler Saturn and Uranus, so you can expect more friction between the old and the new again
during this month. You will see what conditions you, what needs to change, what keeps you
imprisoned and stuck. Where do you feel restricted and limited? You are asked to find a balance
between your commitments and responsibilities and your need to break free. Saturn is all about
the known, structures, rules, limitations, responsibilities while Uranus is all about the unknown,
ultimate freedom, surprises, awakening, changing and experimenting. Clashes between these
two energies are highlighted during the second half of the month when fast moving planets shift
from Aries to Taurus and join Uranus. Venus, Sun and Mercury all join Uranus in your fifth house
of joy, pleasure, children, creativity, talents, love and romance, having fun, enjoying what you’re
doing. Saturn in your house of values and finances clashes with these energies during this time.
Maybe you want to enjoy and have more fun but you feel restricted because you feel you don’t
deserve that or you might have a moral dilemma about whether you should be doing that or not.
You may want to do something creative, to express your talents, to change things in your love
life, to do something that liberates you but you may feel limited by your finances, your earnings,
your value system. You will see how you’re conditioning yourself during this time and you will
have an opportunity to break through those barriers and to come closer to making things
happen in the way you want them to.

Capricorn relationship with inner self

Dear Capricorn, you still struggle with recent transformations and changes you’ve been through
on a personal level, you’re still dealing with the remains of those changes, with the dust of the
ruins, with the remains of the ruins and you may dig up something you forgot about, you may
dig up something from those ruins that you thought is gone. You are going to dig up a couple of
those things from the ruins, you have to clean up that space, to get rid of all the remains in order
to start building your new temple. You don’t want to build your temple with the remains around it,
you have to see what’s left and get rid of everything that’s not worth keeping. This month you’re
dealing with those remains and interesting things may emerge. Old memories, attachments,
relationships, people who’re not part of your life anymore, things that lost its glitter, things that
lost its function, faces that are no longer present in your life, past issues, recurring issues within
your family, your love life, your personality, your behavior. You may meet your past self, you may
face your old self, you may feel your old self fully during this month. Some old patterns, habits,
attachments, issues, behaviors, thoughts might reappear now, they may creep out and show
themselves to you through you or through others. This is necessary so that you can see who
you are now and how different you are now but also to see who you used to be. You may start
understanding your past a bit better now, some things that were unclear and confusing might
become revealed during this month. What you thought about yourself might turn out to be an
illusion. You are detaching from your old self but you are taking the good things with you.
Surprises are possible, shocks too, revelations that shock you about yourself, about your past,
your family, your emotions, your inner unseen unconscious self. Past personalities might
resurrect, past thought patterns, past emotional patterns, past behavioral patterns. These are all
gone but they may emerge now as ghosts to remind you of who you are now and who you’re
not. Don’t suppress these things if they come up, let them pass right through you, let them
pierce through you, let them teach you and show you why and how certain things in your life
happened and maybe are still happening. This will give you the courage to break out of
something that you find draining, exhausting, torturing, boring, repetitive and dysfunctional. You
can’t fight the old battles anymore, the battle is done, the battlefield is gone, you may see that
you’re alone in the place where a battlefield used to be, you may see that it’s not a battlefield
anymore, you may see that you’re alone there, you may see that there are no threats, there are
no attacks, there’s no need to fight, you can take off your armor, you can drop your weapons,
you can walk away from that place.
Capricorn relationships with others
Dear Capricorn, this is an eventful month for you and things are starting to make more sense as
the month progresses. You’re going to see some of your relationships in a new light now, some
things may change within a friendship or within a certain group of people. Your family
relationships are strongly activated and they’re in the spotlight during the first half of the month.
Mercury, Sun, Venus, Chiron and New Moon all in Aries in your fourth house of family members,
your family dynamics, people you live with, your roommates, people you consider to be your
family. Your individuality might clash with them now, Pluto in your house of personality in your
sign creates a challenging square aspect to all of these planets in Aries and there are possible
conflicts between you and your family. If you run into a conflict during this time, don’t worry
because everything is unfolding as it should so don’t push for changes in these areas, don’t
force things, don’t push in an opposite direction. Accept and allow struggles, accept and allow
conflicts, they are healthy parts of relationships, they teach you about relationships, they give
you an opportunity to see things more clearly and you have a chance to solve things, to discuss
things, to bring things up to the surface. So, if conflicts happen, don’t avoid them, allow them.
You will also see who’s not on the same wavelength as you are, you may start distancing
yourself from certain people now too, you will clearly see which relationships are growing with
you and which are preventing you from growing and individualizing. This is an important month
for individuation and growth toward self-mastery. You are a Capricorn and self-mastery is one of
your missions in this life so you may be triggered by others now in a way that pushes towards
that self-mastery and individuation. Others may trigger anger within you during this time, your
family or people you live with, people who are like your family may make you feel angry and
irritated, something might be revealed that takes you out of your comfort zone and you find
yourself dealing with past issues with others now. These are all necessary things that are a part
of a bigger process so if these things happen, don’t worry, let it happen but don’t be too attached
to what’s happening, be aware that those things will pass and that they’re happening for a very
specific reason. Stay calm, stay true to yourself, stay authentic. There’s a Full Moon in Scorpio
at the end of the month in your house of friendships, groups of people and communities so you
can expect more revelations and activities with others during this time. Some friendships are
transforming and if your social life has been a bit a bit off lately, this Full Moon will initiate
changes there.

Capricorn love & romantic life in April

Dear Capricorn, things are moving in an interesting direction during this month when it comes to
your love life. Things are becoming clearer, some illusions from the previous period are being
revealed and transformed now especially after the middle of the month when most of the
planets shift into Taurus and your fifth house of love and romance. Last month initiated some of
the changes that are going to unfold during the rest of the year, it’s a process that’s going to be
active until the very end of this year and this month may show bits and pieces of those changes
and future direction. What is love, is it personal or collective or universal? Can it be shared with
another person at all, can you feel the same feelings as another person is feeling, can you stand
the amount of love when you’re on your own? Some deep questions might come up to you and
deep insights when it comes to love. You may receive sudden insights about the power and
strength of love which might shock you, things that could change and transform your perception
about relationships and your needs and your emotions and your attachments. You may reveal
something that deeply changes your perception of your needs and your ability to recognize love.
You may see that love is not an emotion but a consciousness, love doesn’t belong to the world
of emotions, emotions are multilayered spiral ladders towards love and you can go up and down
many times, you can walk in circles getting lost in layers of another layers of emotions, but
emotions are not love and you may reveal that you’ve been identifying love with emotions all
this time all your life in every situation. These are strong revelations, powerful disclosures,
transforming experiences and insights. These revelations will set you free from certain beliefs,
expectations, attachments and past hurt. You’re growing and evolving through these emotional
spiral ladders and you’re breaking out of past layers, you’re peeling them one by one. Your
existing love relationship changes direction, something shifts, something changes for better or
worse, depending on where you both stand and what you carry within yourselves. If you’re
single, the second part of the month is very favorable for the start of a new love relationship,
new romance and new encounters with those who match your current vibration. Mercury, Sun
and Venus, planet of love and harmony, in your fifth house of love and romance in the sign of
Taurus bring many beautiful romantic moments. Manifestation of love and romance is
highlighted but your individuality and independence may clash with this new relationship and
with your current too. All in all, this month wants you to find more authenticity and personal
freedom, to connect with the truth and with what is instead of what you think it is. Truth without
excuses, truth no matter what, truth equals love and even though it might hurt, it hurts only
those parts of you which are under the spell of illusions. Breaking out of illusions is love, so,
allow the truth to guide you, allow love to teach you, allow yourself to grow and know.

Capricorn career & purpose in April

Dear Capricorn, you’re going to have a greater need to enjoy this month rather than to work
which can sound a bit weird for Capricorns but even your sign archetype changes and
transforms. Things are changing and you have to move along with those changes. You will have
a greater need for pleasure, for enjoyment, for satisfaction, for feeling life, for sensing, for
feeling good by doing less, for making things happen with less effort, for having more while
doing less. You don’t want to self-sacrifice, you don’t want to be a slave to time, to work, to job,
to earnings, to investments. You want to feel the aliveness of the life, you want to feel how it
feels to taste the freshness of life, to taste the morning fresh air without hurrying anywhere,
without being late anywhere, without having to do this or that, without having to be in any place
with anyone, you just want to wake up and experience the vastness of time and space and
possibilities, you want to wake up knowing that anything is possible now, infinite possibilities,
endless potentialities. You just want to feel that creative freedom. You want to break out of your
restrictions, structures, limitations and duties into unlimited, unconditional, limitless and eternal.
You will need to find balance between the two, you are encouraged, motivated and supported to
do as you wish during this month, to make things happen just in the way you want them to, to
find that perfect balance between your freedom and your duties, between your responsibilities
and enjoyment. You can have both now, you can achieve both and those responsibilities and
duties that you find draining and exhausting can become fulfilling and pleasurable. You can do
things in your own way now, you can still do your work but you can also enjoy doing it. You may
start your own business now or upgrade an existing one in a way that it makes you more flexible
and that it gives you more freedom, more time, more energy, more enjoyment. You may publish
something creative now, something that comes directly from you, something that is your true
expression, manifestation of your talents, your gifts, your skills, your knowledge and wisdom
and you may not be worried about the results. You just do it because you enjoy it and this month
supports this kind of work. If you have some your personal creative product, service or idea to
show, publish or express, do it now. Ignore fears of failure, ignore mental programs that might
tell you that you have to work hard in order to achieve your dreams, because that’s not true,
that’s a mental illusion and you’re becoming more aware of it now. You’re pursuing your dreams
in an authentic way now and this month encourages you to keep doing that, to continue that
journey, to keep giving yourself more time and space, more freedom, more air, more
self-appreciation and self-validation. Don’t neglect your wants and needs, don’t ignore your
dreams and wishes, don’t accept your life just as it is, be the initiator, be the leader of your life,
be the rider of your destiny. Sometimes you have to follow the road, but sometimes you can turn
direction and use the shortcut, use the secret passage that only you know about, use that secret
route that opens up so many different, unknown, exciting and new possibilities.

How the New Moon in April will influence Capricorn

Dear Capricorn, this New Moon happens on the 12th of the month in fiery Aries sign in your
fourth house which is your core, your roots, your mother, your emotional state, your childhood,
your past, your ancestors, your family members, your home, your literal house where you live in,
your place of living, your house where you grew up, your memories, your home environment
and your space. This is a very strong and potent New Moon since it happens to be in the first
sign of the Zodiac which is all about the new birth, the initiation, the new beginning, new start,
new cycle. New Moons bring new beginnings no matter in which sign they happen to be, so this
New Moon is even more magnified and amplified because Aries is also about new birth and new
beginnings. Extra potent energy for planting new seeds, for initiating things, for starting
something new. Some of you may be relocating, moving, finding a new place for living,
decorating your home, renovating something around your home, with Venus here you may be
beautifying your place of living, making it more pleasant and comforting, making it more
beautiful and homey. Some of you may get new roommates or start living on your own, maybe
you bring in new people to live with you or you detach from your family and move to live on your
own. Things with your home and family members are strongly activated now. New things with
your family, new family members, new soul family members too. On a more deeper level, this
New Moon shines a light on your emotional state, your past, your emotional well-being, your
emotional wounds, your attachment to your home, your parents, unresolved issues from your
past, things that have to do with your emotional health. You may be more passionate when it
comes to certain things around your family and past, you may feel anger or frustration about
something but this brings new emotional state, new feelings around your home and family, new
situations. Set your intention during this time, initiate a change in your environment, your home,
with your family, with your past, with your emotional well-being. Do something different,
something that liberates you, something that heals your emotional woundings. Some of you may
have a hard time letting go of something or someone, fourth house is a water house and having
Aries here could make that water boil. Take care of impulsive reactions within family, take care
of making impulsive decisions and being impatient. This New Moon creates a challenging
square aspect to your sign and Pluto. This could trigger more shadow work, more personal
cleansing, more purging and more healing. Use these energies wisely, it’s a powerful New Moon
for new beginnings so focus on new things, do things differently.

How the Full Moon in April will influence Capricorn

Dear Capricorn, this Full Moon happens on the 27th of the month in the sign of Scorpio in your
eleventh house of friendships, communities, networking, groups of people, socializing, working
in groups, collaborating with others, your dreams and wishes, your future objectives and your
place amongst others. This is an intense Full Moon in Scorpio and you may feel more emotional
and intense than usual. This Full Moon reveals things, it shows you the truth, it reveals things
about others, about your friendships, about your place within the community, about your future,
your dreams and wishes. Disclosures and revelations are highlighted during this time, some
secrets are becoming known, things are resurrecting, things come up to the surface. Something
that has been hidden, unknown, buried and locked inside is coming out. This Full Moon brings
truth and transformation. You are transforming your relationships with others, your friendships
transform, your dreams and wishes are transforming. You may be working with others on a
mutual project, you may be sharing things online, you may join a new community, online or in
person. This is also a house of networking and sharing so you may be active in those areas too.
Maybe you have your social group or youtube channel or blog or anything online that influences
others in some way and you may get in touch with more people now, you may become more
seen and recognized by others, you may become more exposed. This Full Moon is here to bring
change and to show something that was previously unknown and that is very significant for your
future. Full Moons bring culminations, endings, completions but also fulfillments and things are
coming to a fruition. If you’ve been working on something with others lately, if there has been
some mutual project, something where others are involved, this Full Moon could bring these
things into fruition, this is a time of culmination so you may see certain things or projects being
manifested now in its fullness. Something might come to its end too but this is more of a
transformational energy, transition, transmutation, exponential shift. This Full Moon opposes a
lot of planetary energies in Taurus in your fifth house of creativity, playfulness, self-expression
and talents. Uranus, planet of quick changes, sudden shifts and surprises opposes this Full
Moon and squares your ruler Saturn in your house of money, finances, values, hidden talents
and gifts, emotional and material security. These energies are intense, strong and transforming.
You are advised to do something calming during this Full Moon, do something healing,
something that brings you peace, something that makes you feel safe. Be around those who
you trust, be with those people who you have most trust in, let your emotions flow freely, don’t
suppress them, don’t stop them, don’t stop their flow, let them move spontaneously, follow their
rhythm, tune into the wisdom of these flows and this Full Moon in Scorpio. Something in your
social life changes, your connections are changing, your friendships, your role within others
changes. Don’t let these energies overwhelm you, use your common sense to stay centered
and keep things real in order to heal whatever comes up. Full Moons are also very favorable for
letting go, for discharging, for emptying, healing and releasing. This is a perfect time to be
somewhere in nature, to connect with those fine subtle energetic emanations that directly
influence you, that teach you and infuse you with new information from the ether, that feed you
directly and that heal you, that align you with natural unfoldment and that detox you.



What can Aquarius expect in April

Dear Aquarius, this month is about your emotional freedom, your core values, your root values,
you want more emotional space, more emotional liberty and stability. Your communication with
others is more important now, your connections with siblings and people from your environment,
your local community and social media, networking and publishing, learning and teaching. All
these things will be highlighted and there’s a reactivation of the challenging square aspect
between your ancient ruler Saturn in your sign and your ruler Uranus in Taurus which is very
significant aspect for you, it affects you greatly and it pushes you towards liberation of
something that is too restrictive, something that has been limiting you for a while, something that
has been suffocating you. Second half of the month you will feel these energies and you will
probably see what it is that you need to work on changing and transforming. Saturn is all about
structures, rules, limitations, restrictions, things that you have to do, responsibilities, duties,
things that are known and tried while Uranus is all about ultimate freedom, unconditional
freedom, things that are unknown, breaking the rules, sudden changes and shifts, shocks,
surprises and changes. There is a clash between them now and you’re going to see what you’re
going to keep from the old while you’re stepping into the new and unknown. There’s a lot of
Aries energy in the first half of the month which goes well with your Air sign, these energies are
supportive, they bring new opportunities and you’ll be able to get yourself out of something
heavy and into something more meaningful, something that gives you different perception,
something that inspires you to learn and grow. On the 4th of the month Mercury enters Aries
joining Sun and Venus already there in your third house which is mental house, house of
expression, communication, mental connections, skills, developments, learning, teaching and
sharing. These energies will clash with Pluto, lord of the underworld, which is in your twelfth
house of subconsciousness, things that are unseen and unknown, invisible realms, intangible,
dreams, symbols, synchronicities, transcendental energies, spirituality and deep insights. You
may have trouble expressing yourself, you may feel mental barriers, your subconscious patterns
may interfere with your communication and connections with others but you may also be
inspired by your subconsciousness to do something creative, to create a new world, to make
your conversations very interesting and deep, to talk about things that are unknown, to share
your insights with others. Other half of the month is more important for you, your key areas of
life are highlighted. Venus, Sun and Mercury shift into Taurus and join Uranus in your fourth
house of roots, parents, home, family, house, place of living, emotional stability, inner child and
reparenting of yourself. You may relocate during this time, you may change the country you live
in, move on to another house or town or maybe start thinking about it. Your core values are
being shaken up now, you are moving your point of view, you are relocating your perception as
well, your emotional patterns are transforming and sudden shifts are possible. This month
opens your eyes about certain things, some things start making more sense, some things
become more clear and certain and you will have confidence about your next steps.

Aquarius relationship with inner self

Dear Aquarius, you’re invited to take a better look at your deep corners of your inner earth
during this month, you are summoned for a self-healing journey and you can expect triggers
which will get you there. Triggers are your tickets for a self-healing journey so pay attention to
any triggers you might feel during this month. You are given a chance to do emotional cleansing
during this month, to strengthen your emotional, psychological and spiritual immunity, to gain a
deeper insight into the things that make you feel vulnerable, to increase your level of
consciousness and become more self-reliant when it comes to your inner self. You have a
chance to discipline your thoughts, to gain greater knowledge about your mental patterns, to
gain more mental discipline, to bring more structure and form to your unconscious self which
pulls the strings of your life. You will start to understand that your subconscious levels are more
powerful than you thought they were and you will want to explore more about the nature of the
subconscious and unconscious levels. You may start researching and reading about these
things, you may start learning about the psyche, discovering deep things about the soul and
spirit, discovering more things about life and death, about emotional patterns and mental
patterns, about their power, about how little you know about yourself. Many of you will see how
little you know about yourself which will motivate you to explore more, to dig deeper, to review
and recapitulate significant moments from your past, to research about matters of the heart,
mind and body and to start applying those things in your real life. You may start practicing
something that connects you with your spirit and soul, something that gets you closer to your
source but you may have to struggle with your shadow along the way which is necessary if you
want to go further onto this journey. There is no other way round, you cannot skip these steps
and this month gives you that courage to break through the fear and face some parts of your
shadow which have to be seen and recognized so that you can bring forward emotional healing
and mental resolutions. Mental brightness and warmth of the heart are both necessary for
healthy emotions and thoughts, for healthy behavior, for healthy intentions and healthy
relationships. Your emotional intelligence is being increased during this month, this is a powerful
time to use these energies and break through your fears. You have a chance to put the lost
pieces together now, to find those lost pieces and integrate them in the whole picture, you have
a chance to start healing forgotten wounds, to make them feel comfortable and to let them
breathe instead of hiding them and shutting them down. This month is a blessing, it is time of
opening wounds and freeing up your emotional blocks, liberating yourself from emotional and
mental imprisonment.

Aquarius relationships with others

Dear Aquarius, you’re going to have interesting encounters and meetings with other people
during this month and some deep emotional revelations within your family or those who you feel
as your family. Mercury enters Aries on the 4th of the month and he joins Sun and Venus in your
third house of communication, connections, friends, neighbours, brothers and sisters, relatives,
people from your environment, people from your local community, people you meet online
through social media. These energies are strongly activated especially during the first half of the
month and you will have great opportunities to connect with those who support your ideas, to
connect with those who share similar ideals with you, to develop your skills through connecting
with like minded people, to initiate a healing process through communication with others, to
communicate about various different themes that help you see some things much clearer and to
share your subconscious fears with others. You can expect some deep emotional
conversations, heart to heart communication and revelations. There’s also a New Moon in Aries
joining Sun, Venus and Mercury on the 12th which amplifies and highlights these themes and
brings new beginnings with others. Your local community and people from your close
environment will be included in your life and you will find out important things through them. You
could also be involved in some group learning or teaching program where you connect with
others who share the same interests with you. You could also start noticing someone from your
close environment and start seeing him/her in a different light, many different scenarios are
possible with others now. You may see someone you know being in the same group as you are
and you connect now on a much deeper level with that person. Some interesting experiences
with others are highlighted now and you can expect to be more social, more outgoing, more
communicative and open minded towards others, more willing to collaborate and cooperate with
others, more enthusiastic about meeting new people. Your family relationships are also highly
activated and your focus will be there too especially in the second half of the month when
Venus, Sun and Mercury join Uranus in Taurus in your fourth house of home and family. You
may have to deal with certain things within your family, you may have to go through some
conversation with a family member that is not very comfortable, you may be too stubborn or
other person may be too stubborn, you may run into conflict with someone from your family and
you may both hold strongly to your side of the story. If something like this happens, don’t worry
because this is all part of the process and this is not something that you should avoid or prevent
from happening. Let the conflict happen if it has to, a lot can be learned through conflict,
conflicts allow growth in a relationship, conflicts serve as a growing tool for each person
involved. These family dynamics are a necessary part of the process so don’t worry if these
things emerge, but don’t be too rigid, try to be more flexible and let it go. Focus on your
authenticity and your perception, become aware that the other person has a different perception
and allow him/her to have that different perception. You may also go through something very
emotional with your family, you may find a new family too or you may connect with someone
from your family again. With Uranus here everything is possible, sudden and unexpected shifts
and changes are highlighted. So, whatever it is, accept and allow, let your ruler Uranus lead you
and guide you, don’t resist the changes, keep the flame in your heart lit and keep the light on in
your mind to enlighten your path and to help others find their dropped torches.

Aquarius love & romantic life in April

Dear Aquarius, your inspiration for romance is increased now, many of you will feel enchanted
by your own energy, many of you will enjoy being in love with yourself which won’t be anything
selfish but very creative and uplifting. You will inspire others through being in love with yourself
and being in love with yourself simply means enjoying your activities, enjoying your own time,
enjoying your own space, enjoying your inner self, enjoying your external self, enjoying the food
you eat, enjoying the air you breathe, enjoying the steps you take, enjoying your walks, your
talks, your voice, your face, enjoying your journey and enjoying each new experience along the
way. Some of you may feel this less and some more but all of you will feel it in a certain way
with little ups and downs throughout the month. You have a chance to turn any past hurt and
suffering into the light of consciousness and the present moment. These are very powerful times
and you can truly transform any burning into pure light and you can also help others which is a
high expression of love. Others may feel your light and love and they will be magnetically drawn
to you. New love relationships are also being drawn now but you are not in any desperate need
for it, you are fine with or without someone being your partner. Your love life is much bigger and
much wider than being focused on one person now and you will feel good no matter if you’re in
a relationship or not. You feel that inner light and that inner light is your fuel, your food, your
water, your resources, your life and your source. That is something that doesn’t depend upon
any external person or situation, it is your state of being, it is your consciousness and it cannot
be taken away by someone or something. New love relationships are possible with people from
your neighbourhood, with someone from your close environment, with someone you meet on a
daily basis, with someone from your local community or someone you meet on a short trip you
might take. Venus, planet of love and harmony is in fiery passionate Aries next to Sun and
Mercury which is amazing for meeting new people, communicating and flirting with others, being
talkative and sharing experiences, starting a new relationship and bringing in more romance. In
your existing relationships, some of you may have to have that conversation with your partner
about something that bothers you or that limits you, something that makes you feel restricted,
something that makes you feel as if you are not who you truly are. You want more emotional
space in your relationship which doesn’t mean that your relationship is suffocating you, your
relationship may be just as it should, but you want to have that feeling of being more who you
are, you need to feel yourself now, you need to feel your true self and that’s hard to feel if you’re
emotionally too tied to somebody else. This is of course not true for each and every one of you
but for most of you this may be the case. Mars is still in Gemini in your fifth house of love and
romance until the 24th of the month and many things are possible. Mars in Gemini is interested
in many different things at the same time and some of you may be involved in more than one
love affair during this time. Take care because when Mars leaves this placement after the 24th,
all the passion and interest may start to fade away quickly. Focus on your inner light, your
well-being, your state of being in love with yourself and enjoying it.

Aquarius career & purpose in April

Dear Aquarius, these areas of your life are also highlighted during this April and your whole
body of existence shifts from one place of being to another place of being. You are pushed out
of your comfort zone and many of you will enjoy that feeling, many of you will love being out of
your comfort zone and not knowing what tomorrow brings. Even if nothing concrete happens
during this month, the change will be initiated and something will be revealed to you about
where you’re going next and how you feel about your current situation. You may benefit through
others during this month, your connections with various people could bring you into a new space
and time when it comes to your career, your work or anything that you’re doing, your creative
expression, your projects, your solo work. Others could play an important role now in those
areas of your life. Maybe somebody tells you about some job that you would really like to do,
maybe a friend recommends you to somebody, maybe you apply for something new to learn
now and you get in touch with people who share the same ideas and you become involved in a
group project with somebody. Many different scenarios are possible here and you are willing to
get things going, to accept new things, to accept different paths and directions. You are
supported now to do so, you are encouraged and you can really change a direction in your
career or in your life path if that’s what you want. You may be learning, teaching, publishing,
writing, editing, educating, sharing or interacting through social media. Working online is
possible during this time and you may benefit through these kinds of services now. There’s a
Full Moon in Scorpio at the end of the month in your tenth house of career, profession, life path
and direction and you will experience some changes and transformations in these areas around
this time. You may shift your career or transform the way you do things now, you may change
your current working situation and if you’re not working or not having any kind of career then it is
about your role in the world, your influence on others and how you contribute. Mars is still in
Gemini in your fifth house until the 24th of the month and you will have that boost of energy and
willingness and passion to achieve your goals, to do something you like and enjoy, to work
towards making that happen and then Mars moves into Cancer in your sixth house of work,
health and being of service. This will also affect your career, your mission, what you have to
offer, your daily work and routines, your responsibilities and duties. Whole month is eventful for
you dear Aquarius and you can break out of something that you find unfulfilling and boring, you
have all that you need to move towards manifesting your goals and dreams.

How the New Moon in April will influence Aquarius

Dear Aquarius, this New Moon happens on the 12th of the month in the fiery sign Aries in your
third house of mindfulness, intellect, thoughts, thought patterns, connecting with others,
communicating with others, people from your environment, your neighbours, your relatives, your
siblings, people you meet daily, local community, this is also house of learning, education, skills,
teaching, writing, publishing, sharing information, news, messages, written or spoken words and
any kind of expression. This is a very fast energy, third house is very mental, very active and
quick while Aries is also fast and quick energy, just be careful not to burn yourself with many
different activities and being all over the place. Take care of being restless and too busy. You will
feel energized and you will have a lot more strength than usual, your vitality is increased and
you feel like you can move the mountains. You have the energy for new things and you are
willing to try anything new and to learn new things, to connect with new people, to go to new
places, to accept invitations, to be here and there and everywhere. This New Moon creates a
supportive and beneficial aspect to your sign and you may see new opportunities coming your
way through others, through your skills, through your knowledge, through your information,
through your intellect and your connections. This is a perfect time for bringing in something new,
for launching something new, for initiating something new. New Moon is always about
something new, new start and new beginnings while Aries is also about new birth and initiation
so this is a perfect match of energies for a new cycle in your life in these areas where this New
Moon happens to be. Aries is also about yourself, your identity and individuality so you may also
go through changes in your identity and your individuality. These third house themes may affect
your personality and your independence. Communications, conversations and sharing
information with others is strongly accentuated and you could learn and find out new valuable
information about something that really interests you, something that is really important for you.
You may work on developing new skills, improving your knowledge, applying for a new course in
something, new studies, new teachings, something that influences your education, you are
upgrading and improving your intellect and skills. If you’ve been working on something now is
the time to share it, to publish it, to launch it. Plant the seeds, set your intention, let it grow and
ufold. This New Moon brings new birth so make sure you know what you want now, make sure
you know what that new birth means for you and what kind of seed you need to plant. This New
Moon creates a challenging square aspect to Pluto in Capricorn in your twelfth house of
subconsciousness, endings, new cycles, dreams, symbols, isolation, institutions, transcendence
and oneness and this is here to bring you a liberation of your mind, to free up your mental state,
to bring you releasing and healing of mental patterns, to set you free from feeling unable to
express yourself and to allow you to express your thoughts and emotions in many different
ways. Truly potent and powerful New Moon in Aries, use the best of it, meditation is highly
advised or any mental technique that helps you with your focus and with reprogramming toxic
thought patterns. Don’t forget to set your intention during this time, work with the magic of this
New Moon and let it show you the way.

How the Full Moon in April will influence Aquarius

Dear Aquarius, this Full Moon happens on the 27th of the month in the sign of Scorpio in your
tenth house which is the highest point of the natal chart and it represents your ambitions, your
goals, authority figures, your external aspirations, your efforts, your hard work, your career, your
profession, your true calling and vocation, what you’re meant to do, your place in the world, how
you affect others, what is your contribution, what is it that you’re doing, your social status, your
public persona, you being out there, you being seen and recognized. All these things are
activated during this Full Moon and there is a certain level of tension with this Full Moon in
Scorpio. This is not an easy Full Moon, it is very emotional and deep, it reveals things that were
previously hidden, it brings things out into the open, it shines a light on something that was kept
in the dark, it illuminates something that was unseen and unknown. Full Moons usually do that,
reveal and disclose things, and this one is even more revealing and disclosing since it happens
to be in the mystical watery sign of Scorpio which brings transmutations, death, loss, endings,
rebirth, resurrection and transformation. Scorpio has three stages, Scorpion, Eagle and Phoenix
which is the last and the highest expression of Scorpio which represents rebirth, being born
again out of the ashes of the old. This Full Moon brings similar energies and this happens for
you in your house of career, ambitions, goals, destiny, chosen path, dominant people in your life
and parents. Something changes here, something is being revealed and that something could
be uncomfortable but it is necessary to be brought to light. This Full Moon creates a challenging
square aspect to your sign and also to Saturn in your sign. There are strong energies activated
in the opposite house of this Full Moon, Venus, Sun and Mercury are all together in Taurus
joined with Uranus in your fourth house of home, family, roots, parents, your emotional health
and your inner child. All your key areas are activated and touched by this Full Moon in Scorpio
which brings tension, depth, revelations and transformations. Your life direction might suddenly
change during this time, whenever there’s Uranus involved you can expect the unexpected and
sudden shifts. Your home and career, your mother and father, your inner and outer, your
emotional security and your material security, your softness and your strength. If there’s
something too restrictive or limiting in your life now, you will see it and feel it, you will want to
break out of it, you will want to free yourself up from it. This Full Moon brings culminations,
endings and completions so you can expect some change of direction in your life, change of
your destiny, change of your career, change of your life path, change of your expression of
yourself in the world. You might have to deal with authority figures during this time, your social
status may transform as well now, you might be invited to perform or be more in the public, you
might get a recognition of some kind or promotion. Things are coming to a fruition, Full Moons
also bring fulfillments and you may experience success in something you’ve been working on.
This is a very strong Full Moon, very intense and you are advised to work with these energies in
the most valuable manner. Stay hydrated, eat lighter food, move, be in motion, exercise, stretch,
workout, walk, do something that is good and healthy for you, don’t be lazy, don’t just sit and do
nothing, don’t just work either, find a balance. Find some time to be on your own if you can, to
contemplate on your future, your destiny, your emotions, your dreams and wishes. Don’t let the
emotions overwhelm you but don’t suppress them either, let them come out, express your
emotional state, be somewhere where you can be totally free, be somewhere where you don’t
have to be anything that you’re not. Let the wisdom of this Full Moon teach you a lesson or two,
allow it to guide you and show you the way.



What can Pisces expect in April

Dear Pisces, this month you’re going to see things in a clearer way, your perception becomes
clearer and your mind is very stimulated. You want to learn things, to invest in new things and
you will probably enjoy learning and applying these new things. You are learning and developing
new skills, you’re leaving behind old habits and entering the new time and space season. You’ve
been releasing and cleansing during the previous period and now you can bring in something
new. On the 4th of the month Mercury enters fiery Aries and joins Sun and Venus there in your
second house of money, finances, investments, earnings, self-values, house of worth and
self-confidence but also hidden gifts and talents. You will be passionate about these things
especially during the first half of the month when these energies are very activated. You may be
proactive in making money or investing in something that will bring you material security, your
self-confidence is increased, you have extra energy and willingness to initiate things in these
areas, to make things happen, to achieve your financial goals and find different sources of
incomes. You may awaken some of your hibernated gifts talents and start working on them,
developing them and doing something that brings you money and fulfillment at the same time.
There’s a challenging square between Sun and Venus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn in your
eleventh house of friendships, other people, community and groups of people. If you’re working
in a team or with others you may feel restricted somehow by others, your finances may be
dependent upon other people, you may be involved in a group project and there could be some
challenges but this is all part of the process and it’s nothing to worry about. These challenges
are here only to set you free from something that is limiting you. Other half of the month may be
more intense and active, Venus, Sun and Mercury move into Taurus joining Uranus in your third
house of communication, mental expressions, thought patterns, learning, studying, teaching,
writing, publishing, connecting, sharing information, developing and expressing skills. So much
activity in this house which is Mercury's house and having Uranus there too will stimulate your
mind very much, your mind will be hungry for new things. Uranus is higher octave of Mercury,
higher education, higher learning and having both of these energies together in a third house
which is also a house of mind will definitely give you a mental boost. Big changes of perception
are possible, many opportunities to earn and change what you’re doing, many different activities
with others and many chances to break free from restriction and limitations.

Pisces relationship with inner self

Dear Pisces, this is the month when you can bring back lost confidence, lost hope, lost
self-esteem, lost self-appreciation, lost self-worthiness, lost self. If it’s been heavy or
disempowering or discouraging before, now you have the power to bring back every inch of that
invested, given or taken and stolen energy. Where have you been giving your power away in the
past? Where do you still feel the void of giving your power away to someone or something?
Now you’re bringing back all of that lost or given energy, now you’re bringing back all the power
that has leaked from you, now you’re bringing back all the strength that you have lost and that
you need now. And that’s not the same energy and strength, that’s upgraded energy, power and
strength, upgraded by your maturity and experiences, upgraded by the changes that you’ve
been through since then. Now you’re coming back to the new you, you’re bringing back values
that you’ve lost and you’re really starting to appreciate yourself in a more wise and mature way.
You are given back your power now and if there’s anything that you’re afraid of doing, go for it,
do it, go directly towards your fears, don’t let them play hide and seek with you, reveal them,
make them show themselves to you and don’t let them take away your power again. How much
do you value yourself? What do you value the most about yourself? What are your highest and
most precious values? Can you answer these questions or you find them uncomfortable? This is
also the time of revelations and disclosures, something is becoming clearer, something is being
revealed to you and your perception dramatically changes, you won’t be able to see things from
the same perspective again. Things you considered to be true, to be valid, may turn out to be
lies and deceptions. You’re facing your illusions, you’re facing collective illusions as well. If
everybody else sees one thing it doesn’t mean that that’s the truth, it only means that they agree
on the same thing, it is only a consensus but not truth and this month you may reveal these
things and become aware of the difference between consensus and truth. You want the truth
and the truth will come to you. There’s also a Full Moon in your fellow watery sign Scorpio at the
end of the month in your ninth house of higher learning, spiritual journey, broadening your
horizons, wisdom, truth seeking, change of perception and opening your mind. This will also
give you a special boost in that search for the meaning and exploring the self. Your perception
will definitely change about certain things and you won’t be the same person afterwards. Your
beliefs are transforming and you’re opening new mental levels now. Your mind is electrified and
you may begin to research psychology, astrology, numerology, different religions, mythologies
and archetypes. This will give you enormous knowledge and free entrance into inner
dimensions. You will start discovering things about yourself, your patterns, your habits, your
emotional hurts and pain, your longings, your wants and needs, your mental barriers and
blockages. This is a wonderful month for breaking free and liberating yourself on many levels.
You’re getting to know yourself and meet yourself from a higher point of view.

Pisces relationships with others

Dear Pisces, this month you’ll be communicating with others in a different way than usual, some
unexpected and sudden events with others are also highlighted. You will be sharing exciting
information and exchanging knowledge and experiences with others more than you do normally.
You may be learning with others or teaching others something now. Mutual teachings with
others are highlighted, mutual work and mutual learning. Exciting social activities are happening
even if that may sound impossible for some of you due to the current situation in the world and
social distancing laws but that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to happen. You may be
connected online with others in a group or within a community, important information is being
shared and learned. You may also connect with others through metaphysical topics, through
spiritual teachings and journeys, through self-healing journeys, through learning how to help
yourself and how to help someone close to you. People from your local community, from your
neighbourhood, your relatives, your friends, your siblings, all of them are involved in your life
now and you may learn important things from them during this time. They will assist you and
help you on your journey, they will help you with your studies, your work, your expression, your
communication and your mental barriers. You can break through many limitations through help
of others now. How do you communicate with others, what are your topics, what are your
themes, what connects you with other people, what disconnect you with other people? Venus,
Sun and Mercury are next to Uranus in your third house of connections, communication,
siblings, neighbours, people from your everyday life, your local community, people you share
your ideas with, people you exchange information with. These connections will all be activated
especially during the second half of the month and there’s a challenging square aspect between
these planets and Saturn in Aquarius in your house of subconsciousness. You are invited to
break free from some restrictive and destructive unconscious patterns and habits and to
embrace the new and exciting. Uranus wants you to break free from something, to come out of
any imprisonment, to liberate yourself. Venus and Sun join Uranus after the 22nd of the month
and you can expect the unexpected in these areas, you can expect some sudden shifts and
shocking surprises because Uranus is all about the change and breaking out of restrictions.
Exciting revelations and situations with others are happening, exciting new information is being
shared, information that transforms your perception, things that affect you deeply and greatly
transform your social life. This is a very socially active month for you and you can gain a lot of
wisdom and knowledge through socializing with others, a lot of knowledge and information that
are significant for you and a lot of excitement.

Pisces love & romantic life in April

Dear Pisces, this is a very exciting and social month for you and you will be in many places with
many different people in many different situations which will bring you new feelings and different
emotions within yourself and with others. You may feel others deeply now and these feelings
may cause you to feel something you’ve never felt before, some new emotional triggers may be
activated and you could really start feeling more love towards others and yourself through these
feelings. Some deep feelings are being awakened from within that you’ve never felt before, new
emotional flows, new emotional connections and new emotional perceptions. There is a great
chance for emotional growth during this month and emotional growth means that you can
detach from emotional attachments, that you can liberate yourself from certain emotional
patterns and that you can observe your emotions from a distanced view which gives you an
opportunity to step into the space between two emotions, space between inhale and exhale,
space between opening and closing your eyes, space between being awake and falling asleep,
space between you and i, space between your and mine, space between here and there, space
between two words, space between sadness and happiness, space between the eyes, in that
space of no time you have a chance to have a peak during this month and this short peak into
that space will transform your perception of love and love relationships immensely. You have a
chance to liberate yourself from programmed perception of what love is supposed to be, what
love relationship is supposed to be, liberate yourself from love expectations and break out of
these old tricks and programs that focus your mind on the constant need to fulfill your wants and
needs, to fulfill the void and to always come for more, always unhappy, always disappointed,
always feeling betrayed, unheard and misunderstood. Always feeling as being in some kind of
rival, dominant battle. These are all twisted and programmed illusions that you’ve been fed by
your whole life on every corner but now you’re maturing, you’re growing, you’re becoming your
own self, you’re becoming aware of many things and you’re starting to think with your own head.
Emotional maturance brings you closer to understanding love and understanding what love
relationships are. Your love life is therefore going to feel a bit different during this month and this
is why those of you who are single and are looking for a love relationship may meet someone
completely different than you would expect, you may have certain strange feelings for a person
you’ve never thought would be able to feel anything like that. These things are possible now.
Your existing relationships are changing due to your personal growth and the growth of another
person. You are moving together and if one person is late, the other should help him/her to
catch up and make it on time. But if the person who is late doesn’t have the willingness to make
it, then it is meaningless to help him/her. Your existing relationships should be just fine but if
there is some evident difference now between the two of you, it’s time to see where the
relationship is going and how you can synchronize and bring in more harmony into it.

Pisces career & purpose in April

Dear Pisces, this is a very favorable month for business, for making money, for investing, for
planning things, for changing your job, your career, your path and doing things that make you
feel worthy, doing something that brings you a sense of worthiness and confidence. This is a
very good time to invest in something new and to initiate something financially. Financial plans
could be put into an action now or you may see them starting to manifest. Everything you’ve
been working on may start showing results now. Your plans about the future are very fruitful but
you may be afraid of the future as well. If you’re afraid but there is a chance to make a step
towards that something, do it anyway. Don’t let the fear freeze you and make you paralyzed
when it comes to manifesting your dreams and wishes. This is especially potent and activated
during the first half of the month when there are Mercury, Sun and Venus in fiery Aries and then
New Moon on the 12th in the same place. This is such a great boost in your house of money,
finances, worth, talents, possessions, incomes, resources, investments and earnings. You may
receive money during this time, some kind of bonus is possible or new opportunities to gain
more money, new opportunities to turn your talents into a business, to develop your skills and
that people pay you for that. If there’s some financial wound from the past or something that
makes you feel less worthy than you are, this month you’ll be able to let it go and to recover
from that wound. Second half of the month is more focused on your skills, your abilities, your
knowledge, your intellect, your connections and negotiations, your deals and agreements,
contracts, conversations, making things happen, launching and publishing. On the 24th Mars
moves into Cancer in your fifth house and this can really bring another boost of courage and
willingness to go after what you want, to express yourself and your talents, to start your own
business or to upgrade it if you’re already self-employed. Things are starting to make more
sense anyway during this time and you will have a chance to see what you want, how you want
it and where you want to go with that. You won’t be that afraid of the future by the end of the
month and you will have greater clarity about it which will motivate you to change your current
situation if you don’t like it and to make it more pleasant and joyful, more real and meaningful,
more authentic and inspiring. So, expect better financial organization, improved money
situation, more opportunities to earn money or to get back what belongs to you, more
opportunities to share, connect and benefit through others, more opportunities to launch
something, to learn new things and to make the changes that you want. Your true authentic self
is emerging and you can’t do something that’s not in resonance with who you are anymore. You
have a need to express your dimensions, your worlds, your ideas and plans.

How the New Moon in April will influence Pisces

Dear Pisces, this New Moon happens on the 12th of the month in the fiery Aries in your second
house of money, finances, worth, values, assets, possessions, properties, things that you own,
things that belong to you, house of incomes and earnings, resources, investments, salary, job,
what you’re doing to make a living, your hidden gifts and talents, your financial and emotional
security, your self-esteem and self-confidence. There’s a new beginning in these areas and
having New Moon in the first sign of the Zodiac is extremely potent and powerful. This is the
Moon of initiation and new birth so you can expect new beginnings when it comes to your
money, your job, your incomes, the way you save and spend your money, the way you organize
your finances, the way you value yourself and what you put your time and energy into, your
efforts, your value system, your priorities. There are going to be changes here, some new
chapter is opening up right now. You can expect new sources of income, new way of earning
money, new job, new direction, new talents that you can use and cash in. You can start earning
for a living through your own talents and gifts. This New Moon is in Aries and you will really feel
a great boost of energy and you will feel passionate about earning, about finances, about your
sense of being worthy, about your own values and what really matters to you. If there is
something you don’t need anymore, things, clothes, items, anything that could be valuable to
somebody else, give it away to them, don’t hold on to anything that is not worthy anymore to
you. This New Moon brings you a new value system and it’s time to reevaluate those things.
This is a fantastic time to plant seeds for the future, to set your intention and initiate the changes
that you want to see happening. See what really matters to you, what really holds the value.
Expect new financial situations, new start in something that has to do with money and
resources, you may receive help from someone, financial help, material help or you may be the
one who helps others in this way. You’re starting to value yourself and others in a different way,
you’re recognizing new qualities within yourself and you are inspired to go after what you want,
to bring in the new, to enjoy the new and to manifest your dreams.

How the Full Moon in April will influence Pisces

Dear Pisces, this Full Moon happens on the 27th of the month in your fellow watery sign Scorpio
in your ninth house of higher education, higher mind, higher knowledge, higher self, religion,
beliefs, philosophy, ideals, learning, teaching, preaching, writing, publishing, launching,
traveling, gaining wisdom, broadening your perspective, embarking on a spiritual journey,
researching, exploring, adventures, seeking the truth, finding meaning behind the superficial
and trivial, finding purpose, connecting with people from far and wide, foreigners, long distance
travels and all the things that affect your perception, wisdom and knowledge. This Full Moon is
intense, powerful, strong and intuitive. Your intuitive knowledge is increased, things are being
revealed during this Full Moon, things are being disclosed and brought to light. Something that
was previously hidden, unseen, unknown and invisible becomes revealed, seen, known and
visible. This Full Moon creates a harmonious and supportive aspect to your sign, you will gain
new knowledge about something, your perception changes and becomes more liberating, you
are revealing something that sets you free, something that changes your point of view,
something that takes you towards more personal freedom. Some of you may receive deep
insights about the things in life, you may discover some truth now that deeply resonates with
where you stand right now in your life. Things that bring you freedom are highlighted but this is
not light energy, this is more intense and transformative energy that has a purpose to bring
constructive change in your life. If you’ve been stuck in one belief for too long, if you’ve had one
perception of certain thing in your life, expect this to change and these changes could happen in
a shocking and unexpected way because this Full Moon opposes planets in Taurus, Venus,
Sun, Mercury and Uranus - planet of shocks, surprises, sudden shifts, changes and
awakenings. You may discover things that make you feel like your whole life has been a lie, this
is Full Moon that brings you A-HA moments, moments when you innerstand things, when you
can intellectually and intuitively cognize things and say “Yes, i know, i see.” On a more mundane
level, this Full Moon could shine a light on your studies or travels. You might be finishing your
studies or something that you’ve been learning or teaching, maybe you’re finishing a certain
course or you’re finishing some exams now. Things are coming to a fruition, things culminate
during this Full Moon. Some of you may be traveling, going for a trip, meeting with people from
abroad, meeting with people from other countries, continents, cultures and traditions. This is
also a house of international connections and you may connect with people from all around
during this time. This Full Moon is very transformative and it’s about the truth. No lie will be
tolerated so make sure you’re honest with yourself and others, make sure you’re sober, you’re
using common sense, make sure you are true to yourself and keep things real. This is extremely
powerful Full Moon and power struggles are possible as well, so make sure you stay centered,
authentic and self-responsible during this time. Use this Full Moon to connect with the truth, to
gain more wisdom, to connect with your higher self, to widen your perception, to drink from the
source, to enter into spiritual journey and be fearless. Don’t eat any heavy food during this day,
eat less and eat lighter food, stay hydrated, spend some quality time on your own or with
someone who inspires you, who you can trust, someone who can teach you something or
someone who can listen to you actively. Be in nature, spend some time near the water if that’s
possible, let the trees teach you, let the Moon feed you, let the stars guide you. Be open to
receive wisdom and to let go of old outdated beliefs. You have a chance now to go to the bottom
of things, to search for the meaning and to open yourself to a higher knowledge and higher

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