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Name: _______________________

11 Biology Roll #:
Time: 35Min; Marks: 20
Q1) Choose the most appropriate op on. Cu ng / overwri ng is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) Dark reac on occurs in ____
A) Cytoplasm B) Chloroplast C) Stroma D) Grana
ii) The maximum absorp on peak of light are ________
A) 450, 640 B) 440, 490 C) 430, 670 D) 550, 650
iii) Quan ta ve study of energy rela onship in biological system is called ____
A) Bioenerge cs B) Biosynthesis C) Biodegrada on D) Biotechnology
iv) Porphyrin ring of chrolophyll is made up of four joined smaller
A) pyranone rings B) pyrrole rings C) furanore rings D) phytol rings
v) The head of chlorophyll molecule is a complex of
A) Benzene ring B) magnesium C) Pyrrole ring D) porphyrin ring
vi) The synthesis of ATP in the presence of oxygen is called __
A) Oxida ve B) Fermenta on C) Photophosphoryla on D) Chemiosmosis
phosphoryla on

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) Write molecular formula of cholorophyll a and b.
ii) Define photosynthesis with equa on.
iii) What is an antenna complex?
iv) What is photolysis?
v) Write the main parts of cholorophyll molecule. What are porphyrin rings?
vi) What is an ac on spectrum?

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Give in detail the phases of Calvin cycle.
4) Write a note on lac c acid fermenta on

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