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Conference General Research

Data Dump based on Country Facts
India, Pakistan- Good ally, UK, US, China, Turkey, SA
Opponents: Iran, Iraq, Qatar(gradually re-building ties)
 The state-owned Alba is one of the world's largest aluminium smelters.
 Bahrain's primary foreign policy focus is on its GCC neighbours. Bahrain also plays a
key role in regional security architecture. It hosts the United States Navy's Fifth Fleet
and United Kingdom naval base.
 Bahrain is a member of the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, World Bank,
World Trade Organization, GCC, League of Arab States, Organisation of Islamic
Cooperation and Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.

Data Dump on Agenda

Digital Transformation
Digital transformation is the process of utilizing digital technologies to fundamentally
change how businesses operate, deliver value to customers, and create new revenue streams.
It involves the integration of digital technologies into all areas of an organization, resulting in
a fundamental shift in the way it operates and delivers value.

Digital transformation is the integration of digital technologies into

all aspects of business operations.
1. Digital transformation is a pillar of Bahrain’s Economic Vision
2030, an ambitious national development plan focused on the
principles of sustainability, competitiveness and fairness.
Diversification of the Economy: Bahrain aims to diversify its economy by
developing sectors such as financial services, tourism, manufacturing, and
2. Human Capital Development: The vision emphasizes the development of a
skilled and educated workforce capable of contributing to a knowledge-based

Aon report- pg 9,10,11,12

EDB pg 4,5,9
Data protection Bahrain- Pg 2,5
WEF report- pg 12, 32

3. Sustainable Growth: The plan aims to promote sustainable economic growth

by investing in infrastructure, preserving natural resources, and adopting
green technologies.
4. Global Competitiveness: Bahrain aims to enhance its global competitiveness
by fostering an enabling business environment, improving regulatory
frameworks, and attracting foreign direct investment.

Digital transformation initiatives:

E-government: national portal,, for all information you need to know.

Tawasul: Tawasul system is your gateway to connect with numerous governmental entities
within the kingdom of Bahrain to easily share any enquiries and complaints you may have
that will help in decision-making and improve quality of life, and services offered to you and
the public. A dedicated team in every government entity in Tawasul will handle your enquiry
or complaint according to a pre-set timeframe based on the case’s category.

Facing declining oil reserves, Bahrain has sought to diversify its economy through developing
a manufacturing industry and becoming an international banking centre.

Fintech hub: in the region, Bahrain is one of the major FinTech hub with many companies
focused on financial technology.

Advantages of digital transformation & why:

1. Increases productivity while reducing labour costs — Using technology to work

more efficiently is one of the most impactful ways to transform your business. For
example, for enterprises, the time and money they spend training new employees and
updating digital resources can quickly get out of hand. With the proper tools, you can
keep costs down and productivity up.
2. Improves the customer experience — Tech-savvy customers want a great
experience through multiple touchpoints — mobile apps, social media, email, live
chat, etc. Digital transformations are the driving force behind improved customer
3. Drives innovation, keeping you ahead of your competition – Your competitors are
looking into digital transformation regardless of whether or not you are. Choosing not
to embrace digital transformation is essentially deciding that you don’t mind being
left behind. Investing in your organization’s future allows for

Examples of Digital Transformation by Job Function

Aon report- pg 9,10,11,12

EDB pg 4,5,9
Data protection Bahrain- Pg 2,5
WEF report- pg 12, 32

Job Digital Real-World Example

Funct Transformatio
ion n

Sales Spreadsheets to Sophos improves win rates, streamlines

a Cloud CRM customer relationships, and improves customer
data by implementing Salesforce. Sophos Anti-
Virus detects and cleans up viruses, Trojans,
worms, and spyware, as well as adware and
other potentially unwanted applications. Our
HIPS (Host Intrusion Prevention System)
technology can also protect your computer
from suspicious files and rootkits.

HR In-person Comviva improves its onboarding quality, cost

training to of training, and more by moving its onboarding
online e- online.

Custo Call support Cardinal Health improves its customer

mer center to online satisfaction score, reduces time to resolved
suppo knowledge tickets, and reduces overall support tickets with
rt bases and self- self-help.
support portals.

Examples of Digital Transformation by Industry

Industry Digital Real-World Example


Healthcare Virtual visits, Brigham Health uses virtual

telemedicine, and visits allowing patients to
patient portals schedule appointments
online and conduct a

Aon report- pg 9,10,11,12

EDB pg 4,5,9
Data protection Bahrain- Pg 2,5
WEF report- pg 12, 32

screening via web video.

Hospitality Online check-in, Harrah’s uses online check-

amenity booking in for guests to skip the in-
tools person process.

Insurance Virtual quotes and Lemonade uses an online

online claims portal for prospective
process customers to get instant
quotes, as well as a portal for
customers to file claims
online – both using AI-
powered technology.

Retail Loyalty cards, e- Target encourages its uses to

commerce stores download the Target App
where it can reach customers
through in-app and push
notifications instantly, as
well as creates a new stream
of revenue with its online

(digital transformation and digital growth, EDB page: 4,5, 9 )

 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is an Internet communication
protocol used to encrypt and securely transmit information between a user's web
browser and the website they are connected to. It is designed to better protect the
integrity and confidentiality of user's information when they visit websites.

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EDB pg 4,5,9
Data protection Bahrain- Pg 2,5
WEF report- pg 12, 32

Cybersecurity experts are themselves only beginning to grasp the extent and consequences of the
technological interdependencies being created by their organizations’ digital transformation. These
changes range from the important but unexciting, such as increased dependence on shared IT
services, to the more exotic, such as the creation of communication services on Earth that depend on
“constellations” of software-enabled satellites in space.2

Most business leaders are now conscious that new technologies are evolving quickly and that
cyberattackers will exploit this.

May 4, 2023
 Cybersecurity Sciences Academy created at NVTC(Nasser Vocational Training
 Aimed at enhancing security and technical education.
 The academy will attract Bahraini students from grade 10 to 12
 promoting a culture of cybersecurity among youngsters,
 Shaikh Nasser discussed with the delegation ways to co-operate in order to launch
the academy in the next academic year (2024-2025)

The Kingdom of Bahrain views cyber security as a pillar of its economic development. Its
economy and prosperity are dependent on having a safe ICT infrastructure in place. Some key
steps taken by Bahrain towards Cybersecurity:
National Cyber Security Strategy: Bahrain's National Cyber Security Strategy is leading the efforts
for improving Cybersecurity through over a period of four years. The strategy is organized into five
pillars that support the cyber security needs of the Kingdom, which are strong and resilient cyber
defenses, effective cyber security governance and standards, building a cyber aware nation, collective
defense through partnership and cooperation, and cyber workforce development.

Aon report- pg 9,10,11,12

EDB pg 4,5,9
Data protection Bahrain- Pg 2,5
WEF report- pg 12, 32

Aon report- pg 9,10,11,12

EDB pg 4,5,9
Data protection Bahrain- Pg 2,5
WEF report- pg 12, 32

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