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Project Report On

"An Analytical Study on Causes and Effects of

Absenteeism in ACC Cement Co., Ghugus”
Submitted to
School Of Commerce And Management
Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of

Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Miss. Kajal Ramesh Chunne
PRN No. 2022017000246144

Under the Guidance of

Dr. Nitin B. Kawadkar

The Coordinator
Study Centre Code 42114
2023 – 2024

This is to certify that, Miss. Kajal Ramesh Chunne is a

bonafied M. B.A. (Final Year) student of Chintamani Mahavidyalaya,

Ghugus for the session 2023- 2024 completed her project entitled “An

Analytical Study on Causes and Effects of Absenteeism in ACC

Cement Co., Ghugus” Under the guidance of Dr. Nitin B. Kawadkar.

The project is being submitted to Yashwantrao Chavan

Maharashtra Open University, Nashik in the partial fulfillment of the

requirement for the Degree of Master of Business Administration.

Place : Ghugus

Date :

Dr. Ravi Dharpawar

Chintamani Mahavidyalaya,

This is to certify that, Miss. Kajal Ramesh Chunne is a

bonafied M. B.A. (Final Year) student of Chintamani Mahavidyalaya,

Ghugus for the session 2023- 2024 completed her project entitled

" An Analytical Study on Causes and Effects of Absenteeism in ACC

Cement Co., Ghugus” Under the guidance of Dr. Nitin B. Kawadkar.

The project is being submitted to Yashwantrao Chavan

Maharashtra Open University, Nashik in the partial fulfillment of the

requirement for the Degree of Master of Business Administration.

Place : Ghugus

Date :

Dr. Nitin B. Kawadkar

Chintamani Mahavidyalaya,

This work presented in this project was conducted during 2023 - 2024,

under the supervision of Dr. Nitin B. Kawadkar, Chintamani

Mahavidyalaya, Ghugus.

This work has not been submitted to any other degree or diploma to any

other university or institute.

Miss. Kajal Ramesh Chunne

M.B.A. IV - Sem
(2022- 2023)
Chintamani Mahavidyalaya, Ghugus

I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude to

Hon. Principal Dr. Ravi Dharpawar for given me the permission to take this
project work at Chintamani Mahavidyalaya, Ghugus.

I am greatly indebted to my guide Dr. Nitin B. Kawadkar who always

encourages and guided me for this project work. I take this opportunity to thank
her for her valuable suggestions and constant encouragement given to me from
time to time.

During the preparation of this project many persons have helped me


Last but not the least my heartily thanks to my parents and those of my
friends who have, helped me so much in completion of this project.

Miss. Kajal Ramesh Chunne

Chintamani Mahavidyalaya,
Synopsis On

"AnAnalytical Study on Causes and Effects of

Absenteeism in ACC Cement Co., Ghugus”
Submitted to
School Of Commerce And Management
Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of

Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Miss. Kajal Ramesh Chunne
PRN No. 2022017000246144

Under the Guidance of

Dr. Nitin B. Kawadkar

The Coordinator
Study Centre Code 42114
2023 – 2024

S.N. Particulars Pg. No.

1 Introduction 1

2 Importance and Significance of the Study 2

3 Rationale of the Study 3

4 Objectives of the Study 3

5 Hypothesis 3

6 Research Methodology 4–5

7 Expected Contribution 5

8 Chapterization 6

9 Bibliography 7
1. Introduction
“Absenteeism” is one of the most common reasons given for being
absent from work is physical illness; and thus a sound health and safety
program should contribute to reduced absenteeism.
There are, however, many other reason for nursing work, and their
analysis and correction will help to maintain the work force.
“Absenteeism” is the title given to a condition that exist where a person
fail to come to work where properly scheduled to the work. The most common
measure is the percentage of scheduled time as was presented. Their is probably
some irreducible over all minimum of absenteeism.
Excessive absenteeism constitutes considerable cost to the firm even
when the absent employee receives no pay. Work schedules are upset and
delayed, quality of product tends to deteriorate, overtime may be required to
make-up work, and many fringe benefit are still paid regardless of attendance.
When sick pay is authorized, the costs amount up even more rapidly. It was
estimated in one instance that for a plant of 1,000 employees, an increase in the
absent rate, percent cost approximately 150,000 per year. It is therefore
desirable that management should attend to reduce the rate and, in any event,
include the know rate in their decision concerning human resources

Effects of absenteeism on industrial progress:

(1) Loss to Worker:
Firstly due to irregularity in attendance, worker’s income is reduced to a
large extent. It is because, there is a general; principle of “no work, no pay”.
Thus, the time lost in term of absenteeism is also a loss of income to workers.
(2) Loss to Employer:
On the other hand, the employer has to suffer a great loss due to the
absenteeism it disturb the efficiency and discipline of industries. Consequently
industrial production is reduced. In order to meet the emergency of absentiam
and strikes, and additional labour forces is also maintained by a certain
industries. On certain occasion these workers are employed who present
themselves at factory gates. They are adjusted at place of absent worker’s. This
adjustment is an evil both for the worker and the employer and ultimately it
adversely affect the production of industries.

2. Importance And Significance Of The Study

This study is important to know the concept of absenteeism in an
industry. The study is important to find out the causes of absenteeism in ACC
Cement Co., Ghugus. The study will try to know the effects of absenteeism on
industry. The study is important to focus light on personal, social and
economical problems of workers in ACC Cement Co., Ghugus. The study is
important for identifying how these factors leads to absenteeism among the
workers. The study will try to find out effect of absenteeism on efficiency of
workers. The study will try to find out remedies to lower the rate of
absenteeism of workers.
3. Rationale Of The Study
The problem of absenteeism in industrial establishment is based on
various grounds, in fact, the causes for absenteeism are many and varied. It is
important to reduce the rate of absenteeism for increasing production and
productivity as because the efficiency and experience of worker is affected by
the rate of absenteeism. Hence, researcher decide to study on how effects of
absenteeism among the workers in ACC Cement Co., Ghugus.

4. Objectives Of The Study

1) To know about welfare facilities and recreational facilities to getting the
2) To know about industrial relation among the workman’s and management.
3) To know about the working condition of workman in the organization.
4) To study the reasons of absenteeism in ACC Cement Co., Ghugus.
5) To study the effect of absenteeism on performance of worker.
6) To suggest some remedies for overcoming the issue of absenteeism..

5. Hypothesis
1) Lack of welfare facilities leads to absenteeism.
2) Unhealthy relation among workers and management results in habit of
3) Habit of alcoholism leads absenteeism among the workers.
4) Lack of motivating factors causes absenteeism among workers.
5) Lack of social security measures leads to absenteeism..
6. Research Methodology
Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the problem. It
may be understood has science of studying how research is done scientifically.
In it we study the various steps that all generally adopted by a researcher
in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them. The scope
of research methodology is wider than that of research method.

Method of data collection:

A) Primary data collection method
 Personal Investigation
 Observation Method
 Information from correspondents
 Information from superiors of the organization.

B) Secondary Data
 Published Sources such as Journals, Government Reports, Newspapers
and Magazines etc.
 Unpublished Sources such as Internal reports prepare by them given to
their analyst & trainees for investigation.

Universe of the Study:

For the purpose of the study the present researchers has selected ACC
Cement Co., Ghugus as Universe of study.

The researcher has selected a mass group as representative as whole.
Sample and Sample size
The size of the sample is an important is therefore a small sample
properly selected and it is more reliable. The small size of sample is sufficient
to study. The data for analysis is collected from 50 employees of ACC Cement
Co., Ghugus.

Tools of Data collection:

1) Questionnaire and 2) Interviews Schedule
For the Purpose of above study the researcher has prepared the
questionnaire for different categories of person of various age group.

7. Expected Contribution
The absenteeism among the workers in India and as well as ACC
Cement Co., Ghugus showing the satisfactory progress of their employees.
Workers are important live factors of production or industry. While ever any
industry can not go to destination or certain aims of progress. So ACC Cement
Co., Ghugus should appoint commission have deeply observe about. The
absenteeism among the workers in industrial factor in India and should have
make deeply research on the absenteeism rate among the workers.
8. Chapterisation
1) Chapter- I : Introduction and Research Design

2) Chapter- II : Theoretical Background

3) Chapter III : Industry Profile

4) Chapter- IV : Data Presentation and Analysis

5) Chapter- V : Findings, Suggestions and Conclusion



S.N. Particulars Pg. No.

1 Introduction 1 - 26

 Theoretical Background

 Company Profile

2 Review of Literature 27 - 29

3 Research Methodology 30 - 31

 Importance & Significance of the Study

 Rationale of the Study
 Objectives of the Study
 Hypothesis

4 Data Analysis and Interpretation 32 - 56

5 Findings, Conclusion and Suggestions 57 -60

Bibliography 61

Questionnaire 62 - 65
Chapter 1


A) Theoretical Background

“Absenteeism” is one of the most common reasons given for being

absent from work is physical illness; and thus a sound health and safety

program should contribute to reduced absenteeism.

There are, however, many other reason for nursing work, and their

analysis and correction will help to maintain the work force.

“Absenteeism” is the title given to a condition that exist where a person

fail to come to work where properly scheduled to the work. The most common

measure is the percentage of scheduled time as was presented. Their is

probably some irreducible over all minimum of absenteeism.

Some project three percentage of this figure. It is also contained that for

some job reasonable amount of absenteeism serves as a maintenance function.

When a jobs is either too demanding or not demanding enough,

periodic “Unauthorized vacation” enable employee to deal with feeling issuing

from difficulties and coping.

Excessive absenteeism constitutes considerable cost to the firm even

when the absent employee receives no pay. Work schedules are upset and

delayed, quality of product tends to deteriorate, overtime may be required to

make-up work, and many fringe benefit are still paid regardless of attendance.

When sick pay is authorized, the costs amount up even more rapidly. It was

estimated in one instance that for a plant of 1,000 employees, an increase in the

absent rate, percent cost approximately 150,000 per year. It is therefore

desirable that management should attend to reduce the rate and, in any event,

include the know rate in their decision concerning human resources


As Outlined in Figure:

The cause of absenteeism can be categorized by elements of the job

situation, personal characteristic, and ability to attend. Attendance motivation is

affected not only by the general economic environment but by specific

programmes developed by management to reduce absenteeism. Both negative

disciplinary action and positive reinforcement program based on organizational

behaviors modification have been used with success. Insight into the problem

can be provided by classifying each absence as to basic characteristic and

emerging patterns as the following have been deserved.

(1) Reason Given :

Illness is doubtlessly the number one reason given for an absence.

Accounting for well over half of the cases. Correction of this involves a

combination of private and organizational health programs. Other reasons given

are frequent transportation difficulties, personal requirement, and care of

children. One of the foremost values of the of flextime schedule.

(2) Projected Reasons :

Many employer contend that the real reason for high absenteeism is lack

of an employee sense of responsibility. Though some will blame the gradual

with from a work ethic to one of a more existentialistic character. We would do

well to also lower environment in which we expect employees to kive daily

motorious and demanding relatively poor pay, oppressive and pressure full

supervision and poor working do not inspire daily loyalty.

(3) Sex :

Many studies show a higher rates of absenteeism for females as

compared with males. Such statistic are vary misleading in a much as they are

often not analyzed for the factors of job and pay females as a group tend to have

higher absence rates because they have been improperly allocated to lower paid,

less desirable job, when corrected for job type compensation level, and formal

education, the difference between the sexes tend to disappear.

(4) Date :

In largely every industry the tabulating absented by date often shows

such interesting patterns as high rates on Mondays and Friday, after holidays

and on opening days for various reason such a hunting and baseball. A top

manager in one chemical firm stated that the rates sometime amounted to 13 to

15 percent on monday and Friday. The 4-day 40 hour week has been prepared

to provide an officially approved 3-day time off period.

Absenteeism Among The Worker’s

Meaning And Definition of Absenteeism:

The term absenteeism, for the first time, was define in a circular

of the labour Department, Government of India. It was issued to

provincial government. The circular defined absenteeism rates as the total man

shifts lost because of absence as a percentage of the total number of man shifts

scheduled in other words for calculating the rate of absenteeism it is first

necessary to knew the total number of persons who are scheduled to work and

the number of persons who are actually present in their works.

A Worker is to be considered scheduled to work when the work has been

available and the worker has been knowledge of it. In spite of this, the

employee has sufficient belief in advance regarding workers availability of

work at the specified time.

Thus, a worker is considered present who reports for any part of the

shift. The point can be explained by means of an example: Suppose a worker is

on a regularly scheduled vacation. In that case, the worker is not considered as

scheduled to work absent. Similarly, a worker is not considered absent in case

of an employer ordered lay off. On the other hand, a worker is considered an

absent form, scheduled work who request of time other than a regular vacation


He is considered as absent so long as he does not return to work or due

to the duration of absence his name is not removed from the roll of active

worker’s. in the same way a worker who quites his work without any advance

intimation is also considered as absent from scheduled work so long as his

name is not remove form the roll of active workers. On the other hand it there

is a strike in the factory when worker are neither considered as scheduled to

work nor as absent. Generally, the rates of absenteeism are calculated on an

yearly basis.

Causes of absenteeism:

The problem of absenteeism in industrial establishment is based on

various grounds, in fact, the causes for absenteeism are many and varied,

which may be classified in the following categories.

(1) Sickness:

Sickness is one of the important factors which is responsible for

absenteeism to a considerable extent. The vitality of Indian industrial workers is

very low, bad nursing and working condition, poor diet and in sanitary

condition of living makes them as easy prey to many epidemics like Small pox,

Maleria, Cholera, etc. Therefore, when they suffer from epidermis as well as

from various diseases. They are naturally forced to remain absent from their


(2) Work System:

The next reason which is important in connection with

absenteeism is know as shift system, generally worker went to be at home at

nighttime, outing to greater discomfort of work during night, worker prefers to

work during daytime. Therefore comparison to the day shifts the percentage of

absenteeism is higher during the night shifts.

(3) Rural Exodus:

The most important case of absenteeism is the rural exodes of industrial

worker over labour force is almost drawn from rural areas. They are not entirely

divorced from agriculture to them industrial work is simply a source of

additional income. Therefore they discontinue, service at the time of harvesting

of crops and sowing of crops, besides, due to housing problem in urban areas

workers generally leave their families being in their villages. They have to keep

in touch with their member of fimily. Furthermore they have to visit their

villages for certain social and religious ceremonies. Thus the frequent urge of

rural exodus is yet other cause of higher rate of absenteeism.

(4) Industrial Accidents:

Accidents is also a cause of absenteeism due to defective

arrangements in industries, lack of skill and training of workers, accident

generally occur in such occasion, therefore a worker remain absent from his


(5) Bad habits and lack of Responsibility:

Some workers also remain absent on account of their drinking and

gambling habits consequently the degree of absenteeism is greater just after

payday. It is because on such occasion, some worker spend their money on

gambling and drinking and ignore their duties.

Their factories on the other hand these who are not indulged in these bad

habits, generally go to their village to make purchases for the ensuring months.

Due to this reason, the rate of absenteeism is comparatively high after the


(6) Behavior of superior and jobber :

The misbehavior of superior and hobbler is also responsible for

absenteeism worker’s want sympathetic behavior from their immediate

supervisory, therefore in the absence of sympathetic behavior, workers ignore

their duties and remain absent.

(7) Bad Working Condition:

Working condition is also a cause of high absenteeism. In coal mines,

where working condition is unattractive, the rate of absenteeism is high. Thus,

in brief sickness, shift system, rural exodus, industrial accidents, bad habits and

lack of responsibility, behavior of foremen and jobber are some of the causes,

which are responsible for absenteeism to a considerable extent.

Effects of absenteeism on industrial progress:

It is quite evident from the above figures that absenteeism is a common

features of industrial labour. In India it hinders industrial growth and its effect

in to field:

(1) Loss to Worker:

Firstly due to irregularity in attendance, worker’s income is reduced to a

large extent. It is because, there is a general; principle of “no work, no pay”.

Thus, the time lost in term of absenteeism is also a loss of income to workers.

(2) Loss to Employer:

On the other hand, the employer has to suffer a great loss due to the

absenteeism it disturb the efficiency and discipline of industries. Consequently

industrial production is reduced. In order to meet the emergency of absentiam

and strikes, and additional labour forces is also maintained by a certain

industries. On certain occasion these workers are employed who present

themselves at factory gates. They are adjusted at place of absent worker’s. This

adjustment is an evil both for the worker and the employer and ultimately it

adversely affect the production of industries.

Cure of absenteeism:

Various measures have been suggested for solving the problem the of the

absenteeism. The main suggestions are as follows:

(1) Proper Working Condition:

According to Bombay textile labour enquiry committee, the proper

condition of work in the factory, adequate wages, protection against sickness

and accidents and facilities for leave, rest and recuperation are the most

excessive fatigue and sweated conditions of working are bound to create

defense mechanism in the worker. Therefore, the best policy is to improve

working and living conditions so that worker may feel contemped and happy.

(2) Proper Service Condition:

Further, it is undoubtedly true that the provisions of holiday with pay

and facility to attend private affaire would definitely prove of effective way of

dealing with absenteeism.

(3) Housing facilities and other protection:

Provision of good housing facilities near factory premises would also go

a long way to reduce the number of absenteeism in the same way good behavior

of foreman and jobber and legal protection against Stent and moneylender will

also be usefull in improving attendance.

(4) General Education:

Further, in order to reduce the percent age of absenteeism, a some of

general education is also essential which may enable the workers to realize their

responsibilities towards industry as a result of general education a well-

informed and responsible labour force will be created.

Thus in brief improvement in working and living conditions

protection against risk, holidays with pay and proper wages, etc., are essential

for solving the problem of absenteeism.

Reason and types of absenteeism:

(1) Maladjustment of the worker’s in industry.

(2) Alcoholism among the worker’s.

(3) Industrial fatigue.

(4) Housing problem.

(5) Social and Religious causes.

(6) Unhealthy working condition in industry.

(7) Inadequate welfare facility.

(8) Bad Relation among the management and worker’s in industry.

(9) Unsatisfied motivative system by supervisor.

(10) Also labour turn over in industry.

B) Company Profile:

Cement Industries In India

India is the second largest producer of cement in the world. No wonder,

India's cement industry is a vital part of its economy, providing employment to

more than a million people, directly or indirectly. Ever since it was deregulated

in 1982, the Indian cement industry has attracted huge investments, both from

Indian as well as foreign investors.

India has a lot of potential for development in the infrastructure and

construction sector and the cement sector is expected to largely benefit from it.

Some of the recent major government initiatives such as development of 98

smart cities are expected to provide a major boost to the sector.

Expecting such developments in the country and aided by suitable

government foreign policies, several foreign players such as Lafarge-Holcim,

Heidelberg Cement, and Vicat have invested in the country in the recent past. A

significant factor which aids the growth of this sector is the ready availability of

the raw materials for making cement, such as limestone and coal.

Market Size

Cement demand in India is expected to increase due to government’s

push for large infrastructure projects, leading to 45 million tonnes (MT) of

cement needed in the next three to four years#.

India's cement demand is expected to reach 550-600 Million Tonnes Per

Annum (MTPA) by 2025. The housing sector is the biggest demand driver of

cement, accounting for about 67 per cent of the total consumption in India. The

other major consumers of cement include infrastructure at 13 per cent,

commercial construction at 11 per cent and industrial construction at 9 per cent.

To meet the rise in demand, cement companies are expected to add 56

MT capacity over the next three years. The cement capacity in India may

register a growth of eight per cent by next year end to 395 MT from the current

level of 366 MT. It may increase further to 421 MT by the end of 2017. The

country's per capita consumption stands at around 190 kg.

The Indian cement industry is dominated by a few companies. The top

20 cement companies account for almost 70 per cent of the total cement

production of the country. A total of 188 large cement plants together account

for 97 per cent of the total installed capacity in the country, with 365 small

plants account for the rest. Of these large cement plants, 77 are located in the

states of Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu.


On the back of growing demand, due to increased construction and

infrastructural activities, the cement sector in India has seen many investments

and developments in recent times.

According to data released by the Department of Industrial Policy and

Promotion (DIPP), cement and gypsum products attracted Foreign Direct

Investment (FDI) worth US$ 3.109 billion between April 2000 and March


Some of the major investments in Indian cement industry are as follows:

 The Gujarat-based Nirma group, with presence in detergent, soap and

chemicals sector, has bought Lafarge India’s cement business, consisting

of 11 MT production capacity, for US$ 1.4 billion.

 FLSmidth, a global engineering company based in Copenhagen, has

signed a contract with India’s Larsen & Toubro Limited for engineering,

procurement and supply of equipment for a complete cement production

line with a capacity of 3,000 tonne in Tamil Nadu.

 KKR Mauritius Cement Investments Limited acquired 8.5 per cent stake

in Dalmia Bharat Limited (DBL).

 Cement maker Burnpur Cement plans to invest Rs 500 crore (US$ 74.64

million) for expansion of its production capacity to 3 MTPA in the next

three to four years.

 India's largest cement maker UltraTech Cement is looking forward to

acquire Jaiprakash Associates six cement factories for a total value of Rs

16,500 crore (US$ 2.42 billion)

 Birla Corporation Ltd, a part of the MP Birla Group, has agreed to

acquire two cement assets of Lafarge India for an enterprise value of Rs

5,000 crore (US$ 733.6 million).

 Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Ltd has invested around Rs 2,000 crore (US$

293 million) in expanding its business in North East over the past two

years. The company currently has three manufacturing plants in the

region — one in Meghalaya and two in Assam.

 JSW Group plans to expand its cement production capacity to 30 MTPA

from 5 MTPA by setting up grinding units closer to its steel plants.

 UltraTech Cement Ltd has charted out its next phase of Greenfield

expansion after a period of aggressive acquisitions over the last two

years. UltraTech has plans to set up two Greenfield grinding units in

Bihar and West Bengal.

 UltraTech Cement Ltd bought two cement plants and related power

assets of Jaiprakash Associates Ltd in Madhya Pradesh for Rs 5,400

crore (US$ 792.3 million).

 JSW Cement Ltd has planned to set up a 3 MTPA clinkerisation plant at

Chittapur in Karnataka at an estimated cost of Rs 2,500 crore (US$ 366.8


 Andhra Cements Ltd has commenced the commercial production in the

company's cement plants – Durga Cement Works at Dachepalli, Guntur

and Visakha Cement Works at Visakhapatnam.

Government Initiatives

In the 12th Five Year Plan, the Government of India plans to increase

investment in infrastructure to the tune of US$ 1 trillion and increase the

industry's capacity to 150 MT.

The Cement Corporation of India (CCI) was incorporated by the

Government of India in 1965 to achieve self-sufficiency in cement production

in the country. Currently, CCI has 10 units spread over eight states in India.

In order to help the private sector companies thrive in the industry, the

government has been approving their investment schemes. Some such

initiatives by the government in the recent past are as follows:

 The Parliament of India has cleared amendments to the Mines and

Minerals Development and Regulation (MMDR) Act, which will enable

companies to transfer captive mines leases similar to mines won through

an auction, and which is expected to lead to increased Mergers and

Acquisitions (M&A) of steel and cement companies.

 he Government of India is planning to revive the state-run cement

factories across India, in order to give a boost to road and realty projects

by bringing down their construction costs.

 Budget 2016-17 has proposed a slew of measures to boost infrastructure

and investment, which will be positive for the cement sector, as

increased spending on infrastructure increases the demand for cement.

100 per cent deduction for profits to an undertaking in housing project

for flats up to 30 square metres in four metro cities and 60 square metres

in other cities approved during June 2016 to March 2019 and completed

in three years

o Incremental spend on smart city development, the government has

allocated Rs 7,296 crore (US$ 1.09 billion) towards Urban

Rejuvenation Mission (AMRUT and Mission for Development of

100 Smart Cities

o Rise in allocation under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

(PMGSY) to Rs 19,000 crore (US$ 2.79 billion) for FY17.

 The Government of India plans to enact a law that will allow the

companies which have received mining licenses without having gone

through the auction process, to transfer these leases, in a move that is

expected to make mergers and acquisitions (M&As) easier in the steel,

cement, and metals sectors.

 The Government of Tamil Nadu has launched low priced cement

branded 'Amma' Cement. The sale of the cement started in Tiruchi at Rs

190 (US$ 2.84) a bag through the Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies

Corporation (TNCSC). Sales commenced in five godowns of the

TNCSC and will be rolled out in stages with the low priced cement

available across the state from 470 outlets.

 The Government of Kerala has accorded sanction to Malabar Cements

Ltd to set up a bulk cement handling unit at Kochi Port at an investment

of Rs 160 crore (US$ 23.5 million).

 The Andhra Pradesh State Investment Promotion Board (SIPB) has

approved proposals worth Rs 9,200 crore (US$ 1.35 billion) including

three cement plants and concessions to Hero MotoCorp project. The total

capacity of these three cement plants is likely to be about 12 MTPA and

the plants are expected to generate employment for nearly 4,000 people

directly and a few thousands more indirectly.

 India has joined hands with Switzerland to reduce energy consumption

and develop newer methods in the country for more efficient cement

production, which will help India meet its rising demand for cement in

the infrastructure sector.

 The Government of India has decided to adopt cement instead of

bitumen for the construction of all new road projects on the grounds that

cement is more durable and cheaper to maintain than bitumen in the long


Road Ahead

The eastern states of India are likely to be the newer and virgin markets

for cement companies and could contribute to their bottom line in future. In the

next 10 years, India could become the main exporter of clinker and gray cement

to the Middle East, Africa, and other developing nations of the world. Cement

plants near the ports, for instance the plants in Gujarat and Visakhapatnam, will

have an added advantage for exports and will logistically be well armed to face

stiff competition from cement plants in the interior of the country.

A large number of foreign players are also expected to enter the cement

sector, owing to the profit margins and steady demand. In future, domestic

cement companies could go for global listings either through the FCCB route or

the GDR route.

With help from the government in terms of friendlier laws, lower

taxation, and increased infrastructure spending, the sector will grow and take

India’s economy forward along with it.

About ACC Cement Co. Ltd.:

Portland Cement was first manufactured in India in 1904 at Madras but

the enterprise failed. It was almost ten years later that the production of cement

was revived and three factories were established-Porbander in Gujrat, Katni in

Madhya-Pradesh, and Lakheri in Rajasthan.

The Birth Of Acc :

Many men of outstanding initiative and foresight contributed to the

development of the cement industry in India. Foremost among them was the

great industralist and patriot Mr. F. E. Dinshaw who, largely was

responsible for the merger of the ten existing companies into a single

organization in 1936.

This was christend the associated cement companies limited (a.c.c.) :-

The Company employees more than 28,000 people at 17 Cement

factories nine sales offices, three concrete technical service centers, two branch

offices, two special products works, a research division, a slag

granulation plant, a silosite bulk depot, a research division, a slag

granulation plant, a silosite bulk depot, a catalysts and adsorbents (CATAD)

plant, and at the head office in Bombay. Besides, over 54,000 share-holders

have put their confidence and their funds in ACC Operations.

Stepping out with confidence :

For over 50 years ACC has been operating cement factory

quarries – formerly collieries also. This experience coupled with feed back from

plant designed, engineers, constructed and commissioned for other in India-has

injected confidence in its abilities, its up-to-data know how, and its technical

expertise. Today, ACC ventures into foreign lands vying for consultancy

assignments in the demanding crucible of global tenders. It has completed

successfully some major contracts in Kuwait, Iran, Afghanistan, Guyana and


People matter most :

People have always been regarded a an appreciating asset to ACC and,

over past 50 years, the company’s enlightened and progressive process gave

birth to a generation of loyal and devoted employees. Today, over 28,000

people in its all India, net work and many more thousands of other workers- are

proud to consider themselves members of the ACC family. Some even trace

this family relationship to four generations.

Besides providing congenal working surroundings, ACC offers

employees at its offices, factories, and workshops a number of amenities.

Among those given at the factories : houses/tenements, for a dispensaries, for

large number of workers and staff, co-operative societies, crèches, clubs

dispensaries, hospitals, canteens, rest-halls etc. Most of the these benefits are

liberally subsidized by the company, some are free.

Where educational facilities are not easily available, the company runs

primary and middle schools. It has 16 such schools catering to more than 900

children. Education is free to children and dependants of employee, up to the

middle school. The company has a liberal policy of aiding English Medium

Schools in the vicinity of the works, by giving monthly, subsidy towards

teachers salaries and also towards children’s fees. Many Children take

advantage of these schools.

Since job satisfaction depends not merely on working conditions, ACC

tries to make leisure hours pleasant and profitable. It provides club-houses,

sports grounds, outdoor and indoor recreational facilities. At some units there

are cinemas: most have well-stocked libraries and reading rooms. Cultural

talents are encouraged through variety entertainment programmes. In short,

ACC tries to provide conditions conducive to the development of the whole

man not just a more efficient and skilled work force. Which is why people will

always receive prime consideration at ACC, because it is people who have

made the company what it is. And ACC believe, that despite what the computer

age may cough up in more sophisticated machines, people will always matter

A helping hand :

More than 25 years ago, ACC realized the meaning of corporation’s

obligations for society, long before ‘Social responsibility’ became a catch-

phrase for business. It started by assisting villagers, around a redius of nine kms

of its factories to get a better yield from their land. The scheme, which came to

be known as ‘ACC’s village welfare scheme was based on the belief that given

the desire to help himself the villager could becme self-reliant with a helping

hand and in the form of advice, know-how, improved seeds and fertilizers.

Today, the scheme operates around 12 ACC factories and embraces over

3,00,000 people and emend in community development-perhaps the first such

corporate social experiment in southeast Asia.

ACC’s village welfare scheme does not entail doing out substantial sums

of money. The villagers are encouraged to help themselves in the traditional

form of Sharamdan. Trained company personell advice about development

plans that may be necessary, and the villagers themselves contribute the money

and/or material and voluntary labour. The aim is to deelop a sense of dignity

and purpose, and to selfhelp self-reliance and responsible leadership. Over the

past 25 years, the objective of the Scheme remains the same; its activities,

however have grown as the need of (now) better educated villager have


Importance And Significance Of The Study

This study is important to know the concept of absenteeism in an

industry. The study is important to find out the causes of absenteeism in ACC

Cement Co., Ghugus. The study will try to know the effects of absenteeism on

industry. The study is important to focus light on personal, social and

economical problems of workers in ACC Cement Co., Ghugus. The study is

important for identifying how these factors leads to absenteeism among the

workers. The study will try to find out effect of absenteeism on efficiency of

workers. The study will try to find out remedies to lower the rate of

absenteeism of workers.

Rationale Of The Study

The problem of absenteeism in industrial establishment is based on

various grounds, in fact, the causes for absenteeism are many and varied. It is

important to reduce the rate of absenteeism for increasing production and

productivity as because the efficiency and experience of worker is affected by

the rate of absenteeism. Hence, researcher decide to study on how effects of

absenteeism among the workers in ACC Cement Co., Ghugus.

Objectives Of The Study

7) To know about welfare facilities and recreational facilities to getting the


8) To know about industrial relation among the workman’s and management.

9) To know about the working condition of workman in the organization.

10) To study the reasons of absenteeism in ACC Cement Co., Ghugus.

11) To study the effect of absenteeism on performance of worker.

12) To suggest some remedies for overcoming the issue of absenteeism..


6) Lack of welfare facilities leads to absenteeism.

7) Unhealthy relation among workers and management results in habit of


8) Habit of alcoholism leads absenteeism among the workers.

9) Lack of motivating factors causes absenteeism among workers.

10) Lack of social security measures leads to absenteeism..

Chapter 2


1) Effect of absenteeism in industry Mayank Kumar Rai Research

Scholar, Department of Commerce, University of Allahabad, Uttar

Pradesh, India

In this research we found that, the phenomena of absenteeism in Indian

industry is not new and employee absenteeism is the Major problem of

industries. Employee absenteeism is a serious problem for Management

because it need additional expenses. High rate of absenteeism in any Industry

affect an organization state of health and also management effectiveness. The

main aim of this paper is to take broad view of the effect of absenteeism is

industries. It is intended to provide both an overview on absenteeism data and

then progress to exploring solutions.

Absenteeism is an avoidable menace which most of the organizations

have to bear with and it has to be managed no one can prepare fool proof

formula to fully solve the problem of absenteeism. The problem of absenteeism

occurs in every industry. In most of the industries monotones job is the reason

of absenteeism in the work place. To reduce the absenteeism rate industry

should boots the morale value of employees through job rotation and multi

tasking strategies and give then handsome salary or wages. So that it can

motivate them to certain levels.

2) Effects of Absenteeism on Company Productivity, Efficiency, and

Profitability Mehmet C. Kocakülâh, Ph.D, College of Business

Administration, University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse

As the age of the 9 to 5 workday comes to close and employment

situations become more and more complex with the rise of ever-growing

technology, employers are experiencing ever-increasing costs of absenteeism.

The purpose of this research paper is to answer the general question of how

absenteeism affects a company’s productivity, efficiency, and profitability. We

seek to assist a company in understanding what absenteeism is, how to

determine whether or not an absenteeism problem exists in the company, and

how to recognize and eliminate issues related to absenteeism. Specific causes of

absenteeism will be discussed, along with respective solutions that some

companies are using to deal with these issues. We will conclude with a

consideration of how companies can implement specific, company-wide

policies and organizational culture to attempt to combat absenteeism in the

workplace Absenteeism is clearly an important issue that is costing businesses

in the United States billions of dollars every year. The problem with

absenteeism is that most companies do not understand the negative effects of

the phenomenon on productivity, efficiency, and profitability. Some controls,

like developing a proficient employee absence policy or proactively recruiting

and training employees, can help to lessen the effects of absenteeism in the

workplace. However, the best methods of putting an end to high absenteeism

costs are to develop an understanding of where problems are occurring and how

to stop absence issues on a case-by-case basis. To do this, employers will have

to pay close attention to attendance records to understand whether or not

employees are using time off effectively

Chapter 3


Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the problem. It

may be understood has science of studying how research is done scientifically.

In it we study the various steps that all generally adopted by a researcher

in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them. The scope

of research methodology is wider than that of research method.

Method of data collection:

B) Primary data collection method

 Personal Investigation

 Observation Method

 Information from correspondents

 Information from superiors of the organization.

B) Secondary Data

 Published Sources such as Journals, Government Reports, Newspapers

and Magazines etc.

 Unpublished Sources such as Internal reports prepare by them given to

their analyst & trainees for investigation.

Universe of the Study:

For the purpose of the study the present researchers has selected ACC

Cement Co., Ghugus as Universe of study.


The researcher has selected a mass group as representative as whole.

Sample and Sample size

The size of the sample is an important is therefore a small sample

properly selected and it is more reliable. The small size of sample is sufficient

to study. The data for analysis is collected from 50 employees of ACC Cement

Co., Ghugus.

Tools of Data collection:

1) Questionnaire and 2) Interviews Schedule

For the Purpose of above study the researcher has prepared the

questionnaire for different categories of person of various age group.

Chapter 4


Sr. No. Particulars Percentage
1 30 to 40 yrs. 37.5%
2 41 to 50 yrs. 30.00%
3 51 to 55 yrs 20.00%
4 Above 55 12.5%
Total 100%




30 to 40 years 41 to 50 yrs 51 to 55 yrs Above 55

The above table indicates that out of 40 respondent 15

respondents that means 37.5% are the group of 30-40 years. 12
respondents means 30.00% are the group of 41-50 years. And 8
respondents means 20.00% are group of 51-55. And 5 respondent are the
12.5% are the group of 55 above.

Religion of respondents:
Religion as well as understood the term implies a relationship not merely
between some higher power. And also greatly can affected an worker to
Hence this question has been asked.
Sr. No. Particulars Percentage
1 Hindu 80.00%
2 Muslim 20.00%
Total 100%



Hindu Muslim

The above table indicates that out of 40 respondents 32

respondents that means 80.00% are the Hindu. And 08 respondents means

8.00% are the Muslim religion.

Martial status means workers are married or unmarried. This is human
right of man and also married are related or compulsory activities of people. So
that I has been asked this question to respondents.
Sr. No. Particulars Percentage
1 Married 87.5%
2 Unmarried 10.00%
3 Widow 0.00%
4 Divorcee 2.5%
Total 100%

10.00% 2.05%


Married Unmarried Widow Divorcee

The above table indicates that out of 40 respondent 35

respondents that means 87.5% are given response that they has become


Native Place:
This question also important for any point of view because how much
distance long industry in workers native place also the problems of absenteeism
can leading by this reason. Hence the above question had been asked and
included in this project.
Sr. No. Particulars Percentage
1 Chandrapur 37.5%
2 Nagpur 27.5%
3 Bhandara 20.00%
4 Gondia 15.00%
Total 100%





Chandrapur Nagpur Bhandara Gondia

The above table indicates that out of 40 respondents 15 respondents that

means 37.5% are live at Chandrapur. And 11 respondents means 27.5% are live

at Nagpur. And 08 respondents means 20.00% are live at Bhandra. And 06

respondents that means 15.00% are live at Gondia. Majority of the respondents

live in the Chandrapur and Nagpur.

The Addiction:
Adiction means largely ratio or proportion are growing in
employees in industry. And by this way could be bad effect on the
productivity of workman and progress of industry. So that I have been asked
this question respondent.
Sr. No. Particulars Percentage
1 Yes 87.05%
2 No 12.05%
Total 100%



Yes No

The above table indicates that out of 40 respondents 35 respondents that

means 87.5% are given response to some addiction. And only 05 respondent

that means 12.5% are given response to restricted to any habit of addiction.

To get bonus:

In a industry bonus is additional amount of salary workers get the bonus.

They will happy for industry unless they do not job heartily. So that bonus is a

important they of motivation of workers. And also would be preventing to

absenteeism amount the workers.

Out of 40 respondent 40 respondent means that 100% respondent have

no response to getting bonus. In this figure they are not giving bonus every

year. Thus, some the problem creates for distribution of bonus in workers and


To get overtime:
Overtime is a additional work done by workers they get a double wage
rate of salary. Some night ship workers was absenting that time second shift
workers was done his job. Overtime also are motivate factors and can prevent to
leading absenteeism in workers.
Sr. No. Particulars Percentage
1 Yes 22.05%
2 No 77.05%
Total 100%



Yes No

The above table indicates that out of 40 respondent 09 respondent

means that 22.5% gave response to get overtime. And 31 respondent means that

77.5% gave response to get overtime in industry.

To get welfare facilities:
Welfare facilities are very important to workman. To take rest after
interval of his duty and lunch room, or cycle stand, and facilities of latrines or
toilets and drinking water and also clothing and room necessary. According to
the act of factory act- 1948. So that I has been asked this question to the
Sr. No. Particulars Percentage
1 Yes 80%
2 No 20%
Total 100%



Yes No

The above table indicates that out of 40 respondent 32 respondent means

that 80.00% workers are gives response to getting welfare facilities and 08

respondent means that 20.00% workers are not given response to getting above

welfare facilities.

Satisfied by welfare facilities:
If welfare facilities have provided by the organization to the workers.
Even though workers are satisfied or not satisfied. This is important workers are
unsatisfied then he will not work on his duty. So that I has been asked this
question to the respondent.
Sr. No. Particulars Percentage
1 Unsatisfied 62.5%
2 Moderate 17.0%
3 Satisfied 20.5%
Total 100%



Unsatisfied Moderate Satisfied

The above table indicates that out of 40 respondent

25 respondent means that 62.5% workers are given response as they are

unsatisfied by the welfare facilities and 7 respondent means that 17.5% workers

are given they are not satisfied and 08 respondent means that 20.5 % workers

are not given response about welfare facilities.

Unsatisfied from welfare facilities and chances to absenteeism.

If are remain unsatisfied from welfare facilities or recreational Facilities.

Then workman would be reluctant to heartily work on his duty. And can

belonging to absenteeism. So that I has been asked this question to respondent.

Sr. No. Particulars Percentage
1 Yes 95%
2 No 05%
Total 100%



Yes No

The above table indicates that out of 40 respondent

38 respondent means that 95.00% workers are given response they are

unsatisfied with the welfare facilities and this is the reason for


Absenteeism Through The Lack Of Welfare Facilities
Management and types of dispute handling process:
Types of management disputes handling process are necessary at every
industrial sector like public sector and private sector. We should have know
about this process, because how much they settled to disputes about many
matters, like grievances of workers, welfare and rates of absenteeism, etc. so
management will responsible to settled every disputes.
Sr. No. Particulars Percentage
1 Yes 37.5%
2 No 62.5%
Total 100%



Yes No

The above table indicates that out of 40respondent 15 respondent means

that 37.5% workers are given response to this statement on management usually

are ready as and helped to settlements of disputes.

We should have know about this process, because how much they settled

to disputes about many matters, like grievances of workers, welfare and rates

of absenteeism, etc. so management will responsible to settled every disputes.

Grievance handling by representative of trade union :

This is true, grievance are problem have arising at every

industrial sector, but we have don’t know they how much they solves to

problem or settled to grievance. So some problem have solving by the

representative of trade union. So that I has been asked this question to the


Out of 40 respondent 40 respondent means that 1005 workers are given

response to as every problem of about industrial workers solving by the way of

representative of trade union.

Satisfied by salary:
I think every human in the life will never have satisfied by the
fulfillment of money, because desire are plenty at life of every man and dream
begins unlimited. So, some workman has been declare about his monthly salary
and satisfaction and few workman are not given response, so that I has been
asked this question to the respondent.
Sr. No. Particulars Percentage
1 Yes 75.00%
2 No 25.00%
Total 100%



Yes No

The above table indicates that out of 40respondent 30 respondent means

that 75% workers are given response that they are satisfied by his monthly

salary and 10 respondent means that 25% workers are given response that they

are not satisfied by his monthly salary.

Educational eligibility and types of work:
The ability of every work mainly depend upon the basis of
educational qualification and eligibility about his related working condition at
industries. So this important thing to every workman so that I has been asked
this question to respondent.

Sr. No. Particulars Percentage

1 Yes 70.00%
2 No 30.00%
Total 100%



Yes No

The above table indicates that out of 32 respondent 28 respondent means

that 70.00% workers are given response to qualifies work has got by eligibility

of his related work in the industries.

Parents are living far away:
Some workman is local of Chandrapur and they are lived along with his
family, but some workman are non local and they only long service here it
means, these parents are not living with them. So I has been asked question to
Sr. No. Particulars Percentage
1 Yes 87.5%
2 No 12.5%
Total 100%



Yes No

The above table indicates that out of 40 respondent 35 respondent means

that 87.5% workers are given response that they were lived without his parents

and 05 respondent means that 12.5% workers are given response that they were

lived with his parents.

They are going for visit & chances to absenteeism:
Some workman are going usually his native places for the
purpose of visit with his parents. Anybody going him within weekly of
fortnightly or monthly or annually. So they will absence on his duty. So that I
has asked this question to respondent.
Sr. Particulars Percentage
1 Weekly 22.5%
2 Fortnightly 12.5%
3 Monthly 17.5%
4 Annually 47.5%
Total 100%





Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Annualy

The above table indicates that out of 40 respondent 09 respondent

means that 22.5 workers are given response to going him to visit with his

parents or family weekly and 05 respondent means that 12.5% workers are

going fortnightly and 07 respondents means 17.5 % are going monthly to visit

and 19 workers means 47.5% are going within annually to visit.

Celebrations of festivals:
Almost all workman are celebrated to religious holy days like Dashra or
Diwali and so maximum will be chances of absenteeism on duty. Because our
Indian culture is religious. So that have been asked this question to respondent.
Sr. No. Particulars Percentage
1 Yes 75%
2 No 25%
Total 100%



Yes No

The above table indicates that out of 40 respondent 30 respondent means

that 75% workers are given response to celebration of festival of Indian.

Absenteeism by this causes:
Largely many workman are living absentee for that any festivals like
Dashra and Eid or Diwali. So proportions of absenteeism has growing among
the workers. So that I have been asked this question to respondent.
Sr. No. Particulars Percentage
1 Yes 70%
2 No 30%
Total 100%



Yes No

The above table indicates that out of 40 respondent 28 respondent means

that 70.00% workers are given response to celebrating religious festival and

they had dealer/ chances of absence due to above this reason or purpose.

Addiction and chances of absenteeism:
If any workman have addiction like alcoholism or anything these
mentality can not stable at the working time and so these bad effect will
possible to obstacle in industrial progress or productivity. So that I have been
asked this question to respondent.
Sr. No. Particulars Percentage
1 Yes 75%
2 No 25%
Total 100%



Yes No

The above table indicates that out the of 40 respondent 30 respondent

means that 75.00% workers are given response to victimization about this way

and 10 respondent means that 25.00% workers are not given response to this


Long term disease:
If any workman are troubled form any long disease then they would
largely affected and will be absence on his duty as I am explained below. So
that I have been asked this question to respondent.
Sr. No. Particulars Percentage
1 Yes 47.5%
2 No 52.5%
Total 100%



Yes No

The above table indicates that out of 40 respondent 19 respondent

means that 47.5% workers are given response to this statements and 21

respondent that 52.5% workers are not given response to this statements.

Diseases and absenteeism:
Largely many employees are live absence on his duty due to illness like
long term disease as tuberculosis, cancer or blood pressure or cough or heart
attack. So that I have been asked this question to respondent.
Sr. No. Particulars Percentage
1 Yes 47.5%
2 No 52.5%
Total 100%



Yes No

The above table indicates that out of 40 respondent

19 respondent means that 47.5% workers are given response to this statements

and absenteeism and 21 respondent means that 52.5% workers has given

statements to it is not any disease and they are better than the best healthy.

Type of social security:
If workman are unsatisfied by the social security. Then workers can not
work heartily on his work. So that social security should provides by
managements to the workers and so growing rates of absenteeism. So that I
been asked this question to the respondents.
Sr. No. Particulars Percentage
1 Pension 67.5%
2 Bonus 00%
3 Provident Fun 32.5%
4 Other 00
Total 100%



Pension Bonus Provident Fund Other

The above table indicates that out of 40 respondent

27 respondent means that 32.5% workers are given response to getting social

security by the industry.

Un-satisfaction By Social Security And absenteeism:
Firstly workman are satisfied or unsatisfied by the social security. This
observation are necessary to classification and chances of rates of absenteeism.
This explanation are below. So that I has been asked this question to the
Sr. No. Particulars Percentage
1 Yes 92.5%
2 No 7.5%
Total 100%



Yes No

The above table indicates that out of 40 respondent

37 respondent means that 7.5% workers are given response to they are not

living absence on his duty by un-satisfaction of social security.

Participation of religious functions and chances of absenteeism:

A bout the participation of religious functions and opinion of workman

has declare to participating religious program. So that I has been asked this

question to the respondents.

Sr. No. Particulars Percentage

1 Yes 70%
2 No 30%
Total 100%



Yes No

The above table indicates that out of 40 respondent 28 respondent means

that 70.00% workers are given response to chances of absenteeism by this way

or causes.

Participation in social functions and chances to absenteeism:
By the participation of social work and opinion of workers about
absenteeism Largely are chances to absence on duty. So has explained below.
So that I has been asked this question to the respondents.
Sr. No. Particulars Percentage
1 Yes 75%
2 No 25%
Total 100%



Yes No

The above table indicates that out of 40 respondent

30 respondent means that 75.00% workers are given response to chances of

absents by this reason and 10 respondent means that 25.00% workers are not

given response to absenteeism by this way.

Chapter 4



1) Largely absenteeism can leading by the lack of welfare facilities and

could be heavy loss of ACC Cement Co. Ltd., Ghugus so that properly

should take care of this matter by the management.

2) Also largely workers had affected in the way of had relation among

management and workers so vary good relation is important to the

development of the organisation and better result of output.

3) Mainly alcoholism are also review to leading absenteeism among the

workers so that management should take care of workers physically or

psychologically by the clinical way or peculiar seminars in industry.

4) Motivate factors are mainly contribute to portion of absenteeism. So

motivate person should vary expertness to handle labor force in industry

and prevent to any rising of evils in industry or improperness.

5) Also largely affected many workers to absenteeism due to the lack of

unfair social security. So management should think on theme matter and

should prevent to the evils of absenteeism.

6) Also management should think on the matter of working condition of

workers matter of working condition of workers in the industry, because

suitable future of work is important to growth productivity of workers

and organisation and the unhealthy working condition would be growth

occupational disease.


The absenteeism among the workers in India and as well as ACC

Cement Co. Ltd., Ghugus showing the satisfactory progress of their employees.

Because of absenteeism among the workers rate are normal and only

seven percent above but less than ten percent absenteeism among the worker in

percent industrial scenario.

Thus, some reason about absenteeism and how much control to rate of

absenteeism of workers by management.

So that finally goes about absenteeism of workers. Workers are

important live factors of production or industry. While ever any industry can

not go to destination or certain aims of progress. So ACC Cement Co. Ltd.,

Ghugus should appoint commission id have deeply observe about. The

absenteeism among the workers in industrial factor in India and should have

make deeply research on the absenteeism rate among the workers. In India even

computerization had grow at every sector and production procedure has been

faster. Nevertheless for operate to machinery manually forces are necessary to

industrial progress.


(1) Personal officer have proper alteration of working condition of


(2) Personal officer to give quick results of workers demand and it is

implemented as soon as possible.

(3) Personal development should file up the vacant post of Asst. personal


(4) For workers safety, all needed things should given to workers like

helmets, hand glosses, mask, shoes and etc.

(5) Also adequate welfare facilities should provide to workers by the


(6) Also management should make provision to prevent drunkenness

workers in industrial section or promises.

(7) To solve the problem of large rates because all workers and

staffers are vary slowly incremented for some year. Workers not

satisfied his wages they are nervous for management.

(8) Improve the conversion between workers and management to take any

decision and management to take any decision and so they solve many

disputes about both of them.


1) P, Subbarao; “Personal and HRM”, Himalaya Publishing House, IV

Edition, 2010 New Delhi.

2) V.S.P. Rao & C.R. Mamoria; “Personal Management”, Himalaya

Publishing House, II Edition, 2005, New Delhi.

3) S. Mohan; “HRM” Neha Publisher & Distributor, 2011, New Delhi

4) G. Narsimha Murthy; “Human Resource Management-Strategic

Challenges”, New Century Publication, New Delhi.

5) K. Ashwathapa; “Human Resource Management”, Tata McGraw-Hill

Education, 2005

6) www.wikipedia.com

7) www.chanda.nic.in

8) www.bookganga.com

9) www.citehr.com

10) www.hrguides.com


1. Name of Respondent : _________________________________

Designation : _________________________________________

Department : _________________________________________

2. Age :

3. Sex : a) Male b) Female

4. Cast :

a) O.B.C. b) General c) S.C. d) Open e) S.T.

5. Marital Status :

a) Married b) Unmarried c) Widower d) Divorce

6. Mother Tongue:

a) Marathi b) Hindi c) English d) Bengali

7. Designation Grade : a) Worker b) Supervisor

8. Educational Qualification :

a) S.S.C. b) H.S.S.C. c) Graduate d) Post Graduate

9. Technical Education:

a) I.T.I. b) Engg. Diploma c) Engg. Degree d) Any other

10. Are you studying along with the your service: a) Yes b) No

11. If yes, mention the education:

a) H.S.C. b) Graduate c) Post Graduate

12. Are you certainly trained worker: a) Yes b) No

13. If yes, when you get training of any types after appointments:

a) Before appointment b) After appointment

14. Nature of Family : a) Joint b) Nuclear

15. How many you getting monthly income :

a) 3500 to 4500 b) 4500 to 5500

c) 5500 to 6500 d) Above 6500

16. Do you getting bonus : a) Yes b) No

17. Also do you getting overtime: a) Yes b) No

18. Do you have taken any types of festivals loan:

a) Yes b) No

19. Is there is any reason of your absenteeism ?

a) Yes b) No

20. Are you absent after getting payment on seventh day of every month?

a) Yes b) No

21. Are you absent due to marriage ceremony of your relatives or


a) Yes b) No

22. After getting the payment whether the absenteeism is increased ?

a) Yes b) No

23. In any religious ceremony, are you participating or not?

a) Yes b) No

If yes, then due to this reason are you remain absent from your work?

a) Yes b) No

24. Do you getting welfare facilities ? a) Yes b) No

25. Are you addict of alcoholism ? a) Yes b) No

If yes, then are you remain absent due above reason? Yes /No

26. Do you remain absent due to the above reason ?

a) Yes b) No

27. Whether the company is giving any motivation to solve the problem of


a) Yes b) No

28. Is the working conditions are satisfactory?

a) Yes b) No

29. Do you absent because it is a Chemical Company ?

a) Yes b) No

30. Are you satisfied with the holidays provided by the organization?

a) Yes b) No

31. Do you like any habit of alcoholism?

a) Yes b) No

32. Also do you have any addiction?

a) Yes b) No

33. Do you leaving absence to your duty to this above reason ?

a) Yes b) No


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