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Coral reef structural complexity provides important coastal protection from waves under

rising sea levels

Ken Ar Jhae B. Aquino

School of Engineering, Universidad De Dagupan

CEAC3: Methods of Research

Engr. Marvin B. Columbino

March 4, 2022


In the study titled Coral reef structural complexity provides important coastal protection

from waves under rising sea levels (2018). Coral reefs are diverse ecosystems that supports not

only underwater marine life but also millions of people throughout the world by providing

coastal protection from waves. Climate change and human impacts are causing the degradation

of coral reefs and to rising sea levels, posing concerns for the protection of tropical coastal

region. It is stated that Coral reefs are an effective natural barrier from waves and impacts which

has allowed human settlement on tropical coasts and reef islands.The high frictional dissipation

on coral reefs, in conjunction with wave breaking on the reef rim and the surrounding landscape,

results in high rates energy dissipation from waves over relatively short distances when

compared to other coastal systems. In this study, it shows how the physical characteristics of

coral reefs helps in distributing and scattering the energy from waves in which it helps in the

reduction of wave forces.





Edjhie Carl Q. De Vera

School of Engineering, Universidad De Dagupan

CEAC3: Methods of Research

Engr. Marvin B. Columbino

March 4, 2022


As stated in the study entitled “Determining the Performance of Breakwaters During

High Energy Events: A Case Study of the Holy Beach Breakwater System”, show that the type

of shoreline response to a breakwater system may vary depending on the crest height of the

breakwater in relation to the mean water level. Though emergent breakwaters typically induce

sediment accretion along the shoreline, studies using laboratory and numerical models indicate

that overtopped or submerged breakwaters may increase erosion of the shoreline. This variation

of the hydrodynamic patterns and shoreline response is of particular interest for breakwaters

along shorelines that can be impacted by hurricanes and other events that trigger large variances

in water level, as the breakwaters may periodically shift between emergent and submerged states.

This study attempts to determine the performance of breakwaters during high energy events and

determine their effectiveness during such events. In addition, this study evaluates traditional

methods for monitoring shorelines and evaluating response to shoreline protection structures.

Use of a Floating Breakwater System as an Environmentally Friendly Method of Coastal


Edjhie Carl Q. De Vera

School of Engineering, Universidad De Dagupan

CEAC3: Methods of Research

Engr. Marvin B. Columbino

March 4, 2022


According to the study entitled “Use of a Floating Breakwater System as an

Environmentally Friendly Method of Coastal Shelter”, Floating breakwaters are known as

environmentally-friendly methods of coastal shelter due to the fact that they pose minimum

interruption to water circulation and sediment transport. However, the majority of them are

strong wave reflectors, directing wave energy to the seaward and resulting in confusing sea state

at the seaward side. This research aimed to quantify the wave transmission, wave reflection and

energy loss by the H-type floating breakwater via physical modelling. The performance

characteristics of the breakwater were measured by the coefficient of transmission, reflection and

energy loss. The coefficients were related to a dimensionless wave parameter and the relative

immersion depth of breakwater. The experimental results showed that the H-type floating

breakwater is a good anti-reflection structure and an effective energy dissipater. The hydraulic

performance of the breakwater was more controlled by the relative breakwater immersion depth

than the wave parameter.


Effect of Flexural Rigidity of Piles on the Horizontal resistance of Reinforced Gravity Type

Breakwater with Steel Pipes

Jericho Vinluan

School of Engineering, Universidad De Dagupan

CEAC3: Methods of Research

Engr. Marvin B. Columbino

March 4, 2022


I. Yoshiaki Kikuchi, Taichi Hyodo, Shunsuke Moriyasu, Shinji Taenaka

Based on the study entitled “ Effect of flexural rigidity of piles on the horizontal

resistance of reinforced gravity type breakwater with steel pipes” They proposed a method for

reinforcing a caisson-type composite breakwater designed to resist tsunami attacks by placing

steel pipe piles behind the breakwater and filling the area between the breakwater and the piles

with rubble, also It discusses the forces exerted on the piles from the caisson side. Clarifying the

distribution and intensity of the load acting on the piles can facilitate effective design verification

of the piles to be used in this reinforcement (Kikuchi et al. , 2017).This article gives an important

idea about materials that can be used for the installation of breakwater.

An Experimental Investigation into the Wave Power Extraction of a Floating Box-type

Breakwater with Dual Pneumatic Chambers

Jericho Vinluan

School of Engineering, Universidad De Dagupan

CEAC3: Methods of Research

Engr. Marvin B. Columbino

March 4, 2022


II. Fang HeJie,Leng , Xizeng Zhao

According to Fang Hejie et al (2017) from the study “An experimental investigation into

the wave power extraction of a floating box-type breakwater with dual pneumatic chambers”

Explained that oscillating water column (OWC) device is in a leading position for wave power

extraction but has not achieved fully commercial at the current stage, also to enhancing the OWC

performance, installing OWCs on floating breakwaters, which owns the merits of both cost-

sharing and offshore power supply, is a practicality with high economic viability. The result of

this study showed that the power extraction was mainly due to the water column oscillation

inside the chamber, and differentiation in the designed natural periods of dual chambers could

widen the efficiency bandwidth of power extraction. The front chamber always played the main

role in power extraction and its natural period should be designed against the dominating period

of the wave spectrum. This study gives an important role about a kind of breakwater that we can

install to minimize the wave.


Artificial Breakwaters as Garbage Bins: Structural Complexity Enhances Anthropogenic

Litter Accumulation in Marine Intertidal Habitats

Carl Jerome Dalao

School of Engineering, Universidad De Dagupan

CEAC3: Methods of Research

Engr. Marvin B. Columbino

March 4, 2022


In a Research by Moises A. Aguilera (2016) entitled (Artificial break waters as garbage

bins: Structural complexity enhances anthropogenic litter accumulation in marine intertidal

habitats). Coastal infrastructures are proliferating across the world have provide evidence that

urban artificial reefs have a high potential to accumulate the diverse forms of litter originating

from anthropogenic activities around cities and anthropogenic litter density being highest at

intermediate levels of structural complexity and test that the hypothesis in the structural

complexity of urban breakwaters. We determined litter abundances at some sites (cities) and

estimated the structural complexity in both urban breakwaters and adjacent natural habitats.

Therefore, the spatial structure characteristic of artificial reefs seems to enhance anthropogenic

litter accumulation, also leading to higher residence time and degradation potential. Also, our

study is help people and important, this research is connected to what we are doing Research on

Improving Design, breakwater it can help, in branching waves and it further helps marine life.

This article gives an important idea about designs that can be used for the installation of

breakwater. this is very useful in ecosystem these is to be considered in future and the

engineering of coastal ecosystems.


Coral Reefs for Coastal Protection: A New Methodological Approach and Engineering

Case Study in Grenada

Carl Jerome Dalao

School of Engineering, Universidad De Dagupan

CEAC3: Methods of Research

Engr. Marvin B. Columbino

March 4, 2022


Base on the research entitled “Coral reefs for coastal protection: A new methodological

approach and engineering case study in Grenada (2018)”. Coastal Communities in tropical

environments are increasing risk. These has environmental degradation and climate change that

require local adaptation action. And this is show coral reefs play a critical role in wave

attenuation but relatively and have direct connection, also these effects and impacts

on shorelines. Reefs are very rare assessed for the coastal project. With these analysis shows that,

at present, the healthy and well-developed coral reefs system. An equilibrium long-term platform

model shows reefs control the shoreline positioning. A comparison of wave energy modeling and

indicates that degradation of the coral reefs better explains erosion than changes in characteristic.

This research has delivered risk reduction benefits. The case study shows how engineering and

ecology can work together. This paper contributes to our breakwater. by directly linking coral

reefs with shoreline protection and outlining how reefs can be used as a tool for climate


Review of Innovative Harbor Breakwaters for Wave-Energy Conversion

Mark Daniel Oropesa

School of Engineering, Universidad De Dagupan

CEAC3: Methods of Research

Engr. Marvin B. Columbino

March 4, 2022


Diego Vicinanza, Ph.D, (July 2019)

According to the study of "Review of Innovative Harbor Breakwaters for Wave-Energy

Conversion" by Diego Vicinanza, Ph.D, Harbor breakwaters are made primarily to have

protection against waves on berths, maneuvering areas, and port facilities. The principal concern

in the design process for a breakwater is to know the required levels of wave protection in the

harbor during the and extreme wave conditions. Coastal engineers designed breakwaters with the

purpose of dissipating incoming waves. Innovation in coastal engineering design is starting to

move forward from this traditional approach to a new concept of observing the wave energy. The

study aim of this review paper is to give information on the state of the art ofthe innovative

breakwaters integrated with wave-energy converters. This study can help us to know the levels

of wave protection in every extreme wave conditions.


The Power of Three: Coral Reefs, Seagrasses and Mangroves Protect Coastal Regions and

Increase Their Resilience

Ken Ar Jhae B. Aquino

School of Engineering, Universidad De Dagupan

CEAC3: Methods of Research

Engr. Marvin B. Columbino

March 4, 2022


As coastal regions are prone to heavy waves and tsunamis, Guannel G, Arkema K,

Ruggiero P, Verutes G (2016) conducted a study on how different marine natural resources helps

in the defense of coastal regions against this phenomenons. Coastal and marine ecosystems are

already perceived as alternatives to traditional coastal protection, some underwater grasses and

structures are used by marine organisms as a shelter from heavy waves during storms because

they know that this helps in reducing the underwater waves and forces. Governments are looking

for alternative approach to coastal hazard planning that account for the supply and delivery of

multiple benefits from natural systems. This study is helpful in understanding which natural

resources can help in defense against wave impacts and underwater forces.

Influence of reef geometry on wave attenuation on a Brazilian coral reef

Ken Ar Jhae B. Aquino

School of Engineering, Universidad De Dagupan

CEAC3: Methods of Research

Engr. Marvin B. Columbino

March 4, 2022


This study presents data from field experiments that focus on the influence of coral reef

geometry on how wave transform when hitting a submerged structure. Two submerged reef bank

were measured and compared on how well they stop and defend the shoreline from waves. The

results indicated that wave height was tidally modulated at both experimental sites. These results

further highlights the importance of reef geometry and its placing in controlling waves. This

study gives further data on how to integrate coral reefs in breakwaters to help mitigate the impact

and effects of waves on the shore line.


Detached breakwaters

Mark Daniel Oropesa

School of Engineering, Universidad De Dagupan

CEAC3: Methods of Research

Engr. Marvin B. Columbino

March 4, 2022


According to the study of "Detached breakwaters" Mangor et al. (2017). Breakwater

gives protection in a coast or activities along the coastline from wave action. In general terms, a

detached breakwater is a coast-parallel structure located inside or close to the surf-zone. Several

types of breakwaters exist, from which detached breakwaters are the most common type. This

article provides an introduction of detached breakwaters and describes the emerged breakwaters,

submerged or low-crested breakwaters, floating breakwaters and other special type breakwaters.

This study also described the different aspects of breakwaters as coastal protection.


Daniel L. Harris, Alessio Rovere, Elisa Casella, Hannah Power, Remy Canavesio, Antoine

Collin, Andew Pomeroy, Jody M. Webster, and Valeriano Parravicini (2018). Coral reef

structural complexity provides important coastal protection from waves under rising sea


Woodroof, Andrew Keane. Determining the Performance of Breakwaters During High Energy

Events: A Case Study of the Holy Beach Breakwater System. (n.d.). Digital Commons.



H. M. Teh, M. S. M. Azizan, V. J. Kurian & A. M. Hashim. (2015). Use of a Floating

Breakwater System as an Environmentally Friendly Method of Coastal Shelter.

Kikuchi, Y., Hyodo, T., Moriyasu, S., & Taenaka, S. (2017). Effect of flexural rigidity of piles

on the horizontal resistance of reinforced gravity type breakwater with steel pipes. Tokyo

University of Science.


Fang, H., Jie, L., & Xizeng, Z. (2017). An experimental investigation into the wave power

extraction of a floating box-type breakwater with dual pneumatic chambers. Science


Aguilera, M., Bernardo, B., & Martin, T. (2016). Science Direct. Artificial Break Waters as

Garbage Bins: Structural Complexity Enhances Anthropogenic Litter

Accumulation in Marine Intertidal Habitats. .

Borja Reguero et al. (2018). Coral reefs for coastal protection: A new methodological approach

and engineering case study in Grenada. Science Direct.

Diego Vicinanza, Ph.D, (July 2019). Research Gate. Review of Innovative Harbor

Breakwaters for Wave-Energy Conversion.


Guannel G., Arkema K., Ruggiero P., Verutes G. (2016) The Power of Three: Coral Reefs,

Seagrasses and Mangroves Protect Coastal Regions and Increase Their Resilience.

PLoS ONE 11(7): e0158094.

Mirella B.S.F. Costa, Moacyr Araújo, Tereza C.M. Araújo, Eduardo Siegle (2015).

Geomorphology. Influence of reef geometry on wave attenuation on a Brazilian coral


Mangor et. al (2017). Detached Breakwater.

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